t-Ace two S PORTS STANDING OF CLUBS SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE. Gub Won Lost Pet .61)6 .ma ..VI : .4.") .:!.-)7 .:i20 Columbia ..... Charleston ... Cbarlotte Upertanborr. ... Greearill .... August 14 16 12 11 10 8 7 7 10 13 18 17 PIEDMONT LEAGUE. Club Won Tligh Point S "VVinston-Siilem Danville 9 RaWijh 9 XHirham 7 Greensboro C Lost Pet ft .."71 7 ..V!:i .S .529 s .529 10 .-112 9 .4(H) AMERICAN LEAGUE. dub Won Lost Pe Xew York 2.1 12 .057 St. uia 20 ;t .!( l'LiWelphia Ifi 15 .516 Detroit 15 17 .4(i9 Boston ...... 1-1 15 .404 Cleveland 15 18 .455 Washington 15 19 .441; Chicago ...... 12 2(1 ..'175 NATIONAL LEAGUE. Club ? Won Lost Ti t , New York fit lo .fi(i7 St. LouU .., 19 i:i .594 I Pittsburgh , 15 12, .571 Chicago r li 14 .5.1:1 Cincinnati Ifi IS .471 Brooklyn 1-". is .419 Philadelphia 11 lii .4(17 Boston 9 19 .:i21 SOUTHERN LEAGUE. Club Won Lost Pet .6.12 .018 .571 .541 .514 .417 .410 .;i53 Mobile ....... Birmingham Little Rock ... New Orleans . . 24 21 20 20 19 14 It 15 17 IS 21 2'! Memphis Nashville 15 Chattanooga . l(i Atlanta 12 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS r ' ' American. Washington 8; Chicago 1. New York 6; St. Louis 3. Others not scheduled. National. New York 1 ; Cincinnati 5. Chicago 4; Brooklyn 8. tit. Louis 3; Boston 4. International. Jersey City 2-8; Heading 5 0. Rochester 2; Jfyrarus 4. Newark 2-0; Baltimore 5-2. Buffalo-Toronto, rain. Southern.; ' " Chattanooga 4; Birmingham ' 'Memphis 2; Atlanta 4. Nashville 7 New Orleans 3. .V TODAY'S GAMES t South Atlantic League. Charlotte at Columbia. Augnsta, at Greenville. Charleston at Spartanburg. Piedmont ' "Winston-Salem at Grconeboro (two games,) Raleigh at Danville, (two games.) High Point at Durham. American League. Chicago at Washington. Detroit at Philadelphia. St. Louis at New York. Cleveland et Boston. National League. Boston at St. Louis. I Brooklyn at Chicago. New York at Cincinnati. Philadelphia at Pittwburgh. SUNNYSIDE NEWS. (Correspondenee of The Daily dinette.) BESSEMER CITY, Route One. May 19. Miss Vera Robinson, of Belmont, is spending several days this week with jMifwes Eva and Kflthryn llager. Mr. and Mrs. 8. B. Hovis nn.l little son, John, of Bessemer City, spent Tues . day with Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hnvis. Mr. Dewey Kiser spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Joel W. Wright, of (Tierry ville. Mr. and Mrs. Mike iTarmon, of Salis fnry spent a few days last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mm. D. II. Harmon. Mr, and Mrs. T. CM Boris and chil dren spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. T. 8. Koygter. Mrs. fi. Tj. Kiser had as her guest fiunday, Mr. and Mrs. O. G. Kiser of Hessemer City. Mrs. S. H. Fan-is and ehildren, Marie and Cline and Mr. and Mrs. Fred R. Lovelaee, Sr. Mist Ada Neal. spent lHst week-end ith her sister. Mrs. Bolert Littlejohn of Bessemer City. Mr. and Mrs. Claude P. novis and Hons, Craig and Glenn, spent Wednesday - of last week with Mr. Hovis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Noak Stroupe, of Fair view, . Mr. and Mrs. Boyd, of Charlotte peat the week-end here with Mrs. Boyd 's sister, Mrs. T. M. Hovis. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lovelace and Misses Ferra and Florence Kiser spent Wednesday in Gastonia shopping. Miss "Lorena Farris gpefft Sunday with Miss Mary Marlow. " Mr. Lizzie Faysenr and daughter, Fannie of Lineolnton are the guests this week of. Mrs. Payseur's brother, Mr. C P. Hovis. Mr. 8. L. Kiser, was a business rial tor in Gastoni Tuesday. An the De Luxe blank sheets can be famished yon by Bromley-Walters Print ing Co. Rf member i:L HOW youR consciEriCEwouLaeoTHtg, i AUI- , li l IT 114 'l.'JMiMt5tFKt97ZTCi? I I -; AHefc. Ill I I 1 I I BELMONT BUDGET ' ZT (By Mrs. Adelaide Smith Beard.) )fiW$27 Mr. Carpenter, of Gastonia, to Ad dress Belmont Masons MonJjy Nijht. Mr. John 0. Carpenter, of Gnstonin, candidate for eolicitor for this district, will miike An address before the Ma sonic lodge of Belmont at the lodge hall at 8 o'clock on Monday night. Mr. CarjH'iiter is a very interesting and en tertaining speaker and a full iiiemhi r ship of the lodge is expected to iu-nr his address. Funeral of Byron Cox. The funeral services over the remains of Little Myron Cox were held at the Presbyterian church Thursday morning at 11 o clock. The services were con