f IL TONIA DAILY GAZETTE Weather Colder Local Cotton . 25 Cents VOL. XLIII. NO. 278 GASTONIA, N. C, TUESDAY AFTERNOON. NOVEMBER 21, 1922 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS GAS President Harding Urges Passage Of Ship Subsidy Bill SUPERINTENDENTS TO DISCUSS CHANGES IN i STATE'S SCHOOL LAWS1 George Sipe), Dealer In Pigs, Is New Witness In Hall-Mills Case Fascistf Idea "of Hazing County Superintendents To Spend Some Time On Changes. He Is Counted On To Corro orate The Story Of Mrs. Gibson. ON ASSEMBLY PROGRAM. Jul B. Warren, Secretary, Busy On Details Of Meeting. LONG LIST WITNESSES. Include Policemen, Newspaper Men, Church Members And Neighbors. 1 KALK1GI1, X. ('., Nov. 21. Flans for the complete revision of North Caro lina ' school laws will be discussed and I adopted bv county school superintend outs who will meet 'feiicht rs ' Assembly in their thirty-ninth annual session November 2s. according to a statement today by .lule 11. Warren, secretary of the organization. ; fcUMKIiVILLK, X. J., Xov. 22. (By ; the Associated I'ress. ) As the Somerset I ! county grand jury 21 men and three j women prepared toilay tor its second 1 assault upon the nia.s.s ot evidence sur Mhool supennteiol-jloului ,.( j,all.AUs murdcM t)lc here with the State ! lm. wf ., ,10 wflllnJ willc(H mltel leutative changes nave been woikc out nnd printed,"' said Mr. Warren. "The county school superintendents will be asked for Mich suggestions ;ii they among the prosccut ion incuts. The name "stars" upon pinned its hope ;ippc:i whom t he for indiet- was that of (ieorge bipel, a I dealer in pins, whose movements ou th j fateful night of September It have I caused detectives to bring him forward 'ju flu. i.n.ut litcl,. ....ff.lmt'1f .... j.f in deem wise and these will be written "t" j ili1h(.rto unsupported tale of Mrs. .lane ... ... 'tiuhson, the ''pig woman. or prexeuiou 10 me general ;icrauiv in January as a basis on which to develop any changes the t i body may desire to make in the laws regulating the iiehool system." Complete details of vision have not 1m Mr. Warren asserted "codify and bring school laws enacted twenty years," will I Harvard Student Totes A Gun, Ready For K. K. K. CAMBRIDGE, Mass., Nov. 21. Herbert C. Clay, of Colorado Springs, Colo., a Harvard sophomore and a defendant of Henry Clay, has in formed the ambridge police and Dean Greenough of the college of receipt of a letter signed "K. K. K." in which , he was warned to leave the City, r .Clay, a world war veteran, and president of the Harvard Golf Asso ciation, admitted having formerly been a member of the Ku Klux Klan, butdeclared he had withdrawn be cause he was not in accord with the Klan's policy of "striking in the dark." Clay is toting a pistol about the Harvard campus because of receipt of the letter. He told the police that while the note might seem a joke to easterners, such a message in Colo rado would be deemed a serious mat ter. Advised by the dean to go un armed, Clay -aid: "Well, I'd a lot rather shoot somebody than have my body tarred and feathered." l :a:$-. ' inn f,- vv i&O&i V Declares Special Interests Are I Not Being Served And There Will Be No Drain On Treasury Is Necessary To Relieve Government Of Staggering Losses In Operation Of War Built Merchant Fleet Monetary Sav ing To The Government Would Result From Proposed Law American Merchant Marine Would Be Duilt Up By En actment Of Ship Subsidy Bill Does Not Favor Special In terests, Says President. WASHINGTON, Nov. Jl. incut of the adiniiiist rat ion marine bill was u rji- 1 npoii today bv 1'ivsidoiit 1 1 ;i r. I i n if s;.ry to relieve tin- (;iiveriinieiil of cut "KtaKjrerim; losst-s " in ope of the war built merchant dec. - Kmu' merchant ( 'imtt r-'ss as hece pres- itivll ainl .nip- r n nd peil- the proposed re made public, but a ii'opoition fo together various limine; the past e ,'imoHK the iiion' iuipoitant to be considered. "In order to jret accurate information of the dutieh of the Meral school oi'h' eials," he coifrintied, ''it i neco-.N.iry li stuily all of the laws and amendments that have been paused by the a.