Tlfi: GASTONIA (N. C.) DAILY CAZIITTE it J eessehsr CITY HEWS- (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette.) EESSEMER CITY, Xov. 6. A theatre party thaV was inadvertently omitted ln week s" juily masquerade, party frivra by ilessera. X-awrence i. itnyne, . J'fi' l OlUa:J-niiigs Bhyne, Car! Oir pecter, Ab Wolfe, Lyle t'ollius, ami llenry yoiinjr to flio young ladies of the School faculty. Kick member of the party wore a Hallowe'en eoattinie, and after enjoyiujr a good picture they went t otlie home of Mr. Fred Ormand where they enjoyed ghost stories and jokes. De'.ivious refreshments wire abundantly served. This place has had plenty of nmuse. went for the past week. The Cole rirvm wes here Thursday and that night and pave a good ierformani-e with the side botvg that always eatth the crowd. The Unique Amusement Co., with U sorts of amusements was here all neek. From the penny arcade t otlie fortune wheel, where quite a number t.f eupiJ, dolls, jewelry, aud other prizes were won. TbU company reports a Rood patron age here. They are in Gastonia this week, aud expect big returns Armistice lav. , - What "white fnlkt," aro there, that do not enjoy the colored people' sing ing! A colored niiniater and his eougre. (cation gave n jra'iw perriee H'ltnrrtny tfiernoou on .the platform at the depot, A sermon Was delivered by one of the Stump town preachers, prayers by tho sisters and a riiiinber of songs by ttie , eorgregr.tion during which of course, the Jin.t was passed for the collection, iuis performance attracted the attention vt ft gool crowd of white j'eople, among hora were quite a number that had never witnessed & service by tho colored le fore. Xext Thursday niglit the "Ln?t of the Mohicans'' will be shown at the l'ied niortt Theater. 3Ir. Detrain Xassar who recently open ed ft dry Roods store here, in the build ing formerly occupied by Mr. Thomas C'aody Kitchen, hag a fin a display of Cent's and ladies' ready nude clothing, also a beautiful line of furs. Mr. Nas Far is assisted by Misses Thelnm Pearson and Stella O'Erien. - ' ' One of the larcc advertising boards re cently built on the vacant lot adjoining tho bank, the Bewnier City Furniture Co., has had painted a beautiful sign, in many pretty colors and presents nn at tractive appearance ' Miss Annie Lewis and Mins Flornie Hand, of Belmont, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Horscly, Thursday and Friday of last week. Bev. and Mrs. Geo. Manly and Mr, Jack Young ctt?nded a concert at the Episcopal church in Gastonia Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Bobert Kiser, of Spencer hnve been visiting relatives here for sev eral days. Mr. Kiser returned Sunday w!i;!e Mrs. Kiser will remain here for a CLOVER CULLINGS. (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette) CLOVER, Nov. 7. A niinsfrel troupe, composed of )c;il talent of Kings Moun tain, X. C, under the direction of Fred Builisill, who organized a-similar. .min strel here several month ago, g.'ive a jwr fornuinee in ihe oer:i house on Wednes day night. Quite a birge, crowd of yiovcr iile sa wthe entertainment and wt-rv well pleased r,ith the performance. The firt of a series of Inter-Soeiet.v School debates ,as held in the hifh school auditorium last Friday niulit. The sub ject was, 'KioIwd tlml capital piuiish- J ment shoulrd tw abolished in Houth Caro- I linn." The aUiiiiiative was argued ly j four member of t he I'retsly Literary .So. eiety, Alinses Annie Mav I'rire, Klizalx'th Smith, Lois Maxwelf and Margaret Thomas. The Calhoun Society had Ihn negative and its debators were Mi-ses Maude Jackson, Mary M.OilI, Hcrtie Lee Ilainbright and Margaret Knox. The judges decided in favor of the negative. .Other feature of the evening STANLEY NEWS (Correspondence of The Paily Gazette) STANLEY", ov. 7. There was a reuion Sunday of the Kirksey family ot the home of Mr. if. C. Kirksey, it iH'ing the orlaxion of his 45th birthday. The log table which had been provided in the front yard was heavily loaded with everything good to eat. About a hrndred ate from this bountiful spread iand a number, of trays were sent out 'to Hick )Kople and still i there were (gathered up many baskets, full. The lout of town guetits- were: Mr. aud I Mrs. Hubert. Long anl son, Udell, of Weal (iastonia, Mr. and Mrs. tins Fin-i irer. Mrs. Baxter Ben! and son, Samuel, of Lowell, Mr. and Mrs. Will Kirk wy, of MeAdeiiville, Mim Bettie Das tou, of Charlotte, Mr. and Mrs. Claud Cannon, of Siili.