THE GASTONIA- (N. C). DAILY GAZETTE TUESDAY, JUNE , 1C22 AC.F TWO Ot SPEKGEB KOiaiJlH (ObrrflpondeiKX) ( he Bally Gazette.) ePEXCCS WOUXT.UX. June'S. Virginia "Wilson returned to her home it faastoai, Monday. atr, and Mrs. W. O. Flower were lop per ia Gastonia Toedy. ; Ltoa Margaret 'Laws, Bed Cross nurse, for Gaetea outy -am dowi Tuesday afternoon uU made an interesting talk to a group of women. She will return next Tuesday afternoon and give a deai oastrated lecture. She wishes to form a class of atoout 23 women and will CLOVER CULLINPS. .. (Correepomleac of The Daily Gazette.) CLOVER, S. C, June S. f he com mencement of the Clover high aehool be gan last Friday night, with a musical recital given by. Miss Carpenter 'a atuaie pupils. On Suntlay evening, in the Firat Presbyterian church, Dr. Oatoa, preached the baccalaureate sermon. On Momiay nfternoon at five o'clock the primary department gave a pageant on the school cnmitus. Momiay night, the intermediate department held a boy and girls deelawatioB contest. Mi Elizabeth (Smith, of the aeventn gnuie, fifteen lecture free, ope a week. It i. ! ' V?n R -2 hoped that the women wilt take advt.ii tag of thia opportunity. The lecture Tuesday will me in the WiUora Jiall at 2:30. TiMx. O. V. Biraioghsra and son wi.-tf visitor ia the Tillage Tuesday. Mis Klizabeth 'Love returned honin Friday after spending some time with Mia ILeunora Patterson. , ilaesra. W. O. Patterson, Joe Sherrill and J. H. Bill, motored to Charlotte Tuesday evening and enjoyed the show at Keith 'a. : Ifr. Im Goldsoiyth, Mr. Wray Coldanyth and Mr. and Mrs. A. K Boomt went to Mountain Island &un dJ. Bundle day ia the village wa a very successful one, a great number of bun dle were contributed. A large per cent of the home responded to the cull. The eeauntttee eomponed of Mis' Buna Payscur, Vida Flower, Verlie Aber natby and Fay Sherrill were very prompt in their soliciting. Thia commit tee was assisted ty Mrs. B. A. Thomas. The bundle were curried to Castonia Friday a4 turned over the chairman of Caaton county, Key." Geo. R. Gillespie. The chairman for thia community wishes to thank all who helped in any way in this , work. Y ' ( " .Miss Leonora Patterson ia spending several 'day in Kings Mountain with her ' aunt, Miss Jett . Plonk. Mn.-G.-V. Patterson left Saturday) on a motor trip to Greensboro to bo present at the commencement exercises of! the North Carolina College fo Women. Mr. CI. V. Patterson was a business tisitor to King's Mountain Thursday, SEWS OF PISGAH (Correspondence of The Dailj Gazette.) i HSGAH, June 5, The entire com munity extend sincere sympathy to Mr. a Bd Mrs. Harvey Pnrker and family in the death of the baby, Kenneth, in the Charlotte Sanatorium last Friday night night. It was buried at l'isgah tSabliatli morning at eleven o'clock. The funeral service icing conducted by' Dr. J. C. Galloway, amid a large concourse of friend. i Mr. W.vE. Oaten, of Henderson ville, a brother of Mrs. Parker, attended the funeral. ' Mrs. Jj. 31. Peele and children, Martha, AAel and Mary Falls of Laurinburg, are speeding some time visiting rela tive in this section, Wr. "and Mrs. B. M. Falls of the O. X. Dairy had a their guests last tiat nrday, (Mra. IL. M. Peele and family. Mrs. O. B. Bobinson and family ami Mr. and Mrs, Eugene McNaul, of Clover, 8. CY Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Carson and fund ly, and Mr. and Mr. J. R. Anthony motored to Tiraah, 6. C, last Saturday afternoon and spent until Sabbath af ternoon with the families of Messrs. Wil liam and Monroe Oates. They report a very pleaaant trip. Ber. A . T. (Lindsay preached in the First A. 2t. P. church in Gastonia Sub bath morning. Mrs. (Lee Whiteside joined a inotoi party to Due West, S. C, this morning, where she will attend the graduation e ereise at Erskine College. Mjn Knox Whitesides is a member of the claaa, ai is also Raltih Erskine Hood, on of Bev, and Mrs. J. B. llood. Mr. "W, B. llood who was a student at White Bible school of New York, and apent several days last week at the home of his parents, left