TACZ TV0 THE GASTON I A XESPECT FOB THE LAW (Ctarlul, Observer) ' Nothing esle in the procedlngs of tin? annual convention of the North Caro lina Press Association at Cleveland Uprism. last week, was Quite so import lint the aWkni taken in adoption of a elcar-euf, ridging resolution pletlginz the editors to use their influence towards tiring about a greater degree of respect lor law and order and to support th authorities in it enforcement. During the convention, in the lobby and on'the Terandat, there was discussion among the newspaper men of the deplorable laxneis on the part of a large proportion of our people in the matter of the respect for the Jaw, and the sentiment or me mem bers of the Association seems to have been expressed by Editor J. F. Hurley, f The Salisbury Post, who advanced the idea that the editors of the fctate could serve the Commonwealth during the next year in no more important way than to unite in ft sort of campaign to arouse public sentiment to a recognition of the supreme importance of respect for law and to support of the authorities in its enforcement. Wbea the resolution wss read by Edi tor Santford Martin, of the Winston (Salem Journal, member of the resolution committee, it was adopted by a strong chorus of "ayes" and not a dissenting voice wa heard, of course. This reso lution, whieh was adopted just before Governor Morrison delivered his address Sn which he frequently sounded the re frain, "The law must be supreme," syn chronized and harmonized impressively with the Governor's appeal. The reso lution follows: "Justice and equality before the law Si cardinal principle of a' democracy, and It must follow that respect for and obedience to law is vital to the perpetuity of a republic. At this time, when law THURSDAY, 2im,' y,, IZ22 GROVES STATION NEWS. (Correspondence of The Daily G.ixette.) Mrs. Clarence Price spent the' week end in Lincoln ton visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Sam Pettus, Mr. and Mrs. Avery Bradshaw and Miss Zula Bradshsw motored to Snnrtanbure. 8,' C Sunday and spent the day. jura. u. it. fetowe baa as ber euests Sunday Mr. and Mrs. 8id Carpenter, Jiisses aye and oilie Whiteside. Cherryville, Mr. and Mrs. iM. B. Stowe and children, of Lowell, route one. .Misses Farm and Bertie Htowe spent t winy night itt Jewell witn rein tires. Miss Lvelya fetowe. Of Lowell, route One, is visiting her" grandmother, Mrs L. H. Btowe this Week. Mr. Lester Baker" returned home Raf. urday from the Gaston Sanatorium where he has been for the past two weeks. - Miss Veta Black spent Friday niglit in Belmont with relatives. Mr. Charlie Sanford spent Friday night and Saturday in Lowell with home folks; - Mr. Clarence, Weaver, of T.i-h Hill 8. C, spent Sunday with home folk. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Lankfonl and Mrs. A. C. Baker motored to Lincoln- ton Friday night to hear Cyclone Mack Mr. and Mrs; Frank WHire. Mrs. W. B. Weaver and daughter'. Eva. motored to Lineolaton Sunday to hear Cyclone act. Mr. Doud Keever hat been richt sick for a few days, his friends hoiie to see turn out soon. STATS FAIR REPRESENTS WJIOiE OF NORTH CAROLINA, RALEIGH, X, C, 8ent. 7. The effort to make the sixty first nnniml North Car olina State Fair on October 16-20 retire T7T.lrTYZi"iTtlm is receiving the personal atten turn of Mrs. Edith Vanderbilt. ijvsident is evaded and defied a ml resjiectt for con stituted authority is noticeably lessened we, the editors of North Carolina, in eon vention assembled, do pledge ourselves to at all, times insist upon the enforce ment, not only, but we will eo-ejx-rate with and uphold the law officers m the performance of their duty; that we Will insist that the guilty shall he punished regardless of wealth, influence or social position; and that we will use our best efforts at all times to build up a senti ment that will respect the law as hi and that will make any evasion or vio lation of the law odious. ' Coming Immedaitely npon the adoption . of the resolution, the Governor's address itself rang in harmony with the senfi meata just Oppressed by the editors like tbe refrain of a gong, as with force and eloquence he sounded, as the fWatesville Daily expresses it, "one elesr note which all good citizens applaud. Over and over agaia he emphasized "The. Supremeey of the Law," Enforce the law with