ETTE Weather: Showers Local Cotton 20 Cents VOL. XLIII. NO. 132.- GASTONIA, N. C, SATURDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 3, 1922. SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS mom FIGHT BETWEEN SENATE inn nniinr nrrnnr one! AND HOUSE BEFORE SIZE OFi THE ARMY IS SETTLED Senate Increase House Fig ures in Both Officers and Enlisted Men. COMPROMISE ON ARMY. Senate Bill Fixes Size of Army at 12,530 Officers and 133,000 Men. (By The Associated Tress.) WAbHINGTON, Juno ii. A deter mined light between the beuuto and llouse before agreement is reached on the size of tire army to be provided lor iu the appropriation bill lor the next fiscal year, "was in prospect today fol lowing its passage by the Senate with increases over the House ligure in both (Enlisted and clliccr personnel. As put through tiie Senate late yes terday within six hours at'lv 11 was taken up lor the first tune, tne bill car rying un appropriation of $ H 1,75U,UU0, fixes the size or the army lor the next year at un average of 12,o'M ollicers and 133,000 men, comparing with House figures of 11,000 and 1.13,000, respective ly. Conference discussion of the dif ferences is not expected to begin before pext Tuesday. The bill was passed by tlic Senate without a record vote, alter its commit tee amendment providing fur the in crease in strength had been accptcd by a test vote of IU to 21, all other com mittee amendments having- been previ ously approved. Nine Democrats voted with the .Republican majority m uphold ing the increase, while six liepuijiicaus opposed it. The enlisted strength pro filed in the amendment falls between the llousc figure and the 15U.000 sought iiy'the War department and is regarded as a compromise. ''UNCERTAINTY OF LIFE" IS MR. IRKPATRICK'S THEME (Hickory Pastor in Closing Ser- vice Delivers Powerful Ser ' mon to the Unsaved Many Accessions to the Church. In his farewell soruion at the Main Street Methodist church last ( 1 i II I 11 Eev. C. b Kirkriatrick usiM for a tl.xt i James d:l;M4, "Go to now, ye that say, today or tomorrow We will go into such a city, and continue there a year and iuiy and soil, and get gain; whereas ye know not what shall be on the morrow. For what is your life? It is even as a vapour, that appiareth for a little time, end-then vanisheth away." The'theme was the uncertainty of life. I, The words of the text contain a lesson i )irst th-u to rcnu,mjjer for a . general church council meeting lliurlay rotary Aileii, of tho chamber of com fof all ages, said Mr. Kirkputrick. First J . afternoon when the by-fews and coiisti-! nieree, has sent the following letter to they apply to voutli. "Uemember now l"'lt dL'8UH ,V1" aBal". aUl1 tllis I tutioif as .drawn up by the special com each member of the delegation which thy Creator in the days of thy youth." But they apply to old age as well. The! incident was relate. 1 of an old man who j had lived a live of sin, who at the close i gave his warning to young people these ; word, "Tell them," he said, "that thej devil has no happy old people." The i sermon contained lessons for the business j man, who, during the recent month I found "business such a hard task master. The point was made that all sin is point suicide, none the less horrible because nc- J coniplished silently. The lesson of t lit pa ruble of the tree that failed to bear fruit was applied toi""' , 3 the membership of Main street churchin a very impressive manner, he picture was painted in words of tiod saying of some moodier who had been in the church for perhaps twenty -live years without winning a .-ingle soul for Clirist. God commands his removel, but the angel of mercy pleads for him, Baying, "They're going to have a meet ing down there, spare him yet this year him yet this year." The same thought was applied to the unsaved, pleading for yet another chance fur them. At the close of the sermon there was a gracious manifestation of tho presence of God. It was with deep regret that the ( n gregation bade farewell to Uev. Mr, Kirkpatrick. His stay in the city- wis evening service, tomorrow, June t, ana , worth much, his sermons were dear and1'' is hoped that everyone will come pre- earnest, his methods lacking in sonsa- tionalisin. The