-- I wo THE GASTON1A (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE TO ".TEKGARTEff Ci SEPT. 25. The fify kiudi-rtjarten will ojien Sep i. -i vr 25 ;B (hf primary room of the 3 j'Uran ehuwh, 'York street, with ,"1 Mary Knox Henderson, of Hjokory, principal. Th following is the pro, f-m for the year: y 1. The child, hi relations to the world around him. (a) The cbil'i's interest, duties, privileges, plrssures, and opportunities. (b) The child's relation to those ill DEAL!! TO-DAY i J 1 1 rt u M U nSUrtiDsr Universal Great u THE DAYS OFtJ r f 1 1 r i 1 1 si ri BUFFALO PILL" featuring1 Art Acord I 1 Over 4400 horses, 1 I real Indians S00 t 1 f - e . " In T 1 .1 ; ; t ony express iwueia. 1 More than 8000 in the n I 1 U I I Wild- 60 LI t j ! J 1 1 I 1 I I t 1 I 1 Also sho wing Tom Mix " in THE ROUGH DIAMOND" J a u a LUNCH STANDS SOLD All available space for lunch stand at tha Big Gaston County Fair, October 1014 ba been sold. ..-'' GAST03 COUNTY FAIR ASSN. --. lle3 iiLLI.l!..S' KIDNEY H4UVE4 ' Bv. yea evanrorkad roar PIUS iiretam ' n4 iu4 traubla with your kidoari Hu.vatiiiainainioiiia..M.abi you a iUbbr ppJnroti f u-an4 tmarUMy! Vu,vMWiUuar widna - and IJ-n jtuia, fur Mi by ait draff uu. :m.l gTSV t., Prtp. CnilMi, 8Ul For Sale by J H Kennedy Drug Ce, UTS-SORES . C3n thoroughly. tbao, . trfehppt nibbing, apply V APO flUl wwim 1 1 ! ! . Tdn in the StomachancJ Poweb. Intestinal Cramp COLIC, DIARRHOEA -SCtO EVERYWHERE ujxiu whom he it dependent for' his en tire welfare. 1st The relation to the kindergarten. L'nrt. The rfa'ioa to tpe home. 3rd, The relation to the community. . 4th. The relation to the nature world. The snontbhy plan is: September g?th to 3j5tJ Welcome to kindergarten and getting acquainted. October Home and kindergarten. 1st Wfspk-Hooje n4 family (liferent members of the family duties of eseh. 2nd Week Pets in the home Flow era. M Woek filiation of bom to kin- dergarUa How chihlron get U) fcimU'r- gartear Ihavipr on the strfet. 4th Week KimUrirarten. The. ehil- dren's joy in its posaessiou. It's furn- ishipgs nd if are, Neveoiber JJia(ig of season sad the bar rest. - - 1st Week Preparation . Tor eooler iethf-Warni rlothiny for fooler weather The use of wooffpr elothlng. 2nd Week Clothing we wear Cotton and wool trim eax-h. 3rd Week Farmer's work Harvest. in g of grains, fruits, vegetables, ete. Harvesting of been and squirrels Au tumn leaves. . 4th Week-The eoming of Thanks giving and preparation for same, thanks giving festival. Deeember Christmas. 1st Week Review of Thanksgiving. The coming- of another great (lay. Ranta's workshop. - 2nd Week Why Santa gives. , How children ran be Santa tlaus. ! The spirit of love abroad at I'hrist ! mm time. 3rd Week The Christmas tree. . Making gifts to hang on it for par ents, f Making decorations for it. , 4th Week Christmas greens and dec orations for home and kindergarten. Decorating for kindergarten. , ' The kindergarten Christmas tree. January Lights 1st Week Review Christinas. ' The Christmas star. , The starry sky. 2nd Week The night 'sky the moon -phases of the moon. 3rd Week The sun warmth and light of the sun its power to make things grow drying clothes, etc. 4tb Week Kunrise and sunset twi-- light and firelight artificial light street light. X February Public workers and heroes. 1st Week The street cleaner police men, mounted and unmounted, firemen. ud Week Postman messages by tel ephone, messages by notes, making valentines. 3rd Week Valentines Soldiers, doe- tors and nurses. 4th Week Knights and heroes. Washington's birthday. March Wind and Spring. ; 1st Week Wind--iti work and play- sailing boats, turning mill wheels, kites. pin wheels. Wind plows the tr?a, leaves, seeds, rlond, etc. Clothes dried by wind, pranks played by wind, 2nd Week-Huoimng of cppusr awak ening of trees and- grasses different kinds of trees Flowering trees. i drd Week Awakening of aeeds and i tcn nuf lowera. fun an4 rain, . If ti, t 4th Wek-Aakening of bees and :'"" t butterflies of eggs into birds, chickens. turkeys, pigeons, ducks, ete. Apni-rtJirqs. ....... 