FONIA DAILY QAZE Weather: Unsettled Local Cotton 18 Cents VOL XLIII. NO. 107. GASTONIA, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 5, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS BARTHOU BACK AT GENOA Mississippi Planter Sums Up GEN. WU IN CHARGE OFj THREE DEAD, TWO DYING AS RESULT WITH INSTRUCTION FROM Flood Conditions Along RiveriPEHG TODAY: GENERAL OF BA TTLE BETWEEN GUNMEN AND COPS; HAD KIDNAPPED A POLICEMAN M MEM Tfl TRY TO With The Statement "Itls Hell" III! Will Wl "w . - - ms TTE CHANG FLEES TO MUKDEN SATISFY THE BELGIANS Not to Sacrifice the Principle That Private Property of Foreigners in Russia Must Be Respected Only Politi cal Problems Left to be Dis cussed at Genoa Confer ence. PARIS, May . Vice Premier Har tliou, head of the French delegation nt the economic confercm o, left Paris to day for Genoa after his conferences oxer the situation with l'reinier Poincare and the fHbinet lure. 1 'rentier Poincare ur ged M. Iiarthou to make an eort to reach an agreement with the Allies on the memorandum to Russia that would satisfy the Belgians and sacrifice tlie principle that the private property of foreigners in iiussia must he respected. The French Government, it is said by Ull official of the foreign otlice. has enter ed into no ugrceinut whatever ocnccriiinjr recognition of the Jsovict Oovei nincnt. ft is entirely free, according to this official, ) Jen I with the uuestiuii according to t!ie t French point of view, which is that the (Soviet regime cannot yet lie regarded ,H a reprscntative government and that there is no reason for giving it the moral support which would result from official recognition. The declartion of Dr. Walter Uatlicnau, tin- Ocriunn Foreign Minister, to Prime .Minister Llovd lieorue. thai he saw no necessity for confiriiiing the treaty of Versailles by accepting the French reser vations to the lion aggression aet is in-, terprctcd in official circles here as disclos 11115 the hope of the (icrmnns that they may nullify the treaty ly means of agree- j units at Genoa. M. Harlhoii, however, has i ironclad instructions to rcsi.-t any ten-, (lency to encroachment on the treaty i whether in the non -aggression pact or in j other decisions reached at Genoa. CONFERENCE NEARS END. GKNOA, -May ft. '"lie economic conference today expected to end its de-. liberation on financial, economic and transport tiucstions. The s-ub eouimis sion on economies was expected "hiring the day to make its report to the full commission, which will probably approve it. v This will leave only political problems'. The Russian quest ion and the pripo-s"! .11011 aggression pact are taxing the in genuity of Prime Minister Lloyd George, of Great Britain, but there was optimism today over tlleir possible solutoii. Patience is urged by all the leading dele gallons, and the contereuee is a .,(!.. f. ,i loir, i,n of :i! east ' ri ,..--. ,ni.i ...,,ji nf th, ullie.l ileleinitions. believe that Bel-, ..t-... .. jr,,,,, i t.i-ins of the iiriiiiiMeili settlement with liiissin will an i- - - is-ar in case Franco decides to gne un reserved approval of the Hied memoran dum to the Soviet. It is reported that M. Ihirthoii. head of the French deleuatioii. Upon his re turn from Paris will join in the small conference with the Germans, which Mr. Uoyd George is arranging. At yester day 's meeting with Chancellor Wirth. and Foreign Minister liathciiait, Mr. Lloyd (ieorgc is reported to have discussed hi-" non aggression pact as well us the reparations payment due from Germany on May Many of the lesser members of the Russian delegation left today, as virtual ly all of the work requiring experts has been completed, and only the ibligate and a few assistants will remain to fight out tin' battle with the powers which has narrowed down to the issue over the na tionalization of foreign owned pruptrty in Russia. BUILDING PERMITS FOR . APRIL TOTAL $98,00 issued for the of April total . :s.n:ii), n shown report of City Manager Alexander New dwellings, electric l." permits $ Repair dwelling, electric, 7 permits Plumbing, IS permits Soli.llll I 1 I'.t.UM ! ."i.