good accomplished will be more lasting because is the result of calm, quiet, Mature deliberation. The meeting will continue through Sunday, closing with the evening service. At 3:00 o'clock Sunday afternoon Mrs. C. L. Steidley will speak to the women and girls over thirteen yeais of age. All women and girls in' the city are cordial ly invited to be present. Tho service this evening at 7:45 will be perhaps the most uniijue and inter esting of the sins. The cloir loft and , -i, a .Ti i ... . -i , , ' platform will be filled with children who I J , .,;.;., ii r .i have been practicing all week for this oc casion. The older people will find the service of great benefit to them also. The sermon Thursday was from the text found in Matthews 5: 2J. "And if thy right rye offend then', pluck it out and cast it from thc-e. " In a clear, con. viming discourse th.t th light wa. diiven home that sins J'O . deu (. nr, eye, or an Jr i'. .n i r i gi r. no. Be many are m.t vi lit o .-.n if i , : ot .vilb ing to inuke .my &1 Li.iitice fo: t.jr niidcr mean: p;.i i aud .-. crit ce. Sui-rt-nder cf bLi "at- liktrea m to the air gry of tho civil war, latmr than to niudern mrgery when the agony is dead ened hv Ether. Because pain ami div comfort li irvohed k-fc. of pap!e tppar-j ltly strorg men ren, reruse to trjv to fetcome Christians. It takes a genuine CaptainAmundsen's Expedition To Be Most Complete Trip Ever Undertaken To (SEATTLE, WASH., J uue 3. When Captain Kuaid Amuudseu's exploration amp Aiaud sails trow .tiiioH Hay aero to uay lor ucr long voyage tnrougu tne jce packs of the Uiicnarted -Norm 1'oiar oasin, one ox tue most complete and ex tensive scieutihc expeditious ever un dertaken in tuat region win gel uuu-r way. . I he expedition is a resumption of the eflou Ocsun by Captain .Ainunubeu in mis, under auspices of tne Norwegian Uoveriuuciil, to drilt past tho ..Norm i'olu wild tne ice floes, miuuteiy studying piienoiueua of a vast area never oeloro visited by white men, uuu to secure data wiucn tne explorer cxiitcts may revolu tionize ijieseni day uiuieoroiogical and ocean graphical knowledge in mo nortn eru liemibphere. The hist effort met with delay ill lUliO, when the Aluuu lost a propeuor in tiie ice oil the noitiieablem coast and wa lorced to put into bealtie lor repairs, lieeciitly tue vessel has undergone coin p.eto overhauling and additional equip ment, including two airplanes, a long range wireless outfit, and many precise scientific instruments, has been added to I lie complement. The expedition, Captain Amundsen has repeatedly declared, is primarily a scieutuie oiii and, while he hopes to reach the ..Norm l olo lie discovered the South 1'ole in lull the study of ocean and magnetic currents, tne ontt of the ice pucn. and mov ueuts of the air will be las first objective. special investigation will be made to determine whether hind exists in the neighborhood of the poic, as some oceanographer, basing their belief on sudden shifts in polar ocean currents, have maintained. Aluct attention will be given to the ocean itself, and through DR. BRUNER PREACHES ON "SECOND COMING" Takes Rap at Mormonism, Christian Science and . Mod ern Isms Great Meeting Has Closed. Dr. Briincr took a ran a Mormon ism, Kussollism and Christian Science on the last liinht of the series of meeting conducted in the irst Baptist church. His subject last night was: Return of Jesus, or His second cominir": and his scripture reading was: "Ye men of Galilee, why stand; ye looking up into i heaven? This same Jesus 'whom ye havo seen Co up into heaven, will come again I in like manner. "' Ho said:' "This '' m;uim'r- Do said: " This subject had been greatly abused. Tho IJC Jusc as certain as lie came bout L'000 years ago, and another cor- ( tain ty is that no one on earth knows when He shall return again, not even nie .vugeis in heaven Know. The laitli ful watchers will not be surprised when lie a rn ves . " 1 "The signs of His coming aro that i there will be wars and rumors of wars , !'"' "Ilr ra snail come again; also ';'"""c ami pestilence, uod said these , '! , , , iK an" "" 1,0 1 mere iu no Laise teachers arise who1 I will teach this "ism" and that "ism" ., i .... i . . a i i . iiio in.. niven jo nu