TnTMTTT- A TTV A TTTT T T SV A mrvilVII'Mr Weather: Fair l UlllA TOHO UMlD 111 1G Local Xsotton 18J-2 Cents -1 VOL. XLM. NO. 115. GASTONIA,' N. C, MONDAY AFTERNOON, MAY 15, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS UNITED STATES HAS BEEN TO NEW ECONOMIC CONFERENCE AT HAGUE OAS' INVITED TO ASK HABEAS CORPUS Soviet Government Confiscates WRITS FOR LABOR ill OF Gold, Silver, Pearls, Diamonds CHICAGO INDICIED ONiFor Benefit Famine Sufferers THE CHARGE OF MURDER Will Force the State, If It! Wishes, to Hold Without Bail For Hanging Verdict Labor Men Are Equpped With Million Dol lar Slush Fund. ; MOSCOW May Ll. Silver by thu j ton, gold by the hundredweight, pearls i by the bushel, and diamonds by the peek, (liniH'd into wooden boxes, jute sacks, pasteboard carton or merelv wrapped in Them parcels, all this treasure hoard awaits opening and sorting at the storehouse for valuables confiscated ly the soviet Gov ernment from the churches unit synana gogues of Russia for the benefit of the famine sufferers. The correspondent of The Associated (By The Associated Tress.) CHICAGO, May 15. Kijflit labor men indicted on murder charges in con nection with Chicago.! labor nyr will have preliminary hearings today before Ki kliam Hcnnlon, chief justice of the criminal courts. Their attorneys have been instructed to ask for habeas corpus writs, thus forcing the state, if it wishes, to hold them without bail, to produce evidence upon which hanging verdicts are to be asked for the "big three" labor lead ers " Big Tim'' Murphy, Con Shea, and Fred Mader. To support their demand for release on bail the labor leaders will be represented by a strong array of legal talent. For this purpose it is alleged by Hen ry Barret Chamberlain, of the Chicago crime commission, the labor men are equipped with a million dollar "slush fund." Police and states attorneys connected with the ease a-sert they have sufficient evidence to warrant continued confine incut of the indicted men without bail. "We have established that those i gainst whom murder indictments hav been lodged actually engaged in a coi. spiracy to commit crimes out of whir killings occurred," Mr. Chamberlain said. "We have three astounding con fessions. " Alleged tactics employed by Fred Ma der in obtaining the presidency of the building trades' council were bared to day by members of that organization who asserted that many members, said to be antagonistic to Milder, were kept away by sluggers from the meeting at which he was elected. Fewer than one third of the members of. the organiza tion were present when Mader was elected, they allege. They have not ta ken part in the council meetings since then, they declare The building strike scheduled by Ma der for next Monday and involving ti."i, 000 men, has unofficially been called off, it is said. The strike ballot was 1o have been knitted to the 3L' allied unions of the city for a referendum vote. The men Were asked to go out on a strike as a protest against the open shop, declared In the 12 trades blacklisted by the citi zens' committee, an nrgu nint ion-t o en force the Landis' wage award, a deris ion handed down by K M . Landis, former Federal judge, then acting as arbiter, which was intended to settle .differences between contraetirs and 'members of the building trades council. None of the unions has voted on the question and leaders asserted yes terday that no vote would be taken un til tiic council had been reorganized and men of clean records put in charge. I'ress was permitted to visit the five story loft building which constitutes the store- ! house, by consent of M. I. Kalcnin, i peasant president of Russia, and head of j all the famine relief Organizations. One floor of the building, about 100 feet long, and 4"i feet widde, is already nearly filled with the articles confiscated i in Moscow alone, these mounting to more j than i)li,ii(Ml