GASTONIA DAILY GAZETTE Weather 'Fair Local Cotton 25V4 Cents VOL. XLIII. NO. 299 GASTONIA, N. C. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 15, 1922 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS STATE CONVENTION OFjKu Klux Klan BAPTISTS TO MEET NEXT YEAR IN GASTONIA Selection of 1923 Meeting Place Caused Sensation In Convention. N.WILKESBORO DIED HARD Eloquent Pastor From Moun tain Town Nearly Took Meeting. Cllv T. V. Chnmblis Winston Nalein, Dec 11 .--Not with standing his request that lie be relieved of the presidency, Dr. Ii. W. Spilliiian was unanimously re-elected president of lite North Carolina I In j t i t stjitc eon vent ion tonight. Mr. Siiillniiiii "ill jiresido ;it tin1 I lll.'M'ssioii nt (iastonin. One of tin- absolute certainties about n Haptist state convention is thiit no man can fun-toll events. Tinier ordi nary circumstances, when Hie convc tioil appoints a committee, tli'- report of that committor is ;icoptel, lint it is not always so. ami by a narrow margin Of Nix votes, pretty cli)-e. the enliven tion this afternoon adopted a committee report . The selection of a location for T.I--'' session of the convention caused the Sensation. It was the hour of adjourn jnent, the sun vwis -cUing. many dele j-ates were gone for their suppers, when the committee reported liastonia as the meeting place in '.-', . Immediately 1'ev. W. 1.. liriuus, pastor at North Wilkosburo, offered a substitute, an. I in support of his propoitioii made a forceful ami really masterful appeal, iiinl he maile an impression. lie cap tured the convention, ami if it ha 1 not been for the fact that the next con vention should go to tin earnest, eloquent pieuclur mountain town would have the committee report, and (iastonin won bv only six east, the from t lu overt urned even then at -as. The convention in I !:'' i 1 1 therefor, meet in I'nstoiii.-i . liev. ,.. 1!. I'm ette, nt Ninth Avenue liaptist church, Churlotte, will preach the annual ser mon. Kev. .1, T. Kiinhelos, of Rocky .Mount, is the alternate selection. The convention .will meet on Tuesday, "Meeember 1 1 . Wingate School Addition. The hoard of education was author i.eil li.v the convention to arrange with Wingate high school, located at Win pate, in I ' n i n county, to add to its present four years of high school wink, a course of two years of full colle giate work," thus becoming a junior col lege. Principal C M. Tench has worked to this end for over a year. "Plans have already heon made to en large the equipment for laboratory work in the department of science. The first evidence of the deep im plosion made by the address of lr. William L. I'otea! was brought t- th? convention toitinht. when it was liuiioiincc-l that a gift of 'fl.,..imt had been made to the loan fund for the benelit of ministerial students. This pi ft "as proposed last year by a "brother and sister" who are members of the I'irst Taptist church of H ijjli Point, but because of the debate con cerning Wake Purest College the gift was withheld until today. The donors withheld their names. vioisl.v given :'(I0 to V $L'(HI to Meredith Colli ;j of five grandchildren. They had ake Forest pre ami e iu tin name Kev. Dr. b". .1. Ii 'ir-t Jlnptist church, dre,ssed the convention interest of Meredith C iteiuati. Ashevi t onight alleue. ot e, in lu the ad t lu ll is (Continued ou page IS.) DR. ERNEST N. ORR TALKS TO THE ROTARY CLOB I j Received i Thomas Sparrow Into the Membership of the Club Columbian Makes i Short Talk Beal Tells of Hunting Trip. The regular meeting of the Uutary Club was held Thursday at noon at the Country Club. Several members were absent on account of sickness. The, main features of the meeting wire the reception of Thomas .sparrow, dairy man, and a short talk by Mr. Krnest N. Urr, of New Albany, Mississippi, vho has recently been called to the paorute of the First A. K. I', church. I)r. Orr expressed his pleas ure at beiiiL' in Gastonia. and his sur I prise at the