TAG TWO THE GASTONIA (N. C) DAILY GAZETTE WEDNESDAY, NOVEiMEER 22. 1S22 n "a u w:m b n d n ' n n a :b ' k a b a aionn I h:schweider e a M a i LOVELY NEW COAT SUITS Women's Coats STANLEY HAPPENINGS fa ! P (Correspondence, of The Dally Gazette.) B STANLEY, ytov. $L Xfrs. KoWt B rSuuiK.'trdiier and two children, of TSt-1-j ' mom , lire visiting- Mrs. Kmnkanlned 'a f.ithcr niiil mother, Mr. nn( Mrs. .Iiilc B.dystnil. i qi Mh Bitlie Gaston who has been vis litin pl.iHves here for the pant wk ' Irft tliit morning for Rock Mil, 8. C. d Mrs. Torino Cram'etnhd and children miasm' fl Unusual values $ II - y aa 1 J i- . 1 ST i p h H n a n u i a N a a B a a a g K H a d 9.95 S20.00 value Coats at only . $12.50 $22.50 value Coats at only $15.95 $25.00 value Coats at only. $19.95 $30.00 value Coats at only.. $22.53 $32.50 value Coats at only.: v, ...$25.03 $35.00 value Coats at only $27.50 A wonderful assortment of Coats, a most complete and varied line at such low Prices. Autumn Suits for Women Misses am iof Iron .Station, arc visiting kin folks ! here . i Mr. :iml Mrs. Bob Goode, 'of Lincoln Inn, m re visitors here yeiferdu v. Mr. Urahnm rtiitlcdjre. Mr. Joe C int i tcr with SnriceonL. X. Glenn of flnstOTita lede, and Mrs. Mary Lou Kale spent ; who kindly consented to spend a day at I some time in Kinjjs Moirntaiu recently. U'miii'Tton and with several jiMiitantS Mr. Krnest Camion sjient jesterday in operate on all who nhcd their tonsil (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette) CRAXIKKTO.Y. Xov. 21. The man agement of the mill, iifidei- the supervision ofk Miss Ri-eiw, the community iinrse, eu jfineujed ime of the most Miccesful health r;iiiii:iij;iiH yet niidertafceii in Cra inert on. Miss Jfivue in cooperation nit li (Miss 1mvs, (lie County Hed t'ross Xnrse, 'han leii malting n close survey of the health conditions in the homes, especially among the children. After several visit to the public Mcbool khe looted a nnmler of childreu with diseiised tonsils. The inaiiajfement of the mill took np the mat - i Lincoln! on, ! .Mm. Kate Leejx-r and son, Mr. Tom l.et jT visited Mrs. Leeper' sifter, Miss Mary Pinith, Hnndny. Mrs. Wd Hlack spent the weekend ivitli rcl.H i'c in l.ttcia. Key. and Mrs. W. W. Bruner and scv era! children fire real fcitk with flu. Mr. Warren Alierna'tliy, who is attend- . T . . . - - J' removcO. 1 arenis preseniea iweniy nvr children and Punnet t Hall was equipped as a tiiapoTaTy hospit.il. tV-ience find speed disposed of twenty five pairs of diseased tontdls, two fldnlts and the rest children. Every operation proved a per- ileii s;i,'cess. 1 dree chihlren who were ope rat i d on Erid.ly Were brick in school .Ylni'dav doinif the full work of their n d b Autumn Suits for Women and Misses of the latest Styles at $13.4S, $19.95, $22.50 and $27.50 They are hand tailored, the choice of beautiful Fabrics Poiret Twill, Tricotine, Serges, smart Models with youthful bloused and belted Coats and deep Col lars, plain or Fur trimmed, and they are considerably underpriced. Colors. Navy, Black or Brown. 33m I iiijr Kchool at Leiinir college, spent t he j grades, Kvery child wn carried home ; week-end vith hoine "folk. j Friday nifht and Bennett Hall was a ! .Mr. .lames Kirby went to I.ineolnton quiet aird si'rene by fiaturday as though .hospital Friday for treatment. j nothing hn4 happened. - KveTv rase, even i Born to Mr. and Mts. Tate Mooney, the adults, are practically well today, a fnie haliy Imv, to Mr. and Mrs. Tom j Monday. It Is the most successful veil ittnead, a hahy boy. tare in the prevention Of disease that has ; lr. and Mis. ( . H. I'tifch, of dast onia, j yd come under our observation. How were vi-ii:ers