THE GASTONIA (N. C) DAILY GAZETTE ir:EU.icoiiLs oftte Daily Gatette.) LOWELL, Novl. On Friday after noon, and vningf the, Woman's aux iliary, of the IiOwell Presbyterian Church had a Bazaar. There were many pretty fiings-for ale in the fancy wor lire, and many pood thintrs to eat' at the tables, chicken - salad, oysters and other accessories. j The ladies did well if you judge by the numbers who were at the Bazaar. It was held in the Mange. . Saturday Mrs. W. Eddleraan enter tained at a home dinner, her jpiests we!e: Wrs. R. A. Miller, who has been vi.ytinp in Lowell for some days, Mrs. l)r, Eddloman of Gastonia, and Mrs. G.I A. Sparrow. Iter in the after no n 'Mrs. Miller kft for a visit to Piieville, en route to her home in Ktikhill, S. C. , Friday and Saturday-evenings we hxi Dr. Henderlite, of Gastonia with usJ He preached tyro very fine ser in pis at the Covenant Presbyterian Church. Sunday the Lord's Supper was cele brated. The music was very fine that d?f, especially a vocal solo by Miss Iela Titman; with violin obHgato by Mi Ralph Groves, and Miss Edith liubinson at the organ. The church wajs beautifully decorated with au tuitan roses, which are very lovaly now. - $unday wns a great day with the Baptists, for the "County Singing" ' mii with them. This was held in the Graded School building, as the audi torium is a very large room. I can not estimate the number present, but the auditorium was full and the halls were full, and there were nearly as many children outside in the autos and on -the grounds. And as for autos, it seemed as if there were hund reds. The singing was largely done in groups, groups from different churches went up- on the stage, and sang a number of hymns. These meetings are a splendid way .to iet to-gether, and such a" help to congre gational singing. There will be a Hallowe'en party at the Annex on Hallowe'en night, and many of the spookes in town will be on a frolic. On Monday evening the night class in Domestic Science at the School served a "Breakfast." This class is doing fine work, and it is a very good idea to serve a meal, as it teaches the. girls just what would be put on a well regulated table. This was a well balanced meal and beau tifully cooked and served, and the girls were allowed to invite two guests, who were Miss Edith Eobinson and Mrs. G. A. Sparrow. The School has hot lunches served now. Miss Eaves plans a fine, hot menu, and milk, for each day, and quite a number of the children take ' lunches, these are charged for at the lowest of wholesale, prices, and nothing made f rnm-them at all. This is all done (outfit! Domestic Science room. One day -last week, .Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Eddleman and their sons, Mas ters Billie- and John Holland, wont on a visit to'Xucia, to seo Mr. and Mrs. J.MI. Beatty and family. ' The Lowell , Woman V-club will meet tit 3 o'clock, in .the, scheoj. auditorium, Friday, The program is in charge of Mrs. Holland JI;iud, chairman of tlio buildings and grounds committee. There w ill be a special Arbor Day program. Last Saturday afternoon a party went from Lowell to the 'OrtliopMedie ' Hos pital. The party eonufsfrd of Prof, and Mrs. Y. J. A. :xrthf Miss ttmith and Miss Lavc3. ..MjtH-fcuiitli went to enter tain tlie rliihUfa at m story hour. These Story hours are a delight to thoite house bound children, and it is intcrviting to see their faces brighteu up at nny jdeasure. - . .. N. C. LUTHERANS WILL MEET AT KINGS MOUNTAIN North Carolina Evangelical Synod An Bounces Annual Meeting For No vember 14-19. (Charlotte Observer.) The' annual synodicnt meeting of the North Carolina Evangelical Lutheran Bvnod will' be ln'1.1 nt KiiiR Moun tain November li 19, at St. Matthews church. The North Carolina synod is unique among -fhurche for the reason tb-it there is no election fur president, the present head ot the organization, Uev. John L. Morgan, of fctalibury, being a permanent . officer on a large salH-y. The secretary of the synod is always the pastor of the church in which the future eonvcation is to le held . This rear this office is held by H. tirant TRAIN NO. 35 TO GAIN HOUR AND 45 MINUTES Express and Mail On Nos. 35 and 36 Will Be Handled On Not. 135 and 