THE GASTONIA (N. C.)-DAILY GAZETTE r.v. r;i".7LY ELECTED HEAD . OF THE A ICAN , LEGION V ! J -I '.. -.- fit t GOLLEGE STUDENTS-TO 00' WITHOUT SUNDAY SUPPER N. C. State College Doys Will Give Amount Thus Saved : To Near East Benefit Funds. State Cullege - stu.knts I1 ilisifiisc with uul.nj- night miiiju'm from rioiv until Clirwtiiixn hh.I tin- nine Luminal tiul lata thus itivo.l Kill be timu'ii jvi-r to the Student Melief I'oinmitti'P to bv u.m'I in meeting the frajrir coii.Iitiorix in J.uss'ii it he (jest ground cahiors on the ,and otlicr wur turn ciniMtrn's of 1 Ji Oi l World where Ihouyu'iKls iif voting men iTueS'lny nrternoou. IVnnmgtoit, and jouiig voiiii'u are t:trving. Jn inI man or right tntkle, wi'iit tim, an "fvery man .canvass" will k' with a bursted blood v-ssej iu the mnde of the entire raiiiiius and r:u-h Ktu- UVdiiesday . . .'dent and member of t lie f.H iilly will Iw Although eonshli-rnbly the Home ! given au opportunity of furtlnr outri-! iiijnriiH, the Trinity team is ready buting to the t-uwe. The -::t) is ex ! great fight 'and Sure of getting ! n.',i in -i..i,i I, -Hit nnr.diSr th.mufin I ! oniiari.ian of th weights of tlm TRINITY LINE-UP FOR DAVIDSON GAME. DURHAM, N. C, Oct.' 23. Hero is the b'st bet for the Trinity college liue-up which will match power with Davidson in Greensboro Katurday. This in the way those who have watcJud the i hard prat-tire of Ihc ' wwdj exjiect things: ' 1'npt. Xeal, left end, Hatcher, Uift tackle, Tuyhtf, left guard, Himpsoii, cen ter, Caldwell, right guard, Holing, right tackle,- farter, right end, Hrnith, quar terback, Urowu, left half, Garrett, right half. Johnson, fullback. There is a possibility, however, that Garrett' may not got in on the, start, j '1 his 8ikhiIv little half who in one of i trinity i team suffered au injured leg In practice. see oul leg Johnny'" What waken tin! new. baby at your houKe cry bo uiucb f" ' . Tommy "It don't cry go much, and any way if all your teeth, were out, and your hair (T, sad legs no wenk you couldn't tand cm them, I guess you'd cry too!" Live inCbieken Houses! V .You may not know it, but lied ' bugs may be living In your chicken limine! They lice oil the blood of Chicken. They spread diffuse uud ymS are in ihtntfiT-- CONSTANTLY. Ptotwt J ouru'llf. -Vi out lied blips with Itoyal (iuiirantee ( 1 1 Bedding Liquid. Harmless to chickens. 25 cent. Sold and guaranteed by Kennedy Dnifl Co., Loray Drng tore. city riiarmaey and Beluiout Drug Co., Belmont. N. C for for it. two Major Alvin Xl.CwsIcy, of Texas, is the new head of the American Legion, fleeted at the tnuual convention at 2"ew Orleans. The new commander was a major if infantry in the .'iCth lJivision. He recruitel his own bat ta'.Iion and a large portion of the divi sion in Northern Texa. After the crinislica Owsley whs nprx'inted As sistant Attorney General of Texas and, as head of the Legion's legislative com mittee, won a fight for a $2,000,000 ' Iiosjiital for disabled soldiers. , dollars. These things wer decidc. l.y a 'unfinl moils vpti! of the ftuJcnt body in riiM'-s meeting assembled Wednesday moniiii;:, j after Guy Hiu'lburt, rejreenfnijr the Student's Frii-ii.lhl.5n Fiiu.!, 1 1 1 twice sddressej the students and faculty oil the git lint ion of ai udeut h in If'i' si.-i nlid other lands acrowi the m-j. iir. Hurl burt was the neyi of hoitur at a lum-h-eon Tuesday served by the ft ate College Woman's Club members of the teaching and administrative Ft a a. He iioke from ilitiiuate knowleilg-e. havinj; sjnt three and a Jmlf yarn in Ihivsia n a field rep resentative of the b'tuiicnt Heliof. 