OAS ONIA DAILY GAZETTE Weather Colder Local Cotton 25 Cents II- IL VOL. XLIII. NO. 291 GASTONIA, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 6, 1922 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS COStS BM BEEM RlQiDM PMTON MIfFJT FMuli. Cold Wave From The Brings Freezing Extreme Cold Wave for night U Predicted for South. To- FROM THE DAKOTAS Varm December Weather to Be Followed ,By Winter. ..CHICAGO, Dec. 6. Still holding the northwest in a chilling grip of sub-zero ; temperatures, winter continued its be lated alvance today into the Southland, causing marked drops in temperatures as far south as Texas, and calling forth predictions of colder weather in the lake region, the great central valleys and the east gulf states. In till' upper l:iki' region, the zeio and rub-zt'lo weather "''is accompanied by a i 60 mile wind driviiijr In-fore it ;i sno.v Btorin that virtually tied up shipping. Reports indicated the eolil wave still centered in N'orlh Dakota an. I Montana. Havre, Mont., ami WUIistoii. N. 1)., r. Corded the coldest tempt-i 'at '.:!'- s in tliei country last night, the mercury going past si- degrees below zeio. 1 The east did not suffer trout tin- un- , usual rold prevalent in tin- inn-; h vies' , ' temperature there ranging fi 70 decrees aliove zero. -III -O to ATUfllA, Ga., Dec. 6. The cold wave now sweeping the west is expected ; to arrive in this section of the south to night, according to a report issued by the . local meteorologist.. A few depress be low freezing for a short period is ex pected by the weather bureau.. Moderate temperatures has prevailed in this sec tion for the last seven days. NEW () HI. KAN'S. Dee. !.- A eld wave for .New Orleans an-l ieiuity with toinperat lire ranging from .itj to tin do green, au appre.o iablo -hop from so ,.. green, the liigh mark of yestrrday, was prcdieted by the loeal weather bureau , for today. Tlie teinpert.ire her.- for the) past .several days has hovered between 7: ; and SO degrees, ami the loweM record thus far this winter was .is. ! MEMPHIS. Teuii.. loc ii. With a mi ill ill u i ii tempi-rat lire of IP degrees las! night, and a forecast of cloudy weather, with probable showers today, the weather bureau iieie .anticipated no . change in weather conditions for n ,1 Mem ihis ami vicinity hours. lithin the : i COLUMBIA, S. C, Doc. 6. Warm weather that broke December records of the local weather bureau during the last week, today wai -ucceeded by sharp chilly weather. A drop of 13 degrees in temperature from 64 at 7 o'clock las, night to 51 at 8 o'clock this morning, was accampanied by a sharp northeast wind that made overcoats comfortable. NEW BERN SUFFERERS ARE NEEDING FINANCIAL HELP Call Has Gone Out to State for Assistance Gazette Will Forward Contributions Will You Help? A fall has yone out from Nev Hern me of the state's oldest towns,, for hel, in a time of great digress. A few njfo tin- swept a lare section of the destroying sometliinj; like Toil home: days eit v. and a large nuiiiber of biisines houses, houses, -etc.. and leaving :;.non r lieoiilt- hoineless and inact ica lly ware jnole lesti- tute. The situation is serious. Cross was promptly on the ,ji ((utilities doiiiir a treat work. The Red t and '. but the task is ii largt and the peode Xorth Carolina have been called oil of to eud a helping ha ml by furnishing for these stricken people. Manv towns have already Marti fundi .1 the raisinir of funds for this worthy cause. (l.'istonia tliM'sn 't want to tail in its duty in thin resnect. So The ( aette is un- dertakiiiir to raise soim- money here to bev:ir forward to New Hern as rapidly as t comes in. f you want to contribute anything to this fund, no matter ho-.v Miiall. bring or send it to The (bi.ette at onee nntl it will be promptly forward ed to tlie mayor of Xew Hem. The fir-t contributor to the fund was Mr. 11. W . Counts, who gave -V . Following is the list as it stands t day: I. W.