QASf ONIA DAILY GAZETTE Locaf Cotton 18 Cents Weather: Unsettled GASTONIA, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 4, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS VOL. XLIH. NO. 106. FATHER'S NIGHT SHIRT.iFrench Cabinet SUSPENDERS AND SLEEVE HOLDERS COMING BACK Men'f Fashions to Revert to Aire of Innocence All Mutt Be of Same Scheme. Color (l!y Tlic Associated Press.) CHICAGO, May 4. Father's niylit Bliirt perhaps even the fuzzy one with the pink stripes uml the split at each side of the tail is turning back, mid along with it t-aispcndcrs, slcevehdlders and rubliers, solid, square-toed, conspicu ous rubliers. This forecast of an aye ot innocence in men's fashions for the ciun imr vwir was hurled today liy the I'nited X'ntmiuil Clothiers', holding its siifee I'ut U ciiii-umiual convention lure. Just when tln nl.l II iL'ht L'aniient ha been all hut routed by the roguish piija- i ma. and wan relegated to the shelf with I such vanishing institutions as "My Last Quart," canie the renaissance. It is said father would hardly recognize the thing, for it is all dolled up. They call it the "trousoless pa jama." It comes double breasted aH- the way down to the shin the coat shirt idea carried further. It has double rows of frog fa-tencrs, is called especially smart in confused shades of heliotrope, elephant 's breath gray or pale lemon and frequently has a i-huw!ish collar or contrasting color and raglun sleeves. As to the sleeve spporti rs and galluses, both were displayed by tue convening clothiers in soft tones of pink, blue and lavender. The updo the minute dress. r Clpectod to understaiiil, of course, that either sleeve holders or suspender-. watch the garters and that the beau brum- incls must have dcrs to match ( sleevchoidcr.s and ach shirt. TWO BONUS PLANS TO BE SUBMITTED TO HARDING ( Hv The Associated I 'less. . WASHINGTON, May 4. Chair man McCumber, of the Senate Fi nance Committee, was authorized formally today by the majority of that committee to present hi sol diers' bonus plan, with the bank loan provision, to President Harding as the committee plan. Senator Smoot, Republican, Utah, however, informed the committemen that he also would lay before the President his bonus plan, which con templates a 50 years endowment life insurance plan without any specific provision for loans to be made to veterans. STRIKING MINERS ARE EVICTED FROM HOUSES. (By The Associated l'ress.) ) INJUN'TOWN. Pa.. May I. Fir-t; evictions of striking miueis :.:id their ; families -in. ti.e Fayette coke region took j place today at the mine of the Alie n. i . Coal." and Coke Company. A doa n I families hud been imov I from cempany j houses and their belongings sf-T out in the road.; 'Ibis, it was staled, was th beginning of a nuv li-ui by operating ; companies to reclaim house- now "ecu ; pied by what they ti rule I umiesiru bleu." 1 ILLINOIS WOMAN WINS CONGRESSIONAL NOMINATION (By The Associated Press.) (HICACO, May -!.- It was indicated today after a check of of!ui.-il C,.ok county figures and th un-dficial down state figures of Votes cast at tie1 recent Illinois primary, that Mrs. Winlr.d Mason 11 nek has won th- n -publican noniimitiun for congns-uiati al large to fill the a(ancy cau-.d by the .bath of her father, William K. Ma-.ei. lb-i elo-i'st competitor is Stej-heu A. Pay, and not John J. P.iovw;, as was !u-t thought from an earlier .ounl. OSER-McCORMICK AFFAIR JUST WHERE IT WAS (Dy The Associated Press.) CU1CAU), May -1. The engageim uf of Miss Mathilda McCormick, 17 year o:d daughter of Harold F. Me-Cormick, head of the International Harvester t'ompau1. , and granddaughter of John D. li .-k. i'. 1 ler, trr., to Max Oser. tSw i-s riding to a demy jiroperietor. today stum's just whe e it did when it first became known s( y- eral weeks ago, according to cominea obtaine.l from the McCormick home her. Interest was renowe.lcd yesterday vr,! r....,.ii.t of n I'-.ris disoal.-li saving Osc' was -worrying because cabl. gr.ims to hi fianc ce were unanswered. Mr. Met orAj k returned from New York and, Si,r' tided by reporters as he left the train. ised to comment on rumors and re I mi.