TAGE TWO THE GASTOMA, (W. C). DAILY GAZETTE FRIDAY, MAY 12. 1 922. f FifteeiCMmiites of Radio hack Pay (By. Edward N. David, formerly technical electrical ex " pert for the U. S. Government.) CALUS DOTS r Lesson No. 52. THE WAVE METER. Ithe phite and filament, in soriet with tlu tv.ii phone receivers fin I t lie plat, fee. I Uick or ' t i.-klor t. oil in the case of ri1 The posi- In plate bntterv is i-iiti- i':i!'-. 1MI 8'gliais being .phones if 1 lie polarity in . i j . i 1 1 1 which Hoivj from ii!..-nent through tin- va ry small nn..i r.-. I to the fWi l iliA nnat 1 ninnrt fl fit In -it rnillOTI t . i. . i vencrative i .. vi n s stems. vmrd kv radio ennneers. inspectors andi. . . . experimenters ia the wave meter. Tin- Bam itaelf indicates that the wave im-tij- is an instrument employed to nn-asur.- the length, of the ether wave emitted l.y a radio transmitter or top grn r nir ft her wave to which a receivii.g set is toned. In a eiven oscillating circuit, tiiar .s, . a cirrnit containing inductance and capa city ia which oscillation wtur as n re sult of the discharge of tin- condenser through the inductance oil, tin- size of j tu condenser and the size of tlio induc tance coil determine the f rvuuciicv with ; which the condenser discharges throu;;h th circuit. If we know the frequency of the current flowinir in a circuit we may from the simple- relation, wave- length equal the rate at which the wave travel I divided by the frequency. Therefore a circuit of known capacity and known inductance has a known frc- ouencr. bene a known wave length. A .wave meter consists of a circuit contain ing a condenser and an inductance .-oil, 1 the combination of these two clemcn's , resulting in a circuit of known frequency or known wave length, if either tlie condenser or indhietance coil is made vari abl the' wave length of the wave meter , ia eta tied, the greater the vain. duets nee or capacity the longer the av lenirth and the smaller the values of in- duetenca or capacity the shorter wavelength. in moat wave meters the inductan.-e coil it of fixed value mid the condenser j la of tha variable type. I, (By Mrs. ..Joe Grrbble.). (Correspondem- of The Daily Gazette.) DALLAS, ilay H. Morning and everting services will be conducted at the rnl!n 'Preshyterimi church Sunday, May 14, -by Rev. J. K. M.Kinnon, of Kuther- fordton. All nr. most cordially iuvitcd to attend. Bcv. J. O. U.nin will preach at the High fthosl Methodist church Biindny morning and i .-ning. Dallas third nine baseball team, com posed of the yoenffer net, extends an in vitation for n'l i 1 !' present at tlie i.-e cream supper i' lay night at the club houe given for the ljenefit of their team. Gaston's Red Ciois Drive Now On In DalLa.i. Gaston's Rei'. Crum drive is now on in Dalian and the following organl.-itiuii complete 1 to canvas the town; ehnirin.ui for the Morowcl.b Mill, Aj.rs Lela Ifoo inson; for tin- Monarch Mill. Miss Knn nie lieinliard.lt; for the orotky Mil1. Miss Katie- tVlion ami for the town, Kev. J. O. I.'rvin. i! Liiw, the county K"d ros nurse. huh in Dallas Wediiesdnv and i anxio.is j to institute clauses fur the home care of i the si( k. Once a week clussc will re lionr tnree months to compu'ie an i who wish To Take llils course noin , No I tive t' mini , , nci-teil to tl heard in tin i reversed. 'j !the plate to i-nuin I ll he i . current i-. n-iiin -1 b the filaniei.t of a jvacmiiii ti.i.r and therefore a plate bat- tery ot sa. all ampere hour cajwwity u rnif jficient to (lirni-'i current for months. It will be re- a lie. I that the vacuum tulie j detector 1 nio tn.iis in n qiaiiiier ilifferent ! from the crysial detector. The sign il ! which imiiiiit;. - on an anti una svstein does not .-ola.-le tie; trhphone meivcrs but seno mrr. !y u a trigger to control , jthe flow of plate current, n other words. ii i.... ; ..,.1, : i determine the wave length of the circuit," " MSU" I in the current flowing in the Jilato cir cuit. The plat.- of " H " battery is usually I Jir' I ma.le ui. or a nuiiiber of small drv e s 'sealed ill .1 block with an insidat ini eo;n I either. Miss Willie Weill., Mrs. ilMinnd. There are usually fifteen such j 'nmwcll or Mrs. Joj Oribble, dry cells in a unit, all connected in series charges are made. giving a total voltage for the block of . . T " itwentv two an, 1 one half volts. This vol- A aAU 'tag.