r a o t. two THE GASTON I A (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE THURSDAY, PC SOZLil 5, 1C22 EXECUTQKS', KOTICE. Having qiialiSed us Executors of the la ft will and testametft of Julia Davis, d.feasod, this is to. notify all persona Laving euuais against said estate to rrcent the same, duly verified, to the uu.leraigned, ot Belmont, X. C, on or before the , - 21st day ofSeptember , 1923 or this notice Ul pleaded, in Lai of any recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make prompt payment to us. This September 20th, 19il-'. KLSIK MAY JOHNSON, W. W. DAVIS. . Exeeutors, O. F. Masoi Atty., Gastonia, S. C. Th 02k5. ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as administrator of the estate of Henry Let, deceased, lato of Gaston eounty, ST. C, this is to notify all persons having claims Against the estate of said 'deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned at Kings Mountain, N.CL, or to Geo B. Mason, Uustonia, N. C on or kef ore . f September 14, 1923, or this, notice wil I pleaded in bar of their recovery. All persona indebted to mud estate, mill please make immediate payment. 31. -it CARPENTER, Administrator of Uenry. Lee, Deed. ADMINISTRATIS' NOTICE. Having qualified as administratrix of U estate of J,. A. Lnney, deceased, lute of Gaston eounty. North Carolina, (his U to notify all persona having tlftimi against the estate of said decedent to present the game, duly verified, to the. undersigned on or before September 14, 1923 01 this notice will be pleaded in bar of any recovery thereon... AU persom who are indebted to the said estate .will please make prompt settlement with, the tmdersigned. . i This 14th day of September, 1922. ICRS J U HA LAN E Y, Admrx. T QI9cfl. Gastouia, N. (i , ; NOTICE OF SALE. Under and by virtue of an order of the Superior Court of Gaston County, made In the special proceeding ntitled "Jo'in Q. Carpenter, administrator, of the es tate, of"C- N. Black, deceased, vs. Hack Black ana others, the undersigned commissioner will, on the . . 21st, day of Qctober, ,. at eleven o'clock a. m. ak the courthouse door ia Gastouia, Gaston county, North Carolina, offer for sale to the highest bidder that certain tract of land lying and being ia Gastonia township, Gaston eounty. North Carolina, adjoining .. tko landg of Chalmers Lytton, Tom Cnrson and others, and more particularly da scribed as follows,, to-wit : ' Lying on the south side of West Air line Street, and beginning at a stone, Lytton ' corner on the south edge of Aitllne street and runs thenco with said street fi. 87 E. 89 feet to a stone, Car eon's (formerly J. M. Heath's) eorner; thence with Carson's lina 8. ' 3 E. 2.H feet to a stake in the middle of the Southern Railway track; thence with middle of Southern Railroad track N. 88 W. 99 feet to a stako , Lytton 's eorl ner; thence with Lytton is lino 243' feet io the beginning. Terms of sale: One-third cash on date of sale, one-third cash in six months and one-third cash in twelve months; de ferred payments to bear interest at six per cent. Title reserved until entire pur chase price is paid. ' This the 20th lny of September, 1922. JOHN G. CARPENTER, Th-012c4. '-" . Commissioner. BAPTIST IVOMEN flEET AT BESSEMER CITY UafsIiUov; Ironized Yeast Gfcps Pimples! When Blood Gets Yeast-Vitamines-Ironized, Then Pimples, Black heads, Eruptions, Larfa Pores VaniUil Here Is a law of Nature, and you can't a-et away from It. - It never fails. If you hail -tnoujfh lronized-yeast-vilamlues In your blood, your skin would be remarkably cltar. Cut rewiuber one jtainir, all ' ' Woman's Missionary Unon Has Fine Meeting - Mrv H. B. Moore, Of Gastonia, In The Chair Report Of Proceedings. Te.HrrmJ Bnl Don't Worry. Iroa brt TfMi w i ( rar yair Miia (iairkly of AU KraptiuBn! yeast vilamlnea mu?t b Imnlied to produce these results. Tbat's an other tact you can't tet away from. You g-et thoso necessary two things when you take Irouliej lai.t. There (a only one Ironi..-1 Yeast produced In the world. It if not a mere mixture of jean and Iron, but 1 yeast ironized. which la a sub stance all by Itself. r the natural method. Use Ironized Yea t. CupM makes faces at pimples. Krnptions, Mackheads and pimples are a social and busin. diFaster to thousands tit men and women. Get rid of that Vreiier of dislike. a spotty face. Ironized Teaft will make your skin clear as a rose, lncr.