-k rouii refuse. ports connecting his name with interest in the estrangement of Alexander irmifh Cochran and Carina Walska Cochran, Russian grand opera singer. In fact all rumors and reports per taining lo the marital relations of mem bers of the McCormick family hereafter will be ignored, it wits said at the family home. 'Her father has done all that he eould, " said Howard A. Colby, friend or the family, in commenting on whether Miss Mathilde and Oser were estranged. ",Mr. McCormick announced his daugh ters' engagement; isn't that mifiieieut." IRATE MOTHER GETS RID OF TROUBLESOME KNICKERBOCKERS PHILADELPHIA, May 4.- ' In cluding in the 200 tons of clothing which represented Philadelphia's re sponse to the statewide call for "bun dle day" issued by the Near East Re lief were two pairs of girls knicker bockers. Accompanying them was a note from an irate parent, who ex pressed the hope that some unfortu nate girl in Armenia would find them to tL)uU a usefnl m 3 rJaiizhter of be.s telicred them t be t,hKnbk.. Text Of Non-Aggression Pact' (By The Associated Press.) PARIS, May 4. The French Cabin et this afternoon approved the text of the proposed lion aggression past, un der consideration at Genoa, with the leservation that it must not be inter preted as withdrawing from Frame any rights she has under treaties. The ministers spent the entire morn ing session of the cabinet in studying the text of the pact, originally proposed by l'rime Minister Lloyd George, and brought to l'arii by M. Harthou, head of tin' French delegation at Genoa. It was deemed necessary to make reservations regarding the right i of France to make use of the prerogatives conferred by the treaty of Versailles for tie1 military occupation of German ter ritory as a penalty for non-f ultillment of tin- treaty. it 11 mis reservation mo pact was unanimously approve.i. I he torm in which the reservation will be presented at Genoa was expect ed to be decided upon at another meet ing of the cabinet this afternoon. GKNOA, May 4. Soviet Russia s delegates, are expected to accept in gen eral the reconstruction program framed by the powers, although interposing sug gestions n guiding its details-. The main sources of objection by the PYTHIAN BAND UNIFORMS ! TO BE FITTED TONIGHT Every Member Urged to Be Present Promptly On to Winston-Salem Is the Slo gan. Kv.rv member of the 1'ythian Hand lit tie- I i iv (... Mel to b present tonight!- of commerce promptly it j l-V At this time Mr. W. Y. Warn n will be present to fit the new uniforms Ion each man and take note of any al It. rations so that th.y may be made at ! mice. Immediately following "ill he ) 111- last work-out of the program to be j reich-rod by the band on Wednesday, I May loth, at W ins; on Salem Ibr. c i teor F. I". Todd is well pleased w it n I the untiring efforts of th members of I the bund ill that the attendance has been very good at both the extra and j regular rehearsals. The workout to , night will be confined strictly to the I formal program and eveiy man ur Igentiy requested to be in his chair at tin a. pointed time, rain or sliiue. "To ! W.iist.. n Salem May Huh. unv inre .North Carolina that Custoniu is on tie : map. ' ' KIWANIS CLUB HELD LUNCHEON MEETING TUESDAY l ia-tonia Kiwanis Club held its regu lar Inn, -iieoii meeting at noon Tuesday in the Haptist annex with President lb M. .Junes pre-iding. The time was large ly given to hearing reports from the dis-tri.-t mcetiiiij of the Carolinns district in-111 in Columbia. IS. s, at which the (I largely ii-presented. '., on April '11 iistonia Club A letter was. and was read by Kiwaniau . ). Ti-i rikin from tiie dis tri.-t governor. " Uin k " Mirrinom, of I Ireeiisboro, congratulating the Castonia c...'i for i! excellent showing, and es pi dally on the work of the Ca-tonia i iar'el. ivhieb made the hit of the meet ing. This club, consisting of Messrs. Pi rk Thompson. Iameron Williams, K. n Cla-.s and I.nccy Adams, was chosen ' go t" the International Convention in Toronto June J.