TWO THE GASTONIA (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE liiGMDAY, cczczzn zc; : 122 liBVS GF FISGAH (Correspondence of Ttie Daily Gazette) PJj-GAU, OvU 30. How we are en joying these ple-isaat days. Farmers are tu.y, wondering just low many more day "t warm sunshine we will have. 11 ow bappy we should be when we see the beautiful wc.rld Cod has given us. a u?l the numerous blessing foiling every day. i Together with (lie fine autumn weath er comes the jolly Hallowe'en I-ast feitunUir Afternoon Miss Ruby Flls, tlie efficient Junior Lender of the Junior Society of Fisgah, was hostess to liie-mcinuers of t lie- reiety in the han- . b;Uh school room at Piscrah church. "Tlie na'HS . was beautifully decorated with .wiiircn leaves and dahlias, eats, witches ii.'.i fortune telling caused an ever flow ing stream of laughter. Apples were tiiswudol be strings and quite a few were fortunate euougli to be uble to bittf or.e, Marshtiuil'aws in the center of a long string- which was weuud around the tongue seemed to please the children . niost of all, until the smaller one were invited to sit around a small table and the larger children, on higher chairs le hi id them and home made ice cream and was served, and of this the children ere elaborate in their expression of de. li-htv . While et ill seated Mia Falls ask ed all over twelve year of age to rise, ' and while they remained standing', she in a most jdecsiug manner -promoted them to the Intermediate society. . Mis Helen Wilson who was the guesr of. the afternoon, eve an appropriate ILulowe'en story ami delighted her bear- eis. Mins Falls was assisted by her as sistant, Mrs. T. L. Falls. The children a:id parents are loud iu their expressions of praise and appreciation of Miss Fall' leadership. Rer. and Mrs. J. B. Hood attended the foot ball game in Charlotte Saturday. They were accompanied home by their sons,- W.'B. aud C. JL- Hood who played with Erskiuc. Messrs. (Jus Aathony and WSUiam Whiteside ore Also at home front Ers- kine. They will return Tuesday morn ing. . - . Messrs. Lindsay Pearson, ' ... Harry Whiteside. James Whltesides, llarrjr Falls and Faul Hood who are attending piedmont High school sjx'nt tho week nd with home folks, returning Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene McXaul, of Clover, S..C, attended services at Pisgnh last Sabbath and were guests at dinner of Mr. stud Mrs. T. L. Falls. Other vis itors to. hurrh last Sabbuth were Mr. and Mrs Wylie farrolL lr8 tVm mer, Miss Mary Clemnier, Miss Mary Love, Mrs. Wilt White and Mr, Bunks White, qf Gastonia, Mrs. John Henry and Mr. George"- lleury, of Crowder' Creek. . County Agent L. B. Altmaa and Mi. Bartel, of tlie Hate Department, and his assistant, were guest at the O. K. Hairy last Saturday. - - Little Miss Margaret and Master L. B. Alt man, Jr., were guests of little Miss Jiuiicllo Fells at, her homo hist Sntur day. - ' ' Little Miss Lnise Falls, of West Gas touia, wa puent for the week end of her cousins, .uissi-s 1 Wyona ' and Llanina Whitesidesr "- Roy. 'A- T .Lindsay ha returned from Memphis, Tenn.,-where lie. visited Re. E. P. Lindsay, who was critically ill but H much improved. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Anthony visit Mr. and Mrs. Elmer 8peucer, of Gaa- tcma, last i5nblth day. LCilO.'l LOCALS (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette) UXIOX, Oct. 'AO. Misses Elixnhetk and Ferry Huff stetler gave a liamlkcr cliief and towel shower uu Saturday a: ternoon for Miss l!u Craig who- mar riage to Mr. Howard dark imril, of RiK-k Hill. S. C, will take jdnre Tues day, October 31, and Mis Mildred Hen derson whos marriage to Mr. lieore-fc Wilson will take place ia November. ()u arrival the gvp9t were asked to write a recipe for the ' briiles-elci't. licfresl menls cuasb'finjf ,jf a chickfii salad eirtirn with lu-eessories and coffee amli whipped cream were served. Mr. and Mrs.