THE GASTONIA (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE v NOTICE Your special attention is called to the specially designed show "win dow representing a ship radio sta tion which will be in our window this week and next. V Published by , MICHAEL & BIVENS, Inc. Retail Dept. South t. Gastonia,- NVC- i . - : GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 30,' 1922 -i- SERVICES VIA RADIO Soma very fine sermon have been re cently heard at oar station. Recently we heard the entire servii-e of the. .First Baptist church of Charlotte, senium by Dr. Luther Little, broadcasted from station WBT. Almost every word of the speaker could be plainly heard. KDKA is giving services of the Calvary Episcopal Church, Pittsburgh and Rev. Van Ettou'a voice is getting quite familiar. Wesley - Memorial church, Atlanta, Ga., has been coming in strong rtf Lite. It 'will soon be that if you want'to Hear a particular church on (Sunday evening , just come in, call for tho church of your choice and we'll see what we can do about tuning it in for you for thurehes are taking ta radio inost favorably. ' i. it U. A HfcWfr wf I V T fllgl wia oion- RADIO COMING IN CLEARER One of the most distinct stations, which we have been picking up is the General Electric Co.. station WQY at Cehrneetady, N. Y. This station has been favoring the "iu visible audiences" this spring and summer with the high est class of entertainment from grand oNra to rag time orchestras. Have you "radio bugs" been listen ing in on WIIAH around 9:30 p. ut.f They have' been coming in like a Iiouhp afire' and it certainly sounds good to hear the Elue Grass Orchestra" come put on those Kentucky melodies. He vera I of the boys orouud town have been picking up stations as far away as WBZ, Springfield, Mae., and WDAF, Kansas City which is pretty fair reception, especially considering the interference we liave had this sum mer. ' . You have to hand it to KDKA for clear announcing when the ' ild boy begins ' This is . KDKA, tha nidio- phone broadcasting station of ; the Westinghouse Wee. & Mfg. Co." there is absolutely no need of close Tuning. One advantage about hearing a lec ture over radio. If you don t like what the- lecturer l handing out, . you don't ' feel duty bound to hear .it 'all. Yon dont have to slip 'out the. back door as it were hut just time in some other station that is sending songi or baud music, and there are plenty 'ut stations Jn the air now. Our worthy contemporary,' The At lanta Journal, recently made the state ment that WSB had been beard in 44 states of the union. This seems to be nbout the best record made so far for long distance reception. "The Voics of the fiouth " widen "covers Dixie RADIO APPLAUSE Every singer or artist who jives a performance expects applause from his audience and the applause or lack of same reacts accordingly upon the per former. But with the Radio performer at the broadcasting station there is no Ap plause either visible or audible. The artists performs before the microphone ia a small room where silence is the rule. Ilia most magnificent produc tions are met with cruel silence whica gives him no sign of sweets or failure. . Fortunately, the great artist ia gift ed with the attribute f a fertile imagination, and in absence of visible sign he sees across vast distance, Utile children listening with bated breath t in valids smiling in the, forgetful dcps of pain ; men and women on the sunset path of life eJieered iu their loneJiuess and . makes happy komeflre gatherings far from the beaten path. lilra 1hm .low" set and their highest rade jH'rformers and certs. has a most up-to-date concerts are of the both in the rlass of the quality of the con UP-TO-DATE When Eve ate the tipple in the garden of Eden , It was years before, the Vikings heard 'v of it in Sweden Is tho?"" days news, it triveled very hlow, Eve never heard of Radio. , When the English in their gunboats fired on New Orleans, And if it hadn't been for Jackson, they would liave "spilled tho beans," That the 'war was over. Old Hickory didn 't know Andy never heard of Radio. When Harding gave a talk on Memori al Day ' -. The whole IT. 8. heard what he had . to say . v i, , ' Now the guy- with a secret hnsn 't a ' . : , show , - ' . , , Everyone bears by RADIO. From "The Broadcaster." LOCAL ITEMS o Electric Fixtures and Lamps Michael & Bivens The Detroit News Symphony orches tra gave a delightful two hours con cert last night. Tlic.inusie was a trt A - J.l' li - 1 I ' ... 