THE GASTON I A (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY, JUNE 19, 1922 Jf : f ; - . t . j t . ( . ; . f , . t Tj : "4f'" r-Y. . V ."I ' ..s ? -, -: C M '. . ', ' V a i v t-ar WLUS COTS (Ty V:s Joe Cribble.) t:';rz C!t! of Dallas Indorse d fur Law En force s' - 17. Dallas Dots. 1 1 1 : i j" i i r oi' the to- - ;- mlli'il:', ! V w 1:0 wish fen ! I r en Ml-'sn of i audi n;r. polit h-s r .'.'- ir e the fori r a ! : h-- rs ; : i ; : ha',- la's -a i.r-.i.l that , . .. t i. :i. :: 1 v'vv !:! D-d!--, : ' :" i i 'his i : ' r !! I '.i :: - t rw ' .,! v I.,,'. - re . f . 'ui.'t: i-i U.c r.fe.i - ! ;-i wi'h t!..- '..-. tin' evi- i . 1 .ir..hii. ,d iii-iiis ; r la 'Dallas is now under way- It de pends upon each and every citizen whether this band lives or dies. The boys have spent considerable money and you will be the ones to enjoy the music, lend them your sincere co-operation, and lets do something in Dallas. The Dallas business Men's Club must surely be in tint sick list. A big dose of enthu-ia-in, pep and friendly feel ing is needed . 1're.iehii; - 'ivterinn char, iiuthorford: ai STANLEY NEWS (C-orrc iadence of The Daily Gazette ) STANLEY, Jane. 16. -Miss Bayue Carpenter has just returned from a week's visit to her sister, Mrs. Jauetto Miii-.iihani, of Forest City. The Gou'l will Tourist froiu, Char lotte w.-rv u'nt-n a hearty welcome in a l.iv nt the Da' rres- r''"'" l"'",',, ,,y Mr- Eugene Craig, U Kev. Anderson of lW '" ,, v I 'lSSe'', through Stanley and I a rv t ;; ! rejoinder was made by iMr. s1;.- ,i. of 1 he Charlotte Observer. .' W . Kimmer i nt Hich CHEREYVTLC.E CHAT. v.-si,.,.. ,.1 ,.f t oiT.-!'.'. i: I I :, I .;i r. I v.ii'i i'l .) line nil- few may '., tr..:iK : r .i.'nl it i;i'.v j t in' i-itiy.' i!" I ; t irrospo.'i .' i cMi-:i:Rvvn.i ' I'miiiio -':. r ! j : .'Jr. 1'on: I IM! ,!;". it!i lis- , Mr .mil I y. . Ki:,J!-l Mrin:!.. i.r ' 1'ri l.i v . ; : Mr I : i , ;.; i'. ".! I'.l.i... i' ' i".- I:iM i 'l ia-: Daily Gu.ot I i.. r.e 10t.h. Mis-os' . liii.lisiil ji ,i : ;i , -! -i 1 1 last Tour- ! ,,.r, .,i;l,iirv. ;..',. i. r l 'ronsc. in Chcrrvvil! I'jcr a:id laawhter, i. ut tn Forest !l. I.r ; t . v ; 'l ; i 'i rnoon . MNs .1 Ji I , , i i i i Li r il KT.--H I .'i fi-.v days there with j , ! r mint, Mr-, ii.nj. L. Smith, iuel , t u n n with ( 'aot . mid Mrs. Kinilh to 1 ,.. I!, ne for a visit .f vera I weeks. i ... M. -. i.. ('. M Howell ami ehihlren j .j -.iv i i-itii;: r- ',; ;!. iii .l'.jiar!.!iil)!in.'. I t, lis '1(1,1 'arpf ntrr an. I f'ra n ! i.1 1 little Mis 'e:m:i ami M;:. r lie! '.. 1 . ill ,1 ,. w i ' i . ho live nea r W . v fi.. !i.,ii!l.. hi Friday. j '! i -. .1 a1'..-! Hail en! to S-,': . I Thi'i-'day to a''. n. : i,.. . n,; ev.Tiitive i '.lei., i: ' i.t' ;l.. ! i l'nionar'- !y. ..!' .!,; !, ' i a i,ieti.lier. "' i Mr-. -Mi'ton Cri.-'i !. t'.'iaa i'v !' i I !''. I . has hee'i ;' in, 1 , i; . i ' 1 :; I Mr. W. Ilhi.s' v. ! ' i ' iVere I hi.