-rj.'.o i 1 )1..")PO.OO . New dwellings. ! K'riniti New Store Buildings, '2 niits per- llllll.(l') , Ion. on , hepair building, 4 permi; Total 58,030.00' Report of Fire Department. The report of the 6re department for the month of April PJ2U is as follows: Number of alarms Still alarms ;! Unknown cause 1 Defective appliances , 1 Value of buildings at risk fi .,iul no Value of content at risk o,."W).(i0 Total value at risk $12,000,00 Insurance on buildiiiirs at risk 4.110(1.01 Insurance on contents at risk 1,000.00 Total insurance at risk $ 6,000.00 Insurance loss on buildings and coutents 7oo.o0 Total loss insured and un insured building and con tents $ 72S.OO THE WEATHER Noah CaiOiina, gene,nl!y fair tonight j an4 Utuidav. DieceJej be local thunder' showers on the coast this afternoon or to- j night; slightly warafr Sttwl;,' 5 , i ill' n ; a ' bv the! Conditions in Inundated Sections Are Becoming Critical Thousands Are Marooned Inland Sea 100 Miles Long and 30 to 60 Miles Long Is Formed. 'Bv The Associated Press.) NATCHEZ, Miss., May 5. Water from the Weecama crevasse of the Mississippi river continues to rise in the Louisiana basin of Concordia, Cat ahoula, Tensas, Avoyelles, LaSallo, and Fianklin and other parishes at the rate of about two inches n day at most points, although in the Black river sec tion the rate is slightly greater. A sea about lun miles, from north to south and ."0 to (ill miles wide, is being formed . Reports received from Jonesville, a tniMt of more than a thousand people, '.state that the protection levee around the town, which is the highest point in the district away from the Catahoula hills, is going nitiler and that the res idents of the town expect it to be flooded. At Vblalia, 2, you population, emergency work on a railroad embank ment is still keeping water out of the town and citizens are confident that it will pass through the flood safely. Althouli thousands of people are ma rooned in Cmicorilia parish, only a lim ited number in the section adjacent to Natchez are coining out. Iu lower Concordia, in tin; black river section, where the water is deeper, government boats continue to carry' Hood sufferers to Harrisonburg and Jonesville. According to planters who have ten ants in the Hood .one, the conditions in the inundated wet ions are fast becom- ' nig ntieal. They say most or me Ian, I owners have exhausted their re sounes and can no longer provide for the people. A list compiled of the people maroon ed iu the Froginore section shows that I, lino are in need of immediate assist mice. Mr. Godbold summed up con ditions by saying: "It is hell.'' C. F. Patterson, member of the West Mississippi flood commission, ha i gone to Artonish, Wilkinson county, Mississippi, to organize a relief camp for 400 refugees nt that point. NKW OliLEANS, May o. the floors of every' store and l'laiiiemine parish, south of leans, flooded as a result of the level's of the Mississippi situation is becoming serious, to John Ivinoml, member of With house in New Or breaks iu liver, the according 1 the State I refugees legislature. One thousand are sunering levees for aii anil are waiting Onlv one load on tlie ; of peo- have been taken out so far, In ; said General Conference. (Bv The Associated Press.) HOT RPlilNGS, Ark., May 5. 