PAGE TWO THE CASTONIA (N. C) DAILY GAZETTE TUESDAY, JULY 25, 1922 s I X i .; . i . i ' - .' ' .j ' ! ; , .; . : , r"'- Annual Report Of The Public Library Year Ending June 30 Prohibition Is Not an Issue In Minnesota, .However, Congress man Volstead Has Active Opposition Antis Wage Fight la Ohio and Wisconsin. , To The citizens of Cnstonia: " f I have the honor to preset the 17th anaal report of. tin1 Castmiia Public Li brary for the year ending June SO, 1922. On July 1, 1921, there wr 3,943 volumes jkceeasiom-d, 4d2 volumes were added by purchas, H y gift and 112 by Wading, making a total of 592 addi tions. Durinf t'w year 1!5 volumes with drawn. On July i, 1922. there were 4,315 volumea in the library. 49 jieriodjeali (40 aionthties and 9 weeklies) were a Jtl d by purchase, 2 i.v gift for the year 1422. The library was open "07 days during the year 8 1-2 hours a day. The num ber of volumes in circulation. 31,775. Ta number -of herrowers at the end of th year, 2,051. The nuinler of books) mended in the library during the year, 2,548.- Estimated reading, reference room attendeiwe 36,144. Expenditures: Hooka Periodicals Bin. ling - . . . . l'etty cash , l'houe ..... foal , Supplies .. .. Improvements Salaries .... Total Balance July 1, 192; 719.49 . i;;iU5 . 102.12 . js.-,.ls :;o.oo 20.00 : ::o.2 ,.. 64.25 1.700.00 tlw.i.w '; - i 149.00 Respectfully Submitted, Lottie E. Wake, Librarian. Melbourne period, her married years, te ytVrs of' seclusion fend unpopu larity, which followed the death of the Prince Consort, her emergence under the influence of Disraeli, and finally her aposthesis in old age the mother of her people and the symbol of their imperial greatness. Not only is his story historically exact; it is picturesquely fascinating both ra its matter and in its manner. Mr. Strackey has all his facts at his fingertips and he marshals then and presents their actors as if they were the participants in a novel." "Mehitable," Adams. Mehitable "just felt that something was going to happen" to her. She and Barbara wondered what t im hgitmfwy fwfff wondered what it might be during their happy vacation in a little Ver mont "village. "Something" came in the shape of an. offer frontjan old friend to send Mehitable to a school just outside of Paris. This is a - Statistics Number of borrowers July 1, 1921 2217 Number of borrowers registered 532 during the yer .. Number of borrowers withdrawn Total July 1, 1922 County members , Circulation of Books 000 Periodical "Mary Chapdelaine," by Louis IIc mon. "A book of splendid and con quering simplicity. His pages are poetry'. Hemon adapts to them the melodies, the harmonies, the full chords and the discords of an out-of-doors marvellous in its very loneli ness. An exceptional piece of lit erary work." New York, World.' "A quiet and a beautiful story Wheeler. Jack O'Health and Peg O'Joy, Ilarben. - Americas Boy's Hand Book of Camp-lore and Woodcraft, Beard. Children of Ancient Britain, Lam prey. ... Story ef Mankind, VanLoon. , Th Golden Rule Readers, by Sneath, Hodges and Stevens. The Golden Ladder. The Golden Path. The Golden Door. The Golden Key. The Golden Word. The Golden Deed. The authors have searched tbe sources of child literature, taking the best of the old and of the new, to teach indirectly, without pointing morals "but by portraying right ac tion and proper responses, lessons of cleanliness, accuracy, thorough ness, self-control and temperance, Juvenile. SGyTiiEG COTTC."