-.-embly in recent years. The educational commis siou authorized by the .special session of the legislature last Pecember ldii'vcs that the aptort ioemenl of the equaliza tion fund of ."1111,(1011, or more, wia which the state helps weaker counties, could U chaliRed to advantage. "At the present time this fund i dis tributed after a county having levied the maximum tax rate for .school purposes fliils to secure enough to rim the schools fix months as required by the constitu tion. "On the whole, the commission ha announced that it is in accord with the views of Pr. K. Prooks, superintend ent of the state department of publi instruction," he said. Atldres.ses by Henry Van Pyke, i'.liz-i bith Morrell, of the Xew Vork City pub lie schi ols, and W. I '. Carter, secretary of the Illinois ftnte Teachers Associa tion, are among the most importnat events on the program for the general session. In addition to this program, plans for departmental sessions, at which problems of teachers in the field will be discussed, lime been completed. Pcmonst rat ioa will be given and methods t:i meet the--problems deviled, according to Mr. War ren. 'Co-operation among the different colleges for the purpose of attaining their common ideals will be discussed at the brunch meeting of the Assembly Financing Colleges," he said. "The proper in operation between colleges and high schools of the state so that the courses of study of high schools will cor relate with those of the higher institu tions also will be up for discussion.'' The program worked out for higher education by Pr. T. C. Amick, of Tdou College, and his associated ofloi'is will lo presented and followed by the ase'ii My departmental atendants. CLEMENCEAU 10 GIVE HIS FIRST TALK TONIGHT "pig ' Evidence upon which the grand jury may designate the slayers of Key. I'M ward Wheeler Hall and Mrs. Kleanor i Heiuliardt Mills, hie. choir singer, re mains to be adduced. Yesterday's ses sion of the jury, its first, was looked i upon by the prosecution as only the set- ting of the stage upon which the prinei- j pal witnesses are about to be drawn. i I In this list of principals the name of j ! Mrs. Gibson, the "pig woman," now ; 'appears most prominent. Next coires ; the name of -SSijiel, the "pig maii," : whose overnight rise to importance i , make him one of the mysteries of th? ' case. j After them trail a long list of wit- i nesses, twelve of whom appeared before 'the jjiiry yesterday, and at least ten are scheduled to testify today. They include two New I'.run.swick policemen, a neigh bor or two of the principals in the trap- , oily, numerous citizens I!ev. Hall 's church, !St FAMES MAY ASK FOR CHANGE OF Widespread Interest Comment May Jury. It Is Said Youthful members of tho Fasclstl or Italian National Party, now in t power, seizo Signaor Borribacci, Communist deputy, shave his ticai, paint It la the national colors and parade him through the streets of Rome. Senator Dial Declares Present Futures Contract Law Wrong And; Influence 1 Trial To! '-'r8e Amendment To Give Purchaser Rights Equal To Those TRIAL Come Off Thursday Or Friday. Of The Seller- Situation. -Recommends Three Suggestions To Relieve YOKK, tf. C, Xov. ill). The fall term of the court of general sessions for York county, the outstanding feature of which will be the trial of William C. I-'aries; of ClOvtr, alleged slayer of four numbers of .1. M. Taylor 's family ."September 0, failed to get under way here today be- and members ot cause ot the absence ot Judge James );. John the Kvan-! I'eurifoy, of Walterboro, who was sit- jgclist, detectives, troopers, county oth-, ting in an en baue session ot the i-:ta1c cials and possibly