pieascs is of the devil, as no man can love a ! dozen wives as God intended a man to j love one wife. Any doctrine that teach es that it makes no difference how you ; live here, that, you will have a chance 'after death, is not according to the ! teachings of God's word. And ho pit ies a mother that will let a doctrino I separate her mother lovs from her child. " j There were five accessions to the church last night, all for baptism, mak ing a total of about 50 accessions dur ing the meeting, including those who came under the watch-care and by let ter. However, closo to 40 of the a bove number were for baptism. Tho baptismal services will take place at tho I l'Jriu. FOURTH OF JULY COMMITTEES TO HOLD MEETING T0NGHT Committees From American Legion, Chamber of Commerce and Fraternal Organizations Will Meet This Evening At 6 O'Clock In Moose Hall Plana For Fourth Of July Celebration Will Be Discussed. Committees have been appointed from the American Legion, Chamber of Com- merce aim sevtrui oi iasiouo n ai.hw , , . , ,..,; al orders to meet with tho committee j from the Loyal Order of Moose for t Ji discussion of plans for a mammoth cele- bration of tho Fourth of July in Gas tonia. All business men and civic or ganizations interested are also asked to havr, representatives at this meeting. The meeting will be hold in the Miose Club room, former quarters of The Gas tonia Gazette, over Gai lni r Music Co. Major B'ilwuikl.-; ha i signine I hu -willingness, to prefer i. u. dutr in 1 assist in oLtaii-ing tjcaScrt or na'iur-l reputation. because so much courage b l quired j falter and fail. Hut -vhat a ter- : rule thing t) live o thit whfn deah ; come the consoiouscess of a &oul lost; beir.use we refuwd to gi'-e v. sir ?t;es i Polar Regions holes bored in the ico scientists of the expedition will measure the depth of the water, direction and strength of subma rue currents and take samples from dif ferent levels for chemical analysis'. The two airplanes one capable of carrying nine passengers and tho oPier a three-seater and tho wireless outfit, the explorer deems tho most important items of the vessel's equipment. With tho planes tho "Eyes of tho Ship" he will make an intensive exploration of tho huge area I of almost a million square miles covering the "roof of tho world. " The larger plane will be Used for tho most extensivo investigations while the scout plane will fly in the im mediate vicinity of the vessel. By means of tho wireless equipment Captain Amundsen expects to keep in touch with the world and perhaps to flash tho message, that following i'cary, he has reached the .North 1'ole. Four times daily he will send wireless mes sages to Washington, giving meteorolo gical data expected to aid measureably in forecasting weather conditions thru out the globe. Every precaution has been taken to guard the expedition against the twists of fate iu the Arctic that so often in the past have caused the failure of ex plorative efforts and resulted iu trag edy for those who took part iu them. Captain Amundsen is skeptical of the theory that an explorer can "live on the country" in that part of the world, and the Maud has been stocked with provisions to last seven years. Sixty tons of fuel oil havo been taken ubourd. "Husky" dogs, to be used in sledge work, alter the vessel is frozen into the ice, will join the vessel at .Nome. To provide recration in tho long Arc tie winter, books many of them have been added to the stores, Six hundred pounds of candy form au important , item of the cargu. SUNDAY SCHOOL BASEBALL LEAGUE IS ORGANIZED j By-Laws and Constitution Adopted ooara or con trol Elected Five Denom inations Represented. Representatives from the several churches' of Gastonia met in tho Cham iber'of Commerce rooms Thursday after noon and organized a Sunday School Leaguo of amateur baseball upon a per manent basis. The name of this league is to be the Gastonia Inter-Church bun- . uav School Baseball Association. A reg UlUr SCUCllUlU IU1 me uummrr niu uv made oat at the lirst meeting of the board of control to be called into session by Prof. l!ay Armstrong, Methodist, Baptist, Associate Keformcd and Presby erian churches were represented lit the Baptist, Associate Hetormed ami l resoy- !'t,rian churches Were represented lit the a-iniittee, after a few minor changes, wu! unanimously adopted. Prof. Kay Arm strong, of l irst Baptist church, 1 rol W. P. Grier, of the First Associate Ko ( pleasure to your uemg with us next formed church, Mr. J. 11. Sepurk, of the j Mondtv. Wo hope von will permit Main Street Methodist church, Kev. K. l'. I nothing to interfere with your presence . Long of the West Avenue Prcsbvterian j The combed yam manufacturing ccn aml Mr. W. h. ilalthis, of ht. Mark's it('r '"d of creation is a town i.v.;.. i,r,.li w,.r, ,m.