- at the expense of the district and to take part in the big con test to be staged between Kiwanis glee clubs from all Marts of the I'nited States and ( 'auuda. Ca-toiiia club ready had the large-t representation at Columbia of any club in the tno t'arolinas, but as mileage figured in the computations for the at teiidame prize, a silver loving cup, Wiu sl i in Sa'eni, with not quite o many mem-he!- present, won on the strength of the greater distance they had come. A number of liotarians were guests at the luncheon ami Mr. ,J. fl. S'park, past president of Rotary, brought, greeting" from the Kotarv ( lub. CLOSING EXERCISES OF LOWELL GRADED SCHOOLS Primary Exercises Friday Night Bac calaureate Sermon Sunday By Dr. Cur- G ( Of Davidson College Literary Address Tuejday Night By Mayor R, . Cherry, of Gastonia. ! 'j j, I ,o,, comilielleelliei.' High .S-ho-.! May ", with exercises of the 1 ill begin Friday unary department Pole dance. On i 111 :h Xoreisi nl a Ma Saturday night the Intermediate Depart ment will give its annual entertainment. The annual baeca !a .in a'e serinonwill l. or.-o-her Sun, lav .mening. May 7. at ll clock. I ey liev . of Dr. Archibald Cur-po'i-oal Science in rie, of tin' eha Davidson Colle Lowell have ag ge. All the churches of n ed to do away with their morning preaching nice and make tti" a union service. On Monday night. Mav s. the senior play, "The Hoodoo," wnl be given. At this performance an admission of 1.1 and 2a cents will be made. On Tuesday night. May !, the graduating ex. r. held including the literary ad will le s 'o the senior class, which is to delivered I I Hon. R. (iregg tlierry, niay i of Gastonia. ,t tiie c Jt v HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS i TO GIVE A PLAK ' n comic ' " Tlie Captain of Plymouth," opera in three acts, will be gi' students from all grades in the high school in the Central s-h.i by tonia au li ti a toritim net Tuelar evening,- May eight o'eloek. N'eariy one hundred acters will take part in the play an costume will represent life in the -JaS f Ajnri',t!S bit??- Approves The itusaiouus, are the failure to include rec ognition of tlie soviet Government and the much discussed article regarding res toration of private property owned bj foreigners in Kussia, or the coinpensa- j Hon of the ownc.'s. j Other points of isi-uc likely to be raised I concern the supre.siou of revolutionary j propaganda by the bolsheviki, and the ab , seiice of any offer of direct government loans to Russia. ; The French delegation is waiting ex pectantly for a decision at the 1'aris con ' fcicnces between M. liarthou. head of the j delegation, 'and Premier Poiiicare on the , Russian question, the proposed non-ag i gression pact being fostered by the Brit ish l'rime Minister, Mr. Lloyd George, i and the question of German reparations. Meanwhile, the Frenchmen express the opinion that, whatever the Russians do about the allies' memorandum, there will be no immediate recognition of the fcjovict. On the other hand, Mr. Lloyd George says that a nun -aggression pact, to bt, j effective, must include Russia, and her inclusion must be preceded by an arrange- ment with the powers i oncerning Jiel ! reconstruction. ! Judication-, are that the conference will , mark time for seer:d days while the final i .scenes are being picpared by the chief actors. RED CROSS CAMPAIGN IN FULL SWING TODAY From Now to May 14 an In tensive Effort to Raise the Sum of $3,000 For the Sup port of a Gaston Public Health Nurse Will be Made All Contributions May Be Sent to Treasurer John R. Rankin, Citizens National Bank. All memlii is Woman.