ducted by Rev. J. T. Bendy, who took as the subject of his talk the nto ry of the Klmiminite woman and Kli slia, making a beautiful talk on this subject . A. large number of people were pres ent, many out, of town relatives and friends being in attendance. The commitment service was held fit the Belmont cemetery, where the Utile lxy was laid to rest by the side of bis father. The little mound was covered by a mass of flowers, the offerings be ing especially lovely. ABANDONED MINISTRY AFTER RETURNING FROM WAR CHARLESTON, W. VA., May 20. Fifty-four candidates for the ministry abandoned this vocation after returning from the World War, nccording to the report' of the Executive Committee of hrifitinn Education nnd Ministerial Re lief to the Southern Presbyterian Gener al Assembly here. The committee added, however, that it has been in communien. tion during the last year with 505 young men who have decided to enter the minis try. The report stated that whereas for forty-four years the proportion of candi dates for the ministry to the 'membership of the church was one candidate to each 609 members, the ratio last year was onn to 1,117 members. The committee reported receipts for its general funds for educational and minis terial relief last year of ifLW.flss or .56, 894 over the amount received the previ ous year. Total receipts for all causes amounted to $380,165, whi.-h with the balance from the year before made the total amount handled during 1,090,252. the yea I LUSITANIA CARRIED VERY LITTLE GOLD Third Officer on 111 Fated . Her Special Room Was 'Empty. Liner Says Practically LONDON", May 21 .The hopes of valuable treasure being recovered from the Liisitania, plans for salvaging which have been announced both in the T'nit ed States and England, are too optimis tic in their estimate of what the liner holds, according to A. A. Bcstie, who was third officer on board when the ves sel was torpedoed. Discussing Ihf possibilities of salvag ing in an interview, Mr. Bestie ex pressed the conviction that the action of the toredo ami the way the giant ! ship went down make it almost certain ! that by this time tliere is not enough i of her left to bring up as a whole. j THAT DULL ACHING Don't worn- and complain about a bad back. Get rid of it! For weak kidneys, lame anil nch.v backs, your neighbors recommend Do.m's Kidney Pills. Ask vnur neighbor! Mrs. M. II. Barber, 517 W. Main St., Hastonia. gave the following ftate menf May 2. 15HS: "I was taken with an attack of kidney trouble a?id there was a dull, aggravating ache across my back. Sharp twinges caught me when I bent and at times black specks came before my eyes and I became so dizzy I could hardly stand. My head ached a good deal anil I was so nervous 1 would almost fall. Mornings I was lame and sore and felt mor tired than when I went to bed. My kidneys didn't act right and one of my friends recommended Doan 's Kidnev Pills. Dofin ' ,-orAfl tiki nt!rlr M ! On January 17, 122, Mrs. Barlr added: "Dam s Kidney Pills cured me of kidney trouble and I have had no return of it. I cannot say too much in praise of Doan's." 60e, at all dealers. Foster-Milbnrn Co., Mfrs., CuITalo, X. Y. S The Special 6-55 Sport-Touring A patrician motor car with every appoint ment found in the finest automobile. It is finished in dark Buick maroon with wheels to match which with the beautiful trim ming, binding and finish give this special model its tailored appearance. Nominally four passengers are accommodated in the roomy body but five can ride. Additional Equipment Khaki top and adjustable sun shade; windshield wiper; mir roscope; glass covered instru ments; gasoline gauge on dash; clock; cigar lighter; handsome nickel-bound luggage trunk mounted on permanent base; Buick design drum-type head and cowl lamp;frontsnubbers; carpets in both front and rear GASTONIA BUICK COMPANY GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them rtrTi.t:::;J J 1 .; , 'rTI i I 1 ri i m if .JM. RilA.lt ' " ruoH plan q h.7-3ct ; ye are erecting this Minter Home on Harvey Avenue. It is open to your inspection. We suggest that you examine the material. Watch the process of erection and ask any questions that you desire to. If interested in building a home go and look it over. R. S. DICKSON & CO. REAL ESTATE 119 ' Main Avenue $1783 F.O.B. Factory compartments; walnut fl tear ing wheel; heavily nickeled radiator, step plates, guard