1st Week The world in its most beau tiful dress at Easter time. Birds in the springtime. -' - .; 2nd Week piffereoT kinds of birds and their names. 3rd Week-rrr-Nest building and eggs, Pjfferenee in plnmaga and song. 4th Week-s-fpring in the pountry r young of all animal pa the farm farm spring work p'.owing, planting, etc. Mayr Summer. ,. 1st We-k Coming of May Trailition of liny the beautiful nut of doors the fairies. 2nd Week Prjrj ration for hot weather. 3rd Week Kuunner third mnom en to occupy mi;dsc"e kew 1 EIGHT-SM BUILDiN Third Trust Company Now Erectinir $300,003 Building on Main Avenue To Con tain 114 Offices, Mott of Which Arm RnUd Gas. tonia's Baby National Ha Had Wonderful Growth Jn Its Three Years of Life. The cut, made froin the architect 's drawing, apjiearing t-lsewhrre in today' pume, shows llw haiKisoine nw Jiotuo of the Third Nation.d Himfc of Gns tonia as it will apieiir kIuu fompleted, which will be some time next year. Actual work on this building was com nienced tew days ago, the firm con crete jn the fouuliiti)ii having been ! IMureu .tiepiemoer . btn. wiion com pleted Us will be oil of the hand soinest and most moderaly equjppt4 hank and othce building in the outh. Therp are tthtrs larger, but few, it say, I hiit suriHiss it in U'ity of con struct lotinn l equipment. This building occupies the site at the corner of West Main Avenue anJ South Street, commonly referred as Morris Brothers and Kennedy's cor ner, because of the fact that for many years Morris Brothers' store occupied it and for the past several years the old building at tbis place was occu pied by Kennedy's. r Facing fifty feet on Main avenue the building extends back 110 feet on South street, ft will be seven stories and basement, of steel and concrete fireproof construction. Th exterior will be of a handsome red tapestry brick with granite trimmings. In ad dition to a commodious and splendid ly furnished banking room, the first floor will contain four store rooms. Above the gronnd floor there will be 114 omefs. It is a significant fact that, practically a year in advance of its completion, nearly all of these of- nces nave been leased. One entire floor has been arranged in suites of omces designed especially for physi cians And dentists and this floor, it is understood, bas all been taken. The floors and walls are to be soundproof. There will be running water in every office jn the building. Fast passenger elevators will give quick service throughout the building. One feature not often found in bank buildings will be a specially equipped rest and toilet room for ladies. No detail was omit-! ted by architects, Milburn, Jleister & Co., of Washington. D. C to make it complete and up to date in every res pect. The contract for the erection of thje building is held by the J. A. Jones Construction Co- of Charlotte. the building is to cost complete $300, NOTICE TO LITZBATURE DEPART MENT GASTONIA WOMAN'S CLUB Mrs. Long, w)io has worked so yery faithfully ail summer to complete the plans for the program and to arrange the reading clubs as the members wanted them arrange.!; has received the finst shipment of books and outline studies, fche is very anxious to get these distrib uted and the money collected.. Those who gave in their names last spring are the ones to roceiya tbis.ist shipment of books. AM who ordered books for thtimaulvea at this time will pleas go to .Mrs. v. jv. lng's home and take her $6.10 for the four books am J one outline. Those. who are in groHpa of two will either go together or let. on of the group go and take $8.35, Those in groups of three will