PAGE TVVO THE GASTONIA, (N. C). DAILY GAZETTE WEDNESDAYr MAY 24, 1922. www Ef Gf UVJ;EVVS ; js IILMSI-HUuliJtLKUSI ; (By Hit AdelaJaa a Beard.) , .' Carpenter Guest Of Belmont Masona. Mr. John G. Orpenter, of Gastonia, ' a jruf of the Belmont Masonic Lodge Monday night and made a very interesting address on the nuhievt of "Freternalism. Mr. John Wilkin, of jome him t H he law firm of Bixhn na.t Wilkin, wn ) vi-:t (, l.a " also present and addreweil the fraterni ty. Charlotte Marble and Granite Co. A warded Contract For Memorial To Belmont Boys Killed In France. : Tne eommltte appointed to pnrehnsp .the mBuntentto lie Fretted to the Bc-1-moot hny killed in the. late war met Fri day afterneo anil reeeh-ed- wealed bids for the erection of the monument. The ' ommitfee, ompowd of Mm. W. B. Fuett, Mr. B. L. Stowe and Mr. H. B. Gaston, awarded the for build ing the memorial to Mr. C. R. WcoRginii, of the Charlotte Marhle and (Jriinite ; Works.- Tbig memorial will be placed in the) circle in the fentre of the cemetery. Some Idea of it size may be obtained by. the dimension, which are five fet Square at the base and twenty-five fret in height, making a very imposing shaft. The contract calls for the delivery .f the" monument by Jnly loth. The xer rioef at the unveiling of the WB be in charge of the American Legion, under vhose auspices the fund for build ing .the memorial was raised. The lo rnl post of the Legion has been called the Btewe-Auten Post, in honor of the two young Belmont boys who gave their lives a landers field. lafli Aid Tea Room To Open Saturday 1 - Afternoon. A'Tea Boom mil be opened nn fctatnr- nrndmitin rum. nay afternoon at three o'clock Ty the! Friday June 2. S n. in. Liternrv Ad-j Lndie Aid Society of the Fir Rnrt- Idresa Dr. T. D. Carroll, University North j list Church on the second floor of the Nil li'ViTolinn. j Mdde. All the rircles of the AM Po- j Awarding diplomas to firnduating ! piety will assist in fhe opening of the 'class. Te4?oom, the profits of which ill 1 C'ass Roll. - j all. used in Church work. A sale of n tti yt.iv... n..i t home in Easier. S. C. after visiting hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Garrison. Miss Edith Lwelierger is a Die TO O bark at her post at the Hank of Belmont after being confined to her honw by ill ness for several day. Rev. Waiter W. 1'harr. of Mount Hope, W. Va., is spending several days here with hi brother. Mr. W. J. I'harr. Mr. Iharr wa HiipiTiniendeiit of the Bel mont sclioi'lsX'Te fr xeveral years and has a host of fiends who are glad to web i in. .nt This is, the tirst here in yome years. j Mr. Walter T. Warren iiml Mr. .1. V. ; Purine spe nt i 1m veck-end in Hij:h j I'niiit an. I ret iisliorn. . Mrs. 11. C. .JdmMoii. Miss Annie j 8uri, Mi.-s ll:i' ! Johnston and Mr. A 1- ( vin Johnston fcrnu-d a motor party to j Washington la it wi ck. Mix H.-ssie Armstrong, of South Point, is i-itinj; her aunt, Mrs. John Leepfr. Mrs. l.nper nJi'f Miss Arm strong arc spending this week in (ins tonia visiting relatives. Mrs. KIlie Armstrong nnd Mr. nnd Mrs. Italia llarkey. of tiflstonia, visited Mrs. .John Le. per Hundny, Miss Ktlel htowe came out from 1inr- J lotte tvindny ami is siiending several i days with her brother Mr. W. It. Ktowe I and Mrs. Stowe. KINGS MOUNTAIN HIGH SCHOOL FINALS BEGIN 28TH The closing e?;ereHcs of the Kinr j Mountain grnded schools begins Sunday, May nnd continues through Friday, June 2. The program is ns follows: Program. Sunday, May 2S, S p. m, Sermon. Rev. J. I), Manney, of ITendersnnville, N. Thursday. Jane 1, S p. m. Kxercises Tiy Taste is a matter of tobacco quality Wr Mate it as our honest belief tliat live tobaccOi u.ei ' in Chrtterfield are" of m:r quality find hence o better ' titte) than in any other citaietrc at the prke. U rea tif ifxr fuittn Co. fit fife. h-x2vK-&sFl I,. . .