1 f OASTONIA DAILY Weather: Showers Local Cotton 20 Cents . VOL. XLIH. NO. 133 GASTONIA, N. C MONDAY AFTERNOON, JUNE 5, 1922 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS ; ' . ' NEW ENGLAND MILLS OPEN GATES CLOSED FDR MONTHS ON ACCOUNT OF STRIKES JVhen Whistles Blew This Morning But Small Num ber Went To Work. MOST OF 25,000 STILL OUT S New Hampshire Textile Plants Attempt to Start Up Again. (By The Asxociated Press.) MAA'CIIESTEII, N. II., June. 5. The gates of six of the cotton mills ot New Hampshire were opened today foi tho first time in three mouths. When the whistles blew to call tho L'o.UUO workers back to their places thousands were near the mills, but only scanty hundreds responded to observers. ThuiO were demonstrations at all the mills. The strikes were called because of a wage reduction of 120 per cent and an in creaso from 4S to ol hours in working schedules. Thousands of strike sympathizers fill cd the streets for a mile on either sido of the rhills and would be workers were jeered and hotted. Two arrests wero made on charge of inciting to riot. A handful of the l.'i.lMU striking cm ployes of the Pacific mills at Dover ap peared to resume work. They went into the mills but walked out again soon af terward and the mill gates were shut once more. At Nashua, where mill No. 1 of the Nashua Manufacturing Company and the sheeting mills of Hie Jackson plant, were re-opened, comparatively few oper atives returned. Jn spite of a court in junction against, picketing and intimi dation, numerous strikers assembled in tho streets' adjacent to the mills. Two Inen were arrested at the Nashua mills. The (jreat Tails mill at Soniorsworth ata) was said tohavo had only a small response to the announcement of re-open-ing. i .j CRIMINAL COURT DOCKET . '". IS UNUSUALLY LIGHT Case Of Krout, the Check ' Flasher, Remanded By the Supreme Court, Not To' Be Tried A. E. Woltz Acting Solicitor Docket May Be Completed By Thursday, (jtatdon Superior Court for the trial of criminal cases opened this morning with Judge F. Ken Finhy, of North Wilks 'boro, presiding. The morning session was given ever mostly to the disposing nf continued cases that were left over from the last term. A few caws of ap pearance to show good behavior and the renewing of bonds were brought up ami disposed of before noon. The docket is exceedingly light and will probably be completed by Thursday morning. 'The ease 'of V. C. Krout, checktlash er, which has attracted more than usual attention, will hardly be brought up at the present term. It is recalled thar Krout was tried at the last session and found guilty of Hashing heeeks on local firms. The defen hint was sentenced to ten years at hard labor bv- Judge Kin lej. Krout anil his council appealed '. the -Supreme Court of the State and the latter ruled that his case must be tried again. Tho reason for this is that cer tain portions of evidence that the, do. fense attempted to introduce were ruled out by Judge Finley. The higher court did not look at the matter in the same light and the case was turned back for a new trial. The principal reason wh tbn case will not be brought up this term is that there is not time enough for com pleting the trial if it were started. A few liquor cases are expected to be brought up this week. Defendants tint were; subject to heavy fines in munici pal court have appealed to Superior Court. Their cases are likely to be gone through with this week. Other impor tant eases will bo introduced begin ning Tuesday morning. On account of tho continued nbs n,-s from the city of Solicitor G. AV. Wilson, who is recuperating in the East, Attor ney A. E. Woltz is representing State. the NEW WORLD RECORD MADE BY TRAP SHOOTERS SUNDAY NEW YORK, June 5. A