-' !';' ' :. : 'am t i a ia- , ' .I'liv 1st. ! in ' I CEBTiriCATS 0P,DISSQLUII0N. State of North ' Ctrolaa. Detmrtment of State. . To All to Whom These Presents May Confe Greetings ' Whereas, It appears to my satsifar tioa by duly authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary disso lutioB thereof hy the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in tny office, that the Hub Bargain House, Inc., a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated yi the City of Gastonia, County of Gaston, State e-f N'nrth Cnrolinfi i'Rj.n inn, in l.ihpr .. t. 1... H . x-.MJ'."'' - o",- i"f being the agent therein. and in charge a Ma-ing school being. taught ; ult.r..0f. . u(ion , whonx prucess inajr be ; ,- i n.,re.i. ; si-rve.l. ha comiilied with the require- i . : k of t . O. tox, one of , ., of copter 22, Consolidated Stat ., , ;r.,.-u!ed tins morning early, , ,.n,it(.(i "Corporations." im-limi- , , , , , j nary to the uuing of this tVrtiflcatc of at 11 o eloek after un- ,;ss()i. ,;.,,., . i s ia ! Lutheran church, by j x0. Therefore, I, J. Uryau Grimes, i i. l'o sister lives here. Isecretarv of State of the State of ; . rt a . moer has just returned , Xorth (roliua, do hereby eeWify that i.a,y, .U.. where he and his ,1,,. aid 'corporation did, ou the rd day a, i. Ila.i I, tested out for poNitions ()f Jlim,t iaa, &h wy 0f(i,.e a -.juiy la .'hall team of that city. Kob- ,.X(.,.litt, .,ud attebted consent in writing . out to capture the Short- I to .lissolutioll of snill ennu.rntii.n. ,, i ,,-iti,,ii was with two other con- i t,xl,,.uted by all the stockholders thereof, j '" '' Lai1 thr,,,! which said consent and the record of a- men lighting against him for the K ,,ro4.t.cdiug aforesaid are now on! -! a.;; position, hut easily made secoml fiu, iu niy suid offlee a, provided by mr, i.ot Mrl's'andiiig one of the con- i.,.v J ii Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affined my official! seal at Kaleigh, this 3rd day of June, A. J. 1S22. J. BRYAX GRIMES, j (Seal) Secretary of State. Filed and recorded iu Record of In- corporalions No. 4 at page 77, this the iith day of June, 1922. S. C. HKNDRICKS, C. S. C. i MJul.itl NQTICE '''V Xotiee is hereby giren that a copy ol the Annual Budget for the- City of Gaa tonia, for the fiscal year beginniag Juna 1st, 1952, is ia file in the office- of the undersigned for public inspection, and a public hearing shall be given thereon by the , City Council of said city on the 30th day of June, 1922, at the City Hall at eight o'clock P. M. before its adop tion at such time. This the 19th day of June 1922. S. G. FRY, 19cl City Clerk. NOTIC OF NEW TftAIN SCHEDUL i Piedmont & Neither, lines ; - KENNEDY'S KEXALL DRUG STORE Moved to 205 W. Main Ave., Love Eld., Three Doors West of tli Squat. Effective Sunday, A prU 30, 1922, tha' following - schedule t for departure ' of trains will be followed; y ... Leave Gastonia ' ' Leave Charlotti 7:00 a.m. 1:03 a. n; 9:3a. m. J0:3Q a, m. 12:1 a.m.- . 1:20 p.. m. 2:30 p. m. 3;3Q p. tn 4:35 p. m. 6:10 p. m. 7:10 p.m. 9:30 f . n. All pagsenget traina will arrive anJ dtvpart from new passenger station cor ner broad street and Vraakbn avenue. Passengers for C: ' & N.-W. traina will change cars at I. & N. Station. PIEDONT k N0KTHE8N LIKES j W. L. IJOGAN, T. S. i Subscribe for The PaHy Gastitta. siiiiii', .o captured li rat string catch is i ,. iii, mi. is an ex Jersey class A. . n a. Hubert reports a ileas;int trip I - iks in liilust terms of the cour- ,i liiiu ,'in l his brother. The I h. ie are wishing Haztd a fin. If. HOLLAND DIED EAULY SUNDAY MORNING l; ire b.'ii v Ul'-lrr tla I ''.arl ' . ,l :li, I an orli r :i-e for 1 ' '"of . J . T. .,' i -' on a -,n . i . 