-, Club, of Pie Parent Ki.tary, Kiwanis Teachers, Ameri can Legion, Auxiliary ( 'hnmber of Viiim. !,-. War Mothers and e are hii-ily engaged I i n vnssing instonia I tins nttoinuon m for subscriptions to the Local Chapter of the American He l 'ross. Communi'y workers and school teachers have ap pointed coiumitees for a thorough ran- FW YORK Mav vas-, of the industrial and rural distri.ts the bankrupt brok. rag and Huntlav -honl sanei intendeiits wi!lU Iturke, which faili take special offerings either on Mav 7 I or May 1 1. This small easily raised pi any of it is happiiiests and ideal- of hygi ton county. Mi- Marg.i Public Ilea It n sam of' !f;;.HM( should 1,0 win n we reali.e that every to he used ,,r the health, pro'in'tioii of the highest lie and sanitation in las I Laws, recent!. Nurse, is l.iisily i.i.' a suitable a a i rived enga ged ill cell- in trying to -e, i t rally located sn which can he m headipia iters fm and when- m:i Aid treatments, Health ediicatioi eflicientty carrie. highly educated d! cottage (,r e an attractive the city .and active work in lo. use1 health count Fir-t Infant W ifare an. can be eff e. I iv. 'v ami on. Miss Laws i ill. I thoioughly trail:.-- Public lb nar-i mod, i last i r of and brings tin- ve i rn scientific m.-tii n county. t 'onuuerce. th .- :g- 1m st and mi- im to h r work in ' ia The 'hiiinber its directors and will work ou' the I 'ubiieity ( Vmiaiit t e letaiis r Or a oinm in it y Hudget with one big drive l. h year -' Miigie and this will possibly ! the la drive for any ca.i-e in Castonia a sina! sum is asked bv the Loci, Only 'ha,- ter for a great local work affecting t!.. health am! welfare of the whole county sp let us do all we can to make it a -nic ces-. All contributions may be sent t. Treasurer John li. Kankin at the 'iti .mi's National Hank, (iastoiiia. MT. HOLLY GAME FORFEITED TO LOCAL HICH SCHOOL An official report ttirm-il loose a1 o'clock this aftnionti stated that M,,i days game between Mount Holly ai. the local highs will not be played omt and that the game ha- been forfi i to t'oaeli A nnsl ' niig 's prodigies, .t the tally to s'and as 1 to o above also --.tes that the locals to Kings Mountain Friday af T where they are Shelby high -, Rains late day Wednesda.. meet Dick 1 team . ho,,! T lay night k.-pt t he proj.i gallic from beii HoIly-Oii st mi la led on that day j The State n I govern the S; jpionship series j read something 1 playing iiieiijri! discovered in t . am! reg ,-e prep .ontains a 'ike this: le players line, tin- ga Auv ml - I forfeited TO tliC OPDIiSlllg other rule says that any ha been pabl above his any professional club is I all games of the scries The ( Association based their pro labove and same was earn I hel.l Icy the offif ial ;of North Carolina. at the Fi-iv BIG SUPPLY OF GIN AND WHISKEY IS CAPTURED (By Th Associated PreJ HAVAXA, May 4. Two ti, " i bottles of whiskey an.l 17 k-gs : g.n have lieon found abo.ard tie I...".'' Marshall by the port police. Th- launch wag eized Wednesday-on suspicion t hat fer jan attempt would 1h- made to tram , its cargo to a schooner bound for Fi da." According to the police, smugg'. rs not nttempting to land liquor in Fi u but are dumping it into shallow wi at points soiigsi,i, the coast, div,-s .: recovering he contralKind as opj.or' ty ofer. An American naviga'i e ; ! nei, foosd OB tb? lanncli. ir i.i. t.-r PEKING IS SURROUNDED BY GEN. WU'S TROOPS. PEKING, May 4 The troops of General Wu Pei-Fu, the central Chi nese commander, have surrounded Peking. Genetal Chang Tsao-Lin'a army in the vicinity of Peking, has been scattered. All railroad traf fic out of Peking has been suspended. TRUCE HAS BEEN DECLARED BETWEEN RIVAL IRISH REPUBLICAN ARMIES Tlv The Associated T re: HI'BI.IX, Mav 4.- t the rival Irish Pcpm-n hi has been declared, .: v ; this afternoon. Th.- true, from 4 o'clock this at'.i p . m . M oiiday, it h a I both sections of the .-iiinv opport unity to dis. us- a I unification . The provisions of t 1 t : Clause 1 All opera' - b t ween my forces lllliou'lced operative a until 4 t'i giving immediate for armv p' train- nig ami oMi mi i y a ra y i mi' me cease. I "inline .'! I Sot h sr. !i..:. . .-. ate to maintain ord- r . :. I i u of ,'iggression again-' p. r-oi,-. er erty . Tin- document is signed Iv (., Duffy and Itian l.yin-l,, !!.- , hi. staff of the rival fore . Ten members of the n-g-.'.-r I ' .r.,p publican army forces .n ing the two day- op. rati'. n- , ny, says a statement f " r 1 1 1 th Hush headipiarters. There i casurilties among the i i r. . . and P's prison. ri were tak. A cording to t he con . -The Irish Independent, t !..- M Marchioness of Ormonde r.i i.-d K lie; lk.