1 Hearing of memorials and petitions ! nrminsiiig chanires iu the discipline of the church, was the principal business i be for tlie lfltli general conference tit . I the Methodist Episcopal Church, (South, .'today. Hnsiuess of a similar nature I occupied the first two days of the con- ference and the church legislative body : has been deluged with appeals and res Inhitioiis of every conceivable kind. I BANDITS CUT THROAT OF GREENWOOD MAN. (Mv The Associated Press.) GliKKN WOOD 8. C. May 0. Two masked bandits last night held up Troy Cartel, l, on a residential street in an attempted robbery, cut his throat, barely missing the jugular vein and escaped . FORMER MAYOR UNDERWOOD KILLED IN AUTO ACCIDENT. FAVKTTEVILLE, N. C, May 5. John I'uderwood, several times mayor of Fayet teville, was instantly killed and three other men were, injured in an au tomobile accident near West F.nd, Moore comity, early today. Mr. Un derwood was the author of the law which changed capital punishment from hanging to .electrocution in North Car olina. REMOVED BOY'S APPENDIX WHILE FLAMES RAGED THE DALES, OREGON, May 5. While fire swept the walls of an operating room, two surgeons here fought the flames and completed an operation on child's appendix, it was learned today. Doctors V. C. Staats and L. A. B oilman had an incision when the flames were no ticed behind an overheated boiler. One player fire extinguishers while the other completed the operation. Dr. Staats was overcome by smoke but the child was removed in safety. Cotton Market CL0SINB BIDS ON THE NEW YORK MARKET. ( SEW YORK, May o. Cotton fu- j tures clow steady. 1 May ' lH.:t: li.o5; July lvM; Decemlier lS.t:i; January 1S.- -'; Mareh I'iM ; Spots lit.sii. NKW ORLEANS, May opened quiet and steady, bid; July October 1 ber Li:ih; January l-7 ; bid. : t ton May 1 s 1 H s:; llecem March l-7 .NEW YORK, May tures opviicd steady. 1HS5; Oetober 1S!3; January lSSj. .". Cotton May 1 .;"; fu- July i 1U0O; ', December TODAY'S COTTOfl MARKET Strict to Good Middling S??5 ..w 18C 1 DOORS OF HIGH POINT BANK CLOSED TODAY (By The Associated Press.) HIGH POINT, May 5. The Home Banking Company of High Point, where an alleged shortage of $67,000 was discovered several days ago in the accounts of Cashier Basil Hedgecock, was closed today by order of the State Corporation Commission. 32 CARS ENTERED IN BIG SWEEPSTAKE RACE INDIANAPOLIS, May o. Thirty two curs have been entered in the tenth annual ii) mile international sweep- stakes automobile race to be run at tlie I Indianapolis motor sice.hvny on May 'M, 'it was announced today by K. T. Myers, secretary and general manager of the j speedway. The purse offered is $.jtl,0MJ, I with added inney bringing it to $1U(),0(I0, I it was said. I Included in the list of drivers arc I Tommy Milton, llt-l A. A. A. champion ; Howard Wilcox, Ralph di' I'alma and '.lules Goux, all former winners of the local even, Jimmy Murphy, winner of the ! 1921 French grand prix, Wallace lieid, ! motion picture star, and K. O. (Cannon i Mall) Maker, famous fraiut-contitiental motorcycle and automobile drivers, are others who have entered. Baker, lnnv I ever, suffered injuries in California yos i terday shortly after starting a niotor- cycle dash across the country which may keep him out of the local contest, ac cording to reports. JURY VISITS SCENE OF j SOUTH CAROLINA CRIME ! ORANGKMPRG, K C, May 5. Twelve men, composing the jury, which will divide the fate of Carlos Corbet t. charged with the murder of Julian Coop i er, one of the three men shot to death i by Corbet t in May, 192", this morning went to the scene of the shooting, i twenty miles from Orangeburg. The slit-riff and a deputy accompanied the jury. Tlie prosccut ion finished its i u t r I uc - tioil of direct testimony yesterday, and several witnesses for the di-fense were heard, chief among them being Corbet t and his wife. Mr. Corbett said that at 11 o'clock on the night of the shooting she was awak ened ,,nd "thought the whole place on fire." (she called lier4iiisband. and aid ed him in fighting the lire until ex hausted, fche returned to the porch and Corbett was