PAGE TWO TUESDAY, JUNE 20, 1 922 CHHISYVILLE CHAT, (Correspond of The Daily Gaiette.) CHEItiYYILl Jane 19. Dr, and ttfrt. Bobrrt iUoLeaa a nt little son kiiJ, tf Juii, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pyrun of Steele Creek, and Mr. Bryan Badiaia of Charlotte, tpent Snnday Ja Cherryville, the guest ot Mr. sad jvlrs. C: A. Badisill. - itr. and Mrs. Graham Dellinger and ehlldren, of Shelby visited Mr. Dillinjf aiother, Mrs. Margaret Dellinger, anday. ; 3fr. D. P. McCluM and Ur.Ralr.1i &UOurd spent Monday in Charlotte. lm Lou Kendriek ia visiting frun is id Inf.. . Miss Itovella Kendriek returned' f rom Ciew Bern Saturday afternoon . ; Messrs George S. Folia and T. C. Bammer Bpent several daj-s last week in Greensboro on business. Mr. C, A. 'Itudiaill and little son, Ben Richard, were in Kings 'Mountain Saturday morning. Mr. and Mrs. Evon L. Houser end little son, Blair Falls of Pallas, were 'the :gueirt f Mr. and Mrs. L. II. J. Houser, Sunday. 'Mrs. C. B. Roper and little daughter, Marie Sparks,, of Winstun-fialem spent last 'week in Cherryville with Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Harrelson, Mr. Roper earn Saturday and, spent the night. iMrs. Vernon Harrelson left dunda.v fot Winston-ealem and High Point to spend several weeks with relatives. Mias Fae Houser is spending a few days at the home of Mr. and Mrs. S. O. Hendricks near Gastonia. - Mr. B. H. Roberts and daughter, Mias Melba Roberts were in Charlotte j Saturday. . - Messrs, Johnathan Gulliok, of Bel aottt. A, G. JKendrick and Thornat Brawley of Gastonia were the guests of Messrs. Ralph - MeOIurd and Forest Houser Sunday. Mesdames Craig Harrelson and D. It. Mattney attended the Woman's Mis. sionary meeting of the Shelby district last week. Dr. W. H. Houser and Messrs. John C' Ballard and Forest nouser were in Gastonia Friday in the interest of the Bbyne-Hovsrr mill. On Monday the ruenibcrs of the Luth eran pastoral assoeiation, of Gaston and Linciln counties were entertained at din ner, at the home. of Rev. and Mrs. B. D. TVesrfnger. Messrs. Fred Campbell and Johnnie Harris, of Hickory, were in Cherryville Sunday. Hon. and Mrs. 6. S. Manney and ,Delmer George are spending several days at Henry River with Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Aderholdt. (Miss Linchen George spent last week ia Charlotte the guest of her aunt, Mrs. C B. Fetner. . Mr. and Mrs. F. . Dayis and little son, of Charlotte are visiting relatives here this week. ,uur. smi wrs. aunter Carroll re turned Sunday afternoon from Lugofr and Sumter, S. C. Mrs. John Page and children left last week lor Little Mountain, S. C, to spend several weeks with relatives ana (nefcds. Ml. and Mrs. Plato London of Blacks. burg, 6. C, spent Sunday in town, the (teste of Mrs. London's parents, Mr aad'Mra. . C. Beam. ; . Dr. and Mrs. E. J. Morrison and children and Hon. S. . Manney hav returned from Wilmington. Vim. Jllli null ..lin-Mnllir irit. tained about forty Mttle folks, members of her Snaday -school lass, In the grove fcaek ef the church, Friday afternoon. Several faoors were spent very, ploawint ly in playing various games, after which delicious lee cream was served. Miss Julia Vfessinger hi retnrnart from Elizabeth College, tfcleiu, Va . Bhe was accompanied by her cousin, Mr. George Canghm&n, of Columbia, 8. C, who will spend sometime here. ' Mr. Guy Sipe, farm extentension agent ia Mississippi, returned to hit. work recently, after visiting his pnrenth here and 'attending a reunion of itia class at S. C. State college, Raleigh. On Tuesday evening of last week the B. Y. P. U. met at Miss Mamie Sipe'a home. An election o f officer preceded the social. The new officers in elude: (Miss Blanche Iellinger, preai dent, Miss Mva Houser, vice president, Misa Mamie Bipe,-recording secretary, Mr. Yates Roberts, corresponding seere tary. Miss Lottie Newton, treasurer, Mise'Lois Kendriek, ehorister. Th. other officers will be filled at the next B. Y. P. U. meeting. Following this brief business session the young folks took part in several Jolly out of door games and armisihig par. Uf pastimes. "JTnele Rrtnus" stories told effectively fcy Mr. Putnam created tnueh laughter. lee cream was served lv ine hostess. Miss Iis Kendriek left last Wednes- j iiwrmnj ivt i roy wnere siie is to mm v.mim ' MMMMassaaMa , y (Correspondence of The Dairy Gazette.) SPENCER MOUXTAIX, June I. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sherrill had at theii gTiests for the week-end, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Suerrill, and Misses Winniford and Kthel gherrill of Rock Hill, S. C. Miiwes Mary Holland Falls and Vir ginia Ragan of Gastonia have returned home after spending several days In the village with .Miss Leonora Patterson. Misse Fav and Eleanor gherrill arc I on an extemk'd viidt U tiieir uncle and aunt, Mr. an-1 Mrs. Lester Sherrill of Rock Hill, . Misses M.ircclle Blaaton and Nellie Brown WilkiiiH have returned from a visit to relatives in Bessenirr 1ty. Miss Roth ttills and Katie Flowers left Monday right for Newliera whero they will attend the State convention of the U. V. 1'. V. Before returning home they will visit in Morehead City. A larue jarty is planning to go to Thomasvillc nekt ThntJolal on an all day picnic. Hiicmcr Mountain island lias certain ly been a mece for picnics this week. there have been two anil Tiiree picnic larties each day from all the surroun.t ni g towns aad now that the hard sur face road is completed, this beautiful spot of nature will uiideubtly be doubly attractive to the pleasure seekers. Mrs. 1. V. i'atterson attended the district meeting of the U. A K'h. iu KinRs Mountain Friday. ilr. Clias. Rons was a visitor in tin village Wednesday. Mr. John C. Rankin was a Gastonia visitor Thursday. Mihs Bessie Caldwell Wilson of Gas tonia is visiting Leonora Patterson. Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Boozer, Mrs. John Cloninger and Mrs. Lou Gold siiiyth went to Oastonia to see Mr. Iei Giiinn who has been quite ill for some time. Miss Margaret Laws, Red Cross nurse for Gaston county, met with the ladieg of the village Tuesday afternoon in the Willora halL Plans were laid for a course of study in nursing. Mrs. J no. Cloninger was made secretary of the class. Miss Laws will come every Tues day afternoon for 3 or 4 mouths, pro viding tlie people show their interest by attending these lectures. Wie will talk to the little girls at 2:00 o'clock and the women at 2:. '10. This is a splendid opportunity to get most useful infor mat ion in regard to personal care as well as care of your family. Ho let every woman that is in the least interested in improving the health of ttjienoer Moun tain bc at the nest meeting, which will be Tuesday afternoon at 2:. 'to oVhwk in th Willora hall. Miss Ijiws sirbjcet next time will lie, "Feeding the sick This lecture will -lie demonstrated. Mrs. M. I'. Satterfield and son of Sipartnnliurg, S. C, are visiting Mrs. SatternYld's brother, Mr. R. A. Thomas and Mrs. Thomas. tMr. and Mrs. T. C. Walker of Fort Mills and Mr. and Mrs. George Stockton nf Gastonia visited relatives here Mon day. Mr. Hnnford Costner of Kings Moun tain spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Mary Costner. Mrs. Will May, Misses Java Capps, Leola May and Clara Gibson were visi tors In Ranlo, Sunday. Mrs. drier Watts of Rnnlo visited relatives here this week. Mrs. W. F. Allen was a Gastonia shop per Wednesday. INTER-CHURCH BALL LEAGUE GETS START WEDNESDAY The : Inter-Church Baseball League gets under way Wednesday afternoon with the West Presbyterians playing the nrst t'resbytenstis and the Main Street Methodists playing the First Associate Reformed Presbyterians. The latter will play at the Central School grounds. Up to noon today the senery for the Presbyterian game had not been decided upon. The Clara Mill ground may be used . The officers of the association have put forth untiring efforts to make their league a success from the start. Onlv a very small admission will be charged the fans who attend. This fund will go towards paying for the baseballs used in the games. Below is the schedule of games mapped out so far. It is to be noted that doubleheaders will tie played on days the schedule calls for. First week : "Wset Pres. vs. First Pres. and Meth odist vs. A. R. P. West Pres. vs. Methodist and First Pres. vs. A. 11. P. West Pres. vs. A. R. P. and Firs Pres. vs. Methodist. iajr afternoon "to assist in organizing the new club were ' Mesdames W. B: Puett, W. R. Sthwe and AI S. Beard. Bell Theater Offers Free Ticketa,Fer . Moat Vote Next Week. ( Th serial .pictorsi Robinson. Crusoo, which has been so popular among the yottng people, has had 8 more episodes added to it and win therefore continue sis weeks Jon get, Faking 1$ irisob-e in all. A free tuket to the special pic ture to lie shown next Wednesday and Thursday, "Over The Hill," will le givn te the person hriniring in the moist votes for any one candidate- by next Thursday night in the Robinson Crusoe Popularity contest. The standing of the contestants will be shown on the tu-reen at the Bell on Tuesday night, June 27. "Over The Hill" is an unusually fine picture and Belmont jrfople