pageV -THE GASTONIA (N. C) DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY, JULY 3. 1922 .eo;vu::gcrefjiehiefs e:::etcfijKbvs IT0iBC:,l EMIT ' (By Jf, Adelalfi 8. Beard.) JJlmnt'i Truck 7 Arrive. Legion B0jirfieaa U Fight Fire. lU-lmou ruct arrived Tlmrslny moriiiiig ""1 bow in the kamis of the Aiueriof Lfgion Ur Department which Is txj I'Oitr sine? the arrival of the fipparu learning how to operate it. Jia gAhusiastie meeting of the lire de jiarf'ent w held Friiliiy, night at which fuller detail of the iKTsonm-l of the (irrtment were completed. .Tiifcf L. J7 CYeuahaw announced the apiwin; ifnt of R. C. Dixon, captain of team jmaUf one and Dr. II. W. Jordan, taptaib of team numlier two. Each tvj will have twelve nien an.l each eap tn'.a will appoint hi lieutenant. R, C. I'Jti.n will be the official driver of the tru-k. Belmont is exceedingly fortun.'tte in having such an up to-tliite fire truck tnj such splendid young men willing to man th apjmratus. The American Le gion Boys of Belmont are doing their part in the development and uplift of -their eommunity. The meeting of the Woman 'a Mission ary society which waa scheduled to le held next Tuesday afternoon ha ltn )ostpoiied until Tuesday, July the 11th, as next Tuesday falls on the "Fourth.' Mr. J. W. (tastoa will 4e hostess to the soeiety at this time. The members are all asked to note the change of date. Work On Belmont's New School Build- ings Progressing Nicely. "Work on both the G'litral M-honl build ing and the high school tmil.liritf is progressing nicely. The exearating for the high school has in-rn about eom jdeted and every effort Is heing made to have it completed by the time Hip fall term opens. The Central building, twing much larger will take, longer to build and. it will not be ready for occupancy until later in ths fall. Belmont People Seriously Injured In Automobile Smashup. Reveral members of the Rushing fam ily, who operate a eafe in Kant Bel mont, were seriously and painfully in jured Saturday when' their Ford -ear in which they were riding was almost entirely demolished when it was run into by a track of the Brad field Com pany, of Charlotte.. The accident took place on the Dowd road at the entrance to Camp Green. Mr. Mack Bushing vas taking his brother's wife and children, Mrs. B. D. Bushing and Mas ters Richard and Zcb, to visit relativse in the country below Charlotte. They were going towards Charlotte and were on the right side of the Toad when the truck coming in the opponite direction rsa into them while turning off into a tide road. ' . Mrs. Rushing was seriously ent alwrnt the forehead and face, a terrible Rah being cut in her -forehead. Little Bich rd was badly scalded on his entire left aide, which was caused by -the boiling water from the truck radiator which was burst by the impnet, Zeb Bush ing and Maynard Jenkins, who was elso in the car, were slightly injured. Mrs. Bushing and the two boys were taken in a passing car to the Fresby terianHospital in Charlotte, where they were -foiwrted Sunday as getting along all right. Master Zeb washable to leave the hospital Sunday. Belmont Shoemaker Ltfses Large Sum of Money. Mr. J. E. Martin, well known shoe " maker of Belmont, had the . misfortune to lose 452. in Charlotte or between Belmont nnd Charlotte last Friday. Mr. Martin had gone to Charlotte in his car with several friends and had looked after some business on College street -while in town, but had not had this money out of bis pocket - while there. Shortly after his return Lorn he missed the money and what became of it is etill a mystery. He Mios inserted ads in both the Charlotte papers and is hoping that some hont person, will find the money and return it to him. Mr, Martin had recently sold hi inter est in the Electric shoe slum here to Mr. J. Ellington and had planned to open a shop in Monroe. Handicapped by the loss of this money, he dots not kndw just hat he will do at present. Standing of Contestants in Robinson Crusot Popularity contest. Interest is increasing in the Robinson Crusoe contest at the Bell theater and the management announces that the contestants stand as follows: Miss Ha el Bumgarduer, 60,905 votes; Miss Frances Armstrong, 18,020 votes; Miss Gertrude Childers, 2,750 votes, and Miss Jen net te Craig, 20 votes. ;" ' ! Personal :' Cards from Henry Lineberger and. F. P. Hall, Jr., who are on a motor trip to California, tell of their ar rival in .Wheeling, W. Va. They were going from there to St. Louis, Kansas 1ty and other towns in the middle West. The roads they have travelled no far, the boys say, are ex cellent and they are having a most enjoyable trip. -Mrs. Martha Ca they, Mecklenburg, is visiting her sister, Mrs. A. A. Cathey, in the jKint. Mr. Levi Hoggins, watchman at the Majestic Mill had the misfortune to cut off one of his forefinger