44. . , (Orewisboro News;) The Fowl hern KsJI way Oompr.ny will cut off 4iu hour iiml 45 minutes ia the running, time of passenger train No. 15 between Washington, mid -Atlanta, ler :i ii"W urniiigemeiit whirh beroirfr effec tive tSimilay, November 3. On this date, truitu Nor. and H will te opersreil all the tiny through between Wssliinjf fm ami Atlanta, ond. all the express a'"' Siokt, If not all of the mail, sow hnsdled mi Nos. :ir and 'Mi will bo handled by Nos. l.i. and 44. These two trains will u'.tti In: mile l:iv foacbe nwl .J'uMmmis between WasHiiigton mnl Atlanta, hat, v.iil niiike the stoiMi. ' Previous announce' Schaffer, pastor of St. Matthews -menf had Wn made that next tfnmbiy church. Kings Mountain. the schedule of No. ,'tX, theNew York- Ths North Carolina synod indued iw Orleans limit!, wnuM tie tihtemM 100 aiinisters nnd 12. by delegates arid i, to reach New York at 12f.p. ai. a large attendance is expected at the !,i;iily insteail of 1 :40 p. tn. a at ,prest. Kings Mouutaia gathering. -j Xmj:i.l Will leave WaUiiusrtnn at 8:2m Delegates from Charlotte will lie as p , flt prPS(.nt, and arrive at IfcinviUe at 4 p. m.; OreeiiRboro noont follows: Rev. '' John- F. Crigler, pas tor, and Arerv H. Rliyae, lay rtelegnie, of St. Mark's church; and Uev. W. A. Lntz, pastor, and-W. L. Dixon, lay delegate, from Holy Trinity church. ROOSEVELT'S SISTER ISSUES. APPEAL TO WOMEN VOTERS WASHINGTON. (Jet. 31. Mrs. Corine Roosevelt 'Robinson, aiifer of the lnte Theodore Roosevelt, issued through republican headquarters here today an appeal to the womeu of the country to vote for republican nominee for the Senate and House. ''President Harding has conscienti ously carried out his pre-election promises," said Mrs. -Robinson's statement. "Home .-people siiy ho has failed to take steps to form an naso eiation was his feel that the results November for the limitatio of arma ments. That conference alone has done more for the possibility of peace amongst the nations of the world than the League of Natious has accomplish ed in the last four years." ' p. m.; I'lnirlotte at U:4U p. -tn. nl Atlanta at, !:-." a. m., easier time. .Xo. I!;, now lenving Washington at 9 a. m.. will leave at 11 n. m., or two hours Uter; -reach . Jinnvillti at 6:0.1 ji., in.; (lrenihoro ahoitt. 7;.1l . m. CliiiTUitte at 1I;4.". p. in., and At hint .1 al :4i eastern time. , This train will takfl the place .of 4'A lietween Danville and (luirlotte, mid will take up the con-, uci-tioii frrmi (loldsboro reaching' Greens horo at 7 p. m. This new arrange iiwiit will be a great help in this respt ; Will 'enable passengers east, of (ireens Itorn to so 'straight through to Atlanta ;i nil points beyond n thing not possildi sinef prior to the war. There has 'been iiislsleut ilenmlid on the part, of the pub- , t ons? whli he "tecliiml it. j ''c' i? is desire to have. People who awngew dining car sen lee south from tat way have not read with earo ',,,"or";' . , . ' , , , suits of the eonference held last ) ?r:"" -No- V tla"ta. WEATHER OF ALL SORTS ON TAP IN UNITED STATES CHICAGO, f) t. 31. Went her of sev eral unseasonable varieties but, generally favorable continued in many si'i-tions of the United States. Chicago for several days has n joyed the babny breezes and Kiinshiiie of a uxo rious Indian fuiumr, wuicii iiagcrs longer than usual. In Wyoming the ranchers are digging tlienwelves out of the anow hikI liking it. They say it helps the grass on the sun baked range. On the Yukon, where winter generally hns n stronp grip by this time, the river is open. ''AH tho tributaries are fre of iee and the slush on the main stream make no impediment for boats. It is tlio latest season on reeord in the north country und dredges in the Yukon are expected to work util -Christmas. HIGH SKOALS NEWS i (Csrrespondcncevof The Daily Gazette.) HIGH SHOALS, Oct. 31. Our school is progressing nicely under the leader ship of our efficient principal, Mr. L. V. Miss Flora Lee Elmore, who is taking a business course at .King's Business College in Cliarlotte, pent tbo week-end v.iti her parents. iftiss Edith Hudson, a member of the terhing force litre, lias' been quite ill at She home of Mrs. G. C. Fryi but is ablb to be back on duty today. Mr. and Mrs. P. . L La sen by had as their guests iiunday.Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Eut ledge, :of Dallas, route two, and Mr. 'J; C, Lazeiiby and family, of .Lincoln torn route two. 4Irs. A. Q. Kale and Mrs. Pace, of Ilciulersonviile, wtre Gastonia shoppers Frliay morning. r. Robert 'Kale, who holds a position if Charlotte, 'spent the weok-en.i with homcfolk. : . lUv..J. O. Ervin filled the pulpit nt the. Methodist ch'irch JSuHdav night fai the Hast time. ' , The people are' sorry t giv liin np but wiyh him success in bis uev? field. He goes to Rutherford sta tioiL ' High felioal had quite a surprise last Thsriniay when -.Mr. T. . K. Robinson, of ;.-)( oiiia, ci!nie up ohiI carried nway us li'-g briiie Miss Lillie JlobinHOn, ono ot Hifth bhoals .prettiest and most lovable young women. A host of friends wish for them a liright aud happy future. JJrs. Pa.e, of Hendersonrille, who has ln viiiitiiig her daughter. Mis. L V. Lvoh, left btitiirday for home. During her month's isit Mrs. Pace, by her kind Ee and cheerfulness, has won many friends who regret for her to go back to the Land of the fcky. Wedding bells rang again Sunday vbdn Mr. Garland Hovia claimed Mies jVessie Robinson for his bride. On the Biitiie afternoon Mr. '. Pervic Uovis and Mlfts Agatha Friday . were quietly mar ried. Their, many friends wish them a ha Ppy successful future.--' Among the Castoiua shoppers 8alur d.iy. were Mr. Tolly v Oonigcr, Misses Myrtle and Catharine Cloniger, Mr. and Mrs. L. V. Lvda, Mr. and Mrs. CTyde Annstroiig. Mr. and ilrs. F. Ijazenby v.rA Misses Ora Keener and Thelma Ia-fciity. SFORZA RESIGNS. PARIS, Oct. 31. (By The As sociated Press.) Count Hfor.a lias telegraphed his resignation us Italian ambassador, at Paris to. Premier Mus solini. H explains that "Jn his view the aew government should have in such posts men' in thorough accord with its policies. "I express for the new government the most cordial good wishes,' the am bassador's telegram reads, ''but in a foreign policy which is really a policy and not simply a group of likes and dislikes everything is interdependent and men who on all subjects are in ac cord with the ideas of the new govern ment should occupy these most deli cate posts. " - V GREATER LORAY. (By V. F. Taylor) Lor.iy, where the sun shines brightest, And a greater Loray where sadness never comes. Loray, where fate touches lightest, And a greater Loray where people starij as one. United is Loray's greatest slogan To help each other in time of need, United to respect.-) the rights of others Each one trying to do the noblefit deed. T-the church man-lies those who live at Loray. And from there ft prayer is lifted to the skies. In gratitude to God for many blessings,. WVre the spirit of Orenter Loray ; never dies. -' ' '' 8:20 p. in., and reach Charlotte nt 4:10 a. in. and continue north on the sumo schedule as nt present ; reaching Greens boro at 7:40 a. nu find Washington at 7:H5 p. in. The addition of a through Pullman from Atlanta to Washington on this train will permit a iniin from At lanta, coining to Greensboro, to make a nifilit trip and get here in time for worV the next day, while "the seats north of Greensboro should be highly desirable. Kimilarly, the adttition of Pullmans to No. Lift, 'southbound, will give more space available to -business men of this section tleiiiriiign night trip to Atlanta, or for connections out of Atlnuta. Nos. 35 and .'111 which will be exclu sively passenger trains and operating on a fHst schedule, will carry Pullman cars between New York and New Orleans; New York and Birmingham ; New Y'ork and Columbus; Charlotte and Atlanta; Asheville and Atlanta; Greenville and Atlanta; and probably a Washington and Atlanta car. SILLYADS -if i It hairs appear in a glass of soda, should the ice le shnveft closer? To buy - where profits are shaved the closest, trade . with-Piggly Wiggly. Vulcanizing Co., eurner Broad. Main uifd Last night Mrs, Jones hail a full house, so that lirown ami Jones not feeling . Hush, each went out - with ,a pair of qwetais, who came without their ante. The U-st ileal in hardware is with the Rtamtanl . Hardware ,Co. Phone hr,2. Where can a lady buy two articles that im-ii wift-Jire nine im-hes, and find after she uses them that they just ov. r two 1vet. At the shoe storo Of The P.roadwuy Ktniple. Wioo Utorv. sclf;to run np a curtain f Ho may run down a battery became tlw battery rail (Iowa irwii ny nor ijciiik jeri in nine J.".,l '0 at i iiiiaoeijmiii wrvice nraiion. - -Our Mexican j"ioliey seems to be to turn the h-ft check when smitten on the right, while Mexico gets more cheek every kiy. When you turn yonr fa.