wonderful growth this city and section have enjoyed in the past few years. liotnrians Hayuood. of Columbia, ami IVasc, of Chnlrotte, made short talks. John L. Ileal told of his recent hunting trip to 1'isgah Forest. ,1. H. Separk . made the report of the com mittee on football which was the saun as that reported at the Kiwauis meet ing already reported in Tiie Gazette. The committee recommended the estab lishment of u Gastoiiia Athletic organ ization for the purpose of bringing col lege athletic games to Ga-tonin. The day's program was in charge of Georire Cocker. Mr. J. H . Hemlerlite delivered the charge of initiation to ; Tom Sparrow. It was full of wit ami humor ami good sense. He emphasized the spirit of Isotary. its motto. " Serv l.e. ami tlie qualities of friendship jjhiI fellowship it cultivated. Ir. Orr made a pleasing jmiires-iiiii Upon the club. Ih- gave several illus- triitions of Kidary as he knew it ami told inteicstiiigly of. a .Mississippi bank-1 J ri. eoiivcutiou lp rvtteioled recently. ' Aroused Citizens Of Barrow County, Georgia, To High Pitch Citizens From All Sections Are Assembling at Winder for Big Mass Meeting Today Governor Hardwick Offers National Guard Protection to Mr. Woodruff Who Has Threatened to Shoot Next Masked Man Who Stops In Front of His House. WI.N'DKH, Cia., Dec. 15. With a declaration that a mass meeting against alleged prevailing Ku Klux Klan law lessness will be held even if bo alone attends, llobert L. Woodruff, local mer rhant, early today completed final ar rangements for the session to bo held llo.l.iv loii for ita iiiiY-tiiv-js this adoption of a resolution declaring Par row county citizens for preservation of law and order. Citizens from all sections of the county were assembling here presumably to attend the meeting which is sched uled to In- called at 10 o'clock in the Harrow county courthouse, . while in all parts of (ieorgia interest has been aroused ver the fit rained relations be tween Mr. Woodruff and the local Ku Klux Klan chapter. Adjutant General Pope, of the Geor gia National Guard, arrived here today, having been sent by Governor Thomas W. Hardwick to make an effort to pre vent trouble between Mr. Woodruff and tin- Klan. The situation is regarded as being I tense, but local authorities say they will be able to cope with any emergency. An eleventh hour warning was received ' bv Mr. Woodruff not to attend the I . . . . i meeting. He declared he would not pay any attention to this or any other warning he has received. Mr. Woodruff at the same time re- j plied to Governor Hardwick V offer to rurnisu nim ane)uate military protec tion by saying that if members of the Klan planned an attack on him, "1 believe it will not be openly but from ambush ami for that reason I do not believe a sheriff 's posse or a military guard around my house would be of any avail . ' ' A resolution luus been drawn up to be presented to the meeting calling on the citizens of Harrow county to pre- Church Must Insist Upon Bible Teaching In Schools, College Head Tells Federal Council Newspapers Are Glad to Print Church News If Handled Right. ADVERTISING PAYS Must Teach the Bible as fectively as Other Sub . jects Are Taught. Ef- INDIANAI-OLIS, In,!., Dec. I.. First of all churches must be stirred from their state of self-coinidaccnev ami j assume larger responsililities for Christ ian! education iu the schools, declared j Mr. b'dbert L. Kelly, president of Karl- ham college, iu speaking at the annual j meeting of the executive committee oC the Federal Council of Churches of jfhrbt in America here today, lie said j by schools he meant not only Sunday j schools, but the weekly schools, the pri ! vale schools and the public schools, j ' li'espiinsibilit y for adequate IJible i study in American education rests upon line schools, ' declare.! tin- colleire nresi dent. ' l-.ducatioiial institutions and agencies are saying that when the schools teach the Libit- us effectively as they 