1 1 : , v 1 1 - i". ." , 1 ."s .1 1,-. ! aii. Mr. 1 1 .lalm I! . la;.; ! ; !,. , : -, . ha: I .ma I in i'r. . a : i . :.',i f. r . M I .la"-'. ('liana .'.'la's maiia'" I- a . n i;a I ,y eoo, I for tliis lime of ;.ear. all ki'als of' t'rr..h I hi!,' !. .i.e.' ie :m" ,!a". Mr. Ha h Strmioe. of All n bo '..'H been vi'.i'ia;' lelaMv, s I thiiaojs la-re, I, ft for Ci,. ,!! Hill 'I'lali'-ha . ".'aoo he wid a I the Milium r s--!a,..l. Mr. an, I M .-s . 11,,, it-,- .., r,,H : i - vi ilin:: relatives in Nnsi! 'i : naiva lias H eek . I" h !.!. s'r '- - ,-.' il . ' I. ! ! . II--I . , r 1 1 1 1: . Mrs. Joe Gribble.) ,1'i'ie lib - The shocking hno-st nii. I. it'll death of Mr i. a reache I our city Sunday Sal ii r lav morning Mrs. ail v-:a in her ti'.ual health and I "' visit t.i (laslonia carrying i. i' -it: I farm produce to her regular ' ,a,.:.. Guest vol.' ill the home for . ori'-.y iiijthl, tin' evening meal served I aii were enjoying a social time to iler, vhthont a com tilai nt from ,!e- !i-.,i !..-. 1 T.'i'!l hi IT? ;.r,,l,i. I ay ill e boal- ' , r. M . V. V. . :... , ,, n. a 1,, varo .-, ,..', . r .'ii iov'ntj.- -.,',- I.r a!,.ll"C i.l," i a !! f -o-it varan. la. .' i a 1 ' :r;V 11 to the , . i,,,; :.n,l -o I.caii f" . r a -vt tie bis lit ' "". v- il'ia Holhii'l, crime . . , -a ,' i a-!ia1,lau; liulil a ' i a,. cveMiiil v.'aeii tlie , ,1 1 o' 7 :Mi i ars hi i' ,- -, : ' 1 he family laid re r vi'vaiarhprl by Error? u t'.e (hi.elle in si-e t':,' IV-.'his deoart , i ! i . lain unit y e.lit ian . .l a - I I'll, i ' is ha rd to .. ! t . -aia-'hi lit, d the more a', . h . I',,v heini; accredited I. ,.ll"lhi if. 1'1-OllH Ol i i ' .e , ,,r the Moll ,-,,iliti, I ns em :,- r. ..'e . Morovebb j! (a tl-ein to de "annh. s: . Vviikiai, T.tis .--a-l na.tra- -1 to Until 1 , -a cut 1 he vv.a k-eml lea,,, th"j Mrs Hollan .- as born one ! la- 1'ni'. . r I -n' les from I Mrs. I). I'. M-1'J'ir coi. na n, aiei.t , x i im-s , . the 1 in'.vr nil,.H from I'ai'a , on the old Long home. si!y of .,i'li Cii-.liiai, r. -turnile; Ta :r. j i 4 -. March 1 1 Vi. heiiig .". ) year d:'V .'if'' i' ai-ii. Mi-. M ( lard ,s ..- ,,! ! ),,-,, I sp.. at I., r life in the saiof. 'on,,- le. air Min. Mr. neiirliborhooil, ,b,ri-.j l's vears of v.liich l o ;'.', ins!,..! a' the Ihii.. r i -i;,. :.,...( a! H.e IMIaad home j.lace where she ,ie, . CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. J State of North Carolina, Department j of State. - ! To All to Whom These Presents May i Come (ireeting: Whereas, It appears to my satisfac-1 lion, by dniy authenticated' record of! the proceedings for the voluntary disso- ( hit ion thereof by thai unanimous consent : 1 of all the stockholder:), ilenosiled in me' "'. I'uni '! r n il o click wiien sue , (,ffi,,(,) tiint tho American Real Kstate I a:-- sudden'v a '! ncked with acute indi j Com-pauy a corponatiim of this .e Mot, .,,! roeld have fallen from her 1 S(; ,v)l(s0 ,irim.ipai offl(.(. jH 8'lt llntl.d I ' l,l:t " ,;,(IS'' ''""' Medh-al aid j j u,,, city of Gaatoaia. Comity of Gas-! h:i- smnmon.'d from IIiwiiht City : " t,n. State of North Carolina (J. W.! -oon pon-ihlc but notliing could he , Watson beinir the ntrent therein and in a oi.