newspaper men. supreme court at Columbia. Judge I'eu- Special 1'ro.socutor Wilbur A. MoM j rifoy expects to be present tomorrow, I has not announced whether Mrs. Hall, i according to a communication recche l : widow of the rector, will be permitted before the jury, as she has reqquested. X'or would he reveal his plans for ob taining record of the testimony of Xel- Itiifsell, the negress who ha to iie able to refute Mrs. (lib eye witness" story of the slay- lie l.o da imei j son s ' ! ings. from him by T. K. court, and gave instructions that ban o'clock in the morning. Faries will b here is that the trial will not begin before Thursday. The law provides that an interval of 'three days between arraignment and trial shall be allowed in such cases, and it is understood here that this provision will be invoked to deter the trial '..) Thursday or possibly Friday. That a change of venue will be aske I by the defense is considered likely here. " The reasons for the motion, it was said, r- .. . . . j i will be that public feeling in this count .- Evangelist Had Good Monday, is :ij,aillst .!lUh.s .,,, tluit .rc Crowds At Both Services -. l, on too much newspaper publicity in Mrs. Thacker To Speak To j connection with the case. Twenty-si Women Next Sundav After-I wi,,lpss,'s for t,a' prosecution -were sub- nnn At M..'n st-.At Mfhn.ilu',":''1 I CHICAGO. Nov. I'l. The present cot ton futures law "reverses the laws of j common sense and the customs of mer t chandising, " by permit ting the seller to ; deliver any one of ten grades to the buy ihs, JSeuntor X. 1!. I Hid, of South Caro lina, declared today in an address before the Southern Commercial Congress. ' lie urged aiuendmeut of the act to ; give the purchaser right, equal to those of the seller. Under the present system, he said, the growers suffer because pur ; chasers sell out. their hedges rather than inferior grades, an I sales depress th(- M..H....L :., e ucce pi oeiiM-rt m .Ur.U.LIlll, l II 1 B Ul ; , . ,. . lit? rniiM'fiiH'm iif!iv ftriii aihtHUkiiU l.n iwtlitloil fit Km nil lmllil 'i1' ' ,,t k .::n ',.i.'...t, ,., th.. ,..,.,.,,; Hl' -i,,'' fijiun's " show- arraigned s,me time tomorrow. , ""'-v U.UI INTEREST IN THACKER MEETINGS IS INCREASING dist Church. I'.lue Moielay failed to dampen the ardor and abate the interest of those attending the Thacker and Itoddy meet ings at the First I'resbytria.t church and a splendid congregation greeted the evangelist and singer .Monday morn ing at the I0:.'!ij service. The large auditorium of the Sunday school room was filled, with many occupying extra chairs. Coming as he did from a hard ilay 's service for the -Master on Sun- today. 1 Hceauso ol the ciitorceil absence : ! Solicitor J. K. Henry, of Chester, due to ! a broken leg as the result of an auto j mobille accident, the prosecution will be j directed by Solicitor J. M. Spears, of I Partington. A-sistiug him will be John i If. Hart, of York, and John .. Carpen j ter and C. M. Austin, of tiastoni.i. Tic 1 defense will be conducted by Thomas F. Me Dow, of York, and Coie 1.. BJcasc. 'former governor of South Carolina, of Columbia. Solicitor Spears arrived lure yester day, and Messrs. Carpenter and Austin sjit'itt several hours here this morning, Tiger Of France Tired Out From Day's Strenuous Activ ities Will Speak Extemporaneously. very thee with leave thee we ar Mill.- nor XF.W YORK. Xov. '21. (ieorg -s rlemeiiceau, France's war time premier, will deliver his lirst address to tin American people tonight. He will talk extemporaneously, although he has spent much of his time sin.e arriving in the Vnited States gathering material for u-e iu the speech. Clemeiieeau was exhausted las 1 night when he retired after a strenuous d.-iv whieh began at a. m. and ended short J.V before N o. tn. He lenited heavily ou the rail as he climbed, the stairway to his third floor apartment in the home of Charles Paua Gibson, and lie did not join the Cibsons at dinner but had a light, meal sent to his room. Arisiiifj e.