Wed nesday. - Mr. Harold Lineberger' left Thurs eoma in New Hampshire. He ex day for Camp Mascoma, on Lake Mas pects to spend the .summer at this camp. Prof, and Mrs. H. C. Sink and children Anna Howard and II. C, Jr., hare returned from Wilson where Mrs. riifk has been on an extended visit to her parents. Prof. Sisk went down about ten dayl ago to ac company the family home.. They wre accompanied by Miss Elsie Ver non MrGowan, Mrs. Bisk little nek-e, who will make them a visit. Mis Elizabeth Lineberger returned Thnrsdsy evening from ' Knorville, Tean. where she. attended the wedding f Misa Dorothy Dooley and Mr. Thomas- Stephenson, Jr. En Toute home she etopped in Chattanooga for a viit to a school friend, Mrs. Frank Casm, at Pisrnal Mountain. Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Sloan had as frwnd-the-daV guests Friday Mr. and Mrs. 8. W". -Bfaty. Mra. J. H. Col lins, Mrs. R. . Debus, and son, R. Jr., and Mr. J. D. Collins of Charlotte. Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Ran kin, of Gastonia. visited at the, Moan Inline during the afternoon, r i JJiks Meiva1 tiuHick, Miss Kathcrine U.iNe and Mexera. Kobert and Charles Home lisve returned from a ' motor trip to Muulriat and other pouiti. (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette.) BOWLING GREEN', July 3. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ruldle have the deep sympathy of their many friends in the death of their little daughter. Funeral services were conducted by Rev. H. D. Corbett at Bowling Green, Thursday af ternoon. Rev. Ray Riddle, of CbtanrfHa, - and Mrs. W, H. Smith and two children, of Greenville, It ten. led the Attending from Rock Hill were Mrs. J. H. B. Jenkins, Miss'Mary Jenkins, Mrs. Rebecca Biggers. Mr. and Mra. John Davis and Mr. and Mrs. .Walter Jenkins. Mrs. L. G. Thompson and family. Mrs. (lias. "a hi well and family, enl Mrs. H. T. Williams from-York also at tended. . ' Quite a number of voung people at tended the Christian Endeavor district convention which. was held in Fort Mills Thursday and Friday. Mrs. J. A. Flanagan who has lieen dixtrict presi dent the Inst two years went over Thurs day mornine and took a number : who wre on the program Thursday. -Going over Frhlay were Messrs. Garrison Dulin, Dcaver l-'lanagan, Thomas Adams, Howard Petty and Mr. an.l Mrs. Will Ferguson, Mimes Margaret Riddle, Johm aie Dulin, Fannie Flanngan, Mary Adams, Wilma Adnma and Mr. Giles Adams. Mewtrn. (Juinn Petty and John G. Dulin and Misses Josie Petty, Mabel Petty, Alpha and Miriam Harmon nnd Nannie Lou Wilson attended the whole con vent ion. AMEBIC ViEGlOS' cigarettes They are GOOD! Plans are being made to entertain more thnn 20,(HIO former member of the Eightieth (Blue Ridge) Division of the American Expeditionary Force at the third reunion and convention at Charleston, W. Va, Kept. 2-4, The . cause of stripes and wounds on the back of Verniu Pierce, a shell shocked world war veteran of Evnn ville Indiana, is being investigated by the American Legion to determine whether these were inflicted while Pierce wna a patient in a hospital for the insane. More evidence that worbl war vet eran have the -"never-say-die" splr it wa shown when Leonad T. Paula of Grinuell College, Iowa, with a' leg badly maimed by shrapnel wounds broke the 100 and 220 yard dash re cords in an intercollegiate track meet held in Chicago. Many days of stren uous training with , his comrades of the American Legion put Paulu in trim for the event. His stride with his left leg is four inches longer than with his right. Although their fair city .is a long way. from the native haunts of alli gators, the residents of Ware, Mass., stoutly mnintain that they have seen a huge 'gator in a swamp nearby. American Legion men are making a search through the swamp land. Both Democratic and Republican Re presentatives in Congress from 3'ew York have . joined in the investigation of charges made by the Ktaten island American Legion that eleven world war veterans were buried "practical ly in a public dump" in Whitloek, Staten Island, ' - Remembering how they shined up camps during Army day with bucket of whitewash the American Legion aires at Osgood, Indiana, whitewash ed all the shade tree and hitching post in the little city, thereby start ing a movement which resulted in mak ing Osgood one of the cleanest and and most ranitary to'vns in. the coun try. ' The first thing Charles Ogle, wound ed world war veteran, who had been in a plaster cast in an Omaha, Neb raska., hospital for many weeks, did when the . cast was removed wa to dictate a letter to tlie 'American Le gion Auxiliary, thanking the organi zation for the .kind treatment of it members during his confinement. Rumors that state prison labor is being employed to compete with pri vate industrial concerns has caused an