! QL (Victory YaiafMnH Co. Ward Slruais -Mfg. . ..,..., Wiuget Vara Mi4ls Ce .'.'..: V'iaaett Mills o. 4Willii.HiU.!i;MJI!s rnces quoted by . B. JUickson Co.,jWoo.isldelV!ltou Miru Pfd. ef Qaatoaia, N. for week .ending I Woodruff VftPe, Mills . . 6."il there is a fine imaginative power in 4 (this Tinvpl wbifh mnL-oa n epem 1n hear with our ears and see with our eyes all that the author wills us to story of those school days, full of self reliance, obedience and discipline, tnterestinrr neonle and nlaces. holi- truthlulness tnd honesty, love and days in Ireland, summer 1n Belgium, loyalty. Grade by grade these selec &tu all the incidents in a chateau tions secure the interest of children; school. tne pupils like the stories, remember -j a i . .., them, think about them far-reach- Midumnier, Adams. Miss Adams . ... . ... 4 . i ;ii,j ;., ing results in conduct are achieved spent many years or her eirlnood in I " . Sweden and her new story. "Mid- -Well-chosen reading that attracts summer'- is about an American boy nd interests and at the same time and girl and their summer in a cas- in, the systematic development lU nn tbe rci-Va. Their frietvbshin of ideals this series stands out m with interesting Sweden children, the ts wique adaptation to a great pur mystery of the castlo and of the fish- Pose n education Feet of the Furtive Roberta. - -Jim, the Story of the Backwoods Police Dog, Roberts. Neighbors Unknown, Roberts, v Kings in Exile, Roberts. . The lumberman, the hunter, th animal trainer, the pioneer settler, are the people in these stories; Ma jor Roberts takes us into the virgin wilds, onto the barrier and up into the arctic wastes.. Even better than the people of the" backwoods, he knows wild animals, and he tells dramatic stories about them which leave tis with as strong a sense of the wild upon us as any printed page JClif ton Mfg. V. ... would convey. "Children of the j Cuarru Cottos Mills. Wild" is suitable for boys from 8 tolS' '" 10. The other books will delieht any- .if. ' one, young or old, who love the open. J Crescent Hiuuning Co. July 25, 1922: , Acme pining Co. Areadla Mills ... . American Spinaing Co. ...... Awerieaa Yara rrot-esMiag Vo. Arlingtoa 'ttoa Mills Arcade Uottoa muis i Arrow Mills ......... Clara Mfg. Co.. 145 74 223 20 75 155 151 U2 77 '163 0 201 i '10 ..... 100 ..... 110 175 215 Bid. A,tim- W.JLEAGBY'S 5 101 ! - FUNERAL IS HELD, v: ' ' (llikory Reeord.) Mr. ClinS. ' W. Ilairl.v' ' rrrmnJt l.of . . i in'in Jioureruiija, Arery 1'ounty, 115 130 I 110- 1 lo- lll 100 Philosophy .. 200 KehKion ; 300 Scittlogy .... 400 LanguaK ... 500 Science . , . . . 0e Useful arts .. 700 line arts 800 Literature . . . 00 History Travnl Biograhy .... ir'ietion Javenile . . .. Rental Copies Total . 290 15 . 46 J12 1 17 17 17 l!)lt . 145 .. 325 2()G , 14702 , 1440!) , 14H9 31,775 c-rman boy, Nore, and the artist, Eu gene, are woven into a tale of extra ordinary chnim. It all centers about i the great Midsummer ..Fete, whicn listen to and look upon." New York ' moans R mwh in Sweden. -It is a Non-Fiction. The Mind in the Making, Robinson Outwitting Our Nerves, Jackson. Through the Shadows With 0, Circulation , by Months r- ' ; I21 July ; 2.894 - August 3,785 f. September 1,815 r;: ; Oetober 1,800 jr-r? ' ' November 2;131 I Deeeml)er ; . . . . 2,293 ,":. 3922 Jannnry' 3.903 J February 2,808 March 3.445 x ' April ., 2.902 . . May 2,952 June'..,........ 2,987 I Total 31,773 Financial Report Balance July 1. 