here Sunday. lever we have leen wondering; how many Mr. M. l. Kiriiy and Mr. tliarles Ware J visits these doctors have cheated them-Wen- isitotn in .lt. Holly yesterday. j selves out of. If they had just let these ! Mr. Cole, Mrs. .lame Kirli.V, and Mr. j diseased tonsils work there would have and Mrs. Bnvid Johnson attended the been enough s'nkiies to anpport at least llntrpits meetinR in Mt. Holly Knday. joae doctor. But it will eertninly he a Mr. A. M. lfhyne has added a new wonderful help to the parents, children. roo mt oln store fimidiug near the cot - j tu-hool, null and clmrch anil tne wnoie ton nulls. . Rev. A. Fherrill and. Mr. Da rid Del linger will attend the Dintrict Wewards tnecfinp of the M. E. church South at Oastonia Tuesday. The Womanleas Wddinp at the school auditorium Saturday night was quite a success. People attended from 4 las- ton ia, Iron and Lucia. ommnnitv in ifPiieral. The singing school conducted by Prof. J. L. Webb of MeAdrnville is. still in progress thront;h this week. At tirst it we decided to run only ten nights, but the benefits needed and received were Biieh that it was decided to continue for twen tv nights. It closes Fridav night after Htatiun, AlCxis, Mt. Holly which Prof. Wi bb is planiuiiK to make an extended visit to his daughter a home in Friday niht the people of Stanley Georgia. Methodist church jjave their pastor a After a most exciting boxing match handsome pounding. These people know at the echool auditorium in two three just how to pound. i B: CHERRYV1LLE CHAT. (Correspondence of The Dally Gazette) II B Special Bargains in Men's Ovrcoats pi R Sweaters Men's $2.00 Sweaters, special bargain at 98c Women's and Misses' Sweaters in all Autumn shades', Red, Erown, Maroon, Navy and Black, offered at $2.S5, $3.8, $4.S8, $5.95 uo to $8.95 $15.00 value Men's Overcoats $10.95 y $18.00 value Men's Overcoats $13.48 :E $20.00 value Men's Overcoats $13.48," $25.00 value fine Overcoats at $18.50"i $30.00 value Overcoats at only .$19.95 i $40.00 Men's 0-ercoats at only $28.50 a Men's Odd Coats at low price.. $ 4.98 y Men's Odd Coats at low price $ 5.98. " Every Article in Our Store is Known I fcr Quality and Our Prices Are Bargains. 1 ' s i n a iu b ii B "BB 'B NEAR EAST RELIEF wC0KMITTEES IN GREENSBORO GREENSBORO, X. C, Xov. 21. Ar rarjfenientg nro being completed here for tht annual tnte convention of the Near East Relief in North Carolina on De cember 2. The convention was scheduled to be held in Raleigh, but was chancel by George IL Bellamy, president, ow in to the postponement o fthe capital elly's campaign until January 14. Arrangements are beinu made br Charges A. Hltirs, Greensboro attorney who is chairman cf Guilford county; Jiiige J. Ai!en Anstin, city clmrmaa "of High Point, and Norris A. BciKe,: of Raleigh, State director of the Near East Relief. Bishop James Cannon, Jr., of ihe MethodUt Episcopal (Imr.'h, South, will niake tin principal address at the con ference. The bishop is said to have been ft neye-witaess to the tsmyrna disaater. In a western hotel the other day there wn a reunion of world war heroee, when the head clerk, who was a first lieutenant, called the porter, who was hi captain, and the head waiter, who was a lieutenant-colonel, and had them throw out a former gen eral who wan cluttering up the chairs in the lobbv. A Belle of Washington vTr r: : A$5 Kfc y :; -. i". . iwcV CIIERRYVILLE, Nov. 20. Prof. A. C. Warlick and Prof. Claud Moser, of the Cherryville rchool and Prof. Loy, of Tryon high school were i Oastonia Friday night to attend the meeting of the superiutendnts and principals I the Gaston county schools. The meeting was held nt the Armlngton hotel and after