fighting the flames a loin-, she said, -when ail aut obile dti-hed up, and she hoard one say: "There he is putting the tire out, let 's give the hell, and start it agin." The men were cursing, she added, and Corbett warned them that he would pro feet his Inline and wife at all hazards. A shot 'was tired from the car, others from near it, she said, and Corbett open ed fire. The defendant's story ta'lied in detail with that of his wife. The case may go to the jury this noon. 1 most aiter- ASTOR FREEDOM OF CITY GIVEN LADY I DANYII.LK, Ya.,'May o. The 'freedom of the city of Danville was presented to Lady Nancy Astnr today by Mayor Wooding when she appear ed before the city council, called in special meeting in her honor. She was given a key and an illuminated address i in which she was included the text ot .an ordinance renaming a street to i commemorate her visit. ! Lady Nancy later delivered an a l dress from the porch of the hou-e m which she vai born and received from la citizens committee a silver loving up. SON OF ARMY OFFICER CHARGED WITH 17 ROBBERIES CHICAGO, May 5. Seventeen ges of robbery ami one charge o bery with intent to kill were tiled against Klnlcolmii Holninn, son r jor J. M. Holman, of (.'amp Gran , har-rol,- . ..lav-Ma- I James Miller, who was arrested M j with Holman, after an au'oi ; chase, was named iu the 17 ri charges. Holman con ft merous holdups and was idciiti'i 1" of his victims. bv 10-YEAR-OLD SHOT AND KILLED A 4-YEAR-OLD I CINCINNATI, )., Mav I. r' iLutkehaus. 10, who shot and k I jliieliard Abraham, aged 4. while ; ' -jand Richard's six year nil bro-l . jGeorge, were in the Lutkehuis ap. ' jnients yesterday, will be examined h psychologists of the juvenile court. A' tcr that the boy will Ik- taken to -lunibus for further examination ly state mental experts." George Abraham said teat Robert "hot because Richard did not pi' k no j some papers from the kitchen lb : Robert said he wanted to fright' n the i buys in fun. WAS WEARING QUARTER ' INCH THICK ARMUR LOS ANGELES, May 5. A man wearing 32 pounds of armor plate a quarter of an inch beneath his shirt was arrestee! aere today. He also had typewritten instruction? from a "burglar's correspondence school" and was armed. The armor was found when a nnlireman taoped the man inadverentlv and heurA tho rinj t ntif General Wu Attributes Suc cess to "The Christian Gen eral," Feng Crowds of Sol diers Clamor For Admit tance Into Peking All Fighting Has Ceased in Vi cinity of Peking. (By The Associated Press.) PF.KINU, May 0. - i.eneMl Wu Pei Fll was in ftintrol of Peking at noon to i day, ami General fining T-ao, whose I forces he routed' ycstei-! , in a fierce battle south of the capital, ia reported : fleeing to Mukden. y army is re treating iu disorder t,.i;,i Tientsin. Observers here beliei,- Chang's Midden col apse has ended the hu-ti i!,es. General Wu attributes m i, success to the initiative of 1 isiang, "The Christian leii.i commanded the ojieral inns ui. of his ng Vuh- ral. ' ' w lio liich result -I "hang 's continue to veil hai k In ei! in tin retreat eastward army. Wu declares he u.M , fight until Chang has l. . n . ; r i Mukden, of which he is im! iv gover- j nor. I.ast night crowds of sohliei Chang's defeated army gat In Ti the walls of Peking, eiainoni.g mittanee. t the soutlinesi ,t the, railroad enters the city. ti,e locomotive in an attempt to r the gate, but failed. City gua sent out to disarm the jMrngglci All fighting in the vicinit n hadi ceased this morning, but tin mained isolated so far as rain f pun iiitside ..r ad w heri. ll-ed a de city re- d coll! miinieat ion as coneerm d. General Wu I'ei-Ku earlv to .., reported within a feiv hours ; r;n Peking, but he had not then , whether to enter the capital, app awaiting the result of the lighting direction of Tientsin, lie q,. saying he never would be contend- lerided, a reiilh in tin o-ed .H d un: he hud! cither captured Chang T-ao I.m or driven him to Maklen. 