1921 150.63 r" . Receipts: Deflation from the City of Gastonla 1,500.00 Donation from the Y. M. C.'A. "300.00 Lyceum 422.73 Fines 316.77 Lost Books ... 19.01 Benting Collection 149.30 GifU .! 181.20 County . Members ............ 44.00 Total ; $3,143.6.1 Times. ' . - ' "Andivius Hedulio" by Edward Lu cus White. Here is a romance of an cient Rome, which is as different from all other romances of ancient Rome as its name is from the name of other books. As a siory it is a cascade of never failing adventure; but it is much more than a story, it is a literal re production of the most j wonderful so ciety that the Bncient world ever saw, with all its splendors and its miser ies, its peculiarities, -its gods and traditions, its nobles and.its officers, and its emperor, master of the world, who at this period was Commodua, the most matchless athlete of whom j history holds any record. , And the Romans and the grandeur that was Roman are not left as the far away, abstract creation of a writer, but are brought into the reader's consciousness exactly as if they were what he meets about him in his familiar daily life which is the final of a great book. "Queen Victoria", by Lytton Stra cbey. . "In the long amazing career of the Queen as a woman of the so cial and political atmosphere of the changes she lived through, and of her relation to those changes as head of the State. The career of the Queen falls into five periods the vacation story that all boys and girls Henry, Jennings. will enjoy. Twin Traveller's in India, Wade. , The Big Tent, Canfield. Ruthie, Duganne. Mark of the Knife, Ernst. The Green Forest Fairy Book, Erady. Mazli, Spyri. Highacres, Abbott. Peggy in Her Blue Frock, White The Joyous Guests, Lindsay. The White Wolf, Gregor. The Frbsen Barrier, Browne. The Gray Squirrel, Lippineott. Honor Bright, Richards. Torrance from Texas, Ames. Over Two Seas, Barbour. The Golden Fleece and the neroes Who Lived Before Achilles, Colum. The Children's Hour, Colum. Mary in New Mexico, Johnson. The Old Mine's Secret, Turpin. Pinnochio Under the Sea, Davis. Polly and the Wishing Ring, John son. Catty Atkins, Sailorman, Kelland. Indian Heroes and Great Chief tians, Eastman. The Wreck Hunters, Rolt-Wheeler. Roosevelt, Eminent Victorians, Strackey. Queen Victoria, Strackey. James K. Polk, McCormac. Ufe of John Marshall, 4 volumes, Beveridge. Life and Career of Robert Love Taylor, Taylor. Lectures and Literary Productions, Taylor. . My Mjjories of Eighty, Years, De- pew. , The Great English Letter 'Writers, Dawson. The Advance of the English Novel, PI.elps. Esays of the Phelps. High Tide, Riclfords. Star Points, Richards. Negro Folk Rhymes, Talley. Plantation Songs, Stuart. Camp Fires and Guide Posts, Vai Dyke. learning Through the West Indes, Franck. Here, There and Everywhere, Ham ilton. Booklovers' Holiday in the Open. Peeps at Many Lands. London and Pans, Milton. Italy and Greece, Fennimore. Spain and Portugal, Browne. China and Japan, Johnson. Canada and "Newfoundland, Fenni more. ... Egypt and the HolyLand, GoodalL Scotland, Grierson. Switzerland, Fennemore. Norway, Ferryman. France, Fennemore. , England, Fennemore. We need more than ever before books to stimulate boys' and girls' irterest in other lands, to rouse them to a sense of ihe various peo ple who make up their , world, their history, their ideals, their present condition. In the 'Teepa at Many Lands" is issued a series which fills this need. ' The attractive bindings . . , . Dixon Mills Drayton Milla Duncan Mill Dunean Wills, Pfd. ......... EUrd Mfg. o Euterprwe 'Mfg. Ob. (ia.)