If 5 o a o 9 O Oi M I e. at s . , W u - Ot rat s w o u o. H M U u . i m o -s, ra tt ev tf CI a n i "v: two THZ GASTON! A (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE MCKDAY,-CC7C- 1C, -IZti J Mercy. Ilii party ticket lie Doal like a Jil4kbit; trd that is why you 11 find lie always scratching it. i 1111 jAdvertise. in The Gasetta. Same Here, Old Top. - The Treasury Department says average $i kill lasts tea months, lasts about tea minutes with me, say. Geo. A. Ik-an . Advertise is The Gasette. the It I'M ot!:s:iw 111 A W L Bil 1 klal W ' laT F I 1 1 VaV ITa 'rm i- BISHOP AND MRS. DENNY ARKIVE IN CHARLOTTE 1 ft !H mi 0 Methodist Leader to Preach Twice San day; Chorehc Women te Entertain Monday Afternoon. Bishop and Mrs. foiling Denny, of Richmond arrived in Charlotet this morn ing and will be entertained by Rev. Dr. and Mrs. J. B. Craven, 413 Central ave nue, until Tuesday when Dr. Denny will bo to Monroe to preside over the sessions of the Western .North Carolina Meth odist Conference, which meets Wednes day at that plate. Bishop Denny, the presiding liishop of the North and South Carolina district of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South, will preHch at II o'clock bwutay morn ing at Tryon Street Methodist church, and at 7:.'0 o'clock that evening at Hawthorn Lane Methodist church. H" will also deliver an address at the ban quet of Tryon Street church Men's Club to be tendered ia bia honor Monday eve ning at 6:30 oVIoek at the ehureb din ing Toora. Mrs. Denny will be the honor guest Monday afternoon from 4 to fl o'rluek at. a reception given by tho women of Tryon Street Methodist ehureli at tlic home of Mr. and Mrs. W. W. nagoo.1. 409 Tenth a venue. 'All Methodists women ore invited. Juicy Fruit, Peppermint and Speannint are certainly three delightful flavors" to choose from And WRIGLEY'S P-K-the new sugar-coated pepper mint gum is also a great treat for your sweet tooth. All are from the Wrigley factories where perfection is the rule. Save the wrappers Good for valuable premiums C31 Una REFUGEES OF THE EA APPROACHING SAN FRANCISCO SAN FRANCISCO. Olt. 14. (By Tbe Associated Press.) Refugees of the fea, the 2661 persons who were the passengers and crew of th liner Uty or Honolulu, when flames drove them in to the ship 'a boats 637 wiles southwest of Sun Francisco Thursday morning, were approaching the mainland today Aboard the transport Thomas. t The Thomas is expected to mnke port sometime tomorrow. . The City of Honolulu was burned to the Mater's edge. Her elm r red and twisted bulk will be towed ia later. Experiences of tbe rescued passengers were described in a radio message from the Thomas to Tbe Associated .Press. In the open boats the castaways set tled down te make the best of a miser able situation, exacting to be at sea an indefinite time. The women paeengers accepted their fate as bravely as the men. V Upon being transferred to the Tomns, the pasftcngersv were given warm cloth ing, although most of it was of the mis fit variety. Some of tbe men are now dressed as colonels of cavalry, others as dashing lieutenants of infantry. From tbe beginning to tbe end of the thrilling drama, Captain Lester, of tbe City of Honolulu, sever raised his voice nhove bis ordinary conversational tone. - The calm attitude of the cap tain inspired confidence in the passen gers nnd there was no semblance of panic. Mirrorlae make your old furniture look new. We have it at Ware Hard ware Co. I8c4 Spreading All Over Country. Noted scientists state that a new species of roach ia spreading all over this country. They carry germs and spread disease on everything they touch I Stop this menace to health now, Get Royal Guaranteed Roach Powder Today, for health's sake t 10c & 25c. Sold and guaranteed by Kennedy Drug Co., Loray Drug fetors. City Pharmacy and Belmont Drug Co., Belmont. N. C BLACKS CHARGED WITH ATTACKING AGED COUPLE BALEIGH. Oct. 15 Willie Harris, aged 19, and Henry AVoodell, 20, Frank lin county negroes, are held in Wake county jail until feeling subsides suf & eiently to take them back for trial on charges of criminal assault and deadly assault. Sheriff Kerney, of Franklin, brought the men here last night and left without communication with anybody .save Jailer jorian. iiie srtenn sum mar. twelve miles from Louisburg the boys entered tbe home of an old couple whose name? are forgotten, beat the nun and then outraged his invalid and very feeble minded wife. Harris is charged by the woman