PAGE TWO THE GASTONIA (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE THURSDAY, AUGUST 3, 1922 V err. ISSUES 8000TH MARRIAGE LICENSE -TO HERSELF ' .-V ' C,, v(. . A " ':' r ' V '' V' "'' 1 ; , Vl .-.'..'': '' "-A'w;.'3 . . - k :. .' :'d - - v V'fs ' ... '- (f-' s- ? ' - .-... ? . .,- ' V . J PASTOR OATES LEAVES . YORK'FOR COLUMBIA Farewell Sermon- To Town folk Sunday Night AH Denomination Join In the Service. forbid rrona Gain- that I of oar MRS, CHARLES HUFFY Cnl- Auir. ."5. M:try .hvt desk 6AX DEIGO, JJcMullon, four yours no, became county' cujii. .At that time nle soouroj rmploymout I.Bthe elerk' office, nnd on 'her first day at work ismied her first marriage Jk-ense. The couple tittered their tvny out, and Maty quite determinedly aaid: "Not , for nie. I'U jitver marry!" Pasa two years. Mary innues the four thousandth marriage lieeuse from Knterg Charles Duffy ns a this eoiirt clerk in another department or the echoing old eourthotise. Snya Mnry apiin: "Marryf IV never thought about it. J' Another two years. . Another four thousand 'marriage licenses issued by Mnry that is, to be exact, .1,f9. Then Duffy w hiapered something into Jfiiry's ear. Mary was receptive, Ami the eight-tliousandtlr license Mary issued to herself , Now she's Mrs. Charles Duffy. OKLAHOMA -"HA UNTED HOUSE" CAPTURE OF TIPPERARY BIO . EVENT FOR FREE STATE FORCES DUBLIN, Aug. 3. (By The Associat ed Press) Capture of Tipperary by the Free Btate forces Is looked upon by the military staff of t ho' Provisional govern ment an stroke of enaruious strategical value in the general campaign agai'nnt the republicans in southwestern Irelnil. -SCIENCE PROBES MYSTERY-OFrMSlJZ gliten their line, and have placed. t no It regulars in the Chapel district in a dan gerous position. - Caspel is ragorded ea the strongest point held by the Irregu lars, being tha last position of import ance protecting Clomel, where the Irregu lars are reported to be preparing for a seige. A traveler arriving here from Clomel says that the Irregulars there, alarmed by the Free State advance, began to burn, their barracks, but that Eanion de Valera interferred preventing further destruction and declaring that he in tended to make a tand there, The tra veler ads, however, that de Valera is not in supreme, command of the republican forces. " The same informant declares that for miles in the vicinity of Cork the roads are. mined, and there is reason to he tieve that many of the important bridges and buildings have likewise been prepar ed, while measures for the defense of the harbor have been completed. About tt week ago the principal merchants met and derided to close their establishments until normal conditions were restored, but the Irregulars threatened them with dire jienalties if they carried out their plan. -All is said to be quiet at Kilmallock. ''TyiVI '1 ' nAUXTEDf THE J. L. WUEBE 12 MV8TEBIOUH WAGON ER HOME AT NORMAN, FIRKS HnOKL OUT IN 4S HOURS. OKLA. KORMAN, Gkla, Aug. 3. Can science solve the mystery of the new AntigonUh a ghnstless haunted house a fpooky "fire home'' -. Where sheets burst in to flames as one gets into bed - -And wash rags start burning wiioii raised to the facet That's what J. L. Wagoner," farmer here, says happened in hi hourf. And members of his family Lear out his story. Farmers around Norman attribute these ghostly happenings to' the' super natural. But authorities are. seeking a seieaeifie explanation thus far with out success. In two days there wero 12 fires all of mysterious origin. The first occurred when Wagoner's wife opened a clothes closet. A flush of tlame shot into her face.. Several hours later the roof of the Louse started burning. The farmer picked up a wnsh cloth to wash his face. But the cloth began to burn! Bed Sheets in Flame That night, the linen on his bed turn ed into a sheet of .flame t The family ran from the bouse. - - - The next day they returned The mysterious bhues broke out anew. Sheriff W. II. Newblock threw a pttiard around the place. Every person who entered or left the house was searched. - But the mystery wasn't solved. A chemist from the University of Oklahoma took a hand. He is eitdeav- jonng