ounds of silver, several hun- ; dred pounds of gold and over ten thous- and precious stones, mostly diamonds. Requisitioned articles from the provincial churches lire to ibe stored on the other four'HooTs. Kadi' of the 6-i packages in this big achi m room is sealed and they are stacked in tiers reaching almost to the ceiling. The yiefd from some of the monasteries was too large for a single package, overflow ing into ginaller boxes stacked' beside them. , A rough list of the articles confiscated accompanies each box as it is brought, under heavy guard, to the storehouse, but the exact value only will be known when appraisers open the parcels' and sort their contents. These experts, and also the workmen who will unpack the boxes, are to be stripped of their ordi- i mwy clothing and provided with pocket -i leN suits when tle task of sorting begins. J Motor trucks fairly lirist ling with buy onets of the soldier escorts drive up to I the treasure house all through the day and i night, 'bringing boxes from the churches, j From the outer gates to the roof, the ; 'building swarms with guards. To get I permission to enter it at all, one must i first visit another building where some ! other state treasures are stored, and I where soldiers, even prevent pedestrians from walking on the side of the street on which the building fronts. ENTERS RACE WITH TWO MEN FOR NOMINATION AS MISSISSIPPI'S SENATOR 'Scy. " 0 IF II -"7","-. f J J l"-V."4. - , CHANCE FOR AGREEMENT WITH RUSSIANS DEPENDS ON AMERICAN PARTICIPATION WINSTON-SALEM HIGHS DEFEAT GASTONIA 2-1 Locals Eliminated From Championship Running in Great Game at Davidson Saturday Best Game of Season Many Rooters Ac company Team. All Eyes Are Today Centered on Washington Question of Accepting Invitation Will Be Discussed at Cabinet Meeting Tuesday Ge noa Conference Has Failed to Settle Russian Question. vm iintarv riAVi iruT i - w a a m-r i j v AAA ; ySAVING IN WASHINGTON 1 1 K. M-ir-nall. .Ir. GROUND INSTRUCTOR TO ARRIVE HERE TOMORROW! fHITENER'S FRIENDS GIVE BOND FOR HIS RELEASE Miss Belle Kearney, of Flora, Miss., is a candidate for the Democratic nom ination to the United States Senate to succeed Senator John Sharp Williams. In Mississippi the Democratic nomina tion is equivalent to election. Miss Kearney is the first woman in that state to covet the senatorial toga. She is nationally known for her lectmes on temperance for the W. C. T. U. For mer Senator James K. Vardaman and former Representative Hubeit Stephens are the two men in the tace. I'la.ving t In -i r sixteenth game of t!i" season, the fourth "f the week, with their pep and spirit lagging from hnid travel and work, the Cj"ton;.'i high school base ball team went down in their irt defent id' the season before the Win st i hi Salem lad mi S runt Kiel. I la-t Saturday alter ini'ia. Thus they wire stopped from tak ing Mate honors. Truly, lxith nines fought to the bitter end for the hnliois "j Some Like and Some Don't and Result Is Much Confus ion All Plan to Get Up an Hour Earlier. of lb tally chew i ell, I '.(III!; Vlou ston day, ivhic of L' to 1 is. The lot- filling will ; 1'i.auies tt tile time l.i.rler, issue i i i leally shown by the in favor of tln tobacco als died ii ii their boots everv the ' Ma be" I Bob muscle of their breaking jioint. ' Ford, the Win f; Vim a pass on liss tthel Koacn, an nxperii in this Line. Cominsr to Train Volunteer Wqrkers All ( Organizations Having to Do! With Recreational or Social! Work Among Young People Invited to Send Their Work ers for Instruction. in Meld on Blockading ) Charge Secures Liberty: Through Action of Several! 