THE GASTON I A (N. C.) DAILY GAZETTE THURSDAY,' DECEMBER 7, 1922 BUDGET .! KBVS ITEMS FROM BEIKOXT itumi sign tor the sale of tuberculoids j'enht is being conducted throughout the potion. The campaign in Belmout will ' - conducted this week. The committee appoi. jd is Mrs. W. it. Stow. chairman: Airs. Georce Oul- r;;. rmmiHn t,t Woman's Club to; lick. Miss J-.lizal.etli Ltneocrgcr, .vrs. Prps.Tt Tick ani Eean Stalk. Nino, Ji . i rrnsicy, airs, ora jiuiiu, it..i. ... 4i - t; c:,iv " a froii i Mrs. t'hus. a! tr urndut'tion. described as a dramatic eUss;e, v.j i be shown H me r.eil Theater ''-. kftcmooa and night ni.der the . ..-) the civics fomuiitti1 of the in'imont Woiiul 's Club. Tl: committee is making stren nous cffoi f ti raise eint impnve tint s. h ol grounds Sloan. Mr. II. C John- Adelaide Beard and Mrs. C. 'iici ' :.Vun. Kcveiitj-jiiv jior f-Ht of the ap sale money in retained in Belmont for u' in the .treatnui and care of tubercular patients, and for the support of all ""'s . l. .:t.i i.....i:,, it funds to beautify "l "-b i rTI..j lm PrevcNtum hi i uit'rrumnin . Dii,cjay Kcuuion r or oiuui;. , , A veiv pieniant ami in at-a eajoyci si the entire ionini'in.., . rtil in tints oner-!,. , ' - ' . . . J ;ne V. V - - ..,..;,.,,.. lnt u'l"r"" :v reiiini.n was held Saturday at fl !f ihn itub ic. an eti 'rtaiiiiiicii iiiur is . ... .... 3 ing '"-" " it.,c ,, of Kl.v Walter Cra.;r. in honor 1 interesting and, hi g.'. y etertaiuing, they Ntr.1(Vv the nff-iir beii" J ere gvig them n opportunity to assist f r-i,lA' r "t-r--j 3 thorn iu th,ir work AJmWsoa will ! K"ven Iv Uor rfciMw, ,!l of n horn ere 1 be .e usual. 10 -and. 20 cents. Every P'Wt -at tno A, th, vc.tlu-r vad j one is . nrpel to rrnomber the date, i nnfavorolde for tables out .I....N. t hey Monuay, Ikfciiiltr 11. Krs. Sugs Hosiers to Baptist Ladies. The Ladies Aid Society cf the" First .Baptist church met on Wednesday aft erucoa at the lioii.e of Mrs. It. Ti. Suggs, eirde number three, Miss Lillie Abee leader, acting: as ho.tess. After thu devotional exercises the repct of the linles was giveu, very good reports I'eiuj given from each circle, riar.s" were made to hold an oyster euj'ir Friday evening, Decem ber 15, nud the folding conmutted ;rlU()r,.n yr aPlJ Mr,. K. Lc-.r.n and j as Hi-i.Uim.'u w i.a.o i ieliihlren, of Hclllioi.t: N. G. To.M, Mrs, Lv H. Stor?, Mm. IV o. rtl'imeuy, .urn. i. i-. , , .., , w:ii.;.,,1 ,,,i 1 elma i , .: 1 . " ' " . ,,..,. eiiiiiireu, iitf ioriaer iiiiaiur i vt-re idai-e.l on Ihe i nrih and well filled ;! v.ilh )Ienty of pool thi'i's to eat. In the !t center of the t;;l.le was the birthday ' , .nil ,1,., ,.r-it,. 1 im:,)l !iirl),'il e.'in--!.; dies, one iut eai h yetr that the mother ' W h.i.1 inotriMV onnt - ' ?4 The following were jresent: Mr. 8B(1 i Mrs. R. I. Vaugn and Mary Vnnsrn, of Statesville. Mr. end Mrs. f. & DolHnzcr and idiildren, of Belmont ; Mr. and J. F. j jy ftradley . and daughter, of Btatesville; j H Mr. and Mrs. John- llhodes hm.1 rhil- y d rnn, -.Mr. nnj Mrs. Kofs l.yriraiid ami Mr. iind Mrs. iifarvev Roberts of MfAdenaville; Mr. I Paul Btradlev and ehiidreii. of tSantouia Lillic Abee and and Mioses Culp. During the social liOiir a salal course, . coffee and fruit cake were nerved.'; Episcopal Service at Presbyterian Church . Sunday Afternoon. Eev. J. W. C. Johnson, rector of 6t. Mark's I'iopal church iu Gas tonia, will hold au Episcopal service at the Treiibyterinu church next Sunday afternoon. Mr. Johnou held servico here the second Sunday in November, which was well attended, and preached a very forceful sermon. The public is given a very cordial invitation to at tend the service Sunday afternoon, which through the courtesy of the Pres byterian pastor and congregation will be conducted in their church. Personals. A number of Belmont people attend ed the funeral of Mr. and Mrs. J, R. Rankin's littlo daughter, Clara Edith, which was held