--se th rcl Cflls la your blood. Your orrans will work with more vigor, your Whole system fe I new Hrenirth. Jour nerves wilt run ut ar. l work. Ironized Yeart is Fold at all drug stores at f l.Ou a paokar. Hach park are contains 60 tablets, cacti tablet faled. They never lone fheir r"wer. Kp that you rt Imria-d Teast. riotkfnr else. M'f d only bv Ironized Yea-t Co.. Atlanta, Ga. PiaiHts cos.t i xacuey; cut out the cost! A c!c so snave f McimiOLATUM ccm&rts and hcali , (CorrespoiiJeiico of The Daily Gazette) BESSEMER CITY, Oct, 4. The Wo man's Missionary Union, of the Gaston Association, held itg annual session in the Baptist church here Tuesday. The meeting wns called to order at 10 o'clock by the county superintendent, Mrs. II. li, Moore, of iastonia, who presided through the day with much charm and ease., and Mrs. Barrett of Gastouia, ai a most efficient secretary. The morning devotionals were conducted by Mrs. Andrews, who stressed the imtjortantC of reaching the unsaved. The theme, Personal tervice, was adniirably carried out, throughout the entire program. The address of welcome was given by I Mrs. W. W. Williams m her own charm-; ing mauBer. 1 ne response was oappuy given by Miss Velnm CuUp of Belmont. ! The delegates were registered and reports of the societies given. 1 AU of the reports were spleudid, Cramertou Riviug tlie most complete report. The. president while giving her address said tiiat oniy one as sociation stood ahead of this one, and that was youth Fork, who is; carrying the banner, but that they were not very far ahead, with a little more effort the ban ner ccould be brought over. Mrs. Mooro based her remarks ou Mark 4:14, "The. snwer soweth the word," stressing the thought Broadcasting. That we ro broadcasting in our homes, standing up, for family altars, teaching others to t'ahe, standing up for the organizations of the Church, urging all present to do their best. The Voting Womans Conference no.v took place, with Mrs. Barrett leading. The Bong, "He Lives on liiKh,' was, givou by tho Y. W. A. of Bessemer City, and wSs much enjoyed. Mrs. BarreU reported there were only eight Y. W. A. in the county and urged those churchy who did not have this organization to gut busy and do so at once. Mrs. MeCnuly of Mt. Holly gave a splendid paper on "Is it worth while to have a Y, W. A. in yur church!" Airs. Bennott's of Cramerton) appeal to pve sonal service, basing her remarks on iustances from the Bible, was most tottchiuic aud reeeiveil the closest atten tion of nil present. After serevai com mittees were appointed the conference, after prayer by Mrs. W. H. Wray wns dismissed for lunch, which was servea Dy the Indies of the . ehureh here in the spacious basement of our new church which is not yet complete. The long table arranged in a semi circle and dec orated with yasos of . various autumn owers, fairly groaned under the load it nphehl, of nU good things' to eat, too Humerus to meution, with nn auuduuee of ice water, coffee and ico ten. It may not be out of place to mention hce that the Baptist ladies hero could easily foed the Rotarians, Kiwanis and several other such clubs. AH that would be nec essary, let them know a few days in ad vance. ' - . The afternoon devotionals were eon ducted by Mrs. M. L. Baries. Rev. P, K. I'utnuin. director of Gaston county, for reinforcement campaign of the teveu- tv-five million ' dollars, pledged turee yeiirs ago, was next heard from and gave a full reoort. He said that one hair mu lion members hid joined 'the Southern Baptist church since that pledge was taken and they will all be called on to heln raise the amount, that aiuce me drive was sturted so many members lia joined both ut home and in foreign fields that thU church is today the largest nrotestant church in the world. Mr. W. J. Francis, of Belmont is ossociate director of the county. Mrs. H. a Moore director for the W. M. U. of tUe county. Here Mrs. Moore ap uointed three women to assis her. I'ersonal Service conference was lead by Mrs. M. Q. Thornbwg of Gastonia. ttpleudid papers on tho subject were sub' mitted by Miss Leeper aud Mrs. Wal drop. A Mission Study Class demonstration lead by Mrs. J. S. Wray of Gastonia, was intensely interesting. Mrs. Wraj giving out many suggestions as to bow to eon duct one. Tho text books used was "A Wandering Jew in Brazil." Thoso be sides Mrs. Wray taking part m the lemonstration were. Miss Ware, Airs. Sigmn, Mrs. Clifford, Airs. Uharne Moore. Mrs. Alelswain. AU of tne unions were urged to have mission study classes. '.'