1 Neighbors Officers Still on Search for Two More Men! in Same Case. i Jim Whitener, the white man who was arrested Friday morning on Kings Monn tain by Deputy (-sheriff Cole nnd a possee i of officers and who was eoinmitted to ! harge of illegally nianiifaetur- ! mg whiskey, was released batnrdav af- ternoon on a bond of $l,(Hio. Whitener 's I name was erroneously give as ''White-! sides'' in (Sat onlay 's (ia.ette. j Bond for Whitener was made by a number of his friends and neighbor! from Western (iaifon and upper York : counties who i.ime to (iastonia (Saturday: afternoon for that purpose. Jt is stated that he on ns eonsi'h mble property. Ic pnly 'ole is still hoping to make further i'oinmunitv 1 ;,rn's,s 111 ""s case. At tlie tune White- ner was siirirised at his still there were two other white men with him but thee Miss Kthel Kondi, a Cotninnnity Sor- ' i-ir-e si leein list .ill fi'i- re-it inn u I n'urk lill ! arrive in the city tomorrow from Akron, i "" 11 Ohio, to spend abonl three weeks hero training volunteer workers for local i playground service. The locjil branch if K'ominiininty Service is asking for a doz ien or more local young ladies to volunteel to give a rertain portion of their work during the summer mouths to supcrvisiou of playground activities and these are to ; be trained by Miss Koach. Thi instruc it ion is given at the expense of I'ommun- it v (Service, Inc., and does not cost thft , i i t v or the local branch of j (Service a nything. ' 'hnivhos or other ore:i niat ions wliieii ' foster playgvoiiiid work for the Hiddrer, ! tl,,,ir ('3r"l'0 or which attempt anything in the way of social diversions for the young folks, sii' h as picnics, etc., are invited to have their own volunteer workers lake ad (By The Associated Press.) vantage of this opportunity, as are all j WAS II I N A iTt ., May 15. Secretary the mills which lone coiniminity workers. 1 Mellon was asked today by licprc-tenta ('oiiimiinitv (Service has secured the si r ' tive Hill, ri publican, Slaryland. to or vices of Miss Katherine McLean to de vote her time duiiny the summer to gen , oral supervision of the playground work here. TRIAL OF IS. SHIELDS FORMURDER DF HUSBAND IS ON Ifl FLORIDA GOUmIS ASKS FOR REMOVAL OF I PROHIBITION COMMISSIONER YORK OFFICERS WANT iRO WHO KILLED JIT SHARON LAST NIGHT Harry Miller Believed to Have Come to Gastonia this Morning Police Officers oh Hunt for Him Has a Bro-; ther Here. Chief of l'olice Adderbohlt received a t phone message from the (Sheriff of, York j county, (South Carolina, this morning re questing him to arrest one Harry Miller, a negro, who was supposed to be a pas senger on northbound ". & N.-W. train. One here at 0:lo a. in. When the message was received however, the train vras standing at the station and Miller, if he came to Gastonia, had already had i an opportunity to get away. According to the information from the j York county officer Miller killed another i negro nt Sharon last night and wounded another person. It wiis known that he t was on the train and local officers are of ' the opinion that he got off at the Frank- i lin avenue crossing. He is said' to have'1 a 'brother, George Miller, living here and ! all efforts will 1e made by the local police department to secure his arrest if: ho is in the tity. ! HARDING TALKS TO SEN SMOOT ABOUT THE BONUS ( My The Associated Press.) WASHINGTON, May 1."). President Hai'ling. back in Washington after a weekend trip to New .Jersey, plunged into consideration of the soldier Ikuuis matter and early in the day had a lengthy conference with (Senator iSmoot, of I'tah, republican mein'ber of the (Senate Finance l.'onmiit tee. (Senator (Sinoot laid before the Presi dent his plan for issuance of paid up in surance as a substitute for the cortifi cale feature of the bonus bill as passed by the House and informally approved by the (Senate Finance Committee majority The I'tah (Senator also presented to Mr. Harding an alternative plan for cash payment of the bonus, the funds to be raised by a sales tax. The (senator, on leaving the der the removal from office of Prohibi ;tioii ( 'ouiniissioiier Hnynes or whoever eb'c in his office was