'each othr subjects, liible literature will lie accepteii lor ailimssion to college. The college examination board iu New j York has declared that when the schools I are teaching the i'.ihle and preaching students for examination, examination 'questions will be issued them. The eyes i of the leaders of Christian education are ! low iu the schools and there is a groiv- ing demand for approved courses iu re l ligious education. ' ' ! Chun lH's are wasting a lot of money "ii advertising, declared Arthur L". j II ungerford, of Kaltimore, who is in I charge of the publicity work for the ! federal council. Not because the ndver tisin docs not pay, but because it coul-1 j be made to pay more, he said. 1 Hci-aiisc ot tlie lack ot trained men it is imposiiiie tor t lie average congre- ition to have effective advertising and Uhe cost is too great for the average ! church to buv trained advertising ad -vice." I Mr. Illlllgel fold 'the churches can however, they can continued. "What not afford singlv. carry on together, made in community as it is a new field, will have tremendous ; Mistakes will be i church advertising as it is a new held, j v ...... ....... i influence ou the community. I Then there is the news service. The .iin ill I up (,, ii niii ii.i-., ,1.1X01 ne newspaper iienmtioii ot news is "that it is whatever wil interest the ma- ijority of us readers. Now the story of the doing of the church today is good .news ami the newspapers are desirous of ; printing it but the church has been slo.v in making it available. i Mr. Hungerford praised the Abociat- Jed- Tress and other news agencies for j11" manner in wincii a receiu J church .statistics had been baudk'd from i Washington ami said it had' been car- ried to the farthest comers of the earth, One of the interesting features of the ssssioii today was th reading of greetings from the churches iu other lands. .. -" " Activities Have serve law aud order. A lution met with defeat similar reso at a recent meeting . "What we need in Harrow county is to create a scutiment against Ku Klux i Klan lawlessness," Mr. Woodruff told j Governor Hardwick at a conference held ' yesterday in Atlanta. "That is why I we intend to keep on having a citizens mas meet lug until we can get a reso lution passed. " Mr. Woodruff has in his possession a letter from Governr Hardwick which he intends to read at today's meeting. Efforts of persons to regulate ami cen .or the conduct of persons outside of the courts and outside of the laws, must be checked in Georgia, is the substance of the chief executive's communication. I The last grand jury of which Mr. Woodruff was foreman was instructed jbv the Harrow county court to investi I gate the rejgn of terror prevailing in certain sections of the county caused by activities of masked men. i'ive or six cases were cited by the court in which the victims were cither lynched, shot, flogged or driven from their j homes. The grand jury returned in i dietments against alleged members of ithe local chapter of the Klan. r ' Almost immediately afterwards Mr. I Woodruff received notice that he was a "marked ' man because of his activi ties during the investigation. He was ordered to wind up his business affair' and leave Winder. Following these warnings parades were held in front of his home by. masked men and rellec tioim from n red electrical cross were flashed on his front door. After sev. eral demonstratios of this character Mr. Woodruff issued a statement to the effect that he would kill the next masked man or woman who would stop in front of his home. Physicians Are Now Giving Coal Orders LAWRENCE, Mass., Dec. 14 . Prescriptions for coal are being given by physicians and honored by coal dealers in this city. One dealer said today that within two weeks he had received a dozen prescriptions written on regular prescription blanks and each calling for half a ton. Such orders were given prefer ence over all others, he said. SOUTHERN RAILWAY PUTS ON