pa tie 1AY0 THE GASTONIA (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE TUESDAY, GCTCZZZX 13, Z22 G A ST O N C0.lLJ.Mf: FA TcD OPENS TONIGHT Five Big Days of Pleasure and Profit Free Band Concerts Daily by the Gas tonia Pythian Band Free Radio Concerts Every Af ternoon and Night by i'l' ;' s Michael & Bivens A Good' Clean Midways-Fine A Agricultural and Lives stock Exhibits ' -;: A Fair WORTH 3 EEMG DM':T GOME AND BRING YOUR FAMILY TELL YOUR NEIGHBORS ABOUT IT WEDNESDAY IS GASTON MMm DA I 5ES22 (Correapoodeneeof The Pail Gazette.) . BANLO, Oct. 9. Now that the new teachers ge it to be ready for oecupnuey ia a rery few days, and since quite u number of mall articles would be nec essary for the equipment uf the dining room and kitchen, the idea -of .a dining room and kitchen shower was advanced by. one of the practical members of -the .faculty. . The jilnn whs at once adopted, Had immediately attractive posters were on display in the stores,, offices, ft &, announcing a musical 'prognrra in tie school auditorium , on Thursday evening at 8 o'clock, admission being one kitchen utensil or a dime. Accord ingly tbe following program was splcu 4iidly rendered to quite a large nndicnce: Election, by the Ranlo Mill Concert Club. Beading High Culture Miss Mary "Willie Tat. Tiano Solo Mist Fnye fiherrilJ. I Heading Bobby t5hafto Miss Ruth fsais. . .,. ' Quintette Sweet and Low Misses Alma Clark, Beatrice Holtzclaw, Minnie Z'owell, Cecil Bell, and Wales Cox, ac companied by Miss Edith. Pickens at. tho ';' jiiano.. , , Piano Solo Misg Davis Reid. ' Kitfhen Symphony By sixxteen high - school girls and boys with various kitch en Utensils,, comically 1 directed by Clar ence Holtxelaw with his pan-enke-turner baton, accompanied by Miss Edith Pick en at the piano. " Recitation I 'm tired of Being Boss '" et--Roger MeArver. i , , . YomU 6"l"-rMis Aba.Ctork,'C4m'.. fielded by Miss Edith Pickens with the violin, and Davis Reid at tlie piano. (Selection by the orchestra, directed by Mr. M. C Coffey, director of tho Ban-, h MilJ Concert Band and school orches tra. ; j ' :: Among the ruany useful gifts received at the doorwere: a large aluminum Iiteher, two roasters, one double-boiler, I wo sauce pans, one large dishpnn, two urge kitchen spoonn and forks, four enko tins, five towels, two, .embroidered ton towels, three dish fowls, ono tablecloth, oue pickle dish, one crenm pitcher, one butter dish,- one cake plate, two salad plates, one bon bon dish, one salt and pepper, also tooth-pick holder, one silver agar shell, and one half dozen tea poons, in addition to seventeen dollars in silver, and da written statement sign ed by Mr. ferry, manager of the Bex Laundry : most generously offering to keep the tear he rage table linen " spik-and-span ' 'free . of charge .during the en tire school year, for all of which, each 'member of the facnlty wishes to thank publicly each individual who so generous- " iy contributed to the great success of the evening. Mrs. J. A. McFalls Entertains in Honor ' of the Sanlo Faculty Delightful Par : ty on Friday Evening. Complimentary to the members of tho Eanlo facnlty Mr. and Sirs. J. A. . Mc Falls entertained most delightfully ut their attractive home here Friday even ing from 8 to 1 Oo'dock. The music room, reception hall, and dining room, all thrown into one, were made even more attractive l artistically arranged baskets of Jail Jluwera and pot ted plants. During the evening several select ions on the Edison were enjoyed, also several well rendered selections on the piano by Miss Alma . Clark, , music supervisor of the school. Progressive conversation J proved quite au Interesting game. Also a timclling Contest afforded much amuse ment, ten