responsible for a I rorel't press bulletin which Ir. Hill de clares constituted ''official approval of 'the application of lynch law to the sup pression of 1 i in r violations." In a letter to the Secretary asking that this action be taken Mr. Hill in 'closed a copy of the bulletin issued to newspapers in which it was stated that Judge A. .1. Ciirran, of Pittsburgh. ' K is . had said to a man who pleaded ! guilty of violation of the liquor law I that "if any more violations are re i ported in v our home I will order the i house burned . ' ' I ( 'oiinnciit i ng on this notice by the court, the statement from the prohibi ! tion bureau as reported by Mr. Hill mentioned it to show that some judges , "are resorting to stern measures in I their effort to stamp out bootlegging, j "The above utterance from the pro jhibitiou commissioner, made by him per Isonally or on his behalf and under his h e iponsihilif v, " Pcpresentative Hill i wrote, "constitutes an official approval Whitn I (,f the application of lynch law to the Presi- suppression of liquor violations. (Such Arrested Through Information Furnished by Ku Klux Klan Shields Was Killed as Re- suit of Plot to Realize on His Life Insurance. (By The Associated Press.) DKLA.NI, F'in., Mav I". --I)i-eoerv at the last moment that an impoilan! witness had left the state and would not return until fail, resumed in the, state's nttoriHA making motion that trial of Mrs. Alice Shields, charged i with the murder of h husband, Wil limn A. Shields, near IMnud. the night of Februarv ii, be continued until the fall term. Counsel for the defense protested and asked for immediate trial. Judge Per kins heard argument on ',' mot ion. A venire of 7 was suiemoned and 1 balls t,, the last v-cond win n 'Johnnie''! Moid made the t wenty sevent h out. Coach j A: inst and his prodigies did all in their power to bring back the opposi- lion's s, alps, but all their efforts were I in vain. Winston's Mushy u lit lie b 1 was too much for the t.astonia hitters. Then1 to.., their hitters waie on the .job mid steppeel into "lke" liigger's offerings for live s.ifties, which earned them tlm; lini necessary runs. V, otiui; liigger's did all III his power to slop the lads from the Forsyth counU, but the latter must have been gindduates from the 'State Hitting Institute.'' The game was one of the fastest exhibitions of high scbool baseball ever witnessed on Sprunt Field. Hundreds of rooters from Has tonia accompanied the team to l'avid- sOll. Added to this, the game was the iair est and sipian st of any of the series. It was full of brilliant plays on the part of l.ot'i nines. Freshmen playing along -i'te sen ins played a star brand of baN, uhi h went to show that loth eiiaclii s IBs The AsociaTeo" Treu.) WASHINGTON. May lo. Condemn ed by some, commended' by others and generally bract with a roniise of confu sion, Washington today began an experi ment in voluntary daylight saving. The hands of the dis k remained un changed, but under a request-order issued by President Harding with approval of his cabinet, a large proportion of thu ' activities of the executive branch of the ' government got under way an hour ear- ! liser and most of the commercial estab ' lishmeuts of the city opened their doors! and called their emp'oyi s to work an hour! ahead of the regular srhrdule. I Congress, on the other hand, holding j in its memory the storm stirred up in ! some quarters by its enactment of a day light .saving law serveral years ago, has I refused to have anything to do with thd new plan ami will meet and adjourn as 'usual. The Supreme Court has met tit high noon i)y the do. k since its history beg.' nd also will decline to follow tin- executive department. All portions of executive departments j were not united on the plan, two of tlu i bureaus employing the largest number of I workers - the bureau of printing and engraving ,u, the