-irly today he seemed refresh ed and eager for the coming of evening iind the first of the. messages lie crossed the Atlantic ocean to give to America. Friends have warned him to sak n. longer than an hour, but he has given no iudicatio that he intends to folI this ijuin-t ion. Yisterday it was planne I that he should talk only niinutes at the gathering of Xew York editors ali i publisher. He talked for fifty-eight. S;M-aking without notes, as he will. ieemnceaii may talk -for two hours if lie finds :.fi interested audience and i able to mftke himself under-? nod in tb grat a iidt ii.riuiii of the Met ropolitail rj.er.-i House. Nothing else was planned for th.-i"I Titer today. He was exKcted to f-tliey husband? Is it well jnain at the tiibson lumie resting and j child .'' ' Pr. Thacker spoke working on tonight's address. I (Continued on page 8.) day Pr. Thacker was in the best of iduring which a conference was held and spirits and exceptional good form. His 'plaits mapped out for the prosecution, splendid message of the morning to Mr. Klcuse is expected to arrive here in Christian held the undivided atUn- jlhe morning and be present at the ar Hon and interest of all pr-vut. Se- j rnignment. l!ecau-e of the expected ar lecting a text from the eighth I's.-.lm ; raignment, the enforced absence of .1 udge tind four verse. "Where Is Man That I'eurifoy not being generally known, a i Thou Art Mindful of Him." Dr. j ;l r(rc. ,.rwd gathered about the court 'Thacker said in part: For ears such bouse todav, and the approaching trial great men as WVbstcr a, pean Swift j ,v;lS tni. chief to). ic of conversation, could not grasp the fact that Cod oul. Anmng those here was J. M. Taylor, of .oe imere-ieu in- inem as units ol a Gastonia, father of three of the four (rct'it I i,-. ....i ,...t ... ii;i.i.. h..,. i.,...,.- ... ... I... ...I'll: l.s lear on the that in lDL'O cotton were J while there I were contracts sid.l for I '!'U",.'iil I bales. From August 1, HC'd, to July, ! J! I , lill'l, the actual number of bales de ; livered at New York was only Lii7,7tiil and at Xew Orleans lutijjon. 'Tnder the present practice,'' Sena tor Pial said, "even the' lowest grades' ; of cotton are not sold at their value ! cause you have not brought- the rigid, ! parties together. ' Fui t horniorc, the price-, quoted o'l j the exchanges do not reflect the price of I ,111c market. For example, on March LM, j ' ljti'ii, March contracts iu .New York were ! .")!', spot IU cents a pound; in July,) 'Spots 4o.7". contracts :!(i..".o. "Artificial supplies are created at the I pleasure of the sellers of contrails with out enlarging the demand.' The law of, supply and demand is thus hobbled.. Whueve ljiuts up the mo-t margins ea.i carry prices his wav. I am not cndoa oiing to legislate xalue into a com modity. This could not be 'attempted. To my mind, the foregoing clearly dem onstiatex the ineipia li ty of the preeir la wand its unjust operation against the grower. "I suggest cither one dies which I am satislh improve conditions, but : one, to wit : piire the specific grade it the time the contract Cut Of Cards Decided fwo Year Pen Term SIOUX FALLS, S. D., Nov. 21. A verdict of guilty returned against George W. Egan, three times candi date for governor of South Dakota, on a charge of making false returns to insurance companies and renuUine in a sentence of two years in tha state penitentiary, was obtained through cutting a deck of playing cards, according to affidavits tiled in circuit court today by two of the jurors. The affidavits were filed in support of a motion for a new trial. According to the affidavits the jury had been deadlocked with ten members for conviction and two for acquittal. After .everal hours, the affidavits say, the two objecting jurors decided to cut