-Counts ..v.... Gazette ..... . .... Oray-Iiarkley Cotton Co W. L. ItalthLs (ill .yon 15.no 5.(MI HEAVIER GRAIN ACREAGE. ATLANTA. OA., Dee. 5. Heavier ' lu-reiigen of small grain have been plant- cd in the newly -.infested weevil dis-) tricts in the southeast according to the j Teport covering the past two weeks .pist j issued by the Lureau tf Agricult'jr:i! j JjeonoinicH of tin1 itoparl meiit of gri , fifkure, for tlie .'bi'es of N'or'i. a:-..; j Peuth Carolina.' Yen. eitsee, AluUiiiia, Georgia and I'loritla. West Weather South A LADY IS ASSISTANT SECRETARY OF RAILROAD. MINNEAPOLIS, Minn., Dec. 6. Declared to be the second woman to attain such a high position on an American railway system, Miss Emma S. Redel, chief clerk o fthe Minneap olis and t. Louis railroad, has been appointed assistant secretary of the road by the board of directors. As as assistant to Prjsideat W .H. Bremmer and Vice-President E. E. Nash, it is said Mi?s Redel frequent ly had charge of both financial and operating department?, in the absence of these two officers. Mi3s Redel cnteied the service of the Minneapolis & St. Louis in 1908 as a stenographer in the law depart ment. In 1913 she was made chief clerk in that department, and in 1917 chief clerk in the president's office. LARGE CROWD ATTENDS FUNERAL OF DR. GALLOWAY Hundreds Gather to Honor the Venerable Preacher Twenty Ministers of A. R. P. Church Were Here for Funeral Dr. R. G. Miller, of Sardis, Was In Charge. I.efure a at eoiieosir-i e hi' I i ng t rt out y in i ni-I its i hun Ii, the frnerai rib mains of t lie late 1 r. .1 . - e( trieu in of tin- A. li. I s ot. r t iie ri . ( I low a v v. rr pronoiiiifed lnesdav afternoon in t he First A. li. I. fliuivh fvoin the pulpit lu had so loot; filled. I'l. li. li. Miller, pastor of Sardis A. li. I', chiin-h in Meek lonloir enmity, was in fharj.-e of tlie ser i i i s an-l rend the Sel iptiuv le-oii. Kcieiesiy-tes I'th eha-ler and First Cor iu'liialis, 1.1th ihapter. lr. li. li. White, pastor of 'Kuenerr church i-i Mei k-a-l-i! ijr and lir. . V. (Mr, j-astor of the Tai'i-ruai le church, ( liarlotte, as.dsfed, and made snort talks. All three of tht-M-ministers wei" i-hise .i-ro.na I trietuls of lr. (iallow.i.N-. Milhr ;.-id known him for .1o veils. In later cais they h.-ol laeii cIom l associated on commit tees in church work. Kev. V. C. Harrott. represent ill); the liatonia ministers, made a short talk. The services siaiple, as Hr. (iali'i J h' le were il,. Miller. . M . I ia rrison lie.-neis were . Carroll, H. -, John I.i'i.i way would have had oa'y tour siiort ta.k I r. .i . W. ( 'a i son, a :nl offeied prayer. The MesM-s. . '. Uriel, I . A. Harrison, s . t hem. m.oo lr. .1 pall .1. w ll.'Vo mv ,illd dewett M A i v ii. w as iiea ut i f id . , There I'l..- ii'iia. trihiite vv Were scores of design from irieinls tar an. I in'; ; w el e ii i : His. the be lived. ;. iiiK. " ! r. I lie ent H '- ( lj.it III. 111! I w itli llowers. Miller. White and Orr spoke of ut i fill life lv. Calloway had 'it is not a time for uioimi- " said Dr. Miller. "Our lirother jtune home to jjlor.v. It is a time rejoice with him.'' Similar trili were iiaid hv the other speakers. , ha. to I life Then !for the were a iiuniliei- of visitors here funeral, ineliidim; many from Charlotte, Hue West, York, Clover, Chester and neiuhlioi i nn towns. The hod.v was laid to lest in Holly wood cemetery. The followiiicr mini-tors of the A. Ii. F. church were piesent for the funeral: lievs. W. W. Orr. D. !.. C li. While, H. i., li. (.. Miller, J'Ji... W. 'li. Lind say, li. K. Cahlwell, .) . H. Hood. A. T. I. in.lsay. F. T. Wiit-, F. tj. Carson, .1. M . .Hiliaai. W. S. !i...vco, ,. M. I ia rrison. D. P.. .1. W. (arson, I ).. !'