at the residence in Gastonia Wednesday afternoon. Among them were Mr. ami Mrs. V. R. Ran kin, Misses Georgia aad Lyda Rankin, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. fitowe.'Mr. and Mr. C. 21. Sloan, Mr .and Mrs. W. R. Ford, Mr, mid Mrs. O. E. Ford, Mrs. J. A. Gulliek and Miss Pearl Liiieberger. Mrs. J. L. V"e.t lias been sick for evenil days at her home on South Main street with gri'. ; Mrs. John AnriKt:on;r lias been sick for some time at lit r home near town, ber friends will beorry to hear. 8he has not improved any from last reports. -..Mrs. Lester II. Stowe and , little son, Lester,' Jr., have been spending several days in Charlotte with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Bolomon. Mr. Kirby Htafl'ord is real sick at his home on North Main street. He 'was thought to be some better Wednes day. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Yount, a son, on Tuesday, December 5. Mrs. Yount and i f by aro at the Char lotte Sanatorium and ore getting along nicely. Master Billy Hall has been sick for several days at the home of his par ents, Mr. mid Sirs. W. T. Hall, with an attack of 'grip Presbyterian Won r-V Auxiliary Hold December Meeting. The Woman's Auxiliary of the liel mont I'resbytcrian eburoh was held Tuesday afternoon in the church parlor, with the president, Mrs. 8. P. Stowe, presiding. . The n.b.iwt for the after noon was "How to Keep the Christmas Spirit Throughout the Year." Inter esting talks on this were made by Mrs. J. T. Deudy, Mrs. F. P. Hall, Miss Laura Price, Miss Melva Qui lick,' Mrs. R. C. DiDion and Mrs. J. M. Press ' ley. .. . Plans were also made to send a home mission box to a mountain school at Relief, X. C. Woman's Missionary Society of Main Street Methodist Elects Officers. The Woman's Mis ionary Society of the Main Btreet Methodist church met on Tuesday afternoon' at the home of Mrs. J, W. Stowe. In the absence of the president, Mrs . W. R . Ford, the meeting was presided over by Mrs. H. C. Sisk. A social serivce program was carried out. tritreet Methodist church. GROVES STATION NEWS. (Correspondenee of Tho Daily Gazette.) ' The Intermediate Enworth Leaguers Of the East End M. E. chureh, enjoyed a social hour tit the .-'church Saturday evening. Fruits were served by Mrs. If at tie Walters, who is the lender of thu League. There were about twenty fi.e ' of the members present, aad all enjoyed : the occasion. , The Baptist Ladies' Aid r-'ocietygave nn oyster supper Saturday night t the Flint community house. Then wero a number of folks present and a neat sum was cleared. j Mrs. W. C Withers and daughters, i tiiith and Pansy, returned home (Sunday ' night, from Atlanta, Ga., where they' spent the Thanksgivings with With- era sinter, Mrs. T. X. Jeffries. Mrs.. A. C Fisher of Lincolntoii, re- j turned home tiunday nfier spending a i few days with her son, Mr. F. T. Fisher -i and daughter, Mrs. M. I. Jones. Mr. Charlie Sanford spent Mtitnril.iy j and Sunday in Lowell with home folks. Mr., and Mrs. F. T. Fisher, Mr. and j Mrs. M. I. Jones, spent Sunday with their aunt, Mrs. Jim Ballard, who is se riously ill, near Lincolntoii. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lum Penley, twin girls. Orene and Loiene. The many friends of Mrs. Nellie Weav er were sorry to hear of the sudden death of her father, Mr. A. P. Roberts, who lived in West GnBtouia. Miss Anuio Thornburg spent Sunday in 'Liueolnton with her siter, Mrs. Bob i Poovey. i Joe Edwards, the little son of Mr. and j Mrs Frank White, has been right sick for the past few days but is improving, j Jewell, tho litle daughter of Mrs. j Keilie Weaver, has been sick for a few j days but is some better. . ! Mr. M. R. Adams epent Kiturday and Sunday in titatesville with home folks. Mr. nud Mrs. T. If. King of Charlotte vu'ic th'' iruests Monday of Mr. and Mra. W. L. Weaver. ' Mrs. Morris Baker and little daughter ; Bernice, returned