Saturday af teruooiv f or Columbia to visit his brother, Mr. J. B. Hood. Jr. From (Vliiiiihi i he goes to Due West to attend commence ment, thenee to Charleston, Miss., where he will engage in mission work as an as sistant under the Southern Presbyterian Board, r . l$lt,AnA Mr. Herman Ratchford wer 'gtestf of Mr. and Mrs. Lowry Falls, Sabbath.. Mr. snd Mrs. Henry W. Oates visit ed relative in Clover last week. JDr. J. M. Garrison, of Kings Moun tain, will fill the pulpit at PiHgah next Sabbath morning, while Rev. Mr. Hood will go to Kings Mountain for the pur pose of moderating a call, to the Uoyce Memorial church. AT THE THEATERS The Ideal Theater presents today "Come On Over," a aix reel picture by Rupert Hughes. Also "The Ne't r To Return Eoad," two reels. The Cast ojiinn Theater is showing to day and Wednesday Norma Talmadge in " Love's Redemption." At the Majestic Theater this week Al len and Kenna'a Aviation Girls appear in "Gay New York," featuring Hall Bathbura and Sid Winters, cornelians. Matinee Monday, Wedneslay and Satur daTrf 2:30 p. m. REBEKAH NOTICE. . Woodell Rebekah Ixwlge No. 12S will hold its regular meeting Tuesday night, June Ctb, at eight o'clock p. m., the election of officers for the ensuing term will take place at this meeting, therefore it is very important that w have a full attendance. MRS. F. A. CATI1F.T, net. Secretary. WHEN yon want quick and ure results try our Want Ad Columns. The celebrated De Lcxe line of loose kaf devices are sold in GastonU tj the Bnunley-WaJters Printing Co. presented a medal, offered to the tiest boy dcclainicr in the school. On Tues day evening the graduating class had their clans day exerciwst, the foihiwu program was carried out : Welcome address, Meek herer. Class history, John Pressly Smith. 1nss song, llass. Class jioetess, !ora Williams. Class gifturlun, Lucille Ford. 1ass Htatistietan, Klizabetb Ford. (ViUlBJCIfC SOUg, ClllM. Class will, Roberta Moore, Class prophecy, Lila Walk. Leafy Sjtring, Class. On Wednesday evening, was an ad dress by Rev. Henry Grady Hardin, D. V., of Charlotte, N. C, and the presenta. tion of diplomas by Supt. W. S. Beid, to the twenty-three member of th graduation class, marked the closing ex- crcispi of the Clover high school. A large audience heard with interest the inspiring addresa of Dr. Hardin, who is a former resltlent of 1over. Supt. Keid prenentcii diploma to the follow ing twenty-three gradduates: lames Louis Adaaia, Klizalx'th Ford, Luctle Ford, Louise GU'nn, Vera Ham- bright, Alpha -Harmon, liaxel Jackksoa, Leone McCall, Joe Met all, Lindsay Me Klwee, Annette Moore, Mamie Moore, HoUrta Moore, (juina l'arrott, Joaey Petty, Ida B'lle Prieo, Esther Keid, Iva Sberer, Meek Sherer, John 1'ressly Smith, Francis Stanton, Lila Walker and Cora Williams. Miss Grace' Lindn Page a me tuber of the tenth grade waa awarded a medal. offered for the beet all around m-holar- shii) of a high school student for the year. Prof. R. 8. Cochrane read the honor- roll fur the entire school, those wboae names appear on the roll niaile a gen eral average of 90, or more for the' en tire school year. Miss 'Louise Smith left Thursday morning for Bateeburg to attend the marriage of her cousin. Miss Fjdna Bates. Mr. Ernest Allen, of Greenville, is spending several days in town. Miss Josephine AblKitt, of Charlotte, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. O. E. Fitssun-mons. Miss Christine Smith arrived home on Wednesday evening from Coker illege to spend her summer vacation. She left on Friday morning for Due Went to at tend commencement. Rev. and Mrs. Grady nardln and children of Charlotte, Bpent Wednesday night with Mr. M. L. Smith and family. The following teachers of the Clover high school left on Thursday for their respective homes: Miss Carpenter to Maiden, S. C, Miss leslic, to Troy, Mies Getty, to Tirzah, Mr. Oliver, to 8wan- Ltea, Miss Marion Smith remained over Thursday night with Miss Martha Smith leaving on Friday for her home at Lee ville. On Tuesday afternoon of last week, Mrs. O. K. Fitzsiuimons entertained the