jus tice and impartiality but with might. Nine-tenths of all our ills are due to lawlessness, to failure to enforce, to com pel at all times recognition of the majes ty of the law, declared the Governor." There eaa be no difference of opinion among good citizens on that matter as the Sfa tesville paper remarks; it is not debatable. And it is the glory of the Governor rand of the state thnt his are no empty, Words as to the supremacy of tbe law. , He has been tested and stood firm." Hnt earnestness and cent in main taining law and order cannot be ques tioned. However we may differ with him in other matters, the present Executive's stand fotfthe supremeey of the law nt a time when authority is questioned and law is defied, will be one of the brightest chapters in the history of his Administra tion." It argues well for the State that the Governor and the editors are In accord in the common declaration thnt the law must be respected and its supremacy .re cognised, tbe Chief Executive pledged to law enforcement and the press of th Btate pledged to the support of all aula orities in the enforcement of the law. When the average Chinese finds $1.25 In hi weekly pay envelope it means he bat gotten a raise. AdfertfM in The Gazette. ITS AMAZING It is amazing bow much one may learn about so common a thing ai a kitchen range. One gets this feeling to the full est extent while listening to the factory expert, located at the store of the Stan dard Hardware all next week, as he explains the manufacture and use of the Great Majestic Range.. To encourage callera to boy a Mejestic Range during the week of the demonstration each purchaser is given bis choice of two fine set sf cooking utensils absolutely free with each range. , 7cl of the fair No pains are being spared to make the representation apply to attendance as well as to exhibits that will1 he on di play. Aside from the exhibits, the horse racing and other amusements at the fair, the annual football game between the University of North Carolina nnd the North Carolina State Colleare in itself draws thousnands of visitors to Raleigh during Pair Week, most of whom stay over for two or three days in order to properly take in the fair. 8o, what is of most concern to fan officials is not getting the crowds here but making them feel at home after they come, fronting by her experience of last year, airs, vanderbilt has personally in terested herself in the henuf ificfition of the buildings and grounds and improve' ment of sauitary conditions. The management is also endeavoring to make visitors feel more nf home by in eorporating an far ns possible the tea ttlres that have made community flirt successful in so many places". The main attraction lout a fair to some people s that it affdrds an opportunity to meet acquaintances. Every afteation will be paid to that type of person. The grounds and buildings have lieen made htore com modious, more entrances have been pro vided and the comfort of visitors is being emphasized in an arrangemeufs, which indue greatly improved entisg places Special attention ia being paid fo the attractions ; that neeompany the Fair. in addition to a large list of free at tractions by trained experts, there Will be a number of features in which visitors themselves can participate. The horse show and the dog show are two innova tions while community singing nnd tbe singing of folk songs will also lie featur ed. A unique competition has nlready been arranged by the Raleigh Evening Times, the newspaper having offered a prize for the most freckled boy in North Carolina. The management is desirous of arranging other contests of a similiar nature. . CANADIAN AGRICULTURAL WEALTH IS THREE BILLIONS OTTAWA, Out., Sept. ft Agricul tural wealth of the Canadian provinces west of the Great Lakes comprising Manitobe, Raskafchewan, Alberta and British Columbia ia set ot 3.238.672.