-."'.' A mother coose Sunbeam and Royal Ambassadors Societies was demonstrated by tho children of the Bessemer church, showing tho troubles those children, "Little Bo-Peep," "Little Boy Blue,' Old Mother Iluhbard," "Jack Hor ner." all together., sixteen cnuureu ilressed to represent as ranay mother eoose characters were so real, as the dif ferent ones took part, doing, it so well, while others were late, giving excuses as nervous" "busy." The president said this was indeed the very best mis sionary play that had ever been given in any of the associations, that it wns -in- led! a fitting climax tor the nay's pro gram. That this was tne largess ueie iration that hadattended any of toe union meetings and that more ladies of the leal church were present and remain ed nil day o fany the meetings. The different committees gave their reports. One item of the committee on resolu tion that is interesting here, was that a vote of thanks be extended Miss Lucy Williams, ' Mrs. Nettie Carpenter Sisk, Mrs. Mrs. Croun Biehatdsoa for their hearty welcome extended the delegates when met at the train. The Association will meet with th Lorajr Baptist church next October. The congregation wns dismissed with prayer by Bev. IX F. Putman. r . A ood number of men were present, quite an unusual occurrence, so the pres ident stated. The ministers present were Revs. D. F. Futman, of Chcrryrille, C. J. Bwck. Loray, Waldrop of McAdenville. J. I. Bennett of Cramerton, W. .W. V U liams, Bessemer City. Mrs. II. B. Moore wbo has served as superintendent for xeventeen rears, was unanimously elected to serve another year, Mrs. W. J. Francis, associate leader, Mrs. Barrett, secretary. GROVES STATION EWS, (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette.) Mrs,' Maggie B"nrtso and Mr. Clarence Weaver surprised a number of their friends Saturday when they learned 't their marriage, which took, place in (liarlotte Saturday afternoon." Mrs. Weaver is the attractive ' (laughter , of Mr. and Mrs. friam Powell, of this place. Mr." Weaver was formerly of this place but is now holding a position with the Johnston Point (Jo. in. Roc Hill. ' He is a son of Me. and Mrs. W. I "'eaver, of this place. Mr. and Mrs. Weaver mo tored to Rock Hill Sunday afternoon, where they will make their home. The many friends of Miss Artie Wil kersori and Mr, Lonnie Bradshmr woro greatly surprised, Saturday when they learned of their marr'mge at York, H. t. Miss Wilkerspu is agister of Mrs. P." A. Cline, with whom bo has bees nfukiug her home for some time. Many good wishes to the young couple, Mrs. E1 McCull. of Charlotte, and Mrs. J. V. Hood, of "Matthews, spent the week-end with Mrs. K. A. Armstrong. M r and Mrs. Ralph Bobbins, snd Mrs. CL B. Crook were Charlotte shoppers Tuesday. . ; Those who attended the Hartso Weaver weiMiug (Saturday were Misses Mildred Weaver, Mildred and Lelia Short, and Mr. Bynuin tihort. Mr. Theoilore Naneo is, ill at his home vitfc piieumouL-i. Ills frieu-Ui hoe no will soon be well again. - 5 The Ladies' Aid Societj'. No. 2, of East Baptist church meet with Mrs. A. C Baker Friday afternoon. Miss, Frances Lankford, of Liucolnton, visited Mr and Mrs. Walter Lankfor) last week. Mr. aud Mrs. Marion Abcrnathy, of Liticulnton. returned home Sunday after speudinp n few days with' Mr. and Mrs. If. W. Wamv. Mrs. A mam la Lankford spent Friday in South Gastonia. Mr. and Mrs. Uowd Keever and chil dren speut the week-cud near Lincoln! on with relatives.. Little Pansy, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. W. C- Withers, underwent aq op eration Saturday fur the removal of ht-r tonsila sad adcqobls. Sh s. get tin;; along nicely, V Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Price had as, their guests Saturday Rev. A. A. Haegar-1 uuu Ait. u"v -Vv- V. r. isarn.es. j Mr. aud Mrs, R. C Howe and little niece, Mary Tom Carson, spent Sunday lt,u " r -. "r f tt f Miss ButU Fort, of Cramerton, spent f CJ..1.. , . . 1 o f... :.L W! ,r'i i... l oiiuru.iy ami ouuiiny witu jams Jiiinren Price. - ' . , . . Mr. ana Mrs. yr. C Withfrs and daughters, Bith ami Ossiu, ami Misses Fanny Stowe, Lucille Lytton and Mar garet Lewia. were among those, who at tended, the exposition in C'luirlotte, Gas ton County Day. ' .'