-ibury, Mr. and Mrs. Kphram Croonland, Mr. and Mrs. Bex Crnonlaud and two fons, K. B. and .lack, of ron Station, Mr. Dave Keener, of Lincoluton,- Mr. 1'aul Sherrill, of Rutherford College. Mr. Hugh 'Bell, of Mooresvdle passed visit of some weeks at the home of her frther, Mr. C a Carsoa. The echool faculty attended teachers meeting in Gastonia Satvrday. Miss Barkley and Miss McDill, of Chcrrj-Ville, were deli ghtful guests of Mr. aiid Mrs."T. B. E. Oats on abbath. Jisj Bonny Bo.ts, of Charlotte, spent the week enA here, to the delight of her JWy .friends. - . ' , s ' "'w . Miss Beth Froneberger spent the week end with home folks. ' Mias Mary Young, of Gastonia, was also at home for the weekend. Mr. and Mrs, Howard Horsely and Mary Alice spent Sunday with rela tives ot Belmont. Miss Jones, head of tho nurses depart ment of the school here, spent Sunday ia Gastonia with friends. Miss f?ara Workman and Miss Dcllin per of tho faculty, nlRO went to Shelby Saturday to visit With home folks. Mesrs. Elsie Beam, L. G. Bhyne, Jack Young and C. E. AVhitney were business, visitors to t'helby Monday af ternoon. Mr. E. J. Bhyne who has been ill sev eral weeks with grip, is well again and able to be back at the furniture store. . Mr. Tom Shetley of Dallas, spent the week end with Mr." M, T. Shetley. t Mrs. Alexander Service is quite ill at Ler homo here. Mips Ethel Service of Gastonia tpent Sunday at her bedside. Mr. Lake llobbs of Charlotte spent tKunday here with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. ' The domestic science classes will glee a ue?ro ministrel at the scjiool auditori um this Friday. Everybody invited. were girls anil , boys dei-linuation a'- i tLroiiKli our tiun today and stopped to tests. Miss (J rare l.iiiileu Page won the girls and Mr. Fred lledgjiaili won in the boys. Miss Margaret l'nrley, president of the ('alhoun society, delivered the ad dress of welcome. Mim Blanche Smith, president of the Pressly Society was tho presiding officer of the evening. A lar'e erowd enioved the exercisivi. Owintt to the number of pupils in the 'Mrs 1 n.. 1 ..UPtlt n.H.lil. 'kt Hill I.O lli.ll.. ' Lilll'lilUM 1VHUM i.tts at ..... ...... j sary to employ two more teachers. . Mr. Eunis Jaekaon of Gastonia spent . i t . l t; n . l tut) Jus oil Mfiiooiiiinie unci nit i"K friend, Bev. A. Sherrill. Mr. Dayid Keever, of l.ineolnton is KHiiding a few days with his nephew, Mr. M. C. Kirk-ey. Mr." 1'anl Sherrill who is attending school at Butherford College, speut the week-end with his parents, Bev, and Albert Sherrill. HO EXTRA EDITIONS OF EVENING NEWSPAPERS YORK. Nov. 7. With inlereat Sunday in Clover. at tho Hawthorue mill with 2 number,, i ' ,-'' K".;"V "M 1 ' and will be named the Hawthorne -Ha,.,,,-1 '"f J'".. 'Nl'" ) l,rk '0,"''f ?l ' .' nhire inillban(L The band instruments linve been ordered by the Hawthorne mill, the cost of which will be in the neighborhood of 1.J0. Mr. B. J. Hem don of York 1ms bee nengaged to in struct band. The members are as fol lows; Hubert Clinton, Bobert Adkius, Ednard Smith, Herbert and Luther Hogue, V. X. Hiunbright, M. 1. Smith, n II r. ;ol. f llU...n t'ntili I p7' nmienVPT?n JTr BuiT ' The agreement of the newspaper own M.!:. 