PAGE TWO THE GASTONIA (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE . CHEHRYVILLE CHAT. C&flrestMJndenee' of The Daily Gazette.) CnEEIfTVOLLIl- Aug. 9r-Quita ft number of Clierryrilfe former teachers were visitors' her? last week. Minsos Jtena perry, of "Selnia, and tliej dine of iJneolnton, with Mr. and Mrs. D. li. ilaun'.r; -Mrs, Prank Armfield, Misses ' Ann .Riitledge of Mt. Holly and Bcrta McNeill of Humbert on with -Mr. and Mrs. H. h, Mauney aud Mrs. James Howurd with Mr. and M.ra. & & Manney. Mes dames JL. T, AlJen,'of Durham and A "U Davis of JBarlington are also guest a TTf'Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Mauney. J Several delightful social' affairs were i given in lienor of these charming ladies. i On Wednesday -evening Mrs. D. JL f Mauney entertained at a lovely ' porch I wartv. Itook was nlflyed at six table. I Punch was served as the guest arrived land at the conclusion at the games a f delicious, salad e ourse was served. The f out of town gitts present were: Misses "fiena Perry, of 6elnia, Miss Ethel Ciine, j of Lincolnton, Miss Ann Jtiitieage, or I Mt. Holly. Miss Bert a McNeill, of T.ilmVwrtnn CALUS DOTS I. ALEXIS NEWS Lumberton, ' Misses Joyce and Mabel EuidsiU, of Crouse and Messrs, Walter T : Wednesday evening Mrs. M. L. Mau- ney entertained a few of the herryville young .people and her guests. . Music was furnished by the victrola throughout 4 the evening. The hostess served an iee f course consisting of grape sherbet Kook was played at three tables. Mrs. Mau- ney 's guests for the evening were: Misses .Cine, Perry, Bntledge, McNeill, Ruth . Dellinger,. Carolyn Dovehit and Messrs. Louis Green, Balph, MeClurd, , Andrew Mauney, Lloyd . Summer and;. 'Forest Jlouser. ,-!- ,f v ; '.;'-. ' A, bridge party, was given Thursday Wening by Mr, and Mrs. C. (A. Euidsill for.the visitors. The rcrresnments were . ice ereara and cake. ;. , ; Mrs. 8. 6. Mauney Entertained Friday afternoon . in honor of her guest, Mrs. James HowanJ, of Albemarle. .Those en , joying .her hospitality were, Mesdainea Frank Armfield, of tatesville, Mrs. Davis, of Durham, Mrs. Allen, of . Dur- haia, Misses McNeill, Terry, Jtutledge and Cline, Mesdames M. L.anl D. it. Mauney, Mrs. D, P.;Mc,Clurd and Mrs. C. A. Euidsill. v A. salad course was served. , Mr. and Mrs. 6. S. Mauney and Mrs. James Howard and Mr. arid Mrs, M. h. ' Mauney and, family and their guests, Sirs. Amfield and Miss McNeill took lin t ner at Cleveland Springs hotel Sunday. ft Mr. and Mrs., D. A. JRuidsill and Mrs. Fannie Dellinger were dinner guests at ' Lithia Inn Sunday. i Miss Frances Howard, of Hickory is visiting her Meridith College rooom- niates, Misses Loise, Alma and Novella "LXendrick. ". '. : ; - ' Miss Gertrude Cole, of Charlotte, has i "been, the guest of Miss Myrtle Meacham ' sor several ays. S Dt. and Mrs. C. K. Lippard, of Japan are ia this section on furlough. Dr. Lip f pard preached at St. Mark's Lutheran I church Sunday afternoon, presenting VJheir work there and the needs of the afield it H foreeiui ana convincing man aer. Quite number of Cherry vi lie peo pie heard Dr. Lippard 's sermon. Mrs. . ! Lippard niade quite an interesting talk at Bethel church Sunday, night. t Ber. E. M, Carpenter,- of Cliapin, 8. SC., preached at St. Jolm's ehurch here J (Sunday, for the pastor, es. a. v. wc sinirer. - - , 5 S Prof., A. C. Warlick has Returned rom, Wake Forest where he attended the summer school ., , t I Mr. gam Campbell, of Hickory, wag a Cherryville visitor puwlay. , i Mr. and Mrs. David Lebovitz. of Gas tonia were in Clierryville Sunday after- X noon. ' . . . ' '- S Mr I. "McClurd and Miss Linchen "jGeorge attended the 37th annual AlisBion r srv eonvention at Lincoln! on last, week, -Mrs. Julia Hall, fiiipt. of Light Brigade, ?was also there Mrs. Hall was elected S delegate from this convention to the i biennial convention of the United Lu- tberan churches, of America which meets in Pittsburgh, Pa., BeptemDer J Mr. Wesson of Piedmont High school i. preached at the Baptist church Sunday xnifht. .ov' I' Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Farris were in a King 's Mountain Saturday. A large crowd went from here to the Kiser reunion at Sunnyside, Saturday. 