-,i,imoslv i we are proud of mid we uant the good chosen as members of the board of cou- trol which shall form the governing body of the association, adjust all griev ances and complaints and with Presi- jdent, vice president and secretary treas- ! urer, shall control finances and all do- 1 tails of the league. Teams will be organized at oin e in the several churches and a working schedule for the summer months will be i put into effect. All that is now neci s sary is to hear " 1 lay ball" m the hMt . contest of tho season. I GRAND JURY TO TAKE UP WARD CASE NEXT MONDAY WHITEPLAIXS, X. V., uuue ;i. The grand jury will cmsider the killing of Clarence Peters, former navy man, by Walter S. Ward, wealthy baker's son. next Monday, it was learned today. Pit' teen or more witnesses will be sum- mnnnfl. t is understood, inellldilltr (,eorife 8 w p) father of tiu. confessed slaver, Mrs Walter 8 Ward, and two maids in tne Wr,lg New 1lti.h,.Ul hollle Lulu ! Harrows and Amv Mil l. West Chester eountv Igan their second dav iflicials today be- i investigation of , James J. Cunningham's story of the kill- j ing or Clarence Walter S. Ward peters, whi'c involves i an I his statement of I an attack by 'blackmailers. Despite their filure to substantiate a single phase of Cunningham's story, those in authority seemed convinced that the former race Ir.i.ilf mon an.....t I..,.sl ciiOfV uvn man g o,i I L lilt i.i '.i " I i actual facts. Sheriff Werner declared ! that he would put the man, held as a ! material witness, through a two hour j cross examination again today. Cunningham, who apparently is a well known character in the underworld, only laughs when he is told his stories do not stand investigation. He seems embitter ed by" his arrest and says that the au thorities will get no more help from him so long as he is held in jail. FRENCH PLANE FALLS INTO ENGLISH CHANNEL 0LKST0NE, ENGANDfi June J- A French airplane flvinj; f'om the air station at Croydon, ncai Lon don bound for Paris, fell into the English channel this morning. A crojg channel host picked up two bodies. One cf these had a pas5t,6rt ia the nam of Gordon Lay. REPORTED RACE RIOTS IN TrviP Tniim tn'irn nmn TEXAS.TOWNJAVE BEEN BROUGHT UNDER CONTROL Sheriff and His Deputies Have Situation Well Under. Control. NEGRO WAS BURNED HERE Feeling Had Been Running High But no Serious Trou ble Feared. Kliai.V, Texas, June 3. Race riots of a serious nature reported last night as being feared near hero had failed to mutenaiize early today. Armed men guarded the streets of Kirvin and a house occupied by negroes near Sims boro, about live miles from here, but according to the peace officers, little further trouble was expected. Deputy sheriffs ami policemen from Mexia, who hurried here when the re ports first went out, returned to their nomes last night, and Free Stone county officials informed many who started for Kirvin that they should return, as the sheriff and his deputies had the situa tion under control. Tho reports of a riot followed at tempts of the city marshal of Kirvin. and a deputy sheriff, to arrest Lcrov ! Gibson. Gibson is said to have tried to escape and was shot and captured. As tho officers started to their automo bile snots were tired at them and they returned the lire. A Hie Gibson, a broth er of the prisoner, was killed. The prisoner is said to have grabbed one of of theofricers, and then was killed. Neither of the officers vas injured. Tho most prevalent report was that about 75 . negroes, heavily armed, had barricaded themselves in a large house on a farm. Investigation lulled to disclose them in the house. In the meantime hundreds of men from nearby towns