1 to wrugmrM uiniirurr in uur iinnv- j rootmi. ... , We have been hearing recently "thru KDKA that the St. Louis 'Americans didn't have a chant e for the rag. We have been ntl to keep up with tho Buffalo ' Bisons, in the International league . thru the broadcasting of the i above station. . ' Mr. J, " Sidney Winget has been conflnel to his home for sevprnl nights on account of--noK not the baby his radio set. ' . . ' We are glad to welcome bark fo our splendid city Mr, 'pn'I Mrs Louis Balthis wlio were at Blowing Rock this summer giving their Radio set tltc ad vantage' of fresh mountain air. v. Even Mr. Arthur Winget has the fever. "About midnight, tltc other night, Mrs. Winget was startled to hear her tutsbnml exclaiming excitedly, "I've got it, . I've got it." Got what?" she asked breathlessly. In dianapolis,' and there's not a bit of Static,' was the reply Our reporter approached "Dill" McKee, who has been wearing a myster ious look for the pad week. "Are you considering forming n syndicate of the Telephone bnsiness, or something f" Ji" was asked. "Naw," sjiid Bill, I 'm trying to figure out. a better wsjr than Armstrong's ''feed back" system. Radio Parts And Sets We are carrying a com plete line of radio parts : for assembling sets also the R. C. Westinghouse and the Clapp-Eastham sets complete. We invite, you to look over our stock of: .- - Tubes ' , Variable Condensors Head Sets I? Batteries A Batteries .. . . - Rheostats ' Sockets , - Transformers . And Other Parts. -'... We are in a pbsitioh to" completely install . radio receiving stations and can furnish Magnavox Loud speakers. - , Michael & Bivcris, ";' Inc. ' " .' Radio Dept. CASH PRIZES FC1 REIO F.:iS Gastonia, N. C.r j Tlic Gastonia Gazette lias just come out "with an ar- - - ' - . V ' tkle that will be f interest t oil; Radio fans to th effect that ' Michael ' av.Biven, .Inc., jbf this city will-tage a , great ; Radio amateur builders contest Valuable cash, prizes will be given for : tho best sets. ; The first prize will be 25.00 cash Second $15.00, and the third' flO.00. Tlic radio receiving sets will be judged on three; jwints as follows; Audihiiitv, t mechanical workmnnnhip and, appearance. . The . Sputlif rn Radio' ; corporation wjfl send special programs from station WBT for the bcnelit ef tho fans, at the On stow Oouhty Fair. Aigntfiroprama will consist ot musij, speeches, news . items, - etc. Special aerials Mill be constructed and tho sets will - be jndged by ' radio experts. Michael & ITivens, Inc., will have a sjieeiaUy. constructed booth to show radio equipmenlt. They extend a . special invitation to nil amateurs in this section to .bring their sets to the fair aud enter them free , of charge or tho competition. Members of Michael & Bivens, Inc., are not ?ligiblo for this contest, .:::e ti:.:i 2,500 bales s;ee ii'.:;eLE0 satuhoay Cotton Growers Co-Operative Association Reports Large Amount Cotton Handled . Money Is Advanced For Cotton. 1 RALEIGH, Sept. 26. More than 2,500 bales of cotton were received Sat urday by the North Carolina Cotton Growers Cooperative Association, accord ing the General Manager U. 8. Blalock, wh ostated today that receipts are climb ing daily,- The prevalence of dry weather over the cotton belt haa delayed deliveries by Jiuni mers of the Association, said Mr. Blalock, as the premium on good cotton made it worth their while to get it out before the cqquinoctial rains, and they did not stop to get it ginned. Oood grades of cotton are coming in as general thing, according to B. F. Brown, manager of the cotton depart ment, who is giving special attention to this end of the business. Some- long staple has been received and this will be collected and sold to mills needing that kind of cotton.. North Carolina mills have shown a very hospitable pirit toward the cooperatives, Lawrence MacRae, sales manager, re ports. He has jnst returned from a visit to the leading textile centers to learn something of the needs of the mills. , Chesley B. Howard, general sales man ager, states that he has lined up good connections' for the cooperatives in New England and in New York as well as in Europe, Mr. Howard held a conference Saturday in Charlotte with the sales managers of the North and South Car olina eottoa cooperatives. ; . '; Advances totaling more than a quar ter of a .million dollars were made to members for the two weeks ending Sat urday, it is announced 1y the Associa tion's headquarters. . With a revolving fund of more than tiro million