home fcUinday from I Shelby where they have been visiting for j some time, i Mrs. Miles Henderson and children, j Mrs. Jake Epps, spent Thursday with Mrs. 8. B. Laws. Mrs. J. J. Pressley and daughter Hazel, and Mra. Ralph Pressley, wero the guests Thursday of Mrs. L. II. Stowe. Messrs. I. A. Cline, L. P. Baker, Char lie Sanford and Dallas Bean, spent Wednesday-in'. South Point section hunt ing. Mr. John Harbin returned to his home in Canton Sunday' after spending a couple of days with his brother, Mr. J. D. Harbin who is in the Gaston Sani torium. Mrs. J. E. Macahan returned homo Sunday after spending a few days with relatives in Canton. Mr. and Mrs. Claud West have ro tnrued homo after spending somo time iu Murphy, X, C. Rubv, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Spurgeon Price has been right ill The mam feature of the meeting was . for the past week but is improving, the election of ioffieprs for the ensuing year, the following being selected: Prseident, Mrs. C. R. M;Adams; vice president, Mrs. If. O. Sisk; recording secretary, Mrs. W. 3. Horsley; treas ner and corespouding secretary, Miss Annie Snrig; asJstaut treasurer, Mrs. J. W. Stowe. Following the husineKS meeting the hostess served a salad course and coffee. Belmont Tuberculosis Seal Sale to Be Held This Week Committee Appointed. During the month of December the Mr. and Mrs; Clarence Hurkey and family have moved to Mr. Tate Clark of Canton is visiting his sister, Mrs. J. D. Harbin, for a feu days. Mr. Karle Bndshaw of near Lincoln ton, i-pent JiiturJay and Sunday with rel atives. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Morris of the Lorav rommanity were the guests Sun day of Mr. and Mrs. A. M. Black. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Howe spent Satur day night with Mrs. J. L. Howe near Charlotte. W. H. & D. P. STOWE FURNITURE CO. High Grade Furniture, Belmont, N. C. We are clcily receiving our Christmas goods including doll carriages, children's desks, chair and wagons. Also kiddie ears, velocipides, rock ing horses and doll beds. Our priecs on these are very reasonable. We want Cue- Belmont people to know that they do not need to go to Charlotte and Gastonia for Bridge tables. We have a nice lino here at 3.03 each. Come and let us show 'you nniym will we that our price and tables are both right. Cad and our stock and we can find you a suitable Christmas present for the vife, the husband and th little fellow. THE H02IE OF GOOD FURNITURE. W. H. & D. P. STOWE FURNITURE CO. Belmont, N. C. EFIRD'S EFIRD'S FOR- 9 9 fi! T IN- Baby Shoes 95c to $1.48 Shoes in a variety of designs and col ors. They are well made and pat terned. Carriage shbes and the well known brand of "Ideal Baby Shoes." Priced at 95c 10 $1.48 Bibs, 25c Bibs to help keep baby's dress clean. In attractive designs and priced 25c Our Line of Novelties for Babies Our line of novelties for the baby is unsurpassed. Rag doll which baby can not break, and many others from utrmimmi 98c to $4.95 Everything conceivable that made made of celluloid and made to amuse babies here. We invite your inspec tion. ' Comb and Brush Sets, 79c and $1.48 Comb and brush sets delicately tinted in blue and pink for atijirw---'-''. 79c and $1.48 Coat Hangers, 79c and 98c Coat hangers that are useful as well as ornamental, all for 79 c and 98 c V Carriage Rings, 48c Carriagerings that will keep baby's robe from slipping, for 48c THE SMALLEST MEMBER OF THE FAMILY MUST HAVE TEW THINGS FOR CHRISTMAS AND THESE ADORABLE GARMENTS AND NOVELTIES IN THE BABY DEPARTMENT HERE MAKES THE PRETTIEST AND LOVE LIEST GIFT YOU CAN GIVE THE BABY. Thermometers - for Babies' Water When Bathing, $1.18 An article of usefulness that is worth much more than the price asked for it is substantially made and decora ted. The price is only. $1.18 Bib Holders, 59c Bib Holders that will help to" add much to the looks of baby's dress, and to add to mother's peace of mind, for ' 59c - For the Baby . Both useful and pleasure-giving are to be found in our infants' depart ment on the second floor. Below is a list of a few items: Hand-Made Dresses, $1.95 to $2.98 " Wool Capes and Sweaters, $2.95 to $5.95 Capes and sweaters of pure wool in a variety of designs and colors. These are hand-made. They will not only please the mother, , but. will also serve the baby long and faithfully, for $2.95 to $5,95 Wool Hand-Made Sacques, $1.18 to $38 Wool and hand-made sacques that will more than please in price and quality for $1.18 to $3.48 Carriage Robes, $2.95 to $5.95 Carriage robes that will amply serve the purpose of keep in baby warm and adding to her attractiveness. These too are hand-made and 100 per 'cent .'wool. Prices are from - $2.95 to $5:95 Baby Caps, 95c to $2.98 made and priced at Baby caps in all wool and wool with silk linings. Hand- 95c to $2.98 y Bootees, 25c to 98c Bootees of pure wool in short and long lengths, tively trimmed and priced 25c to 98c Attrac- Sweater Suits, $2.95 Sweater suits in white and buff in pure vool for . $2.95 '.V-'-,f : : Three-Piece Suits, $1.85 to $4.48 Three-piece suits consisting of cap, sweater and boottees. These are of pure wool and are priced at $1.85 40 $4.48 Baby Beds Some specal values in Baby Beds in White' and Cream Colors, at ' $4.98, $7.95 and $9.95 :. See our window display and then visit our Baby Department on the second floor, novel ties of all kinds for the Babies. DEPAR TME NT STORE SEND US YOUR MAIL ORDERS GASTONIA, N. C. SBstag aaaaaba.ffii ana KEW HOPE KEWS. (Correspondence of The Daily Gazette.) NEW HOPE, Dee. 6, The baxaar held Saturday night proved a success in spite of the dismal weather. Amount taken in was 31.40. j Little Roy Stowe is still in Char 'lotte Sanatorium.. We are hoping to hear news of bis improvement very soon . Miss- Iva Stroup, from" Cherryville, i spent several days during the Thanks giving holidays with Miss Elizabeth Stroup. - .Mr. Robert Lewis was at home for the week-end. Miss Pearl Stowe, Mr. Robert Stowe, Mrs. Ralph Kendrick, and Mr. Logan Stowe went Tuelay to visit Roy and his mother at the sanatorium. The funeral services of little Mary Frances Craig were held at New Hope I Monday afternoon. Mary Frances was (the twenty-two months old daughter of Mr .and Mrs. Elbridge Craig, of Cra- merton. Her death was a shock to the family and the community, as Bhe was sick only forty-eight hours. Mr. Ben Rstchford was at home for the Thanksgiving holidays, bringing with him Mr. Carr, a elaasmate, who rendered ns a great service Sunday night at Christian Endeavor. We en joyed his talk on "Better Speaking." The; friends of Miss Zula Glover will be glad to hear that sho is improving. A number of young people went to Charlotte Wednesday night, the Shrine circus being the attraction. Misses Ethel Kendrick and Elmer Hoffman were at home for several days the past week-end. , There will be a Christmas" tree at Bethesda with "appropriate exercises Christmas night. If you have anything you'd like to have put in The Gazette, please call the-New Hope teacherage or-manse. Before marriage he asks her for her hand and afterwards she is always de manding her hand out. GARRETT ESCAPES FROM POLK COUNTY JAIL. COLUMBUS, X. C, Dee. 6-Richard Garrett, charged with the murder last Tritfiv nf hi. m-if anil small d.-iuchtcr. escaped from the Polk county jail here. last night alter beating up tne jaiier. The latter is in St serious eondition from his wounds. A sheriff's posse is pursu ing Garrett into the mountains and ex pect to re-eapture him today. Garrett fired five shots from a shot gun into his wife'ii WIv. it ia alleeed. and then turn ed the weapon upon his four year old daughter, lie recently was mscnargea from an insane asylum. Subscribe for The Daily Gazette. TABLETS . SOLO TOR- CONSTIPATION BILIOUSNESS INDIGESTION 5tcmacli Troublafl