are looking forward with much interest to M-eing it. It will be here two days , Wednesday and Thiirsdiiy . Belmont Boys On Motor Trip to Cali fornia. Henry Liiu-bcrger and V. P. Hall, Jr., are leaving Thursday 'for Califor nia, j They will innkt! the entire trip by motor. They have purchased a new Ford touring car und have had it ar ranged for carrying all their csmi.ini; outfit, as they expect to carry everything necessary for u complete camping expe dition, and will probably be away the entire summer. They will go first to Goldsboro, where tliey will be joined by John Norwood, who will aceompnny them on the trip, leaving Goldsboro they will go north by Washington and tnke the Liinolii Highway ronte for the West, isitiug all the cities and points of interest en route. Personals. Rev. J. E. Thompson lias returned i from Shelby, where he spent tl ie prist week with hiti daughter. Mrs. I.. C. Gidney. Mr. mil Mrs. C. I'. Arm strong and children spent the day in Shelby with -Mrs. Gidney on Tuesday. Muster Kud-dpli Hhives, of Lincoln -ton, is visiting hit cousin, Master .Ice Lineberger. Mrs. K. Knle, who hits lieen indis posed Tor tne pnsr ween, ih utile In lie up. Mr. Kdwnrd 'Me Knight has accepted a position with the J. W,. Armstrong Grocery Company and went to work there last week. The delegate who attended I he B. Y. P. ' IT. convention from the Belmont Baptist churches have returned fi"nrn XeWbern nnd report a most excellent convention. Mr. J. P. Stowe visited her couins, MisscS tSnrnh and CtiTlin Lewis, in Gas tonia Friday. Miss Elva Hall left Sat unlay for 7harlottesville, V., where she will at tend the University of Virginia Sum mer school. Miss Hall was joined Iry Miss Laura Wiley, of Columbia, S. '., who will attend the summer school with her. "Over the Hill," Wonder Picture of the Century, Coming to Bell Theater Wednesday and Thursday Most Pop ular Picture Since "Birth of a Na tion." "Over the Hill," said by critics to lie the most popular moving picture since the "Birth of a Nation," will lie shown at the Boll theater Wednesibiy and Thursday, June 21 nnd 22. This fasci nating photoplay, produced by William Fox studios, run or a solid year at one of the principal New York thaters and recently forign rights have been sold whereby the picture will be shown in J all the countries of Europe and ,' the , Taken fom the poem by Will Garle ton, the story is woven about a mother's love and the desertion of' the, mother by her children. Mary Can, aa Mother" in thia picture, has become famous as the most ' wonderful "movie actre-s ever playing a mother role. Another in t resting feature of the pic ture is that four of Mrs., Carr's own children have parts ia the play. As it takes three hours-to show the film, the Bell w ill begin ' the first Show on both days at 9 o'clock in the-morning, and as the theater is especially cool in the1 morning it will be found by the patrons' of tin- theater to be a very pleasant i time tn see the picture. Two exhaust! Jnn have recently been added to the; Ventilators, which aid materially in cool- ing and ventilating the theater. I Tin- show will begin at 9 a. m. and j at -, 5 and S p. m. The admission i to "Over the Hill" will lie 25 and So j cents. Bell Theatre Belmont, N. C. Wednesday and Thursday June 21 and 22 mm kjk.' Wm Jrtitnt$ MM El I -M.Jr "wonder picture of the century soul suniiigstory of human hearts ONE SOLID YEAR ON BROADWAY Hours of Show: 9 a. m., 2 p m., 5 p. m. and 8 p. m. Picture lasts 3 hours. Price of admission 25c and 50c. Mew Garage Now tl II u as ypeniore usiness We are now prepared to do general repairing and overhauling on Automobiles and Trucks. We have two experienced mechanics and .with our equipment we-are able to give you first class service. We are continuing our Vulcanizing business, which we claim to be the biggest and best in the city, and in our new venture we are going to carry out our old policy of giving every one a square deal and absolute satisfaction. We solicit your patronage. HBiKSi3s9HBB3BB8B&6&flttSB Gastonia Vulcanizing Co. Corner Main and Broad Sts. Opposite the Oil Mill tak part in the weddini? of Mis Tielii Deaton -which took place Friday after kooa. Mr. Unoberger. of Dallas, field secre tary, spoke before the Luther League a Tuesday evening of, last week. At the close of tto devotional and business session the young people enjoyed a social honr together Ice want -wag served. Messra. Everette Dellinger, Taul Huss. JVrest Houser and Rush fctroupe have returned home from the University, ilr. etroope, of Altamont, is spending sev eral days 'with Mr. Yates Huberts. With Mesdames E. E. il.