-!.. C. Stcwsrt, of B.1 moni, spent Sunday at tb' Wiison home. Miss Mary 'amphll who is attending school in Belmont spent the weekend with her mother, Mrs. Bessie rampbell. Misa Campijell had as her guest Hiss Mary Lewis Bland, of Belmont. Misses Mace, Margaret yue and Rosa Bigger, of R k Hill, iC s)ent th wfk-end with if r. and Mrs. tieorge Ratehford. Mis Ferry HnffsteiJer of Oamcrton spent . the we.k eml with her parents,' Mr. and Mrs. M. . Htiffsfetler. ' Hallow K 'en carnival Union S'hrtd JfuiiM Xovember 2nd, 7:30 P. iL Clhosta and witchis will never go From him who resd what eomes below, Xow you've done it, the spell is east. To ave yourself you must work fasf Turn around thrice, wiggle your ear Pause and rememlier the time of year Throw salt o 'er vour 'shoulder, kniwk on wood Bo all you ran to lie ns good as good Gather all your belongings and sure as fate Come to Uuion rVhool thirty minutes till eight. The public i invited. Mr. and Mrs. J. If. Henderson. Mrs. L. L. Hendemon and Mrs. J. W. Riddle attende dthe floral fair at Bessemer City Saturday. J. Mirk Hmith. Mrs. H. L. .Wright, Mrs. O. A. Neill, Mrs. J. A. Page, Misses Louiiw and Christine Bmitli, Agnes and i:ila Yomigblyad, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Clinton, and others. Mr. VY P. Jmith attended th Trinity ravidso foot bull game at Greensboro on Saturday. ' Mr. Vi. K. Ada ma hnl th misfortune on' ,Satiird-iy night to loose a mule by falling in an old well. Mr. J. L. Htaey spent several days Inst week in Georgia . fir. Kd '. Adams and Mr. and M4. Ross (Tiofon of Gastonia were visitor in town .SunJay. A HALLOWE'EN PUZZLE Here You Are, Kids! Your Shears Will Help You FindOut Who Is In This Picture MS HEWS CLOVER CULLINGS. OLNEY LOCALS. (Correspondence of The Daily Gaiette.) OLXEV, Oct. 30.-Kn yesterlay we l'nd a large couciregation and niany vis itors. Among them we not Misses Zoe Ratclifurd and Ruth .Dixon. Mrs. S. K Morris, Misses Helen and Jennie Lee Morris and Mr. Stephen Mor ris were also visitors. ' Mr. f. A. Robinson and son Alex, were nlso with us. Mr. Robinson came down to talk to vis about the approaching drive for Dnvidflon. 'This he did in a most forceful and. interesting way. At night we had a fine sermon, on " The (linrchless City. " Mr. Tat stressed the immorality of the present times. The daily newspapers that print j'i e'arinjr headlines the loathsome and Tenulsive. crimes that are being commit ted over our country these days. His eermon was spoken of by many as a riosfrr piece. : On not Thnrsdav o party from this church jdsn to isit our orphanage at P.rinm. 7e wish to invite any in tire church who are interested in the institn tioTi to .iin fiur Mity, bring a picnie liir(f? nnd meet at the manse at seTen iV-H nj w plan to sneni the dcy W'kinar the trin in automobiles. Xfxf. 8ntnrd;iv nfternoon the Wonians r'!S;!iarv wll hold its monthly meeting nt the church at two o'clock. Leif Fnturt,-r Tn'sht the Intermediata aid Junior 1iristiin Kndeavnr Soc'wties !"! piot rnifirablc Hallowe'en partv n'l fo'ind their wry to the home of Miss JVith Hob'nson. jrcsijeiit tt our Inter Tr.illi? So-ictv. nt thp honi of her f".'hr. Mr. To-n E. Poi.inson, tlioncth in w.v hst rtewn letter thn press made me sv th "ftr'v wns to be p-iven bv Presl din rf K'. Socletv and v-n-M be at hnrre of Mr. 8am Robinson. Tlii? wm rto doubt die ti ronr enrrespon i"r'.r writiTiw an nlmost il!e(ible hand. B'jt the chib'n catr" and enme In r-ovderf-il ec.stiimes and make trns. Two prnwi una who added much to the merri-r-",t in tbe'r cwtnmes were Rev. T. G. Ti and Mr. HiarW Farris. G?re were nprdes lobbed for, r' tvlicjous rcfreshm'-nts consistinir r Hub rumi'kin pies, little cakes and W cream. wre served. The rooms ami l-.r'l wpt dvorrited with b'ick nnd r.r.-ip criw iatwr. minntnre jsrk o' lan 1cti sutumn letves ,eti. . The front Tfrh b"d ti shock of corn banked on i.-1i ;.ie wih pumpkins, and pumpkin 3if ' I'nifcrns pvinnd the nn pmachinar fwts ftom norches nl pmn nt the nvil bet hv the roidwde. t; vs enjoT-'vl. the ehiblren sineinT f-.s. MI.;ws KathU-cn and E'iznrx'tii P-:l.'mwi drcsse ! . . p . witehe ssn? n 7T-.!V,-PV" Affer ncinp' onr -;,;.! Fdenvor eone- "Pincw CTris-Fn-te" nt pot me" the children r-t'r- ff,- bninc to dream of ghosts, Vr-cV'n T-i;'-Hes ptc. rn T"' H' "irdit the Penio Oivisfisn r-'Mtr -wilt liave a Hallowe'en f'"--i-i! nt fie rn-e. ter. Hesters. wod or eoal or both. 