... Erwin Cottoa Mills Co ... Erwin Cotton Milla Co. Pfd.., Flint Mfg Co t.. Gaffaey Mfg. to. (JiliHon Mfg. Co , UU)le Yarn Mill (N. C.).. ;race Cotton Mill Co ., Cray Mtg. Co. llanyick Mills ............. Danes, P. II. Knitting Co.... Danes, 1. II. Knitting Co. Pfd. . Henrietta Pfd Lancaater Cottuu Mills. ...... lamesdone Mills Linford Milla 'Lola Mfg.' Co. Locke Cotton Mills Co....,,. Lauren Cotton Mills Marlboro Cotton Mills ...... Monarch Mills (8. C.) wnere on tnilnv u. tl.n fnn,.ra if Ids fatlur, Ktv. Wesley M. Bagby, whoso death oeured suddmiVy Tuesday at'U rnooa from heart failure. Itad he liv ed uuutil Novoju!.r 4 ntxt Mr. Bagby would liae l-i'B 71 yoara of uge. Tne fnwral was JJev. Hayley and Kev. W) 11. Willi of Asheville, Mr. BaKOy's Hoii-iu-l.'iw. Active in ,' good works until the last, Mr. Bajjby au.'other good eitiaeni of Avery -county funned :iu orgiiuization re eently. to fight.- the whifkey riag in that eouoty and here the majority jiarty had In t on wet (lien, iiidepeudents were placed iu the field. Ittrtil liilib:i iinn and Dem- 61 jo-Tat were .interchted in the cuajtaign ..laad it will he fousiht to a fiaish this sum- 102 ...,iuu raud fall.J' , . . .. 150 :, ljt Hickory friend have recalled many in 58 ,i. JcidenU iu the life of thi sterling preach-; 18Q ... er of the k'jsjh'I. He was in a bij dry 70iund wet fi;ht ,in M rt,aotoii an. I was a '... 75crusndr uijnin.Mt liquor from his, early 2U0 275 I manhood. Of u spleiidid physique, brave ' 115 135 8 a HiuH, tearing no individual or ring, 144 114 107 ; 40 88 90 120 58 295 . 13 14Vi and many colored plates will " lure i Myers Mills children into the main highways and Myth? Mills also the bypaths of traveL They are atio,,al Yorn Mill , .. written by well-known authors ar.i 0 7vtV Mills combine history, characterisatio andjorr Cottoa Mills, I'fd. , description, in a fine appeal to I Paritdale Mills . . . . . . youthful interests. FARMERS STOP POISON . METKUD ON BOLL WEEVIL. CLOVE K, . C, July 21. Because of excessive rains which have fallen through out this section for neveral dnya past, farmers have about abandoned the use of calcium arsenate in poisoning boll wee vils, it is stated here. . , ; A nover dealer in calcium arenale Modern Novelists, J said Wednesday that he had sold only jo pounua or tne poison tuts week, t ann ers are taking the position that there Is no use to spread the poison, siiw'e the rains waah it off the cotton stalks as fast as it ig applied. " Inquiry nmong the farmers develops the information that they are continuing their policy of picking up punctured squares, and of picking off boll weevils where they ean find them." That the weevils are increasing, is the information obtained fro ma number of 1 farmers, who say they are now finding young weevils on their cottoa. Paeolet Mfg. Co , Paeolet Mfg. Co. Pf..d Peleer Mfg. Co Piedmont Mfg, Co. (S. C.).., Perfection Npinning Co. , . . . , JriseiHa spinning Co. ...... Kanlo Mfg. Co. ioi 10(1 198 Jul 95 130 88 75 102 iod 148 110 89 88 110 123 98 98 114 8(1 (14 120 103 108 240 121 91 101 77 106 78 110 120 129 ioi hi he was received as a minister in ls73and his tdmrgeg' included Old Trinity, Creens !, .ViunrAe, jli,-kory, " Morganton, Mooresville, tiastonia, Mount Airy and High I'oiat.' . ; Mriv Bagby was stricken Tuesday morning a she went into his pasture to see that his cattle was all