ETTE Home Edition Local Cotton 26 Cents VOL. XLW. NO. 303 GASTONIA, N. C.f WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DEC. 20, 1922 SINGLE COPY S CENTS L Louisiana National Guard Is Called To Settle Kidnapping Trouble In Wealthy Families Leads Jobless GlemenceauGIadToSeeFrancelSIORy OF REFUGEES IS THE PLAH PROPOSED BY TRINITY COLLEGE But Hated To Leave America;; ! Hopes For Results From Trip READS LIKE IE OF THE NORTHERN SEAS GASTONIA DAILY flAZ JOINT MEDICAL SCHOO Pr. Few Offer Three Million Dollar To Help Found It. Celebrated Mer Rouge Kidnapping: Case Moves Forward - Another Step Feudal Fight Has Been Brewing For Quarter , Of A Century Between Two Prominent Families Kid napped Last August. MORRISON ACCEPTS PLAN. JVakc Forest And Davidson Colleges Probably Be In ', vited Join Undertaking. RALEIGH. Deo. ltf. The mo. Heal school committee of North Carolina to night voted its approval to a proposal laid beore it by Dr. V. P. Few, presi lent of Triuity college, by which t!ic University college may establish and lubabitaiu jointly a nuxlieal school nud hospital nt Durham. Dthor institutions, notably Wake Forest und Davidson col- lege, will bo invited to join in the modi- I ctil school and share in its control. The approval of the hospital com mittee will bo laid before Urn meeting of the boa3 of trustee of the university in session in the uflieo of the governor tomorroy at non, and Dr. II. W. i'liase, president f the University of North Caro lina, and a member 'of tho hospital com mittee, will offer a resolution to accept the proposal of Triuity college and to ap poiut a commit t i-o to work out tho de tails with a similar committee from Trin ity college. Tho proposal of Dr. Few, laid before the committee at the governor's mansion tonight, contemplates the exionditurc of eight niilliou dollars in the hos and tho medical school, million each for the Uni versity ami Trinity, a million dollar from each source will lw used as a build ing fund, according to plans. Trinity proposes to endow the inst it Hteion with $3,000,blH), and the (date, for the Uni versity of North Oirolinn. will guarantee an ion to the iiiNiiipuoa lquivalont. to the income from three million dollars. "Details of the w ill have to worked out.' said tkivcrnor Morrison, who made public the itetiou of- the rout mitteo late tonight. "The committee ac cept the proposal of Dr. Few in principle, and will recommend its acceptance cm the part of tlie university trustees. I regard this as a grout forward step." The, governor expressed his highest ap proval of Hie proposal. He was joined bv Dr. II; V, fuse, who declared the pro- ...c-a1 it t on roontueiit s :i liwive- I tient, uniune in the history of medical t.v .-m.sked men on their way Iron, institutions in this country. ! ;!'ll t0 lhl'lr respo, homo a. Mer "It is in all Hie line of mini """v-. -.i t. l.V.t i A lug highway celebration As a dirot result of tho agreement j val was held at Dastrop A. . ... i land thousands of ltcoplo 10 incept us lur an u.e no-t'o.u .01010. v ; , . ,.i., i ti,.i live victims ot noouc.i riucrs uoiiueu tne MONRO K, LA.. Dec. 2U. Coin-j a number of alleged lawbreakers that pany O, Louisiana, national guard of j he and his officials propose.! to enforce Monroe, which moved out of here fori the law. McKoiu received warning by Morehouse Parish yesterday aftemoou, letter thut if lie did ' not cease, he wa ia camp at Mer Itouge at daybreak would Ihi assassinated. Later he was this morning, and wifl reninin there, for called from his home at midnight, several days, according to a message I ostensibly to go see a si.-k patiet and received here from Captain W. W.jhis automobile was riddled with buck Cooper the commander. j shot, but he escaped. Fiioiids advised Captain Cooper said he was unprc- ! McKoiu to leave the community, and pared to give tho purpose for which I he did so. He is now taking a post the soldiers were sent to Mer Itouge and hud no information other thun or ders to go into camp at Mer Itouge." The military company, composed of Cj men and three officers, is encamp ed in the centre of the town, which has a population of about I.SU'L' Tho celebrated Mer Rouge, kidnap iug case, wliich, for four months has ineffectually taxed all of the legal machinery of the state of Louisiana in its effort to solve, moved forward an other chapter yesterday when national guard troops were ordered to move to Itustop, La., near Mer