the business session an elaborate banquet was served. Mr. and Mrs. D. R. Maoney. Mre. Julia Hall and Miss Anni Howell went to Charlotte, Friday evening lo at tend the. organ recital, given by Char les M. CVmrboln, tho- famous Belgian organist. The recital, which was held in Trinity Methodist church delighted the vast audience of music lovers. The Baptist Ladies' Aid bazaar and supper held last Katnrday was a sue U cess in every particular. Through the courtesy of Mr. Preston Long, the Long's Tin Shope was turned over to l the ladies for this otwwion. Mr. P: Long and his assistahts had mox-ed his ' machinery to one side and ample space yiwas provided for eandy and faney work H j booths and dining-room at tho front, with the back curtained off for kitchen, yilt in understood that the Methodist jAi.l Society will hold . their bazaar jin this building nest Saturday. 1 Mrs. J. D. IJobbs and children, Mr. j Clyde Kendrick and Miss Myrtle Jen B ;kins, of Mt. Holly tarn tip Saturday to attend the bazaar. Mrs. nob Lis and LP? " children, returned to Alt. Holly (Sunday with Mr. llobba, who spent tho day here. Miss Ruth Gilchrist and Prof. E. J. Abernethy of Oastonia' were in Cherry ville h short while Sunday afternoon, en route to Gntdonia from Boone and Hickory. Mrs. Julia Abenlethy ac companied them this far and visited her daughter, Mrs. David P. Dellinger for a few days, going from here to Forest City to spend a few weeks there with her daughter, Mrs . Benj. L. Smith. Miss Zylpha Bellinger, Mr. Paul finmmenille , Mr. and Mrs. 8am Honeyeut and children, of Charlotte, spent Sunday with , Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Dellinger, at Lydell Farm, near town. Dr. John .Pa'Uerson,' of Coneord vns n Cherryrille visitor, (Saturday, evening. The many friends of Dr. and Mrs. W. II. Houser nre tOngnlating them upon the arrival of a daughter la rt Saturday, November 15th. Mr. and Mrs. M . L. . Mauney. and Mrs. C. B. Fetncr were in Charlotte Friday on business. Mrs. 8. 8. Mauncy, Mrs. D. P. McLurd, Mrs. John J. George, Misses Linchsn and Catherine George and De linns ?eorge wero Charlotte risitors Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. C. .A. Rudisill, Miss Ann Rutledge and Mefers M. Cone Mauney D. R. Manhey, Hoke Hoss and M . A . Rtroup wre among IboBe attend iug the Carolina-Dandson football tame in Charlotte Saturday. Mrs. Virginia Bustle spent . Eunday afternoon with Mrs. L. L. Relf. Mrs. W. D. Brown hat had as her guests for several days, her sister. Mrj. L. F. Thomas and Miss Ned (.lemmer. of Bostie. Mrs. Thomas re- turned home Sunday afternoon. Miss Clemmer will spend the week here. Mrs. Phillip 6teiu. of Lenoir, is visiting her daughter, Mrs. R. E. Wil son. Dr. and Mrs: W. k. . Allen ana Uttlo son, spent tinday in Shelby. Mr. and Mrs. Fred fihoford Were Cherryrille visitors Sunday afternoon, the guests of Prof, and Mrs. A. C Warlick. Messrs. Atkin Harralsoft. and Prcy Helms, of the Harreson-Fanning Co., Rutherfordton, spent Sunday here with homefolks. Mr, II. Craig Harrslson Wt Sunday evening for northern markets. whr will purchase additional roods for round tin decision bouts between Glenn Rimmer und George Baker, Gorman Haw kins and Sam Bryiner, the Crumerton Athletic associntioii was organized. It is hoped that thiough the winter months we may dVrive much excitement and in terest from thc-e regular weekly meet ings. Beginning Tuesday evening at 7:00 o'clock, Mrs. Stcidly of (.astonia will deliver a series of Bible lectures at the Methodist church. The publis is cordial ly invited to attend these meetings. Mrs. Stei.lly is well known here and most pleasantly remembered by a hot of friends and admirers, having