started to the scene of tiie trouble. The community is near where a 17-year-old girl was attacked and murder ed a few weeks ago. Three negroes were burned to death and one hanged for alleged connection wtii the case, it is said that Leriiy Uibson was sought to explain some things iu tho same case. r eeiing has been high since the lynch ings and many rumors that the negroes intended to rtaliato have been heard. SENDS WELCOME MESSAGE TO GREENVILLE TOURISTS Secretary Allen Sends Prelim inary Word of Welcome to Greenville Party. In preparation for the coming of the (iroonville sociability, tour Monday, Sec- ! will arrive here Monday iliorinug Dear Kir: Gastonia is looking forward with real citizens of tho Textile (inter ot the South to see it and we wish the pleas ure of entertaining them. We understand you will be with us at 11:10 a. in. Automobihs will a wait you on Airline avenue a few feet from where your cars will be parked. Please do not walk down the line but let us load you in opposite your cars, i After you see Gastonia we will take 1 you to the Iiaptist Annex at I :!." where I you will be our guests at luncheon. Counting upon you, 1 am Cordial! v yours, FRED M. Al.I.KN, Lxi-cu'ivc Secretary, Gast-mia Chamber of Commerce. I ROBBER ATTEMPTS TO ENTER EFIRD'S STORE , Attempts were made- Friday night 10 ! ! enter Efird's Department store on ! Main Avenue, but the unknown party 1 met with greater difficulties than he had doubtless expected to meet, j !n the rear of the building a new a 1- dit ion has Imh n re cently Knit. At this point the attempt to int-r was made. Whoever the party was. he seemed to know the lay out. One of the new side doors was tampered with. A ction of the window pane was broken in order that tho robber's hand co ,ld reach the inside workings of the nigjif hitch. The latter was successful but a heavy tim ber also barred the door and this was fastened with a pad lock. The heavy bar could not be moved m entrance to the store waa without su This is the Hecond attempt to enter thin store rieentiy. or robber ' tiome weeks ago two no :i gained en trance but were frightened away by shots fired at them by watchman. Man ager Haynes thinks that Cie party last night was on of the negroes who help ed to liuild the new addition and in this connection knew the layout of the store. COTTON MARKET CLOSING BIDS ON THE ! i NEW YORK MARKET j NEW YOKK, June .!. Cotton fu-J turtS closed bandy steely. July L0.- j 65; October 20.45; Diiember 0.40;! January 20. 15; March 19.!'7; May j 19.90; Spots 21.15. ' Mm COTTON MARKET t Strict to Good Mi3dliEf . :oj Former University Student Is Charged With Richard G. Allen, of Fayetteville, Washington Atorney, Faces Charge of Larceny Claims to Have Been Room-mat of Josephus Daniels, Jr., at the University. ASKS SOVIETS TO WITHDRAW MEMORANDUM PARIS, June 3. Premier Poin care in a memorandum forwarded yesterday to the United States Gov ernment and to all the powers which have received invitations to attend The Hague conference on Russian af fairs, demands that the Soviet Gov ernment withdraw its memoarndum, presented at the Genoa conference on May 11, as a condition for French participation at The Hague meeting with the Russians. CORNERSTONE OF FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH LAID Appropriate Exercises Mark Important Step in Progress of Church Dr. Weston Bru ner, of Raleigh Makes Short Address. I Interesting and appropriate exercises were held Friday afternoon at the First Iiaptist church, corner Franklin avenue and South street, when Hie cornerstone of the handsome new building was laid. ! Following the singing of tho hymn, '"How Firm a Foundation" mid Scrip Jture reading, Kev. T. II. King offered j prayer. Dr. limner, who is just con cluding a series of services at tho First ; Iiaptist church, made a short talk on I the glories of the church, which he named as its founders, its personnel, its mission ami us goal. uev. vv . v,. oar deposited ill tho was begun on th cornerstone. Work hurcli last Novem- her. l ollotting the depositing or ineso articles, Hr. liruner pronounced tho benediction. The following is a list of the articles and documents placed in the corner- -tone .i i 0.1 1. Tho Holy Bible. Church Covenant and by laws. I!. Brief history of church from 1 S7'i t: lll-'L'. 