-. decease 1 paini; away one m:n ,.,:irge thereof, upon whom jiriK-ess may a' Iii tore s a: o . loci; .iiielav moriiiii;.r aim!- Mel 'I site tin ,-n-. M-v. Ii, ,..r, one of lb.. , of third's IV pa 1 1 na"it ! 0:1 the si, k li-f f. r s"V.a "a! iimv improving'. The inniir frh ad : o," Mi-- Fat Si rop. lovillL'ly called bv old and yellll'.' " l 1 1 1 Fat," '. be e!ad io know (bat -die i imi'roving. When "Aunt Fat" is hik l"l.".'l' fori-,. has I II 'a-s, 1, litis IVeeasi d was the mot her of a large f.'Hi'i'y, w.a w'd'dv ' n.-wn and much be an. n! bv a 'ar'e m- -) of friends nml 'ehi t i vs v 1 10 11101:1a her dent!. sur living d"eease 1, l.,.: I- th" hnshand and C.l'ller. .'ire four sons, ,!,.?;. Mase''., if, tivv, L.abin rial Robert; si-ven hnn-Mer.. Mrs. Tl . I!. Frailev. Mrs. there aie niimv anioi:' in piirii's con j f . V. Tii 11. Mrs. T. Tt. Tate, Mrs. M'. eni'm-r her condition. (',,, ,! M. !,w ( 'la rk. a d of the Chei -ryville Masonic Lodge wa la-t j .-,!,, ,Ve i hildren livini' on the same route uo. k honored by a re-mt from Stan j .,. ,,. tl, 1, and Mrs. O. K. Heafner !ey Lodge No. ."..IS, of , 1 !.,., a ,-, , N.f ( 1, -,T; p,,, T: . J Viss Col'.'l TfoHlind. to eojifer the ce,-iin, ,, ,.,. ,i,,,,i I Mr. M. l.lovd Klrtlev. Th-re were i r, sent at the 1 liiet, ,rs frron Shelbv, T.i'icoiti marie, who assi :. li:i"ieM, am! Albe d i'l the de'rree work. of 1 1'e. at: the l,l:i,-i .,!- Foul airva-f. Messrs. Ccar , n, lil'.jr th' r. 1,-le, Mr. R. F. in, Ala. 1 .', .ni of t'br-.ster. ,! iv 1: id a-nt a few , tV- K i'st of Mr. 1 : ;h ir and family i' s of Wiiutmi-Salem a-,;.!,-1 ;,,'! witli her . ...!! ,M and fnmiiy. has '. ,- i miiti. sick I. -w r.-' i.i :ed ATon- 1 . il V. h,!"' ' la' t'lrigllt il) '; 1 in' : a-' v. icier . I'lii'iaai w'o.-i anki-s her I. r'". Mr. .1 . R. 1 :i r 1 v,l tile--, ?di--'se li Davis v. hi 11 they jsp a fl-i-r' v i - "1 1 with their !! . I lai hata, Tin -la v en ,-" il-io'l. D. to Ai s for v. ill iiit r,'!a! load:, of Charlal-e. re : vie Wednesday afler I h h T inoliier, Mrs. , , V,, 1. Mr. lldl lackey, forme section of the r'ate. now well known farmer o'ld real estate de'ilr of Me.-k- hebiirg ciaiul", A'a., s-pont several days this week i" and Mrfiuod ( dun vvi lie . Mr. T. (i. McAllister, -noerintendeef of the American I.e. -cue Home, of Shel by, was in tiiwiiFrhl:iv. Mr. C. C. Crowe'l. a prominent ynnng lmsineKS Tii'111 of T.iia obit ,11, was a welcome vinitor tiiiiona; o:ir p,-ap! Friday . Mr. C A. R'ldisiM. of the Carltori Vara M'.l'-i. was in Chalotte Friday in the iiiterest of the mill, making ar raii;;eioents about coini.b-tin'.r the ma , hinerv" to be shipped net this slimmer. At the regular June meeting of the directors of the Farmrn thank and Trust Co., h-ld lust Tuesday night the direc tor declared the usual three per cent semi-annual dividend, aft.r having I .,, pa-iscd the required aimuiul of the sur- I plus fund. This indicates the eondit ian j , of the badness of the bank to be in ; sj'leiidi.l si, ape, ;;, rf iciila r ly siMc,. a tit'v; per cent stock dividend was d-adarcl in j April 111 on payment of a smnM asses 1 meiit, and the new dividend being on t,o! iiierea-.,.! capital stock. The people of Cherr.wille apnrreiate the rervices ren- i dcrd by tie scoad bank and about' twelve hundred customers .are .served 1 by it. i Mr David P. D.