rails and all other fittings; Tuarc steel wheels built, to Buick specifications are op tional equipment at on added cost of $50.00 if installed at the factory; extra tires or tire covers not included. CIM1 vr DEPARTMENT Phone 750 AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORISE THE ISSUANCE OF $10,000.00 - OF BONDS OF THE TOWN OF BES SEMER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF ERECTING -A MUNICIPAL BUILDING, Be it ordained by tbe Board of Town Commissioners of the'Town of Bessemer (Sty in Gaston County, North Carolina, as follows: ' . Section 1. . Pursuant .to " Tbe Muni cipal Finance At, 1021" of North Carolina, bonds of the Town of Besse mer City are hereby authorixed to be issued in the aggregate principal amount of not exceeding 10,000,. fojf the purpose : of the erection ana equipment bf a muni cipal building for said Town of Bessemer City, "and at the expense of the Town iut large. : hM-ction 2. Tlmt n ta; sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds chilli be annually levied and col lcrte.1. , J' section '). That the. following;, mat teis arc hereby detormined and doclar er. lmrsnaiit to tit reouirements uf Hertion and Section 204:1 of said "The Municipal Finance Act 1921 "i (a). The probable period "t)f useful ness of the improvement for which said bonds are to be iBsued, is thirty years, computed from October 1, 1922. (b). A sworn statement of the debt of the Town of BPssemer City has been made and filed with the Clerk to the Board of Town Commissioners .of the Town of Bessemer City (who is also Clerk of said Town -within the meaning of said " The .Municipal Finance Act, 1921 "j and is open to public inspec tion. (c). The assessed valuation of prop erty subject to taxation by the Town of Bessemer City, as last fixed for mu nicipal taxation, as shown by said state ment, is 411,830,558.00. (di. The amount of the net debt Tt the Town of Bessemer City, outstand ind, authorized nnd to be authorized, as shown by said statement, is 122,000.00. (e). All expenses to be defrayed by means of the bonds hereby authorized, are necessary expenses of the Town of Bessemer City within the meaning of Section 7 of Article VII of the Consti tution of North Carolina. iv'ctinn 4. This ordinance shall be published once in each of two Htieccs sive weeks after its final passage, In The (iastonia Gazette which is a news pnpor published in Gaston County and lias a circulation in the Town of Besse mer City, great orphan that of any oth er newspnper published in said County, and there being no newspaper publish ed in the Town of Bessemer City. This nrdinajice shall also be posted at the door of the building in which the Board of Town Commissioners usually holds its meetings nnd at three other public places in the Town of Bensemer City. The Clerk to the Board of Town Commissioners slinll cause this ordinance to bq published and posted as aforesaid. Section 5e This ordinance shall take effect thirty days after its first publica tion, unless, in the meantime, a petition for its submission to the voters is filed under tiie Municipal Finance Act, 1921. and in such event it shall tako effect when approved by the voters at an elec tionns provided in said Act. The foregoing ordinance wn-s passed on Ihe 27th day of February. 1922, and was first published on the 15th dov of May, 1922. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said ordinance in it bn commenced within thirty days af ter its first publication. M. L. BIIYNE, Clerk. M -22c2. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF $8,000.00 OF BONDS OF THE TOWN OF BES SEMER CITY. NORTH CAROLINA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF EXTEND ING THE WATER SYSTEM OF SAID TOWN. Be it ordained by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Bessemer (Sty in Gaston County, North Carolina, as follows: Section 1. Pursuant to "The Muni cipal Finance Act, 1921" of North Carolina, bonds of the Town of Besse mer City are hereby authorized to he leaned in the aggregate principal amount of not exceeding $S,000, for the purpose of extending the water supply system of said Town. Section 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the jirincipnl and interest of said bonds shall lie annually levied and col lected. Section That the' following mat ters are hereby determined and declar er, pursuant to the requirements of Seetion 2942 and Section 294.1 of said "The Municipal Finance Act, 1921": (a) . The probable period of useful ness of the improvement for which said bonds are to be issued, is forty years, computed from October 1. 