.. (i. Fn-ss I ly. i:. i Hunter. C (I. ili. .1 1 1. Wlilian. . A. F.i.i V. K I liib.-o !:. n. . F. T. Met K.-uielv, Ii. i NEW TREET PAVING AND I SIDEWALKS ORDERED. The time of the eity council at its jregidar meeting Tuesday night was taken up pi inciji.-illy with ihe hearing Ih. no ni" of petitions tor street imp! the discussion of various projects v.libdi v, ere :.lrea sidereil. It was tiaally decided I nts and I ni I ia in pi ed a once to iiie strtuglileniii and paving t-f I'.r iad to l'oii- has! A.r.iiie aveiiiie I roi sleet itcci-rding to plans anil esti s submitted a mouth ago by the city mati "manag Hid city eiigiiit-er. I ihons were ajiproxed lor pa.ing on South Columbia fnen Third to Maple. South Oak from Third to Maple, and Maple avenue from ohnnbia to Dak had already been approved. Sidewalks were ordered for Hamia street from Second to Third. Third avenue from Chester to Clay and Second aveliue from Chester to I 'lay. ANOTHER STOCK DIVIDED. NEW YOltK. Dec ."J. The Studeba- i ker Corporation, automobile maiiufat - 'tur'-rs. todav declared a common slot . I . dividend or iht cent on the eomm .11 stmk. s. THE WEATHER ' ! . I Cloudy tonight and Thursday, prob- ably rain Thursday; not much change ; in temperature. CLARA PHILLIPS CONTINUES ACROSS MEXICAN LINE Woman Who Murdered An other With Hammer Escapes rom Jail. COUNTRY WIDE SEARCH Had Occupied Cell Next Mrs. Madalynne Oben chain. to I .OS ANOKl.KS, J (I. Sea nil for ted of heating Meados !o d who i-caped Mm. Clara 1'liilips, i-uuvic Mrs. All-eita Tremaino death with a hammer am early yesterday from tin county ja i I. u it in art i , e l.us Aug h-s e progress today I 'alifornia, and throughout Southern I Lower ': llospitt I ' elnes, ' ' ill fol'l.ii var'm shel ii '; . the Mexican Mate, is other lips" and , dentins generally held to their original belief that had tied ii and plans h today for I lie ' ' ham across t h -were made her as far west eoa ' nia.. about o, ('alii'or- n-r murderess order into Mexii ii extend t he sea mil h f tin :h bnesonnda, on the l.ovver C:i I i f 01 nia pi i: i nine n i.i . dire miles south of They were net tions, however, i ail !i i ' . r i lot Ili; ooking other d asked San join in the Fraud a at liorit ie . to hunt. Meantime the border ifornias, froin "1'i.j u;i n;- liet ween tlie Cab , near San Diego, pocinliy at Caloxi . lower California to the Arizona line, ci i-o. California, and it eei.lhlior. Mexicali. was i , in; watched. Ollicers of lionler citiis ami towns .were reported uivin; las Aie-clcs ollie i.ils evellent co operat ion ia Ktiorliii: po-sihle meal's of leaiiiij; te slate and count ry. Arniour I.ee Fillips, te convicted W'i man's husliaiul, upon whose story of his movements the 1'4 Lours lueci-dini; his wife's esi-ipe. some di.ulii" had Ih'.-ii cast, .iceor-Iiliy to sle lie's deputies, -ltd I was ill technical custody early todav. BUILDING PERMITS LAST MONTH TOTALLED $38,000 I'ermits were iss,e .1 l.y tlie city of i elll I " T a total noes In (i.istonii duriti;; the iik.h,. for Imildi'igs a 10I i. o.-' it- of :tS.H!(.oo. TIo- i u:v: the li t is luui-li siiei I i' , t ' i lieeill)! only nine. Follo w : I X i- Cilv .Man t lo the ci'y tail: , lino, oo alii'. 'Ill 1 .l'OO.OI I ."iie.i.iiii ai.o'i I m.i ii r . .;s,i I'.p.ii i :ii;e- W I. Alexander 's ren n this suliie.-l in council on Ni'U homes K'epair 1 .11 i I. Stoles, 4 New elect'i permits lines, o i'l in it s . -. M I" I n-1 Hi 1 1 Ni w ; Fleet r l i J I i i 1 1 li . 