1 liis na taken to indicate that he was not eon cerncd about entering Peking imni'di atclv, although nothing prevented his doing so. HARDING HEARS REPORTS ON REORGANIZATION DEPARTMENTS v'3y The Associated Press.) WASHINGTON". May ."i. Presi I dent Harding had under c.uisiderat ion today tho proposals of the joint Cougres 'sioiiiil commission on re -organization i f (vernment depart meiits a nd bureaus pre paratory to submission of the plans to the Congressional committee which is to draft legislation to put them into effect. Only a "few questions remain to i smoothed out." according to Senator Sinoot, Kepiddican, I'tah. a member ol the coinmission, and then the program ! to In' suil.mitteil to the committee. The report was submitted to the Pres- iilent by Walter F. Hrnwn. cluiirnian of the coinniissinii. dice at the White House la ot at a st II led Ohio, at . . II her tended by the members of tin I conferences are expected 1" jthe executive with meinl I mission and other Congn s i oiganizat ion propova Is, l 'stood to include, consolidat 'and Navy Depart incuts a of tie com 1 1 are under of tin- Via iv arrange uient of several bun : TEN DEAD IN TORNADO THAT STRUCK AUSTIN (By The Associated Press. ! Al'STIN, TKX., May ... - The de-rn ' early today of Hen li rt". neg".. brought to ten the li-' "f la'aliti s n, the tornado which Lit , yi-'.rdav stria k the west side of Aos'iu and .n pt nv. i to (Jtik Hill, eight mihs soot'iu. st, . los ing property damage c-tiiiiaP.l at Tl,o, (illll. Scieli of the diaths o. ,ui). I at Oik Hill and Manchaca. eight n. :. s -oath. About forty poisons i,ii,.'Ao to hav been injured in .' 'is touched bv the twist, .. M of in jured are being cared f. hollies here. The chief proper' to the plant of t In- U taring ( 'ompany at I ' wards Co'lege the I. . ins! if ntc for negro -. : blli Id illgs in t he so. i'. 1 . of Austin. The cent '. w;is uiiharniel. :- ami i done nufae- Ld Klin 1 s and 't part A ust in " II W e 1 of GENERAL ASSEMBLY TO MEET IN CHARLESTON. W . VA. (Hv The As. HAKLKisTON. The Neeond pre a coiiferenii' of the ciiureh "ill be held Wi-dnesday, May 17 iag the opening of t sembly of the ehi :r. will be held under exei-utive' commi'ti , and secretaries of t I.. M.irris. and li 1 Pr-ss.) .. M..v : , V :i Ili- llSt It' I'r.-s'iyti rian .r't- -n on lay precl1!- : '-'ii' ra I ,is s "Ilferel..-e ton of the missions a . Rev. n r McMillan, j-residing of- II nt' Atlanta, Ga., w id ' fn ers. Tin1 first pre as.-nii-' . held at tet. Louis. Mo., p sembly of lO'l and .m more than L'oo eniiiiiii-sii sembly. All rommis-ioin ir. ti Ti'llce W;fS -c'ling Tlie as- 1 attelldisl by i a is to the an- s and visitors ! to the assembly wiii be iniite,) to attend! this preliminary i-onf , r-o at which ' the evangclisNe work of the entire a.sim- , hiy for the last year wid w reviewed and ' plans in eomivction with this of home mission work outlined for the com-' ing year. I It will be shown nt the lire-assembly ; (inference, it was announced, that dnr- dug the laiit year thes veu evangelist of the am-mbly eonductisl 9 meetings, as ja result of which there has been added j lo the meinliersliti) of th church 3,7J (on profession nt t"i'h. n.l fist bv eert-i GENERAL WU, CENTRAL CHINA WAR LORD, WHO HAS CAPTURED PEKIN. ' '" Jd&&f' ''''-;'"'4 ; c, 'Vi'-V' ' v ..ArtiJ Geneial Wu Pei-Fu, who controls the most prosperous and populous part of the ancient empire of China, routed the foices of Feneral Chang Tso-Lin Wed-j ntsday and entered the capital city, Pi kin Gen. Chang s loices are ported as fleeing in disoider today to wnid Mukden. Observers believe that hang's f active 's sudden collapse raaiks the end active hostilities. ROTARY CLUB TO PLAY KiWANiS IN BASEBALL Will Attempt to Make Up for Last Year s Defeat None Under 30 Years of Age to Play. Discussion of plans this summer and th, for a Imis' camp decision to play game of baseball the pluvers set at the Kiuauis club a ith the age limit of ;'.o e;,ls wele among the principal feat ures of the Thursilay b'otary meeting. ,o set ini;iin Has carriiil out, tin meeting h.'nieg been set aside for the hearing of n pints as to tie bios' wolk eomililltee. 