1st organization iu May l7i, with 2'J members, near where the P. & X. railroad passes under the fcoutheru railroad in estern part of the city of ( iastonia. Received into tho King'n Mountain Association J S? 7. Keceived into the .South Fork Association in l,(i)'l, with 1 7 members. The first Sunday school was held in a small 'cabin where .1 colored woman had run a restaurant. It was later moved into the. Hunt hern depot by the consent of the agent, ,1. K. Page. The church was re organi.ed Heptcm ber L'7th,' 1SS.1, with P.) of the old mem bers and ft other members who came by lettir. Brick church building was erect ed on the corner of Long and. Marietta , streets. This church was remodeled at ; considerable cost in 1DO0. ; -1. Pictures of tho different church ' buildings. j .". Xanies of the pastors, clerks and , Supei int endents of Sunday school. I II. .Nanu s of the prc-i ut board of deacons and officers of the church. I 7. Brief history of dill crcnt depart -; moots r organizations iii the church, j ( I 1 Sunday school, i 2 i Woman's Mis sionary Society, including V. W. A. and i Sunbeams, :s ) Voting People's work, in i eluding Senior "A," N-iuor "li," and Junior B. V. P. V.'. h .Men's League, ( " ) Ladies Aid Socictv . s. Books and tn-orls. (I) hong i book.' I Hook. The M,o llapt.'-t Ileum and Praise pi Is Ihn.uH, Xos. 1 to (i," I'iM.r,! '' tl. I 'iiiiii i-i r i I tl Xen i Hymnal, " L I I tap; ist 'on v I I 'onveiit ion f i Miiniti - of the Southern uti'.ii 1 : U 1 . Iiaptist Htate. r I'.lL'l, W. M. K "Yen i Hook" l!l: and )'.-i. Ninth Pork At solution l'.illi. liaston ounty Associa-j lion ll P.i. M'L'o and ll'-'l. Mi moirs of James Daniel Moor--. Present church I roil. '.). Xew Church. K. port of Treasurer, i up to d; tc. I'rinle l and typewritten1 subscription iit ot indivuliials. .Names: of liuildiaj Committee, of Archite-t, Contractors and Foreman. Important dates. ; ru ral contract lirovvn Harry j Co., (ietoin r U'li, ll'-'l. First material! was put on t c groi. i.. I at !):10 a. m.. 1 October 17th, 11'-'!. First dirt moved at 7:'J:i a. m.. (Mob. r -Hh. IH-I. First j concrete poun Moore at " : I' First iii i k p': (age .-, i at i 10. Co;,-, i (iastonia ..i :. rye.) -I by Mrs. Martha J. a. u. Novdijier 1st, HUM. . . in wall by J. L. G rice l''-ceinber 0t li. 1 !-' 1 . f Ui !i-' Messi'iiger. and i;.-. i 'orn, wheat, oil and Mr. Fran is Mangurn, for the past year a student at arolina Military and Naval Aca l iev. has returned home to sciid tl.e s niiini r u ith his pareuts, Mr. aud Mrs. A. . M.mguin. Miss.s X'-lie lioso and Christine Sloan leave tomorrow for New York whence thev sail iu a few days for a trip to Europe. LI YUAN-HUNG INVITED BACK TO PRESIDENCY PEKING. June 3. Li Yuan Hung, deposed from the prwidentcy f China by the militarists in 1917, as invited late last night to resume that ofrkf. The invitation came fiom the members of the Cabinet cf Hsu otnh-Criang, who resigned the residency ycsteiday. IllLSSlOIl alio its kviui. in . vv. , ,, , rett. the., gave a brief history of thej'K ' rw,'llt mating of tho Chamber church, together with a list of articles of Commerce of the Liutod States in Stealing Auto (By Tho Associates Press.) WASHINGTON', June 3. Richard G. Allen, 25. formerly of Fayettevillo, iN, C, now employed as nn attorney iu the legal department of tho Ship i ping Hoard here, was held in custody j under $5,01)0 bond today, charged with tho theft of nn automobile. Allen, who told the police ho was a graduate of j the University of North Carolina, and I that he was a roommate there of Jose ' phus Daniels, Jr., soli of the former Secretary of the Navy, was arrested at ! his offico in the Whipping Board yester- day after tho owner of the automobile i alleged to havo been stolen by him had reported to the police that he had twice seen Allen in the machine. According to the police, on tho sec ond occasion Allen abandoned tho ma chine and was captured by policemen after running several blocks. lie was released after being questioned at head quarters, but arrested after an investi gation. ' Alien charges that in tho in terim he bribed a detective sergeant with $50 to remove tho