1 "i n ne . . . SIX MEN KILLED I?T AIRPLANE ACCIDENT. NKWl'OKT NKU'K, Va.. Dec. (i. Major City I., tiearhart. Captain Hen ton A. Doyle, four enlisted men were killed at I.ancley Field today when a Martin bundling plane, -earn nn live of them, find a Fokker scoutiiiK ma chine, piloted hy the major, collided about -.1 feet in the air. both machines crashing to arth in flames. The en- listed were: ' Star Sergeant Marsick. West list street, Cleveland. Ohio. Private F. J. lllunka, street. Chicago. Private Thomas Jordan, HMJ Fry Iieep tep, (.a . Private Ten lb. las. I C. I North i Fourth street. Philadelphia . I Major tiearhart 's home was at Leav enworth, KiiL. and Captain .Doyle was a native of St . Louis . The bomber. piloted by Captain Doyle, was hading a formation and i was making a banking when the Fokkt r arose in the air from a long takeoff. 'The smaller machine struck the .Martin almost .-imidslii p. cutting tiff the tall, liotli planes hovered a moment, and then both broke info tinniest and crash ed tu earth. Private Kolas leaped from the bomber :is it neared ihe earth, but was fatally injured and died while beingg plated in an ambulance. The others were ) lined beeath the two mat-hies, which fell in one place, and before aid could reach them their bodies were bureil almost bivoml recognition . IfALEIC.ir. N". C. Dec li. One of the most significant actions of the recent ses sion of the North Carolin'.i Ki Incut ion Astu iatiou here was the unanimous en tlorsemeiit of the certificate jdan of the state department of public instruction, according to dole li. Warren, secretary tf the organi.atioii. who today reviewed the meet big, " "That we. the delegate to the es. semblv reoresent inir all tlie white teach- ,ers in Aorili (arotina, give our iimpiaii- ' J tied entorsein"nt to the law governing i j the certification of teachers and to the; administration of the same ly the. tie i i partlm-nt of public instruction aiol tha' vve condemn any attack upon 'his law or : upon il, adniioist rat ion ,-t, an a; '.ok I upon 'the edu -a!ional imli.y of the stat-j and upon the profession which we rcpre- i tel. SEARCH FOR MRS. Pathetic End of Woman Once Rich PUEBLO, Colo., Dec. 5 So poor she did not leave enough money to provide for her burial, Mis. Car rie Reid Miller, 75 years old, whose fortune once was rated at $100,000, died here today in her little hut beneath a bridge. Her husband was a promient surgeon of Vienna, and he died in 1886. She went to New York, later coming to Creede, Colo. She invested in mines and as owner of the Japanese and Little Frankie pioposies her fortune was estimated to run into six figures. Then the tide turned. Law suits entangled her income and old age found her almost a pauper. Her second hus band and a son l ad not communi cated with her fur years, it was said. RUSSELL -BIRKIIEAD TRIAL BEGINS TODAY IN U. S. DISTRICT COURT Suit for $100,000 Damages By Mississippi Stenographer i Against Governor Russell Big Legal Battle. , OXKOUlJ, Miss., i A-otK-iatrd I'ress. i for damages liled hy ; head, stenographer, Uussell, governor lee. li. illy the Trial of the suit Miss 1-" ranees Mirk against i.ee M . of Mississippi, i launched on its merits in federal dis i trict court here loda.v, moved uickly '(thrnuirh its initial .-Tales' and when .court recessed at II o'clui-k until aft ernoon, a jury was in the hex ami the openiii); statements had been made by ' both sidei. Hecess was ordered after counsel for ,Miss Jiirkheud announced (ioveruur 1 liussell would be called to teotify first ; Ms an "adferse vitness." 