bottles daintily dressed in yel low crepe paper dresses, each containing a common liquid being miumbered andd guessed from the odor of it. The prize, a box of bon ' lions, was tied- for by Messrs. C. C Harmon and Kit-hard Dav enport, finally going by, drawing to Mr. Harmon. Tho booby prize went to Mr. W, J. liowen, of the Priseijla Construc tion Company, .this prize being a small bottle of Hoyt'a Perfume. Following tho games delicious block ica cream and cake was served by the hostess, assisted by Misses Edith Pick ens, Bess Costaer and Hat tie Neil; also delicious home made chocolate fudge was served on a large silver tray. - ,r , The evening passed all t,oo quickly and unknowingly the guests found ' them selves Jiugeriiig quite a- bit longer than their hostess had previously designated ou the cards issued, thus attesting to tlio genuine hospitality and the delightful. evening afforded by Mr, and Mrs. Mc Falls. , Among those present besides Mr. and Mrs. McFalls were Misses OIHe May Rlivne, Pearl Cox, Jan w fjtronpe,, TIattie Neil, Fnye Davenport, Eli.ahffo rjfiw'fth;'. 'Edith Pickens, Mary WillurTate, IMt Carter, Bessie Etuart, lJertha llipp, Carrie Potts, Bess Costlier, Essie Hemp hill, Blanche Robinson, and Alum Clark; Messrs. F. I Hmith, C. C. Harmon, (fliarlie Rosa, W. J, Bowen, Harry Vbb, P.eattie Price, Cahrlcs tttroup, ITarrj' Karris, Lelaud Alexander, ,R. K. Daven port; jr., O. W, McFalls, .and J. B. Ta bor, Jr. MLUS DOTS (By MRS. JOJi CRIBBLE) . DALLAS, Oct. 10. Every farmer in Dallas township is urged to be at the Dullus city hull on next Saturday after uoon at 3 oYlook, ()-toler 14, to discuss and adopt measures whereby the . par tridge will have absolute protection. All others interested in the same cause are welcome. ...... i Beginning last Friday the farmers can now sell their cot Urn mi the Dallas mar ket to Mr. A. li. Martin representing the (fastonia Cotton Co. or to Messrs. J. W. Huiumey and D. S. Thornburg, of the Farmer's Supply Co., , representing the .North Slnto Cottou (-'o. The Rebinson (r was a .busy place Saturday. t i Dallas real estate the past few 'weeks' has at least experienced a ehnugo of hands. On last Saturday Mr. C. E. Clem mer exidiunged his home on Franconia eHights, consisting of a six room house on a one-acre lot, for a twenty-nine and one-half acre farm one-haltmile south west of Dallas known -as i Seven X'iws." The deal was made by Mr. E. N. Shell for the firm of Shell, Rhyne & Ptiett for .j00 and other - considerations. Mr. . it. Logan, who came from Gnstonia two or three months ago and has occupied a home of the puett estate, purchased the Clemmer home and will move there upon ths immediate completion of a new mod ern bungalow home for Mr. Clemmer at "Seven Pines." Misg Alena Rhyne, of the Belmont school faculty,' spent the week-end with Methodist church Friday afternoon, serv ing delicious ice cream and cake after the regular program and business meet ing. . ... Ciiests of Mr. L. M. Hoffman, Jr., to the Charlotte Exposition last Friday night were Member of the Dallas school faculty, Misses Evelyu , (Jibbing, Janet Britton, Mcynel Clowney, Nellie Wise; Miss Mary N'icl Wilkins, slaughter of Dr. and Mrs. S. A. Wilkins, nud Mrs. S. C. Corn well. Visiting Mr. sud Mrs. J. R. Lewis Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. E. B. Brit" tain, Misses Murgaret, Frances and Marr Payne, of Oastonin, Miss Mary was a former Dallas high school student. (iueHtj ut dinner Sunday of Dr. and Mrs. 8. A. Wilkins were Mrs. Wilkins' sister and mother, Mrs. A. Brady, of Charlotte, and Mrs. Mary Craig, of Gas fonia. Mr. and Mrs. K. N. Summey, of Mt. Holly, were guests at dinuer Sunday of Mx. . nud Mrs. P, A. Summey, the f or