Bridge Club in honor of her house guest. Miss Josephine Abbott of (.liarlotte. The living room was made beautiful with quantities of sweet peas and bridge was played at four tables. The hostess assisted by Mrs. C Alexander served a delicious salad course with sandwiches cut in shape of hearts, diamonds, clubs and spades. Miss Willie Williams, of York visited Mr. and Mrs. George Williams, last week. Misses Claude Smith and Ethel Adams spent the week-end with Miss Hleeke Beamguard at Great Falls. Miss Sara Allison ent Tuesday with Miss Agnes Youngblood. Miss Miriam Cut hey of Gastonia visit ed Misses Rebecca and Julia l'ursley luv week. Master Sam Whyte Smith is visiting his mint, Mrs. Rob Brandon in Gastonia. Mr. Horace Uudisill spent the week end with his brother, Mr. Will Rndiwll. Mr. and Mrs. K. S. Coekren left Saturday afternoon for n visit to Rich burg, S. C. Mr. Alee Williford, of Jefferson, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Vic Hamhright. Dr. and Mrs. J. .. Prison and family moved on Friday to Gastonia to make their home. Their many (lover friends regret very much to give the Prison family up. MrB. Guy Hardin, Misses Margaret and Alberta Hardin, SalHe Gladden and Mr. Moore Hardin, of Chester, spent the week-end with Mr. and Mr Ellie Moore. They where ai-coitijianied home by Miss Roberta Moore, who will be their guest for several days. Mrs. M. S. Baruett returned home on Friday from Lexington where slie has lieen fcince Christmas. j The tenth birthday of the Woman's Auxiliary of the Presbyterian church was fittingly observed by the women of ! the Presbyterian church on Wednesday ' afternoon in the linsement of the new : church. Mrs. C. N. Alexander, president of the auxiliary, presided and gave the ! meaning of, the party. Eleven niemliers ' of the society represented the years ot I the auxiliary in fitting selections after ' which candles were placed on a large ! birthday enke. Those taking part in ! this exercise included Misses Annie Lee . Adams, Martha Smith, Mary, Lel and ) Bess Jackson, Mesdame Frank McEl- wee, l. J. Campbell, c ji. Fcreuson. Ralph Jackson, Miss Agnes Youngblood and Mary Beamguard. The birtbdav ' offering amounted to 21.46. After th conclusion of the program delicious i home-made cake and lemonade was ser-, ved. I Misses Annette and Mamie Moore en- i tertained the young set at a lawn party,' Saturday night. THREATENED LYNCHING AT - HIGH POINT is AVERTED Continued trim page I, stated be did not think either of the three was the ran wanted. ; EUOSEIOflliEKRYS ; ITFB FEDM EEU'O'iT " - . - j 1 - . iewsai ( " (By Mr. AdelaMe 0. Heard.) Peraaaal. -y BESSEMER CITY NEWS (Correponlence of The TJsjily Gaaette.) BESSEMER CITY, Jnne 5. The public library at the 'mam school build ing is now open to the public each THE OLD HOME TOWN W BY STANLEY Mr. Price Leeper, who is a student at i Wednesday afternoon from three till . 'four o'clock tU nAtroa f the school, r.nity College ha. arnve.1 l.o,,w for the of the U)geih THOMASVILLE, June 5. Three thousand men and boya armed with all kinds of weapons searched the ! T wood surroundin; Prospect chnreh, u,"B"'r- - v " ... , . i with Prof BaUard and Rhyne will be in I whW, hv located about thra mil. . Mr- T".0'. fP7' ?h ? L ''l charge on alternate day. The people of j A i i . . i . ... i i iiwui una putLv, vii uia prsm nign Point road, tonight, for the negro the senior rhtss at K. k E. next yesrijtc town are urged to take notice of will scpenn me summer woraing wun tne tiig. , State Highway Commission. At present Vie atores as. per agreement have j,e is at Macon, Granville county. Mr. ,,iiU.ards jdaeed In the wiudows stating Leei-r is taking n civil engineering th,.lt they will close Wednesday after roorsi'. .. , noon. Mr. and Mrs. R. B. Brittain, Mr. and j The civic league meet Wednesday af- Jrd Tli.nrv Vfiirlpv nltfl liil.lrn uml llM-;iinin. Uk Kuddick was returning from i , rs' j;ilm.s BriBBS. of Saliahurv. were vi; ni. vrnni.a. ia .....iwlin the home of htr uncle, Leslie Men-! Kmts Humlay of Mr. and Mrs. A. 0nie dav in Gustouia with