1 Mr. liussell, who was in the court room, asked time to obtain copies of his liles and other documents and 'Jud)e K. 1!. Holmes ordered a recess i until afternoon. ; The jury which was coinpleteii within an hour after court confeued was coin posed largely of. no-n of middle age , or older. (roverrior Jiu-sell was in the court room during the selection of the jury. i Miss J'.irkhead arrived during the read- , iug of the pleading and preliminary statements to the jury. It was her first appearance in the courtroom since the trial started. She was seated almost, directly across the counsel table from (iovcrnor liuM-li. J'rior to convening court, Judge K. li. Ilobues instriicte.l that all persons under J I years of age be barred froin tlie courtroom. The order caused the withdrawal of several who had taken ' up positions of vatitage. The method of selecting the jury was a novel one. All thirty-six veniremen were present in court. Each was call ed upon to arise and give his name by Judge Holme., who announced he woii.d cxamie the talesmen en bloc. ( ieiitlemen, does any member on Ihe .jury know anythig about the facts of the case? I presume you've all read the papers. Hut 1 ask if any of you are biased or prejudiced in any ''If your honor please, I'm v way. ry well ae.pininted rather no with t ry the the governor and 1 case,' ' a nnoiiiice bice Park. Not oe member of the jury panel kin-vv .Miss P.irkhea.l while eight arose to say they were acquainted with the governor. "I ask if there is any man who, by reason of any ptiiitif.nl bias or prejn-d'n-e, would be prevented from giving the ease a fair trial?" was another tpiestion Judge Holmes asked. It brought no affirmative answers. ruder the agreed plan of selecting the .jury all of the tUestioiiiiij; of the veiiiiemen Was by the court.' Three of the -'Hi men were excused for cause and then began a process of elimiuatiou part of" the agreed plan to reduce the jury to the required lL' men. Kadi side in turn was permitted to indicate a tale in. in to until only the necessary 1J lie excused ! were left . I CIVITANS ELECT TWO NEW MEMBERS TO BODY Messrs. T. . Sossamon and ' J. M. Underwood Are New I Civitans- Boomershine Has ! Resigned. A variety .of matters, chiefly business, engrossed the attention of the local Civ itans at their regular Tuesday 's liinch eoli. Two new member were introduced to the club: T. K. Sossanian and .T. M. iriulerivood. .The resisnatioii of Frank lioomershine was received with milch re gret. Iiuring the short time of his eon- j nection with . .ihe b-al club Civitan, ' i Booiiiersliioe hail impresil liiiuself most j I favorable on the member.shijt, who most J I reluctantly give him up' to a broader f ; field in Ithieliehl, W. Va. A program ) i t t'lnii iftec of three members for the fi.-sf ' tl. ret- mouths of ,1'"" U''U' year will lie an : iui't!lf(;i! bv I'rcsitlent Kmery Jleniiv at I Hip nrj.1 li-tori;. Civitan is now infer J rational' in' .fact as we'l as in name, th-' tti st overseas club haviiipr recently-Ik-cu fuiu:ed iu Geneva, Switzerland. NEW BERN BEGINS TO j-. i n u ' ; COME TOGETHER FROM jL'eclaresommJSSlonei'Haynes, TRAGIC FIRE DISASTER1 Who Asks For $9,000,000 For Officials Urge Much Road Building to Give Work To Negroes. HUNDREDS HOMELESS Situation Begins to Show Im provement, Says Red Cross. NEW IlKli.N, sociated I'ress.) all walks of lifi made homeless DYc. .". (By the Aided lie citizt'US ot , hundreds ot' the nun by last Friday's fire rly -In blocks of the which swept lu-nrl; city mid rncd no I u 1 1 I i n s, today I flea rhi); away tin was lit- extensively than a thousand gau the work of debris. Dynamite to lower wiills and cliiuine.vs which survived the blaze. (iovcrnor Morrison, who was to have arrived here tonight., sent a message to Mayor Edward Clark in which In stated (hat he would not arrive until tomorrow, when he would be accom panied by State Highway Commissioner Frank Fage. The governor stated he would then make a survey of the situa Highway Building, i Mayor Clark tonight slated that the highway coinmi'sioner would be re ! quested to give assistance in sanctioning ja road building project, which would ; furnish employment to several hundred uiiem jdoyeil negroes and aid road con struction in this Meet ion. (iovernor ! Morrison, Senator Simmons and others are to lie asked