THE CASTONIA (N. CV DAILY GAZETTE TUESDAY, JUNE 13, 1922 PAGE TWO tZlIt CFUiKEWS hb.3 fed:.i mm I tf lift. Adelaide & Bearl) fortf tmrtH An mra! Conuueuitnieut At XUMSt Abbey Cefltej StxeewfuUj HeM. " BXL.VOST, Jo 12. TLe . Torty. t JTearta Anaual Comiaeneemeat of Bel- aneat Abbey College took laee at the 'eeUege Thursday morning, Joae eighth. The feHewiog. d(fwi were eanferreo: B. A fcpon Stephea Dtfw, O. 8. B., of "Wasiington, 0. C; and Joseph 31ona- 'aa, of Brooklyn, N. y. Certificatea for completing tlie Aeade saie Course m awarded to Hugh L. Garvey, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; Lawrenee L. Gilligaa, of Brooklyn, X. Y.; Lewellyn i, GriflW f ieffersonville, Oa.; Wrl- Lam A. Margertfm, of Priaceton, J . ; Lawrence B. JJonselie, of "vVrialiington, D. C Certifieatea for eompleting the English rVmnereial Oourse were awarded to FrMk !R.Da, Jr., of Tampa, Fla.; i. Unef WtffianSs, of Charlotte. X. C. Hie fold medal for scholarship in the Fourth Academic Class was won by William A. Maraertim, of Princeton, N. J.; Krrnt Academic Medal, by John A. Tobin, ct Potfstewa, P.; erib-Afadfmic Class, Thomas Av Kingman, at James, Ga. Ia the raledictory address, delivered fcy. Neil O. Bultwan, Columbia, 8. '., (teat atreaa was luid upon citizenship an4 enaraeter, a a very important far tr I la future eareer of the students 4a the fanatneas and social world. Mr. Jfartmaft gate bis valedietory in a very foreefal aad eloouent manner. -fit. Kev. Io llaid. O. 8. B., I). P., VtA0 aa especially noteworthy address t fTre students." .Ta armsieal feature of the coiirmenee Wat elereteel were especially enjoyable. Fiaao selection were rendered by John 'TMa, "vVHliam Horan aftad Harry J. Jfrpp1; wkile Louis flafcia and Looii emiea performed beauifully on the Tiofia. AH of these selections were Wfbty appreciated by the large audience, 4 snowing forth the skill imd manner f Intetprefing the selections of the authors. ' tit pfendld success of the closing ea rciae was very pleasing to the faculty f ft iaatifntion. tbaat ivy wTia Over Mutual Mid leant From Gastonia. j la? pitcher 'a battle between Long t4 Uagerfelt, in which Long WtbJ atcadier, Behmmt defeated the Mn 4m I Mil) team from Gastonia by a score f hint. Beat tie 'a playing at first base tt4 Wilson 'a Mffing aad base funning were the features of the: game for Bel- PerioiraM liiaan Oenpfa Uanka an.l Irene Moore, f ,'Ahelllei refnmM Batordrty from Wihniagtoa ithcre f hey apeitt ft week" tkHing relatitea Jtra. 3, tf. Xfoore and children, who lave been visiting Mrs. ft. P. Hank sM lira. J, C. Sanders, have returneil ( their home in Asherille. lira. 3 ohm Leeper and Miss Dora Me Xeo apent the week-end in the Point with b! former 'a tiTbtber, Mr. John Arm ltvBg. V Botd, t Bet. aad Mrs. B. O. Mare, i Friday, Jtrae th, a son. Bert, to Mr. aad Mrs. J. D. Mor rtoi "Friday, Jttne fh, a aon. Hts. 3. D. Pendleton, of Dnvia Bfa tfo, ti. ?., ttf. Annie Alexander and 3ff, Robert Alexander, of 1iHrIoto, virfte' Mr. "and Mrs, K. L. 8towe Sunday. '- 3Iiag Leai Carriaoti, of Cliarlotte, spent fa reek-ead with her parents, Mr. and Mrt. A. it. Garrison. Mf. aad Mrs. J. P. Stowe and chil- fittt, of CbarlottOj came ont. Sunday to Jiait Mi E4hcl Btowe in-ior to her leav- I kg for Ashevilh? Monday. -. Bora, te Mr. and Mra. Thomas Home, of the National Mill, one Thurwlsy, Jifne gth, a eon. - Wf. W. J. Ke f row was taken to the Mercy firwwrital in Charlotte 8nnday lirftVring rth a badly abscessed band. " tfrs C B. McAdama heaves Tuesday tnoftring for 'Wilmington to attend the Pyflria Convention aa a delegale from the Belmont Lodge, ne expects to ra tarn Thorsday morning. ' Mri. Haael Crenshaw has returned home after a visit to her father, Mr. T. B. Oofertn, in Kingi Mountain. Mra. George U Fisher and Mra. G. T. fitWria, ''ha have Jieen the guests for several daya of Mr. and Mra. T. O. oen, hate returned to their home in 'fialitbtiry. r 'Mr,' J Wi Ajrmatrong, irho has been tick for the wast ten day at her home herfty will be taken to the Charlotte Bana toriura Monday, where it ia hoped she iH be winch benefitted. UUASlIOft (By Mra. Jo Gribble.) Church Ivoflces.. WIS OF P1S6AH (Correepond'eBee of The Baily Gazette.) ' F16&AH,- Jawe 12. Br. J. M. Gar rison, of Kinga Mountain, preec-hed at Piagah 6abbath morning and delighteit hi a hearera, naing as n text the famiKar f)Wgff of (cfipture found in John 3: Miss Eiien Carson entertained quite n Hinnber of her young friend-last Wed- neadat evening at the home of her father, Mr. J. ft. Carson. 