for high card to see whether they should let their not guilty stand or agree with the other jurors. The cards said guilty, it was alleged, and a verdict to that effect was returned. to establish a program of assiii'd ping to -re the nation in war gic a guaranty of eotuiui rci tl in-l dtn-ue in 1 i inc ot peace . I Personally addressing a joint session of the Hons and Senate the cxccutie declared an actual monetarf naing to the government mould result from the ' proposed lam. He chalenged every in sinuation of favored interests and the enriching of the special few at the x- ) pense of the public lieasury. The legis lation, In as crtcd, automatically guarded agaius t enrichment or perpe tual bestowal. ''If success attend, as w hope it , wjl,' ' he added, "the government out la is returned, the inspiration of op portunity to earn remains, and Ameri- lenn transportation bv sea is maintain ed." The President said concern about the American merchant policy was not limited "to our own domain," adding that the, maritime nations of the world were "in complete accord with the op position here to the pnding measure." lie declared those nations had a perfect right to such an attitude, but that he wished to stress the American view point which he said should be the view point "from which one hock American carriers at sea, the dependence of American eouiinicc, and American ves st Is for American reiianee hi the event of war. " Mr. Harding declare.) it most dis coiiraging if a measure of "such trans 'cending national importance '' must have its fate depend on geographical, occu pational, professional or partisan ob jection. A commercial eminence On the seas and ampix agencies for the promotion iu carrying of Americuil eoni-j ineire, he asserted, were of no less ! importance to the people of the sissippi and Missouri valley, the. nortliwe.t, and the Koeky mountain states than to the seaboard states and industria communities inand. national defense. It is enough to recall that we entered the world war almost wholly dependent on our allies for trans portation by sea. V expended upproii matrly three billions, feverishly, extra v ..f,ai..iy, wastefully, and unpractically. Out of our eagerness to make up for tho omissions of peace and to meet the war emergency we builded and otherwise fac quired the vast merchant fleet which tho government owns today. In tin; simplest way I can say it, our i.. .mediate, problem is not to build and support a i.ierciiaiit shipping, which I ; hold to be one of the highest and most : worthy aspirations of any grout people; our problc.it is to ileal with what we now i possess. Our pub.'em is to re flit' ve tho public treasury of the drain it is already j meeting. Let us omit particularly ubo r (the frenzied wartime building. 1'ossi i bly we did fully as v.vll as could have i been done in the anxious circuilista.neea'. Let us pass for tho moment thu vital I relationsUip bet ween a merehmt marine and a commercially aspiring nation. Aye, j let us suppose for t moment the nbsurdt iiy that with one $:t.'ll)0,t)0(l,000 expert , ence, and with the incalculable costs in j lives and treasure which may be eliarge ablc to our inability promptly to upply jour potency which tiod forefend hap I peuing ;igain let us momentarily ignore all of these tind turn to note the more IbusinesM liroblem, the practical question I of dollars and t i nt with which we are ; confronted. ! The war construction anil the later completion o war contracts, where cotn ;pletiou was believed to be the greater economy to the public treasury, left us approximately l;i,''00,i)U0 gros stonitaga in ships. The figures are nearer 12,000, I titii) tuns now. owing1 to thu scrapping -of I the wooden fleet. More than half this -tonnage is government owned, and ap- proximately i government pinother. The net loss to the United Mates treasury sums ' acfuully taken therefrom iu