to bring their influence to bear on lie- i ominis-ioiier to grant ; this plea. j Carter Taylor, chief of the southern division of the lied Cross, who is in charge oft he relief work here, issued a j statement in which he said the situation j was well in hand, and that eevry effort i was being made to prevent any possible j epidemics . ' Mr. Taylor said the negro section has been divided into tour districts and lied Cross nurses will inspect sanitary com li t ions . He said that good progress was being made toward reliev ing the. unemployed, and thanked the army and navy de i pa rt in et s for their response to the up I peals for aid . Financial aid continues to reach the; committee in charge. Oohlsboro is! raising $.1,11(10. Ixinston, Washington,' ( Ireenville, Wilmington, I Nicky Mount and other cities are to aid the sufferers. Mayor Clark tol Fres, tonight that In his gratitude to the raising Jarge sums I the Associated w ishe-l n ex pr. ss state at large. No Incendiarism. W. A. Scott, deputy insurance com missioner, announced today that then were absolutely no grounds for n-poits of incendiarism in connection with the fire here last Friday. Mr. Scott has been in New IScni since Saturday inves tigating tin- lire lor tin- slate in-uian department . e I have found that from n t -rra cotla t! in tie lir st; .it.'. I I H-eli ' We sa vv w lib di had 'm use for years, i found at least six ' he said, witnesses win it when it was burning above Int end under the room. There is m deuce of i uci iidiu i ri sin . ''As to the It'oper mill tire, a in g t o t il i lied named Frnost (lifclbs has been pending au invest igation . lb charged with setting fire to but with being an escaped inin ite from the insane asylum at (iohlsbo! o . ''As far as we know,'' cmitinra Mr. Scott, "botl fin w ere I lie ai-cidental origin . ' ' Carter Taylor, chief of the southern divish Cross,- who is in chargt f lie'd u-k tic- bed ief work ot here, thi morning gave lowing statement relative OUt the to -ii -lit ol lolls here : Red Cross Statement. "The relief committee has the r I II- gee situation well in hand. Every one of those who were rendered homeless the fire are under cover and are bv ibeing fed. None of the tire victims tare suffering at present. :its branches is on a basi-i ami we nr.- now inaugurate a definite poli tation . lit-bff in all well tiig.-tni.'-d beginning to y of rehabili- FIRE LOSS IN CITY WAS $1,100 LAST MONTH According to City MiiiasriT W. Alexander's report to tin- city ton for the month of November -there w .1. five fires in the ! v last mouth, tin- 1 1 loss to buildings in gto ..l.lTd.iHi. and contents ami. Following is the port indetai! : Xtiiuber of alarms 7, t-aiisetl un known cause explosion o foil stove 1. defective Hue 1, still alarms ;.. Total Value of building at risk. , Value of contents at risk., Total value . -if risk. ... . Tie-druttre on building at ri Insurance on eoutents at ri ,tuiOa'il 7,.",.-,ii.ii.i . "i..Vni.-'H k....-."''M,."-' k.. U'.-(.b' Total it iiratii r 1 n.sur.nice loss on at bu ri k. . Idings .... t r. j illl'l . . . .!""." ure.l contents. ... . . . . .... Total lost injured und tiniii and conttiits. . . . . ..'...Jl,l7U.lJ'u Next Year To Help Enforce Law COUNTERFEITING COMES WITH THE BOOTLEGGiNG Many Coun.cfeU Bilb A.e JIjE CO L RTS, HE ASSERTS Used In the Purchase of i Bootleg Whiskey, Says Chief I of Secret Service. ! Federal Agent Appears Before I House Committee Ask ' ing Funds. WASHINGTON. Dec. I!. The boot ' leg liquor business has bruiivht about ' a big increase in count ,-i fed i eg, mm h of j 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 i,s the nmrk ot amateur i, . 11. .'.1 ora li, diii 1 oi tla- JN.vi..-t Situ ., told the House Appropriations Commit te.- at le-ai ings, made public tod.