held two very successful meetings here In the past. The Woman's Auxiliary of the Presley krian church obesrved Home Mission week from Nov. l.'i to. ISth, meeting at the home cf Mrs. Anderson on Holland avenue each avternooit al .1:00 o'clock. At the last meeting ice cream and cake Tvns served and ft collection taken for the Stuart Robinson school in Kentucky which recently lout one of its buildings by fire. The Baptist church recently called a pastor who has consented to come and take np the work in this flourishing-congregation. He expects to begin his work here about Dei'emlier 1. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Beach at their home on Holland avenue, a daughter. Mi Margaret Harding, daughter cf W. F. O. Harding, former go ernoc of the Federal l;rve Board, is one of the most popular members w the cj- jx so :Viabiiitt) " ' B B b B 9 a i B i h I p i P i P P B i p p p JUST RECEIVED NEW SHIPMENT OF t)RESS sl!Pp3ers : ft If you need anything in dress slippers come in and see them. Satins, black and brown, plain one and two strap, fancy cut out effects, kid and -patent trimmed also suecle trimmed Louis and French heel $7.50 and $9.00 Brocaded one strap, French heel $7.50 Brocaded Colonial style, patent combinations, French heel $8.50 Patent cut out strap effect, beaver trimmed, French heel $10.00 Beamguard-Hovis Shoe Co. AT H. P. STOWE Phone 244 Gastonia, N. C. a a a a OLNEY LOCALS. (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette) j will : H. I the Ilarrrelson-Fannlng stores here and at iiuinenoraton. There was a woman named Florence. Who for kissing professed great , abhorrence; But when she 'd been kissed . And found .what she'd missed, She cried tiH the tear fell !n torrents. The only effectm war ta rack tht people f Gattea coanty la through the advextiainx columns af Xfca Gancu . OLNEY. Nov. 22. Our people be clad to know that Mrs. W. Cnpps, of our community, is now home, j Mr. ( apps has rieen in the ttaston Bnnatorium for more than three weeks and is just recovering from a serious operation. Her many friends hope for her a speedy restoration to health. Mrs. Charles West, of Concord, is now a patient at the City Hospital having Quito recently undergone an operation. We are all hoping for her a speedy restoration to health. Mr. West and Children are now at the home of Mrs. West '8 parents, .Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Hnffstetler. Mrs. Ed Hnffstetler has been on the sick list. Also Mr. Tom E. Robinson has beon confined to his bed for some time. , Mrs. Jonas Dixon spent the week end with her Meters. Mri. Roh McGill and Mrs. John Gates, of Kings Moun tain. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Howell are re joicing over the arvital of a little danghter List week. Mrs. T. O. Tate and little Misses Mary Luttrell and Lillian Greenlee are spending the week VWth frienda in Badinn. On Inst Friday night a Workers Council, composed of officer and teachers of Knbbnth school met at the manse for a conference. Quite a lit tle business was attended too. Plans made for our Christmas entertainment, etc. After which we enjoyed a. social hour with music Mrs. Tate served delicious home made candy. These meeting will be held monthly, meeting in the. homes of the member of the conneil. Our Sunday school is doing splendid work just now. On last Sunday, Bible were prctented to Esther Davis and Robert Torrence for reciting the Shorter catechism, and. Testaments to Floride Ballard, Helen Robinson. Mori Faires, Virginia Robinson and France Love Robinson for reciting the child '4 catechirtn. Our Senior Christian Eneavor So ciety held a most interesting meeting Rnn day night. Miss