new world record of 9!) hits out of a possible lOu at double target has been recognized of ficially by the American Trap shooting Association, it was announced today. The mark is held jointly by K. F. Woodward, of Houston, Tex., and Frank Hughes, of ilobridge, 8. D.. and was made by both gunners at tho Mississippi State cham jnonschip tournament. The former Ooubles record was 96 out of a jtossiblu 1(H. HENRY 0RD SAYS. HE WOULD RUN f OR PRESIDENT , DKIROMT, dui.e. t 11 nry Ford lias intimated pnvaiJy that h. would ruu for prtMki.t "if tno people of the country desiie hi"! to ao so," but "ho would refuse to spend any money to Liing about his noiubiation or flection,'- according to William T. KroLberg. edi tor of & Dearborn cewsp'-P' ana 0BS of the leaders In the IVarboni t'Esnry P?rd fcr Pri'i''t'-' c!tib EIGHTY PERSONS PERISH WHEN THE VILLA FRANCA SUNK OFF ARGENTEN A Steamer Sank Very Rapidly Following Explosion and Fire On Sunday. ONLY FEW SWAM ASHORE Boat Carried Hundred More Passengers In Ad dition To Crew. Or (By The Associated Press.) BUENOS AIRES, June 5. Eighty persons are believed to have perished in the sicking yesterday of the steamer Villa Franca on the Parana river, near Posadas. At that point the river forms the boun dary between Argentina and Para guay. lne vessel carried thirty cabin passengers, seventy second class pas sengers and a general cargo, includ ing one hundred drums or naphtha. One survivor said the sleeping pas sengers were awakened at 10:40 a. m. yesterday by cries of alarm and rushed on deck to find the vessel en veloped in flames. A few seconds later there was a heavy explosion, which caused the boat to nil and sink rapidly nearly a mile from the Paraguayan shore. Some of the un injured survivors swam ashore. An unconfirmed report said the only cabin passengers saved were the members of a family of North Americans, and three others. COUNTY CONTRIBUTES BIG AMOUNT OLD CLOTHES Churches Of City Respond To Call Of Near East Relief Appeal For Discarded Clothing. Today was collegium day from Jas tnnhi churches. .Ywo truck loads of warm, comfortable clothing were taken from the First A. U. i'.. Main street -M. K. Ssouth, First Baptist, -St. -Mark's Episcopal and First Presbyterian church es, these churches being the only ones open. This clothing has all been de l-posited in the large room belonging to j Craig Ac Wilson under the .Baptist An ; nex on Long Avenue and the key can be l had at Craig & Wilson headquarters. The Saunders- Tailoring Co. were gencr- ous contributors, sending all unclaimed land discarded clothing from their cstali' lishrneiit. All of the down town church ; es collected large quantities of desirable clothing, the First A. R. 1'., First Bap ; tist and First Presbyterian contributing 1 most generously. Main Streld. Methodist church collected a large assortment and had them hauled to the Central depot. ' II uffsteler Brothers donated the use ot truck and services of two men in making the collections. The clothing wil 1 be held in (iastonia for shipping instruc tions from Raleigh and any desiring to i duiintv' bundles can take them to the Bap list Annex. Hundreds of Christian Ar menians will be warmly clothed this com ing winter and many lives saved by the ; generosity of Gaston county people. The j county chairman desire to thank every j one who has had a part in this worthy i work. Mrs. K. A. Thomas, of Spencer Mountain, has been one of tho splendid workers in this campaign and lias col lected a largo quantity of clothing. The 1 Olney Presbyterian congregation have ' been liberal contributors. There is yet , room for half-car load from Gastonia, i other towns in county having sent their 'collections direct to Raleigh. VISCOUNT GREY MARRIES