'oin mittte, and gave as his conuclion that the hope of this vast territory lies in her ymmir iieople wro arc strmn to lift 1 1 'i:nn slums a surprising baloHee Uaviilson's line averge 170 jmujids j mid their backtiejd !! pounds. TJin It r 'a hue averages 174 pounds and her I back field ILiti pounds Headed by their college band -the entire Trinity student body will Jeavo Durham Hatttrday morning at it o'clock on a pecial train. A great pep meet ing iu Craven Memorial Hall will be held Friday night to give the team a routing send off. , K-L-I-M FRESH MILK POWDERED Mrs. Sara D. Anderson 601 E. Franklin Avenue , Phone "870. J Gastonia Distributor Beautiful MM' 'VB rogues The very newest in tan and black leathers, others hold jthem for History Professor "How waa Alex ander I, of Russia killedf" JStiulciit (vaguely) "By a bomb." Professor "ie a little mot explicit," Ntuilcnt (in desperation) "Well, you OLNEY LOCALS. (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette.) OLNEY, Oct. M. Misses Cora and Mary Dixon spent the week end in Meek, lenburg as the guests of Miss I-iura 1'ionk. . Miss Alma Huffstetler is still iu Con eord with her sister, Mrs. Cliarles West. Jlrs. West and family have been aick for eoine time. . Iicv. T. G. Tate is attending Synod this week. ! Quite a number of our people attended the Laymen's convention Monday night. The Indies of onr church are planning a make a visit to Bjrium Orphanage next week. They will carry over the nine quilts and the. linen that has come in for the linen ehower for that place. Our youug people are much interested iu the approaching Hallowe'en. Misa Edith Robinson, president of the International Christian .Endeavor Society will . entertain the Seniors and Juniors with a Hallowe 'en party Saturday night from seven till nine, at the home of her fatfccivMr.. Sam Robinson on the Union road. -.-All Juniors and Intermediates are ; invite! to come aiul if possible eome in ' costume, " 1 Cn Tuesday nislit the Senior . K. are to have a Haljowe 'en revel at the manse. This promises - to be a lnostenjoyable affair. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Counts were via ifors last Sunday at morning aerviee, Mrs. Counts was Miss Clara Lewia and greTv p in our church. . :sitors at tfco night service were Misses Ethel Barco and Johnston of the 2,it..01ivet school faculty. Miss Johnston tanjht near ns in the Tan Yard school last year. Miss Marco is from Roper aaa taught in the Union school last year. We are glad to see our tachcra back, Miss Haraion is asjnin at the Little Mountain school. Miss Freeman is back at South Gastonia. She and others of the school ' fcaulty are welcomed nddi- ticnj to our Sunday school aud church. tehir country above Bolshevlem by educa- !;"cr--it exploded." American lo tion. At the mass meeting this morning Dr. Carl C. Taylor briefly addressed the stu dents, and he whs followed by l'K V. Ritchie, a member ' of the sophomore clans, who spent the past summer iu trav eling through Europe, as a member of a national student committee from the Y. -r. va: I). B. Vaiisnnt, president of the Write College student body, uresided at the meeting. The action was entirely voluntary, nnd the whole movement orig inated with the students. , It is estimated that fl." will save the life of one foreign student for one year. On this basis State College men will keep about l.'iO from starvation during the year. State College is the first larpe South cm institution to put on the drive mill it lias set a high murk ill service. giim Weekly, B (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette.) LINCOLNTOX, Oct. 23. The farm. era of this section are behind with their : wheat Bowing owing to so Kuch rain. They cannot get their ground prepared. Mr. and Mrs. J. I'. Alexander and children spent Sunday 'at the home of Mr. and Mrs, Luther Costner. Landers Chapel Epworth League will mett Sunday