!: - PACS TWO THE GASTONIA (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE MONDAY, JULY 31. 1S22 Ibig attendance at With applications for accomodation y t J 1 1 Sunburn . . cum uiscwi, s I bites make I ' I you unnappy, v MENTHOLATUM cools and soothes and gently heals.. V1 CERTIFICATE of dissolution. i State of North Caroliua, Department ef'Bute. To .All to Wnom Those Present May Come Greeting: ; Waefeaa, It appears to B'.v satisfae tioa, by duly authenticated record of the proceeding for the voluntary disso lution thereof by the unanimous ensont of all the stockholders, deposited in my office, that the Messenger Publishing Company, a corporation of this State, It hose principal office is situated at Jfa. .. West Main Avenue, in the city f Oastonia, County of Oaston, State of North Carolina (W. L. Walters being the agent therein and in charge thereof. upon whom process may 1e served), lias complied with the requirements of Chanter 22. Consolidated Htatiite. en titled "Corporations,' preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of iJisso- lutioa: ' ttam -Tlipfeforp. T J. BrVftn Grime fceeretary of State of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify That the aaid corporation did, on. the 2t)th day of July, lit'JL', file in my onu-e a duly executed and attested record in irnting to the dissolution or siiwl cor poration, executed by all the stockhnld- rs taereor, whicn saia consent ana me record of the proceedings aforesaid are bow on file in my said of nee as pro tided by law. , , la Testimony Whereof, I have hereto let my haad and affixed my official teal at Raleigh, this 20th day, of July, A D 1922 J. BRTAX CRIMKR, (Seat) , Secretary of State. , Filed and recorded in lleeord of In corporations No. 4 nt page 81, this the 21a day of July. 1922. S. C HENDRICKS, M-A14c4 Clerk Superior Court. ADMINISTBATOD'S notice. Having qualified aa administrator of the estate of C. L. Richey, deceased, late of Qastoa county, North Carolina, this ia to - aotify all persona having claims against the estate of aaid decedent to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned on or before July 1, 1923 or tbis notice will be pleaded ia bar of any recovery thereon. All persons who are Indebted to aaid estate will please , make prompt settlement with the under aigaed. This 2Gth day of Jane, 1922. J. T. ADAIR. ' " Admr. ot C. L, Richey deceased, MJul-31e6. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator ol Slra. Margaret J. Cloninger, deceased, late of Gaston county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent to present the same, duly verified, to the undersigned administrator on or beforo July 10, 1923 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of recovery thereon. All persons who are indebted to said estate will please make prompt settlement with the undersigned. ' This 10th day of Julv, 1922. CLARENCE O. CLONINGER, Admr. M A14cG. Dallas. N. V. NOTICE. Having qualified as Administrator of the estate of the late L. A. Guin, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent to present the same duly itemized and verified to me on or before the ,t Ut 4ay of July, 1923, " ot thjtf noties -WiH'be pleaded in bar of any reeoyeryj thereon . All f5eros indebted to said estate are requested, to make prompt payment to e. This July 24th, 1922. W. T. LOVE, M-ASScG Administrator. NOTICE OF SUMMONS. North Carolina. Gaston Coun'.y, la the Superior Court. ,. Sadie Heffner vs. Wilbur Heffner. The defendant above named will take notice that an action entitled as above has ,been Commenced in the Superior Ceurt of Gaston County for an absolute divorce; and the said defendant will further take notice that he is required to appear at the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston County on the 24th day of August, 1922, and an swer or demur to the complaint, a copy of Which will be Sled within the time prescribed by law; and let bim take notk-a that if be fail to answer or demur to said complaint at said time the plaintiff will apply to the Court t of the relief demanded in the com plaint. Tbia 221 dsv of Julv. 1922. 