LADY GLENCONNER AT LONDON LONDON", June o. -Viscount Grey, of l'allodon, and Lady Gleiiconner, widow of the late Baron Gleiiconner, were mar ried yesterday at the parish church m Wilsford county Wiltshire. Lady Ghnconner is a sister of the late George Windham, M. I'., once chkf secretary for Ireland. She is noted for her beauty, is an accomplished musician and has attained some fame as an ant hor. Viount Grey's first wife, whom h i married in lS!o, died about 15 years no has 110 heir. CRUDE OIL ADVANCES 25 CENTS A BARREL riTTtiRfnCir, FA., .Inn- ". All increase of 2") cen's a barrel in tlx. price of Pennsylvania ru le oil was an lion need when tiie market opened today. All other grades quoted hi re, excepting corning, were up L'" cents. The new prices were: Pennsylvania crude .1.."'); Corning unchanged at .fl.!'"; Cabell 2..'!6; Somerset .J.lo; Somerset Ligh! 12.40; Kaglaml 1.2.1. COTTON MARKET CLOSING BIDS ON THE Nrv vnuir MARKET x-lmv- -i-t,t- r. ... f ture, closed quiet; spots 40 down. I 1.. 01 n . on 11 . lhi.umW.nr 10.01; January 19.81; March 19.70; May 19.60; Spots 20.75. TODAY'S COTTON MARKET Shict to Good MiiJUrg... S . . - Oltitju -fci ,...20c Young Jago-Slavia Husky and Bright, Thanks to America ?KEYSTON VIEW CO. N.y. j& li This boy is typical of the rising generation in Jugoslavia. He grew strong on American food, at a time when the war had stripped liis country of labor and of agricultural products; while he was being saved from hunger his nation was aided by American credits. Agriculture and economic develop ment are proceeding so rapidly among these sturdy, hard-working people that the 1921 exports more than doubled llioscof 192(1. The young country, cre ated by the Allies, assumed the pre-war debts of Serbia and has met pavmenis so promptly that its bonds arc now negotiable on the bourses of the world. America has been instrumental in helping Jugoslavia climb from the status of charity ward to an admittedly progressive country, with good ir.tcr ;v clonal credit. PLANS FOR CONFERENCE TEXTILE SOCIAL WORKERS ARE NOW COMPLETED Will Be One Of Best Events Of Its Kind Ever Held In Piedmont South. THE PUBLIC IS INVITED Stunt Night and Community Sins On Last Night Of the Meeting. Plan cial W i for the irkers (' Sout hern Text ill' S- citce :tre maring tried out according be one of the must ling conferences ot conip c! inn ah'l, 1 1 liuu and, i.lule this ti si In .lule this will beneficial ;ind interes its kind ever held. A special invitation is extended to the mill managers and superintendents and to the public, to attend these metein'S, especially on Wednesday night, J 11114 14th, and Thursday afternoon and ni'ht, dune loth. The concert of mill talent is one of ths best things on the program as children from Georgia, tSmilli Carolina and Nurth Carolina will take part. The exhibit of the different-lines ot wink carried on in tin1 mill villages will be particularly interesting to the publ generally. A special edition of The (iastonia Ga zette, carryinrr the st'.rv of the work in Gn-tou county, will Ik- ready for distri bution at this meeting. Stunt night and a big community sing n'lil wind up tho contereiice, j'rof. Wa ! tor of music at the N lege for Women, will the ' sing ' ' while tiir niched bv the civic or 1;. Brown, direc- :th Carolina Col l' ill charge ot 'nuts will be fur ifiiza'ions of tne 1 nia ns, 'i vita lis, del-gates. town, Kiitarians, Woman s Club an, ! I,. , Sergeant Twiford jCiuiting office, nun.,;. ; received today an a ! I application blanks f..r j enter the Citizens camps. Ho requests these blanks call for I the number of vacam I creasing. ' the I re- . that he his 'Hal supply of -)' Vli VVI-) to it.iry training all who vvili 111 at once, as is rapid'y de- (iastonia Conimuni noiinces that (V.nimuni will be open to the All children are urged 9:.".0 a. m. A picture the children in a uroim ty Sfi-rvi.