4The annual sermon was preached ty Hcv. JjB. D. Wessinger and the singing was led 'by. the choir of SK John's Lutheran ; church. , Mesdames M. L. Euidsill and D. P. Dellinger and Miss Blanche Dellinger spent Monday at tbe home of Mr. and Mrs.-Baven Craft," near Waco. Messrs. W. A. and J. & Mauney, of ".Kings Mountain were business visitors "in 7herryville one day last week. Mr and Mrs. Tennell, f Columbia, C, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. ,. T. E. Summer lai week. They were en touU home from Asbeville and Chimney EK'k. i ; ' ':. .. r:- , ' ' i" Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Maxwell an nounce the birth of a daughter, Sunday, AugUSt 6th. mm 'J) Bora: To Mr. and Mrs. Lee Heafuer, ;'at the Bhyne Houser village, August 3rd, 'a daughter; To Mr. ami Mrs. Boyce iFord, August . 3rd, a son. . I' pr. Clarence Peeler, of Charlotte, spent 'Sunday here with bis parents, Mr. and SMrs. A. B. Peeler. Mr. and Mrs. E. B McBride, and little daughter, Nancy spoilt Sunday irt Con cord with Mrs. McBride 's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ti. F. Litaker. They were ne eonipanied home by Mary ond George Litaker, who wUl spend ten days here with their sister. ' Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Holt and children, James 'and Margaret are visiting Dr. Holt's parents in Burlington. Mrs. Virginia Bustle, who has been in Gastonia for quite awhile passed through Cherryville Friday enroute to Asheville i Mrs. Bustle, who is a registered nurse spent sometime in Cherryville doing com munity work. - Miss AT Euidsill is visiting Misses Bryte and Gladys Ruidsill in Lincolnton Mr. Elvia Bumgartljier, and Mrs. Fri day and children, of Tulsa. Oklahoma, j and Mra. Bumgardner. of Hickory were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J. 1L Euidsill Monday. . : ' , - j VIRGINIA RAILROAD XO ISSUE BONDS WASHINGTON, .Aug. 8. The Yirginiaa and Western Railroad obtain ed Interstate Commerce. Commiwtiim authority today to issue 11,500,000 in fv per rent bond. The ecuriries iH either sold or turned over to i).e Virginian Railway in consideration i t money advances to meet the cort of iiKtnic!Uig a 14.5 miles line tofGlen l.v rr ia Wyoming county. West Vir- (By Mrs. Joe Gribble) The Ep worth Leaguers of the Meth odist church enjoyed Saturday after noon at Lakewood Park with- all the many feature of attraction there and a big picnic spread. The homeward journey was not so smooth sailing for the big truck conveying the jolly crowd balked just this side of Lake wood and all pursuaslon and coax ing was in effective. The young la dies were picked up by passengers coming to Dallas while the boys dove into their jeans - parting with hard cash for a taxi. They left the. truck on the side of the road tot a ruerht. Miss Julia Deaf and Mr. . Frank Guist, of Lenoir", were guests for the week-end' of Mr. and Mrs. , S, Robinson, Mrs. Guist remaining for tne weeK. , Misses Katie Lee Lewis, Modena Durham and Mary Neil Wilkins reg istered at : Blowing Kock : bunday. Misses Lewis and Durham at the Watauga Inn and Miss Wilkins as the guest of her uncle Mr. Dave Craig A jolly round, of feasts and pleas ure accompanied the delightful guests of Miss Willie Webb who formed, a happy house party for the week-end; Misses Mary Ella Lowe, of Lowes- ville, Lottie Burnsides of .. Pomona, former member of the Dalas school faculty and Miss Lela Durham., Miss Webb entertained informally Friday night in honor of her guests. Rook at four tables and music were the entertaining feature while delic ious refreshments were served ;in the form of an ice course, and fruit. Lovely vases of pink roses added to the beauty of this already hospitable home. . ... Sunday evening Mr. Bryan Rudi sille, of Charlotte, was host to the party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. Pf-Rudisil), on route one, enjoying a feast of watermelons. , Monday afternoon they were guests at the home of Mr. C. O. Thornburg at a watermelon feast and a swim in the old swimming hole. ; Monday evening they were enter tained at a course six o'clock dinner at the home of the , hostess' aunt, Mrs. J. M. Shuford, at Gastpnia. , , Master Ray Dennis of Troy, arrived Thursday for an extended visit with his cousin, Mrs. Sarah ; C. Rhyne. Mrs. Rhyne