3tiee Agnes Oatea was boatesa at din- iet Mat Wednesday evening to a num ber of relativea ia honor of her mother, Mra. Hear Oatea, 60th birthday. A ile. lictou ice course was aerml and ill ih iMrt.- Oatea many wore birthdays. . Mr.- and Mra. Harvey Parker, of Moaat Dolly, visited at Mr. and Mra. Jatm Oatea last Sabbath. - Mf. tad Mr. WG. Thomna had as tMf gveata bwt Saturday and vabbnth, Mr. aad Mrs. Freeely McArver and family of Gastoitfa. "Miaa MiMred Falla who ainee Christ naa has been holding a position ia CaaYrleatOKtf 8. C, ia spending her vaca tion at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mr.-Doe.. Falla. Misa Beth Froneberger, of Bessemer , Off, h wai oae of the teachers at Pi fih hwt vrfatef, apent Satarday night at the tern Of Mr. end Mrs. W. W. White aides and attend services at Pisgah. Mrs. L. M. Peele and family tf fanrlarmTg, X. C wh have been v?it it t4 fives hi tMs section returned to her W e last week. Oa a gumber of our young people lte arrived to spend their Summer va cations eritl homefotks among them, are, Utmrt. Kaox and William Whiteaidea, oai Aafaeny, Ralph ami Cyrus Lee Boa!, ff Erskine College, 'Miss Rev. W. E. Poovey, of Shelby, for- nnstor of the Lfeiias Aternoaiat church, will, under the auspices or the Epworth League, give three nighta of Mir week to irhwtrated BiMe lectures at this church at 7:45 o'clock, begin ning Wednesday and continuing throngh Friday night. Everybody is most eonfially invited and welcome. Rev. A. 8. Anderson, of Rutherford ton, will preach at the Dallas Presby terian church the flifrd Rumtay morn ing and night. BasebafI, Rafl1 Brats Bafia; Added Attractions and Amusements ti Dallas. A rather disgruntled bunch of fans was wen coming iroin me iocui ma mond Satirrdoy afternoon where Rtan ley ami ualhi wrangled ,nrf a nine innlnu aame resnMine? 9 to 8 in favof of the home team. It seemed that all the players got up on the wrong side of the led that day and .nothing was imtisfactorv. especially the umpire, which will no doubt have to lie made to Order. However, exciting times are antici pated on the local diamond Saturday, June 17, for Ranlo, the only team this year at whose hands Dallas hits met defeat, will play, and from all reports both sidea are strengthening for the combat. The locfll managers are ex lieefing ah overflow of fans and roofers for each side and a Dig erowil or siiec tators and onlookers. Come early for a grandstand seat. f we can believe our ears the long talked of brass band for Dallas has become a reality and the citizens will soon be enjoying evening concerts in the town park by the municipal band. Instruments for tho greater part of a twentypieee band arrived Monday and both instruments and lungs are being thoroughly tentcd? The boys are very much determined and enthusiastic and nporf arrival of the other instruments a teacher will fe secured and practice begun in earnest. MeST. L. W. Holland, A. V. Boyles, W. V. Lee snd Heeler LiiYeberger are the organ izers and all have had some exierience along this musical Kne, Which is a con siderable advantage. At the club hou Tuesday evening will be an assemblage of Iwllaa eitiuens was a'1 ii,i"j iii.