ADDITIONAL SERVICE HERE J. W. Smith, of South Caro lina, Is New Ticket Agent Equivalent to , City Ticket Office Service. i Kuuivalent of city ticket office s-r n e will practically be given by the South era Huilway henceforth, the n-ipu-st of the Gastonia Chamber of Commerce to that effect having been granted. Ad vice to this effect was given Thursday afternoon by It. II. Graham, division passenger agent, while in the citv on business. J. W. Smith, of South olina, becomes ticket agent ami II Wall will have charge of books accounts in the office. Car Y. aud Much complaint h: from members by the d been amber received relative to inadt-uqate service and several weeks ago request was tiled that a larger ! force be installed in order that the ; ticket window may be open during the iday and at other times than iuiinedi previous to the departure of j i trains. Mr. Smith and Mr. .qualified for their work patrons will be greatly result . i name be called. Facing the crowded com L'ailway has shown mittee room, the house hergeant at arms eo-oia-rate with us rallpH tii name three times hut there j "The Southern a disposition to wneuever possioic. remarked an offi cial of the Chamber of Commerce this morning, " morning, 'and we make few reaonal 'h-; rcqiusis mar are not granted. - I u tins lease the officials made the improved I service available us ouicklv as was .. .1 . . . . .. i their power and showed .courtesy , j TO DECIDE ON SITE FOR customary MEDICAL COLLEGE WEDNESDAY KALI Gil. IX'c. 1."). The special co.u inittee appointed for the purpose of de jcidinir the auestion of whether the m-i: leal course at tlie L diversity or Nonli jOiroliua to be extended from i to 4 years will make its report to Ihe board of trus j tees at a meeting to Im- held in Hie sen- ; : ate chamber itxt Wednsday. Ileni v M. j London, secretary of the board stated j J today. "' ' Girl Producer Miss Grace Has' kins of Hollywood Is the youngest 1 motion picture producer la the world. Still In her early twen ties, her first pro duction, "Just Luke a Woman," has received Will Hays' approval. The Day's News At A Glance I 'rime Mini-ter Itnuar Law says it is impossible for (Jrcat Bril.tain to pay debt to I'nited States until allies or (ieiinaii.v pay England. Archbishop cially appoint I'nited States .alio . Tiiinnsoui lliniidi is ofli d apostolic delegate to succeeding Cardinal Hon- Ambassador llarviv will soon ret urn to America vi - i t as j from I. linden, explaining his irtly due ti concern over Mi Harvey 's health . Turkey insists upon iiepnrtat inn from Constantinople of supreme patriarch of Creek Orthodox church. Kritisli premier suggest cancellation of interallied i step to put the world back all lebts a on its mind s one feet . dames liamsay Mai Donald, labor leader in British house of commons, warns that reparations are a curse both to those who pay and receive. Kii";land at Lausanne takes stand against Turki-h plan to patriarch of Greek church. lecided deport l'aris deputies discuss I 'oi ilea re's fall in the event that reparations conference fails to produce results. Cardinal at Munich declares Germany has lost its " Hpringtime " that its children no longer laugh play . that ami and 11;iii Johnson asks Commissioner Lnn, dis to join him In war on gambler at major leauue baseball parks. Uepresentative Keller refuses to go ahead with impeachment charges against Attorney General Maugherty and calls hearing before house committee "comic ; opera performance. Washington hears tinoflicial reports of great loan iu I'nited States to save Germany from complete financial and economic collapse. arker, ot Louisiana, tells couferelicc of governors that prohibition in 1'nited States is almost a farce and a-serts penitentiary is place for those who defy laws. New L'nghm.l textile mills continue stock dividend disbursements, increases in capitalization reaching new high mark . KELLER FAILS TO SHOW UP BEFORE COMMITTEE j WASHINGTON, Dec. 15. Represen I tative