night,' October 2y, at half past seven o'clock.. Miss Zekla Carpen ter will ndlrijf i tliu League. Miss Car. po'jfer is a graduate of Lenoir College eJ i a very enthusiastic League work er, being one of thi hading members of the Bethel Lnthrr league. Mrs. J. X: Fritt is very sick at pres ent. . Yt'e hope for her a speedy rcovery. Miss Ethel Alexander spent 8aturda night with - her cousin, Miss AAudrej K;Kfr. ' . Mr. S. L. Carpenter and Mr. and Mrs. Osc-jr Carpenter and children spent Sun day v,ivh Mrs. f. L. Carpenter, who i In tlie tatj hospital, at Morganton. Tl;ey report her as being very much in r it 1. - ilr. M. Alexander and children fipeut Sunday with his parents, Mr. anil Mr, Julius Alexander. Mrs. Jase Mauney; who is making her hoa.e with he? sister, Mrs. Calvin Mason, is very siek at present. . 1 1!? young people of this section en joyed a cor HR.ufkiEj at the home of Mr. Zeb Katehford Thursday night, ivorne, whowov A AY -- Aed. KSCTIIM EUL77IKKLE AND DAVIS AT KINGS MOUNTAIN KIXC5 MOUNTAIN, Oct. 20. J B. Fa vis, eandidate- for the house of repre sentatives, and Congressman A. L. Bui winkle, addix'ssci the democratic Totera lifo tonight, both reviewing th demo cm ti admi.nirtration and pointing ou ViO alleged defects f the republican ad muiiMration in the nation. A large errwl of prospective voters, including i, vinvber of women, were out to hear these aW? errxmeftts of the democratic faith MAN WHO NEVER DRANK FINES FOR DRINKING SALISBURV, Oct. 20. An unusual incident happened during the sitting of federal court, which adjourned today. Willie Hunt, of Davidson county, on the witness stand for his father, who was charged with violating national prohi bition laws, stated among other things that ha himself never drank liquor. In less than three hours Hunt was discov ered taking a drink in the grand jury room, and this was brought to Judge K. Yates 'Webb 'a attention. The judge Imd Huut brought before him, and after giv ing him a atverft lecture, held him in contempt of court and lined him 2.10. A liinu who was with Hunt when he took the drink was fined $-5. Sweet pea aeed in 5c packages or bulk.' Ware Hardware Co., phone 56. mwf27c3 Syrup buckets. Ws hire a few left at the right prices. Get them now. Ware Hardware Co. 25-27C2. EXECUTOR'S NOTICE. Having qualified as executor of the lost will and testament of .1. W. Mc Arver, deceased, lato of Gaston county, North Carolina, this is to notify ail persons having claims against tlm estate of said decedent to present the same,' duly verified, to the undersigned, on or before . ' v October .17, 1923, or this notice will be pleaded in Imr of any recovery thereon. All persons who are Indebted to the said estate will please make prompt settlement with the undersigned. This 27th dtv of October, 1922. D. L. McARVEU, Execr. FDlc6. A Slight Deficiency. (Dallas News.) As wo understand it, the reason Um Moscow government can't borrow any money is because, it lacks character, con science,, credit and collateral. Roller skates, ball bearing.. Bestf make, ware Hardware Co. Phone 56, 25-27C2 Speedo: I'm -trying my best to get a beaj. Peppo: That's fine, you ' need one. Hazz Whiskers. " Heaters from $9.00 up at . Ware Hardware Co. We put them up free of Charge. Let us do the worrying. 25-27C2. Take $7.00 we sell theri'ats. v. .$4.95 new. The talk of the town, our pat strap slippers with cham pagne or grey bcks at $3.95 We also feature brown sport oxfords. tan and" Beautiful Satins in Baby Louis Heels at $3.95 for the liver Beware of imitations. Demand th genuine in 10c and 35c pack ages bearing above trade mark. J. Y. MILLER Onion sets,, seed rye and seed oats. Melrose Flour. Wheat for chickens. iil J. Y. MILLER Phone 154 Mrs. Mabel Francii Phone 160 cs m m ""':: 206 W. Main Ave v I CHILDREN'S SHOES Tan Skuffers, 5M to 8 . . . . . , . $1.48 Tan Skuffers, 8 to 11 ... . . .