and Roy attended the big barbecue of the Rankin chain of mills last Saturday; at South Gastonia. ; Messrs. Reid, Hasket, Loy and Wil lie, Clemmer,. George Rhyne . are spending the week in tlje mourjtains j of Western N. C. arovip iiwWeyd Rock and Asheville. ' aasri!?!!f' The familiar sound of the ', Mofd;' webb whistle was heard again this morning at the usual hour after a week's silence while the ' employees enjoyed a vacation, everybody plan- Mr. A. J. Beuchamp and children, Frank, Dewitte, Myrtle and Hermon Mr. F. M. Pasour and son, Rodney fomer a motor party leaving Monday for Winston-balemn, thence to Dra per and into Virginia, visiting Casr cade and portions of the surrounding country.. They returned Thursday Jby Greensboro following in the wake of the severe hail storm that passed through Cabarrus county. They were in the wind and rain but the hail was just ahead of them on the way. Accompanying the party ' home was little Miss Moletta Bolick, of Draper, to be the guest this week of little Miss Myrtle Beaucnamp. . Mr. Will Beam and family, of Crouse spent apart of last week with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. K. D. Beam, of the, Morrowebb yd lage. ' She eateth not the bread of idle ness" can be said Mrs. Fred Wright of the Morrowebb village. While others were taking a vacation she took occasion to add to her pantry 100 jars more filled with delicious fruit and vegetables for winter use. Misses Blanche and Pansy Gragg and their friend, Miss Thelma Fay, of the Dorothy village, Mr, and Mrs. themselves to a watermelon feast at the Morowebb community house Sat urday afternoon. Picture taking was prominent feature of the amuse ments. . Master Herman , Beauchamp is spending this week with his aunt, Mrs. Carrie Flowers, at Granite Falls. Mr. and Mrs, . R. -D. Beam were week end visitors to Orangebur, S. C, guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Sloan Burroughs. Miss Wiiraa Ballard 'spent the greater part of last week with her uncle, Mr. J. C. Ballard and family at Cherryville. visiting the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Paysour this week is .their little niece, Janice Bell, of Gastonia. j ( Miss Alma Rhyne was the guest last week of her brother, Mr. Loy Bhyne and family at Gastonia. , Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Paysour and fami ly spent the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Howell at Clover, S. C. .' Miss Mary White visited last week a Chester, -S. C, guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. 'York.- : ' ' , Mr. and Mrs. Richard Philmon made a delightful trip through' the mountains of the Blue Ridge last week leaving Monday July 31, by auto to Lincolnton where they boarded the train to Bostic and thence to Johnson 'City, Tena.; then over the C- G O. to Bkiff City, Tenn nd over the Southern to - Mornstowa, Tenn., and Asheville. Returning Aug 4th they came by Spartanburg and Gas- onia. Mr. Philmon was formerly in the service of Uncle Sam, a member of the Marine corps, seeing Alaska, Philip- me Islands, Haiti, Cuba, Panama, and England and all the states in the union nd we appreciate the statemet made by Mr. Philmon that while there are beauti ful places and wonderful scenery ; else where thaj compares with there is none that surpasses the scenery i nthe Bue Ridge mountains of C. Tenn, and Kentucky. He advocates seeing -North tirolina first and then America, before thinking of going jabroad. : Litte Miss Margaret Gabble, daughter of Supt. L. D. Gribble, of the Monarch Mill, is improving after a severe illness with appendicitis. -Littl Margaret un derwent an the Presbyterian Hospital at Charlotte some three or four weeks ago having taken suddenly ill while visiting her aunt there, Mrs. L. V. Brad ley. , -F - -, ., (Correspondence "br The Daily Gaiette.) ALEXIS, Aug-i-. t- Mr. , Henry Sadler spent tbe - week-end with . Mr. and Mrs.. GrahanV Cloninger, of Mt. Holly. r j , . .... Mr. Gus Black and ,fanuly and Miss Sue Stroupe, of tharlotte,1 spent Sun day with relatives here. Mr. T. E.lMdrris, of, Stanley, and Mr, flattie Lowe, of Cramerton, spent Sunday with their sister", Mrs.' L. B. Dellinger. Mr. Lee . Dellinger ; and lisi , Lela Bu'hard, of Dallas, route two sur prised their