-e :i y fServiv l'i public Tin s :.' to be proven' vvi'l be taken and all th"-)' siring to tie in name are request)-1 to be at the park at the corner of Suh ami Swoncl Streets on time. Miss Katherine McLean will be in charge. j WASHINGTON', June ."", -j pliiince with requests from jand some of the AlliiM powers force of American troops is to . 1m com ,. rni.uiv a small retain- oil at Coblenx on the Rhine b. v ill Jmy " l"' originally ! r 1 1, tne date Set 0111 le- I crritrr evaluation o: i m THE WEATHER North Carolina, generaltv cloaSy to night and Tuesday, prnhaMt- t"r - JOHN G. CARPENTER WINS FROM DOLLEY AND RITGII IN SATURDAY PRIMARY Polls Overwhelming Vote Over Both Opponents In Gaston County. LEADS IN MECKLENBURG Marvin Ritch Polls Only Votes In Gaston County. 3C John (.'. Carpenter, cf feated both his uppumcts, Dolley and Alarvin L. Jiit ustonia, dc fct.plien 15. Ii in Satur- uay d primary by an overwhclming vote. Tho hnal count in the county stood as follows: Carpenter J.tun, Dolley Utio, and Hitch 27. Carpenter al so carried ..Mecklenburg county. Ritcii got only 30 votes in Gaston county, these coming from ten separate precincts. Tho highest lie received was nix at Cherry -vine and four at Dallas. He leccivid two and three votes at several other pre cincts. The women's vote was exceedingly light. They did not come to the puii iu any great n umber. Following is tho vote in the county !j precincts for Carpenter and Dullcv : Cuipcnter Dulley Gastonia, So. (iastonia, No. Lou ; i oo;; 4 1 ls 7s j r s j .lit L'Ki J' ;i it 7 7 j l' t y 77 1') L'ii is, 1 1 1 L'L'O Go ,;r iu o IMS -Jo (7 s ;;it j 1 1 1 J .." -ii (.iastonia, Gastonia, No. No. Belmont Jtanlo Lowell MuAdenville . Mt. llolly Maywortn . . . Alexis Lucia Dallas j Cherryville .. Carpenter . . . Kiser j Bakers 'Stanley (South Point j I'n ion , 'Glenn I Kobin.son Bessemer Cily WILLOW MARKET TO OPEN NEXT WEDNESDAY MORNING Tho opening of the market at Willow school corner N cond Avenue and .South iI arietta Street, on Wednesday, .lane 7th, tit H a. 111. is being look) .1 forward I to as one of the main events of tin- week. I The women of the town are asked to 1 bring baskets and to visit the market as 'early as possible Wednesday morning. The people of the county who have pio lini' for .sale are asked to give tin' proposition a trial and to bring iu 1 1. ; r products on Wednesday and pi rhap 1 : jverlise and take orders for the tolh.w j ing market days: Monday, Wi dm mI.i j and Saturday of each week through June, J uly and August. COAL DEALERS CONFER WITH SECRETARY HOOYER Effort Being Made To Insure Public Fair Prices and Pro tection Against Profiteers. (By The Associated WASHINGTON". June of the National Retail 1 'o Association,, headed by II" of Chicago, president, wr j to confer with Secretary plan for securing the o the retail coal dealers of t Press.) . Members .1 .Merchants' III I I . Jl'lleS. ! h.re today Hoover on a operation of ic country in . th" benefits s t'.ir coal at ek w it h opi-r- . en' of the r :ln' ilura- I or h r to insure to the pa1'!;. of the maximum fair prh - tin mines established last vv i jators in more than so r i present Vrodueing fields S'"i tion of the strike. 1 At this conference. ::n 1 tin1 week, with reoreseii' 1 : i wholesale coal trade, i! is i 111 arrangement similar 'o ' with the operators will be v, that by means of fair pri.. in different sections of tie 1 various branches of the ind : linked in passing onto the fair prices agreed upon, scheme contemplates a co o; rangement with the Itenar'n mi ne to hold ji rices at a level during flu strike. leie later in v.