to find a liquid solution that combustible when" it dries. Ko farmer' Wagoner 'still is haunted by fear that the mysterious fires may start !gaiii ut any time. People hereabouts are recalling ehe famous haunted house at Ahtigonish, N. K., here similar phenomena were re ported . is AFRICAN MOTORISTS ALWAYS , r - HAVE THEIR HORNS. . NAIROBI, Kenya Co'ony, Eaxt A fri es, July 1. The toot of a Hjile motor Lorn -has Itceu found sufficient, in Afri ca, to quiet stampeded oien and cauw a, trio of flesh hunting lions to ' slink ny into the hushes. followed their prey. This was tiie mad procession that Ri-ected a lone motorist at a enrve of the Toad. He had no rifle, and it was almost an ''Unconscious movement that took his hand to the horn button. At the first - sounds the lions seemed non- piusw-d. l'.ie laotoriet then blew loud tilirtifig a wagon drawn by the r:ilroad camp, in the Xukuru, t!w siie of the new Uasin Cis )u r:ii!ru;id. when 1ht' spans were at t sked by thre lions. The drivers fled to nearby tree. The oxen became -i,ie rt. ken and d.Ki'ie.l down the i i hh rad. dr.icijjg along the body f ce t x, ki t. d I v t1! 10 oxen toSyT' V rT wilds near 'Bw . To native drivers were recent lv c'on- 'H,,!'! ons' ,ne 'canny and sustained a rnve the clamor of the animals, the lions slunk ;:v:iy among the rocks, headed for the ishHter of tne bush., and the oxen swung clear of the dust-coverml automobile and came to a itop at the side of the road. !i behind tin 'iuas. with the id. The lions Milk bottles in pints and quarts, aba me caps lor oolUes, Co. YORK, R. C., July 31. He: J. L Oates, who leaves tomorrow to as Mime the pastorato of the Associate Reformed Presbyterian ehureh of lumbta. B. C, preached last evening his f irewell sermon to the eongrtgatioit of the ssociate Keformed Presliytenan church of York, of which he has been ....-v. i-t vnara. Present was au audi-' ence eompost'd of members of every de nomination in the town, the rotors of the other ehurches having dispensed with their eveqiaK service in order thai they and their congregations might join I" .,vi. .that brouuht io a close. Dr. Oaes ministry Jicro. The audience itda st'at in the edifice IlllfMl rvnj . . . ami overnowm iuiu ------ Dr. Oates scleetd for his text tinni ft,: 14. "But God i.m,i.1 trlnrv. save in the l,rd Jesus Christ . " The discourse was i n.i .lehvered witn earuest- rhjiraoteristic o the. gpeker Unon the conclusion or w-ni"- i, ! - naufn, fif tllA First Presbyterian cnuren, while tribute! to Dr. Oates were paid bv the other ministers of York. vt. nLii.,...',. umrHinl deen reirret at tne departure of Dr. Oates ami sat'l it as fitting that all the denominations, Of York should join in a union service in his honor. Dr- Gillespie then intro duced Rev. T. T. Walsh, pastoY of the Church of the Good Hhepherd wno dis cussed the loss to tho town of Dr. Oates as a co-laborer in religious worn. y. Gillespie then sl.oke, his subject leing the loss to the town of Dr. Oates as a citisen. Rev. J. K. Walker, astor of Trinity Methodist church, -discussed the loss to tne pongregnuou i . L. Hall, pastor of the First Baptist church, spoke of the .nrticuiry tne con- rreirnrinn would encounter in nnaing a successor that would measure up to Dr- Oates' standard. Uon the conclusion of these talks, Dr. Oates made a few remarks in which he expressed his appreciation of the tribute paid' him, and protested his nn worthiness thereof. Ho declared that any success that may have rewarded bis labors here had been in a largo measure due to the loyal support and-co-operation of not only his own congregation but of the other ministers of York and people of the twu generally. ' BOTTOMLEY EXPELLED FROM HOUSE OF COMMONS LONDON, Aug. 3. Horatio Bottom ley, former editor of John Bull,' has been expelled from the lluuse-of Commons' by a vote of the membems. After the speaker had rea'd a long letter from him that he was neither guilty nor' con scious of fraud and stating that he ha I hera made "the victim of an appalliag error of justice." the vote was taken. Bottomley was convicted at Old Bailey I on May 29, on three out of four counts f charging him with fraudulently