mer's ja rents. , Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Puett left early Sunday, morning for Wadesboro to at tend the funeral of Mrs. Puett 's father, Mr. A. W. Copedge, who passed away at the Charlotte Sanatorium Friday follow ing a long illness. Many friends extend sympathy to Mrs. Puett in her sad be reavement. Mr. and Mr?. Sam Musgrave, of Bris tol, Tenn., en route to Clyaton, stopped over iu Dallas for a visit to "Mr. and Mrs, E. iN. Shell Friday And Saturday; eights. " , . Mr. and Mrs.. Vernon Clemmer, of' Clnstonia, were guests at dinner Sunday of the-kttter'a pareuta, Mr. and Mrs. A, her parents, Mn and Mrs. W N. Rhyne Miss Rhyne speaks delightfully of Bel-1 ft. Holland, -visiting also Mr. Clemmer' mont." '" - i mother, Mrs. Carrie Clemmer. i Mr. Marshall Brown -will have charge Ouests of Mr. and Mrs. Will Carpen- of the T"r llecl Mixing Plant booth nt ler Sunday were Mrs. Carpenter 's , CHILDREN SHOULD HEAR JOLLY . JESTER AT THE FAIR GROUNDS Cnstonia cliiJdreu will find both enter tainment find instruectlou at the public health booth of the Casfonia Woman's Club at tho fair ground this week when they will have the opportunity to hear the jJolly Jester, a ventriloquist of na tional reputation who is being brought hero by the public health committee of the club at a. considerable, expense. The Jolly Jester, while entertaining the children, gives them splendid advice as to health measures.-. Every child in Gaston county and the grown folks too should .we and hear the Jolly Jester. He will give 'his talks Wednesday and Thursday dftemoons at 4:30 o'clock. Men who long for the. good old days would hate to ride bicycles. ' . the fair this week .' Oupsts of Rer. nnd Mrs. C. N. Yount for the week-end were the former's sis ter, Miss Claudia Yount, of Hickory, and a brother, Mr. Worth Yount, of flranite FaHs.- 1 ' v- Mrs. 8. G. Shelton delightfully enter tained at a course dinner Saturday Rev. and Mrs. J. O. Ervin, Mrs. C C. Corn well, 'Mr. and Mrs. Charley Shelton and little daughter, Polly. ..Mrs. J. H. Lewis and little daughter, Martha Reid, returned Sunday f Am Lowell, where the week was spent With the former's parents, Mr. and' Mrs. J. K. Reid. Miss Willie Webb ajent Monday in Gnstonia arranging the Moroifebb Mill and village display, at the Big Gaston County Fair. .. , . Mrs, P, M. Bhyne returned from Oiar lotta , Saturday after spending ten days with her daughter, Mrs. R. F, Dorton, who is now recuperating from a, serious illness. Little Nellie Rh.vne, the ten -months-old baby of Mr. nnd Mrs, E.M, Bhyne, who has been suffering from an infection of tbe head, if improving.. Mrs: T. N. Shell was hostee to the Woman 's Missionary ' Society of the mother, Mrs. W. M Pasour, of Bessemer route one, Mr. and Mrs. Oudy Riser and Mr. Ira Pasour, o( Gastonia. Mr. Ralph Wright, of South Point, is spending n few days with his sister, Mrs, J. V, Coins, "aiyl family. We are glad to report that Mrs. R. L. Watts has sufficiently recovered from a recent serious operation at the City Hos pital, .Gust onia, to be. removed to her liome here Sundaj', Mrs. M. P. Rhyne visited her father, Mr. J. M. Horton, in Gastonia the hitter part of the week. Mr. Horton is suffer ing right much from high blood pressure and was taken to Rock Hill to be in the home of his son, Mi. J. B. Horton. Mr. John Holsclaw, of Newton, spent the week-end with bis yirents, Mr. and Mrs. L.' G. Branch. The Dallas Baptist and Lutheran churches report a greater attendance last Sunday at' Sunday school than on Rally Day. The Presbyterian church carried an exceedingly encouraging report. Messrs. J. L. and L. j). Cribble viisted their mother, .afrit Naanie-Gribble, at the home of their sister, Irs. L., W. Bradley, in Charlotte Saturday. Mrs.' Gribble, who is past 70 years old, fell n few days ago and is now confined to bed. McNEEL Y CO. i .