- of the -.ecti'd that l.it adopted orked out so committees country th? is'ry can be iiisime'r the Tin whole! v,tive ar- I i.r of Com- I r' asonablc j i NO RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR HERE AFTER JUNE 30th. (By The Associated Press.) AVASHIN'OTOV. June Recogni tion of Horis Bakh) ijet.(T, ss Russian Ambassador to the Fnit I States!, eontin- ui'l. despite the collapse five yen re nKi 01 i ne icrcnKv irovernnieiii , niui-n p - , pointed turn, will cea- atter June ow. Mr. Hakhemeteff has In n notiftd of this decision of the American (iovernnient in letter from Secretary Hughes, reply to a communication from the Ambassadoj in which the latter, stating that his chief function in recent months f liquidating property claims growing out of the war was now alwit completed. had offered to retire should th Waeh inirfn ff fsd in AT. f, Atvoirf. j ' IRELAND SEPARATED INTO TWO ARMED CAMPS; SINN FEINERS ARE PUSHED BACK Border Between Northern and Southern Ireland Is Now a Battlefront. SINN FEIN LOST IN ULSTER Murder Of Magistrate Flana gan Causes Big Sensation. Artillery In Play. LONDON", June 5. British troops have driven the Winn Fein invaders from their main positions in Ulster territory, and a large part of the border between northern and southern Ireland now 8 virtually a battle front. Tho village of l'ettigoe, on the Fer managh -Donegal border, das recaptured from the Sinn Fein invaders yesterday and the southern forces also are reported to have evacuated Jkdlcck, It) miles to tin' southwest. The discrepancy between tho ollii ial i-ommuniipie, with its statement of three .Sinn Feiners killed and one Lewis gun captured, anil the more detailed press re ports of Ihe British storminir the place and indicting "heavy losses" has yet to be reconciled. The military lias taken over much of the boundary line and the iSinn Feiners now face seasoned and well armed troops equipped -wilh artillery, instead of the special I'lstcr constabulary men. The Daily News, basing it informa tion on a despatch from its correspondent at Knuiskilleen, declares under u large headline that the crisis has been deliber ately faked for political purposes, and that the provocation to war comes from tie- ClstCr side of the bonier. The Ihii'v Herald prints a report from Chatham that several warships are about 1 to have tic re for an unknown destina tion, believed to be in land, and that the 1 luivii is filled with naval men, under in- structons lint to leave port. ' News dispatches from I'lstcr declare feeling there has been mbittere.l by t he I murder of Magistrate Flanagan, which I caused yri'.-it sensation. The victim had I lately sentenced many offenders under j I the tire arms ai t and often had been threatened, but had ignored the threats. I He was accompanied to tin- cathedra! ; tat Ni'wry, w hero the shooting took place, j by his sister, fdie seized one assailant but In' threw hor off and escaped with j his companions in an automobile into Lough county, which is Free State ter- ; rilory and vvliiTo they consequently could 1 not be pursued by the iiortnern authori- : ties. Much ut'ehtion Is focused upon the question of the proposed Irish constitu tion and its allied issues. I'rime Min- isler Lloyd George is expect) , from Wales tonight in n.-i'li ins flu- Irish rcprcsctitativi s, who, to arrive i to me.' it ii In lievi I, will return toiiDurow. I lion of thiv negotiations is expect after their arrival. li'l'UIlip- d soon SIXTY TO JOIN CHURCH AS RESULT OF REVIVAL MEETING Series Of Services At Main Street Methodist Church Closed Sunday Night Mrs. C. L. Steidley Holds Special Service For Women. The protrsclei in progress at church for ten end Sunday fi' presiding el,h r. day a f'ti'iiioon a special s 1 1 " and spoli" to a was a sph n.;: Kirkpat ri.