with the capital crime ngainrt her while Woodcll is accused of beating the old man. Tliey admit the beating but deny the blacker crime. They give as the reasoa for whipping the old fellow his failure to pay them a dollar when they finished frying aome fish for him. He furmshea his own meat. . Tm fellows look little like great chefs nnd tlie alien ft greatly discounts their finh story. Judge Lyon will try Frank lin docket this week and after indictment ly the grand jury they will be taken back for trial. R. E. Powell, late managing and city editor of the Goldsboro News, is here for serviee tomorrow as city editor;:? the Raleigh Times. Mr. Powell has been Washington cor respondent for tbe News nnd Observer and later represented a string of state dailies licfore going to Goldsboro on tbe new daily. Flower pots for re-potting. Large and small at Ware Hardware Co. Phone 56. ' 18c4. EL PASO, Tex., Oct. 14. The army dirigible C-2 en a return trans-continental trip from Ross Field, California, to Langley Field, Vrgina, started from the field at Fort Bliss at 6:20 o'clock this morning. Weather conditions were favorable. Syrup buckets. We liave a few left at the right prices. Get them now. Ware Hardware Co. 18c4. CAPT. WALK MAY BE CALLED ON TO EXPLAIN LOS ANGELES, Oct. 14. Captaia n. M. Walk master of the shipping board freighter West Faralon will be asked te explain several points in his conduct during the rescue of passengers and crew , of tho burned steam r City of Honolulu according to a dispatch received at the Los Angeles offices of the board here from James Hheedy, vice- president of the Board at Washington, I), C, The Los Angeles Times stated r a story published today. Radiorrama have been sent tP CaH tain Walk asking an explanation as to why he did not report his position im mediately upon receiving the nrst 8. O. 8. from the City of Honolulu, the Times' stated. Mr. Sheedy's message to Los Angeles shipping board officials was said to con tain this paragraph: 'Morning press carries signed story by him (Captain Walk) of resuce ia which he reports City of Honolulu to U settling. Suggest that you ultimate that he confine his Titers ry efforts to official reports to you." Local officers also were instructed by Mr. Sheedy to order Captain 11. R. Lester, of the City of Honolulu, to make a full report of the disaster im mediately, explaining the likely cause of the fire, and whether it atarted in the machinery section or cargo holds. Orders also were issued for the West Faralon to stand by the bulk of the liner, which, according to radio mes sages, to Shipping Board officials, robubly will sink totlay. ILQUOR ON SHIPS GETS ONE "MORE WEEK WASHINGTON', ' Oct. 14. Applica tion of Attorney General Daugherty's liquor transportation ruling to foreign vessels leaving their home ports and American vessels leaving foreign ports, which was to have become effective to day, was extended one week or until Oetobr 21 by order of Prohibition Com missioner Haynes today after a visit to the White House. A thousand times a year you use your cook stove. Are yon getting ser vice and satisfaction. We guarantee service and satisfaction with eur new Enterprise, Allen Princess aaa Capper Clad stoves and ranges. Ware Hard ware Co. J8c4. WILLIAMS' M FILLS Hav ywi wmalml rem imuul tywtam and eassad traabl villi rar kidneyi ami liTtri Have rem pain ia loin,ide and back. - HavayauafUbbyappaaranraofthafacaanti under tha ayT 11 to, uaawUliaaia' Kidaay and Livor Fills. For aula by ail draag-isu. . Pruw50c - HUMUS HF8. CO., Prrp. OnttaH, CSU : Fof ale y j H..,Kenneo;y Drug Ca. MEURALGIA j or haadacba rob tba forthead w w melt and inhale the vapors APORUQ Op 17 Million Jan Uci Yeartg OF Syrup backets at Ware Hardware Ca jusi a irw leu. rnone so. iec Over 30 Million Bottles Sold mm jar I tmimm i i I j JOWCj- ' rrshM i I J . vamtj E y. J Kbu Can Soon Feel Its Strengthening, Invigorating Effect : . At all ooo4DruKt It Pays To Advertise THAT'S a "recognized fact today. But bear this in mind: the only reason it pays to advertise is that millions of thrifty folks find it a paying proposition to be guided by the advertisements. If you will read ad yertisingVconsistently for a while you'll readily agree that this statement is true. ' " It will pay you in money saved. Heal bargains are of fered frequently igr the advertisements that appear in .this paper. Watch "for them. Take advantage of them. ', i It will pay you in time saved. It tells you exactly when