-iv. u '. .... troubled with' -..me counterfeit lulls' o'f fair workmanship in tin- eastern half of Ihe count ry,' ' sai I Mr. Moran, " ' 1 1 1 1 1 1 -1 1 of which is being used in the purchase of bootleg whiskey. It is being done to acoii.si'h-r.ibh- extent. (In the Canadian border the cointcr- elti r is iie! i ail. ling tlio people on ttc oilier Mile of the border in the i.ai- . lias.- , ' vvhisk.A. which he se. k.s to bring it cross. " llliistratiug the general u- to which the spurious nioiiev is put. Mr. Moran iiientioued tun cases brought to Ids attention when- l,:,im f counterfeit .fill and ..0 federal reserve notes and '-"" r:'."""' ,,,,,,-rj'1 r'' ''"'' "l,,l'rt w.-r- paid tor liquor tor smugghng. Ihe (anaiban au. he us he add. d. we,, putting forth every ,-flort to sup- ' 'T ''i . . .Mr. .Moral! s,n, that tniieli counter - leit inon-'V w: being a d t. shi Hps bringing in liipmr in violation if law. S. W. CRM PUNS BIG THINGS FOR HIS VILLAGE n ,.,, Mayflower Will Be Name of New Weaving Plant at Cra- ... i . merlon Many New Im- ' provements to Be Made In Village of Cramerton. i l '..il lot!" N. ws. Ma, :!,.-.. ,-r Mill - i'l i,e t! t'ew w,-,in I'l.ii.' la t of ;! " 1 ran. or is p, , .-, ,-t at ( Tain. 1 1 ..a a-.' on etiii ly, in the ,,ear later.- f.i;- t'i. product b ii "I line and I a m i- , I,.: ;, -not,-, I by Ti.c N. ws la-! v.o.-;,. App,"i match- I'.. mo ,,f 11,. m..-t upi...h,.- :u. liit-vii! looms - ii.-. . ' i . i ; e ;i ', li 'tely iitsfa'l.. j il. 1 ! ' , ; I - al . s.'ili;.,, 'he lil ' .'oi.m-i d v.. res i'l-.. ',;,' :,, s,,:n,l.- ' i 1 1 1 . i ; i a.i'l, iier- ' ; huo.Mi a- the Mays M.ll ',.,.,,! , I.e. - I;. d j.icent . I ll respect t o eqni p'la lit . I l '. a-i. cele-ra I j'tll. i,-.,- , tla, g,.;., un ;t that M , . ( r-. im r ,!-t. .., o-ia t. . ha e i ! col, tell, pi . i, ... ,. I ';-., u e V ' OI I r-.miso, to be on,, of ! !;, I,. - I;, 1 :, "an: r; A p, 'I ii.lt i ii ir: s j ,t ' ,, . , j,. t ,, i , - ' ':! "f. :.!! .-r :.'. ea i i.' ;. if ' ' v of ', . . V. '.-. i. , . j ,.. 'ding f'-r .-I- ti uii.r " - i i-.-r.i a. "i. Ii '. lie I ea s i I' g '.. I. White ' charge.,.;' ',.., rota iii an I . ' I 'idem.l . I,. el Mi. i a. elp . t illet ; V . lad . .I.'e a- I i m , I - il'iiii; i.e I -"I.e! el the ... . -. ill I,.-, i.- Vla.v 'lev.,-. ' , ,!,. The i 'tame. :! foie. ! a l....i.-lb,.f . ' - r i' i.g two 'dg i. ieg p.-f, P. . 1 -ll'-, v I- !, a ',''"' bom. M f. t "il ! r i r. s of !. i r j Si'iiiivi i i :'u "I,- t a are- 1 hi M !:-.. I l a a ba i ' e eld. !i. v.i.M in I of : Hell H.ltei vi ia : re. ;li r . ' . - t . -,t.- i ov re i ram ' i h IV S of '.. I.i-. , 1 - C-,e to Oj.eT : V tow i r al."-. : re 'if th;- si:.- - on eat.'y. The exist in,; village alone n pr ils an investment ol t ... . Illor- than I .it'io. "on aiol Willi i'S t'.'ive.l . slrects.' natilein sTi.r.-s, b;i li ils.-toe ho'ei - ae hamo,,;"1';;;";.;;;;,'::" in tin- ..aiith. Ihe v .!? for i!.i tiirai ,s saj plied bv II deep we'i ainl t'-. r- ;. r-T ' added fou'iir.-s ,.f a miMi-ru d.wrv of - ic :i-t r.-il Ilobteiu a id .lir-ev ci1!-. a elticli. i fiirat. orchar-i. etc.. all ii'ilin! in part for pr.uid'.dng ."or-plo-j at osf fa tlie peojde who wo-k iu 1he u-i'ls. - The i '"iti-u Ttijii st it V t tl ts ..dp ,.f i,r h:in-soBe in t1e -'a'- and the churches built ,r the in"!! cor ! i .......:..- ! ..:-.. i.. ...... ,,i i .- p..i..io.T ..., o.i., v i p.ii;HiJi'i J ii ...... the larger cities. FINES Mil MUCH HEAVIER, MORE SYMPATHY FROM . DOS PROHIBIT, HE SAYS ' General Disposition to Tighten Up Is Reported By HayneS. , W A Si I I N f . i'-; N, ec. li. The crisis' in the f, ,ei j.i ol.iii'.i ion enforcement ( n i in the opinion of ' '''"'' '"" '' F' .v-" d was disclosed : -lay in i'i.r: f r.'cent hearings, lie-' ., ),. :,.,p,-. riai'tuns sub-eom- u j;-,,.. ln i.i ,,,, (l. ,), m.xt l,, hi, UlH .lepartuient, -Mr. ' havm-s tol l Ihe coaumtUo that if a s.nul,,- amouui va, .Ul.MNe.1 for j.rohi- j,.,, ,,..,.,,..,.. ,., Mul,,sl- for fivo ,. ;lx ;, ,,;,,,! th,.ti Mt,Ul to ( '.. , . . t;K. ,.,.5, ltrio1 . 