1 -ten,! into when the pressmen an- Grayson, Will Woods, George Hngan Iiti utter 7 o'clock as the rentilt of an agree ment entered into by newspaper publish ers when notified that the pressmen of the New York Evening World had elect' ed-not to work after that hour. I'njer thfl ,. provisions of tho recent Manton award, the prewmen are given the option of working after tho regular hours, which on the Evening World end - BESSEMER CITY, Nov. 7. Several short roads are being- built that lead into town. One that has just been eompletel is fcnown as the Ellison Qto Mining road, ' leads south from the lower railroad crossing through Georgetown on for 8bout two miles to the branch. Another into next summer, a road that leads by Mr. Dave Harmon's and connects with the road leading by Mr. 7.. T. rayne'g. This, winter plans are had to build ,i road from If. W. Gates' on by Mr. Sam IIovi3' and Mr. Henry Rhync'a homes, lendirsf into the Bo3emer-Linwood road. As the Lighway Ix-tween here and Kings Moujitain vill lie urder constnietion on iro rest summer, a. roa dthat ler.ds by Mr. Wa'ker's, southwest of here and connects with the Linwood-Kings Moun tain road at. what is generally known as th4 Pischbnik Farm, v,i!l be rebuilt, that this may be used for tho detour from here cn to Kirps Mountain. . M:m Marie Caldwell eelebrated her t".inth birthday Monday afternoon, from four till five o'clock, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. .W. G. Caldwell, irr giving a mrty to a number of her r'ecds and classmates. The guests were ehnrminpiy preeted by the hostess. Va rious ont-of-door games werp enjoyed which was led by Miss Gene Thornhurg, the hostess' teacher, r,nd Miss Sudte O-ldwelL a f'ter. Tlie puests were in vited into the dirang room where deli Lee Killian. Luther Barrrrt, W Hogue, J. A. Page, Howard Henry. Mesdames W'l P. Smith and J. A. Page shopped in Gastonia on Saturday. Mr. nnd Mrs. C. II. Ferguson and lit tle daughter Nell, spent Sunday in Gas tonia, guests of Mr. and Mis. John Mc Lean, Jr. Mrs. C N. Alexander who unlerwent au operation fai the Charlotte Sanatorium WednesdnJ, ia getting along nicely, Mr. Alexander and daughter Mary Charles, spent the week-end in Charlotte with Mrs. Alexander. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Allison and daugh ter 8ara, of Kings Mountain, spent Sun- dajt with Mrs. Nettie loungblood. Misses Iuise Smith, Louise Simpson and Prof Sam Beid spent Sunday after noon in Bock lull- Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Fage, John M. Smith, and Mr. M. L. Smith, attended church at Tnion church, Gaston county, Sunday, ' Mr. and Mrs. B. Allison spent Sun day in Rock Hill.' Messrs. James and Jack rage.- spent the week end in Due West. .--.' Rev. G. E. Moorehouse of Lumberton, N. C, filled the pulpit of the Presbyteri an church Sunday morning and evening. Large eongregations were piosent to Lear Mr. Moorehouse. Mrs. Thos. F. Jackson had the misfor tune on Friday of last week, to fall and break her right hip, while the was at tempting to 0 down the back steps of her home. She was at once taken to tho City Hospital in Gastonia where slur is getting along very nicely. 'Mrs. O. W Pleasants and ahildreu spent Wednesday in Gastonia, gueRts of Mrs. J. E. Brison. Mrs. J, Lean Adams, of Oastonia spent Tuesday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Clinton. -- ' Bev. W. P. Grier has returned from a visit to Due West. Mesdamc II. L. Wright, J. Meek Smith, E. P. Smith, W. H. Purslcy. G. W. Pleasants, O. A. Niell. W. E. Adams and Misa Louise Smith attended the Floral Fair in York on Thursday. School began at Hero's Monday with Miss Annette Moore nn teacher. Mr. Frank MeCill. of Bethany, spent the past .week-end in Duo West. - Mrs. J. M. Smith, Mihhos Louise, Mis- tine and Elizabeth Smith, Mr. M. L. Smith, Edward, Joe, Jimmie and William Smith and Mr. and Mrs. James L. Jurstey attended Binslini Bros, eircu.i in Char- lotto ou Tuesday. Dr. and Mrs. M. B. NuI aiid Mrs. B. L. Wylie shopped in Cliarlotte on Tlmrs day. Mm. James Lawson Purslev entertain ed the Tluirwiny Afternoon Bruitfe flub on. WednoHihiy afternoon of lastweek nt lier home on Kiug.i Mountain Rtroet. Bridge was played at seven tables an I after ni.'iiiy excitini; anies the hostess sirved elaiiorale rcfreslmioiila, lonist tv.g of chicken naiad with lettuce, tomatoes with d.