- is siiflicicnt for the satisfactory opcr-I m-ont minded students of A I at ion of most .let.vtot tubes. s..me re- (IIV enoou woo m a sp: miirinsi even less voltaae. in which case ! beguiled by ils si no mystery I... I t .1. n . . i i,,i.-i,ril ill n U'le-.T i-l 1 nrili-r Movani iue is r.- sen or rne in is TaKen i 1 .'f..-' " "i '"- . . . r ... .. ' .... !... :. i. ifri-nn intertn.wli'it.-i ,w.Oi in a....nvi. o i.wr.ii as ill.- .smiieis hi..- m. n . I voltage. These taps are usnallv in the ti1(. iiorm or s.M-K.-is coniieciea io eaeii ceil ar I tlie block into wlii. I. plugs can be insert 'd giving variations in voltage from one ;lmlf to twenty two and one half volts in steps of one and one half volts. Another 'method is to have tans of wire or brass l strip connected to certain cells in the igroiip, different manufacturers having their own details of construction. For voltages in . xcess of that- furnish ed bv a block of "K battery two or more blocks may be connected in series for use with amplifying tubes which re quire voltag.s of forty or sixty volts or more. The same plate battery mav be j used far both the detector tube an. I the ; amplifier tubes by merely taking a tap : ofl' at the proper point for Jhe detector . r.aTMata ,ul"'- j cT? ' Another type of plate battery is the fS 9m "m" tnrr.i'e rv vflriptv u-lii.-li oinv-'lie eitlier of the lead acid of the alkaline cell type. Tlie storage battery for plate purposes j consists of n -container in which are a sufficient number of small stor-u'c cells to give the. required plate voltage. This type of jdate Lattery has the advantage of -being capable of recharging a feature jnot present in the "D" battery of the dry cell block type. The dry cell plate i battery however, will render good Service i f or from six months to n year or more (dependent upon the time actually in use. Radio Music From Steel Stack. Peoples Tells ' Of First Well Day In 6 Years "It Seemed Like I Had Lost My Health For Good, But Tanlac Went Right After My Trouble," He States. t.:king Tanlac I bad not II .hie in six years," Raid W. . ;-' -2d St., Huntiiigtun, iiie.l like I had lost my health I could neither sleep or eat fa.-'ioii. I wm bndly run . .his, had i:o appetite and had down every mouthful I ate. my food .nured, 1 would till no u.ih gas until I had Intense pains in ' .... .!.... 1 , , ln - ..l.iac.i .in. i ciiesi,. Jl.'lKiaelie al Ii, f..l i Wei a .i. IV,,;, ' V . : . 1 i for good . (with s-.i . i dow I.. i.' i j In i!t . r. . -, )-;. : toel , EXECUTOR'S TOTIQE. Ilaving oualifjed as executor under the last will and testament of the estate of M Harry JShufordK dessased, late of Cm st on County, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having i claims against the estate of sold de-i ceased to exhibit them to the under- i sign.-.! nt Gaslonia, North Carolina, on j or before the i 3rd day of May, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in" bnrj of their recovery. All persons in debted to said estate 'will "please make ; immediate payment. This tjie iird .lay of May, IDJ-'. - ' ' ! A. (i. AJVEkS, Executor. Geo. V. Wilson, Attorney. FJ !'.-.; w. tf -'s: NOTICE OF CHANGES IN ELECTION PVXCINCTS. The ('iiunty Board of Elections of (lasion County does hereby order the fidiowi-ig i har.ges to lie made in voting precincts as hereinafter act out. Bessemer City. Precipe!: That part of Chorryville Township wlii.b has recently ijeen added to Crow -pi pacp Drnirftinro Our New Location' . Corner E. Franklin Ave. and S. Avon Street. 410 PHONES 411 ' ; : STAR jGCERY CO.; inc. We are now prepared serve you better than' ever. ""r m.j..inu.j.Jiui:ii.r.,.i,i'wjira.'j ..iren- wnair-.- wiwm. a i. si mo I a nio I pain ill i 7-C..4. u IL- J -J Cell .evillf f rolic have liinn'i una a r.- of n bad odor which attaches to it . s. where. In the cities its name cirri. -suggestions which would be nauseating here. Locally the initiations and practices are iarg.-ly of the irmn ing kind, sug gestilig those of. the ancient order of Huff.: Iocs, although the principle of getting us much as possible for noth ing hardly commends itself even in a semi-jest to those very girls and boys I who seorn the "soliging type which ' exemplifies it . Jt is what the name an. I the phrases associated with it mean to others which must give local members cause for re flection. The same" thing under a dif ferent name would be far less objec tionable. Don't take any chances of shadows on youthful reputations does any young fellow who '-belongs" want his si.ter to take this chance? If Home Scandal should com.' would it not likely be the most innocent who would bear alder aiKl hip kept me in he time, and I had to force j mys. ir to worn . j '-Ttoila.