'e. ti wcrry. Co. Fhon 56. .71 for V insll them Wart H '! re 31-2cl. (Corespondence of The Daily Gazette.) CTXVER, S. C, Oct. 30. The pro posed $G5.tM7 bond issue was carried in th election here Tuesday by an over whelming majority of to 4. The bnuds were voted for the purpose of in stalling a modern sewerage cystem in the town. Work for the sewerage will begin just, as noon as the bonds can be sold and the eontrnct let. Hallowe'en liarty' wilh all the real attractions that go to make up a real car nival was staged at the1 school buildiiij on Friday evening nt zVeloek. vaudeville, minstrels, fortune tellers, witches, chambers of horrors, wild man from Barneo, .fattest woman in the world, crazy house and other attractions we're the features of the evening. Re freshments were sold consisting of hot dogs, peanuts, pop corn, fruits and can dies were sold. More than flOO was re alized for the benefit of the sehool. Mrs. J'. &nrn Jackson most charmingly entertained the Thursday Afternoon club hist week at her attractive home on the Gnstonia road. After many interesting game of rook, delicious refreshments were served, consist in 2 of chicken salad with accessories. . Mrs. O. A. NeilL entertained the teach er of the (Jove r school with several oilier young people of the town nt a most en joyable. bridgo party on Tuesday after noou at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Adams, on Kings Mountain street, assisted Ty her sister, Miss Annie L. Adams.. The hostess served a (le- i lkious hot luncheon. w Among 'those attending the State fair in Columbia last week, were Mr. and Mrs. James Lawson Pundey, Messrs. J, W. Quinn, Blunt on 8taeey and Ben Hierrr. bherer. Mies Ann Allen who is teaching nt Ciiyuo, 8. C, speut tlie. week eud with homo folks. Mr. Charlie Ratteree, of Rock Hill, S. CM spent severnl 4iys in town last, week. Mesdames R. I Wylie and John M. Smith, were shoppers in Gastonia on Wednesday . Mr. and Mrs. Walter Moore had as their guests on Friday, Dr. and Mrs. Waldo McGill nnd children. Miss-Mat tie Sullivan, of Baltimore, sister of Mrs. McGilL and Mi uses Mary and Wilina Adams of Bowling Green. Miss Annie Lee Adam, who is teach ing iu Jefferson, H. C, sjient hist week at her home here. School being closed down in Jefferson on account of flu. Mr. R, O Allen has returned from a business trip to New York. Mr. Hugh MeConucll of North Hamp ton, Mass.,' was a business visitor in Clover Inst, week. Ur. McCqnnelJ. Mr. M. L. Smith and A. Pago were guests at, dinner on WedneMay of . -Mr, John B. Hart, of YorkviBe. t Mesdnmes J. A. Page. John M. Smith. Mise Louise and Cliristine fiuith and Mr. M. L. Smith and eon Edward, spent SatnrJav In Charlotte. Mr. Rolert Page of Due West, snent. SumlflT with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. Page. Mr. gam Reid and "Miss Louise Simn- on, James nnd Jack Page, attended the Ersklne-Elon foot ball in Charlotte on Seturday. Misses Grace Linden and Dorothy Pace silent the week-end in Charlotte with thir nunt. Mrs. Edwards Hnks. Dr. M. B. Xeil. Messrs. J. L. Teinnle- ton. W. B. Rndisill nnd George McCal!. left Tuesdnr for a Cshinty and hnntins trin nlonw the Edisto river in Charleston and Dorehester eoiialics. Mr. Claborn St roup, of York, spent Tnesdav in town. Mr. Xeilfrtfford. a student nt the Uni versitr of flouth Orolina. Columbia. S. C. spent the week end with hi parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Hope Sifford. Misses Anniii Iee Am ad Louis Ssiiih wee fues of Mrs. J. E. Brion, in Gastonia. on Friday. Mrs. W. TL Slierrer nd Mr. Ben Sher er, Mtended flu State fair in. Columbia, S. C. last wink eml visited Mr. Meek Sherer, wba Ifi a student in the Fniver- j sit. I Mr. Oarc'e 'trouo who is fMohi"T : school in 'eck'enbirg count v. X. C, j spet th wek-end with home folks. j Mr. Dsre ReeL . Ricsbnrg, S. (!., was j S ritor in to1 'sst wek. . ' Mrs. T. B. Willitns, of