government printing 'otlice standing by the regular selied ule, which calls for the beginning of work at eight o'clock. This hour is the same at which clerks of the departments ! (By The Associated Proai.) j WASHINGTON, May 15. i A communication from Ameri can Ambassador Child report ! ing that the United States Gov 1 ernmcnt had been invited to i participate in the newly plan ! ned economic conference at 1 the Hague was received today i at the State Department, but omciais indicated mat no im mediate decision regarding it would be reached. Until the had an opportuni ty to study the proposal in de tail, officials would make no comment regarding it. The general impression given by them was that the question probably would be discussed at tomorrow's Cabinet meeting and that some action might follow. At the State pains were taken invitation was a otlicials declaring gov but ing the plan until t Department particular to emphasize that the complete surprise here, that the Washington rumen! not only had not suggested it was completely uninformed regard- lay. companies s ing all work. M'k 'ii of ab- ting prose res the Should .Fidgi tiniianci', Mrs leased on bail murder in lirst lectiug a jury a nee of witnesse' n sudden rhauge it ion . Peikins : .Shields en as she is , degree. ' idv begun lis, oveled. it' plans of harg-d ' IV with d tln ir prodigies th I iastonia oaths won iart of the third scene I the ad. when he s misciie of his hot i d . . mid on I ' n Icrw oo.l '. ly to Long at ;,,st. (, ng fur the second oil plaving bis last high -he day's hitting hoieo one of Ford fast o How scaring Spa i row lotle rilll. ston kept the tin I In i r i n 't ia I tally inning, the fourth, iialld le i iV ce 's i';i-y o so t lie fornn r arrived sa'k to stay for a whil i'. .tov.-e on a sain: iiad dr The their i 1 start.' Joyce took ' I 'oilUe to l.e Falls, took ! n.-i iled t rillle t .alia ' W.i 'in. uough'.y. d first in (sparrow beat out ler t o short , easy out, -II II popped 'a plain .hool (:ilii.'. i when la' operating under the new plan will relent 1 to work ami street car great difficulty in handl at one time. Suburban traiiw have Imvii arranged so as to meet the new schedule but other trains, of course, will run as usual. Then tors will hold to the id, I schedule. The Ian was hailed with general saris faction when announced but as consider,'! tion of it developed there rose a storm of crit icism. EXPRESS MESSENGER ROUTS TRAIN BANDITS II w fo for 1." I F1.A I , Fin.. M of a .jury to try Mrs Ab, charged with the murder band, William A. Shields Moline, Ills., near Deland. February li, last was be- V olusia county circuit Mrs. Shields wiis arrest, suit of information iuriiil.. K shi. Ids, lef hlis 1 1 lit i nier v night today 1 th. horiHes by S.ii, Ids ; an aiiloito near here killed. M the Kit Kluv in I his wife Wi bile to their when Shiei.l s. Shields v1; v a ll la d. S.'lpp hen' out -i , cuid. Ford, next t i lefttieid. scoring dew a wa IK back to the third out. The fifth, sixth -aw some airtight loistonia inlicld pi play. Falls I , ( Irim Wins! on w i tin : it; ightli. Collltellv ! win!.-, in th Digger c ler 1 1 1 , i i k i the k Stall 'of folio it a m Up. to Joy e the wat. get w ing otlldll 't nougli. I'vstone lev ad r fan- Falls at safe one Watkins Single Handed He Puts to Flight Gang of Ten Bandits on Golden Gate Limited. f By The Associated Press.) Tl ( SOX. Ariz., May Hi. With two ,,a well .I rected bullets, express messenger i of II. Stewart today frustrated a spectac- u la r attempt hy rigid masked bandits to lob Chicago, liock Island and Pacific train, Nt o. House, declined to say whether the dent, who plans soon to send his views statements emanating from the officials in written form to Finance Coinmittei. of the Treasury Department of the I'ni Senators, expressed his views on the 'ted States constitute a direct instiga pioposals as