- went right after my trou bles. On four liottles I gained ten , pounds and the rheumatism and stomach ! trouble soon left me. My wife bus , giv.-n a statement about the good Tuu i la.- did for her, mid I am glad to add my eiidor-ement of this wonderful med icine . . Tanlac is sold by all good druggists. the brunt of -Asheville T lines . Tha Wa:ptTt The wavelengths for -tlie different set ting of tlie condenser may tie marked MATTERSOf BECOflD Real Estate Transfers. The following deeds oe transfer have been hied and recorded in the office of ibgisiei of Deeds II. It. Thompson: .1. It. Newton and wife to Stanley Lai I, four lots in Cherry ville, considera tion .f I. Mill. C. Ii. Craig and wife to B. II. Craig, one lot on Mouth Broad street, Castonia, consideration !f-'!,(MI0. Marriage License. Marriage license lias been issued by Begister of Deeds 11. It. Thompson to Mr. S. M. Wilson and Miss l.eol.-i While, both of Dallas. the How to Banish Piles , " . u.t, i..j j , I near t.reenville, Ala., hurried into the ; .. . i . (open air when thev hean : n band plin th wave length obtained from a chart.!..' . .,,,, , , . , 1 ti.: v. T iu ... e .I "Dixie. 1 hey were unable to locate ini chart shows the values of wave length corresponding to the condenser ettingi in the form of a graph. Figure 1 shoro a wave meter consist ing of a fixed inductance coil, a variable condenser and and a thortnoam meter. This type of wave meter is useful in tuning transmitting stations, the thermo ammetcr 6eing used to show when the wave Bteter is adjusted to the same wave length as the circuit under measurement. Figure 2 shows a wave mi ter consist ing of a fixed inductance coil and a vari able condenser with a hnzzcr and single dry cell for setting up oscillations in the wave meter. This type of wave meter is useful in detertuing the wavelength of m receiving system for a particular ad justment. In determining tlie wavelength of a transmitting station the transmitter is placed -in operation and thp wave meter shown in Figure 1 brought within a few tfeet of the ground lead. The con.len- eer i varied until maximum deflection is noted on the thenuo-ammeter which meam that the wave meter is adjusted tn resonance, i. e., tlie same wave length as the transmitter. The desired wave length is then read from the condenser ecale or from the chart provided for that purpose, ; This method may be employed in tuning cither spark transmitters or continuous wave transmitters and is pre ferable to the audibility method some time used. In determining the wavelength to whieh a receiving system is adjusted the "wave meter shown in Figure 'J is brought close to the ground lead- at a point re mote from the receiving set- itself. With he receiver adjusted to the incoming sig- . rial the busier of the wave meter is .. t into operation and the condenser of the "wave meter varied until the maximum eound from the tw.zer is heard in t he ' telephones,-which indicates that resonance lias heen obtained. The desired wave length i then read from the -hart pro Tided with-the wave meter for that pur pose. " Sadie Signal Received On A Motor Truck. The .special radio concert -broadcasted from Schenectady for the entertainment of the passengers on the Lackawanna train was also heard by the driver of a motor truck. Installed on the truck was a radio phone receiving set which reproduced the music while the truck was 1s-ing driven from a nearby town to the city. the band and if is believed that wireless waves were responsible for the phenome non. The big metal stack supported by guy : wires apparently operated as a complete , receiving set and reproduced the notes i and musical airs or a nearby radio con- I cert. Thousands Bless Dr. Leon hardt, the Physician Who Discovered This Common Sense Remedy. If you think that the surgeon's knife from the nn!v method of esi .-ape is th misery ot piles, it s because you haven t beard of the new traetment known as Dr. Leonhardt's 11 KM HOI I). ! 