this government operation im raged approximately lH,0u0,00d 'per month during the year .prior to tlirt- Mis- 'assumption of responsibility by the prea great!'"' administration. A constant warfare on tins loss or putiiie luiuts, una tuo draft to service of capable business man agement and experienced -operating direc- L:.o,ofjo tont are uudcr operation in one form -or 'li is common cause, with it.s bene common v shared," said he. MRS. FELTON, GEORGIA'S "GRAND OLD LADY1IAY BE SEATED IN SENATE TODAY ir, nave resulted m applied eiiicieney lits coimnoiiv shared," said he. and eiitonid economies. It ls:verv If government aid is a fair term to j gratifying to report the diminution ui appy to authorizat ions aggregating i the losses to . 1,11110,1)00 per mouth, or a . ;."iimhi,ihiii t promote good roads for, total of ."iii,iinil,il(iii a year; but it is in market highways the president added, ' tolerable t hut the government should tfou it il eipiav It to be applied to tluvtiiiue a policy from which so enormous a e-ta bishmetit and maintenance of Amor- ; treasury lo.-s is the inevitable outcome, icon market highways ou the ' salted This loss, morcoxer, attends operation vt Sl'''s. j h-ss than a third of the government- As to present goxerinent operation of; owned fleet, the .shippiu- board lh et, Mr. Harding j it is not, therefore, a uuqestion of unavoidable task oladdiuir ne wtreasiirv burdens to main-' n it thn d will ur remc great ly the la-t d illeg, Faries is in tin r o; to ' ' FirM. be spi cite ; made. I "Second, a selller of a the (piantity. posisbility of h ! them divid i or even three "Third, do fair as one of 1 Senator-Elect George is Will ing To Forego For A Day His Seat Several New Senate Members To Take Oatb Of Office Today. 1 WASHINGTON. No. : cut Harding was piip.nel to low the purchaser and ti"' ntract each sideet half of Hat in order to avert tic i corner either up or down, each half, e.pi.illy in two. grades, away with the middling the grades tender. lUe and hae i.een slain York last persons ever ' i-.. :.,.. If.. I ..c : ..li it:.. I . ' iii ol lis. jiii ..nil ;io ms .....I I....: 1.:.. I . t .. ;ii : -. ...... ...wo n.iiniiess. i nui guiue . , . ,.. y am. -i wi.i never !f(lilt(. Ilit0Ml i;irv w!i01. lorsake thee. ltecaiise'. , , ,,- - ,., c.uiciiic.i oiosi iii our own i-nii-i , , . .i..., , i ; . . . , , , : Killing, reacning ncre ar - .... ... ...., ,.i iriiii.-.-i ncu in us an.i icaus 1 us thru all the lights and shadows of ; ",oru,"f , human exj..ie..ce. He is concerned bo- ' ! phlegmal.c cause it is natural that he who watches :anJ, ,1Il.,;!,8tu,;n,,,,1 I'":"",- over the beasts of the tield. the birds 1r(":'a,,"ll,-V' 1,0 l-fon-. as outlined of the air and the fowls mid tishes is'"-v T'01"1" r- M'-l" ' se,tember. i, u.-l, n or,. ,.n,..,i i .i... ; .. I when arguing for a continuance ot the the oinity jail, hav night from the he was lodged hours after the lock tliis divide clas-.es ill each c the basis other nine grades into thn H and I', witii three gia-b -ss and make the middle cla with a discount for a grad Pl.si address ill the k today. I. being favoring ;idinihi-t rat ion 's i.o-i Iciation of si --in was cali- r! of the measure to lai.ncd today after a tie- men haiit marine ot ' oilgie t ll' :".M was uiei. i-' o a I the f..r c .eci.in r ,1 ii 1 1 -i 1 1 below and a premium fur grade above. 