-1: for. (Ol- a line-! ,i their i-astle during it- i I,. the irregulars and its seig. and , a tare by the provisional gov el iiniei,' f.-r ces. The Marquis told the ,-orr.--.,,ii I.-nt that the experience ca- a'arin"ig an I uncomfortable . He ad-e l t ha t ' i,, Ki'pllblicaii party treated the Mar. hion ess and him with con -,.. : a t mm c.Miip.:t; ble with conditions. Th.-v del not in ter any room iiiimies-.i n for military operations, ami obtain. -i their own food . MEMBER OF BANKRUPT FIRM HAS SLIPPED AWAY I -fi: i d o ('I. tor- of Kardo- it ng l.o ne.i rlv J'Mi.IKH), hi. learned thai iris M Kardos, Jr., hn secret iv g to Pu COUlt . rope without pennissi A . I. . li'o-s. .a 1 1 oi ney sists that his client ill of the for Karl will in 1 n turn ,c the w ith li I III sufficient fun.!- to agai on its feet financially. .John F.niko, former t'nited Mates, and for North Dakota, who has go, N . D , to practice Kardos, asking him idi are and has Issn reass mer partner that he sett le everything, a. lillKS. It is the intent m.i o cue . 200,0(10 from his el banker now in K.n to resuim1 business wi'l a sniiiiier scale, wi'h 1 n . 'editors and the sui-ei ;..r- ' committee, sa i I 1 re r ol the eov.-roor In. I to I' if I . has I- Hit I.V I ca hits I ii' ions - I'..i 1 Ml an, 1 Mr 1 et 1- r.-t urn rk- on lid I '.11 pie . ,,; eld; He I ii.rk- . tO ): ti na 11. I t I ,,r . a-Med the credit.! v. ho was compel!. I plinth-.- of law be.a . on, I it ton, would be iiinination by ired:'. po-e authorized by 1 t K ARIZONA SENATOR IS CHARGED Wli II PIIOIINTX, An . Mav e, a I deintirrer to : i. i o-; o ' : i'lg I'nited States S, li.VM i r..n, 1,'epubliean, ol A ' 1 jur in connect ion v it h 1 , ' paign evpendit Hie- in the I: has been filed in the Fa : 'EPJUHY A g- -. ci.i.g. .:;- ( am ,M'h per 1 It; 1 1 Ui li i.-f . ourt le-rc . 1 1 - - mil' ai I that arguments woi.'d ! ' "i ,i. 1'hu - nix, May 1 1, and lc, t.-nmrrcr be o erru'ed. trial v - " 1 1 he iiidictllieeiit . i. ' - ' ''I 's alleging pi ijurv . e ' - - '.' a retnrii tiled 'at v. - ' . . I 1 .I i r 1'-'. 1 :-'!. fai.. ! , r ,. :! of money f i inn tin f Harry N. Wil i - i'l.'.a.l-iphia. .'..."" ; Hepii'di ,i in in.' tee, approximate - - 1 ' : ' ':!!. r-n Mil iiael Compauv. " k, s,o.; K. .1. b'.-ese. Pl'.i .. , .. - "'. Til. Second Colli ' ' . - ' ' e discrepancies in .-,.-' - '.'i-' can. paigil expeildlli.ri . ' I - Mariece.;, ciiiiitv, Arizona: o,. N 1 ' ' I!'- '. Th- f.d'oxing I...M:. - - .'-.- arc al . g. I to have been .- Ha rr.v Wiiliams. i i. ! I.- Vi" : Klizalx-th I;- - - '' ': .-'i l-if, ", ' "; Arizona (' i ' Fl: g i-. fT, approxiinafa - A- g-'s Me- v .' r II. 1. l.OIMl . AMERICAN LEGION TELLS ALIENS WHAT'S WHAT WHEELING, W. VA, May 4. Following presentation of a formal protest by Commander James Bsne, of Wheeling post. American Lrgion, before Judge W. E. Baker, in United States district court here yesterday, against naturalization of five petition ers, who, it was explained, claimed exception from military service dur ing the war on account of their alien relations, Thomas Gtamman and L. D. Marangoes was denied citizenship for five year. The other three alieas failed to appear in court. The Legion took the position that these men did not want to be citizens at the time they are needed, and that the country does not want them as citixena now. FLOOD WATERS OF MISSISSIPPI HAVE FORMED GREAT INLAND SEA 100 MILES IN EXTENT FROM NORTH TO SOUTH TUBERCULOSIS KILLS TWICE AS MANY MEN AS WOMEN IN N. .Y ( P.y The Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, May 4. - Tubercu losis kills almo-l twice as many men as women in New Yoik City, (b.dias J. Drolet told meiubei- of the National Tuberculosis' Association in their meeting here today. Mr. Drolet is statistician of the New York Tii! rculnsi Association. He said that in the 12 years since HMD 1 1 abereulo.-is had taken in New York ! 71.-71 male victims as i gainst 4 1 ,!7 , females. The death rates of the two ; sexes in P.H'l v.eii respectively 1J.! and I v: jier Inn. mill. The reason for this;! , difference in t ubenidosis mortalily was' found, said Mr. Drolet, in the condi- tions under which they work which break j down re-i.