1 .r :'!. eji,. ut was now at lia.'id. ' t , ,,. .... . .1,1..,,,,,- won....... la tic whNl of (iro'iibitioii eu- I-. . 1 ei.' c; t . liciau-w !!:..- ai propri.etiou : skf.i f.n Hi U vear represent li redue-. t "ii ot j.'.o.'-iMi from t his v ea r 's. outlay, I. sic!, tii' te v.oiii-1 be a slight reUu- : . a 11: 1 is 1:1 e-( bat he hoped to I'C-. i.'.ni:; ' i. e i. r.;, un. r on m) as tot to ap 1 c i., li!;. !,-; t a ! s t I.i -! . !..-'. j ,,. j roM.'iitidn coiamissiouer tohl tlie. 1 1 1 . : -1 i ' t ' - Car he was " gr.itilied ' with t:..- present functioning ,,f hi i-force- ' "ll '-" oinery. ami that the depart- "ut ii. .win iiijr fine f-o-nperatioii " i'm ,,.-,,. a-d , -..untie, in tlm main. 1 "i,lls !i-'"l;'"-: "more sympa- tactic, la- .-..-sert e., ami jail sentences an-l fit.es wen- Incoming heavier. Ihi.e is a' general disposition to t r;iit,-n a.., ' ' h- a. hied. In :l,c I- i1 ;, ,.:.r eii-b-1 June Hi), ItlS, t' -- proa, i i .011 coniiii:.ssi,,ncr said, there v .-;. s.i.:.i . oi.-. ; tioiis in federal courts, for v it.;-. t!f 'ii'-- prohibition law. A-ij'ili ! a Is ii'imber ( .lil'."), eases tlrop I ; o.-17, ,-t:i I civil cases disposed of. Ml. At the till of the year. In; said, I ".;' !o ';!-,. vM'ie pending- iii fetleral four's. ! a ii1;.-:!-'; ihe total of cases linn- l .-'i i.- ! 1 .7 7a. 'Ih so figures, he said, :'- i ii.c'ii-i - tascs in state courts.. I 'un s in it-ilt-r.-il ce'rts were ileposited In lie treasury, he placed at 2,7it,Om. In l::.uy ea -. - proceedings toward for ! i-' ie of I, oi..;-: and other assessments Mr.' Ka.M.s aske.l for 1 ."((i.ihHIi for 'bii.ii"; t ,de-re. ' ' .and tohl the eom- r us ; i -!. ''.'" i I,. a-l iM-eu sot nt iii that n;.y ,'u. iag : be !:tt yea t. 'I'll- pi' i.i 'i-'e'.i coiiimissioiicr uiuler-v-.i'..' a '' i.. - vi i iii'.i'ieu at the hands of P." V. -s, : i" C.-:l'.iv::ii, ileiiit-l'at. Ma-' a - t - v.ho iuiuired iiirticutrirly f. handling- the department's) Ii-. ti .di.aa referred, among , t v. Im t he termed the t i - . I . -;!-;"'iiv:i:i! " stateiiieiits he nl ia.i , aa: ' ; 1 1 era the bureau, one of ie li I. s ,: ! ire !:'ed Mr. Havties with ,,'.. .; iier L'-i,ooi),pii() Ameri- a-,. ! -J..I..- oa the water wagon" :' eaa, - a.-aif of the Volstead lift. 1! ! -I d knowledge of the M -. II .a' - tad '' tommittee there '. : . a - 'i'. a b l reaction'' by the .. ;.'(. -.e ar 's l it de--.art meiit 's . work ea ;:i-;. , ,;.,-e!y l iashed with Mr. Oal l .aa i.v.r l"a- r-s l!ts the (-'.ectiollS of v. " r 7. t '-t- M issiicluiscetts repn--i-.e li ia; the ntii-a; tnvii in his v a' --,' ' i a : "I'c. aiei t measure, ami . . ' .. .. -',' a . . i - i s. citing that prohibi ",:, ''-a .... ., , v. la-re 'conditions were a..r-:, .1." ' b' rep' , t .i Mr. i .all'. viiii."- Mr. llayije ; ,'' ! i ..c if.-.s-.j .urt'sts under the i..- -,c law diiing til-.- 'a. st fiscal vettr, bli! .-i"re'ct'-d it to the ' i lie reus '! efti- , a e v " i : ti -; iciVti rie dni-ion, aiid not to the i'...;bi;it-.t laws. ib an , nt.,T!v- M i; -e, rcpiiblienn. New i i,;. t--Wed if the t-oii:inis,uiiirr 'did lo-! i : :;.' 11 1 re i- a ditvespreaj, -si-'-i.ct. .hiiiii.e a:i'l it-l..tiou of the 'That true of '.! la w," replied Mr. I'.i.vitis, iid drier that :i s.iin oinndt'ee of 1 he Anion, an 1! r ;is,( :.tf ion had matlfl a -s-a lent that i!i.-resMs-t. for .'ill law ( Coiif irttie.l on ae S.) cotton market G 1 STQN'IA COTTON. ",.,,1;', ttHi..- 3 U.'r Price .' 2i Cent "tir: telr.-t, ' -- p willi yt'-'-lfi;"' ' h ) . o ii I. u-.j, r, l.al 1 Hon 't thirk li i,, I ik- ri! I. ' I 11 f sjpl'ta Hulti-i, t'Ut t,tt a 'diet f it,