'file colllllliltee reported several sites under eonsjdera t ion for a camp 1 i ine It iot el, .ill, of I. tin ,i r of tl tor I m i -. lull rei!est"i more for a lina I decision . was aliilniilli ed few .lavs the b' that within tan club w dub for a i the iillhl a me for last eeds hool nge 1 ne K i w a n i s iseball in order t .tinging detent a by t lie K ic anuius e g.illie will go to i make up lllillilstered The pro' the high s, nth! I iiat t ic ion I neither te.iln sl.iei v ; .stipulated any p!ay- el uiuhr O vr; ol Miss Knox Found Guilty of Murder In the First Degree; Given 20 Year Sentence Baltimore Nurse Found Guilty of First Degree Murder At torneys in Argument Denounce Miss Knox and Eastlake, Who Was Acquitted. , I P-V Th- MUNTIill.e , esaiah K. Is no il.T in tii--: -!- years iu prison ret urn-- la' s Knox, farmer ince las' T'e s : Hogi r 1 1. Last ' a.-ipiitt. d la-' I ed I'ress.) v t. Mi-s ijuilty of mar i , : i -1 - I to J" v ; u i' s li'l.l:, ' Miss l.een i -ti trial li'ing of Mr-.'mnd Was I e murder. .... .ilth 's attor- e' . concluded at li o 'clo.-k. , I i ourf to ,il- dinti'T befon-srass-am. Thi' re'iiiuing the '; oeiiiiles. t'e- vrdiet L'1' years iin i ni'eiitiary. hi led as Mi-s ae jail to fa, e I en-i t as t he , displayed no . Wat? T. lli'V of W tin- ariiin .liidn- CI, i..v ttle j l -gililliii' jury retir v - - r - i i -1 iu The .11.! shotlld ear , prisonmi n' I The eon M.i j Knox was ! the jury . 'I ; senti m-e t emot ion . j she ti, baiter, o j ever, a n 1 hinn -i ' be thoii j lenient No jm-l t-e.ia Khinn i' iwas tas - -'er. Mrs. W. I.. N, w .liTscy, lew words-. .lad1' - ed hi r and old .id been ' ' iuos,t i by defense iu apiK-al and Ju-Ue ' w hih M'ss Knox , It is i v jail. pecte-l -morrow s M il 10 Juehmon ! t r ina her senteix '. D iri. .- clos. . , 1 both V hiisb., u ; ' noun- -i by May,, was the iiure' Main Merciless. . . .mi nts, wi liell w en .,! i ;v -a! th's attorney Mayo i K a".l Roger I). Eastlake,' ;- i,e iain woman. Were de- t ie opposing attorneys. Mr.) in, rciiesg in ms reierences lo i life from the time she first met Kastlake until the moruing the mii'i- late'J lsly -N'Ts- Eastlake was found j in a pil of hlood on the kitchen floor of ' her home. He declared that "if ever a ' iimr.leri r w;' aught re-l -handed tit was tin .Icfcn-laut and asked the jury "as i -,ir m-'n-Jed -iT!si of vir?ir!i" r?n- Gunmen Had Stolen an Automobile and Were in Canton to Steal One of Gang From Work house When Arrested by Speed Cop Seize Him and Take to Woods Posse Surrounds Gang. JACK DEMPSEY READY FOR CARPENTIER OR WILLARO Will Sail For New York May 13 Has Seen Europe and Is Ready to Go to Work Willing to Meet Any of Them. PARIS. May .".Jack Delnpsey told The Associated Pre-s today it was al most certain he would meet Georges 1 arpentier again, in London or Paris, late this year, if ('arpentier defeats Ted Lewis in London, May II, and provided the purs,' is satisfactory. The posting of forfeits and other de tails, Deiupsey added, are being dis-iii-sed in London, by Jack Kearns, Deiiipsey's manager, and Kraneois Dcs camps, manager of Carientier. Delinite arrangements, however, are awaiting the outcome of the Lewis Car pelltier tight. Dempsev asserted it was . ; immaterial ti him whether after his se be com met, go Wi! with lard befe : to- I reach champion . I "I am also leady to meet Wills or ; any one else provided they mean busi 1 ni'ss," said Deiupsey. "I hope some-i thing delinite will come out of ull these' offers. All I want, is a few months training. I've seen Kurope and had a fine rest, and am now anxious to get back to work. , 1 slioulil like to stay iu I'. u rope a ttle longer but I must and fill I a theatrical engagement in the est I a motion picture contract in New "l ink. I cannot afford to default on i cither of these. 