1922. (b) . A sworn statement of the debt of the Town of Bessemer City has been made and filed with the Clerk to the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Bessemer City (who is also Clerk of said Town within the meaning of snid "The Municinnl Finance Act, 1921' ) and is open to public inspec tion. (cj. 1 no assesse.i valuation of prop erty subject to taxation by the Town of tfessemer Juy, as last nxed for mu nicipal taxation, as shown by said state ment, is $1,830,558.00. (d). The amount of the net debt of the Town of Bessemer City, ontstand- nd. authorized and to be authorized, as shown by said statement, is 1122.000.00. (e). All expenses to be defrayed by nians of the bonds hereby authorized. are necessary expenses of the Town of Bessemer City within the meaning of Section 7 of Article VII of the Consti tution of North Carolina. Section 4. This ordinance shall be published once in each of two succcs sive weeks after its final passage, in The Gastonia Gazette which is a news paper published in Gaston County anil has a circulation in the Town of Besse mer City, greater than that of any oth er newspaper published in said County, and ,there being no newspaper publish ed in the Town of Bessemer City. This brdinance ehall also be posted at the I door of the building m which the Board of Town Commissioners nsuallv holds its meetinps'and t three other public places n the Tnwn of Bessemer City. The Clerk to the Board or Town Commissioners shall cause this ordinance to be published and posted as aforesaid. Section 5." This ordinance shall take effect, thirty days after its first publica tion, nnlesa, in tne meantime, a petition for itj submission to the voters ia' filed under th Municipal Finance Act, 1921, and ia such event it a hail take effect whan approved by tha voters at an elee tionas provided in said Aet. , - The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 27t dajr of February. 1922. and was first published on the 15th day of May, 1922. Any action or proceeding ques tioning- tfl validity -of said - ordinun must be eommeneed within thirty day af ter its first publication. .' M. L. BBYKE, Clerk. M-22c2. - AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF $85,000.00 OF BONDS OF THE TOWN OF BES SEMER CITY, NORTH CAROLINA, FOR THE PURPOSE OF IMPROV ING THE STREETS OF SAID TOWN. Be it ordained by the Board of Town Commissioners of tbe Town of Bessemer City in Gaston County, North Carolina, as follows: Set-tion 1. Pursuant to "The Muni cipal Finance Act, 1921 ',' of North Carolina, bonds of the Town of Besse mer City are hereby authorized to be issued in the, aggregate principal amount of not exceeding $85,000 for the purpose of improving and paving streets in said Town, of which, one-half of the eost, ex clusive of the cost of paving at street intersections, is to be specially assessed against abutting property. Section 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of said bonds shall be annually levied and col lected. Section 3. That the following mat ters are hereby determined nnd declar er, pursuant to the requirements of 8H-tion 2942 and Section 2943 of said "The Municipal Finance Act, 1921": (a) . The probable period of useful ness of the improvement for which said bonds are to be issued, is twenty years, computed from October 1, 1922, (b) . A sworn statement of the debt of the Town of Bessemer City has been made nnd filed with the Clerk to the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Bessemer City (who is nlso Clerk of said Town within the meaning of said ' ' The Municipal Finance Act, 1921") anil is open to public inspec tion. (c) . The assessed valuation Jf prop erty subject to taxation by the Town of Bessemer City, as last fixed for mu nicipal taxation, as shown by said state ment, is $l,8.IO,5.