8. C. HENDRICKS, U A14t ' Clerk Superior Court. NOTICE. There are over 600 persons who have not made" their tax returns, and aa the time limit has expired July 1st, it is necessary that all wno have not made their returns, must do so at once, as the penalty for not returning tax valuation is a double tax. This is the ltKt notice that will be given. V. G. GRIER, City Tax Collector. 21-25-2S-31c4 the College .' dining hall at fifty cents each. With the reduced raliroad fnTes offered and the colhye easily accessible i. . ... ..,.!.; !.. e. " . aireauy eongiaersuiy aneau oi any pre-jtne Btate an opportunUv is offered for nous year, indications point to a J the farnifr to tak( Li, fam;y on an large attendance at the twentieth annual , ouiing 1hat ls entrrtaiiilnrf, icstrue sesmon of the North Carolina t annen' xve an(j economical." - and Farm Wouiens' Convention when it! , . .."' r. . ".. ... at State , College Tetsv. : " ' V Mend, them at Jialeigli. Addreinca by some of the formost aerictilturat coHveues August 1 for a three day tinuing hrough Thursday, August .'. It ia .probable," says W. W. Shny, the secretary, "that all of the College dormitories, Avilt le filled Family par. tia and ,la. lies nre being ssigiie l first to the recently eompleted Fifth and Sixth dormitories, the )9ll Dormltorie and Watauga Uall, witii the four hiiu. II er dorm:toriis reserved fer gentletnen. South Dormitory, now undergoing re pairs, will-hardly lie-ready for use in time for the convention.'' The college makes 'no c-harge for the use of the dormitories,., but those who room on the .rumpus will be ex pected to famish their own bed linen and towels. MeaJn will be wired in leaders in the, country, dear ei!t pre sentations ff farts vital to every in terest of' the fanner . and ' each, mem, Iter of his faiailr, dmotistratiuus in many 'liMnthes , of r.grL'iiltiire, incUid ing'the cotton dusrins method for curtailing tiie ravages of the boll wee vil, and the f whoieHoiue nmuwinfts which are given as a part of the regu lar program will furniih n variety of etitcruinim nt. GIRL D1HEGTED LOADiXG OF CJ1HG0 OF EOOZE Trial Of Mr. Sterena Rereala How Boat Load Of . Liquor 'Was Taken From Bermuda To New York. . It's the persistent advertiser that wins'. Keep your ad in The Gaietee al the time and watch the reaulLs., ' Riot Call in Street Car Strike S f (i! 5ft ,.: fi 4 Lai J 4p NEW YORK, July 28. A story of liquor smugglers loading their cargo in Baruiuda under direction of a firl and making runs to the shores of Long Is land bound, gun fights and seizures by federal'agents, has been revealed in the arralflgmeiit of Mrs. Kthel Stevens, 19 rear old, iu Brooklyn on an Indictment charging conspiracy to smuggle liquor into -Vew York. &ie was indicted as an accomplice of Aniotuo Cassese, wealthy tobaeeo mer chant, who fled when a second indict- nnut charging a plot to smuggle huge quantities of lrquor into the country fol lowed et'izure of two of hig veswis. Causes was charged with being: owner of the yacht kdith, captured by govern ntent agents -here with 1,000 eases of iouor Aboard ast March. At the trial of Captain Cliarlea Oman of the Edith, he testified that a woman directed the loading of the Edith in Ber muda and accompanied the cargo to Mew York. He said Cassese also wag aboard. Neither was on the yacht when it was seized, Oman was sent to Atlanta for a year. The trawler Ripple was the second vessel to be captured by the government agents after a voyage to .Bermuda when it tried to land a corgo of iquor in New York harbor. The vessel was taken after a revolver battle with the crew. Wben Cassese learned of the second seizure, he fled, although out on $3,000 bail in the first rase. Mr Wevens, whose trial begins to day, denied she knew anything about the Ripple, although she admitted beina; on board the Edith and making a trip on the yacht from Bermuda. MRS. C. L. STEIDLEY IN A MEETING AT CLOVER DRAPER TO FU.'I . SCHOOL GROUuDS Three LocT School Grounds To Be Laid Out Work Already Befurt On Central School . fc i. : Jj': This photo was taken aa police rushed with rifles la answer to A riot call In the street railway strike at Buffalo, N. Y. Faces Murder Charge Smiling f r ' m ev i i urn ifrr"- y r:v" 1 it- tM iV .;?i : ;ViC 4 - V : ' , 4 2 St f - - a 1 1 - h.rs. Clara Phillip, 23, WRa smiling ns tnougn sne baaa't a worry la the world as she returned to Los Angeles under guard ot sheriff's e iuties to face an indictment charging her with the