- Mrs. L. H. Stowe had ns her guests Saturday night and Sundny Misses Lu cille ami Cora Mne Featlierston.njid Mr. Raymond Featherston, of Lowell, route one. '.;...'.', Mrs, A. C Fisher, o Lincolnton, is visiting relatives and friends this week. Miss Macie Potts' has .returned after a month's vacation and resumed her duties a eomniin,iry worker at the Flint Mill. Mr Oscar 'ClarJt is r'tgVt sick this week. Mr Morris Baker anl little, daughter, Bernice, is spending a fw days wiva her mother, Mrs. T. B WilWe, in 6helb.v. Mrs. Emmett Carter and ciuldren spent a few days in Charlotte last week with Mr,, and Mrs. d Cnrtr. Misses Lelia Crook, Nell and Beatrice Mauney Messrs. Fred Lewis, Paul Rhyoe and Dave. Merrill a.tten.ded the exposition In Charlotte Friday night, .' Messrs. Frank White ajid Ftnn,k McDiOodlo mototodi to CharLatte. Momlajf on business. .- ' Mr. rJfeieBt N,oJes . is spending the week with relatives and frisodj. One . nice thing about is girls will be girls. longer dresses The Gawtte has two pnonea,. Call 50 If yon want to talk busineM; eall 233 If you want to Ulk to th news ts 4i torial departments. Cliinesii war " is over aud th,ey are wondering what k was over. Ovrr 30 Million , Bottles Sold Tou Can Soon . Feel Its Strengthening, Effect 44 iM V4V& mi I'iSi rrtrtta I"!) "SWEETS FOR th SWEETS" Special for Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday, delici ous Peanut Candy, 26 cents 1 : :-Sjth' AMvIiMm SATURDAY, OCTOBER 7th ; . v i- a, -n v . : .. j...w x : ( f-.V' -aw SATURDAY IS SOUVENIR PAY Our 5th Anniversary For five years we have served Gastonia people. We have seen the city grow in population, in character, in prosperity and in its reputation as a city that is alive and alert It has been our prie to maintain the pace that the .city has set we have tried to model our character after the same high stanarcte-r-we have sought a reputation as enviable and we have ajmeo to deserve it we, too, have prospered and our alertness is proved by the fact that we have anticipated the return of good times which are coming; fast by remodelling our store inside and outside. V Everything is new new windows, new fittings, new merchandise a.nd a more intensive desire to be worthy of the support so generously givea for so. many years by Gastonia people. ; : :: . We Will Celebrate With 'a Formal Qpemng Saturday, October 7th I If SSJ. i. 1 i. . ."f I 7 J'tf V - 4 w'&ri ay Op en A C Snar Saturday Is Souvenir Day Men's Anniversary Special- : BlsuiT?e $30-00 Saturday Is Souvenir Day Alade of the finest quality all-wooli by one of the best manufacturers of Men's Suits, Newest Young Men's Models. Also Sport Suits; for critical young rnjen conservative Suits for conservative men. Ser ges, Worsteds, Cashmeres, in blues, blacks, brown, mixtures, pencil stripes. No stock of ; men's Suits could jbe more varied, or of better k qyality or contain more attractive styles than ours.' ; L . Women's Anniversary Special SERGE DRESSES $8-" Nor could prices be found marked mpxe fairly than ours. Your choice on a charge ac count. The'price sounds sm$U it is but it proves our purpose to price our clothing so fairly that it will interest careful critical people. ' FALL SUITS The new smart suite to navy and brown with a moderate showing oi "other delicate shades.' The model shown is one of the newest and only suggests the beauty of line in the new styles for Fall, y FALL DRESSES Canton Crepes, Crepe Romaine, Poiret Twill, , graceful draperies, pleated tunics, side, panels anfl . other smart effects in brown, navy, black and the new Koran. 1 ' ' - We want you to know that Askin plays -no favorites. The wage earner is just as wel come to run a charge account with us as the man with the bank roll. There is no reason why you should al ways think you must pay cash in advance while others pay as convenient. Saturday Is Souvenir Day ASKiFfS 21 6 W. Main Aye. Gastonia, N. C. i.'ii When you comef to U3 for clothing full of style full of quality, full of real worth, you don't have to ' come -with 'a "pocketful of cash" your word is good for anything in the store. ' - ; : ; ' ' per pound. Sweetland r-rm.llill assssssrtsssaMsssMSSBm av. ; jyr- , .. " 1 1 ' tionery, 113 W. Main