-n jtivi outfit is reing inmaiiea oy Messrs. a. A. Feafherttone and Pereival Hall, of Lincolnfon, upon approval, and if sat isfactory will become town prpoerty. Fe no nali. ' Mis1 Lethea May Hastings, of Char lottev spent the weekend with her par ents, Mr. and Mra. J. W. Hastings. Mr. and Mrs. S. P. Sullivan and children, motoring up from Ft. Lander dale Fla., spent a abort while in Dallas Saturday afternoon with the latter 'a sinter, Mra. G. 8. Spargo, while en ronte to Crouse, where they will spend the summer with Mra. Sullivan's mother, Mra. J. W. McLurd. Mra. Kpargo accompanied the family to Crouae, spending the night, and Mr. Rpargo went over fof the day Sunday. The first puncture made during the long Imirhcv was in Dallas. Mr. and Mrs. Kelh?y Adderholdt end children, of Porter, N. C, Sent Kat urday and Sunday with the latter 'a par ents, Mr." and Mrs. Bob Hoffman, on route one. Mr, and Mra. 3. H. Lewis and lit tle daughter, Martha Reid, accompanied hr the latter 'a sister. Miss Helen Heid, of Lowell, motored to Cornelius Sunday, enjoying the day and a deheiona dinner with another eister, Mrs. Clifton Smith, and family. Mis Mafv Hoffman, who has been teaching the past winter at St. James Island, Charleston, 8. u., returned home Friday for the summer. Mrs. Harah C. Hhyne was the week end guest of her stepson, Mr. C. B. Rhyue, and family, of West Gnstonia. Miss Jiianita Pnett leaves Tuesday, June 13, for Ureensboro to attend sum mer school. Miss Dora Rhodes leaves Tuesday, June i:t, for Calif omin to attend sum mer school at the University. Born, to Mr. ami Mrs. J. F. Brown, June 1, a .taughter'. Bom, to Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Caskey, June 10, 12, a daughter. Mrs. 8. P. Jones of Charlotte spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. nnd Mrs. R. A. Cloninger. Mrs. J. M. Pasour vinrted her sis ter, Mrs. Lucy Payne in !astonia the past two days. Mr. 0. L. Benney, of Ro-ky Mount, was a guest a few daya of Inst week 'at the home of Mrs. M. E. Puetf. Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Wilkins, Miss Mary Neil and little Samuel spent the day Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Welkins of Bessemer City, they re turning tho visit Friday. Richard Darby, the little gramhton of Mr. ami Mrs. J. R. Durham after a visit of two weeks here, returned to his home at Lowryville; 8. C, the latter part of the week accompanied by his grand father for a weeks visit. Mr. Karl I'asour a graduate of the Agricultural department of tlte A. and K. College, Raleigh, is at home for the summer. Mrs. F. L. Carpenter will leave Thursday for Salisbury to attend a com mittee meeting if the Woman's Mis sionary Society of the Lutheran Synod of North Carolina. DEATHS- Louise Crawford and Lola Ferguson from Flora McDonald and Miss Mildred R, Falls who has been teaching in the school at Orangeburg, H. ', Among those of our people who will be away to summer schools are Misaea Louise Crawford and Lola Ferguson to Greenaboro ami Aliene Crawford to Asheville. X. C. Ret. J. B. Hood and A. T. Lmdsoy are spending today in Charlotte. Mrs. W. M. Crawford is visiting her daughter Mrs. Dr. J. B. Anthony ri Kings Mountain this week, while Dr. Anthony is enjoying several days at Wrightsville Beach. Mr. WJ. W. Whitesidea spent the week end in Hickory, N. C. Little Miss Jenielle Falls will have as her guests next Thursday to spend-the-dnv at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Falls of tho O. K. Dairy, Little Misses Mary and Martha terguaon, twin daughters of .Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Ferguson of the Ferguson Dairy Farm. This bein the eiehth birthday Qf the three fittle ladle tf. MRS. NANCY J. PRICF Mrs. STaney J. Priee, mother of Jtfnn A. Priee, of Gastonia, died Sunday af ternoon at the home; of Tttf " daughter, Mra Rolert Conway,, at Charlotte, after an illness of several toomtha. Heart trowMe was the i armed iate eaaae of her death. Faner.i1 p. rvices were hcM at Saint MaTk'a Church, Mecaleahurg comity, Monday afternoon at 4 o'clock, Rev. J. L. Jacks!!!, rector of the church, will of ficiate. Mrs. Price is survived fy four step children, James D., Thomas A., and Wil liam L. Price and Mrs. R. A. (fhey; three children, John A.Friee, of Gfts fonia'; Arbert E. Price and Mrs. Robf. Conway, of 'h:irlotte; 21 grandchildren nnd two gnat grandchildren. She is mirvived by one brother, Wlalter Farris, of Liftcelnton. M.tny Oostoniana attended the fnner eral exercises, going through the eowitrv to St, Mark's Tapel. FUNERAL SERVICES HELD FOR MK9. A. R. MARTIN (Correspondence of The Dnily Gar.ette.) JlALtjA8, June 12. The large con courso of sorrowing friends and relatives who attended the unusually impressive funeral service Saturday afternoon at the Dnllaa Baptist church over the re main of Mrs. A. R. Martin, who passed itwav at her homo K 'Priduv t 4 t o'clock, and the numerous and beautiful flotal frTfmfew bespoke the love and high esteem in which the deceased was held. The pastors of the city and sev eral visiting nastoTs. formerly of Dallas who4 knew Mrs.. "Martin iiersona l!y, took' part in the service. A few of the, deceased's favorite pa- saget of Scrifrture were read by Rev. C. J. Black, of Oiistoiiin, and a most earnest ml teaching prayer offered by Rev. R. A. Taylor, of Onsfonia, fornoT pastor of the Ra'flns Methodist chnrch. Rev. A. ft. Be;rk, of 'Newton, former pastor of i the pfllla Ltrtheraii church, Rev. K. V. Joyner, retired minister of Dallas, Rev. .. N. Yount, pastor of the Lutheran ehufeh,' read a fe favorite clipping that were found among her keep sskes and by fheir meaning conveyed were, no doubt, helpful in her daily Christian life. Rev. J. O. Krvin. mistor of the Methodist church, made n few touching remarks in Tegard to the Inst visit with deceased and of her retruest that all the pastors pray if it be Ood 's will that she might be spared to her children aTid hus band, not for. herself, hut for their sakes. "Where He Leads Mo I Will Follow," ng tonchingry snng as a duet by Mrs Carrie Dixon and Mrs. Latham Friday. 1ft. J. L. Vipperrrmn her pastor, spoke of the heaufifnl home rife of this family and of bow the deceased endeat OTod to make the home happy and of her lovely Christrnn life lived dally. Messrs. R. 8. Lewis, K. O. Webb, W. N. Rhvne. P. I. ThOrnbnrg. P. C. thornbarf aai Waldo Beck,' of 'Char lotte, were the aetiv pall-bearers and the seven paster honorary pall-bearers. Accompanying the bereaved family and the remarna to Greenville". 8. C, where interment fakes place today, were Miss Fannie Little, Mia Ivy Rudiaill, Messrs J. R, DWham. JU J- T. PTiett afd Prof. J. B.- Hen son. - NORTH CAIOLINIAN MAKES REMARKABLE ACHLEYEMENT CAMBRIDT.Fi MASS., ;Jua 12. j Professor at Harvard I atversHy- ssade known olay what they eharaerertaed : a remarkable achnevemeat aa the part of (liesaley M. Hufehiags, .of OoMstOa, N. '., stndent I tfe gradftafe school. In taking a three honf rr exanrinafemr '.a rom.tnee, languages ( Bferaf vte, in which he was jnest ioned y i.t arofi-s-or sad inspectors, Hutching answered every question eotrectly,- ' The fpfofessors coiwidered Hfiy per cent aa exeelhnt showing in such a feet. Ilntchings, who is familiar rth fifteen languages, wfta faking his eXamiitston pn Hminary fo receiving hia egfee of do( tor of pbilosbphy. . He wirs aasrded a fellowship fenntty fo enable him to study abroad next year. r- i rri.r " Manila Beauty COUPONS - ' tt lie ' ' VICTORY Liberty Loan arid IRST Liberty Loan - Due June 15th Clip $6 irr coupons and bring them, to this bank, eithef to be "cashed of placed to your credit. ' ' ; , let youf irToney Don't idle. The CITIZENS NATIONAL BANK OUR AVOCATION Vdtiatjoh ts What t6u do beiaua vou hare to-.