-llinger is president ' and Mr .Connie I.. .Ream, active vice! president. The board of directors are' .among t!,. lading business men of the, town. , d.a-e T" t T . T. tr'i! e r.,11.,1 i.f C-. atnha, tal T eng. of l.ini-otn-,1. .....- 1,,,'i'r ,,f Tennessee, a nil ' I. -in", o1" M i -.'ssipni . 1 f,-o Van ni Vnndvke.' of n and Mrs. Alartha TTolland, live Tl ere are ''' rrandelrldr n. ea,e,l urn . d"vnut Christ inf. unit- a', t, Ta."g Creek TVit.tist church 'e ":idheed ,-id nl h'i church tin 1 . 1 candu ir-,1 Monday morning o lock bv her pastor. Rev. Dr 'i"i,i rn.a'i. after which the rp. were laid tri rest 'l( t ?i 0 adjoining v morning ,e served), has complied with the re and a ha I !' I ouirciiients of Chapter 22, Consolidate, Statutes, entitled "Corporations, ' pre liininary to the issuing of t Iii 9 Certifi cate of Dissolution: .Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corporation did, on the 3rd day of June, 1W22, file in my office a duly executed and attested consent in writing to the dissolution of said cor poration, executed by all the stockhohl- j crs thereof, which said consent and the: record of the proceedings aforesaid arc 1 now on file in my said office as pro- vided by law. I In Testimony. Whereof, I have hereto ret my hand and affixed my official seal I at Kaleigh, this .'!rd day of June, A. D. I 1922. j .T. BRYAN GRIMES, (Seal) Secretary of State j Filed and recorded in Record of In- i corporations No 4, at page 7H, this fhe Htli dav of June 1922. 1 S. C. HENDRICKS, C. S. C. MJiil.'tc4 That Delicious SUN-MAID RAISIN BREAD Toast Full-fruited raisin toast, a new delight for the entire family. Made with big, plump, tender, seeded raisins. The raisin flavor permeates each slice. It is fine food for business men and chil dren, due to the energizing nutriment and the iron of this famous, healthful fruit. Make dainty bread pudding With left over slices. No need to waste a crumb. You can obtain it at all leading grocers. ' MILLER'S SUN-MAID RAISIN BREAD 20 Ounce Loaf 15c Carolina Baking Company (Made in Gastonia.) V .T.-aaoi Pisntr. rm elderly ladv " v ,,-,r-. i .a--'.! nwv at the homo of " . " '' 1 Vr5. Morel? ci T);il'n route " " i'l'li1'"' ' . .'a inn n' 1 ro lie h ill l-DllPU. . P'px-al , rvh n v. as 'inducted i -''a r.., b T.u'h, vmi elnircli of 1 i, b de- e-w-' 1 c.-a' a faith""! merntier a,,-d '.,.,,. ',,,. ,i- T.-v n. O. L;n- t a ' . Tl,, V -', W-.d .f 'Von- ' 1 Mr. I en's Thom ' "-i'i taking '.'ace at the Antioch r - -,-- -.. et-fvive-1 bv one sitr, l'.,l,.l, f-.o,,,!,- nnl rim brother. "... .-r i' ';eir. lio'ii Dallas route s"ii.v:-l sbarl; It '.lied bv N w -.,:.,,,..; .av ;ve h'en looking foi TUSTE"! ?T-P OF VALUABLE REAl ESTATE. SIcADEIJVILLE MATTERS (i'orr- a :. i, i- ( i ""!,.. Dailv 'tay.e! !.'. I : d Ad"!:vt!'e. Mrs. Mary ',-'. as in her eighty first ye.-r. of Mr. aii-i Mrs v Saturdav tilii M. Sea brook of I MA I !. V I f.hhj. Jnae 1.".. V, I lies,!, iy p, ,r iii;? ai- .", o'clock the o'd, here with hi j "'"'""n "' M irtin and ehil I l"''1- s: Fnv Martin of, "" 'ae..,, .