Keller, republican, of Minnesota, j failed to appear today before the house j judiciary committee in response to a for mal summons. At his office afterward it iwas "tated he had decided definitely not to respond to the subpoena, served on jhim late yesterday after he had dra I matically announced his withdrawal from I further participation before this com I mittee in his Dresentation of his im peachment charges against Aatorney General Daugherty. ..Whether the committee will undertake to compel his appearance or to hale him before the bar of the house for contemn will not be decided before tomorrow, nnstn.innmiinl rtt further nrni-anrlinaa nn. j. . .. . . . .. v va j,, vvu..,6 .... til that time having been taken at the reauest nf Attornev Tarkson H Ralston. in .1, i.A.m ,A ,u il K il i til UV.UI, "UH-tit. 1 w v-s. vuillir J. a Jl VI , stated in a letter to Chairman Volstead that he hepreented the Minnesota mem ber in th nresnt mattrs. Irr.mdiately there was inquiry as to t whether i morrow. Mr. Keller would appear to Attorney James H. Vaney, an attorney of Boston, who presented Mr. Ralstons letter, said he was unable to answer that, question;, that Mr. Keller would act on advice of council. Announcing that Mr. RaWton's letter asking for a postponement becaue of tlje 'JO' (pressing business engagements the at Wall are well orney had made for today constituted no and service t "excuse" for the non-appearance of Mr. improved as a j Keller, Chairman Volstead ordered his Iwas no rerpon;e. JUMPS FROM WINDOW ON PNEUMONIA DtLIKlUM I NTW YOUK. Mec. L". Apparently j delirious from 'pneumonia.- Frank t Thooia. a merchant from Hamilton. Itcr immla, Ieape from a window in Iiis room ;on the tenth floor of the hotel Tennsyl- j vaiiia today and was killed. He had I j lecn ill at the hotel for several days and i was in charge of a nurse. Taiers in his j i rmiiii showed him to le a member of the i ; Scottish Kite Masons iu Savanah, dr. THE WEATHER i North Carolina: Generally fair to-j night and Saturday; colder tonight and j in east Saturday. MORRISON OPPOSES ANY DISCUSSION OF PROHIBITION OR KLAN AT MEETING CAPT. ROALD AMUNDSEN ARRIVES AT HOME NOME, Alaska, Dec. 15. (By the Asyociated Press.) Captain Roald Amundsen, head of a Polar expedi tion that left Seattle in June, ar rived here late yesterday by dob team. Captain Amundsen came from Wainwright, near Point Baro-jv, where he is wintering with the Blane in which he hopes in the spring to fly over the North Pole. AMBASSADOR GEORGE j HARVEY IS SUMMONED! HOME FOR CONSULTATION I Will Sail December 23 It Is Understood That Mrs. Har vey Will Leave for Madeira Islands. London. l.'i.i li.v th Associaied has been it uas stat I'n . ) - Alalia ss.idor liarvc consultation, called home fo cd at t he Aim l ie; end assv this af er IIOOII. He will sail on the li her :': He will not be rcnjl.irin Decern accinnpaiiied by j .., ll.ll li i , in i III u.l , I III,- j 1 1 IV i I - inj; day for a isit to Madeira. i This announcement follous word from -Mrs. llarvev, nho will leave London last innht that A mliassador ' Harvev would return to the Cniti-Ml States in the near future for a short visit. The ti r st uiulerst a ml i in; was that his trip was hugely due to nxiety about the health of Mrs. Harvey, it being as numi'il she would accompany him on his voyage. Ambassador Harvey himself has been confined to his bed with a cold for two or three days hut bis condition is not sufficiently serious to prevent him from making definite ylans for sailing. Mrs. Harvey, who has been quite ill recently, is still indisposed but it is thought sin will bi- able to s;ii for Maderia December '2'2, with the excectat ion ot' remaining there while her husband is in the Tinted .States, she will be accinnpaiiied by her daughter, Mrs. Marccllus Thompson, and the latter s daughter. Wan ley Haldwin, the chancellor of the oxchequur, ami the other members of the liritish mission which is to visit Washington for discussion