friends Saturday when they motored tq York, S.X., and were married. Miss Ruby- Abernathy, of Charlotte, Is the guest 'of her mother, Mrs. Ida Abernathy ami sister, Mrs. Morris for few. days.' . . .. Miss Zana Strouie, a nurse of Butherfordton Hospital, is visiting re ktives here and in Charlotte for a few days. t , . Mr. A. A. Lmeherger ana family and Mr. S. M. . Stroupe and family attended a reunion at Mr; Coleman Lineberger 's home near Iron Station Sunday. ' . t , Mr. amt-MM. tugene Mcuauster, Mr, and Mrs. George jlcCalister,, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Hawkins and Mr. Eos- eoe H(Miver, of Leaksville, are visiting homefolks- i ,' ,.-,,-.' ;. -i A very successful meeting closed at the Baptist church Friilay night. xRev. Mr, Morns, a young , minister, , nd uime siiebulid nreachine. ..' -,, Mr. , Charlie Wpargo and family, or Stanley. , Mrs. Fred Cloninger, of Ual- lns route two, Mrs. M. D. DeUinger, of Staulev and1 Mr. and Mrs. -Lee Dellinger were week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dellinger. Miss Floria Hovis visited her sister, Mrs. .Ballard, of Cramerton, Munday. Mr. Jasper Hager s buby has neun real sick for the past week but .is . im proving.. . , - Mr. Hohcrt JJeilinger spent (Sunday with his sister, Mrs. Charles Spargo, of Stauley. Miss Myrtle ' McCalister, - who" has been visiting her brother inLeksville for the past two liionths returned home lust week, , . ...,. . i. ADMI NI T R AT0R ' S OTICEj Having qualified as administrator of the estate of John 8. Beach, deceased, la'tf .f - Caaton. County, 4liorth Carolina, this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said decedent --to present the same duly verified, te the undersigned on or before ! ni-August 9,"1923,' or' this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery', thereon. All persons who are indebted to the said estate will please, make prompt settlement with the undersigned,;. This . the 9th day of Au gust, 1922. j . . ROBERT B BEACH. . Adinr. of John S. Beach, W-S 16 - " . . Gastonia, N. C. . WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 9.1 - : j DO YOU "READ NEWSPAPERS? Are' you carrying accident fnsuranef . You -weed -it. Let's-ge -together. .-. a.. THE WILLIAMS INSURANCE AGENCY INSURANCE Gazette Building' " ' ! .' fK' ,A , 4 TeL I25-J'.'4 - NOTICE OF SUMMONS A stranger member of the American Legion, out of work with ' no money, found a gold nerklace while walking down the street in Aberdeen, S. D. Tned fit "homing" the .iewelrv for v SUNNYSIDE NEWS. (Correspomlence of The Daily Gnsette. ) uEHEMEIl CITY,-Houte 1, Aug. .A series of meetings . is being held at Concord church this week. Mrs. C. L. Steidley, of Gastonia, is assist ing the pastor. Large crowds are at. tending these services.' - ,. A 'surprise birthday dinner was given i at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. V. Pavseur on last-Saturday in honor of MriJ Payseur fifty-ninth' birthday by her children and .near relatives. Among those present were: Rev. D, - F. Put man and Rev. A.-T. Banks,, of Cher ryville, Mr. and Mrs.- Ballard, of (Jramerton, Messrs. Rene, Leonard and Miss ' Floria Hovis, . of - Alexis. Mrs. Payseur was the recipient of many nice preseuts. . . . . , Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Will . Mor row, on last Saturday a son, oByce Clinton. v. ... s . . '. Miss Mildred Payseur is spending the week , with her sister, Mrs. W, A. Beam,, near Shelby, .. , . , Mr. ami Mrs. Rum Hager, of Gas touia, spent the last weekend with the former's parents, Mr., and Mrs. J. A. Hager. . . , , . . . Mr. and Mrs. II. T. Beam, Mr. and Mrs. M. F. Payseur and daughter, Josie. were Cliarlotte visitors. Wednes day. ,. . - , ,., !-. .-: Mr. and. Mrs. Will Carroll are visit ing in Kings Mountain this week. Mr. nud. Mrs. .11. T. Beam were the guests of Mr, . 8. . E. . Beam Sun day. . .. 