-)K.no. (d) . The amount of the net debt of the Town of Bessemer City, ontst.'ind ind authorized and to be authorized, ns shown by said statement, is $122,000.00. (e) . All expenses to be defrayed by means of the bonds hereby authorized are necessary expenses of the Town of Bessemer Citv within the meaning of Section 7 of Article VII of tin Const i tiition of North Carolina. Section 4. This ordinance shall be published once in each of two succes sive weeka after its final passage, in The Gastonia Gazette which is a news paper published in Gaston County and has a circulation in the Town of Besse mer City, greater than that of any oth er newspaper published in snid County nnd there being no newspaper publish ed in the Town of Bessemer City. This ordinance shall also be posted at the door of tbe building in which the Bonri' of Town Commissioners usually holds its meetings and at three other public plnces in the To-wn of Bessemer City. The Clerk to the Board of Town Commissioners shall eause this ordinance to be published and posted as aforesaid. Section 5. This ordinance shall take effect immediately upon its final passage The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 27th day of Februnrv. 1922, find was first published on the 15th day of May 1922. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of said ordinance must be commenced within thirty days af ter its first publication. M. L. BIIYNE, Clerk. M 22c2. AN ORDINANCE TO AUTHORIZE THE ISSUANCE OF $17,000.00 OF BONDS OF THE TOWN OF BES SEMER CITY. NORTH CAROLINA FOR FUNDING THE EXISTING FLOATING INDEBTEDNESS OF SAID TOWN. Be it ordained by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Bessemer City in Gaston County, North Carolina, fls follows: Section 1. Pursuant to "The Muni eipal Finance Act, 1921" of North Carolina, bonds of the Town of Besse mer CJty are hereby authorized to be issued in the aggregate principal amount not exceeding $17,000.00 for the purpose of funding the existing floating indebted ness of saiil Town, which indebtedness wn incurred before December fi. 1921, nnd is now wholly due and pnvable. Section 2. That a tax sufficient to pay the principal and interest of snid bonds shall be annually levied and col lected. Section .1. That the following mat ters are herebv determined and declar er, pursuant to the requirements of Section 2942 and Section 2.043 of said "The Municipal Finance Act. 1921": (a). The shortest period in which said indebtedness to be funded hereun der, can be finally paid without making it undulv burdensome npon the taxpay ers of the municipality, is thirty years, computed from October 1, 1922, (b). A sworn statement of the debt of the Town of Bessemer City has been made and filed with the Clerk to the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Bessemer City (who is also Clerk of said Town within the meaning of iid 'The Municipal Finance Act, 1921") and is open to public inspec tion. (c). The assessed valuation of prop erty subject to taxation by the Town of Bessemer City, a last fixed for mu nicipal taxation, as shown by said state ment, is $1,8.10,558.00. (d). The amount of the net debt of the Town of Bessemer City, outstami ind. authorized and to be authorized, ns shown bv said statement, is $122,000.00. fel. All expenses to be defrayed bv means of the bonds hereby authorized. are necessary expenses of the Town of Reaaemer City within the meaning of Section 7 of Article VTI of the Consti tution of North Carolina. Section 4. This ordinance shall be published one in each of- two succes iv weeks after its final passage, ia The Gaatonia Gatette which is a news- paper published in Gaston County and baa eirrnlation in the Town of Besse- mer City, greater than that of any oth-" er newspaper published in said County, and there being no newspaper publish ed In the Town of .Bessemer City. This ordinance shnll also t posted at the 'door of the building in. .which the Board of Town Commissioner usually holds its meetings and at three other publie places in the Town of Bessemer C5ty. The Clerk to the Board of Town Commissioners shall eause this ordinance to be published and posted as aforesaid,'; " , ' Section 5, This ordinance shall taka effect immediately upon its final pas-' age, and shall, not be submitted to the voters, , : : ;.V . v"' , ; The foregoing ordinance was passed on the 27th day of February, 1922, and was first published on the 15th day of May, 1922. Any action or proceeding ques tioning the validity of. said ordinance tnust be commenced within thirty day af ter its first publication. ' M. L. RHYNE, Clerk. M-22c2. NOTICE OF SALE. In the District Court of tiie United States for the Western District of North Carolina. In the matter of W. L. Ormand, bankrupt. Under and by virtue, of an order mails in the above, entitled