'I have introduced amendments in tie senate along the lines suggested above, but I am told the task is too mon.i mental to be accomplished, and that it would cause a revolution in marketin.. I believe in revolutions when they an necessary to accomplish justice." ot Himself in lis own creation. lie is concerned because He sees in us great attributes like unto His own.'" Dr. Thacker is very anxious that all .Christians wh can possibly do so be ;in attendance for t" minutes at these i morning nerviccs. So far the morn ing congregations have been fine and tin- Christian business men and the ; ladies w ith household cares have been very much in evidene and their at ; tendance is appreciated by the pastor and evangelist also the faithful and interested attendance of the other citv pastors. j Another large congregation heard lr. Thacker at night. After a de lightful jioiig service conducted bv Mr. Il.'oddy. Selecting n text from II Kiics i......i. ..i .... i ... . .. ....in cnapicr uioi inciiTV-tjixttt verse it well with tine.' Is if well witl. case. GASTONIA PASTOR HELPS IN STATESVILLE REVIVAL COTTON GINNED TO DATE . IS 8,869,857 BALES dent llarilmg wa a joint session House chamber his message, it v devoted largely t early passage of ship subsidy bil, which chiefly the -ed . Formal repo the Ilou-c wa- p full meeting of commit!.- following" the uresident 's ad dress. Adopiion by th.- Hons.- tomor row of a special lule expected to issue from the nii. s .-..mini! '.-. giving it right of way would start coilsid. rat ion of the Id,; Thursday under the prog ram calling for a final 'e .Nueii.lH-r Whether Ccrgia's "Itiaod t)'d Lady," Mis. W. II. Felton. tirs! woniaii en.ifor. would be among lb. sitting members of that body to hear the President's mevi.ige today re inaiio-d to be determined preioosy mi th Senate lb.nr. With the pi.tion of s.ll.l there was tin wiping out a. fiftv milli nuaj loss, and losses -many niin.iie.is ot minio-. pi uorn out, sacrificed, or scrapped snipping lie called attention that the government ships kit being worn out wipioiit aty provision for replacement an I that . program of surrender and sa.-ritic and tin liipiiiialio which h declared would I.e inevitable unless the proposed legis lation were eiiactd, ewould cost scores of millions. The cos! of the prnpo t d legislation giving the direct aid. he sa. with jtceaii earning maintained at the I present average, viouhl not reach ff2'K- 11110,11011 a year. and tin- mai in direct aid if American shipping were so promoted thai it ,-airied one half the nation's ic. p s. a commerce would w i ceed thiitv millions aniiiiallv . Text of Message. M' IiiImi s (..' i In i 'undress ; l.atr last I'. I.ruarv I r.-poiicd to yo.i relative to i ne A'!iiri.-ai' .ir. i.a n; Ma rim-, and r , i.iiin.eiidcd legislation whi-h t':e eXeli.fivt l.tallcil of the goVerilllll'Ul liti.il to plolllote our mer- wit'i it our national i.lilelus 'loiiii- aii-,iain our shipping we are paying thesj igg.'egal iug j burdens now. It is not a ipiestiou of icotracting an outlay to support our nier 'chat shijping. bis-ause we are already paying. I am not asking ywir author isation of a new and added draft on tha public treasury; I am appealing for i program to diminish the burden we are 'already bea-if'n When your executive government knows of public oxpendit nre aggregat ing fifty 'niHioiis "imally, which it be lieves could lie reduced by half through a change or ;'o!ic.v. your government would be unworthy of public truet it i sin-h a change, were not commended, nay, if it were not insistently urged. , And ihe pity of it is tint our present expenditure in losses is not constructive. , It looks to no future attainments. It is (uttcrlv ineffective ill the establishment pen. 'aide merchant marine, where- d cll.lli! ivelfal ,h. marine and iitln-r I are pres..' lied, -oil the nd.-.ti . mm it 'jlU..'s! lufis it alio! her suggested ct.inj a Ihe hoc, pelidin'. which leglsilatl lav "r:i i and In, I not be u has not !e recolii permitting Mi and sit for a . Felton to lie ilav forced over !twirn in vesterdav and I l.o wi ! I l! oi.-; r.-i-o; ti .'I. sTATKssYII.I.i:. -Nov. 21. liev. '. J. Black, of (iastoiiia. is assisting the pastor. Uev. C. K. Turner, in a revival at AVestem .