wife. Ho had been away from home for ten days. Ho died as he had always wild he wanted to die suddenly and painlessly for he had no fear of sudden death. He is survived by a second wife and seven children.' Animal Eook for Children, Burges. Heroes of the Nations, Alshouse. Heroes of Progress, Tappan. The Boy With U. S. Secret Ser vice, Rolt-Wheeler. The Boy With U. S. Inventors, Rolt 1THE GREAT, BIG, BROAD LAND 'WAY UP YONDER, IIAS CHARMS FOR TOURISTS AND SPORTSMEN SSI Iff .p MM.Hm ::1 WWITE IN WlLtS CAUVOiT IWDlAKI G5AVEYACD, ALEttT BAY. b. C. .5?. y a tour:Kts- "--ludingrui!3 U-twet-n Vanccuver and Skg- ! Athn and Whit Horse. The trip ? L and sportsmen, ore ; way. wdl relieve the . ntest.on I can easily be extended to five weeka tokmg Passage : for Ala.a. thai , thrt has marked - travel o. this which will allow visits to Dawson" emulating frwidcnt w o , for some years. She is SSO'-and Fairbanks. y" iad Party tnat-is r stuoyifeet 1or.g with a cross to. nagc of! A whole summer is none too lonr the resources of the ncrthl5.nd inU.M -tons end is Car.adia,. built, I for visiting the accessible points of ! dditwn to enjoying lU rare tccnic I cot.-rji- SUuoMjo and .mbodying beautv and interest; vast ulaciers ' VJ7u .,.. ,fc , -evej v-.h,-up to date. ; such as Llewellyn and Taku, tbe 1 haeh year sees the olume of i 'Che Pnwess boats follow the , latter rising sheer for 300 fee. from : tourist travel to Alaskx i: crease : Inside . C!nnel which iures ! the blue waters of Tako Arm; beau. : and a -goodly percer.tace .f thos, -fmoath rising as the steamers are tiul Lake Bennett; the lovely re-. ur. ...!.:!, ,,r,. s'.! t tne open ocean but ior,nectk,n3 of mountains in Kcsurreo-, -rumr u iiH iuuui mra lor rur.ier a low -hort stretches. I he round ' ambitious to bag a grizzly, there is trip consumes two weeks tr.d in m likelier country. Atlin Uke is eludes Mops at Alert Bay in British juii oi wobocttiii laae iroui wr.icn i Columbia, noted for its fine totem run as high r.s 32 pounds anr. when I poles; KeU-hikan, where Didian ! f km mru fereraiiy ar.ora ne nsner- aan ten minutes of touph hgbtmg. The addition of the Steamer tion Cav; the mad welter of White Horse Rapids made vivid by the! pens of Robert Service, Jack Lor-; don and other writers, and last but 1 not least, the mystery of the Mid-! curios are offered in great variety : ! nirhi Sun that sheds a weird glow! wrangeii; Juneau, the capital crimper Alaska, Our Lady of thai Alaska hllitt nn a rlnutav rf kitla I TCtWl. jl. ,-;-.. Vn. l.w. I rnaceaa Louise" t the Lxe that and gkaj-way. also a aid pip to llightful aummer season. The Rough Rider, Roosevelt. Outdoor Pastimes of an American Hunter, Roosevelt. Collected Poems of Alfred Noye, Noyes. Rhythmic Action Plays and Dances, Moses. Social Games and Group Dances, Elson. Phunology, Harbin. Book of Games and Parties, Wol- cott. The Dramatization of Bible Stories, Miller. Youth and the Church, Maus. Study of Child Nature, Harrison. Childhood and Character, Hart- shorne. The Use of the Story in Religious Education, Eggleston. Secrets of Sunday School Teach ing, Pell. . Social Plans for Young People, Reisner. The Superintendent, Brown. Graded Missionary in the Church School, Beard. V Imaginary Interviews, Howell.?. The Seen aud Unseen at Stratford- on-Avon, Howells. V ' ' ' , ... I ' New Leaf Mills, Howells. i ' , Mountain Paths, Meaterlinck. The Life of John Oliver Hobbs, The Foot Hills of John Oliver Hobbs. , The. Foot Hills of