regarding the Hritish debt to the 1'nited States, will sail for the 1'nited States December 7, four days after Ambassador Harvey's sailing, so that his visit will coincide with the presence in America of the British mission. WASHINGTON, Dc 1 . ( 1 ' Associated Tress.) Although State partnienl officials eonlirmed today London announcement that Amlias Harvey had been called home for ' saltation.'' thev declined to make the Me the ad. a con auv explanation as to the -pccilie questions Secretary Hughes desires to disi u-s with him. Ill the absence of an official explana tiou, the impression gained currem-v that Mr. Harvey had been called In Washington in connection with the situ ation a to German reparations threatening a ruptui ISritaiu and France. It has been stated circles here that the eminent regards the between in admi iiis! ra t ion Washington gi-v reiialat urns difli cully as the "most acute of r.uiopi problems today, and is anxious In ford any aid toward settlement that could properly extend. In view these official utterances, the ex tat 1 1 it ot i ,ii is- that t In- ambas-ador a direct effect on that It appears certain th iinrtmeiit has seriously i visit will have situation . t the State De considered the ! l-ossibility of A mi ri I SolllC t III 111 ill the an participation in proposed economic and financial conference at T.risi I- " no li was proje. icu by the alii, h it has n I I statesmen, but for vvh i Id-en jxissilile to make Heiiniie plans oe cause of the- split over Ibrmaii repaia tious. As the coiitereiice in its orin i-onception would not have dealt with political matters in Luiope, Ameri can iarticipation might conceivab'y ii.. i :i.i.. ..ii.......i. .1.., ,,.i -.ic : nave iiccu posioie .... , ., ' ii..,; , OaSIK lliai WOIIIH lin.inr I .lilicu.n allied indebtediiess to the Tnited States. Ambassador Harvey would be the loy iical channel for any informal exchange j of views between the allied and Ameri can governments during the interval be i f ore the council of premiers reassembles after New Year's. Whether the ambassador will be able 'to complete Iiis consultations here and ret urn to his post before the premiers Imeet again is not known here, but it is i a -fumed that some means will be taken jto make known to the Kuroponn states I men at once any ciclusion which may be reached here as to possible American moves to clear up the reparations tangle. i 1)t. Otto Wiedfeldt. the (b-rutan am bassador, conferred jit length today with Secretary Hughes, but no infor mation was available as to whether their o nvcrsut ion touched on repaia ' tions or took cgiiince of the serious econoniL- situation in ticrmaiiv re (lev ted 1 l by reports which have been received through official Americau trade chau ! ncls . - I The call of the I'crinan envoy at tin (state f 'epartmeiit. however, coming just ) before the usual Friday i-abim-t meet j ing. was regarded as a possible indica tion that the president ami lus o! tidal (Contiuud on page 8 V North Carolina Executive Says These Are Two of the "Touchiest" Questions Before the Country Would Meet the Ku Klux Klan With Argument as State Meets Masked High waymen With Argument Alabama and Louisiana Governors Take Issue With Morrison. LAFOLLETTE ATTACKS THE SHIP SUBSIDY BILL IN A VIGOROUS SPEECH Says No Wmse Bill Than This Ever Came Up In Senate for Consideration People Have Repeatedly Rejected the Policy It Represents, Says Wis consin Senator. VAslll(. TON. the .ill:,, (i of !,e pi tin- ad ill i nit r.i ' ion I 'i c. I I. - Opening ressiic bloc aain;t nppitiy bill, Senator i . , V isi-iini ii , ii ' :l!i I o.l.l y th.l't Hi IV to tin- i-Vpri'ssed people and t hat t he l.aloll. declare lucasih will of III. I mil I. p. I III- e Aiiu-rii Ihc I'n ii i j t in i. hut to fo opell at ion pie i ,'id its siippoit e il s passage at halleliee to t lie nf the trust re- iis in nit time is people an. I : poi.-d by th ii I" tin delcL'ute.l 1 epreseiit a 1 1 i s. ' The is.