LiueoH. visit . j 4 le nfWpr. M's. J. Sam Jackson, j tereni 'n 1 week. Mr. pbUn .Tscksen. of Gantonia, was S weeV-end vifitor in the eitv. Ouie n number of CHoree pennle efc tend4 the dpuhle weddie? in Gaste'' On nmnn thei" being Mr. and Mrs. Ealpb. Webber and bom, Mrs. (Correspondence of The Daily GazeM1: (Corcpoiidene of The Daily Gazette.) ALKALS, Oct. aa. - The fanners are about done gathering, , and, are eetfine readv te sow their fall graiua. Mr. and Mrs. A. Q. Kale, of High Shoals, were business visitors in town Saturday. Mr. Steven Stroupe and family will lave Monday. October 30 for Mars Hill where Mr. Stroune will enter as a shtdent. Mr, Crowell Davis is building a. new residence near Alexis, where he ex pects to move, as wion as completed. Mr. S. L McAllister has put in a new corn mill. Yon can get yonr com ground any time. Burglars entered the stores of C, F. Abernatby & Son. and S. L. Me Allister Thursday night and took from Aberuathy's dry goods amounting up t about one hnmlrend nnd fifty dol lars, but they failed to get anything from McAllister. Mr. nnd Mrs. Charles Rpargo, and two boys Wriston and t'asper, of Stan ley, spent the week-end with Mrs. Spnrgo's parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dellinger. Mr. Forney Morris and family were Gastonia visitors Friday. Miss Viola Dellinger, a student of Stanley school, spent the week-end with homefolks. Mr. Roy Plyler who lias been work ing in Lancester, H. C, for some, time returned honu Friday. The Alexis school i progressing very nicelv, two weeks having already pnss ed. ''Corn husking" and "possum hunt ing," are a very enjoyable diversion at this writing. FOREST FIRES RAGING IN NORTH CAROLINA MOUNTAINS ASHKV1LLE, X. !.. Oct. 3(1. Hun dreds of acres of forests lietween, tl east and west forks of pigeon River, Hay wood county, aw a tin me today and every available warden ia th section has been mobilized to fight the ire winch, riovolop ed on Friilny. y Though aboufc twenty miles away the smoke is plainly visible frourthis city.- Reports art reaching the city of other fires' throughout the section. Appals came from Hatfrd, Tenn., to day where hundreds of here- of tlmbet are afire on both sides of the state line. With no r a in in sight, leaves and under brush as dry as tinder, conditions are Ideal for forest, fires, 'officials said, and heavy damage is anticipated. '- ' - -"-- v! ' II A Gastonia Institution h H', ff. The Gastonia Electrik Maid Kafc Shop, ia owned -by. v Gaston ia - men' ffiify. ' It is truly a "home industry", e-with the -added advantage of co-operative buy- ' injr. . Electrik Maid Bake -'hops all over the United States join i in their purchases. This gives 113 ih e, benefit of their combined buying power, and makes it possible for us to Use the hijrh est quality of ingredients and still sell . to you 3t moderate prices. . "TASTE THE DIFFERCE" , y Electrik Maid Bake Shop Owned and operated by Gastonia zens. . .."j.'. 115 E. Main Avenue " cfti- , On high she flies, up through the skies, And 'cross the Milky Way. To find nut who she is, just do As these directions any S ' Cut out each of, the little drawings jind parie on separate jiieces of card board, of the same shape. Then fit these various pieces together correctly and you will have a picture of a 'well known Hallowe'en character. Seed Rye can now be had at Ware Hardware Co. Mighty good for . the SYNOD OF NORTH CAROLINA ENDORSES NEAR EAST RELIEF Acting upon a resolution olTered by Dr. J. II. Hcnderlite. of Gastonia, the Synod of Xorth -Carolina recently in ses sion nt IJneolnton unanimously adopted the followiug resolution: "The Synod of Xorth Carolina regards with profound sympathy the dire need of the stricken Armenian Christ inns and other unfortunate peoples of the Xear Lest, and warmiy commends the work of the American Commission foe Xear En st Relief to the co-operation mid lib erality of Hie lYesbytomns of Xorth Carolina." Automobile tire an tubes of -best make at the right prices. Ware Hard ware Co. 31-2c2. Seed Rye can now be had at Ware. Hardware Co; Migsty good - for the chickens, , cows , and hogs, ... 