1 lie Doctor s treatment is internal. j By j-xpcriuient ing for years he diseov ere.l the exact cause of piles and then I went further and compounded a reme evil dy that would remove the cause. "If; Dr. Leoiihar.lt wants every sufferer you . to benefit bv his discovery and so that i should treat him even more nicely then will be no doubting or delay J. I than before.'' (H. Kennedy Drug Co. and all ilrug- "I did. Ma," replied Willie. ' ' lie ! jji-ts are authorized to sell HKM K01D made me." i with guarantee that it will do aH stated lor money back. If its printing or office furniture your! On that honorable basis every suffer troubles are ended when vou call Brum- i er should secure a package of Dr. "A" in "Deportment." "You should return good for Wiliie, " admonished Mrs. Brown, that little tsmith bov struck vou, ley-Walters Printing Co. Leonhardt's II EM-KOI D today. GASTONIAN TODAY POLA NEGRI IN "THE LAST PAYMENT" Also CHARLIE CHAPLIN In His Latest Comedy "PAY DAY" A Laugh From Start to Finish. trove me mad, rheumatism in myi,eis Mountain Township and has here-1 tufore I. en n part of Riser's Precinct, is In re by ordered to be made a part of Hesseni. r City I'rcy4nct, and the North ern boundary of Bessemer City Precinct hereafter will be the line between Cher ry ville and tVowder Mountain Town ships an. I this line shall be Hie Southern boundary of Riser's Precinct. Cherryville Precincts: Chorrvwlle precinct sjiall hereafter be know n a- lierrvvillc Precinct No. 1 and 1 the boundary lines shall remain as here tofore i v-.pt that Northern boundary; shall b I he mam line of the Heabourd Airline Kail way. The voting place for Cherr.vM le No. 1 shall be the city hall as hen -'.more. Cherryville Precinct No. 2 is hereby created. and shall consist of all the t iritory formerly embraced in l'l.erryille Precinct lying North of the Main line of the Seaboard Airline Bail- mad and the snid boundaries shall re main as heretofore except tht the South ern boundary shall be the main line of the .Seaboard Airline Bailroad. The voting pl.i.e in No. - precinct shall be at I'eter ( '. Beam's store on Mountain Street. A new regislration for both pre cincts is hereby ordered. Cansler's Precinct. Cansl.-r's Precinct ia abolished and divided as follows: Beginning nt Thompson's Ford on the Catawba River, thence with a line running in a westerly ilireetion direct to K-indy Ford on Dutch man's ('reek. All that part of Cansler's I'reeinct lying North of this line is herein- made a part of Lucia Precinct, and he voting place in Lucia Precinct will remain as heretoiore, at J . Jt. ivogers More. That, part of Cansler's Precinct lying south of this line is hereby made a part of Mt. Holly Precinct, and the voting place at Mt. Holly will remain the s;imr as heretofore. Ranlo Precinct: Spencer Mountain Frecinct is hereby abolished and a new precinct created to he known ns Ranlo Precinct, and the Killing place in this precinct will be K. L. tStroup'a Store. Said precinct is bounded and described as follows: On the Fast by South Point Township; on the North by Big- Long Creek, the line running in a wester'y direction to the Dallas road; thence with Dallas Road in a Southerly direction to Due-heart Creek; thence East with Due-heart . reek to the South' Point Township line, the point of beginning. A new registra tion for this precinct is hereby ordered. Gastonia Precinct Ko. 2: The boundaries of Gastonia Precinct No. l! shall remain as heretofore except I that the Knjtern. boundary of Oastonia I No. 2 shall be tire old Dallas road. I This the 27th day of April, 1922. By the County Board of Elections of ; Uaston couniy. EM FRY B. DENNY, Chairman. C. E. HUTCHISON. JR. Fr-M12c3. Secretary. THE MOST PROFITABLE HABIT - in the world, is the babit of RAVING MONEY! , The foolish person spends all he receives and faces POVERTY tlie WISE person saves all he ean awl faces PROSPERITY.. ; Form the savings habit today, Our Savings Department accepts deposits largo or small and pays A'0 'Interest? The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. "The Bank of Dependable Service." Not Nowadays. "Wee" Abkem: And what are beef dressers demanding now? Hugh Tellum: Higher wages. Tin y claim that, at the present scale, a man that kills to dress cannot support a wiu that dresses to kill. Wayside Tales. Farmers, Notice! I have recently pur chased the Armstrong herd of registered ABERDEEN-ANGUS cattle. In this herd are five very 'fine bulls which I am go ing to sell at bargain pri ces. Would exchange them for other livestock, feed, or other farm prod ucts. See me if interest ed. R. G. RANKIN, Gastonia, N. C. Try Tim Near Your Phone fur a Westiashouse Fan! Michael & Bivens, Inc. H tun-is r...Jj"-i.:i:-'..