relative. denhall, where she had gone ta so- ; Linds rger. Mr.' Brittain is M-. ! Miss Laura Young of Gastouia i i . I :....l...ptni- fm - .1.. cure sonic metncine, anu was passing "" - (riniuiK n-a, ua iirrr. , Mr. waiter Kail lias returned from Mrs. tioiar returnea rsniurMnr Winston Siilem where he attended the 'night from GwHBboro, where she visit- marriage of Miss Elijsabeth Hengreiilcd lier sister, Mrs. Maude Elliott. rhe; ... y , . i , . . . . i ' it. Ln;..t 1 ami .Mr. naries xxug wuieli toox pia--e wasacruiuuiueu nouie oy Jirs. j.jui Kriilay evening. ;ainl Master Bill, who will visit here for Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Tucker anil chil-: sometime. the negro leaped towards her and I ,ln " tiI),'nt Sunday in Mount Holly with , -Master jtoy uouser, ot uarioiie, u .Mr. and Mrs. neriien unynor. ; ueen vinihiik grmiiuri-iiiiv i. Mr. Ia-o Huffstetler, of the Rational ' Mrs. C. W. Fuller. He was accompanied Mill is quite sick. ' 'home Sunday by Miss Ruth Brown Full Mr Edward Anderson left last week er. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Thornbnrg returned I his iKirents. Tuesday lroni a visit of several days at Mrs. D. H. Cox eturned home Katur- ; Greenville, S. C. diiy from Charlotte where she recently ; Mr. M. I. Shohir of Moorefrville spent underwent a serious operation. Her the week-end with his family here, friends will be glad to hear that she is Miss Eltos Gamble sjient the. week end rceuMrating nicely. with Mrs. Pressly Morrow Bt 'lover. Mrs. J. W. Armstrong, who has been ! 'Mrs. Ella Robbing is in Chicaimiugn, sick for the past several days im not im '(.'a., on tin extended visit to her daugh proving very much. , ler, Mrs. Nell RolAiias Bradley. who attempted an aeaault &t 4:39 o'clock this afternooft upon Miaa Florence Ituddick, 18-year-old daugh-1 ter of Mr. J. V. Reddick, a widow. along a strcttn 01 road that was heavily wooded, when the negro etnergred from the woods on the aide, and accosted her. She states that she said "Good evening," whereupon tried to put hi hand over her mouth, hut not before she screamed. With threats that he would kill her if she niiwle auother outcry, he dragged her for Ixine Rock, Wisconsin, on a visit to into the woods for about three hun dred feet. Noticing that she had dropped an umbrella that 6he had been carrying in the road, he set her down ami told her he was going to get her um brella, and if she screamed or moved he would kill her. The frightened girl watched the negro until he reached the road, when he slipped j behind some bushes and ran as fast as possible towards the road near her home, the attempted assault having taken place within sight of the house. Hailed Passing Car. Upon reaching the road she hailed a passing car filled with men whom she told of her experience and asked that she be carried to her home. Im mediately upon her arrival medical aid was sent for and the alarm given. Chief of Police L. W. Blackwelder, of High Point, waa notified, ami he and nearly the entire force, together with over 100 cars filled with men, arrived upon the scene within 80 minutes after the alarm had been given. Chief Blackwelder took charge of the case, sending searching parties throuhg the woods and also telephon ing to Granite Quarry for blood hounds. Miss Keddick was badly choked and has several scars and scratches upon her neck and is in a very ner vous condition, but was able to give an accurate description of her assail ant, and says that she will be able to identify him if caught. Three suspects have been placed in the High Point Jail. EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO OfPtC: :rr nifi.f2.oR. WlVOU. ve(Serr. THAT HWMS LUCK ill DOGS ARE PLACED ON TRAIL OF ASSAILANT High Point, June 5. Evading a mob of nearly 1,000 men, Chief of Police L. W. Blackwelder left here shortly after 8 o'clock tonight for Greensboro with an unknown negro who is suspected of having commit ted an attempted criminal assault on the 18-year-old daughter of a prom inent Randolph county farmer at o o'clock this afternoon. Two other