charge against hint, tho police state. The detective has denied ho m-cepted it and the au thorities have ordered an investigation. CHAMBER OF COMMERCE GETS MANY NEW MEMRERS Directors Hear Good Report From National Councillor Parker To Help in Fourth of July Celebration. Receiving an interesting report from H. 11. I'arker, national councillor of tii Gastonia Chamber of Commerce, rogard- Washington, referring various matters to committees and transacting niucn rou- : l . ,..intru i,r tit., i-imin. '" minimus, n.u ...v her of Commerce held a busy session J Thursday afternoon. Present wera j Vice President Wade 8. liuice, in tli chair, Treasurer 8. N. Hoyce, Directors G. C. Andrews, K. H. Urittains, Ira K. Hayes, 11. M. Van b'.een and the execu tive secretary. Mr. Parker told entertainingly of th sessions, the addresses ly j-resKieni. ; Harding, Secretary of State Hughes, Sec retary of Commerco Hoover, fcjir Arthur lialfour and others and of tho national and international problems discussed, lie especially urged that hereafter the local organization bo represented by a larger delegation, contending that it is important that the south take greater 'in terest in he national chamber as it has come to a place of real influence and power. Mr. Parker was thanked for hi report and tho board expressed plenum over his' having taken the, time, to at tend and represent tho local chamber. An alitomobilo ridu for tho. visiting community workers dhring tho conven tion to bo held herd June loth, Hth and l."ith was referred to the Department of Conventions and Puldic Affairs to ar range. Appointment of a committee to co operate with similar committees rela tive to a Fourth of July Celebration was authorized, at tho request of the local lodge of the 'Loyal Order of Moose. The steering committee was authoriz ed to represent the organization at a conference with Clarence Keuster and a committee from Charlotte next Thurs day relative to the coming trip planned by I'linrlotte business men. The resignation of L'. X". Halm wax j ptcd, because of his moving to 1 ""'"'. Chairman R. ('. Patrick': committee showed 111) with oik. the following new members being chated as recommended by the commit tee : Xorninafed by F. '. Aberuetliy S. W. 'aidner, Music. Company; (.ills Gilill, contractor; John 1.. Stacy, surveyor; Uoiand H. Outz. cotton; G. 11. McKiid di n k Rros. Agency, cotton; 15. (. Hainilitrin, battery service. Nominated by C C. Harmon F v j r- Wood, mercluint: Miss Martha Torrenre. textiles; Dr. '. K. Adams, physician; Miss Fay Davenport, county superintend ent welfare; Miss X'ell Pickens, county home demonstration agent; G. R. Rhyne, nominee for sheriff; R. K. Davenport, Jr.. Insurnnce. Xominatcd by If. Price Lineberger Clyde McLean, with Robinson Shoe Com pany: L. E. Itinkin, clerk Gaston coun ty; Kverett Jones, with Michael & liivens. Nominated by R. C. Patrick Bis in.'trck Cnpps, attornev at law. Nominated by J. Young Todd Fred A. Cat hey, secretary Spencer Lumber Com i 'any. I he attention ot the public, is called ! to the series of services to op neiil at the First Wesleyan Methodist church. corner of Fast Vanklin and South Church HtiS'ts. Beginning next Tues day night, June 6, and continuing foi two weeks a meeting will be held. Rev. K. "W. Black, of West Ashevillc, X. C. has ben secured bv the church. Rer. Mr. Black is well known in this section for his common sense, sermons. The music will 1k in charge of Trof. L. A. Harvey, choir director. A cordial in vitation is extended to everyone. Rev. C. J. Blaek requests The Daily Gazette to announce that he will ran an excursion from Gastonia . to Thomasville on June 22. All members of the Gaston County Baptist Associa tion are invited to join the erowd. Fur i tbpr details will be earriei 15 si arl- TODAY'S VOTE IN STATE nninmr n n- PRIMARY TO BE LIGHT IN CERTAIN SECTIONS County Offices Will Be Voted on in 63 Counties Will Bring Out Vote. i LIGHT VOTE OTHERWISE, Seven Candidates For Con gress in Third Congress sional District. (By The A mo elated Frew.) ' KALKKiH, X. C, Juno 3. - Ona candidate for State Corporation Com missioner, two for Congress, five for judge of Superior Court and tlurtesn for solicitor of stato courts, will b named by