U-t one person of t lie group g with $6.60, Thotw in groups of four will scud by pat person d.ts0. In order to iindt-rstaad tliia the books eiwt $rM and tilth ootljua tost 2.5 cpnts. The printer would not prist less than 1" so each person will get fla outline. rins win i ii) ui-n wetter than last year when there was only one outline to every four. We think the study this year wiil tie very proOtabla and many of us will learn how to get the best out of books we read in th future. With a great deal of trouble wehave niada out a list of cars and the persons we would like the owners to take. Our plan is for the same ones tp go in the cars earh time. If each one will try put tha plan we have worked out it will simplify matters very much and do away with a great deal of phoning. We will phone to go tind ask you and please don't ask us to make changes unlet absolutely necessary, Jt will upset our entire roll. Below is a lis ot meetings with leaders hostesses mul dates, : pLtiAfcit; reserve the first Wednesday for ths Literature Department at the Country Club. Wednesday, October 4th, 1922 Rotnra of the Jfatiyos Mrs, . A. Armstroug, Leader. llastwes Mrs, pliiy Bess, Chairman, Mrs..-A. A. Armstrong, Mrs. ii,-R. Arm strong, Mrs. J. W. Atkins, Miss Frames Atkinson, Mrs. it. B. Babiiugtoo, Mrs. f. M. BrotkuiHO, Mrs. Luther Anthony, Miss- Mia Bradley. Wednesday, November 1, 1822 Return of the Natives Mrs. tj. B. Dol ly. Leader. Hostesses Mrs. W. C. Davis, Chair man, .Mrs. W. . Buice, Mrs. M. A. Car- jienter, Mrs. J. P. Chandler, Mrs. W. J, Clifford, Mrs, D. A, Cline, Mrs. J. W. Culp, Mrs. J. K. Dixon, Mrs. Kay Dixon, Mrs. H. B. Dolly, Mrs. H. M. Eddlemun. Wednesday, December 6th, 1922 Nostromo Mrs. W. T. Love, Leader, Hostesses Mrs. R. M. Johnston, Chairman, Mrs. JH. Henderlite, Mrs D. A. Garrison, Mrs. Coke Gray, Mrs. L. F- Groves, Mrs. C Highsmith, Miss Sue Knmsey Johnston, Miss Bess Jack son, Miss Surah Edwards, Miss Ellie Garrison, Miss Ruth Gilchrist. ' Wednesday, January 3rd, 1923 Noustromo Mrh. W. T. Love, Lender. Hosteses Mrs. J.' H. Matthews, Cliair man; Mrs. Lester Kellner, Mrs. S. A. Kindley, Mrs. A. J. Kirby, Mrs. M. F. .Miss tunice Kiggius, iliss Kstlier Jtobni soii, Misa Maurie Simpson, Mrs. J. K. Simpson. - . ' Wsinesday, May 2nd, 1023 Java Hea Mrs. J. A Clifford, Leader. Hostesses--Mrn. W. Y,' Wnrren, Chair man; Mrs. J, F. Thomson, Mrs, J. W. Watson, Mrs G. ' G, Willis, M- J- 8. Wingafc;, Mrs. P, . Washam, Mrs, A, K. Woltz, Mrs. Fred Allen, Miss Martha Wiggins, MJss Margaret Tiddy. PLKABK REMEMBER THE MEET NG START PiUJ.MPTLY AT 3:30 and the fine. is five cents for tardies ex- jeept (eacers who are kept beyond the 13 o'clock hour. All persons giving their names .to tiie nosresseg and at the last minute failing to com ar required by the rulings to pay for their plate. Mem bers are permitted to bring bouse guests by paying the price af plate which can-; not exceed 25 cents. L't us start the ynr right with the full determination to have a good year's stiirty. MRS. D. A. GARRISON, chairman 000. Tha aito feat CinnnAA tha property tljus representing an invest-1 Kirby, Mrs. V. I Long, Mrs. W, T. Love, exenrstons to mountains, sesshore, parks, country, etc 4th Week. Festival May party, It is the property Mr- Llay, Company, a holdine M,M Lola Bf- corporation allied with the bank. The Third National Bank is less thsn three years old, having begun business October 10, 1919, with de posits of $200,000 and total resources of $450,000. ,On September 1st of the present yearV the. 4epofiiU totaled $750,000, while the total resources amounted to $1,500,000.00. The capi tal and surplus is $300,000. The bank has never failed to pay its regular three per cent semi-annual dividend since it was charterd. The officers of tha bank are: J. White Ware, president; W. T. Love and V. E, Long, vice-presidents; Wade