-k. f preaching. ), ' night. ile ci here and -.v.-.s j .. large and .! Steidiev had . so render' i o al worki'r. As .1 Ti-M: ' " sons have alre:i ellUTeh member reived next Sun day afternoon 1 Ij. Slant' ird. w : at which h- w ;l who arc to i night. 1 no ! Mam lag which had been s-'net Mcthodisr r eioi-e cami' tt an 'i a sermon by the I II. Jordan. Sun '. I.. St.'i.l'.-y held '.voinin and gilis Ulgl e. K. rv h e atlon. P t . C. S. did the on Fridav Hi. k hi d.ii'y while n a serv ice by a n iionee. M i. ic noisie an I al as a person- ' I ' ing sixty per ! in ir nanu s for ,. v will be re! t -Ii Iv g hip. lav On S; tor. Ibv tur A. Iin ! ren ; iec in I all the chu reh Slile 1 v LEE RENOMINATED BY OVER FOUR THOUSAND RAT.KIi.IT cunibcnf. h ii 4,.riou votes ' deiiifSTatic 1 commission r. and unoffu i lime . VV. T. I.00, 111 ,1 ' a 1 of approximat ly r ' . ' . Avery, for the '., '.on for corporation ;: 1 rli'g to incomplete r. :!rn compiled by t he Mil Observer from fifty mt as of the state. j t in' been slow in com probably will be tumor-j winner in tho race will; noun. ,. j i'il unofficial returns Kaleigh ..-' of the P"l . Tho return ing in and ; row bl'fore. T! be ilefinii k Incomplete from the thirl iii-tru-t indicate that a Men ('. L. Aleruethv, nd Matt U. Allen, of Is' necessary to deter- 1 r. I- i x f ot .New it rn, I Golilsb)iro. vvill 1 minn the democratic nominee t. i greM( il(-,-..rding to the News ,, i (1K ttll'l JW server. Rcpres. nf.itive Edward W. Pou. of mway was iu "b " T ,X the fourth district, overwhelmingly de- Ber. Dr. J. JI. Henderhte The pall feateil W i ev M. I'erson. of LouLsburg, bearers were ss follows: F. C. Aber for the denio- ritic nomination for con- nethy, Boddey Smith, Clyde Smith, Brian gress in that, district, the News andi8mith, Ralph W. Xorthrop and George !Orwrvcr s;vs. o commi'hn of tb9 Kmiti ?n ) a , EXPECT RAPID DEVELOPMENTS IN WAR CONTRACT FRAUD PROBE BY THE GRAND JURY Mystery Surrounds Identity Of Persons Who Issued Warrant For J. L. Phillips, Prominent Georgia Republican Charged With Defraud ing Uncle Sam Grand Jury, In Session Two Weeks, Has Not Returned Single Indictment, REPUBLICANS SQUIRM UNDER ACCUSATIONS Harding Would Have Papers Oo Easy On Daugherty Scandal Many Re publicans. Think He Should Retire. (Ry II. K. C. Bryant.) WASHINGTON', June 4. Senator Zchulon Baird Vance used to tell of a swearing mountaineer who was put on the blink by somo school boys wbo want ed to hear him "ems." Tho old man loaded his wagnn with apples, and the youngsters slipped the stay-rod so that the end gato would come out at the first jerk of the horse. About half way up tho hill tho expected happened and the apples tumbled out and rolled far down the hill. But when the hols urrived to gel the benefit of their prank the prince of swearers was silent. "Why don't you cuss.'" asked ono of t he older boys. "It is no use; I can't do it justice," was the reply. That is just, what happciusl here. No one can do justice to tho state of affairs brought about by tho Harding adminis tration, still full With the Uaugherty geamiai bloom with such republican papers as The New York Tribune, Tne fVKlu.c v lumber dealers, to dispose of 1'hiladelphia North American, Tho Ne-v ; H,lrpus lumber left from cantonment and York Globe, The Chicago Tribune and i t.alll( obstruction and other war de Tho Philadelphia Public, U'dger demand- , velopmcnts. ing the resignation of the attorney gen- J'roceediiigs of tho grand jury which eral the leaders of tho administration j so far 41H ,.;ln fc,, learned lias yet to hand are very unhappy. 