- . " . - . . - V - - . . AoctiW! lg.hat fan Aa becaaae you like it - From this point of,, view oui wnofe Tbuslnessl of rex "pairing tires nd -sellirrt; tire(-.tubes and accessories is an avocation, for we certainly like to do it. ; But we Jhave a j?articularv avocation -jast nov-s-a thiij -vre do with eraofdiftary eTithusiastrl and that is selling -MbClaren Autocrat Cord. Tires, the . biggest advance in tire con struction sirice the first pneumatic. ' - - - , . - - . McClaren Autocrat Cord .Tires are supreme in strength and suppleness. They make the-road smooth out ahead of you like a bolt f velvet on the dry goods counter. And. by the year, they .save a lot of tire money,' and cut down yoar fuel bill. " - They are the ball gown and gingham apron of tires, loxuxry and economical service combined. - THE BRADFORD CO. 122 S. Oakland St. Phohe 884-J Gastonia, K C. McCLAREN TIRE5 VULCANIZING Natrvidsd Albert la accompanying th Filipino delegation to Washing ton to demand independenoo for the r-hflfpptnes. She Is a aoffrot) worker. Anytmng ia the office can be supplied 6y Brmnley-Walter Printing Co. PKom 35. THE OLD HOME TOWN W BY STANLEY .k j TKt HOME FOLKS Nft MUCH DfSTURBTD" f 4 -WHEN THEY DISCOVERED THB LODGE UAD'ES (SS I eROM HOOTSTOWW TOOK MANV CHANCE&OM THe HANGAK5 1MP. ' , - - TKfc HOME FOLKS WrF?E MUCH DITURBTDl WHEN THEY DISCOVERED THB LODGE LA f-ROr MOOTSTOWW TOOK. MANY CHANCE&OM THE HANGNO LAMP. EVERETT TRUE BY CONDO : U r II WILCOX S HARPER VULCANIZING CO Tife and Tube Repairing and Retreading All Work, Guaranteed. AUBURN AND DOSS Tire and Tube Fully Guaranteed. Phone 250-L 118 East Mate Avenue. CAROLINA ft NORTHWESTERN railway: company. The offices of the Division freight and Passenger Agent of the Carolina A Northwestern Railway Company are now located in Gastonia, being oa the second floor of the Groves building over Loftia Co. W are prepared to quote passenger aad freight rates and give information in regard to shipments to and from all points. Telephone No. 823. E. V. Reid. t. F. ft P. A. JERSEY MILK Several of our best cowa have freshened , recently, therefore we are able take on number tf new tweet milk customers. A fe tessone why Glover's Dairy is meetJng with sneeeas: (1) We have no hired Kelp f6 look out after, but do all our milking and bottling. (2) Our milk is pure and rich. (3) We live close to town and do our owa delivering early every morning, therefore our rnilk is not exposed ta the heat and we have n trouble with out milk spoiling; and too this suits the people who want fresh milk for breakfast, 15c per qt. For reference call any of the following phones: 335, 470, 204, 831-W. W. P. GLOVER, Phone 491-L A Book Worth Having is a Ravings Book issned at onr Ravings Department! The tiny you read the first $100 toyour ereilit, will be a Red Letter day, ami with every dollar 'deposited your book becomes more valuable. Make yonr deposit today and net your Ravines Book. 4 per cent Interest allowed. The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C The Bank of Dependable Service." If you conld put a magnifying plana on the' contentsof yonr crank ease? alter using the same oil tar from 000 to 101)0 miles you wmikt refuse to' drive another mile until you bad emptied the huriiel-otit oil, flushed the case with Nitso and refilled it with I'OMIUNE. aa xl. sir. t v jl. 4 f : t , There's many a chance Ipsa .ior a snp Iictween th oil well atidt the gasoline service station. It takes fl whaits lot more than the best of refining apparatus and crutle oil to make a satisfactory gasoline. Skill and experience are the big factors in refining. ii is largely tne knowledge ot meri wh6 bare learn ed the refining business from the bottom up witl this company that has made the improved "Stand ru oosuiiue possiDie. "Standard" is as uniform and dependable as the water Supply (f a great city it is tested just as carefully. It is dependable under every condition because it is balanced with the right proportion of light intermediate and heart fractions. You can't go wrong with "Standard. Are you using the riaht oil for you car'? The Polaritte Chart will tell you. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEW JRSV) TIw Balanced Gasoline 1 wTm t-t I' gsjjf.,. -w L, V il-W;1 : IIP