31-2c2. Don't Be Bald How To Make , Hair Crow Strong, - Thicky and Lustrous. If your hair is falling out, don't wait another day, but go to J. II. Kennedy Drug Co., and get a bottle of Pnrisiun Sage, the truly efficient hair grower. I Don't say: "It's the sanio olds story; I've heard it before," but try1 a bottle at their risk. They guarantee 1 Pnrisan sage to stop falling hair ami ; stiniulafe a new growth, banish nil ' dandruff and almost instantly stop : scalp itch, or money Lark, Pnrisian Sage contains just the le-. ments needed to projierly invigorate the hair rools. It's a prime favorite with discriminating women becftuso it, makes j the hair no soft and lustrous, aud ap pear twice as abundant. Parisian sage is inexpensive nnd easily obtainable at all drug stflTes. . PARTS FOR YOUR? GAR Such as ring' and pinion gears, bearings-springs, i: v ignition parts, valves, etc. genuine Ford parts. We also carry a full line of. MOORE & STEWART 110 North Marietta St. Phons 769 IEZEEB312EI 12 BEGINNING TbDAY A SXLE OF THE BETTER TYPE OF Autumn Dresses HEALTH and WEALTH k - Considerable, information, been published recently about the discovery of the wonderful effects made upon 'the annum syeu-by the element known as VI T AMINES. .. These discoveries led to a series of yeast preparations that hare been tried in nil tbe leading , hospitals- with wonderful results. Whil these tests wre being made and the pub lie was enjoying th remedial effects of yeast tab leti a group ofpharamccuticftl chemists in Chicago and ludianapoli wre experimenting to increase the benefit of th yeast VITAMIXES tablets to the fullest measure they felt that the limit had not been reached. The result is the YEA8TOLAX the world' GREATEST HEALTH YEAST TABLET YEABTOLAX is th world's greatest health yeast laxative, It is the latest scientific develop ment of palatable yeast. It is not only rich in Vitamiaes but also embodies a highly valuable, health building laxativea quality none of the other yeast tablet possess. It comes in a last v. tablet formvery pleasant to take and delightful in its effeet. Children like it and, are greatly benefitted by it. If yon auffer front ; "RHEUMATISM," CONSTIPATION, INDIGESTION, ECZEMA, BRON CHITIS, BOILS OR IMPURE BLOOD or if your nerve are affected in any way; or you desire to have a fine, clear healthy complexion; or if your atomach is not In good condition we want you to try a package of our MARVELOUS HEALTH BUILDER, YEASTOLAX. Among its various elements, YEASTOLAX con tain tit highest and most potent VITAMIXES, which the scientific world ha found to be abso lutely necessary to bodily vigor. People all over the country have found great relief through its use, and now feel the joy of perfect health and vitality. YEASTOLAX also has the properties of being non-grippingry and midly basntive, posseasinr fine stomach regulating power, the effects of which you feel very quickly. Tlie laiativ ingredients embodied in YEAST OLAX are most happily combined with the other vital, body building elements, which makes this tablet mor desirable than any other eatable yeast compound hitherto offered. By keeping up your vitality and vigor through the use of YEASTOLAX your system will be put in a position to fight off the hosts of invading germs that are persistently endeavoring to entrench themselves in the human body; to eat into the system and destroy Mf itself. It cannot be too emphatically made ele&r that everyone owes it to himself and family to keep os healthy, and fit as possible. The hnman organism is a wonderful ma chine adapted under normal conditions to find a balance of health. But beeamw of our modern methods of refining foods (destroying their health building vitamines) and our general way of living, ur bodie ar not given half a chance, with' tho result that invading germs and Infections find it , frequently an unguarded and easy prey. THE BEST VITAMINE YEAST Water-aolable Vitamin B, contained ii rich proportion in. YEASTOLAX. ia an element which lias the poer