1 down its first indictment, huve been veil- President Harding has reached the tearful stage, in which he appeals to the j Washington correspondents to stifle the I bad and play up the good news. He 'thinks it is wrong for the press to print, 'in bold type tin1 criticism of the "ir- I responsible hlaekgiia rds ' ' and not tin' gieat work of the administration. He isj peeve I. So are his party friends ill tho : senate. They have forgotten the shame-J fill reports circulated on President Wil- ' son by Senator Moses find other glib- I month republicans. Saw the other man's bud is being gored, and it hurts.! Paughirty has announced that he j has forty rooms to house his investi gators of war graft, and he will proceed 1 to the hire of the republican lawyers 1 What, infest the national capital. ( '' , In the meantime ho has succeeded in preventing an investigation of his con ' nection with tho Morse case by a houso committee. Hut, squirm as he may, the attorney general cannot, escape; the pub lic, believes there is something bad in j the Morse affair. From the minute that Senator Watson, of Indiana, fold the senate Mr. Iaugherty had nothing to ibv with fii)' Morse pardon, the people h.-i.e decided that there is some reason for a l;u k of frankness in this matter. Ouugh- erty is not condemned here for taking : the fee as an attorney but for trying 'o j .luck. ' Many republican lenders think that; Paugherty should retire, but that sort of turn is not looked for; President Haiibng was shoved into the limelight ami tin- presidency by Paugherty, and he will not ask for his resignation. Hut alnaiv progri'ssiv .. lead) rs, who see the; I. ami writing on the vvail and renn -mtor the late of Harry New, in Indiana, and 1 the success of Gilford Pinehot, in Peiin- ; svl.ania, an' cutting out for themselves. The ; out .1 in t'o 1; I). I r, ie Imiiiistration can In '1' IV giving ibs. but so long as Puugher cabinet with a record bi'Smir P. candidates cannot point to the W hite House record. v is bed. with DEATHS. JAS. K. HARPKK. James F. Harper, for many years a resident of (iastonia and a native of Mecklenburg county, died very suddenly at his home on North Mill street, Friday eveiiing at 7 :.''( o'cloik. His death uueD i t)'d and 110 illness had been W.19 ap pan nt and came as a great shock to his manv relatives anil friends. Funeral services were conducted at the home Sun dav morning at 9 o'clock by Kev. J. li. fiillesiii- Hnd the body was taken to Hunfersville for burial where Kcv. Mr. f;riir was in chargo of the grave ser-vi.-es. Mr. Harper i survived by a num Iht of brothers and sisters in llastonia. MliS. AhMA BUAttI) CAROTHKRS. Mrs. Alma Bard ,arothers, wife of , Henderson Oirothers. of Gastonia, ilied i iSaturilay afternoon. June 3, at three i j o'clock 'at the liomo of her father, Mr. j !j. B. Iti'ard, 5bl South liester Street., :Mrs. 'ti rot hers lefore her ih-ath held a I I responsible po-dtion with the Piedmont I Telephone ii Telegraph 4o., at tne Uas : tonia office. I Funeral sen-ices were held Monday morning at eleven o'clock at the home I . . . , . . ts -r . l I on South inester srreei. it. . v. ai- Kawungs. tne curun was ceia st nouy WASHINGTON", June 3, The war frauds inquiry of tho Department ot Justice developed a mystery today con cerning the identity of the person or persons who on Saturday swore out a warrant for the arrest of John Lewis l'hillips, chairman of tho Republican State Committeo of Georgia, charging j fraud in execution of war contracts. 