investigation by the Seattle, Wash., American Legion . NOTICE OF MORTGAGEE'S SALE OF LAND. By virtue of the power of Bale con tained in a certain mortgage deed exe cuted by F. C. Horton and wife and registered in the office of the Register of Deeds for Gaston county in liook 153 on pflge 'M and default having been made in the payment of the moneys se cured thereby, I will sell to the highest bidder, for ch, at TTie court house door in Gaston county. North Carolina, at Eleven (11) O'clock, a. m oa Monday, July Thirty-Firt (31t), 1922, the lands and tenement described as fol lows, viz: - Lying and being -in Bessemer City, Gaston county, Nerth Carolina, and be ing the Westerly one half of lot No. 27 and all of lots Nos. 28, 29, 30. 31 and 32, all in Block No. Twelve (12) in sec tion three (3) laid down on the plat or map of Bessemer City, registered in' the office of the Register of Deeds for Gas to a county in Mat Book No. 1 on page 75. This property lies directly across the street from the ofliee of the Gambrill k Melville Mill Company, and upon said lot, is located a large cement block dwelling, containing twelve or more rooms, and wrell designed for a private residence or for a conveniently locate boarding house or hotel. It adjoins the State Highway now in course of con struction. Dated this first day f July. 1922. W. 8. MATTHEWS, M-24c4w. Mortgagee. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolna. Department of State. - ' To All to Whom These Present May Come Greeting j Whereas, It apiiear to my sat ai fac tion by duly authenticated rocord. of the broceedijiirs for the voluntary disso lution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Hub Bargain House, Inc., a corporation of this State, whose principal office is situated in the City of Gastonia. County of Gaston, State of North Carolina (Denjiunln Liebnr being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be Iserved, ban complied with the require ment of Chapter 22, Consolidated Stat ute, entitled Corporations!," prelimi nary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grime, Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the naid corporation did, on the 3rd day of June, 122, file in my office a duly xecuted and. attested consent "in writing to the dissolution of naid corporation. executed by all the stockholder thereof, which aaid consent aaj the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my raid office a provided by law. '-.-' In Testimony Whereof, I have hereto set my hand and affixed my official seal at Raleigh, this 3rd day of June, A D. 1922, "j. BRYAN ORIMES, (Seal) Secretary of State. .Filed and recorded in Record of In corporations No. 4 at page 77, this the Ma dny of June, 1022, 8. C. HENDRICKS, C. S. C. MJul,tc4 TRUSTEE'S SALE OF VALUABLE REAL ESTATE. Under and by virtue of the power of sale conferred upon me by that certain Deed of Trust executed by W; J. Led ford and Mary J. Ledford, hi wlft, dated Jane 1, 1&20, and recorded in the office of the Register fo Deeds of Gas ton County, N. C, In Book 131, page 190, to secure an indebtedness mcntlond therein, default having been made in payment of the indebtedness secured. by said Deed or Trust, in compliance with the provisions and stipulations thereof, I will sell at public auction to the highest ' bidder for cash, at th county court house door, in the city of Gastonia, N. C, at 11 o'clock a, m. on July 2S. 1922. all that certain piece or tract of land lvinsr and being in South Point town ship, GflBton County, N. C, bounded and described oa follows, viit Beginning on a Black Oak (or a stake). Hoffman 'a ond Robinson' eor ner, and run with the old line South 85 1-2 East CO poles to a stake: thence North 1-2 West 139 1-2 poles to a take, thence South 80 West 46 poles to a stone, Robinson' and Kendrick' cor ner; thence South 1 1-2 West 128 pole to the beginning. Containing thirty nine and one-half (39 1-2) acres, more or less. Beine the tract of land of W. T Hen derson, deceased, a shown by quit claim deed of John Henderson and other to W. T. Henderson, recorded in the of fice of the Register of Deed for Gaston County in Book 34,. page 14J, ana con veyed by Nellie Bowen nnd others to J. L. Price as shown by deed recorded in Book 124, page 152, and afterwards conveyed by J. L. Price and wife to Price Real Estate and Insurance. Com pnny, as shown by deed recorded 5n Book 122, page 326, and being the 14th tract contained therein. -' .v I Tlila 15th day of June, 1922. .A. E. WOLTZ. M-JuM0c4 . Trustee'. CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of North Carolina, Department of State. To All to Whom These Presents May Come Greeting: , Whereas, It appears to my satisfac tion, by dniy authenticated record of the proceedings for the voluntary dissu-' lution thereof by the unanimous consent