-. ;--2- sr:, r mm to ' CIGARETTES of Turkish and Domestic tobaccosblended GAVE IT j Virginia La Soffired Vltli Actsi j tni Paini Until filot&cr Eegan ! GivinrHerCardBL Gastdnian I Dublin, . Va. Misa Mary Alice rTughett resldlnr on Routo 2, new here, recently told a visitor of her I interesting experience wtth CarduU j Miss Hughett aaid: ; "I had been suf I terlcg fur soma time with palnfat . . . I was pale, didn't feel like going, j Would JuBt drag around, and couldn't ! rent to do any good. I would suffer ; once a tnonta with my bacE eldca j and bead. My limbs would ache and I didn t knov what t do,' but I knew , I muat do aomething, for I didn't Et well by lettlnff It run on. ' "My mother is & belleTer In Cardni, I for she saw what It did for otheru aa i well ns hen elf, so she began giving "It wasn't long before I caw a change. It waa Just what I needed. It regulated me. i besran to cat nnd ! deep, r.nd the pain stopped. ; "Caxdul is without doubt tho b.est I female tonic made, and I am clad 1 j can recommend it tot others." If sutferlng with symptoms euch ai I Miss Hughett mentions; or other ali ments peculiar to women', wtiy not be cln Cardui nt once? Its merit in well j established by successful use for mcr . than" 40 years. try Cardni! ! Your druggist sells It NO-1S8 ; NOTICE OF NEW TRAIN SCHEDULE I Piedmont & Northern Lines 1 TO-DAY ANITA STEWART -in & "A QUESTION v OE: HONOR" Thursday and Friday ' CONSTANCE TALMADGE In ' "WOMAN'S PLACE" 1 Kffeetive Sunday, April ?,), 1922, the i following schedule fur departure of laser work anrt eake will ie nehi in 4 vn i-i.... r4 J a ... . , ,, .tn- (-:nit- Timn-rim, roanenion witn me iea iiooni. ine T1P0lw wrifi HarvPV E p Kir m7t '? fatnrdny will be: 1cken TJnvM (larriln '.,)!,, Ousio Hvbeecn salad, shced tomatoes with mayonnaise nnffHtetli'r. Jnhn ... towe. iMnntaret nprttuee,hant and pimeuto snndwiehes, w M.rvin 0 Loif(ir,, Km,.r Iee; eream and cake and ice ten The M M(,f!iI, Mflrm InM AMl0 Mrv ST. M JT a " a Kmelyn Iillinir. Otlmrine Lncile Corn- She Compromised In A Pinch. "The man who wins my regard," nlie wiid ns she reached for another olive, "must be tall nnd dark, with raven William Ihair tossed- bnek from an nlabartor brow. rislt' the Tea Boom Saturday, and tho ladies are anxious to receive the patron age of the entire community. Friends of Mrs. D. It. OCX will he k;.,1 o kSow that she is imfroviajr n'eelv nf ter1 operation nt the Charlotte Ssni toriujn ftitordsy. er, and Mrs. D. "W. Thomnsson have retprned after spendinp the v,-inter in Miami.-- Florida, with their son. Mr.' Mf. ThnmaHlnn flllp.l tha niitnit tif l,n iFiinf Baptist Church Snndnv in the n-h-setwe of the jtastor, Bev. G. II. John ston.i . Mr. Era. Han-is hA pnrehssed the residence owned fcy Mr, V. II. Hand on Central Street adjoinini? the residence of Mr, Ed Khvne. Mr, He must be brave, yet (t'ntle. I would have him a liesterlield as to mnnners. He must, be strong and manly. He must be il chivalrous (jiMitlenuin, and tliiiJt you f orfrot it ! " That evening a red headed hoy injf st rijie-1 rlannels and nmokiiiK a bulldog pipe ("topped at the front (jato nnd whistled. She upset the four flower well, Klnrnbell Fortune, Martha Pauline Fortune, Arnold Hunter Ware. Class Officers. Fresldent, Kufcene Kiser, vice presi-I P's runiiinjr to meet him dent, Lloyd Falls. noeretary. Liu ile Torn-1 well, treasurer, (!eorre Hord. Class Motto: Launched but not nn chored. Class Colors: Pink nnd Cireen. 