-esstng devele.l egg:, olive, ct.lck ers. s;i!idvvii lies, h(t bicuiti and coffeeu with whipped cream. The invited guests otbef than the club members included Mesdamc O. A. Niell, G. W. Pleasants, J. Meek Smith, M. B. Neil, C. IL Fergu son. 1. J. CaninlM 11, W. II. Pursk-y, M. B. Allison and H. Q. Parrott. Dr. and Mrs. Sam Brison are spending gome time in Clover with Dr.- Brison ' parents. Capt. and Mrs. W. G. Brison. Dr. Brison has for some time held a po sition in Kershaw but was compelled to resign on account of ill health. His mary friends wis tfor him a speedy re covery. Mr It. L. Jackson, cf Gastonia, was gvset en Friday of Mrs. W. IL Pursley. Mrs. W. P. Sinith and Mrs. J. A. Page epent Thursday in Charlotte. Miss Rose Sears Hope spent tne wees luvitnced their intention of ceasing work at tho regular hour despite the press ot election news, provided that morning papers tdionld not issue extra editions before 10:20 p. m. Thousands jammed - beforo bulletin boards near Park Bow and in other cen ters were forced to avail themselves of incomplete election editions which were turned off the presses of four newspa pers before 7 o'clock. ' LET US DYE FOR YOU We are in a position, being fully equipped with the latest machinery, to dye for yon. The more we dye, the more we live. But here is what we mean don't discard your old coat or dress which eould be made to look just like sew by tho SAUNDERS DRY CLEANING CO. 119 E. MAIN ST. PHONE 144 CaMweU and Miss Myrtle CaldweU. The' "anoma, gnesi oi aer W. is. Jtnignt. Mrs. W. M. Matthews and Mrs. Em ma Currence Quinn, spent Wednesday in Gastonia. Mrs. W. P. Grier and children Lave re turned from a visit to Mrs. Grier 's par ents, Mr. and Mrs. J. TTBigham. li'tle fc'wtcss received many prettv prcs rr.ts. Tho invited were Gene Frone bcrer. Waif Shelley. Hunter Cnld wl!, Paul Cildwell. Howard Tucker, Tloyd Jenkins, Clifford Caron, Carl F'ewart, Zon.t ' Uveal Withers, Fay High derter, EteV.e Froneherper, Lucile TiscVer. Mamie Allison. Helen Caldwell, 'ata,ire Scnrboro, Annie Lanrie Scar brri. I.ncile Whitw-orth. Louise Canon. Bev. J. J. narrifl eocducted the chapel e.vjr-iscs at the main school Mnoday rrrrvinr. Alaa Under had charge cf t1" nn",sie. Mers. Alex and George Morrow, of re"'e two, are driving a new Ford. M-sm. M. P. Shetler and Howard Ttfj-'W were in the New Hope eectioa ARKANSAS. LITTLE ROCK, Nor. 7. Election day dawned clear in virtually all -tions of Arkansas but with contests in only three of the seven congressional district a comparatively light rote was looked for. In the uncontested dis tricts only the minimum number of voling places will be opened. Arkansas returned CHAKGEJF LIFE Florida Lady Was in a Miserable Condition, But Says Sie Fonnd Cardui Helpful, aod . . Got Well. Allha, Pa. In explaining how the louna wrciui so r.cipiui aunne cnance ot life, Mrs. Ella M. Bailey, of Routs 2, this place, said: "1 became so weakened it was ait effort for me to get around. I knew what was the matter, but I felt like I couldn't give ur. "I fust dragged, and I certainly was nervous. I was so restless I could not sit down tone yet so weak I couldn't get a&out. it is a most miseraoie ana such a helpless feeling. "1 would get depressed and cut ot heart. - "1 began to feel, after awhile, there was no use to try to get well. This is al! wrong, for it makes a person worse. "1 had heard of Cardui. and thought 11 might strengthen me. A neighbor had used it with good results. "I took one bottle (of Cardui) , then 1 saw I wasn't so nervous, so kept it up. "Gradually the nervousness left me. 1 began to eat and sleep better. Was soon well, and all right. Cardui did wonders for me, and 1 certainly do recommend it." Thousands of other women have writ ten. to tell of the beneficial results obtain ed by taking Cardui, and to recommend it to ethers. Sold everywhere. TryU. NC-I5 r i for a. number of vears kait !