-e here, you get butter treatment. Walters-Wilson Harlier Hhop. Single men ore often so childish, that Most a man make a monkey of ; him-L.,.,,,,, ..,,a!ltfc A niHe. mua rabes tiae rows, rv feeding them on Sugnriite ' Ikiiry Feed from Johnson A man and tnaiden. j A clear blue sky. The mini, endeavoring her shoe io tie. Two knots tied quickly why did he propose! Girls, when you wish to hurry matters, wear our hose. O'Nell Company v The housewife who Mils out the gsr- MKige can, the cat, ad the milk bottles. will nt ver. feel put out herc!f, lt'iu stead of putting nut the, she sends it to the G.-iHtouia Damp l.aiiu-drv. The missionary after being untied and rescued from the burning stake, pot right next 1o a" hot burning lender steak from R. O. Harbin s htiiulary Market, Phone (io and til . A man like an nuto tire rolls along nt a great spe. gives out, and finds himself in li hole. The tlmdnr iwtches him up, and he rolls. along. We do likewise with your tire. Gastonia ' A Men ce to Chickens . A'onr . chickens may be bittea by bed bugs. They afe in danffi'r of being in fected ft itti.. deadly grnis. Jtd , t.URS trniininit cholera, typhiia and other dis cuses. Guard the ln.lih id' your chickens am your family nt the same time. Vip' out the bed hvK with. Knynl (iiiiiianr'd Hed Ittig Liquid. 'Joe can. ftold'iiud p-uarantti'il by Kennedy Prug Co., Loray Drug .Store. City Pharmacy and Belmont Drug Co., Belmont. N. C. STRANGERS ABOUT YOUR HOME TOWN V 'When you travel, or 'when you Comfe1 in con tact with strangers anywhere talk aQpt your hometown. . 'C.-nZ-'-''''-": Do you know the facts concerning '.yotir town's facilities, it3 average temperatures :andiTainfall, its taxable values, its natural advantages as 'an inrJus-', trial center? ........ . . . ; , , A- knowledge of all these things uto' -jhave "in forfnation relative to your 'home town at your imrne diate -disposal, is worth more than knowing how to hound Congo Free State (y being able Mi name the' capital of Thibet . : 1 : . ' If you lack the time to keep up with all that you wish, study your home town anyhow, and sing its praises wherever you go. Advertise your city. The 3rd. National iBank GASTONIA, N. C. wmmu :mm.rm'mmm. towmmm M,mm m-mm m :m m m. mm ' - , w . m i ft . nnr? xr a. a H rnone iou - t 206 W. jrVlain Ave y ' ' The Red Cross is the first line of de fense for humanity. It is intelligent ; it is economical; it is a power for peace. It promotes the cause of civilization. Every man who loves his fellow man will support it." Hon. i'alvin Coolidge. , More men are going to theaters now. With fckirts .longer they, have no show on tho street. - . . , REV. B. M. BRIDGES GIVES FACTS IN HIS CASE BROWN-HARRY CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS . and Dealers in Building Materials v ' Phone 736 a Our Prescription Department is complete, fresh ' :J ' ' ' ' . '"'- . ''"' and pure. We are in position to fill prescriptions of all doctors Accuracy is pur one thoiight,'-with compounding' done by experienced men. iphone us ' ' ''.' ' - '"' and let' us send" for prescription und return - your ' ' ': ' ': ' - ': medicine at. once. , . : . i -i- . City Pharmacy Hollingsworth Candies HAVE YOU HAD THAT CRANK CASE DRAINED and new oil put in lately? It will save you money to let us do this every 500 miles. CAROLINA AUTO SERVICE CO. RANKIN FILLING STATION WEST END FILLING STATION PIEDMONT OIL CO. . Distributors r - , . MARATHON PRODUCTS M L. RALEY J. BT THREATT :v"B ': :m a B m "B a . a m m -mm .a - r o ?n a e -a .a.a !B!!