- O(H) by a recent estimate of the govern ment Bureau of Statistics in an estimat ed total for all Canada or ,R3I,02- 000. Raskattchewan in 1900" raised only 8 per cent of the total Canadian wheat production, but now is given an agricul tural wealth estimate of l,513,146,00t, or $.174,000,000 below5 that of Ontario; whose agricultural history dates- bark several centuries. , "With the three prairie provinces of Manitobe, ftaftkatchewan and Alberta credited with nearly t.l.OrtO.OOO in agri cultural wealth and with .'10,000,000 acres of good land still unfilled with the area of settlement, the outlook is bright," says the government .report. Too Doggone Smart for Hit Dad. -"Now, see here, sit, let me rive you i pointer-" began the father angrily. ".Not lung doing, Dad,- ' butted in his gay son. "i de not care for dog and lwilfa . if vmi Wprft ruitir t a cmva ma any kind of mid I d urefer a bull to a bird dog every time." 2.2 cigarclt ill dm AMERICAN COURT IN china Resumes work: SHANGHAI, Aug. 9. Machniery of the United States' Conft for China, idle for nearly a year through, which Judge C. 8. Lobingief of tbe court was absent in the United States, was set in motion the latter part of July on the return of tbe judge. In the spring of 1021, charges were filial against Judge Lobingier by W.- 8. Fleming, senior member of a prominent firm .of Shanghai attorneys, with the State .Department at Washington and after a protracted hearing which Judge Lobingier attended at Washington he was completely exanerated in an order issued by President Harding. Due to peculiarities ob existing laws it was held that no other American fed eral judge be appointed to take Judge Lobinirier'fl nlacft thrniiirh thn mrriml nf . .. ,..-.tr. nis aoaence. ' PROPOSALS FOR ' SANITARY SEW ERS and STORM WATER CULVERTS Sealed proposals will be received by the City Council of Gastonia, N. C, until 12 'clock noon on the 19th day of Bcptem ber, 1922, for Concrete Storm Water eul verts and Sanitary Sewef Improvements, The work will embrace approximately 4568 feet of sanitary sewers 8 inches in diameter, 2100 cu. yards of excavation and 350 cu. yards of reinforced concrete storm water culverts, reinforcing steel etc. I'lnns nnd specifications are on file with the City Mannirer and blank forms of proposal,- specifications, ete., may be ob tained from the Engineer. Certified check for ft pef cent of the bid- must ac company all proposals. The right ia re served to reject any. or nil - R. G. CHERRY, Mayor. ' 8. G. FRY, City Clerk. W.J.ALEXANDER, I' d . ti City Manager. Engineer, Willinm MTliitf, Th 7-14c2 Durham, N. C. $20,000 in Beef . .. vtA ( ' ' - i ''lit e' rV J If M .' 1 k . f : 1 ' - WJ ''II IIS w 'l 4 4 : I , I NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Gaston connty, made in the special proceeding- enimea John O. Carnenter. aHninistrato of the estate of C. N. Block, deceased, vs. Mack Black and" others," the un derslgned commissioner will, ' oil the loth day or- septemDer I92Z, at eleven o'clock a. m., at- the eourt house door in Gaston county, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder for cash that certain tract of fond b'injf and being in Gastonia- town shin. Gaston eonntyy North Carolina, adjoining the land of Charmers Lytton, Tom Carson and others, and more parti cularly described as follows, to wit Lying on the south side of West Airline streets and beginning at a stone Lytton 's corner on the south edge of Airline street and runs thence with Miid street 8. 87 K. ;8 feet to a stone, Carson's (formerly J. M. Heath's) corner; thence witb Carson's line S. 3 E. 238 feet to a stake in tbe middle of the Southern Railway track; thence with middle of Southern Railway track N. 88 W. 99 feet to a stake, Lytton's corner; thence with Lytton s line mo feet to the beginning. . This the 16th, day of August, 1922. . . . , JOHN.G. CARPENTER, S7c4w. Commissioner. rS?!" HMfon3 u b W.WO by hi owner, w. l. Tost. Independency Mo., who has entered tint la th Rational rurmti Skow t U held at Wilmington. UsrsfenJ catUe bar ben jnttrtf trmjtA atatb mm The Staff Of Life Know how th& noorish ment in a loaf of oar Bread compares to meat or eggs or 'most anything else nutritious? It's chuck full of muscle buildinsr, blood making nourishment. And so appetizing and tasty your family will relish oar Bread. Try it! Ask your Grocer for . "Golden Krust" It makes the best toast ' of ail. Made in Gastonia by Wizard Bakery Cor. W. Main and York Phone 7 38 (N. C.) DAILY CAZZT7E .The grime a , """' - 4j Itull have left their marks on your ' ; ; :' g C IJf 1 1 rtY"MM I HI H 'IT lVfff' III PATaVijAJ) U 1 1I Jt- 111 ' "we are experts in this busipess. . ' W f '.' ' lUjllll 1 1 1 Ijj J"' .J '"""'-""""t"'"- 1 By our scientific methods we will . jL ' ' f leMf?',' "' , - - - firV restoea your finest laces or your j 'MP ' ''"'. (fll i&&X t-H4flC' V7-" " -:7f II 1 heaviest plushes (o taelr natural i Y 1 - - b---jS3SlT: I rTJ 'nf::ZZ:ZZZZZttZ"Zjffij'J, Such a service as onrs makes j Y" ' v 11 " V?rrT-'' S: . J -yAZ'.Z'.ZZZZ'.izZztnjA houseclenning a jdeasure. For a j LrL Jf '"'"" '' ."'' ' """TTT. ' 3Z '. Z Z Z Z Z '. Z Z Z Z I i I Z.'A moderate cost we will relieve you f nf 'TT , - ztzZiiri s of the irksome labor ouce 'reuired !,)'. 