-forday meM with a party of opossum solid democratic delegations to Con fcunters. They report a splendid hunt, gresa. L COUGH 0 REMEDY 0THERCUE0- Coughs, Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH, HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS -SOLD EVERYWHERE n B B H H B a H E3 B CT B D n : ' iren s loolr Week Your Druggist Recommends Tanlac because it ha demonstrated its true worth over a long period of years. He has sold it to thousands of satisfied custom ers and has seen ..them regain their normal health and strength by its use. He knows that as a atomach corrective and general tonic medicine it has no equal. Over 30,000.000 Eottles of Tanlac have been sold, which ia still more conclusive ' evidence to him and to you of its un paralleled merit ' TANLAC Greatest tonic medicine in the world B B n H 9 n u a m H U u i B November. 1218 Every Child Should Be The Recipient OT A Good Book During This Week. We have a big lne of Children' Opoks including D the following series: . . B in am b n b a ca i .- u v .11 n a Bed Time Stories, Tuck-Me-In StorlesJ Make-Eelieve . - - '- i . ' i Stories, Six Little Bunkers, Bunny Brown. Series, Billy Whiskers Series, the Lindsay Books," Little Men and Little Women Series, Grim's Fairy Tales, Every-Chlld-' a Should-Know Series, Uncle Remus Series,' Peter Rabbit n Stories, Mother Goose Series, Bible Stories, Children's Bibles, and many others. H a H Also a big line of new copyright fxtjon at 75. cents. " " -': B Drop in and look over, our jg : a JASKTMt f I KAN WhO I i It is a fact that the user of Packard Truclcs rarely changes. He buys at the right price, in the first place; and he receives full value in the years his Packard serves him, and in the money it saves him. ' RANKIN REALTY CO. Phone 685 PACKARD TRUCKS n H H 'books. Spencer-Atkins Book Company West Main Avenue. B B B B B B M 9 B-VB.-i B B 1 B B. : B B fl B . B 1 P B' 1 II H O. ffl 'SS- M " r5 K:EE- O B -B- fl . 35 B I D B B B B fl"'B; B'.'B:. B D ;: S'Bm ' X Phone 160 i06"'AV. Main Ave B B H B I B B 1 B i i 1 fl 1 1 fl B M i Our Prescription Department is-romplete, fresh, and pure. We are in position to IMF prescriptions of all doctors. Accuracy is our one. :4houht, .with '" ' ; .. t compounding -done by experienced men,- Phone us and let 'us send for prescription and return, our medicine at once. CityPharmlcy Hollingsworth Candies , , - 4 . M. L. RALEY J. B. THREATT I B B B B a b B .a O B B fl -B u H B B B U fl i p H fl B B - YOUR FRIEND OF FRIENDS No matter how many friends you may have, however steadfast' and true they may be, there will be none so ready to respond to your needs as one of our savings pass-books, with a comfortable amount to your credit therein. ship. It takes only a dollar to cultivate this friend- The 3rd. National Bank GASTONIA, N. C. HAVE YOU HAD THAT CRANK CASE DRAINED and new oil put in lately? -Ttwill save you money to let us do thbi." every 500 miles. ':. :.''::. CAROLINA AUTO SERVICE CO. RANKIN FILLING STATION WEST END FILLING STATION PIEDMONT OIL CO. , Distributors MARATHON PRODUCTS WHEN YOU SPEND r A DOLLAR r its KARXIXa POWER mot r,u! " On the !nntrry, fvcry dollar you deposit nt Our Savings Department BETAINH it j earning power-and EAItNS 4 pr fent Interp-t- brides; Moral dfposit yonr dollars here insf rad of spending them, it will pay yon well. The First NationS(Bank "The Bank of Dependable' Setvlce" BROWN-HARRY CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS - and Dealers in Building Materials Phone 736 ymrmrmrmrnxrmr. m-m rtsrwaiBrsi-tB-'ja ia: a zzi n Cocker Machine & Foundry Co. Builders of Textile Macbinery " .- Gastonia, N. C. SUBSCRIBE FOR THE GASTONIA DAILY GAZETTE r i Soft Clean Grey, Iron Castings