outlined. Senator 8moot I tion to the spread of lynch law. The laid he would offer his insurance plan as t statement attributed to Prohibition .... u :. a suosiiTUTe lor me ceruncaie proposal "'t sntuiirr iiavnes is iit uinti ... j.i,,. and then if it failed lie would propose ' o. ative of lynch law, v. hi , , . . . ..c ... I......I i .. i-et'uiar cash bonus i" oe raiscu nv mi- ,A1'" " s"1 no.. . i ongress i therelon was lind upon at the roadside i ar to ri uiov highway She taken to a 1 shock . Pet, hv sum lii he si all obsli : was uimk tospital position of a sales tax. COTTON MARKET CLOSING BIDS ON NEW '' YORK COTTON MARKET I (By The Awoeiatea Krew.) ! NFW YORK, May 15. Cotton fu tures closed strong. May L'o.OT; July j L'0. to, October 20.. In, December 20.40, I January 20.25, March 20. Hi, Spots !21.2o ll is the Use a member of request an iinmc diate investigation of this matter and the removal from office of Prohibition Commissioner Hayues or whoever els,, is responsible for the publication." a mis home : linexpli sie of Smitii, a lit when double I, .led shell t hose rr ofi ! . irret - LADY AST0R SPEAKS TO CHICAGO WOMEN TONIGHT CRv The Associated Press.') tmU'Ktm Mnv !. l.mlir Vn,,,,. i market opened firm Kmitt Vnirlnti.Cu 1'irst u-fimail nilnliov of i to Jl TKlilltS Oil i'arliament, prepared for an active jiro- i, STRIKING OPERATIVES ARE j WILLING TO ARBITRATE I (By The Associated Prcsv i LAWBKXCK, MASS., May la. M' . 1'nited Textile Workers of Anierha '." j day announeed that the operatives on (strike in Lawrence cotton nulls tor tic past two months, "are desirous of p o ing their case before anv body of tair NEW YORK, May 15. The cotton "'n ana women. at an advance or 1 i conceal notniug. reports of renew ed 1 statement issued hy Organizer J. I' showers in the southwest, higher Liver , uorman, gam, aildinu on the otht r n a" i vl i- ' . Z inool cables favorable Manchester trade It lie manufacturers hod aloof and t ; ' Rram tclay. after spendn.g a quiet bun- H a reig n exchange rates, jto win by other tactics because thev renl and reports of foreign trade buying. , izn ir an exposure or an honest niv. There was considerable profit taking j gation took place there would be n" ami probably some local sidling which j chance of imposing a wage i nt. " held the advance in check at the start. I There are about I.OOtJ pickets near but as. soon as it was absorbed, July . lower Pacific mill gates todnv and of sold up to 19.8:1. and October to 1 S. 77, j ficcrs ami overseer were 'booed as they or about 35 to 39 points uet higher on i went to work, the general list, with the new crop j months inakinir new hieh records. There dav here. Three events were calculated to occupy most of her time luncheon at whiesi Chicago women's organizations will be represented, a public gathering in the af ternoon and dinner in the evening. Lady Astor will deliver her only address in Chicago at the afternoon meeting be fore tho Illinois League f Women Vo tew. (Lad Asto, w.tti In . bus!,;, n I, Vi? eoun Astor, will l-9 tnfTr' for fforoatc which . .,'.". Mr. Shields. Mis. SI i t he negro with the kill that he had attacked h. i .jury, upon refusal of ti. mit her to testify aga ported it had no evnic indict meiit and be was , Mis. Smitii was in. n. in the first degree, th" ing that she had conns, abetted an unideiititie.l her husband. The anile vioiis'y announced tiny v on the theory that shi as a result of a plot to life insurance. The arrest of the woin: about when tin; as-istae; receiving a lette: of 1 lives' igau a and declaring i! the blent iy of the Is lie must nicer I in Orlando; lie : Hid was piloted bv ed man to St. Cloud, shields had gone after th 'attorney questioned statements conflicting and .and :.!ed the the V. a s .th one 'suit the d. a th of ha i ge.l 1 a. I. led c graiul ' i per- il'h. re v a I l a lit up. rd. r .. . haig- and slay pre .