-Avenue I'.aptist church. Mr. Black present.s his subjects in a sincere and scarcliiMg luauner. It is expected that the meeting will continue througn- tout the week. There is a choir of 2' (voices and a junior choir of void's. under the direction of the (eistr.r. Ivc '. K. Turner. WAslIl.NtiTON. Nov. ginned prior -to November to .'s'il'.s" running bale. counting' 1.11 ,."i7 round bales as half bales, and 1 including ,7 bales of American-' Kgyptian and a,7:!7 of .wa island, the.) Census Hurt an announced today. ' Last year to Nov ember 11 giuniiigs j aggreuated 7.J"1.2"1 bah-s. including' II7.."i'i!' round bales, counted as half 111. l(t." bales rf American Kuyp i ud 2,l"Mi bales, of sea island. Senate out of respect ott.i S1..ltr Wat f 1.4 amounte I IkiIc for the late (ieorgia. upon wlios- death she was appointed to fill the vacancy two months ago. the pros ss-ts today for fulfillment of that as piration were regarded ! favorable. His successor, Walter F. eorge. elect ed last November 7. utill adhered to Fel Mild his o: a as the ea.-Oi.ragemont of private owner siii pan. I the application, of individual initiative would make for a periiianen cieatioii. ready and answerable at all tiiaes to the needs of the nation. I bit 1 have not properly urt rayed all ila i ..iii.is;i.,.s ei,,iin. and !. ' "' ' urrent l.wses the puf.lic treas ury. We are wearing out our ships with out any provision for replacement, Wo ire bavin;; these lo--vs through deteriora tion now, and are charging no! long airainxt our capital account. But tha I..: s are there, find regrettably larger under government opi ration than tinder private control. Only a few years ' c.mlinue.l losses ou capital account will make these losses through depreciation alone to exceed the fifty million n year now ilnwii ! cov. i lcss.-s in oiwratiou. jiroposa ! have divided ; n ".". io--c- -.-. ..-. on various previous o.-.-a- -'T"1 ,,Vrl1 "",n'- -'inisian.iing n.u Known was evt ot inree niiuons or ioi- l.v - i vi n ! lie aking intuiirv 1 its f.ivor..i.ic en -lie force i e helpful ill f n.- -fart vv of divid ;.)iii-it ion. oIlllllH! ee. ipiesii.ui a Th-fu'l i nd study, and report speed!!'. f law. icring the ii the fr: I opinion and it is no in vv at - i de 1 ex l.ik tl.i il l.ONDOX. Nov. 21. (By the A-mi witli the via ted Press. ) .lames Ram-ay Maclon in iiart us l ant today was elected leader ol'tlie vut- lliuliieutary labor party. THE- WEATHER Fair tonight and Wednesday; tonight. I.c ,v wiil ! I., re i ;l'i! i.li riniiicd o p. ri. ne . tie ",.iiU! sio'.s. I'. rliaps a lie ii..-.-r was inaiiifet v.-rv sure the a.-.-ih-i-isivc. fave-abii urgent lie fore. We arc not lmvy dealing nith founded on theory, we have a which is one of grim actuality, facin-r insistent cotidit ions, out wiil come cither additional and in:; government lows and national im , poteiice mi the seas, or else1 the Uli'"urliiiC i t f the flag on a gr -at American met- ' liaut marine commensurate witu oar : resolute hostility fore, and I am. for decisive action ' n tioii never was so . (Continued on jngo S.) COTTON MARKET, a policy probleat We are cf vvhicti ot.'litger- GAST0NIA Reoipts Today..... Price.-... COTTON. 46 Bale .2$ Cent CLOSING frost j his intention today of giving Mrs. ton nu opportunity to be" sworn iu sit for a dav- liefnrH presenting I credentials. Several other new Senate iiicihImts ; were to take the oath today. after which t he I'llate n ev.M.-t...I t n .-. .ahead on it. nntinished biisim-n whi'e I commer. Lai importance, to serve car-. KV VUK, Nor. SI. Cotton fu 'the House devote it attention to tho. r,er ' 1ilr eurgoes li nce and mini the ; lure elo-x'd steady i Isnlwidv bill. Yenterdar 'h brief Sen-1 netessities if our defense iu war. There! iH-ieinlsr ":..'"; .TrftiuaTy ' t'Ss2 ate session also pnvluded jM-eseutation i ' " thought here and uow to magnify j March C'.Ua; May 23.2'!; July i. (CoutiuueJ ou page '8.) tUc relation of a merchant uiariuo to our fc'pots el.J 2o.4'( ut 3 Lutii BIDS ON IHE NEW YORK MARKET t.Mi i:i.

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