Cora Dixon was leader and a splendid program given. Plans were mnde to give a little Thanksgiving treat to the inmates ,of our comity home. On nett Sunday night we wish to invite all ont at :30 to the meeting of Intermediate Christian Endeavor. "The Church and the Ixr will be the subject, and we- feel sure w-e can interest every one. Bring some change ia your pocket you will be snre to wsnt tome after the program for this cause. Torrence Robinson, Who has been with the U. 8. Marines nt Paris Island. S. C. now has his discharge and gnt home last Wednesday much to the de light cf 9 homefolks. DYEING Saunders has improved his dyeing 100 per cent recently by the installation of new machin ery and the addition of expert workmen to his force. We are in a position now to handle the fanciest gowns and coats with the assurance to you that you will get perfct work, fast colors and even shades. We have just re ceived a shipment of absolutely fast color dyes. All work is done by skilled workmen. Don't dis card your old garment but bring it to us and let us dye it; you'll get another year's wear out of it. Give us a trial and be convinced. SAUNDERS DRY CLEANING CO. 119 E. MAIN ST. PHONE H4 BROWN-HARRY CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS and Dealers in Building Materials Phone 736 HAVE YOU HAD THAT CRANK CASE DRAINED and new oil put in lately? It will save you money to let ns do this every 500 miles. CAROLINA AUTO SERVICE CO. RANKIN FILLING STATION WEST END FILLING STATION PIEDMONT OIL CO. Distributors MARATHON PRODUCTS WOMANLY TROUBLES i r if""8"" iiisfliKBafl'iiaiirHiiiiiniBit'BiiBBniin:;!;' Twas Harcl for Her to St6p Yvrork, Bat Thu Texas Lady Says She j Had to Go to Bed. Helped by Cardoi. Cocker Machine & Foundry Co. Builders of Textile Machinery Gastonia, N. C. Banish Catarrh, Bad Breath. It's Ihe simplest thing ia the world to use Hyomei and end catarrh. Breathe the medication through the little inhaler in every outfit and you will get relief t once. Money back if il fails. J. H. Keunedy Drug Co. : Salado, Texas."! suffered a grest deal with womanly troubles," says Miss ; Ira Lillian Hart, of Route I, this place. ' "I HrAi.U Ia. 4,,.. I.nl A r r- r stupid and lifeless; didn't feel like doint , f mi work. aaomsnii I "1 would sufter pams in my sides and ! back, and very severe headaches. ! "I am the housekeeper, and it was very hard for me to stop, but I would get ' in such a misery I would have to go to J bed. I heard of Cardui.nnd that it wns j good for this Suffering. The very first ; bottle 1 took seemed to help me. I did i not suffer near so much, so 1 sent for the second. It did so much cood for me. I ; can't say enough for Cardui, for it certain ly was a friend in need." Women who feel the heed of something to help relieve, or prevent, such troubles, should profit by the experience of thou sands of other women, and try this mild, harmless tonic. Sold everywhere. KC-140 Soft Clean Grey ; Castings Iron itBinanxMrafir:! REMEDY. OA THE BELIE OF Coughs, Colds. Croup WHOOPING COUGH. HOARSENESS BRONCHITIS -SOLO EVERYWHERE r The Gawttt has tsro pnonea. Call SO if yen want to talk business; call 233 if yoa want to talk ta Mre sews or edi torial dipartxnsata. NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS The 1922 tax books of Gastonia township, outside and inside the city of Gastonia, for county , taxes are now open at the Treasurer's office in the court house A discount of one per cent be allowed if paid on or before December 1st. No, discount after December 1st. C. C. CRAIG, T. C. (Inside). H. P. McARVER, T. C. (Outside). fl B B a P p n B fl R B fl P mm

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