2 tf - iZZZZZZZZZZZZay(AJyX .1, to do this work. - . 'fa 5 " " " " " : " : " iwi SAUNDERS DRY I ' - 'ifUY X . M The Phaeton . !,r'V:. Jmt & tfT)-fK'T Beyond contradiction, Lincoln occupies first afJI m T , -avv II 1 1 l II piace in every consiuerauon : oi quaury in MU CERTIFICATE OF DISSOLUTION. State of Xorth Carolina, Department of Btate. To All to Whom These ' Come Greeting: Presents May Whereas, It appears to niv satisfaction. by duly authenticated record of tho pro ceedings for the voluntary dissolution thereof by the unanimous consent of nil the stockholders .deposited in my office, that the Adams-Spencer Yarn Mills, In corporated, n corporation of this State, whose principal o (lire is situated in the city of Gastonia, County of Gaston, Btate of North Carolina (1). M. Jones being the agent tlteenn and in charge thereof, upon Whom process may be served), lias coin plied with the requirements of Chaptei 22,. Consolidated Statutes, entitled "Cor porations," preliminary to the issuing of this Certificate of Dissolution: Now, Therefore, I, J. Bryan Grimes, Secretary of the State of North Carolina, do hereby certify that the said corpora tion did, on the 2Sth day of August 1922, file in my oflice a duly executed and at tested consent in writing to the dissolu tion 'of said corporation, executed by all the stockholders thoreof, which said con sent and the record of the proceedings aforesaid are now on file in my snid office as provided by law. - In Testimony Whereof, I bnve hereto set my hand and affixed my official seat at Raleigh, this 28th day of August, A. V., 1922, J. BRYAN GRIMES, Secretary of State. Filed and recorded in Record of Incor porations No. 4 at page 95, this the 29th day of August, 1922. " 8. CrnRNDRICKS. Th-S21a4 . Clerk Superior Court. Beyond contradiction, Lincoln occupies first place in every consideration : of quality in automobile construction. It is easier riding, smoother running sturdier under hard service, more readily handled, mofe flexible under control than any other car, regardless of price or claims. , : These outstanding elements of superiority - are the result of greatest mechanical accu racy ever realized in motor caf construction. AUTHORIZED "LINCOLN and FORD DEALERS -The World'i Greatest Motor CaT Values E.O.B. DETROIT - Ten Body Type . .Parte Mo tor Gastonia, N. C. Co Lb-ru-M mas ct". - I , f m r zwjrrrww v MX iff MM W99I?99W9VWWT9VV W i B 11 A, A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A Fot the Best United StatesTlrU art Coed Tires HI I Iraiieirests of I ' ' ' Si A TRUCK in operation is no better than its tire equip . ment will permit Getting just the right tire for the truck and the service required is a matter of careful analysis plus experience. The U. S. Truck Tire Service Dealer makes it his busi ness to study local conditions and the operation of various trucks in his vicinity. He is aided In making his recommendations by data furnished by the U. S. Truck Tire Technical Service, which studies conditions in all parts of the country. With the full line of U. S. Truck Tires developed after years of study by U. S. TruckTireEnginfiers,he has subfacilities and every interest in selling you pre cisely the right tire for your needs. U.S.Nobbr Truck Tire built especially for commercial service. where (peed and maximum cushion ing are required. U. S. Regular Solid a general service 'tirrf for average loads at moderate speed, broad ' it tread. , U. S. Mono-Twin --The heavy duty cushion tire tot big truck at moderate speeds over all types of roads U. 8. High-Shre More rubber than regular solid, giving;, eater cushioning and greater mileage. , t, ; k '-.i. VI 9 VI Ml 9 VI 3 V V V 9 jii. United States Rubber Company tactortt MMtrOtKtmtMtm m Urn Welti ' UurtyM HnrnM K' I f V V V V V V V SI V V V V VI VI V V VI VI ! Where you Can Buy U.S.Truch Tires: MOORE & STEWART 110 N. Marietta Street Phone 769 V." .