suspects were arrested at Thomasville tonight and were brought to High Point and placed in jail. A mob of armed men sur rounded the jail and there were threats of lynching, but officers quiet ed the mob, and it dispersed within a few minutes. The alleged attempted assault was committed on the old Thomasville road in Randolph county, about four miles from High Point. The negro, according to the girl's story, over powered her, and dragged her several yards from the road. There he chok ed her almost to death, but before he could accomplish his purpose she screamed, and the negro was fright ened away. Passers-by took the girl to her home, and tonight she was un der the care of a physician. The news of the attack spread throughout this section of the state, and several hundred armed men scoured the woods for hour, search ing for the assailant. Bloodhounds were brought here tonight and were placed on the trial. LI I IIW II T i l l I I Ai'M AH, MR TRAiS, I V4NT TO SHOtA) YoO A poe on 3priNSw- If the penhrteat aavcrtiaer that via. Keep year a la The Gaxetee all tht tim aa4 wtch th raolU. -.-- j When von think f prlntiag think of j Brumley-Walters Printing Co, Phone i - If the pershrteat aaverrJaer thai via. Keep your at ia The Casetea'all! tha time gad vatoh the reaalU. ' RHYNE-FR1DAY Jitney Lin Schedule BETWEEN DALLAS AND GASTONIA Leave Dallas t 7:30 A. M. 8:25 A. M. 10:25 A. M. 12:25 P. M. 2:25 P. M. 4:00 P. M. 6:00 P. M. Leave Gastonia 8:00 A. M. 9:25 A. M. 11:25 A. M 1 :25 P. M. 3:25 P. M: 5:25 P. M. 0:15 P. M. The only lino In opera tion at all times. We live up to our schedule. YX SPC21NC THAT OM I AHO I'LL SPRlWC om rr VDU 111 Nao Ntou'ce i T V NjevaR. Cive to see .X) " ,r V. A i - ivLtm - lfcl" MjPeCJGr. Wskm'feiL evbwpou L. ' - ft i&M..,M:fBy "trrsm m ES l,Te i, a ' 1 V Jhw .V S 7 f I WW m i w r- m w .m. m ivlkv u II r7 ) w'tc I lis h ' --x ....... I AVOlO ACCIDENTS TO THE AMT POI7R HAHC.IHG. LAMP m FOONT Of ROBINSONS" STC?E MARSHAL OTEV WALKEB IS MOW STATVONgp NFAPBy . Ar At Kt ?p scaX " Yct ' y( . & Z 1 ! V v TUP Qihck WORK OP MR SfOSWSON -fca iN-ji-iKr ru In Granting Credit the bank feels mueh more secure and considers loans with much more favor if the life of the strong man in the busi ness is iusnred in its favor. A certain business mini who built a tine home waa ankeil: "Suppose you should die, ran your family maintain that expensive home!" His reply was ready: "The day I let the contract for that home I took out a policy in sum sufficient to produce an income which will maintain that home. " The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. "The Bank of Dependable Service." YOUR BUSINESS The bank's business is other peo ple's business. Of no other business is this so true as of the Bank. It han dles other people's money, is agent and representative of other people; in many ways. This is why a Bank must be absolutely reliable. Arid ' that is the aim of this Bank. ; 4 Paid onlmg " j Gaston Loan & Trust Co. "Where Your Savings Are Safe." CA20LIN A ft NOKTHWESTEEN BAIL WAT COMPANY. 1 The office of the Divisiea freight ana , Passenger Agent of the Carolina ft ' Korthweatera Bailway Company are now located ia Gastonia, being on the second floor uf the U roves building over Loftia 4 On. W are prepared to quote passenger ad freight rate and give information la regard te ahipmeat to and from all j poiat. Telepaeae No. 823. , r, xum. d. r. 4 p. a. CAB0L1NA ' 4 NOSTHWESTStfW L- EAILWAY C0MPAMI. , Train Schedale. No. 8, aorthboond, arrive asstoala 9:20 a. - No. 1, aouthbonad, arrive Gastonia 4:40 p. a. Making loe eonnection with goatkeil Bailway trains N. 36 and Mo. 18. Close eonnsetion with 8oothera - al Newtoa and Hickory for Blaek alaaa toin, Asheville sH all poiat wet k. r. fiiD, d. r.ip.., Talephoa ai. Copyright Success It Can Be Done The young men and women with growing Savings Accounts are the ones that will know success. . i Most of the large concerns in Gastonia come from small beginnings. ' ' Let us plan together. "OUR SERVICE MAKES FRIENDS.

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