-on si n N'tialor ii. urn. d the of the d Ha Tics' i 1 1 in bitter term-. 1 1 1 ui I cut and Chairman l.asker, of the Slu i ping Hoard, iu h:irji language, challeiig e. tin- arguments made by the executive ill his uiesage to Congress urgifr enact incut of I he legislation, and charged Mr. .l.asker with having made" a highly im i proper proposal'' iu order to obtain the ; .support of orgaiiied labor. I do not I that worse 1, 1.1 ; 1 1 1 , 1 1 1 this 'the I'llite ; he assert ithiil i til' before the Senate of Sttes for its consideration,' II represent! a policy dlv rejected bv the ii ! I'h- I ion of nise ,1 peopie j a few i lllilltol ot the s county. The public opill uiilry j overn helniiugly op--lay.' means turning over tin.' ertv to favored interests lor on the ilolhir and a tax of dollars levied annually iu a subside tot hose who lako t I sinij .. pr oiil of ot.h'i ! the s , in, lln I,. 11 . e eti cheai to pav I racl i. ally of dollars hipping inli ,:iii-e, mui rate, for o to destroy s a gift. It means f taxes in r e-ts. It iim h ss gu.i r ean coirimt'rc ii r a no v and fund i in litee, . It llav V I" lei' . propose , ! ra I, - j ! i i t s : potential !. ship. T. .! of a single of those we i I !,- at'elllpl - . I i T t v- i a i dell I" The Sea'. " a I an r a n.i i,. I turn t feli-e o,c s not ga ; re: my n t ovv mi iti nt. -c the biiildin; the maintenance , wholly bad. and ipou a u unvv illing ii hlro-iglv ciiii- iip ha l i l.-d .. lo: lO'ls was pn lat th ri i list Ot ijiosihg llleil 'o foil ifl OII e- laber oiga the b Ilia ke I an the -!.i I . ri-a at t hi of t the Am had gone ship siili-i-lv i or.l d t. aiel th;- t he , il . I .a I ' i II a. 'he terms i le fa I 'll, i s i v ..;iimi.' ! it i.i; atti'u I, f labor Im.l ini rma n of . thi ,1 that I sh. La-k-r 'A i 'Is ill. I -U,l tot iiiv ti- e colitillUI-i, ; hail man with Samuel t he a, nt , lifer, la l.asker i ;ouipcr i i'.. 1 1 . a i ight I i T or. a .1 to Am . vu-a ii huM - label e Will ic! s'li I Fed- , ,1 made e r pn. lis that i nt el suppoif Thi ii ale I 7 jean I'e a si, in; Ih. April lliel- ill tie- b tie Lab. II the city ot -k. r I In n a ml I f - withdraw ftel-e t iu- tieieUn- ,..,!. I the nil to a bill I' e.r o p en lit .' ien.eii Mii. b:,i l h i i I'M.i II America i. The V his ad-lr. seel li'll. ;-o!tt lilt te l!a I,, iii rk- r-pn It i V is ot tlie W rv t icit thev spurned pn Lah 111. I id not ;.u I!. .1 din., . bv bi!! - , ! I,. .1 . V isie tls coi'teii-h-d n; lei : ng 1 1 FIRE TRUCK IS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED ( Lie 1 1 ;c-ks wheel of the c! suffered La Trance tire I left rear II ,. VI.. ck truck ; ti e corner r the resi j The left ,e I" ag; to . ; I. it all v. hen in an crahed into ot' Tia-'klin -h-iice i f Mi 1 Oakland A . .1 . s-n Hi. nar feiolet- was al' minor injure-' sufi' mint was answering smashed, ami other red. The depart-; a call in t he direr- . t am of the Clara mill and .in loundiii . turn from Trank'iii ito Oakland. ! tiie '(ne of the chains siipH-d from one of ithe rear wheels, the tinmen say. and !t!ie truck -kidded into the .silewaik. I All the men were thrown, from tile ! I ru. k . Two. Messrs. Ni il ami A Ico k, I were slightlv retched and bruised by' (theiti fall. 'A new wheel was ire aii.l will be here today ordered ' it W.RS ! stated 'bv city ottH'i'us. ' ' Wll.Ti: sl Ll-HLK SSTUINOS, W. Va., Dec. l"i. State executives attend ing the fourteenth annual conference of: governors wen- turned from their con ference discussions today to an inspe I bin of coal mines, near Ik-cklcy, after engaging at midnight in the first ffurry of debate which has marked the scs- l siolis. J Trohibitiou and the Kp Klus Klan I wen- the two questions wlljch brought 0, cl.ish of view, when the meeting was (thrown open to debate .shortly before ' midnight aftr an address by Governor Ol-ott, of Oregon, in which he asoailed ; t he klan as a national menace, j Governor Muriison, o North Carolina, taking the iloor, declared he