dollars provided hf North Carolina Banks, 3ec retary Ashley Bing is prepared to handle advances a. the greatly increased volume cf cotton expected this week. -' ! The Association ia prepared to handle cotton on which there are mortgages and liens with complete protection to all parties, it is announced, and efforts are being centered this week oa acquainting the public with 'this fact. Practically all the banks and many hundreds of mer chants, it is stated, have signed &gency agreements tiy which they will permit the Association to handle the cotton ot member customers and pay the mortgages ' or liens as sales are made. As a gen eral thing mortgagees and lieneea are Fhowing a fine spirit of cooperation, it is declared by the Association management, and the Association anticipates no serious difficulty along this line. In putting into operation for the first time in history the orderly selling of cot ton in this state, it was realized by the lea dcra in the movement that some hard would necessarily renult but they Mr the advantages derived so far out vt 'U the disadvantages as to make H wr'.t wnrth while for all citizens interest cl ia a bifger and better State to o-c-jv-rate in overcoming them. Tie cooperatives have arranged for a lore cotton exhibit for the great : '..' fiir, hich opens in Raleigh, Octo ber 18. By that time, the Association will have gotton well under way, aad thousands of members are expected to attend the fair and to Visit toe head quarters to get first hand information m how their Association conducts bwnaesa. BESSEMER CITY HEWS- (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette,) BESSEMER CITY, Sept. 30. Missai Alma and Belle Froneberger were host esses to the Bridge Club Thursday after noon from four till six o'clock. Cards were played at sevral tables ok the spa cious porch. Potted ferns and fall flowers were used for decorations. After the games a delicious salad course was served. Miss Sara Allison, of Kings Mountain, was an out-of-town guest present. ' Mr. Fred Ormand is coaching the foot- bal team at Kings Mountain. At a call nieetiiur of the Woman 's Club Thursday afternoon at the school building it was decided that the club would take a booth at the county fair. Commutes were appointed for the dif ferent departments. Tha ladies also "de cided to help aell the lycfuin tickets for the season. . Miss Alda Thifer was in Gastonia Fri day shopping Mr. Tom Robinson, of Gastonia, was a business visitor here Friday. Mrs. O. M. Vernon and little daughter Carmen were visitors ia Gastonia Thurs day. . "' Miss Geneva Thornbnrg is a student at Davenport College this year. . '' Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sholar are epeml- ing tho week-end in Charlotte with Mr. Sholar 'a parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. L Sholar. Miss Aneita White entertained at luncheon on Friday in honor of Miss Sara Alllisoiw of Kings Mountain, who is her guest this week. Mr. Sam novis was among those from here atending the football game in Gastonia Friday afternoon. EKTLTCS CREBI CHIEFS LUCIA LOCALS. (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette.) LUCIA, iSept. 28. The farmer are having fine weather to gather their cro; in. The boll wevil has done a grei deal of damage to the cot on in this tion. ' Mr. A A. Hovis and family and Mrs. Cannon, all of Stanley, attended chnrch at Snow Hill laat Sunday. Miss Myrtle Mcintosh visited Miss Alva Hart last Sunday. Mr. I. W. Hinkle and family motored to Kannapolis and spent last week-end with their aunt, Mrs. Minnie Gillelani. Mr. T. 8. Mcintosh and daughter, little Miss Evelyn, of Charlotte, apent Wednesday night and Thursday with his father and mother. His father, Mr. If. A, Mcintosh is still suffering from car buncles and cannot work. Mr. David Eddlemaa. of Charlotte, apent the week-end at the home of his uncle, Mr. J. II. Beatty. Mrs. Martha Hart, mother of Mr. J. B. Hart, has ben quqite ill for some days but is some better. Mr. 1. W. Hinkel lost very fine cow Ilast Sunday. Sweeta For Tha Sweet Special for Satrday and Monday, Maple, Cherry and Vanilla Walnut Cream Kiaaea, 44 cents per pound. SweeUand Confection ery, 113 West .Main A venae. " 2d (Correspondence of he Daily Gazette.) BOWLING GREEN, Sept. 29. Mr. Davison-Dnlin has gone to Columbia 10 take up hia second year in Columbia Theological seminary. Miaa Lola Wilson had as apend-the-day guests Misses Bertie Petty, Mary Adnms, Fannie Flanagan and Wilma Adams at her home Friday. Mian Nannie Lou Wilson has been out of School a week on account of having her tonsila removed. Her many friends will be glad to know she expects to be able to ret urn next week. " Miss Lois Wilson returned to Charlotte Saturday after spending three weeks at her home, fotie is doing private nursing there Bince graduating at the Presbyte rian hospital Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Flanagan, Mrs. W. W. Riddle piad Mr. and Mrs. Ned Kelly apent the day ia Rock Hill Thurs day with the family of Mr. J. H. B. Jenkins. Mr. and Mrs. Ned Kelly have cone to visit Mr .and Mrs. Andrew Smith of Charlotte, tha latter a sister of Mrs. Kelly. They will return to their home ia rews, Va, is, about a week, after spending aeveral weeks visiting Mra; Kelly fa brother, Mr. George Flanagan and famiy of Headersonville and rela tives iu Gastonia,. Bowling Green and Clover. '. Messrs. Arthur anil Mellon Jakson had- the misfortune 'of having their new Foard roadster rstoW from the circus in Gastoaia Friday night. Rev. and Mrs. 1L D. Corbitt and chil dren, Mr. and Mrs.. W. B. Flanagan and family were guests Wednfsday of Mr. and Mrs. B, C Adaaaa. Mrs. W. W. Riddle aad Miaa Wilms Adams spent Wednesday afternoon in Bethel visiting Mrs, Joe 8. Riddle aad Mrs. Howard Riddle. Miss Grace Harmon will leave this week ta teach school below Camden, S. C She is the last of the young people to go and there ara wiore than twenty gone either to attend school or to work and they are all missed very anach. There are more boya and girls attending inege man mere nave ever oeen ac oou me before and we are prond of, this.' Mr. G. D. Flanagan and Mr. Giles Adams spent the day in Chester Thurs day. - BBSS "'"'V I " r js a I m -w SOLD GO YEARS A FINE GENERAL. TONIC U W m WirtmKWiCfc kO.,ltofto. K. JOQlicious! SB 111 yg 1 1 afc, BBssstv MBS1 assasBBMsssk m rtV s r -v - - a. L X SJ IN .TINS. IN LOAVES 1 AT THE THEATERS The Ideal offera today "The Timber Queen,' "Outwitted." Western, "Poor Boy, ' comedy. ' and - Aesop 's Fables.-H Monday, "In the Daya of Buffalo Bill," "Ghost City," and "Afraid f Hia Wife," comedy. CAROLINA ft NORTBTWXSTEilf RAILWAY COMPANY. Train Schedsle. Na, Z, northbeuat, arrives Gastonia S:20 a. m. No. 1, southbound, arrives Gastoaia 4:40 p. m. Making eloa eoaneetion wfta Soathsis Railway trains No. M ami Ms. It. Close eenaestioa with South era at Newton and Hickory for Blatk Moon taia, Asberille sad all points west. X. F. KJEID, D. F. P. A, Takpboo 123, Announcing . -y. The CAROLINA. PRINTING COMPANY Hereafter the Brumley-Waltert Printing Com pany will be known as THE CAROLINA PRINTING COMPANY, printers, stationers and office outfitters, and dealers in school supplies. The' officers are . , , - , FRANK CJABERNETHYj President 1 C)ihier Thit4 National Bank ; . ' '. ' ' - WILLIAM H PATRIck,vVice-President ; Assistant Cashier Third National. Bank , WILLIAM L. WALTERS, Secretary-Treasurer The business will be junder the management of Mr. Walters, -with" W- MACY BRENTS ins charge of the printing department. With improved facilities a high standard of product and service will be' maintained. 131-133 West Franklin Avenue.' GASTONIA, NORTH CAROLINA Phone 659 1 " ' i i ROUND-TRIP TICKETS "M ADE-IN-C AROLIN AS EXPOSITION" Charlotte, N. C, Sept. 25th to Oct. 7th, inclusive via ' PIEDMONT & NORTHERN RAILWAY Adults . ........ ...... .$1.17 ' Half Fare 59c During exposition last train will leave Charlotte at 10:00 p. ra. For further informatioa call on Ticket Agent or ' . ' : 'v y':: D. K. JACKSON, . , Commercial Aegent, - . . ' Broad Street Station. Phone No. ,302. Majestic" ; - 3 NIGHTS COMMENCING MONDAY, OCT. 2 The Greatest Musical Comedy Of YoutH, Ever Presented On-The American Stage ATTRACTION ' EXTRAORDINARY Three Nights October 2, '3 and 4 Kiddie Kabaret Company ATTRACTION EXTRAORDINARY Three Nights lon, Tues. i, Wed. A Treat for the Grown-ups as Well as for the Children See Broadway's Biggest Stars Brought Before You By ,v V Youthful Geniuses . Most Entrancing Gorgeolis Creations 5nappy .Costumes : Singers, Dancers, Comedians Who Bring Sunshine Into the Lives of All Who See Them The Combined Charm of the Joyous Melodies and Refreshing Gaiety Makes It Simply Incomparable v Special Added Attraction Don Al fcAGE AND WALDE Unusual Syncopation ' NOTE: Ladies will be admitted "free at the Monday matinee under usual conditions. Special matinee for children Wednesday afternoon at . 3:30.

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