-B;'- GASTONIAN B iSl ' TO-DAY AND THURSDAY Clane Windsor . i and '- ' Richard Dix Life will haw its little joke. The ex-raiser says he U tho happiest mau on earth. . ,. Woman Racer s Pa ' - "On land and sea, at home and ehroad. the Tied Cross cflrrieii ' on its jrrcat work for humanity by day and ly iiijll'.t. What it has done in the j.ast ii an augury for what it caa do in the future. I know of no more worthy l'jvt for eonrtihntion than tliat.of the JVd .Cross. I tru-t the membership Roll i-ll tict-inr.inf oa Armistice Day will be tloroiifcldy successful. It has been well r.-iJ that the sun never sets on the Red Cruti. " Adiiural . E. Cooatz. i vrv .v ii v-t ,yr v t y k It is douhtfnl if there hss ever been a medicine endorsed by so many minis ters of the Gospel as has Tanlae. In deed, there is scarcely a. faith, creed or denominntion in nil the land in which one, or more, of the clergymen has not puhllciy expressed their indebtedness to the. Premier Preparation for the bene fits they have derived from its use. One of the latest to speak out in this connection is Uev. B. M. Bridges, a widely known nnd beloved Baptist preacher, residing at Mooresboro, N . C, whose statement follows: "Tan lne has-. given -me a go.od appe tite, toned up my-system and renewed my strength in such a gratifying way that I am glad to reeooimcnd it to any one who, is in a ' rundown condition. For ten years past. I have luul such severe- easo of indigestion that, 1 could not find anything to ent that agreed with me. Finally lI became very ner vous and could get hut very little sleep or rest, :..:;-f , , "It seems that 1 look nsnrlyifevery thing Xryn to- get 'myself right, but nothing helped me 'until I ran ncross Tanlac. ily nerves ere o much hot ter now that, my sleep is sound isind re freshiag. I enjoy my meals and have also gained weight. I caa say from experience that Tanlac is a splendid medicine and tome, for it hns built me up wonderfully. " Tanlae is sold by. 'oil good druggists. Cocker Machine & Foundry Co. Builders of Textile Machinery Gastonia, N. C. Soft 1 Clean Grey Castings Iron in "FOOLS FIRST?' . A First National Picture ,.. Produced By Marshall Neilan ,!0 DEAL! isQcncnscnnccznn 13 ta LI CI 71 ra a a a n LI TODAY William Russell In "MONEY TO BURN" and "THE JUNGLE GODDES" a n a a a a a n a n lUlfsVtisl.lPKM'MT Dori't be disappointed IF we know human nature, wc ran predict ticht now that next Fall ' there'll be a big rush for Arcola, the wonderful new hot-wafer heating system with a radiator in each room. Last Fall the same thing happened and thousands of last-minute buyers were disappointed, therewas'such an Arcola shortage. This toeik is the time. to order Arcola, when we have more time to install it. Save money on ARCOLA now These figures, though rough, will show how reatonably Arcola can be completely installed despite the fact it pays for itself in the fuel it tares.) ' 3- Rooitm Arcola with 2 radiators f 225 4- Rooms Arcola with 3 radiators 300 5- Kooms Arcola with 4 radiators 375 6- Rooms Areola with 5 radiators $ 450 Phone or call and we'll gladly give you the exact cost of puttin Arcowa in your home - tut, for your own good, do it now before the Fall rush. mm a THURSDAY "KAZAN" Bynames Oliver, CurwoodW ra ; a B FRIDAY Kathenne MacDonald 'In Her Finest Screen Offering "DOMESTIC RELATIONS' . . A First National Picture ; r:' - Added Attraction ; "BATTLE OF ALAMANCE" Great students of history have said that this battle would have been the first battle ,,bt the American Revolution had the-regulars been -.victorious. . ' . D :B';"B ' ' ' ' U B B B S B B B '3 IB . EB82SZ 1 Susanne Koerner Vas the onlj woman in the recent six-day motor cycle race at the Berlin motor flrome tnt she was always anions the leaders. n u u a and "FAIR ENOUGH' Comedy FRIDAY "THE LOIE RIDER" Western and -"THE STONE AGE' Comedy n p n u n n 11 f 1 11 n a SUPERIOR PLUMBING & HEATING CO. Phones 391 and 764-L ( Every loaf of Miller's Butter-Nut Bread is wrapped exactly like this" iQtistratioa. '- " - BREAD PERFECTION 3k It is easy to claim much for a loaf of bread, but another thing to prove it. - We know that our bread has quality and we stand ready to prove it. MILLER'S ir": ; BUTTER-NUT BREAD "THE BETTER BREAD"" V FOR THE PERSON WHO SEEKS t THE XjtMOST IN QUALITY f i :' , Carolina Baking Co. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GASTONIA DAILY GAZETTE B D ka B n D M H B ts a it ' : ii B n D a B K . B B B ffl