-vorvhody as 'Mira-i ; t'.v ' ' Co', . Fo. lowing funeral servi.-. nr. of route 1 ,j '"o'ahic!,- I by Ih v . C. M. (-impb.-ii. Lillian VW, I of the Methodist church, the b,--l. j was laid to r. -! in the Me Aden vi lie : -a. of (Jristonia. : , ,,'rv- -", w'.'h r"!;. j 'r'- ' Shu ford and r. I'licio-, i Krith-o'iie. "pc:f part of Wedia ..; c . Sbaford a jmretits. Mi. I.. Webb. It was Mr. ir-hday. r. go-el fpeed cop in 1 is ed-d. rs go through 1. r--Two little children rly being killed here to to. I I ' ; S va'i i', will regret t ' r h "' --. Mrs. Kwing : f Mrs. i: S Fay and , : ; v :' , a'l'-'i : !y . S'ttiith t. turned home I ' i we, k f n, in New bern a- a " ! -grs-e from lliel' M- aioria! Ihndist church to M i here with Mr j and Mr-. .I . ! Webb's "' j We in-..; . town. T'-e . ke ligl-r,;,- came v v: lav. r. K. c W,-;,'. passed, through hrr ta I harlotte to I'urcha-e " v i fe 's jfrave. Vi'i ', and wife, of Lnw- re with relatives. J-. V. I'. V. Convention iu -Monday g..i - e I . we,-1; . I a sloiie for a ! iirha-:,, :a-cmiia:iie:i by Mr V,'. ', ".:. S. A. Wi'ki ns, motored ell, up,,.- s., ; Tuesday and entered 1bc The m-c, Ihipti-t preacher, Ilev. Mr. i fudero'iitst a successful op- - Wahliaip. ri,-. Saturday from Texas d fl-ed ,; . ,,i!,;t. Sundav morning eivo-ldntr fu-rt nlilo kit to h .rn that the condition i J'loim. !' ! hb Siiimnt-y is lint little im- j Lev. J. I, Ho, dm- i? the little two years ; will in:',:, ) , ro tynight and Saturday of Mr. and Mrs. P. D. Sum-' 'ip' t . . W the r imni.l of her tonsils. .m V ."hiesdav. cwiiuic Vi. rman, of Dallas. 1 , ; " ' M shown bv dee.l recorded in ' J. pige and atterwarits '.iv. -r.. by J. L. Trice and wife to 1 was tab u last Rntnril.iv tn Tlie S-ilv:iti..n A..r f ann',a. w.ii ' ' r''''' h,':!' rVate and Insurance. Com- fl S-'i io ri'i.ii iu Charlotte, lieinir v rv hi re Tuesdav ,,vi.,ii ' ' . V'"u'- " wn br deed recorded in k it SiKnil ilaya previous. Airs . ' s,..,;,.,y ;.nd d.ui-h'er, Ruth, are e i Idol. A V. vni.T7 Voder nnd tir virtue of the power of V , a"' fe rre.J upon me by that certain ed of T'est pirecnfid bv W. .1. Led- ! Marv J. Led ford, his wife. : 1. 1on. and r"eoribd in the tip Retrioter fo D Is of Cns ' . N. C . in Pool; 1.11, riage an indebtedness mention,! -, ia. i, it hiv'"" been made in " - o ,,f t),p indebtedness secured ' :: e, of Trust, in compliance i ', i.r,ivi do-in and stipu'ations i-,.. -". i nji opH at onblic auction to i bidder for cash, at the t'" ,, i't Ionise door, in the citv of ',." ., N. C, at 11 o'clock A.' M. July 28. 1022. a ,; certain piece or tract of land ! i being in South Foint town . ' I - Cotintv. N. ('., Viounded a ...r:b.,l as follows, viz: i'- ''!d'ir on a Black Oak for a . '1 ffman's and Robinson's cor- i l tiu-s with the old 'ine South ' 50 noles to a stake; thence ! ? West 1.10 1-2 jKiles to a stake 4 '- aith SO West 45 noles to a . i t'inon's and KendricV's enr- : ' Smith 1 12 Wet 12- ioles I - beg'.nnin" . Containing thirty :! one-half (.191-2) acres, more I a .- I," trT-t of land of W. T lien 's, .!. deased. as shown by quit-claim 1 o .loan ITntirlnrMii nnil r.thflra in T . Henderson, recorded in the of- '' i'i" Register of Deeds for Gaston I" Tlok T.4, page 14.'