-tanee and cause the devolop- j nu n! of adult tuberculosis. 1 Mr. Drolet desc ribed a movement in j N. York to extend tulierculosis disp'a-l iolk into im lu-tr.v. This has been ( 'akin by the ( .' iiivernour Tubenu j ( 'linic of the I'.ellevue and Allied i tai- at the suggestion of the New TiiLi r. ulosis Association. An in-j al health survey of workers em- I in the district covered by that iti- j II. -pi' Yl IK ! duvrl: pb.M-.l si I: at i - being made. Leg I lining in l-etiruarv, l.igg, Mr. Dr.l-t pie. ill, i i -ibili: the a. ' oral in cud, an industrial nurse made a arc -in v cv to ascertain the pos of going into local factories for al examination of workers. Sev nagi rs welcomed the idea and to nt iti'..- fhc hen it h service lo I nl. ll eon-Me l of ed n ational ilks to the I ii j . 7 1 p . - and a i annual " !' cent i of sns, pro es ilriat ion of : 1 1 1 j.. r-on- ten r ,e ght or w hum complain. de oils swnptoms. I'ntil work heav , however, all n ho w i are liein; examine. 1. Cu-e- t'ound suffering from tuberculo sis are referred to their physicians or to other clinics if they (atiiiot pay for t real menl . (BISHOP ATKINS ADRRESSES THE GENERAL CONFERENCE CBs The Aasoriarefl fresj.) HOT sI'h'INCS, Ark.. May I. With the 1 -polling preliminaries) dispos 'I of, the nineteenth gene!:-! confer of Met hodist I doWII to us of the. 1 1 ,iseopa I business to lav. the v deloga 1 1 ui II lay. s age 10 bish'.ps he- selited III the ldr--ss . h'ii'i r ,1 Th Id Pi-;., h-alt II.- OS t or thl -pa, u. .1.- deiivi-r. I 1 .1 I'll s 1 h I Na-hv,!!e. a-e of till c it ii nat 'on inn , ' s ", Ol A -id,.c' O the toll', dealt ri onuii.iid 1 that a cause tl -hal be other s. i.a 1 ryi n g - remain further '. r v, ho ;. ' 1 rooii v .i..-olc,, , , art roc lllg ,' be a-r- ed for . w hi' ii in court I v idelll e. -hall in,' in I -in 1,1 r of 01, r ir.h 11 led '-thill ilellilli.'.e the i'her person other I lian fact deter ot her sat i dealt, with d bv fact hi ol' I -in 1 1 : 1 t -In r iv the tidvi i ' ii - t. curb i' dec!. lo I socoildu r statciiii i t : loo I i t i : - '11 the I ' I Vol-'. :. i "111. iltlon W:i l liaraeter, lii h ragtime an .;:s encourage pil'iidilig (if ti' ,-t w i re poi at of the bishops lolol, B. DEATH RATE SHOWS DECREASE. i Pv The WASH i ,Ti v.--,., :,.,; Press.) ,. Mi . -1. A .crease ;:'! : a ! lie dea ! h rale ,i, -he I n -, : Stat.-s i r 'h.-.rh-s J. I lut field. 1 : : a. Na! iona I T;i .,t--. at its mm nat 1 : ,n- for the year 1 ' i. io , live, he Stat.- j. .' r.a-. I'.Ht per P" . ..-es for 19J1 . approach pto. tribute to ;! - i.t in i !'4 and ot supporters r,: ... in cement ol t h - i eiu s ' work. ' ' he to the j.ower o ' ' ! and to tin- ii it -papers, maga!i ; o'her mediums i : i public. Mass'., w lc re n : hiis M'cii carri. i i,., 1 :.. auspices of tie- a- ; i, r;i',e has ben.- r. of Pi per lito.Pii'i f,,: I one io, If -.1 from tul,. r, .. ,, was repo.-t. i ; ;. Managing bcr.ulosis meeting te j H'-'l a v, . ; In lftiil ' l n Hi. i r I cat., tha- i Dr. H .. , founder- , the iio r : the ca I splen I; i said. 1 1 i public le failing s ; motion p C-aehii ,g 1 In Fi. hea!t-: sin.-,, i.'.o socia- ". da. e ; ., ; 1 :-'i. D; v - ' 1 1 Ha1' ; worn, ! Wti.'l i ri.or-r'-a;1. giiam figure," said Pr. ' .".live of what may i.c i .- 1 1 sj.eciu!i.ed methods of work. TulwTculosis it the country will join ,i g impatient ftr a much ' of progress when it is n the Fnited tvtuteti there I.owo.oimi H-rson with ac :s and that JwiUU nien, ildreii are dyinir auiiually e. tnl.le ,,,! rTh,U dis- ! Preparations Are Being Made To Meet Still Greater Flood TOURS FLOOD SECTION OF A MILLION ACRES, VIEWING VAST LOSSES People Found Living in Box! Cars and Camp Their' Property Gone Tops of. Hills and the Ridges Crowd ed With Refugees, While; Water Rises. ( Hy The Associated. Press.) IW OICI. FANS. May 4. Keport; Nl from the Hooded area of Louisiana to-I day st:ite. that swollen streams in the! jlioithern part of the state, ii iigmelit i-d 1 ! by water pouring through the Ferriday ;c! from the Mississippi, are gradu , aily inundating Caldwell, Ouchita, Frank , I lin, l.'ichl.ind and La ISalle parishes, and ' (that the great inland sea. now more than i j Dm) miles long, from north to sxiuth, has j reached the southern corporate limits of j Monroe, less than forty miles south af ' .the Arkansas state line. In addition, water continues to spread I i those parishes already partially sub-: merged, Avovelle. reports from Catahoula,, Tensas, 1 an I Ifupnls indicating that the V three sprei more iter is rising at the rate of two and r is rising at the inches a day and 'continually1 ling over more territory, driving and more residents into the Ued 'doss refugees raiiipn, or into the hills where an oben air existence is made al most iiitolerab'e by the incessant rains so general over the Hooded area. All lowlands adjacent to the Ouachita, Te'isas, Red, Little and Hlnek hivers, which center in the Ouachita valley in the i vicinity of Harrisonburg, have been , Hooded for several days. Water pouring through the Ferriday crevasse across' ! Concordia iiari-h, which is entirely! flooded w ith tiie execution of the town of idali.i. around which a protection h-o(- was built, is preventing these riei from omul v ing. and as n result b.-ickatei 'is -ip reading rapidly in many sections be liewd previously to be immune fnuii Ihm-is. The rise is particularly rapid: along t he liiachi te ri ver. Although the water is now lap), ing at the out kirts of Monroe, it is stated thci flood will not ent'-r the city proper unless there is a break in the Mississippi river i, ceo liotRceu Arkansas it v ami l.ak 1 ,!!agc. Ark. Th,- omaliita river has iniiundaicl the leces at Logtown, in the -ollthllll part j of Oam-liita pari-h, tbioding ;i 10 I- strel. h of territory. The le-ident I riot of Columbia, Cahlw. II par 1! ,oded. but the business iii-trict I i.e. 11 reached. Schools have been dosed ,,e.v n i o-.s parts of Caldwell. Frankon an pa'i-tu. Preparations to me, 1 'greater Hoods are proceeding i,t,. the el 11 tire section. Thousand- o of cat! le are be! ng mov e, to t In lis- IS v : 1 1 i it le-r me, t till ' ' I, t 'oigaoot is of he:,, I tlie hillll. mi lumber the use of isil lid ac res I 'a rish foi the floods Henry K. Hardtiu r. a w, i ki man of I'renia, has tendered game preserve ,,f s, -, n i im in I he western hi 1 - ol Ca hi -v ell a live slock range a- long as prevail. No loss of !i :', iii.s ooi-ii rep n reporter into the 'oneordia I since Tens.-i s parish t wo negroes wen swi 1 t river and drewmd in liis week. Slow ri-" of I has given a : I a :i, de w ; poriiliity to ape. the back w,it mings and o I OX POACD Mississippi COMMISSION sTIIMKIf ! SIPPI," VP KsPl KC. Miss., I A Iter a U" mi io ri Pi ii. I trip I b:i k'-.i.t. i iu tie- inundaf I'd i 1,'IVI Ml ssl Mav tlir. i t ioi lek-h g 1 the .,..o n-.-iii h-is of Viewing tj,, bar k ei I !i, a .iavligl.t Wr-e. all... I S; a ri i ng morning pi .-I a brief l.a-o t lu Mis. s w . . ! run evoss from , lis f Sllll' north of V ongressinua! deh-gai i. u ssippi river flood v . n en waterway tod.iv ..r to Nat.hez and tie at Ferriday. I.a. Yieksburg eiirly thi ,r the day ooiiteiii.;,f at lone Landing, I.a.. measure-, under way e flood at that ,-! 1 Natchez, late in !' e iter t rv hold hi, k tli and u' arrival fi att. -iir.on . Several li-::r. be -Oelit g tie at Na ut hv a ' a rty ! i .riling .ed lov "he. before res,,m:i;g voyage whk-ii will tak tic It KoUge, La tomorrow The trip tii r Vaiijii ba ite' boiinl a spe s wav the rough the over:'.. in sction was after a fhr-'e 1.1 train which greater part of ti i : .1 .our run ploughed the dis tance from l.elaml to icK.smirg Ttirourti water, which skimmed the stcrs of tiie cache', and, at its greatest depth was 3li inches over the rails. While here tiie members of th" dele gation had a splendid opportunity to see the tremendous volume of work that i has been done by the Yazoo mid Mis j sissippi Yalley Koilnmd foundry, nia ! chine shojis and furniture factory to , ks-p the water in bounds. Large pro tection levees eoiiiftructed of bags filled with gravel along tho bank of the Ya zoo canal, ror more timu a hule, are keeping th water out Tbero ?9 ci2ti,terjb!o scpsg? running night ami day iter over into the canal. pump VlCK.siU'i;i;, MINS., May 3. One million acre !'