convert ing to his own use about' J Srt.llOO ponnd sterling subacriged to Lis victory bond and other clubs. FRANCE WILL REFUSE MORATORIUM TO GERMANY PARIS, Aug. 3. (By The Associat ed press) The British note on the iuter allied debt question has removed all pos silnlity of France consenting to a mora tori urn for Germany in the .view of ofti cial circles expressed here today. Rev. A psychologist eontemfs that simple- minded girls make the best wives that be true, who is .that wants a wifef Journal. A4vertis in Tha Daily Gasetta. - II best .if cicelies They are GOOD! 10' Bay this Cigarette aniSase Money ADMINISTRATIS NOTICE SUN YAT SEN LOSES BATTLE AND 3,000 MEN (By The Associated Press.) CANTON, Aug. a. (By The Associa ted Press jChen Oaring Ming's forces, who are favorable to the Peking repub lic have defeated the .troops of tun Yat Sen, the deposed president of the Canton, l? a point "beyond" Chihing, mors than 40 miies northeast of Shichow, accord ing to a bluuetin given out at General Chen's Canton headquarters. ' The bulletin says that Chen Chiung Ming army captured 2,000 rifles, 21 ma chine guns and nine cannon. Sun Yat fcen's losses are placed at 3,000 killed, wounded and captured. Chen' s losses are not reported. - Another bulletin claims a victory for Chen near Yungyun, about 40 miles southeast of Shiuchow, with the capture of 8U0 rifles. , Sun Yat Sen announced today he had received no advices from the battle front. KABER'S SLAYER GIVEN THIRTY-YEAR SENTENCE (By The Associated Press.) ' CAMPBASSO, Itaiy,. Aug. .2; (By The -"Associated d Press) Ventprino de fecenzo, convicted tor the murder of Daniel Kaber, the Cleveland publisher, was condemned today to 30 years im prisonment at hard labor. De Scensso was arrested, at Ferrazanno, a village near here last December. Having qualified as administrix of the estate of V. J, Oornwell deceased, late of Gaston county, North Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent to present the same, duly verified, to tho undersigned administratis at Dallas, North Carolina, on or before i JULY 20, 1923 or this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon. All persons who are indebted to the said estate will please make prompt settlement with the under frignd. This tho 20 day of July, 1022. MRS. ANNIE II. COBNWELL, Admri. Th-A24cS Dallas, N. C. WHAT VIENNA DRINKS TO QUENCH THE THIRST. VIENNA, July 14. This city con sumed in the iwst year 11:1,992,500 liters of beer, 46,.157,0OO liters of wine and 2,436,200 of spirits, according to figures just published.' Taking the population at nearly 'S.OUO.OOO this was a per capita consumption of 62 liters of beer, 25 of wine and four of spirits, a total of 91 liters, 4i a little over 93 qu:rts. . Peter Schuttler wagon lumber weights tell quality. Schuttler wood parts weigh mote in comparison than other wagon parts that look twice as large. Ware Hardware Co. , 4c2 , fir. Phone 559 and lot Brumley-Walters Ware Hardware Printing Co. send a salesman to see you. 4c2 Brumley-Walters Printing Co. : NOTICE OF SUMMONS ' North Carolina, in the Superion Court, uaston county. Maggie Guther, plaintiff vs. G rover Cleveland Suther, lefendcnt. V Let the defendent take notice that an action as above entitled has been begun in the Superion court of Gaston county for an abso.ute divorce upon tho ground of ndlltery and abandonment, and let him appear on the fourth day of September, 1922, at the office of the undersigned Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston county and answer or demur to the' complaint filed in the cause, or decree will be grant ed in accordance with said aomplaint. This the 27th day of July, 1922. at. HJCNDRICKS, Clerk Superion Court, Gaston County. S. J. Durham, atfy. for plaintiff. Th-A-17e4. ; NOTICE OF EXECUTION SALE. North Carolina, Gaston county, in the Superior Court. George W. Gamble vs. Lillie Stewart. By virtue of an execution directed to tho undersigned from the Superior Court of Gaston county, in the above eji titled action, I will, , on Monday the 7th day of August 1922, at eleven o'clock a. m. at the courthouse door of said county, sell to the highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said execution, ad the right, title and interest which the said Lillie Stewart the defendant, has- in the' following de scribed real estate, to-wit:" Beginning at a stone, the old corner between Will Best and the Ephjaim Hol land tract ad runs thence north 3 1-4 K. 80 1-4 poles to a stono on Best's line; thence with Best's line north 49 3-4 west 115 poles to a stono on the hill; thence north 30 west 45 poles to. a stone in James Holland's line; thence south '49 east 26 poles to a stone; thenee south 6 1 east 33 3-4 poles to a pine on the bill east of the branch; thence with Jim Hol land's line and the road south 8 east 581-4 poles to a stone; thence south 19 cast 261-2 poles to a stone; thence south 33 1-4 east 21 poles to a stake; thence south 3 west 56 1-2 poles to a stone; thence south 50 1-2 cast 19 poles to a stake; thence south 541-2 east 33 poles to a stone; thence north 14 east 28 poles to a stake in the middle of the road, bounding J. L. Price's property, sold by Mangum and Woltx; thense with this road south 68 1-3 east 54 poles to a stake in the road; thence north 781-3 east 561-3 poles to a stake in the road; thence north 4 east 66 3-4 poles to a stone ; corner of Luther Best 's land ; thence north 7 west 135 poles to the beginning, containing by estimation one hundred and thirteen (113) acres more or Jess, excepting from the above a cer tain tract deeded to Phillip Holland, de scribed as follows: v Beginning at a stone the beginning corner of lot tNo. 3 of the Ephraim Hol land land and runs a new line 8. 51 W. 301-4 poles to a atone, James Hol land's corner; thence with his line N. 331-4 W. 21 poles to a stone; thence a new line N. 52 E. 461-4 poles to a stone on Will Best's line; thence with his line 8. . W. 26 1-4 .poles to the eginning, containing five acres more or jess. The said tract of' land being the same tract which was conveyed to said Lillie Stewart by A. E. Woits and wifs and A. G. Mangum and wife, by deed dated July 20th, 1916, and which is recorded in book 124 page 386 in the office of the (Register of Deeds of Gas ton county. . : . his the 5th day of Ju'y 1922. ; ' J. VV. CARROLL, Th-27c4. PfcfriTjf?tton Cncntv. . The Staff Of Life Know how the nourish ment in a loaf of our Bread compares to meat or ejrgs or 'most anything else nutritious? It's chuck full qf rmiScle building, blood making nourishment. And so appetizing and tasly your family will relish our Bread, Try it I Ask your Grocer for "Golden Knwt" It makes the best toast of all., Made in Gastpnia by Wizard Bakery Cor. ' W. Main and York Phone 798 1 . ' I JTY- Is- " V IK" III I ' " J - La. 5 O. Kill zms ...scnNs, It! You Should Reap VOU can make every dollar you ssarn, proauce tar you, at 4 ' compound interest, here in our Saving Department. Lay aside something every pay, ' day keep at it. You'U income with this harvest of dollars. '''- ' First, write for booklet, "Savin ttU you jut tiat you waiat to know. , , - v 'Our Service Makes Friends' ' The Third National Bank GASTONIA, N; C .. SPECIAL1 SUMMER EXCURSION RATES : - ' , Via ( P. & N. Railway5 For Sunday Schools and Party Picnics TO BEAUTIFUL. LAKEWOOD PARK s Fishinsr, Boating, Swimming Merry-Go-Round and Swings for the Children Also Special Round-Trip Rates Saturdays, Sundays and - r Legal Holidays. Call On Ticket Agent or Phone or Write ,D. K. JACKSON, Commercial Agent Let Us Repaint Your Car Also retop it and put it in first class shape for the summer. Only expert workmen. Work done promptly and 'satisfactorily. Call Phone 3Gl7 and let us talk to you about it. KLUTTZ AUTO REPAIR SHOP 1 East Franklin Ave. - VJ BeriFT &7 tommt r- s ..wt&- v.: ; - V. ' sim ' C vTw"' - - rl , : : mm l il H'. &3oJ r x ft o-i 1 -7 " J . ' ' ' -, ' - '1 ' :' fee1' - 'r 1 " j j " ' in j 'rent hr) M r-TOV would not go j1 back to the old fash ioned car. Nor to the old fashioned gasoline good as it was in some ways. : j Tlic gasoline of today is'coiv j rectly. balanced for the . work' it has to do. It is called " b.c.l.rH.Of. Tlic Balanced Gasoline! STANDARD OIL COMPANY (New Jersey) 1 "i I , r r - t

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