S. Buice, active vice-president; f. C, Abernathy, cashier; W. If. Patrick, as si8tnt cashier. The directors are: J. White Ware, Wade S. Buice, V. E. love, A. S, Karesh, R. G. Cherry. W. l. Wray, W, W. Glenn, R. S. Aber nathy and D, T. Ouats, Miss Margaret Laws, Wednesday. February th, 19J3 Old Wives Tales Mrs. Ray Arm strong, Leader. Hostess Mrs. Chas. Moore, Chairman ; Mrs. H. 6. Mackey,tMrs. J. Y. Miller, Mrs.1. J. McCombs, Mrs. W. F. Michael, Mrs. g. B. Nail, Mrs. C, C. Myers, Mrs. A. G. Myers, Miss Jessie Mae Mackie, Miss Ma'da McCain, Miss Jessie McNeiL Wednesday, March 7th, 1923 Old Wives Tales-Mrs. A. E. Wolts, Leader.'. , Hostesses Mrs. S. . Robinson, Clioinnan, Mrs. C. p. McLain, Mrs. J. B. Reeyes, Mrs, A. R. Riinkin, Myis Gladys Pennington, Miss Lula Riddlo, Mrs. W. L. Balthis, Mrs. F. P. Rockett, Miss Minnie Lee Peedin, Miss edna Rankin. Java Head Miss Sue Rainrsy John ston, Leader. Mrs. Elmer Specer, Chairman; Mrs. A. J. Smith, Mrs. A. A. gut her, Mrs. O. L. Rappeufield, Mrs. George Tayman, LOCAL DISTKIPUTIOBT SECUBED . FOR PQLO CIGARETTES " Fifteen better cigarettes for ten cents" is the inducement , offered" to smokers by the Liggett A Myers Tobac co Co., iu introducing Polo Cigarettes in this city. - , Backed by a liberal use of newspapei advertising, Polos are being given wide spread publicity with the object of con vincing smokers that for the price Pplo is the best cigarette value ia th mar ket. .. .,. f . .. Realizing that it is a trn Indicaftion of "old times" to be able again -to. push a quality cigarette in u dime package, the mauufactgrers have adopt- ei a iivciy new siogqu xor tie presort advertising campaign. 'That's niore like it" is the caption which accoim paiius the photographic cartoons of le lightcd Polo smokers.' ' '" '. ' H is belu-ved that Pilo will ."catch on" instantly, not only because of it attractive price, but because of . the widely recognised reputation of Liggett Ic Myers for putting good tobacco wito their products. Tolwu-co experts ' con cede lli.'it polo is an unusnaUy good- tasting smoke. This is due to the fins quality of Virginia, Hurley and Turkish tobaccos used, and also the unusual way in which the tobaecps are blended. The black and red package is a fittlna container for a quality smoke one .ot the handsomest purkages tlat has ever iieen put out. .Nor have the manufactur ers skimped in quantity in order to put up a quality smoke in a dime package. Every Polo Cigarette is ful weight and full size. v The following local dealers are now handling Polo Cigarettes: Torrence Drug Company, J. If, Kennedy Prug Company, J. L. Adams Drug Store,, P., E. Davis, O. JC. Lunch, Royal Caie,' New York Cafe, L. L. Lewis k Co., R. I H. Beaty, D. B.. Hanua, Wil iam Davis, The Smoke Shop, Jgweetland, P. P. Ijeventis & Co., Armington Hotel News Wand, J. D. Henth, George Knuckley, Star Cafe, J. Y. Miller & Son, Red Yhite and Blue Cafe, Loray Drug Store, v. Tvruu, virunuuv PL -v.lirn. nril Cafe, Cur lee Johnson, Morris Cafe, Dppot Oife, One Minute Lunch, Su perior Cafe. McLean Bros., W. C Teeter, McKinley y Breedon, F. E.' Lipford, Ricard Salem, Milh?r Prng Co., Mrs. Dorie Webb, 8. W, Grayson, Bell Grocery Company, H. M. Farmer, Washam, Grocery Company, West .End Filling Station, 6. Bettlemyer, B. A, McCall, York Street Cafe, C. P. Bal lard, J. R. Fjsh and J. B,. Bonham. - , Good Work.v 1 A man who was wanted by the police had been photographed in six positions, and the pictures were circulated among the police. The chief in a small town wrote headquarters a few days later, saying, "I duly reeeived the pictures of the six miscreants whose capture is desired. I have arrested five of them.: the sixth is under observation and will be taken soon." The Christian Advoi fate. I .' Temporary Insanity. (Charlotte 'News.) We suppose the man who shot up t)u' family down at Clever will put iu an advance claim of insanity. Truth is th'nt wa are not accustomed to associate deed SO horrible and aVadisti wib the acts ef a normally eans pian, but it is more probable, in this esse, that it was a sort of insanity self-inflicted, uierin duced by a violent temper which the murderer, fa a moment of frepsy.