-Dowell, George 6. Falls and Julia Hill in charge the following girls served the CWlotta boosters with pumh, bottled drink and eigars last Wednesday morn Ing: Misses Ruth and Margaret Del lingor, Lela Kudisill, Margaret Mauney, Lela Howell, Xeva Peart Kendriek, An aie Howell, Blanche Dellinger, Cora fttyera, Angelita Harrelson, Mary Lou pargo, Lois Putnam and Annie Will Kendriek. - National Commander Hanford Mae KWer vt the Americaa Legion has ten tatively aeeepted an invitation to apeak jefore the utional eneainprucnt of the Crs4 Army of the Republic to be held Ja e Moines, la, during the week of eptmber 24. Ia his invitation to Ommaadef - MaeTJider, Leewis 8. Pil eher, Commander-in-Chief of the G. A. aaya, "Let me assure you that the eteraaa f fhe Grand Army appreciate dgWy the sentiments Of regsrd xprese ed Iry their younger comrades S the great war. la a special degree we "look npoa them aa the sii censors in promoting the highest, apirit of patriotism in the rountry In the years to ome." 5UD6ET OF UVE NEWS ITEMS FROM BElllDHT "feast! (By Mrs. Adelaide S. Beard.) Belmont Colored Women Organiie Com munity Club. BELMONT, June 20. A number of the substantial colored women of Bel mont met nt Love's tliapel Presbyterian church on Saturday afterfiooh arid or ganizod a club to h- known as the Bel mont Woman's Community Club, tk-v eral offii-ers und iiiciiiImts of the" Belmont Moumn's Club were present and a.Hsist ed in the organiKition of the new club. The object of the rluU as stated Satur day afternoon by the organizers is the elevation and betterment of the colored women of the community and tho eleva tion of the community itself. Lizzie Lccper was made temporary chairman, and Lucile Davis temporary secretary. It was decided that the club would meet the first Friday in each month at 2:30 o'clock at the colored Mason's Hall until the new colored school is completed, when they expect to hold the meetings i the school auditorium. It was aJxo de cided that the club would have dues of $1.00 a year, payable quarterly. A nomi nating committee was appointed as fol lows to recommend officers to be elected at the next meeting: Ida Leeper, chair-' man, Jennie Davis and fewtan Lane. A ! membership committee was also appoint- ' ed a follows; Jennie Davis, chairman. I Bessie Hunter and Lucile Davis. Othei j committees will be appointed later rj the permanent president. The colored woineu seem to be enthu siastic over plans for their club and they expect to bold a Communtv Fair in the Fall. The next meeting of the elub win , oe neia July 7th. The committee from . the Belmont Woman's Club who were present Satur- VES, A FEAST! This bigger, better X AUERBACH Chocolate Bar is all of that by itself. Bite in! Crunch the rich, delightful chocolate and crisp, fresh nuts. Oh, man! One grand party! Each hungry bite invites an other. There are more bites now than ever be cause AUEHBACH Chocolate Bars are bigger. Honest, you cannot pos sibly know how much solid entovment there is in a nickel 'till you feast hlS7?.ottr. on this big chocolate sur- fllX v gj&m prise. Other flavors, too. lV 1 - A.6&' AUERBAOI i CHOCOLATE BARS D. AUERBACH Cl SONS Oualau Hr-adqmmrten . New Tork, U S.'A. i P'.il v " .. "- l VllVtUIUICI it,i a Tf-rs-n a rU .. aulidami own ink" Fousidsv Haltitt v - TtlR. RETAILEX: Tit fotlominr wkrJJ. JLilLt can iuppty yum wUk Wgjer end httttr AUERBACH Bm. ALBION GROCERY COMPANY KENDRICK-RIDDLE COMPANY :!'.L HACB GASTONIA. N. C. "1 ? IP The ooJ-will anJ reputation for making dependable products which tiiia company has among the great motoring public haa taken years to build up and is to day its greatest aet. rd'S S. -. 2 There's No Myste About Gasoline r? two refiners had the same equipment and ac cess to the same supply of crude oil they could both make good gasoline IF they both had the same amount of skill. But the fact remains that there are wide variations in the gasoline sold to day, just as there are good, bad and indifferent clothes, bakers' pies and automobile tires. Yonr motor will run on most any gasoline. It has been demonstrated that a balanced fuel will run it better and more economically than gasoline that is haphazard. ' "Standard" is carefully refined to give a balanced, well rounded performance in yonr motor. It has light, inter mediate and heavy constituents that always insure quick starting, fnll power and maximum mileage. To get the best results from "Standard" Gasoline use Polarine Oil a right grade for every car. , STANDARD ODL COMPANY (NEW JERSEY) It The Balanced Gasoline! ill:'.- yj J.i.i.i' 4 . III