1 shall leave Paris for' London Tuesday, and, shall probably ' sail for New York May LI KI.ANS IN WHITE ROBES AT i l-IINKPit nr NinnnANTflN MAN' ( Bv The Associated I'ress.) MOPGANTON. May 4. The lirst ev idence that the K u kill Klan has an organisation ill Molgantuli was given ;it lie bin in I this afternoon of .1. O. Mase, well know II men haul who died v e-P nlay . As the burial service was being con cluded ley the Masons who were in charge, two while robed klansn ar ri v i" 1 in an automobile and placed on tin' grave a huge cross wrought ill red, white ami blue (lowers and bearing at ! each end a candle. , Hal ing lighted Hie candles, one of j the men handed the minister a sealed envelope containing resolutions of re-j spirt tor Mr. Mase ami the two ile parted as ipiietly as they had came. I- r a verdict in the tii-t , Mas '"motive, means and op y ond any peraiKen! a: ' if d slay ing, ' ' he tol l ' ',, ju' i . 'iee. There I mi I unity be nil't for the ', i I derickslmrg, , sailed Last- , ad been com- ; Pred W. l'.. u. ,i'. . f for the defeiisi , or :n i lake and decla red ' in - rin in it t cil by no ot r 'lian I'r an tarn, naval petty His relereii as " t he most t oflicer type of human- My caiiM I courtroom to -I udge hllill the room ,t Harry M. chief co,. I,-, '' the del' use. e. the -o, I' M.- tor suf! and in cn'ra tin' ,t iw,l that jammed the er-ah into a cheer and i,r,. red tie- sherifT to ch ar : in ie was a repetition. s-mith, dr., of Richmiin I. 'or Miss Knox, closed f. . If. s; n ssed what he tera - the accus--l ivoiuau rii.' humanity till her ha i i , the in ...n'rast '.atured Eastlake a .nitlcation of selfishness. ile Ia d Last hike 's admission on per phas, stand the n 1 hat he iiad f reoiiciit I v lied ' to is'.', had owed her large sums of and had Tried "'to cover up his life by .pining The church." s-mith ai kiiowle-lged that "a dan chain of circumstances connects , moia ' do'il.l, Mr. .'iTml i- -It fendant with crime, but "I also mv that there lives one, ten times ire familiar w ii li its commitment " thau nurse. I'tider agreement. Judge Chinn permit I Dr. diaries, II. Burton, a chemist of Washington, to testify at the opening ot court concerning bloodstains he had found on the hat sai,) to have been pick ed uii near the u-lv of Mrs. Eastlake. UNLAWTUL TO WEAR MASKS, HOODS, CAPS, ETC. (By The Associated I'ress. j SACRAMENTO. Calif., May 5. -An ordinance making it unlawful for any person to apjiear in .public wearing a "nuisk, eowi, cap, hood or. other thing concealing the identity of the wearer," was passed here last night by the t-ity council. The ordinance was said to have been simcd at Xhi Ku Kins KhiC.A . illy The Associated Press.) CANTON". Ohm, '.May r,. Threo nun uere dead and two bandits dying; early today, the result of a gun battlo iu a Is five miles north of here lata yesterday between an armed posse anil four gunmen following the kidnapping; of a motorcycle police who had arrest ed the men for speeding. The gunmen, police say, had come lu re in a stolen automobile, to assist in the release of "Oklahoma Slim" John Stevens, a member of their gang, who is ia the local Workhouse and who is said to be wanted in numerous Iiliddlo we-teru cities on charges of bank rob beiv. The dead: b'alph W. Hoffe, Canton contractor, in r i ii In r of the posse . Klihe Stevenson, Cleveland ghninan.. 