'lass Mascot: White Elephant. JUNE 1C IS DATE SET FOR ELECTROCUTION OF FOX OOU'MRrA, 8. .. May L':!. -- June 11 was fixeir as the new date ti i tin electrocution of S. .1. Kii 'ny. C. ). Via and Jesse (iappins, the trio on,ieie. lat Hi'iiteuiber of the murder e!' Willi Hrtl7ell, Columhi:) taxi driver, wh.i weiv resentenced in the court at I.e:!n;!,!i i! noon today. The men appeared without cianscl, but under hen'V guards, taken in an'miiohi! - f rein the penitent'uiry in 'nliiiniiia t'i t'.e Lexington courtroom, twelve m:!.s :t::;. KtcIi said he had not had a fair t and br.iujtlit buck tn 4olunibt;i arid li.di a-).-'.'' in the .'i-ath house, '1'ne i r'.i w f'ir which the men were eon i t.fl . ;.!.! a ."ensation over two ctat s 1: r 'iil. On the wifness stand the chree i ii'i'.---.- ! to die wh'ile iifTair. They gave !"". i :i i it-n I and tl - ' for 7c!'i!er ilirnils-. (Pippins ajipeal a'one was leit the aipreiiie court re threw it nut as beiuj; without mer- I rains will be followed Leave Gastonia 7:00 a. m. 9:30 a. m. 12:15 p. m. 2:30 p. m. 4:35 p. m. 7:10 p. m. All p: Leave Charlotte 8:05 a. m. 10:30 a. m. 1:20 p. m. 3:30 p. m. 6:10 p. m. 9:30 p. m. :nr: !y 'item: l-erfe.-t cent Iv it. The , ! v one K. U. .! -nleiiii Mender trains will arrive and ir execution, on-' depart from new passenger station cor I, was liostpone.i ; i,,.r Iiroad str.-et :id Franklin nvenuo. Passengers lor i . it .n.-W. trains will chaiiL-e car at 1'. & S. Station. mora into his new hnme this week. Miss Edna towe spent the week-end with home folks near Dallas. Mrf Ed Oerrison has returned to his There Was A Reason. Kindly old, womnn: "You are n very 'nice little boy to (rive your candy to your littjf friend." Youthful Hnrd "Aw, he nin't Harris expects to j 110 fri,'ml "f mine." "Then why did; vou give him the eandvf " "The flies wnrt hotherin ' me." Yonnirtown Telernm. The Automobile The Greatest Single Cause of Acci dent and the very best reason why 1 YOU SHOULD NOT NEGLECT ! ACCIDENT INSURANCE. ; The Policy which we are offering: at an annual premium of S14.00 covers ; Every Kind of Accident and pays $3,000.00 for loss of life, eyes, hands or feet one-half of this for loss of one eye, hand or foot, a ; . weekly indemnity for life if disabled and WILL PAY YOU DOUBLE THIS AMOUNT IF ACCIDENT SUS TAINED WHILE RIDING IN AN AUTOMOBILE. This insurance will also pay in addi tion Hospital and Surgeons Fees. CAN YOU AFFORD TO DO WITHOUT IT? Call 125-J on phone now and we will call on you in person and ex ! plain this protection to you. Insur- i '..' jance against sickness can be includ 'ed with this at very small cost to ; you. WHY NOT NOW? The Williams Insurance Agency Insurance of All Kinds. Nothing But Insurance. Gastonia, N. Telephone 125-J Gazette Building. Oapins, who claimed not l- l.e .ni Yes, Alfred, when a mnn meets his of ' pnrt in the murder nske.l that lie wife downtown he always wonders what ; allowed to live ns long as V' '1 ' ' it will cost him. j Following this sentenciii',' i)ie men u M-cut'oii dato for the trio follows l.