$1.95 Tan Skuffers, 11 to 2. . $1.95 ViA , mutt - y y- - c..f t -:1 - J. When You Buy Our Shoes You Buy Leather ' Shoes ft , f a si These changeable days are certain to bring on colds and sore throat. Remember we have everything to help in such cases, as cough syrups, throat lozenges, croup and pneumonia salves, inhalants and the like. When in need of any of these phone 160 and we will deliver immediately. 1 9 if ,' a q B a B a o B a a . -fl-'D' : : . a bib D epartment Store Hollingsworth Candies M. L. llALEY B J. B. THREATT b B B B H Calvanitwd roofing or siding at a good price. Ware Hardware Co., Gaetonia, N. C. ra-w-f27cJ Pile Sufferers Don't become despondent try Dr. LronhnriVts HEM-KOID no greasy f-nlvea no cutting a harmless remedy t'r.t is raaranteed to Quickly banish all fceJy Drug Co. TanUc is sold by all good dmggisU. ' "Tanlae helped me bai to; good health two years ago and I am still feeling fine," recently said Mrs. Mabel Francis, highly esteemed resident of CCS S. Unwood Ave., Baltimore, Mary land. "Before taking the medifuie I suf fered from s nervous breakdown end was in an awful condition. I scarcely had strength and energy to handle a broom and my housework was drudgery to me. The first bottl of Taulac made such a wonderful improvement iu my condition that I wia both surprised and delighted. Bo I stuck to it and a few bottles built me up ten rounds and made me feel as if I had nevr had a i aick day. My health has been fine ever I since.' ' NOTE The International Proprietaries' Co., distributors of Tanlac, have on file ; in their offices at Atlanta, Georgia, over j fifty thousand signed statements from reprrentative men and women from ; every State in the Union and every Province of Canada. Many of these are front prominent people in this city, and section and have been revioujly pub-! iiiw'W:- Safe JeVOS Milk ' 7 BjM'vJAf '- ra, csMT!!c3NBrjr?Mi:; ANNOUNCEMENT For Infanta, Invalid A Children The Original Food-Drink for AH Ages. Quick Lunch at Home .Office Fountains. Nourishing-Noeookina. 8" Aroid Imitations and Substitute) UNDERTAKING AND EMBALMING . ! f - ' ' tt: ... A full line of coffins and caskets reasonably priced. We have a splendid motor hearse and give you FREE HEARSE HIRE. We can save you money and assure you of the very best service that can be had. JACOBS FURNITURE CO. Day Phone 522 Night Phone 230 Cor. S. Oakland and Franklin Gastcnia, N. C. RATS ma s -in... i-i Mr. L. M. Welch, an experf cleaner and dyer form erly with the American l5ry Cleaning Co., of Charlotte, is now with us and we are prepared tohandle anything in the cleaning and dyeing of clothes. Give us a trial and be convinced. SAUNDERS . DRY CLEANING 1 CO. Phone 144 When They Eat STEARNS' ELECTRIC PASTE It also kills mlc, cockroaches, water bus. and ant. It forces time peat, to rim from building for water arid fresh air. A ST,f box contain, enough to kill Cu to 100 ran er mice. et it from jronr druit or seneral ttor. dealer today IADY FOR USE-SETTES THAN TRAPS trr-Ms,!. lis, V COUGH 0 -..) THEtJELIEF OS" Coughs, Colds. Croup': WHOOPING COUCH, HOARSENESS ' BRONCHITIS -SOLO EVERYWHERE WATCH YOUR TOWN'S SMOKE ; There is scarcely a week which does not witness the rearing in this city of another chim ney for a home or factory whose thin trail of smoke bears mute testimony to its progress and industry. Gastonia is growing, but she has really only started to grow. The citizens of, vision have much to contemplate in the promise of the fu ture. . . Well may we say to the world: "Watch Gastonia's smoke." " Our Service Makes Friends " The 3rd. National Bank GASTONIA, N. C 1 1 I i I I K rt r