the Democratic voters Irr'the stato primary, which is being held in North Carolina today, and one Con gressional candidate, and one stat sen atorial candidate will bo nominated by( the lb-publicans. ' In eight of tho ten congressional dis tricts, only one candidate was anc nouneod for the Democratic nomination u ml only in the tenth congressional dis trict have the Republicans been able tr get together on a man. Hix of the. eleven judicial districts, where judgea are up for election iu November,! put forward only one candidate each. Thir teen of the 20 judicial districts, where solicitors are to bo named, havo con tests. ,, - Sixty three of the 100 counties of tho state are to nominate candidates today, for county offices, which will brini out a large vote. The lone state contest iu the other .'!7 counties is expected to re sult in a light vote for those counties A. C. Avery, of Morganton, is a can didate for state corporation eorpmis- sioner against W. T. Lee, who has held the offico for 1- years. ;i Heavy vojiug is expected in the third congressional district, wheroVseven Dem ocratic candidates are seeking tho nom ination. The candidates aw C. L, Aberuetliy, Newbern; Joseph E. Rob inson, (ioldsboro; H. II;., Hobbs,-, Clin ton; Dr. 1. L. Cnrr. Kose Hill; Fita hugh Whitefiehl, Clinton; H. D. Wil liams, Kenansville; Matt II. 'Alle?, (Ioldsboro. ., F'or the first time in tho history C the primary in this state, tho Republi cans have entered it with a fight ot their own. Ralph Fisher, of BrfVard, and 11. S. Pegrnin, of Canton, aro seeking tho republican nomination fd Congress in the tenth district. i VMS eOVS RIFLED 1 i BOSHAMER & CO. SAFE Two Youngsters b?i 'NortK Broad Street Section Took $225 From - Safe Have Been Entering Other Stores in City. . ' ;y The history of tho 225 In- tush te- moved from the offico safe of Bosbihier j & Company, local wholesalers1, i, last' Tuesday evening came to Hifht Friday. ; At least two thirds of tho above amount j will accounted for at noon today; i . .no otner tnnn two Gastonia yoonn sters, both ten years of age, entered tha office on Wednesday afternoon between the hours of (( nnd 7 o'clock.,, An drew Parker and James Lovelace, 'whose mi rents live at the Old Mill on N'rtrth' Hroad street, were the youths. The parents discovered that their children had entirely too much money in their pocKeis, so tne matter was taken npi with local authorities. The latter In inembership j vestigated with the result that Several some good i robberies were unearthed. The lads confessed, first, to forcing an entrance into tho store of II. C. Barklev, a ti.l James' garage, on Sun day, May 21. Nothing of any ralu was missed from the above two firms., In using the money they took frora Hosliani T 's, the first step was tho 'plac ing of the entire $225 in a hiding placa under the store of Rankin-Armstrone Furniture Company. This was slone .!. . e it.. 1. 1 is--..- Tr . mo infill oi uie rouoery. r.ny rvea nesd.iy, after planning what they would do, thev returned for the hidden treas ure. Taking this, they gave some fifty dollars to another duet of youngsters . J. D. Walker. 14, nnd Ralph Gtotcs, 1.", both of the same neighborhood The latter spent Wednesday in Char-, lotte on a pleasure trip, spending five dollars aud bringing back the reJtain der. All of the above facts were brought out Friday, when the youths ' er brought to the City Hall by their1 par ents. The money had been scattered considerably, but the bulk of it wj Li ter discovered. Tin cans, basements of houses and stores, etc., furnished ixom for the treasure. , .Fifty dollars of the $225 is still tinac- collI1fe(j for as ttie youths are too young for municipal court, their C4A is to ho taken up by Misa Fay Davenport, county superintendent of public wel fare. It is probable that a hearing will not lie held until all of the mone;-, ct, as much as possible ia recoered NEXT WEEK'S WEATHER. WASHINGTON", , June 3. Wahei outlook for tha week beginning Mot. day: v South Atlantie and East Gulf 8ut Generally fair, normal temperature but with a probability of widely fccatured. local thundershowers. ' THE tVEATHEH North Caruuna, generally fair tonighj

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