1 nil lent itied giniuia n . Harry Harper and George Bniiner, the other gunmen, were shot, through the head. Physicians said they could not survive the day. Two others of the posse also were shot . When the gunmen were arrested by Motorcycle Policeman John Wiso they forced him to enter their automobile and drove to the woods where they bound, gagged and tied the officer to a tree. J. 1 ' Campbell, a telephone lineman, who witac sed the kiilnanninir. notified the police, then jumped into his auto mobile and followed the gunmen. Sev eral times he stopped, rlimbeil a tele I phone pole, cut iii on a wire with his i testing apparatus and notified the offi cers ol the course of the fugitives. As the officers neared the bandits, the latter opened fire and fled into the woods, where they were surrounded by i tin- police and scores of citizens. The butt le ensued . J Winn the tire from the gangsters stopped, the posse found all four spra w led on the ground, the Ullldeilti- tied man dead . i Stevenson died later from his wounds. ; Police are investigating the theory 'thai the ipiaitet may be those who rob bed tie- Lima (Ohio; Dime Savings flank of f,."iiMi on Tuesday, j One of the members of the gang fold sheiff liaihnn that two of the gunmen, had stolen an automobile in Sharon, Pa., last week and on Tuesday had stolen the touring car in which they, rode ycslordav. JAP MOVIE ACTOR BRINGS J SUIT AGAINST CORPORATION (Py The Associated Press.) j LOS ANGKLKS, May 5. HeSBUO Ilayakawa, Japanese motion picture ati j tor, has brought suit against tho Jt-U j Picture Corporation, headed by Rufun I Cole, for .'.t,(MHi, charging breach ot, contract. Ilayakawa obtained an at diluent iperty against yesterday. the corporation MARY PICKF0RD HEAD OF ACTRESS ASSOCIATION (Bv The Asoinatea rresa.) LOS ANGKLKS, Calif., May 5. I Mary I 'iek ford lias been chosen presi dent of a club of motion picture act resses, the primary purpose of which is to protect the good names of its members, it was announced here today.: Mi s Helen Ferguson, organizer, stat ed admission would be made by inves tigation only, and none would be ad mitted ho were not "credits to tha industry". Other officers will lie elect ed Monday, when a name for tho club will be chosen. ARCHDUKES RETURN TO BUDAPEST FROM ABROAD (Bj Tho Associates! Fress.) P-CDAl'l -sT. May 5. - Archduka Fried rich .-'id his son Archduke v. no 'nil- been residing abroa'l sin.,- the i. .'laps,- of the monarchy, ar rive! in Piidapist today. Their sud d. u i. turn shortly before the elections is m i, ii commented upon in political cir.-ics. where it is ell known that Al Lie, lit 's candidacy for the Hungarian, throne is backed by a strong party. Ample financial support, it is as -( r'ed. is also available for Albrecht tiom an American syndicate which is buying up Archduke i'riedrich's es tates. . , GARDNER TO SPEAK AT ' CR0USE HIGH SCHOOL Rv The Associared Eress.) LIM'OI.NTON. May 4. The com mencement exercises of Crouse high school will be held o:i next Friday, 8at-! unlay and Monday, with the bacalau reate sermon to be .preached on Sunday by Kev. E. J . Sox, of Lenoir College. Tlie commencement address will ba delivered on Monday by O. Max Gard ner, of Shelby. The presentation of the diplomas and certificate will brt made immediately after Mr. Gardner's address by County Superintendent L.. Herge Beam . , - t " BEVERIDGE HAS LEAD -OF 20,000 OVEK NEW (By The AssocTated Press.) INDIANAPOLIS, Iud., May 5. Former Senator Alln-rt J. Beveridgs defeated Senator Harry 8. New, by 20,472 votes in Tuemlay's primary fof the republican nomination for Uuiteil States Senator, according to complete - unofficial figures from the 92 eounties in Indiana as tabulated by The Asso ciated Press here today. The fote- w Beveridge . SOo.flO ami New ISLSd, nihking the t?f? inbticn n 3"f3tvv ' ' .t.:,: ' : 4

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