and where; to go for what you want to buy. You don't Have to waste time and effort "shopping around." If your time is worth money, advertising will pay you. ; It will pay you in added satisfaction. Every time a merchant or manufacturer advertises he obligates himself icr sell you goods that are as advertised. Read the advertisements and be sure you get your money's worth. . . Reading the advertisements is a plain every-day busi ness proposition. It is a duty you owe yourself and your pocketbook. Read the advertisements. NOTICE Of PUBLIC SALE. COLLATERAL SECURITIES. Notice is nereby given thn tiie under signed will, on the 4th day of November, 1922, . at 12:00 o'clock M. of said day, sell at pubiie auction to the highent bidder at the Gaston County Courthouse door in Gastonla, North Carolina, all of the fol lowing collateral securities, to-wit: One stock certificate number l.'ID of the Catawba Spinning Company f or 30 I shares of stock at the par value of j $100,00 per share, such stock certirl-. cnte having been deposited with said Catawba Spinning Company as collateral security for the note of Kemp B. Nixon, I dated July 14, 1920, payable without grace on demand for I1S08.10, with in terest at six per rent, after maturity, payable to tbe order of the Catawba Spinning Company, and no pnrt of said note having . been paid. One stock certificate number !0 of the Catawba Spinning Company for 15 shares of stock at the pur value of $100.00 per share, such stock certifi cate having been deposited with said Catawba Spinning Company as collater al security for the note of W. B. Reid, dated July 12, 1920, payable without grace on demand for $927.80 there being a bnlanee duo on said note of 1627.00, with interest from April 1, 11)22, payable to the order of the Catawba Spinning Company. The terms of the sale will le cash. An additional charge of 25 cents per share will be added to the above a mounts to cover necessary incidental charges of advertisement and sale. This the 7th day of October. 1922. CATAWBA SPINNING COMPANY, - By E. P. CRAIG, Treasurer. WOLTZ & WOLTZ, Attys. for the M-30c4. Catawba Spinning ompany. UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A full line of coffins and caskets reasonably priced. We have a splendid motor hearse and give you FREE HEARSE HIRE. We can save you money and assure you of the very best , service that can be had. JACOBS FURNITURE CO. Day Phone 522 Night Phone 230 ' Cor. S. Oakland and Franklin ' Gastonia, N. C. WELCOME, FRIEND OR STRANGER! If you need a bank or a banker's ad vied,' call on us. You'll be made as welcome with a $5.00 a 'week Thrift' de posit as if you brought us $10,000.00. , Do not hesitate to offer a small amount. We'll help you make it grow. The First National Bank "The Bank of Dependable Service' MEAITH and WEALTI Considerable information has been published recently about tbe discovery-of the, wonderful effects made upon the human system by the element known as VITAMINES. These discoveries led to a series of yeast preparations thnt have been tried in all the leading hospitals with wonderful results. While these tests were being made and the pub lic was enjoying the remedial effects of yeast tab lets, a group of pharmaceutical chemists in Chicago and Indianapolis were experimenting to increase the benefits of the yeast VITAMINES tablets, to the fullest measure they felt that the limit' had not been reached. The result is the YEASTOLAX the world's GREATEST HEALTH YEAST TABLET - ' YEASTOLAX is the world 's greatest health yeast laxative. It is the latent scientific develop ment oi palatable yeast. It-is not only rich in Vita mines, but also; embodies a highly valuable, . health building laxative a quality none of the other yeast tablets possess. It'comes in a tasty, tablet form very pleasant to fake and delightful in its effect. Children like it and are greatly benefitted by it. If you suffer from "RHEUMATISM," CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTIGION, ECZEMA, BRON CHITIS, BOILS OR IMURE. BLOOD i or if your nerves are affected m any-way; or you desire to have a fine, clear, Jiealthy complexion; or if your stomach is not in good condition, we want you to try a package oif our MARVELOUS HEALTH-BUILDER. YEASTOLAX. Among its various elements, YEASTOLAX con tains the highest and most potent VITAMINES, which the 'scientific world, has found to be abso lutely necessary to bodily vigor. People all over the country have found great relief through its use, and now feel the joy of perfect health and vitality. YEASTOLAX also has the properties of being non grippingly and mildly laxative, possessing fine idomach regulating power, the effects of which you feel very quickly. The laxative ingredients embodied in YEAST OLAX are most happily combined with the other vital, body building elements, which makes this tablet more desirable than any other eatable yeast compounds hitherto offered. By keeping up your vitality and vigor through ' the use of YEASTOLAX your system will be put in a position to fight off the hosts of invading germs that are persistently endeavoring to entrench themselves in the human bodyj to eat into the system and destroy life itself. It cannot be too emphatically made clear that everyone owes it to , himself and family to keep as healthy and fit as "posible. The human - organism is a wonderful ma chine . adapted under normal conditions to find a balance of health. But because of onr modern methods of refining foods (destroying their health--building vitamlnes) and onr general way of living, our bodies are not given half a chance, with the result that invading germs and infections find it frequently an unguarded and easy prey. THE BEST VITAMINE YEAST - Water soluble Vitamina B, contained in rich proportion in YEASTOLAX, is an element which has the power of bnilding up the bodily nerves and tissues to resist disease, and is positively essen tial towards offsetting the evil effects on the health of civilization. The highly refined stomach regu lating properties injected into YEASTOLAX makes it positively a b)dy builder of the finest kind. If yon have a weak or delicate stomach or a ntomach that is in any way our of order. YEASTOLAX will relieve you wonderfully, making you feel like a new person. " Jnat as a special inducement to quicken the Introduction of YEASTOLAX we will give for a limited time to nny person who will mail $1.00 to cover the cost of a liberal sized . package of YEASTOLAX ABSOLUTELY FREE 50,000.00 RUBLES The Russian Ruble recently was worth !5c per ruble, giving the above a value of $27,500.00. . Save this '"money; many a great fortune has been built up by buying foreign money, ftcr wars. It is rumored" thnt $ii0,000,000,000.00 worth of radium has been discovered in Russia, and the press is calling attention to vnst American projects of oil and other industries that are being directed to wards Russia. The Chicago Tribune on Sept. 12th calls attention . to the new canal which has just"' been opened for shipping letween Russia, Germany, Persia and Central Asia, affording a new source of raw materials for the Rnsso-German combine, cs- i" pecially oil, manganese and copper ami opening up ' the. rich Persian and Central Asian trade to Ger many and Russia. Think what this means. Surely you cannot afford to pass op the opportunity to acquire these Rubles. ' . , , MONEY BACK GUARANTEE ' We want every person in America' who is in need of our remedy to send for a package of our" YEASTOLAX. We use this method to advertise ' its properties quickly. The wonderful tonic and , remedial properties of YEASTOLAX will be worth many times the cost. You will be delighted with, it we guarantee that. You are taking no chances, as we will return your" money if you are not satis- fied with YEASTOLAX. v The 50,000 Rubles are offered you as a .special inducement. They cost you nothing. The priee of a bor of . YEASTOLAX is $1.00 anyway. We gnarantee that you will be more than glad to have n bor of these health-building tablets. Just fill in the order blank below and mail at once enclosing $1.00. You will get your package of- YEASTOLAX - and CO.000.00 Rubles without delay. Satisfae- tion guaranteed or money refunded." Jiemember, this offer is for a limited time only, so for your health and future, act today. 100,000.00 Russia Rubles Tree with $2.00 order of YEASTOLAX while our Rubles last. We re rerve the right to return your order if ttur supply ' of Russian Rubles is exhausted. " r'A , YEASTOLAX COMPANY 1253 So. Michigan Avenue. Dept. X-foY CHICAGO FILL OUT COUPON BELOW . YEASTOLAX COMPANY V .: 1253 So. Michigan Avenue " Dept. X-387 Chicago, .Illinois. Please tend me a package of XEASTOLAX and 50,000.00 Russian rubles. Enclose please find $1.00. You are to return my money if ytst satisfied. ame .,..... .. ...... .... . . , ....... . Address .' ....V. ?'. & - - City State Postage Stamps Accepted in SraaU Denominations. . I WMMMIMMHtHHHMM I - r.