!. and eon I by Nel'ie Bowen snd others to J. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE OF LAND. Notice is hereby given that on re quest of the party entitled to the moneys secured to be paid by a certain (led of trust executed by C. C. Clarke and wife, ; and R. F. Coble and wife, to the under signed under date of September 1, 1920, and registered in the oftice of the Regis ter of deeds for Gaston county, N. C, in book l!9"on page 27. and by virtue of the power of sale contained in said deed of trust, default having been made in the payment of said moneys, I will sell to the highest bidder, for cash, at the court homie door in Gaston county, N. C, at 12 o'clock noon, July 3rd, 1922 the following described real property, to wit : Lying and being in the town of Resse. mer City in said county, and being loth Nos. .12 and V.: in block No. 14 in section I. laid down on the man of Bessemer City in said Register 'a Office in plat book No. 1, on page 75. This Tiropcrtv abuts on tho .State High way and located thereon is a brick structure about oO feet by 91 feet, now used for a moving picture theater aud for a candy kitchen. Dated this 2nd dnv of June. 1922. O. M. VERNON. M-.T-26c4. Trustee. We have a full line of San-0-la bath room accessories, such as Glass and Opal Shelves, Towel Bars, Soap Dishes, Tumbler and Tooth Brush Holders, Robe Hooks, etc. We also have a nice line of Plumbing Fix tures on display to select from. Estimates gladly furnished on your plumbing and heating job. You are cordially invited to visit us. Piedmont Plumbing Co. Phone 884-L 124 S. Oakland St. '''''.' 'V (VuEElIME TO fiiMCMArj: Strenuous Mode of Living Making this Disease Common Mrs.) -Mrs. J. L. Wd'm'-s friends will be " '"V ."' p. and beingthe 14 th with Choi to know Th;i she is recover!.. from j 7( ' ,om a .-brained ankle .! j.-.i.i. l-T walk 1 "'' f Jane, 1M2. y ,.. . . " - " A IS U-OT T7 -j-uu jouatiaiion ior a goou brass band aouie.. lis'may well be called ie nervous age.. Lverv- ihtie you findpeople suf- nnff irom some lorm of bcrvous exhaustion. Hos pitals and sanitariums are pverflowing wth men and Iwomen seeking to win back health of bod and mind. If you are a victim, of the BtrcnnoJ4 Hfc, if you can't bleep, if you are on the iverge of a nervous break down, read here, what Mr. P..JCL. Shade, Schuyler, "Twclvo ytars ago this spring, I had a veiy severe attact of nerve trouble. . and although I was treated by three different doctors. I got very httlo relief until I tried Dr. A. W. Cha.e'i Tonic Pills. After using these pills a few weeks I could-1 eel a big change in my condition, so continued this treatment for three months. I don't think I ever felt better jn my life than I did after uingDr. A. W. Chase's. Tonic Pills, nd whenever J .feel my nerves are getting run pills, I don't think there is any other nerve medicine that will do what Dr. A. W. Chase's Tonic Pais will You can buy Dr. 'A W. Chase's remedies at all drug stores. Ta be sure oft getting ' the genumef see, that portrait and signature, of A. W .- Chase, M . D . , are on each box. This trade mark Is your pro tection against imitations and ' substitutesAdver-l tisemcnt, - - iS ilJul-lOcl - Trustee. I