-.eding - kil'ed on his I I single. Long fo did likewise with lield. I!at. hiord. second, hit Long ball bounded the crossed the plate for t 'e Ford and Piugi r !"'' ' iugly good 1 i.i 1 1 with le the (iast 'ilia batters a' three errors marked ' of .these, will. I, v.. r tire Is pin vers (da.v . t r. at first for ,:..t. .- human in his ;i . : i . ', - center for ia-' " bing the oppi -s ' hits. S'-ore by inn .. - ' W.Snlem .... iastonia . . P.atterirs : i : ' : S I nderwoo.l. tiray, hav i i- GAST0NI A HP. lis and "iveiith frames held work with the 'ling a "nappy double to .lellKllls. run came in the i. he. I I Jigger f r a unci suit and Jo.vce mg niiiL'le into center in pegging to Falls at . ,t Ii 1 he sphere and t he Held the (iol, len Stato Limited bin ki t for ; bound from Chicago to Los Angeles. Stewart killed one of the robbers, ap parently wounded a second and routed the band empty handed. Passengers were not molesled in the holdup, which was staged at 1:1(1 a. m.. in an isolated spot near James, a Hag station eight miles west of Tucson. The slain bandit recognized by Sherift MeOaniel as that of a Tucson poolroom habitue. Tie man wore rub ber gloves. lieside 'he body whs found a sack of dynamite with which the ban- j I he e.unniuuication from Ambassador . Oiihl was said to lie only an advance ifoimmary of the oflieial text of the invita tion. It duns understood that various. 1 details regarding the circumstances which : ledup to the move were still to come, and i that the department would take no Btcp until it was fully advised. In their references to the Hague 'con ference otlicials would not in.licnfn in what degree thev considered the case ana logous to the licuoa negotiations', into which the Failed States refused to en ter. It n:i assumed that President Harding and his advisers would adopt a Minii l.-i r policy of nun participation should the new conference appear to be merely. a ifpio.liii tion of that at Genoa. On ifho other hand, in format ion received here' In press dispatches has indicated that 'a stipulation expressly excluding the Uni ted States from any of the effoetn of de cisions reached at The Hague might bo included in the invitntioii in such a, way as to change the basis of the whole prob lem. Throughout the (!enou conference the American ( ioveriitnent ins emphasized through Ambassador -,jld that the Uni ted States would not be bound by the de cisions reached there. Whether Th Hague invitation, when its full text is re- lived, will embody that stipulation ill such definite form as to meet the viewi the Administration, is a question up which no official will make n turn on the basis of the information at hand. CLNOA. May 15. Prime Minister Lloyd ib'orgc announced this afternoon that he had handed to Richard Washburn ( Child, the American Ambassador, last evening a copy of the proposal for the . commission to sit at The Hague to dis cuss Russian affairs. He said this had been done s. that the t j would be ful'y advised in . cepts. mted Mates ase Russia ac- 'onnelly inning run. .itched exceed "o :iner keeping nieriv. Only ;aine. Outside . 'v. the en , Jenkins, .Jn ist super Wakiiis in . st iff iii rob. . ral would-be R H F. " -' 5 I "i 1 :; 2 Higger a"d o'veld and tlits evidently intend. -I to blow strong boxes in the mail and baggage cars. A red fuse, a railroad stop signal, was used to ha!' the limited. Three masked men boa i '1' i the engine and a fourth stood gnai I ov.-r the passenger coaches. With r. volvers levelled, thev I a tramp th.y discovered riding 'blind baggage" to assist them in ipghng the load and express cars, engineer, oii.ving orders of (he e-l the cars about to a point when n. u were waiting CHAMPIONSHIP RECORD at'.-r nut tee Kb.!..' kilo" of Shi a bote t ions were numerous wires reporting rain or huwiM in Texas, which led to reitera ted predictions of low enH Miiv TOBAlf'S COTTON MMET Strict to Good Middling I !'