." per cent, under, cul tivation inundated to a depth of from three to II feet, water-covered and rapidly disintegrating farm building", refugees luuisel in box ears, tenta and railroad stations, ami here and there a more persistent householder utiekinjf to his dwelling despite the lapping of tho water agaiimt the thresholds, viewed from the window of a special train which ploughed its way through more than two feet of back water for a distance of 25 ini'e- from Carey to Yicksfmrg, gave the congressional delegation surveying tho ravages of the swollen Mississippi a vivioj insight today into the tragedy of the rive Hood. Today "s journey, thv thirl day of tliS tour begun at Memphis Monday, was through the " backwater" (rpreading over the Yazoo basin from Hrunsnriek Gap an uncompleted stretch of the Missistiiptii river levee system, north of Vicksburj and through the Yazoo liver. From Carey, at present tho northern limits of the inland overflow to Vicks burg it was much the same sight a ban, loned farm houses, lure and there a knoll of high ground crowded with ror : ruled livestock, a raft moving to tli8 neighboring hills or railroad right of way j with piled up household goods and refu gees ami at intervals a house on "stilts" , v. i h the occupants holding their ground, I making the be-t of the situation and ap I patently determined to stick it out. j Ridges Are Thronged. Hox iars, top floors of cotton gins, railroad stations and loading platforms . and lent piu'lu-d on the ridges which dot the gem-Hilly flat lowlands now aro housing several thousand refugees with the number expected to apreciahly in !reas, as the water rises and spreads I further. ( Approximately '.u(MI are being carod : for in box ears, ,'H") of which have boeu 'distributed on sidings at central points la'ong the line o;' the Y'azoo and Mississ ippi vadey railroad in the overflowed I area Membe's of the congressional party left the river commission steamer Mississ ippi, aboard which the greater part of tue tmir is being made, at Greenville early today au l. after an automobile riih? to Poland for a view of neighboring planta tions, curtailed by a heavy rainstorm, boarded a special train at tho latter town for the rail trip through the flooded He tions to Yick-biirg. . ' , , After a visit to the national park here an, I a luncheon, the party re-boarded tho Missis-ippi for a continuation of the sou- hwai l journey. Nat. In, the m xt stop in the intine rary, i- expected to be reached lato tu rn..: Illll. Five Counties Involved. In its spread over the farm lands iu the Ya.oo basin, the water ultimately will inundate sections of five counties I saopiena, Sharkey, Humphreys, 'Yazoo and the northern part of Warren.- In many parts of the areas already overflowed, seed w as j, i.i nte, I several weeks ago. Joseph C, Logan, Red Cross representa tive who is directing relief work in con junction with state ami local officials, is- sue., j appr. negia repol ha -i n iti 'id today indicating that P'r.oini jrersons, mostly na e rs. aln-ady have he'-a i d of relief in Ymzoo id other counties of th ;.o To Be Fed. g a week ago in somn - t.-r this week, subsisteueo i'- for a week has been dis eii estimated from reports -,g en's to the Yieksburg ! ; irters that upwards of imately will h in need 1 . :u over until the water I . rops can lie raised. 1 farm damage monetary :.i toi ls operating through -otion is expected to b l', superintendent of i .Mississippi Yalley etHi the cost of keeping I,' 'nigh the back water be an l Carey was approxi- P.. : addi- s tl, t ovt rf'o In av v , tin. ' mat I-1 trrafli t wet. -ii T. THE WEATHER North Carolina, mostly cloudy with local thundershowers tonight or Friday, little change in temperature. Cotton Market CLOSING BIDS ON THE NEW YOBK MAKKET XKW YORK, ilay 4. Cotton fu tures e'osed essy. . May 19V; July WQ October Wit Ikwrnber IsM; January hp..t iy"5. . . today's cann;::: tt I Strict t Cool 11.. pit! t his