Panessus,' Bangs. Fiction. ), Andivius nedulio, White. Big Peter, MarshalL Maria Chapdelaine, Hemon.' Lost Valley, Gerould. A Daughter of the Middle Border, Garland. .." Eudocia, Phillpott3. The Vanishing Point, Dawson. The Queen of Karmania, Van Vost. Three Men and a Maid, Wodehouse. The Mariolts and the PowelU, Holt Harlequin and Columbine, Tarking- ton. Abbe Pierre, Hudson. Pirates Hope, Lynde. The Covered Wagon, Hough. One Man in His Time, Glargow. Lucretia Lombard, Norris. The Purple Pearl, Pryde. The Eyes of Love, Harris. The City of Fire, Ilill. The House of Mohum, Gibbs. Mr. Prohack, Bennett. "Q," Burt. Q. E. D, Thayer. Then Came Molly, Ogden. A Blue Grass Cavalier, Litsey. Linda Lee, Vance. The Wrong Mr. Right,Ruclc A Little Leaven, Grey. In the Favor of the King, Daniel Itex Spinning Co. .. 80 Rax Spinning CO. Pfd. 88 Ridge Mills 72 76 Riversid Mills (Par $12.50 ........ ...... ......... CVi '7 Riverside & Dan River 205 ... Riverside k Dan River Pfd. . . 100 102 Rowan Cotton iMills Co 74 SO Roanoke Mills 1st Pfd. ...... 102 104 Roanoke Mills 2nd Pfd...... ... 98 Rhyne-Houser Mfg. Co 74 ... Saxon Mills 81 Heminnle Cotton Mills Co....; 96 . . Spartan Mills 112 ... Sterling Spinning Co. ; 119 120 Superior Yarn Mills ........... 75 SO Toxaway Mills (Par .$25.00.. 8 30 Vietor-Monaghan Co. 9 91 Vietor-Monaghan Co. Pfd..,., 103 MORE DETAILS OF THE CAMP-THORNE ROMANCE CniCAC.O, July 21. More details ot the romance that led to the marriage and subsequent divorce of Mrs. Kutherine Cordon Thome,5 widow of the date Vice.. President of the Montgomery Ward to Co., and Willian C. (Billy) 'Camp, man about town, as threatened today as a result of the failure to effect n settle ment out of court of Mrs. Thome's 1350,000 trust' fund gift to Camp. ' Camp it was asserted, following yes lerday'g heatings iu chancery court, had j expressed Ida Willingness to accept $150,- Ooo ami let the an air lie a closed inci dent. Mrs. Thome, it is said, pained at the publicity which attended Wednes. day 'sjieariiig in which ,Canip detailed several .trips , to. enKteru .cities prior to their marriage, virtually agreed to give Ounp a sum said to he 120,000, provid ed he would n.leaso her from the terms of the trust agreement. The opposition of Oordon.C. 'i'horne, son of the widow, was said to buvt bhs-ked Ihe settlement, "Why doesn't, the government furuiHh our weather?" ".No. two farmers in Kicker county .would order the same liramt," declared, Cnce Tube .Snarl.--, Louisville, .Courier Journal. . -' . Tl V l B i 0 Wh eii you get DO yoii pel off vhh a good start or does your car L. liind? Not that there is usually any great atlvanl in being first, lut there is mnch satisfaction -in being able to be there when you want to! , The all-round satisfactory performance of "Standard" Gas oline, has made it the first choice of thousands of motorists who know from experience that gasolines differ. Because "Standard" is the balanced gasoline it is quick' Martin" and swift on the pick-up. It burns completely, leav ing a minimum of light carbon ; practically all of which is blown out through the exhaust. It is high-powered and delivers tile maximum mileage that the motor ean give yon. . - " . "Standard" is unequalled for uniform, year-round satis faction under all conditions and in all makes of oars. Use the proper grade of Polariiie. It is just m satisfactory. " " U 8 IVI. HI. Tlw Balanced Gasoline! STANDARD OIL COMPANY '! (New Jersey) , . i : if MM jm I t