- i: t -iv-.'.-ib .'.,t-.-i.,. Or y.iu I r.:.ii ti...s ill-... y.--u.-.--!-. .mm ;-- . :-...: -s-'-i-i- P ;,' , . .. .. . . V' a i: '-". . i-i-y ::i in..:; "S .:!..miii 1 to -.-. .I .. ; .' :: :' -: tr.i.i r'J V'(,ii!! y h ... ... ; -.. . .." I : ; ..f c..' !i ,ii Tctiient 3 ,-,,,.. . , : ,;' '. c-.-i ;-;: r . ;.i ;'J -:, :' C'U.'J ' ': ' J ir, -n;;h i.ii:;. I Co-:!-! ; ' - ' vi;l.Ait 1 1 your fcei !'.:i;y :h ;...:!'.'!-.' h'. IB The Gazette has two phones. Can SO if you want to talk business; call 232 if you want to talk to the news or edi torial departments. si i r We're so :: lh.';t ..-iV-a-liJ. W'iii ii:cr,::is? niiik pro duction ttLt -.ve- wfr.r: i-our vebi-:t trial without risk I-'cj'! Ct-r j--.-!;.: ! '." ' iwk c -v7 fo- 2w.t'uvs. 1 yoa sioa't --'-.c t.-.'-rc iS.ik -. richer :iIHz ih Jin '.:- v, yoj c-..:it Lv.;k. G-t details from BOSHAMER & CO. GASTONIA, fi. C & J v i 1 ytUiLYib'Mtiir) . -i".,. -ss t .. .i Lesson No. 53. THE PLATE BATTERY. A vacuum tube receiving circuit is de pendent tipon the plate battery or "B" liattery' for the supply of energy whb-h actuates the telephone receivers. 7 v.... - mm- Slurm sliaarme csimsh Ths. jilate battery ia connected across Sportwear for Summer If your Shoes are so smart that you know every woman is envying, and every man admiring them; if they are so comfortable that you can walk for hours with perfect cohort, then they are the Shoes far Sum- mer Days. We have everything that's new in Patents with Grey Trimmings, White Canvas with Patent Trimmings; also the White Canvas Ox that we olfer at ..,.$5.00 The same in Strap Pump. . . . "Hose to Match." Howell-Armstrong Shoe Co. TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. j Under and by virtue of the power of , sale in me vested by a certain Deed ofl Trust cxei uted by E. (i. Nantz and wife ) I.illie Nantz on the 17th day of January, ' UI2I. and of record Book ItJi, Page 5, Ollice Register of Deeds, Gaston County,, N. C. to secure n note of even date there- j with of Eighteen Hundred and thirty--ix dollars, and default having been made in the payment of the same though long ' pa-d and after repeated demands, tlie un- j d.-rsigned trustee by request of W. M. , Sain, will sell to the highest bidder at j 'public auction for cash at the Court! Hoiwe Door, Oastonia, North Carolina at Noon on j Saturday, June 10, 1922, j the following described tract of real es-1 . tate, bounded and described as follows: j Known as the Mrs. Clabe trai l of land and being in Dallas Township, Gaston County. X. C fidjoining the lands of i A.idie Stroup, James Stroup and others: Beginning at a stone in old corner and 'funs N. 71 1-4 K. 100 poles to a stone; thence S. 19 E. 64 poles to a stone; I thence S. 40 W. 39 poles to a stone; , then.-e S. 50 E. 7 poles to a stone in the I old line in the Tuckaseegee Road, thence ; 71 W. 30 3-4 poles to a stone in the : south side of said road, .thence N. 81 W. I 17 poles to a stone in said road; thence! 'with said road N. 5T W. 50 poles to -a : stone; thence N. 18 W. 34 poles to the j beginning, containing 43 acres, more oil ! less. Bcinir th tract on vhi,-ti i-a ' situated the dwelling and outbuildings ! ami an improvements. This, the 5th day of May, 1922. KEMP B. NIXON, Fr-M26c4. - Trustee, Carolina Maid Cakes For a Simple Fami ly Meal or the More Elaborate Dinner MILLER'S Pound Cake (Eight Varieties) PLAIN MARBLE ORANGE RAISIN COCOANUT CHOCOLATE MARSHMALLOW CHERRY MILLER'S Carolina Made Package Cake 15c MILLER'S Ice Cream Cake 10c For Sale at AH Leading Grocers MILLER'S BUTTER-NUT BREAD "The Better Bread" is a bread that you will enjoy down to the last crumb. And every member of the family will enjoy it. It has that delightful mflk and butter flavor that makes it a universal favorite. You will never be disappointed in the quality of Butter-Nut Bread, for a loaf of this better bread from each bating is cut and inspected by an offi cer of this company. This means that you are assured of getting a bread that is all that a better bread should he. -, ,-' , BUY ENOUGH SATURDAY TO LAST SUNDAY. Carolina Baking Company (Made in Gastonia.) . - iB . " ' 1 J EA