of building up tbe bodily nerves and tissues to resist disetse, and is positively essen tial towards offsetting the evil effect on the health of civilization . Th highly refined stomach regu lating propertie injeeted into YEASTOLAX makes it positively a body builder of tlie finest kind. If you have a weak or delicate stomach or a stomach that, is iu any way out of ordpr. YEASTOLAX will relieve you wonderfully, making you feel like a new person. Just as a special inducement to rjuicken the introduction of YEASTOLAX we will give for a limited time to any person who will mail LOO to cover the cost of a lilieral sized package of YEASTOLAX. , ABSOLUTELY FREE 50,000.00 RUBLES Tiie Russian Ruble recently was worth SiTc ruble, giving the above a value of $27,!0i.(10. Save thfs money: many a great fortune 1 1 1 . . M nt-eu oiiiu up ny inlying loreign money alter wars. It is rumored that. $.0,0OO,00O,Oll0.O0 worth of radium has been discovered in Russia, and the press is calling attention to vast American projects of oil nnd other industries that are being directed to wards Russia. The Oiiengo Tribune on Sept. 12th calls attention to the new canal which has just -been opened for shipping lietween Russia. Germany. Persia and Central Asia., affording a new source of raw .material for the Rnsso-Gcrman combine, es pecially oil, manganese and Copper aii.l opening up the rjch Persian and Cent ml Asian .trade to Ger many end Russia. JThink what this means. Surely , you. cannot afford to pass np the opportunity to acipiire these Rubles. .... per has Dresses of Stunning Originality and Exquisite Beauty Offered at remarkably low prices. Afternoon Dresses, Street Dresses, ; Dinner ' Dresses, Navy, Black, Brown, Reindeer, Blue and Grey. MONEY We BACK GUARANTEE want every person in America who is in need of our reinedv to send for a package of onr YEASTOLAX. We use this method to advertise its properties quickly. The wonderful . tonic and remedial properties of YEASTOLAX will be worth many times the cost. Yon will be delighted with it we guarantee that. Yon are taking no chances, as we will return yonr money if you are not satis fied with YKASTOLAX. The fiO.OOO Rubles are" offered you as a special inducement. They cost, yon nothing. The price of a box of YEASTOLAX is tl.00 anyway. We guarantee that you will Ite more than glad to have n box of theso health-building tablets. .Tst. -fjll in the order blank below and mail at once enclosing 1,00. You will get your package of YEASTOLAX and CO,OOOJ0 Rubles without delay. Sajisfae tion guaranteed or money refunded. Remember, this offer i for a limited time only, so for your health' and future, act today. in0.000.fi0 Russian Rubles Free with 12.00 mder of YEASTOLAX while our Rubles last. We re serve the rieht to return yonr order if onr supply of Russian Rubles is exhausted. YEASTOLAX COMPANY 1253 So. Michigan Avenue, Dept. X-387 CHICAGO FILL OTJT COUPON BELOW YEASTOLAX COMPANY 1253 So. Michigan Avenue . Dept. X-387, Chicago, IIL'noia. Please send me s rstkagf of YEASTOLAX , and 50,000.00 Russian rubles. Enclosed please find fl.00. You are to return my money'if not satisfied. Xsme ........ . Address City ... State Postage tan.j.s A -epicd in Small Denomination. ' ft "Y ' - ; 1 ill.-' . l 1 H'l'-J ii i at. at .' rt MATERIALS OF POIRET TWILL, CREPE; METEORS, TRICOTINE, CREPE BACK SATIN, CREPE',; FACED CANTON, CREPE DE CHINE It is not possible to describe every style in detail, but you will find before you a review of all that is new and favored in the realm of fashion this Fall. ! Gorgeous . trimmings, richly beaded designs, in beautif til color combinations, artistic emboideries, colored facings, un usual buckles. The newest in sleeves, pleated skirts, panel and drapes $14 .75 UP And You Can A small first payment and the rest in small Weekly or monthly payments will enable you to purchase any of these wonderful values. ' 229 W. Main Avenue l i CASTONIA, K. . C.! SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GASTONIA DAILY GAZETTE

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