! l-ao - r.-s4 i ... 4 t . i ...... . n was brought" attorney, -,g' . .! ' ' Ciuii K 11 Klux : ,e wanted to ' i' a 1 slaj c ' ' ; ni.'ssenger in 1 .we. I jnstruc an unideiitifi-1 where Mrs, ) funeral , The her and finding her ! with her previous' story obtained a warrant for lier ar re,t . Mrs. Shields attempted suicide5 in her cell several weeks ago. according! to the sheriff, taking a large quantity; nt a drug prescribed in smalt doses fori TTCI v nimiH airj 7IS 111 .If.ioo for sio'H'-mI, Ar , senous eu. May 1. A: M- Adenville: Gastonia 0; Mt. Holly 4. (Later forfeited, l to 0). May 5. At Ktngj Mountain: Gastonia Shfibv 3. (12 innings: Called darkness). May 8. At Xing;, Mountain: Gastonia :o; Shelby 5. May l. At Davidson: Gaston.a ; Hickory l. Mav 15: At Davidson: Gastonia l; Winston 2. Total points: Gastonia 19; Opponents 11. ton the llllc The ariiu-.l trio, no en i a r leugt lis other masked aut Olllllbi le . When Conductor Madigan looki of tin vestibule of a passenger to a certain what had occurred, a her nt the bandit gang opened Meanwhile Stewart, the express si ng' I. had thrown upeii the door of the baggage cars. When Stewart saw that Madigan was in danger, he killed with one shot the bandit who had fired at the conductor. Stewart then wheeled and sent another bullet at four robbers who advancing on the baggage and mail cars. One appaieiitly hit stagger ed and shouted to his comrades. Then all seven turned and scurried to two . ut oinobiles and sped west. BEGINS JUNE 15. GF.N0A, May 15 The poltical sub commission of the economic conference today unanimously approved of the agreement reached yesterday maong the convening powois to hold another meet ing at The Hague beginning June 15 to fuither examine the Russian situation. II tloz f on r ill an d out ennch mem tire. Ilies- -Wlmt the Genoa to do solve tho is hoied to ac- meetmg if the THE WEATHER STATE COLLEGE PROFESSORS TO DEBATE EVOLUTION UALKliiH. X. C. May 15. Dr. W. P.. Wells, head of the Botany depart ment of State College, today said that the six faculty members of that institu tion who attacked the statement of Rev. :J. C. Massee, of Tremout Temple Bap tist church, Hoston. that believers in ; evolution could not Ik' Christians, will ne I. i:oA. May n. . oi.f. .'. nee h.i. failed l.'ll- si ,11 .plestion -it complish at a in it her I lilted States will partic iluite. A fur. invitation to the new conference to be held at The Hague, was handed to the American Ambassador, Kichard Washburn Child, lust night, and today : 11 eves were on Washington, for upon 'he iiiestion of American participation Hie chain-.' for an agreement with the Klissuiiis is believed to dccnd. All the powers noiv represented here will be asked to send delegailca to The Hague meeting, the date for which ia tentatively set at June 15. Other de tails lor the gathering an- unsettled, but at the suggestion of Prime Minis ter Lloyd lieorge, of Great Britain, a noli aggression trine for four months, or until the new conference, ends its la bors, has liren approved informally. Tin" sub commission on Russian affairs nut today to vote on this and the other ; features of the plan arrived at in the' private conversations participated ia by Mr .Lloyd (ieorge and the other rep-t i reseiitatives of the five inviting powers. i In as much as the Russian question was the main topic up for settlement j at Genoa, the failure df the present 1 negotiations will bring the conference to a quick cud, and adjournment prob- bef ore tee end of cept tin- challenge issued last night byfablv will be taken North Carolina, generally fair tonight j Dr. V. P. liihy. pastor of tho First! the present eek. 'and Tuesdav. w rnie i" nrnpera-; mviirt v iiun-n or Jiiuneapoiis, to oe-j The Hague eoiitvrenee wom.i eon.s j tr, '. tee iibjivt t? e'ol'jtiiis, . '- " 1 A ?2 V?Z "1

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