1 ',-... HALF A CENTURY ;i j 1 ; Oklahoman Praises Elaclc-Draugbi, " i . Say for ?0 Yean." Grandfleld, Okla.' One of the best known fanners of Tilman County, Mr. O. W. Tlsdale, who owns and managua wagon yard here, says "I have used . Thedford's' ' Blacg Draught I believe I can safely say for fifty years. , 'I was born , and reared Jn Texas, Freestone County, sixty-four years ago. I have been married forty-four years. My father used Black-Draught before I was. married! and gave It to us ... ."For forty-four years of my married life, It has had a place on our medi cine shelf, and Is the only laxative, or liver .medicine, we use. , We l use tt for torpid liver, sour stomach,' head ache. Indigestion .... I don't think we could get along without It, knowing what It has done for us, and the money It has saved. It Is Just as good and re liable today aa It was when we began Its use. My boys use It and they are satisfied it s the beet liver medicine they have ever nsed." . Thedford's Black-Draught la purely vegetable, not disagreeablo to take and acts In a prompt and natural-way. So many thousands of persons have been benefited by the of Thedford's Black-Draught, you should have , no hesitancy in trying this valuable . old well-established remedy, for most liver and stomach disorders.. . NC-139D. .., NOTICE OF SUMMONS AND WAR RANT OF ATTACHMENT. North Carolina', Gaston County. The Bank of Columbia.' Plaintiff, vs. James A. Campbell, Defendant. - The defendant above named will take notice that a summons in tbe above en titled action was issued against said de fendant on the first day of August, 1922, by the Clerk of the Superior Court of Gaston Couuty, N. C, for the recov ery of the sum of 1000.00. and inter est, due said plaintiff on two promissory notes executed by aaul defendant to tbe said plaintiff tor money borrowed, which summons -is returnable before said Clerk at his office ia the City of Gastonia on the 4th day .of. September 1922. The defendant will also take notice that .a warrant of , attachment was issued by said Clerk on the first day , of . August, lHzz, against . the Teal estate of the de fendant in Gaston County, N. C, which warrant is returnable .before the said Clerk at the time and place above named for the return of. the summons. and said defendant is, required to ap: pear and answer or demur to the com plaint within 20 days after said return day, or the relief demanded will be graiil1, - North Carolina, Gaston County, In the Superion Court. -: Somaatha Walden, vs. William .Walden. ) . ' ' - Notice. The defendant above named will takd notice that an action -entitled as above has been commenced in the Superior Court of Gaston County .North Carolina, for a a absolute divorce from the bonds of matrimony; and said- defendant will further .take notice that be is required to appear at the ofnae of the clerk of Superior Court In Gaston. County within twenty days after . the publication, of this notice . once a .week for. four, con secutive ..weeks, from , this date, and answer or demur to th? complaint in said action, wheih has been deposited in the office of said clerk, or the plaintiff will apply to Jhe jcourt for the, relief demanded in said complaint. This 1st day of August, 1922. . . 8. C. HENDEICKS, ' , .i .... Clerk Superior Court.,. II. B. GASTON. . JV.Aug2.')c4w , t Attorney for-Plaintiff. Let Us Repaint Your Car Alpo x-etop , )t and putt in ; first class shape for the summer. vOnly expert workmen. Work done promptly and satisfactorily. Call Phone 367-and-let us talk to you abput it. f 'I- 1 ' UP , M. W 1 IIMbi J K T W V " KLUTTZ AUTO REPAIR - , t. - .-SHOP East FrinkUn Ave. if 11 ' i : n f l":Sav:J , III umm lemon- A 8 'LBOTTLEif I . ... , ..j- Get acquain ted with the Crinkl,-;Boiai.-;Ite t: en ted design insu res to you tHd purity; quality ;&tid. deli ciousneiwhich haVe made the "Crushes" 'the largest selling fruit-flavored drinks iri the world. " Also dis- penisdd ice-colcl at fountains. The three "Crush" drinks get Jfcei Oivorl delicate ifruit oils pressed from the freah outer skins of oranges, lemons or Ernes, to which are added Juices from these' fruits, cane mi gar, U. S. certified food color,'' ' carbonated . water, and citric cid the natural acid of oranges, lemons andlimaa ' , ' ' ' " v ,4r?cv 'r-' -' Distributed exclusively by Sold only in the CrinklyBotile . Orange Cruh Bottling CoJv Phone 846 J- iJtiii... L U v- Ga.tonU, N. C. Tha "Cnuh" fUvor ar prepared bf Ortnt-Cruah C,Cbkago, Wmnipet and London. Scad for pamphlet, "How Orangs-Cruahli Mads." z ' J 1 221 BONDS gastonia, N. C. 'i-. m !

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