- wa not. able to subdue. While under its spell, be went into his house, got his gun sad committed a crime, the bru tality of which is appalling. VVe'Tnake no pretense to judge before the court )iaf) have had a opportunity- to pass upoa him and bis milt and crime. It is noteworthy, however, that we re allowing a great deal of criminality-to get by jn these times under the cloak' of. insanity. Men com. pit violent deeds and then come into the court room' to fetk ' 'niiiuuity ou the ' irroiind of irration.'ity,' Temporary, insanity": Has cou)o to h a frequent, term in court annuls. ; There is' such a thing, of coursebut. it is questionable whether there is nearly so. much of it. s we ar being asked to concede. ' .--. t , ,iV 1 Calling Three Strikes ea Em, For . , . ... Junanpfc , . An American hai -'invented a wire leas receiving set wWtfU'fiU into a tin-. ger ring. We wait sith interest ti.. dad, angrily. .l . "' Well, you know umpires, are fully good at stirring up batters, -and I won.' (Wred if thev liked to keen in Timot;... ia t)ie winter," grjsned ilorence, os he ; "Pa, arc- these fallows-' you see baking flapjacks in .restaurant windows lurnig the winter months all ' mpiresf" asked Clarences '"Say, -what kind 'of 'sn idiotic ques- ' tion is that, anywayf'' demanded his WHERE THE HAND .: - f good fellowship is extended, depositor doeenH . hesitate in, asking for adyice or assistance "1 , .To fee.?'.8 borne " .where, you do, yoijr "Jfc'njf;.'' ing is worth a lot, and to Jhis 'at home", feeling, which prevails at tbis bapk, we'attribute much of its . siicces. . . .: . ;. Won't You Join Us? , v Member Federal Reserve ; panlf," The First National Bank "The Bank of Dependable Service" Subscrrb for Tha Daily Gasettc. 3C 1 QUALITY SERVICE SATISFACTION . ':' ' :"-'; '' "';. '' '" ' . '.' '-.' 1 ', Mm GENERAL CONTRACTORS mi DEALERS IN BUILDING MATERIALS READING CHARACTER ' ' They tell me, ' ' said a young maa to a veteran banker, "that you are a remarkably successful reader of character. Will you read minet" With pleasure," answered tlie banker with a ' friendly smile, . ' . , " .. ''Will you read iy face . or my palmf asked the young man. ,'.- "Neither," replied the banker, "let ms see : your Savings pass-book. That is the best index to character that know," 1 i .t The -t;.,,'; , , CITIZENS National Bank DO YOU KNOW ; You can aecyre $5,000 accident protection with weekjy Indemnity pf 25.00 for 'unlimited period for 15.00 per year. Call us up. " , 1 THE WILLIAMS INS. AGENCY nsura.ne Bonds Gazette Bldg. ' Tele, 125-J Gastoniii, N. C, L. G, HUFFSTETEER IIAUUNC-PHONE 902-fHAULING Quick Service ' HeasonabLe Prices ' ; ' ti -.. 'i' ;.' HAULING COTTON A SPECIALTY n, HUFFSTETLER TRANSFER " CO. '- f L.G. -.HuffsteHer, Mgr. . ',- - -V v. .Telephone $02 - Adams Building 243 Eitst Main Ave. Gastonia, N. C. I Myettevil-e, 'N c. Phone 5203 and 330 GASTONIA, N. C. Phono 736 9221 86-J COMPLETE STOCK BUILDING MATERIALS AT ALL TIMES SUNDAY, OCTOBER 1st Has been designated as an Inter-de-nominatlonal Simultaneous Rally Day for all the. protestant Sunday schools in Gaston county. Eyery pastor and super intendent in the county is urged v to co operate. We want a 100 per cent Rally Day, Notify W. H. Wray, Gastonia, N. C, at once that your school will partici pate. Do This At Once Use your own program, A model program furnished if yau desire. y Hejp Mike This The RiggesSunday School Day In The 'History of f Gaston County. ... , , GANTT, Chm. Adv. Committee