1 Commissioner Isaac li. Hitt, who on I Saturday issued tho warrant, declined today to suy who made the complaint 01 which the warrant was issued. It be came known, however, that four persons appeared at Commissioner Ilitt's officO late Saturday and that tho warrant was issued shortly thereafter. At the Department of Justice surpris was expressed today. Issuance of a warrant for tho arrest of J. L. l'hillips, chairman of tho re publican State committee for Georgia, charging fraud iu the execution of war contracts, led to expectation of further rapid developments today as the special grand jury investigating war fraud cases entered the second week of its delibera Hons, l'hillips, as a member of the firrtt of I'hillipps and Stevens, shortly after .i.,, armisti.o obtained contract from j .1.,, LrVeriiiiient,. tho mrnnt of a. enn. 'd in secrecy, and United titates Corn- missioucr Hitt, who issued tho warrant for l'hillips, beyond confirming reports that it hail been issued, has refused to discuss the case. Jt has been generally reported, how ever, that lumber contracts have , been the first to be considered by the grand jury. . ta Jn a recent speech in the House Bop reseiitative Woodruff, Republican, Michi . gan, asserted that government' auditors had filed reports with the 'Department of Justice in September, 1921, showing that Phillips and Stewens still owed the government under their contract' more than 1,85(1,000. While the Contract called for the disposal of spruce, plnd, hemlock and fir lumber only, Roptt,Mitii tive Woodruff said, the reportl bhowed the firm had sold more than 50 vaiietiet, including mush valuable hardwoods. 1 MUTUAL AND CLARA TEAMS 1 EVEN UP THE SERIES Ball Game At Arlington Park Saturday One Of The Most Evenly Contested And Fastest Of The Season In Gas tonia Clara Ii Held Scoreless Whito Mutual Gets But One Run Across 1 Nine Innings To A Finish Of 1 To Q In Favor Of Mutual ! One of the hardest fought and besl : played games of baseball seen in- Oas tonia this season was the game Ium. Sat urday between the newly recruited cot ton mill tennis of the C'iara and Mutual ! communities, played at the Arlington imill park. The Mutual boys scon d ono : run in tin ir h If of the first inning which I proved to be the only score in tha game. The players of both team) were, almost perfect in their respective posi tions. I.ingerfelt, who pitched for Mu tual, allowed but three safeties and with exception of two slight errors had per fect support. Badger backed him up fis wonderful s'tyle behind the bat. Biggers I for tiie Clara team was also invincibly I allowing but four hits and fanning fif- teen men. Mac Underwood gave him ex j cedent support behind the tiat and but I for two errors, one of which gave Mutual I its lone run, Biggers would have pitchca j iu a perfect game. The players of both lineup;) are to lie commended fo: their ' clean-cut and snappy exhibition of whole some sportsmanship. These '-two .' mill teams ami many others like them in Gas i ton county are concrete examples of tha ; uplifting influence of clean, wholesome, healthful recreation and are a credit ttt ' any community. Clara, and Mutual ar i now evened up on number of games, each 1 having won one and the deciding- gam , for supremacy will be played in th near ; future. They won tho game Saturday I in gentlemanly fashion ami deserved th J hard earned victory. The line up of tha teams was: Mutual: Lingn-felt, jxj Badger, e.f Bragg, lb. ; -Jenkins, 2b.; Heavener, 3b.; 'j. Heavener, ss.; Green, If.; Sisk,, ef.i Thomas rf. . . Clara: Biggers, p.; tTnderwoodj c.; Currie, lb.; Parker, H., 2b.; Tucker, :5b.; Sparrow, .; O. Costncr, If.; Kale, cf.; C Costner, rf. -. i' ANTI-TYPHOID CAMPAIGN TO BE HELD SOO.f Dr. O. J. McCombs, city physicias, an nounces that within the next two or tbrea weeks he expects to iiegin an ai ti-ty-phoid campaign, which will be LJd at the court house. The serum will be fur nished by the State Board of ht-rt, will be administered free of charge b.v Dr. McCombs and his assist&tts ou ecr , tain days to t definite ,;"-ff!'