pa:F i wo r i THE GASTON 1 A, (N. C). DAILY GAZETTE MOICD.VMAY 1, 1S22. I - JCdorrespondcnee of The Paily Gaaette.), trXION', April ' 29. On Monday iigbt, ilie school had its commencement In the exercise were pujiil of all age, to the oldrst tmys and Rirli at school. Partirularry-charming whs u little nct r(l recitation of the "Three Pours.' Iry'threo small boys and a pirl. The good-night drill was nKo by very mftll pupils, all the litt W girls had .in nightie, and night cn j t and earned liny Ixvl room candle. There r.rre maiij ether interesting .feature, too many to name. The piny of Hhvatha, was i:i r tteularly Interesting, wit Si tree and a tent irith camp fire. The stage looked juite woodsy. And the Indian, with leather war-bonnets, Ic.nv ;ni.l arrows, nnd Indian suits, and heads, were vert charming. And it is really w.ndcrful liaw ninny paijes of Hiawatha, tho- )ioy and Kirk recite. The exercises wen under the management of Misses Maul den, LeeiK-r anil Rnrco, the three teach ers of the school. The program is u follows: Topsy Tuny, Chorus. "Welcome, by school. The Three Bears, Primary Department. The Quarrrll-Bonj;. Francis H 1 ii moji find Roy Ford. Good 'ight Prill, Primary Depart ment.' Mammies Pickaninny, Ferrie Ford. Chorus Little On. Nigger, Littlt. Folks Department. Kentueky Philosophy, S.illie Kale an! Iiolby Featherston. The Proposal, Kmity Francis Hijrger. Chorus, Kentucky Bain1. Hiawatha. Little Hiawatha, Henry Moten. Xokomis, Nellie Feathemton. Iagoo, Harry Hanna. Hiawatha, Albert Millen. Mudjekeewis, Kverett Meek. A,rrow Maker, Joseph Wowe. "Minnehaha, Mary Moore. Cbibihos, Hobt. Lewis Meek. Squaws. Eliza'hetli Roliition, Margaret N. raig, Laura Hoffman. .Innie Beaty, Kathleen Robinson, (Lira Moten. Braves. Howard Campbell. Willie Hope natch ford, John Kale, Howard Mefiiiitiis, Otis j Jenkins. ' Scene 1. Hiawatha s Childhood. Prologue to Scene J. Annie Moten. Seene 2. Hiawatha adopted into tribe. Scene 3. Hiawatha and his father. Prologue to scene .'!. Annie Wilson, Scene 4. Hiawatha, 1 h it on his woo- i"jr. Scene 5. The Wooing. , Scene 6. The Wedding Feast. ISctne 7. The Famine. Prologue to scene 7. Naomi Kale. COLLEGE STUDENT, IMPLICATED IN MURDER, A SUICIDE (Bv The Associated Press.) "NEW YORK, April l!t. Charles fthloes, nejihew of Daniel iiiiggenheim, "banker, and a clawsmate of Klmer C. Dreweo, Dartmouth College freshman who was murdered in Philadelphia about eighteen months ago, killed himself yes terday toy drinking poison in the, room of David K. Kate, a friend. No explana tion of his set eouM be learned. The young man's suicide recalled his connection with the nimofved Drewes inuder mystery investigation, which lirought out that Shlosa had paid Drewes 100 shortly tefore he was slain on n lonely road. Drewes was motoring 1ack to college from Atlantic (Sty, after having made a quick trip to New York to collect the money from Slikiss. He gave Drewes a check which was cashed by the murder ed student's father. SIiIomk hurried to Philadelphia when investigators brought bis name into the mystery, ami his ex planations satisfied the authorities. He related the interview with Drewes, at i which he had paid' him the money and that he bad spent the night at Allan-! tie City. W. p. Brines later was tried for the murder but was acquitted. believe'-wyman is slayer of gertrude hanna. (Bv The Associated Press.) HOOPSTOWN, Ills., April L'!. Information obtained through a night of grilling of John Wyman, ".!, a well to do farmer, in connection with the Mysterious death of Gertrude Hanna, 25, whose body was found Thursday mi the basement of the untenanted ar sonage of the First United Presbyterian church here will be placed before the I grand jury May lo. During hours of almost constant uestioning "Wyman (Stubbornly insisted that he was inno-j cent of murdering the young woman, but admitted that he was the father of I ber child, which would have been borni in a few weeks. ' "Wyman has been trapped in a net-; work of lies," the State's attorney i continued, "and we have gained suf-1 ficient information to warrant a grand . jury investigation of his connection iu this baffling, case. " BROTHER-IN-LAW ARRESTED FOR MURDER OF BRUNEN .'BURLINGTON, N. J.. April :'!. I Harry C. Mohr, brother in-law of John T. , Brunen, circus owner, who was shot and ! killed on March 10 in his home at River- j wide, N. J., was arrested today iu Cam- j len, N. J., iu conned km with the kill- ing. The arrest is baw l on information j given liy Charles M. Powell, of Indiana-! pois, who has been in the Burlington j county jail at Mount Holly for tl.'ee ' weeks, having been secretly arrested in Camden. AMBASSADOR JUSSERAND MAY BE RETURNED TO FRANCE PARIS, April 29. Count Perctti de La Boeca, political director of te foreign office, is likely to succeed Jean Jules Ju s randv as ambassador to the United states at soon as te former can be spared Ly Premier Poimare, it was stat ed today. The retirement of M. Jasser and, according to present plans, will be arranged). during bis usual summer visit to Faris. If Hs printing or office furniture your troubles are ended when you call Brum-ley-Waltera Printing Co. iii Y Wim PIECE OTAMIIEEP f ODJfSARS . yJK WAfe ! Sale Conducted by L M U 1 1 i MR. A. S. TOWNSEND W; T. i My' . vbfi &h ffr-i-M ministry ai- fvSSm 5 ? ' lia ' "aOT.riA kctt' ' ' ' f gCiy 3zi vj? 1! V 1 1 m w air vmr-r S 11 MWfflfSIZ asII IlliiiliitirlW. "S. V -.y A--Ky A-y --ri-V try ' .'v- 0--V ' " f I J) ;r-T4 V5 V5S ATI I I I I I I IliliSCWT Ml ! Hi IM 4t 1 I ill I lit I !! II! ! ITTft. i f ;i m i ; . . in. : t u f , i ji i:w i1. v' vi t ! t rr -r. ti . itt-j . - "ihj ii u ii ii iitiiiit i iim nil iin i in miii iiiiitiii iiiiiii nit t iiiib !i I hi iili: ! ! i nil ii! r!:1:; :' ill Hundreds of housekeepers will be made happy because of this remarkable Special Sale of ALUPtIINUM WAREl- Probably never again will it be possible fcr us to offer such sensational values. An early attendance is urged so YOU will not be disappointed. No Telephone or Mail Orders No C. O. D. Orders ' No Pieces Reserved No Deliveries KZfyjl cr liffco 5AWtrii),-' !l i illlli llili. ! Sf ' -in- v?A c' 1 --rtrfffn ! I l ! ! I U! H Trje.v . ill I . I:' ' . 1 I ' I 1 ' 1 jiliilliiljihliiUji!::!.;!!!:!!;!::'::;!!!!!!! FRIDAYS MAY JiMP LJ IMI 5th. at 9 A.M. m i i i m i u im tr ui mi i - . '.,. . I 3JC 'LyingLips'l tend any IDEAL TUESDAY