-.v i In- date for the execution of iT.ii l :! I Ira Harrison, who are erl to die mi .1 une 1 .. for the niur .1. ". Arm tie. When ycu need a dt3k see Brumlfy Walters Printing Co. PIEDMONT &, NORTHERN LINES W. L. HOGAN, T. S. j i The Gazette ha two phones. Call 50 if you want to talk husintss; call 232 if you want to talk to the new or edi torial department. No War Tex Effective May 8, 1922, the Excise Tax on United States Tires for passenger cars, casings and tubes is absorbed by the makers and is not added to the selling price. United States Rubber Company. both THEY KNOW mm IS. KlJ---'"8'' EXCELLS It may seem strange, but its a fact, that the women who are the most expert and successful in preparing Desserts are the first to call for "EASYMAKE" Cocoa Pudding. The reason is obvious they know good pud-dings-they know "EASY MAKE" Cocoa Pudding. Include it in your next marketing list. Your Gro cer has it. Trade Supplied by CAROLINA GRO CERY COMPANY Wholesale Grocers Gastonia, N. C. V I ERHHB 303 mm lams and Mi is30x3'AUsco tire situadozi today is just this The man who buys an USCO at $10.90 is justified in believing that his money is going farther in tire value than it ever has gone or could go before. Naturally he appre ciates the quality of USCO. That was es tablished long ago. It is still fresh in his mind that USCO led the national market in- United StetesTires are Good T?res CenTbt V. S. i it. Co. to the $10.90 price ng- The makeig cf U. S. Tires always intended the 30x3Vfc USCO to be the hichest value in its field. At $10.90 creates a. ncu ciussijicai ofvncmy' worth. 71 A A A A A A A A A A ion -MMr fM?tM&sWftM A United States Tires V MM WWW M -3 4 : cnamea i 4 a WILGOX 8 HARPER VULCANIZING CO. Tire and Tube Repairing and Ketreading All Work Guaranteed. AUBURN AND DOSS Tires and Tubes Fully Guaranteed. Phone 250-L 118 East Main Avenue. ADMINISTRATORS' NOTICE. North YiTo)in:i, (iriston County. vinnr !i:i!iliri i's ii '1 m i ii i t r.n t or of tlio cstuft' of M iry .1. Lim-liei-Rpr, 1p cMiscd. lute of irHton ooiinty, tliis is to notify all persons lmvinij chiiiim ii(ffihist ost:itf to jirosriit ttio k;iiiic, ilnly vcrilii'il, to the iinilcreiunril n'lininistrn ttor, at iastonin, Xorti Carolina, on or before May 27, 1923, ! or tl'is notice will "nn pliwlr.l in liar of rccoviTPy 'tluTi'on. All TorHiin imlt-litcil I to t lie cstati' will ji'nst' inrike i.ayimnt, at the maturity of ll.iir indrlito lnoss,, to saiil adniinis't rator. ' j Tliis, 7f'iv 2 tr.l. -9Z2. , Kl.I I. l.IKltKHifir.R, I - Administrator. I Clnndini IX Holland, Atty. -,12 (1. United States- ') Rubber Company ANNOUNCEMENTS FOR SOLICITOR. T hereby announce mysflf a candidate for nomination for th oflficp of Solicitor of the Fourteenth Judicial District sub .ioct to the action of the votera in the DrmncratiVJ)rimaTv June 3, 1 922. STEPTIKX B. DOLLKY. Gastonia. N. C, February 27, 1922. FOR SOLICITOR. I hereby announce that I will be n can didate for Solicitor of the I4th Judicial District of Xorth Carolina, subject to the action of the Democratic Primary to 1)6 held on Satnrdav, June the ."ird. 1922. JOIIX G. CARPENTER. Flfty-thm j hi vicm mwm ijfrni UbIIvt Oil aamtin lit ifarlj , i , . . . . - - . , Where Ymi Can Buy U.S.Tires: D. C. Law Rolmsmt- N P Dixon Garage Co., Belmont, N. C. , Carroll Brothers, Bessemer City, N. C Morrison's Garage, Cherryville, N. C. P. D. Summey, Dallas, N. C. Craig & Wilson, Gastonia, N. C A Y- 9 - . . . i. Leonhardt, Lowell, IN. l Standard Hdwv Co., Gastonia, N. C. Center Garage, Stanley, N. C. FOR SOLICITOR. I hereby announce myself a candi date for Sohcite for the Fourtecntn District subject to the rules and regu lations of the Democratic Primary and if elected will endeavor to the best of my ability to uphold and sustain the Majesty of the Lav, in all matters confronting me in auch official capac ity. MARVIN L. RITCH. The onV way to keep tip with Gasto nia and Gaston affairs is to read The Gatette every day. See editorial pate for aubacriptioa rates tette every day. A small amount wiff' carry a message to' them for yog. .It's kite cheapest ana UnJ,

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