of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the American Real Estate & Ins Companya corporation of thin State, whose principal office is situated in the City of Gastonia, CountyAof Gas ton, State of North Carolina (J. W. Watson being the agent therein and in charge thereof, upon whom process may be served), has complied with the re quirements of Chapter 22, Consolidated Statute, entitled "Corporation," pre liminary to the issuing of this Certifi cate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grime. Secretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify tliat the aaid corporation did, on the !rd j day of Jnne, 1922, file in my of flee a duly executed and attested consent in j writing to the dissolution of aaid cor poration, executed by all the stockhold er thereof, which said consent and the record of the proceeding aforesaid are now oa file in my aaid often as pro vided by law. In Testimony Whereof, X kav hereto set my hand and affixed my official neal at Raleigh, this 3rd day pf June, A. D. 1922. ' Ji BRIAN GRIMES, (Seal) Secretary of State Filed and recorded in RMrord of In- I tion No 4, at page 78, thi the I . sin u.-iy or June lVTt. - ' William Mro. Co. ci.tLAN.CL . C. UHXTjRICKR. C. S C For Sale by J H Eenaeiy Drag, Co. MJul34 - ... cmiuiiipw HTL'QJLiiii i RESIEMBCR that there is a vast contradiction to PRICE, COST and WORTH. ' PRICE is the amount of money PAID for roods. COST U bafled on the DURATION OF SERVICE of those roods.. WORTH is a COMBINATION OF QUAL-1 ITY, DURABILITY, ETC., that use proves, but that had to b present In the beginning. The REASON there are better things is because . EXPERIENCE taught buyers that they LOST MONEY by PURCHASING the CHEAPER THINGS. McCIaren Tires are best for those who give real thought to tire buying. ' T H E BRADFORD COMP AN Y 122 S. Oakland St Phone 884-J Caatonta, N. C. MeCLAREN TIRES VULCANIZING tn If My ;j GASTOMaN ; special: FOR TODAY AND TUESDAY, JULY 4TH ' " NORTH OF THE RIO GRANDE " A Tremendous Western Photoplay Co-starring JACK HOLT AND BEBE DANIELS Intensely Dramatic, Filled With Heart Appeal Superb Photography, Artistically Directed WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY RICHARD BARTHELMESS In Romance of Deep-sea Skippers and Society Sirens "THE SEVENTH DAY" A First National Attraction and a worth-while successor to "Tol'all David" FRIDAY ETHEL CLAYTON IN "HER OWN MONEY" Buick Service is Rarely- Needed But Always Available Buick prides itself upon the fact that Buick , owners have the urunterrupted use of their cars to an unusual degrfee. This is due first to Buick quality and next be cause of Buick's nation-wide authorized serv ice. Go where you will, you will find this service v Whenever you see the Buick authorized serv ice sijgn, you will know that you can get the ' genuine Buick part that you need that your work will be done by Buick-trained mechanics and that you will be on your way again in the. shortest possible.time. , -' C-15-41 .' GASTONIA BUICK COMPANY GASTOlNlA, NORTH CAROLINA When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them V W IWJ a IT . loure. Bottled V Delicious md Refreshing OTUIO UNBKK AN EXCLU8IVK LICENSC FROM THE COCA-COLA COMPAUY. ATLANTA, CA. . The Gastonia Coca Cola Bottling Co., Inc. Gastonia, N. C. Phone No. 139 1 999WQ9999999999Q9999m9&9tt49W999W9M9M99MM&99M&OGmQilZ i Outrunning The Marathoner WHEN 10,000 ancient Greeks drove the Persian hordes from the plains 'of Marathon, they at once dispatched a courier to Athens to bear intelli gence of their victory. . It took the messenger hours to reach the city, and so breathless was he that, as the people thronged eagerly about him to hear the news, he merely gasped "Vic tory is ours" and fell dead. That was several hiin ,'dred years B.-C. 4, 7 Today, the papers of the world would get the news almost simultaneously with its happening, slap extras on tlieir presses, and shortly the thrilling story would ' be in the hand,s of some millions of readers; ., - Papers have supplanted the. courier, multiplied his : ' effectiveness and increased his speed a hundred-fold. Not only does the newspaper make public the news in the world pf events, but it also keeps our information up-to-date on every article of human need, whether food, clothing, household: appliances, necessities or -luxuries. The latter news is found in the advertisements. Advertising will help you. Whether you realize it or not,; advertising is a bifif, vital force in your life. ; Through it, American genius and American manufac turers are putting within your reach the many com forts and conveniences of modern life. " Do not overlook this mighty and indispensable service which this paper offers with the rest of the day's news. Read the advertisements regularly. 1 r Hi n MMttteaaaanaaaeanaaaaaaeeMeattctteaeeaaa)aea m i il