proceedings, the undersigned trustee will, pn the Third Day of July, 1922 at 1.1 O'clock, a. m. expose for sale to tho highest bidder, tor eaah, at tho Court House door in Gastonia, North Carolina, the reversion ary interest of W. L. Oyniand, bankrupt. in a ecrinin tract or parcel or land situated in Crowdera Mountain Town-shlpr-Gaston County, State of North Carolina, nnd described as follows, to- wit: Beginning at a stake on the old line; thence North 03 Fast 43 poles to a stake; thence -North 2 West 113 poles to stake in old line; thence South ?.H 1-2 Ivast 36 poles to a stake; thence South 32 East (50 poles to a stake; thence South 42 East 6 poles to a stake; thence South 38 1-2 East 19 poles to a stake; thence South 9 West 25 1-2; thence South 82 West 27 polos to the beginning, containing 25 acres, being the home stead appraised and allotted to W. L. Ormand, May 18th, 1917, and regidtered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Gaston County in Deed Book 122 on pnge 383. The purKse of this sale is to sell the reversionary interest in said acres, -which is subject to the home stead rights of the said W. L. Ormand, bankrupt. This the 19th day of Mnv. 1922. JAY BIVENS. M-.I12c4w. Trustee EXECUTRIX'S NOTICE. Having qualified ns exurutrix of the Inst will and testament, of John F. Groves, deceased, late of Gaston County, North Carolina, I hereby notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said decedent to present the same, duly verified, to me or nt the office of my at torney, P. C. Patrick, on or before April 24, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons who are indebted to the said estate will please make prompt settlement with the under signed. This 24th day ol April, 1922. "LTLLTE GPOVK8, Executrix. R. C. PATRICK, Attorney. M M29c6. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified ns administrator of the estate of Ella MeCTlure, deceased, late of Gaston county. North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having -rlnims against the estate of said deeeinlent to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before, May 8, 1923 or this notice" will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons who are indebted to the snid' estate will please make prompt settlement with the under signed. , This the. 8th day of Mnv, 1922, C. C. CORN WELL. M-Jnl2efl. Public Administrator. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. The unilersigned having been appoint ed nnd duly qualified as Administrator of the estate of J. H.'Mims, deceased, late of Gaston County, North Carolina, all persons having claims against, the estate of said deceased are notified to ex hibit the same before him, the undersig ned, at Gastonia, N. C, on or before the 1st Day of May, 1923 or thi notice will be'jpieadod in baiof their recovery. All persons indebted to the said estate will please make immedi ate payment. This the 1st day of Mnv, 1922. J. T. PHILLIPS, Administrator of J. B. Mini's, Decensed. C. M. AUSTIN, Alt j-. M Ju-5c(5. Indigestion Unchecked Leads to Poisoning! Fermentation f Food In Dlgesthr Organs Causa of Trouble If you suffer from indigestion it ! a aur sign that your system is being slowly poisoned by the fer mentation in the in test rues. Thia condition produces heartburn, chok-s Ins easstioBs in the chest, a feed- lug of heaviness or drowsiness, Lr-j pondency. Mr. M. J. CJmstrmber. 5724 i Mr Street, Germ an town. Pa, sunerer zrom indigestion, 1 "Befor usinr ,Dr. A. W. i nedJclnea, I felt bo badly tbt I did care waaiDer i lrvrd -or owl mxtttvod from tndUreerJoa and Aooach would be ao upeet Chatea pioa ox oreaa tuna cap oc eon rwould 1t rn iimt Bain. Sine Kakiar Dr. A. W. Chase's KXtTtlla n aat almost airytarac wu Xeellnr any aftcr-effacta. Th i kvohr fcsliaa- which I nmd to haw I th lower tjrt ot mi bak fas cob land I feel so ambitions to Ao man (things which X could aot do twoasra, ' Yoa tn Tlr. A. V. Tmdla at all drosr atoraa. Ta Isare of rettbia- ths renalno, :portrlt and slg-aatara of -W.t .iLI"). Ira na box. Till (ark la trrmrr nrntnetioa asaJnat it ftatiotta and aubs'.ltnt dvarQaa ixaanx. fifteen thousand people read The Gs- setta rrery day. A small amount-will carry a meaun to JJum for yoi. .If the cfceaDest. ud the best. The celebrated De Luxe line of loose leaf devices are sold ia Gastonia by the Brumky-Walters Punting Co, 1 kma irraesj Chaasfla ac tnosi aJ