- i EPS OF ST WW . Of Gerona, Tarquiiia, Panve lain, 'Marvelia, Seldne and Duvetyne toned in Ia1(ow, Ma lay, Cinder, Navy, ;Bjick, Sor rinto Brown and Pamftnd;'Fur TrjmmedBlack and. G'rey Fox,; -Squirrel, Caraeulj Mole V and' Beaver. -.V.IS :; .1 .: ; Dresses . . . . ... . $18.50 to$85.00 Suits . . ...... $25.00 to $125.00 Coats . . . . . . .$18.50 jto $225.00 snan LANDERS CHAPEL NEWS USE ' gv ifl ,p 'It 't,ttt S,t FOR MOTOR LUBRICATION T WILL ET GTS O 01L;.COEU3PAS3Y (NEW JERSEY) (Corresponlenee of The Daily Gazette) ' LINCOLNTON, Oct. 9. On Octo ber 7 the Pipes, Keys and Hendrix family reunion roet for the third an nual gathering to celebrate the 74th birthday of -Father Alfred Hendrix. There Were about 70 relatives present and a good old .fashioned dinner was enjoyed by all present. Presents were then presented by -Gideon A, Fesper man, attorney at law, after which an interesting address was given by Rev. Mr. Blackburn. The following officers were elected: chairman, Rev. ,.' A . Hendrix, secre tary, W. U. Hendrii, treasurer, Mrs. Mollie Hendrix, corresponding commit tee J. G. Hendrix, C. M. Hendrix, entertaining committee B. L. Hendrix and Fred Hendrix. . The meeting closed with an old time song and hand shake. Benediction by Rev. Mr. Blackburn. Remarks were made by Bev. Mr. Blackburn and C. A. Hendrix, Rev. J. E. B. House r preached an in teresting and forceful sermon at Lan ders Chapel Methodist church Sunday evening.. His text was, "We are laborers' together with God .-' It was his last sermon ; before going to con ference. However we hope confer ence will see fit to send him back to us another year. Landers Chapel Epworth League will hold its first meeting next Runday night October 15. The Bethel Luther Leaue Will also hold a meeting Sunday night. Mr. and Mr. Sam Rhyne of Kings Mountain R. F. D. No. 1 spent Sun day with "Mrs. Rhyne's parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. P. Payseur. - The refreshing rain which fell Fri day night put the ground iq good, fix for plowing and sowing wheat'. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Car penter Friday, August. the 8, a son. Mr. and Mrs. ,L. L. Alexander spent Sunday at . the home of Mr. and Mrs. Julius Alexander ' Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Carpenter and children who went to Texas last fall are expected tack home this. week. Mrs. Locindy Hasting spent Satur day night with her brother, Mr. G. L. Carpenter. Advertise b The (Jaiette. Therejs nothing much better you can say of a man tl)an th he. is reliable. You know wheretb find him. Reliability is even' ipdre ap preciated in an institution?rhat is why it is the chief ambitioiibf this Bank to be worthy of thetitle- "DPTTADTtl 4 Raid on Savincj. V ' - ' "... .-" Gaston Loan & Trust Co. 'iWhere Your Savings Are Safe." Wo me n are instinctively . r. ,.. ,. . .... ' - drawn to beautiful clothes, for it is their right to have them. THE DRESSES i Their loveliness glow; sways and charms you and Heads you up the path of fashion in a whirl! : Scintillating: Crepe Satin, Soft ." Satin, Black Canton, Wool;; Crepe Epongejand Poiret Twill Elegance, pignity, Youthful ness, Spirit. t THE ; COAtS WELCOME, FRIEND OR STRANGER! 4 ' ri 1 -j If you need a bank or a banker's advice, call on us. You '11 be made as welcome with a $5.00 a week Thrift de posit as if you, brought us $10,000.00. ii - . Do not hesitate to offer a small amount. We'll help yon make it grow. The First National Rank The Bank of Dependable Service" 'li 99 1

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