opposed in ' t roducl ion into the cfinfereiice of either 'the klan or piohibilioii rpu-fct ions, which ; prev ioiisly had been brought lip by (loV ii i iior I'aiki r, of Louisiana, in an ad'ki-KS i i uhiih in- declared juoliibitiou wa al i i a farce ami that the khin should I - curbed by federal legislari',!!. As it'vo of 11 touchiest ' ' questions be- I . ii i - thr country, Govriiiof Morrison 'sii , h opposed their i-oiisiderati"ll at i a conference which he believed should ; lc devo'id to an exchange of ideas on I tin- administrative duties of governors, j I'artiiularly did he object, Mr. Mor rison said, to Governor I'n rkcr ' proposal ; I hat tii- conference adopl resolutions on 'tliese questions, or any re.AiltitiollH look ing toward uniform h-gisl.-tt ion of a piw 'li.-e charaiter. At this point Governor Sproul, of I'einisv Ivnnia, interruidiil to ;.-iv that the North Carolina governor j ii. -ed have no fear of the conferem-B de parting from its policy against adoptin I .-solut inns. Governor Morrison further declared if- disagreed with Governors Parker and (olcott on their proposed methods for ghtilig Hie klan which he said could not I .- legi dateil out of existence but i-ouhl I.- met affectively only by argument. As t i Governor Talker's assertion that pro hibition was not being enforced and his opinion that the sale of light wine ailil I slinuld be permitted under govern nient regulation of its manufacture and distribution, Mr. Morrison said he was astonished" at what he described n the Louisiana, governor's willingness t surrender to the " lavvnessiiess among aiiti-prohibitioiiists" on. the one haul ami his desire to fight what he conceiv ed lo ,e lawlessness ill the klan on tho n'lii r. Governor Talker rejoined that ha did not conceive his attitude on prohibi tion to he a yielding to la wnessi-ss. "While he did not mean to defend tho kian ami deplored its possible danger ! lie country in arousing the spirit of re I gions intolerance and racial feeling. Governor Morrison said he could relate i.ianv acts o f benevolence attributed to (ii, secret organization. ' Taking up Mr. Morrison's assertion that the vvuv to meet the klnn was fa-'e to face iii argument. Governor Kilbv, of Alabama, asked how it was possible ti argue vvith a masked man. Mr. Morrison r-plied that highwaymen were masked i at that the state s knew hovv to argue v.itll t Ill-Ill. TARB0R0 WOMAN DIES FROM SHARK BITE TAU'-O. M. c. TV The body of Miss latheriue VY i ii; berley' Hounie, who died yesterdav at Sail Juan, Porto Hico, after f m i u ir bitten by a shark while in bath i Mir. will be brought to her former tioim re for burial, rehitives annouueed to- la.v . Miss ' sc hool. , harch '-.TI Hid taught ialid S;, , She ' T.oiir'ii I.. M. T.oiirue was teaching at ht. Johns a mission school of the Episcopal in San Juan and this was her year there. Treviously she hli-l al Northhampton,' Chapel Hill lisbitrv. is survived by a brother, II. . .me sister, and .'i half brother, r...i.riie of Ashcv ille. EXAMINING PISTOL, LAD ACCIDENTALLY SHOOTS SELF AN MLIfSON. M-c 14. Ralph tiresli- i:;yiar-ohl son ef Mr. ami Mrs. K' A. itresliam, shot himself accidental--' I, through the right baud Tuesday after i ..on while examining a dstot. It W.'is stated that the bullet passed through the call of the liresh.iui home, and out into the front aiii. The ball passed throng!, tie Meshy part of the hand, and the lad i.- ii' t. m riouslv hurt. W A s 1 1 1 N ( i I'O N . I W. 1 ."). The. house nde, committee voted today to give piivilcgcd status to the Treeti rvsolutioa, proposing ail ameiidment to the cousti t:i exempt -w-ciirities would if plllh hibited. COTTON MARKET GASTONIA COTTON. Receipts today.. ,,.....30 bales cent) Price. .25 1-4 CLOSING BIDS ON NEW THE YORK MARKTS CL0SING BIDS ON THE NEW YORK MARKETS N I." Y Yl.ltK. W: !" t V.toii futru- losed barely siead.v -nt peiuts down: Jan., duly. J.i..::l:iri'li, Mjy, L'."...d; Oct., 2X71); I.'r -a-jd. . IV: