'.VO THE GASTONIA (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE TiJZZDAY, CCTC3'irc 24, I 22 cms cots (By MRS. JOE CHIBBLE). - ta 'm Yl'erno Ladies Quartet Coming , . November 3. DALLAS, Oct 24. Intresting in formation has been received and is on lis vy in th? city concerning the I c ira Werno La Jies Quartet, the first Lyceum number to appear in "Da las November 3, under the suspi res of the Woman's Club. A ticket jwtb contest will bo put-on Iridayand Sn '-unlay by the Red and Blue com - tt,; tee composed f members of the cli !. Your dollar spent for ticket T.i.'l have double value aid the Wo u rn's Club in civic improvement and jrc vide an evening's program ot tht-roiigbly picturesque and entertain musical and dramatic episodes. High School Hoys and Girls Have Tossum Hunt. A hunting party composed of a Isnre number of high school boys and jrirU chaperoned by two members of the faculty, Misses Katherine Cooley u.r-4 Bunnah Jones motored out tnree fr four miles distant toward the 5o:ith Fork river Friday night and nrmed with ax, lanterns and dogs left the cars and hit the trail for old Brer 'Possum. After some time spent tra vertine the rendezvous of old Brer Kabbit, dodging among trees and un - (lobrush the dogs set up a mighty , yelping assembling the excited crowd who were overjoyed in their first 'possum catch. A baby 'possum was srkd later on but no., effort 'was bent in his capture. Peanuts and popcorn provided amusement and strength be times. 'Possum hunting is great port, so they say. Social and Personal Items. A delightful' dinner party Sunday noon, of Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Durham, ' were their daughter, Miss Lela Dur- hvm, and friend, Miss Ella Lowe, pop ular member : of the Thomasville school faculty, here for the week-end; Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Darby, the latter a daughter, and little son, Richard, of ' Lowryville, S. C. visiting for- the wek; Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Robinson, Miss Willie Webb, of Dallas; Misses Modena and May . Durham, of Gasto nia. Mr. Charley White, the only son of Mrs. Mary White, was honored at a 'delightful gathering Sunday when his mother prepared and served a deli 'eious dinner at her home in celebra tion of hia 2!th birthday anniversary. The table was beautifully arranged with the large birthday cake, a gift of his aunt, Mrs. Orr, of Ghester, S. C adorned with 29 candles as the center decoration. The guests, besides Mr. White, Mrs. White and two children, were sisters and brother of Mrs. White, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cockran and son, Mr. Ar thur Benfield, of Charlotte; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Groves, of Gastonia; Mr, and Mrs. J. E. Orr, of Chester, S. C. Mr. Orr was recently re-elected su perintendent of Chester County Home enlering upon hia tenth year and re lates this bit of interesting news con-r'-rning Uncle Billy Estes, an inmato there for the past eight years. "Un ci Billy" as he is known, is very , skilled in the use of the pocket knife making excellent butter prints; wbod cn spoons, wooden biscuit cutters and o'i er articles for which he finds ready pnles thus providing a little cash for li;s nersonal use, Misses Corinne.and Artlee Puett had as their guest for the week-end, Mrs. Lllen Dohlman, of Charlotte Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Hoffman motor ed to Waxhaw Sunday visiting the 1 -tier's relatives and were guests at dinrer of Mr. and Mrs. Neal Massey, th? latter a sister. Mr. Purvey B. Summey, of Mount Holly, spent Sunday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Summey, en route from New Orleans where he was state delegate to the American Legion con vention, which was a delightful tnp end the meeting full of inspiration find pop Guests of Mr. and Mrs. II. F. Gal- y.-.n Saturday and Sunday were his , mother and sister, Mrs. Mary Galyan J t.n'1 riiss J-,va. of Mount Holly. Mr. E. M. Rhyne and Mr. Haskell . dimmer spent Sunday at Bessemer Citv with the former's brother, Mr, II. J. Rhyne and family. Mr. Rhyne is rlowly improving from an attack of flu. Their little son, Boyce, is out f.jrnin after an illness of scarlet fever. Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Lee and family were Dallas guests at a happy gath ering, of relatives about 50 strong at . the home of his father, Mr. J. II. Lee, vt their lovely country home, "Park viU Farm," near Bessemer City, Sun day. Dinner was served at the Fnring and consisted of a variety and ubimdance of good things to eat.. Guests at dinner Sunday- of Mr. rnd Mrs. R. L. Robinson at their home' on Fairview street, were the former's brother, Mr. Walter Robin pon nnd family, of Charlotte, and la ter on .by Mrs. Robinson's brothers, JM". Clarence Smith, of Charlotte, and Mr. Oren Smith, of Stanley. Mr. and Mrs. Welch Galloway en rwta to their home in Brevard from ft'ep-Jirg the Methodist Conference f.t Mr.nroe stooped over for the week-c-nd vrrh Mr. E. O. Webb and family. At "Ctovcr Ridge Farm," the beau tiful country home of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Ri'disill, for the week-end were Masses Evelyn Gibbins and Muriel IJ'ilvinkle. of the Dallas school fac n'ty, ard Miss Katheryne Rudisill, of Lenoir College. iMiss t,rare Rhyne, of Lenoir Col- Sunday. Mr .and Mrs. W. H. Graggs had as their truest for the : week-end their cousin, Mrs Vera Fanner, of Lincoln ton. ' ' Mf ".Lewis Featherston spent Satur day night at High Shoals as the guest of . his- cousin, Mr. Arthur Feather ston. who accompanied him home, spending the day Sunday. The conclusion of the week of pray er held by the circles of the Woman's Missionary societies- of the Baptist church was a special collection at Sun day School Sunday, the Woman' class of which Mrs. Sid Smith is teacher, winning the banner from the Men's class with a collection of $15.95, more i than half of the full collection of j $23.49 for the orphanaget Thomas- Pville. 149 was- the full attendance, 18 in the Woman's class A most delightful visit was made to the Hickory Nursery Saturday by Mr. and-Mrs. J. L. Oribble, awnmimniwl by Misses Lnlfl and fora Allen ami Mr. M. II. Caldwell, en joying . sup per In Hickory at the Biitternp Tea Room . - "Mr and Mm. S. O . Shell on, Mr. Harrv and Miss Kate Rhelton motored to Denver Sunday to visit Mr. KIh-I-ton's hister, Mrs. Annie KMton, who in somewhat better. Miss .Shelton lias been seriously ill. Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Flowers and family 8'iit Sunday with the latter 'a father, Mr. E. E. Bo!i-k, at Maiden. Mrs. C. W. McAllister and daugh ter. Miss Oaither, were guests at din ner Sunday of Mr. and Mrs. J. (J. McAllister at tlu-ir home in Onstonia. Mr. and' Mrs. J.' .F.. Lineberger had n their guests Sunday, their daughter Mrs. L. A., Thorite uml little Helen Ruth, of Gastonia. Spending' Suuday night and Monday at tho home of Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Pasour, Sr., were his brother, Mr. Grover Pasour, Mrs. Pasour and chil dren, of Asheville. . A measago Tjmrtiday from Mr. Ray mond Eidson, son of Mr. and Mrs. T. 15. EMson, brings the news that ho Is stationed at Hampton Roads and ex pects to set sail for Cuba the 27th. Mrs. W., T. Rciuhardt and Miss Bessie Reinhardt, Rev. K. D. Ballard ami rhildren motored over to Charlorte Saturday to visit Mrs. Ballard, wh;js recovering nirely from a rwent o)erH tion at the l'rc-sbyterian hospital. . Mihs Fannie Reinhardt and Miss .Lala Allen went over Bumlfty. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Honeyeutt, formerly of Dallas, now of Mt. Holly, spent' the 'week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Honeyeutt. Messrs. John Davis and Brady Lea- gan visited Mr. Will' Davis at Belmont, Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Devi ne, Misses Julia and Loray and Mr. John Devino motored five miles south of. (.nstonia Rnnday to see Mrs. Devine 's mother. Mrs. Margaret Moton who is-now 84 years of acre and is in very ieeoie health. Messrs. Gary and Guy Hnvls visited relatives in Charlotte Saturday tmd Sun day, Mrs. C. K. Caritenter, Mr. and Mrs. Will arpenterC. s . Mrs. John Davis spent Sunday with her- daugMer( Mrs. Steve Jordan at Belmont Junction, going over to take home little 8. J. who has been here for sometime with his grandparents. ;H .Messrs., Ltun and Tom Devine, of Liueolnton , visited their father nnd mother Sunday,, Mr, and Mrs. L. A. Devine. . Messrs, J, L. and L, D. Gribblo visited, theif aged, mother Mrs. Nancy Gribble, Sunday at the home of their sister, Mrs. .LAV. Bradley, at Char lotte. "Mrs. Gribble is growing, weak er daily following a fall sometime ago and is. now under the rare of Miss M. L. Sliarne, H. N., of Gastonia. Don't forget to be on hand at the Wilroer Minstrel Saturday night. Mr. Forest Rhyne Receives Surprise Birthday Dinner Provided By . His Sisters. A . happy cession. Sunday was the surprise birthday dinner to Mr- Forest Rhyne at his home at the Myrtle Mill, Gastonia. The old saying, "a woman ca'n't keep a secret" proved false in this ease as nil provisions were secret ly planned by his sisters, he. being thoir only brother. The scheme of tolling Mr. Rhyne off to relatives early Hun day morning-by' his nephew; Mr; -Merlon Moose, a hoarder in the home, worked 'like a charm. Upon- their re turn about eleven o'clock the homo was surrounded' by a ut os and about' 40 relatives and friends came out to greet him. which was a shocking yet a most pleasant surprise.'-" ' ' - The tamo' was. spread on - the lawn and bountifully filled with delicious vianq.f Joug with hot eopce and oyster Special- guests were Mr. Williams, superintendent of the Sunday school nnd Mr. Carter an excellent singer' and song leader of the same Sunday school and their families Messrs. Williams and Carter gave appropriate talks fol lowing the dinner and led the crowd in Dumber of songs while Mrs. Carter presided'at the organ. This being the assemblage of the im mediate' family, family worship was conducted by Mr. Williams' and a touching' prayer offered brought the oc casion to a fitting, close; Those present were his sisters and their families,- Mr. and Mrs. E. N. Queen, Mr. ' and Mrs. William Carpen ter, Mrs. Litzie Philmon, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. liayes. the latter a niece, and stepmother, Mrs. &nrah C Rhyne, of j Dallas Mr. nnd Mrs. Sid Tasonr and son, Mr. Henry Pasour and wife, of Beaver Dam and several families. friend6 and relatives of Mrs..Rhvne. (Correspondeaet of The Daily Gazette.) UN JONv Oct. 2.1.- Messrs! Bill Batch, ford, of Rockingham, and Rufus Ratch ford, of Gastonia, spent the week-end with their'pareuts, Mr. and Mrs, R. ( V R.itchfor.l. - - - V I Mr. and Mrs. L. H.' Wilson, of Lowell,' Mr.awt- .Mr it.-1. Wilson, of- .Monroe, Mifses Lena, and Blanche Wilson, of Gas- toma, were guests of Jlf. and Mrs, u. J. Hatrit-k SBdiftiinily., ' "' Miss Rita Lowry, of Lowell, spent the weekend -with- Mr.- ami Mrs. W, C Wil son and family. Rev. aiwl Mrv J. K, Berryhill have as their guest Mrs. Berryhill ' . mother, Mrs. M.. A, Malloy, j,f Parkton N. C., uml sister, .Yir Ji CV AXUUny, ami Mm Mary . Cai-sonVif FayettevilleN. C Messrs. llf.,l Craig. C L. llendersou, D. F. Whisnant and W. W. Whisnant attended Ilia York 'ounty Fair at Roik Hill. M. '.. Thursday. Mis. Jennie Lee-Wilson left 'Wednesday-fur Monroe.. X. C, where she- i$ to teach this winter. Dr. nnd Mrs. G. If. Patrick, of Bessemer- City, N. t'., were visitors at Union Snadny . ' - ' PAYSOUR MTN. NEWS of "the Better class done the" electrical Way ' : WHAT IS A TIRE GUARANTEE?: Do Ydir Know? - .' . ':.-. -'.-- . -: . , There is only ONE way to get tire-economy. -That ' is miles against- net. cost or nar, quality. WET ARE LEGITIMATE TIRE - DEALERS. ' .'' ''"' :' " " ' -. " :-' .' The Bradford Company 122 S. Oakland St; Phone 884-J Gastonia, N. C. McCLAREN TIRES VULCANIZING One iincucao limes'. and Miss Alena Rhyne,' of the Bnvor.t school faculty, spent, the wok-end with their parents, Mr. and M-!. W. N. Rhyne. ' Members of the school faculty out tf tonn for the week-end were Mrs. Clara W. Ccer, with the home folks at Rutherfordton; Miss Nellie Wise, v i'.h her brother at the home of Mrs. W. Adkkes, York, S. C: Miss Bunnah ,Jone!t v-ith relatives at Forrest City. - Miss WilhHmenia Pasour, of King's E :sH?f Colkge, Charlotte, and Miss A'etha May Hastings, of the P. N. rtrices, . Charlotte, spent Sunday at t' eir respective homes. Thore attending the Textile Expo-r:- 'Ion tit Greenville, S. C, were Mr. F. S. Rav and Bob Putnam, of the pirovhy Mill, who joined Mr. P. P. J.'urphv and others at Lowell going down Fridav. Mr. A. M. Harwell and '.'r. T. R. Eidon jroing Tuesday and r. f . ii. k join son, J. K. Durham and ' and show yonr neighbor hew U. n. l.a.lard, of the Morowebb MilL i anions tob can rrow. War HsHwarn (Correspondence of The Daily' flazetle.) PAY SOI.' R '8 M O CNTA 1 Ny Ot. 2.1. The farmers in this scctioa nrn about done picking cotton. The; cotton. in short this season in this section on account of I tho boll weevil and , the. dry weather. Gathering corn, turning Jsnd for wlient, outs and rye is Die. order of the day. ' The hunter of this section are enjoy ing u fox hunt; every Friday and Mon day nights. ' -.There is a wild fox in this section and tltey are certainly ; having some fun trying to i;itch liim, for h" knows hi. raitsc He, "is a gray. fox. Some nights they, have-riui it as long as ve and six: hours.- : Mr.- Fletcher Tate, of; Bessemer ' City, ent Sunday with his- brother, Mr. Zoll Tate. . 1 . Mr. L. T. Wyantt and sons, Craig and Webb, sint Sunday- with his parcjits, Mr. and Mrs. T. J. Wyantt, at Kettle Shoals. Mr. W. T. Huffstetler and family spent Sunday with Mr. K. D. ..TutherB' near Lineoluton. . '". , . Little Mis Kathleen Wyantt- spent Satnrdayi with .Miss Genevieve .Tativ ' Mr. Cliftoo Tntherow, of Lincolnioa, spent Sunday, with Mi T. J Wyantt. Miss Ola Mooney- .spent Sunday with Missi May Mitcbemi- .:' .. Mr.' Oscar. HuffstetU-r and wife, spent Sunday with Mrs. Thomas Wyantt. - Miss Dovta Lyneh, of I-iboratory, spent Sunday -with 'Mr.' E. L. Johnson. Mr. Noah Hester ' and .-family sftent Sunday with his mothejr, - ; 7 Trying Automobile Stuff, Eh? (Whitley Citjf Oor. McfVenry Co. Ky.) Record.) . 1 -';Lhst week,- the spotted potiy.'owned by Jailer -C'ooper- which has-been throwing the boys so easily, undertook to throw -a freight' train,- attd well1 you niv- gness the result. Anyway, the section men H collected about' 700" pounds V of bologna sausage from the trs.ck. .' i, Roller skates, all bearing. Best make; Ware Hardware - Co. v Phone 56. - ..-'' - . - 25-27C2 "BROADCASTING" YARN - From Onstonia and Gaston County, every ye$r there goes out millions of pounds of yarn .-to' all1 corners of ' this-' rountry. Wherever yarn is used,' Oaston, "yarn is known.;-' ;,- ' . ,; ;.' . : ' '.' - ;-' .. . . ' - ' ' 'V ' ;"'.- : . . ; - ( The Citizens National Dank is a financial contact point for this va. t mannfaeturing.j center. Our re- fiourees are-behind Hie cotton - luill', business, the cotton . : mill worker, and the other business houses who are de pendent on ' the ' success of . the cotton - mill business for their success., ' , '' ' ''.''".- ' ' ' - "Yours for a Greater Gastonia." fTprt - mm sj r g" "' . lii, I J:-"': . ' 1 you use; your stove each year. Isn't it important " that it should give the bet satisfaction! The New-Enterprise--is" warranted .to give, entire satisfaction in every respect. They will operate in the. open air with four joints of pipe and" sure they will operate with , a good flue. If 'not your money refunded. -A smooth top always; , PRICE $15.00' AND TJP-' WARE HARDWARE GO; GASTONIA, N. C. PHONE 56 PRICE QUALITY SERVICE STOKE The CITIZENS National Bank WATCH YOUR TOWN'S SMOKE , '.--- .- There ia scarcely a week which does not ; witness the rearing in this city of another chim - ney for a, home, or factory ;whose thin trail of smoke bears mute testimony to its progress ; and industry. Gastonia ia growing, but she ha3 really only started to grow.N The, citizens 6f vision have much to contemplate in the promise of the fu ture. . : .'.-'- -v ' -..;,' ; "" -Well may. we say to the worjd: "Watch Gastonia's smoke." , ; , '' ' ''..' ,-'-"' ; .-' . ' " Our Service Makes Friends " The3rd National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. " Onion sets,' genuine' "Bermuda. Do net , fail to i plant t : few quarts while the weather is right. Ware Hardware Co . have , them . , Phone 56. . 25-27c2 ; Stomach Weak? Strengthen ' yonr ' stomach i and banish indigestion; MiO-Na is guaranteed by J. II. Kennedy Drug Co., to do it or money back., : . ff ((Brums and scalds ! yV (( MENTHOIATUM )) cools the pain mtA J SCheals the TaUstersvff for Economical TrontportatiOn X. : '11 -r:' : ; ... I'm t)t . .. y , -' RELIABLE There is nothing much better you can, say of a man than that he is reliable. You r know where - to find him. Reliability is even more ap , preciated in an institution. That is - nvhy it is the chief ambition of .this ; Bank to be worthy of the title RELIABLE.,, 4 Paid on Savings, Gaston Loan & Trust Go. "Where Your Savings Are Safe." 'w j ' r- ll ama. aw oAnnotMcing We Are From Missouri. A news item declares the common house flies have been pr-jvn to migrate as much as six miles. UI course notliing is im possible, but it ha be'n-our ei;ierience that when a fly settle down on your bald spot or on yonr nose nothing less than a miracle ean pet itto migrate as much as six inches. Give Ua a Tune Boyj. 'Bring bark my brandy to me." Uy brand lie under the ocean, My brandy lies under sea My brandy ig a fond recollection; Oh, bring back my brandy to me, Bring back my brandy to me, Bring bark, bring back, bring back my brandy to me. Ha Ha Lon. You hare about two weeks to plant those Bermuda onion sets. Plant now. Urge at different times. Miss Eula Eidson, of IZanlo, wag a tli.-i'ier gutst of iliss Annie Ilolloway Co. have the teti. Phone 56. ,25-27c2. Adrertiat in TheGazette. Again Chevrolet Motor Company has emphasized its admitted leader ship as producer of the World's Lowest Priced Quality Automobiles. The. 1923 SUPERIOR models-r-one of which is here illustrated repre- . sent the most sensational values in modern, economical transportation - ' ever established. ' : -u . - . .' 1 . QUALITY has been still further improved by more artistic design and added, equipment. ECONOMY has been still further increased by engineering refinements and added facilities. : SERVICE is now offered on a flat Fatchasis by 10,000 dealers and ; service Rations. PRICES remain the same in spite of added equipment and more expen sive construction, which have greatly increased value. Some Distinctive Features Prices f.o. b. Flint, Mich, Streamline body design with high hood ; Vacuum feed- and rear gasoline tank1 on all Inodels; drum type head lamps with legal lenses. Curtains open with doors of . open models. Closed model have plate glass Ternstedt regulated windows, straight side cord tires, sun visor, windshield wiper and ; dash light.. The Sedanetfe is equipped with auto trunk on rear.' UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING A full line ot coffins and caskets reasonably priced. We havie a -splendid motor hearse and give you FREE HEARSE IIIRE. We can save 'you ' money and assure ,Vou of the very best service that can be had. "'.'"" JACOBS FURNITURE GO. Day Phone 522 Night Phone 230 Con S. Oakland-and Franklin Gastenia, N. C. Five Passenger Touring - ' '525 Two Passenger Roadster . '510 Five Passenger Sedan - - 860 Four Passenger Sedanette 850 Two Passenger Utility Coupe 680' See these remarkable cars. Study the specifications Nothing Compares With Chevrolet Thos L. Craig, Dealer SCHEDULE: GASTONIA-BESSEMER-CITY-KINGS MOUNTAIN-SHELBY BUS LINE' ' X.M. P.M. Lt. Gastonia for Besaemer, King Mt. and, Shelby. .... . 7:30 1:30 Lt: Bessemer (Sty for Kings Mt.nd Shelby 8:00 2:00 Lt. Kings Mtn. for Shelby 8:30 2:30 Lt. Shelby for KingsK Mtn., Bessemer City and Gastonia 9:45 ' 500 Lt. Kings Mt. for Bessemer City and Castonia ........ 10:25 5:35 Lt. Bessemer City for Gastonia .;...'...(,.. 10:50 6:05 Leaves Shelby from Central Hot. Leaves Gastonia from Armington Hotel. 8 and 2 o'clock Cherryrillo But esnnects with Shelby Bus at Bessemer - City. ' - - 11 and 6 "o'clock Shelby Bua connects with Cherryville Bus at Bessemer City... .: . . Lt. Cherryrilk for Bessemer City and Gastonia 7:30 Lt. Eessemer City - for- Gastonia . 8:00 Lt. Gastonia for Bessemer City and ,Cierryvil!e 10:30 Lt. Bessemer City for Cherryrilld 11-00 ' , FARES Cherryrille to Gastonia 75e Gastonia to Kings Mtn...... 60e Bessemer City to Cherryrille. 40 Bessemer City to Kings Mtn. 25e Bessemer City to Gastonia... 35c .Kings Mtn. to Shelby....... 75 Gastocia to Shelby ... $1.35 " Kings Mtn. to Cherryrille... 65o Will pick op passengers and let tbem off at any point on route. 1:30 2:00 4:15, 4:45 5:30 t 6:15'

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