slaying of Mrs, AlbcrU Jkaslows, beaten to death with a hammer. x - She ia Delighting and Helping Large Crowds Who Attend Twice aDily, CLOVER, S. C, JULY 28. The in terest in and the attendance upon the revival services being' held at the Methodist church this week, are in creasing daily. ! The meeting is unusual Jn this sec tion, in that it is being conducted by a' woman, but it is the consensus of opinion that it loses nothing in in terest or effectiveness on this ac count. Mrs. C. L. SteiUley, ot oas tonia, is in charge of the meeting and is delighting, and helping the large crowds which attend each ser vice. . Mrs. Steidky is one , of the most widely and favorably known Bible teachers in the country, having had experience with Revy B P. McLendon and others of the leading evangelists of the country. This experience gives her. a background which, with her outstanding abiilty and attractive personality, makes her. one of the best speakers ever heard here. Several professions have already been record ed in the meeting. The meeting is to-continue through the week, with services at 9:30 a. hi. and 7:45 p. m., closing on Sunday night.- E. S. Draper, landscape architect ana city pianneu, with offices in Charlotte and New York, has been awarded , the contract for the plan ning for the city school grounds. The new high school grounds, the central grounds and the new colored school grounds will be planned by the firm Mr. 11. H. Bursley, of the -Charlotte office, is at the present time planning the landscaping oi the Central school grounds. " , The old terrace at the Central school is being cut away and a new one being made that will run parallel to the front entrance on Second Ave nue. A paved walk will be built from the center steps on Second ave nut straight to the main entrance. Two drives for automobiles will be laid out,' one on the east - side of the grounds and the other on the weat end. A semi-circular drive begin ning at the corner of Oakland and Second and leading to the east ateps will be laid out for automobiles bring ing children to school during rainy weather. This drive will end at the tennis court, about the middle of the block. Another drive is being planned to run from Marietta street up by Mr. W. B. Morris's lot to the rear of the auditorium. This will be used for the hauling of coal, supplies, etc., to the building, and for trunks and bag gage for the auditorium. When fin ished the work will be of a great help towards helping the looks of the building, the best of its class in the State. The terraces will be sown in grass and by next spring the grounds will be beautiful. , (- mm i l : 'mm "Sarid"-5:DolIaro TF you hare the "sand' to stick to it you . can turn time Into dcHar through a taring account here. FUe up dollar of Tour own and they in turn will PHo t?2 at 4 per wiii. vompouin epxeraw . "Our Service Makes Friend" The Third National Bank i GASTONI A, . N. : C REED AND LONG CLOSE THEIR SENATORIAL CAMPAIGN ST. LOCIR, July S9. By the Asso ciated Tress.) United States Senator James A. Reed and Breekenridge Long, third assistant secretary of state during the Wilson administration, tonight will close their campaign for 'the democratic senatorial nomination to be decided at the primary election next Tuesday. Veteran politicians agree their contest has been one of the bitterest waged in Missouri. The democratic "eontM; has drawn so mueh attention during the last three months that little Bignafieance has been attached to the fight among the six re publican candidates. The bitterness with which the contest between Senator Reed and Mr. Long has , been waged is indicated by the forming of "rid us of Reed" clubs, in which women have. taken great interest. Banners and placards bearing this in scription.' have been "posted in many towns of the state,; while others appeal ing to "win with Reed, defender of the people's - rigid s," have been designed to offset the effect of the opponents' elo-gn. .1 Old" Lady .(to small Scotch boy dress ed in kilts) "Fetchin' again, ye wick ed ladt" "Aye, an' I'll be at him again if he, keeps on saying I wear a kilt because my feet are over big to get into troosers! ' Passing Show. Still; "Mopping UpM in 'Miner Battle' Area b v if Y-$ at i V i ... ........ A.. 1 . it HICKORY'S NEW, LIBRARY The splendid building -for the new Worth Klliott earnest library at Hick ory has just, been eompleted and the formal opening will, be held early ia August. The lot on which the' build ing stands and other doitatka were made .by Mrs. Elliott, widow f the late J. Worth Elliott. The books are being supplied by Mr. J.. T. liors werthy, - Gastonia 'a well . know book aiaa whe has - already received an initial ordflr for more than. $2,000 worth of books. Gastonia is rapidly Incoming the book ceatetof the Caro linns. :- - - Advertise in The Daily Gatette. Desirable Office Are More Desirable When Equipped With SPENCER- y BOOK CO. , FURNITURE Phone 265 ' SUte police and deputy sheriffs are atP.l "mopping up" In the hills of Washington county; Pa., aeektar partlclpanU in the mine battle at Cliftonvllle, W. Va., In which Sheriff H. H. IuvaJ and alx, others vera killed. This photograph, taken by Bob Dorman. KEA Service staff photographer, shows officers rounding up rnen in Avella, Pa., for ouestiontnir. , at NOTICE OF REDEMPTION TO THE HOLDERS OP VICTORT NOTES AXD OTHERS CONCERNED: Xotice is hereby ygive follows: ; 1. Call for partial redemption of "4 3-4 per cent. Victory Notes. All 4 3-4 Victory Notes, otherwise known a United (Mates of America Gold Notes of 1922-1923, which bear the dis tinguishing letters A, B, C, D, E, and F prefixed to their aerial numbers having beea designated for the purpose by ot in the manaer prescribed by the Secre tary of the Treasury are called, for re demption on December 15, 1922, pus snant to the provlsioh for redemption contained ia the notes and in Treasury Department circular No. 138, dated April 21, 1919, under which the notes were originally sawed. Interest a all the 4 3-4 per cent. Victory Notes thas called , for redemption will cease ea said redemption date, December 15, 1922. Victory Notes of the 4 3-4 per cent, series bearing the distinguishing Tetters O, .H, I, J, K, or L prefixed to their serial numbers ar not in any maner affected by this call for redemption and will be due and payable as to the princi pal on May 20, 1923, according to their terms. ' 2. Detailed information as to the pre sentation and surrender of 4 3-4 "Victory Notes for redemption under this call is given in Treasury Department circular No. 299, dated July 26, 1922; copies of which mey be obtained from the Trea sury Department, Division of Loans 4 Curteney, Washington, D. C, or any Federal Reserve Bank. A. W. MELLON Secretary of the Treasury. FROM MAINE TO CALIFORNIA and from the Gulf to the Canadian ' line comes reports of increased , SAVINGS in every town, city and state I ... ; Thinking, prudent people are united 6n one ideai-the NECESSITY, for SAVING MONEY. Now, while the thoughtis in, your mind, start your account at 1 . Our Savings Department and get 4 per cent interest.' '.- . The First National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. CAN YOURS BE REACHED BY? FIRE OR THIEVES , ; . ' . - . . . ". ' You? Insurance Policies; your Contracts; will; deeds or leases; your" bonds or stocks; notes or ' mortgages ; your jewelry or heir . looms; your treasured ; letters. Home is not the safest place for these valuables as many " . who have suffered loss will tell you, ' . ' .'.' -. : Citizens Safe Deposit Boxes are-burglar and fireproof, accessible at all times during the vday, and offer you absolute protection. Rentals . only $2.50 and $4.00 a year , The . CITIZENS j. ': National Bank GASTONIAN TODAY AND TUESDAY - THOMAS MEIGH AN ; - ' " in . ; '. "' "THE BACHELOR DADDY" Five cute kiddies orphaned by a bandit's bullet ' -and when a big, handsome bachelor' attempted to" father the brood, they led him a merry chase straight to ; a great love and happiness. Leatrice Joy in the cast. A Paramount Picture ; . WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY GLORIA SWANSON and RUDOLPH VALENTINO . : in ' "BEYOND THE ROCKS" The Most Gorgeous Love Drama Ever Filmed YOU WILL FEEL BETTER AND LOOK BETTER DURING THIS HOT WEATHER IF YOU STOP BAKING BISCUITS AND BUY MILLER'S BUTTER-NUT BREAD THE BETTER BREAD Don't heat up your oven this hot weather and stand over the hot stove baking biscuits, it isn't good for you. Just include with your grocery order, a loaf of Butter-Nut Bread. You will like it. . - FRESH DAILY Carolina Baiting Co.