Itouge, originated according to well informed observers in a. feud between rival factious of More house parish. Although the KuKlux Kino organi zations of Louisiana, Arkansas, and Mississippi have been more or less charged with being involved in these mysterious disappearance of Major Watt Daniels and Thomas Fletcher Richards, citizms of Mer Rouge, fol lowing the kidnaping of these and three other Mer Rouge citizens on August 24, the ' conservative citizens of north oust Louisiana believe thut the mysteri ous case goes much decier than alleged Ku Klux Klau auiuios-ity and is more or less racial and rivals iu many re spects, tho elobrato.l feuds of the Cumberland mountains; of Kentucky, Tennessee and Virginia. Tho feudal light was said to have been brewing for a quarter of a century involving some of the leading families of Mer Rouge and other parts of Morehouse parish. A climax was reached on August .2 1 when J. L. j Daniels. 70 years old, former pronii- neut Mer Rouge merchant ; Watt , Daniels, his aon; Thomas F. Richards; Watt Davenport scion of a leading j Louisiana family, and W. C. Audreys,: a planter, were kidiiapjied by forty or i graduate course at Johns Hopkins I'ni versity, Hullimoro. Roimrts were current throughout Morehouse puii-dt this inuring that the bodies of Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, had been located either iu Cooper or LuFonrcho lake weighed down with a wagon wheel, said to have been taken from a farmer's vehicle by tho bund of masked men who kidnaped live Mer Itouge citizens on August 21, two of whom have disappeared . Officers of the Monroe military com pany professed to have no information regarding the reported hading of the bodies. Mayor It. L. Dade, of Mer Rouge, said ho had been informed the bo,iies of the men had been located but he could not verify the reports. Four detectives, said to have been employed by the Department of Justice at the direction of Attorney General Daugherty have been working for months on the kidnaping. Their headquarters are iu Mer Rouge. These detectives are said to have located the boies of the missing men, but they refuse to either affirm or deny the report . ft 1 jfsj - 4 A T' A. Tiger Of France In A Hilarious Mood But Suffering From Survivors Of Ill-Fatd Tug ratigue Mad Stormy Voyage sends Christmas Greetings neuance Mad Harrowing 1 V 1 SSI io U. 5. cupied. A. Fears For German Strikes If The Ruhr Is Oc- Experience. WEATHER BELOW ZERO. II WIIK. France. Dec. 2'-. (l!y the AsKiN-iated 'n--s. i- lieorges Clemeuceau arrived limn.- fium his American pil yiimam- todav in a hilaricms mood, hi: appaiei.tly suflering from tatiguc. The Tiyel" reeiived represellta t i V 's lii cabin is the lim r was (-it- A In Huge mass meetings of Britain's 'unemployed aro being held In Km', land.MIere la Wallace Huniilngton. of the unemployed, an ,nounclng In Trafalgar Square that 'df a peaceful parade failed to make' flJonar Law meet tho wrorker'H com mlttec, oUht methods may, bo usod.j of France ii e'l U r'. ,J t he r'iaines ami fri-iids, as well pi.udeiits anil phntogr:iphi-s a I III lelmi- li steamer i iiccau began lii viaii paper men by denvii;:; views priiiS'd in the Fr ' iriilM !v ui.e si nt from ? I 'e! it 1 a ri-ien . crowd oJ as eorr.-f-i greeted 1. Cle'M the liett'S various iuti 1 tnli puss par e;v V.irl; I hi NAME OF INSTRUCTORS WHO MADE HOME BREW RALKKilf, Dec. 2(1. Dr. Riddick did not give any details in making his an nouncement reg.irdiug the instructors but stated that his action had followed as a result of indignation of students, who were said to have conducted a pri vate investigation. The resignations have been turned in by the instructors, he .said, and no le action again-t them is contemplated. The professors had rooms near the cum pns. The names of the instructors whose rosiiMintio'is have been ticked are ". V. j Husbee, Of Louisiana; T. I. Parks and C. B. Hunker, of North Carolina and Finding Golf Balls Lucrative Business ST. LOUIS, Dec. 10 Rctiieving lost go!! balls on the municipal links h.'.s been so lucrative to Matt C. Malley that he bid $850 for the 192.1 privileges. This was made known this afternoon by the board of public service in announcing Mal ley's bid had been accepted. Mr. Mailt v employs boy to rearch for the balls. If found im mediately they are relumed to the owners. Many ba!l3, however, are not found unitl the owners leave the links, and Mr. Malley pays the boys five cents apiece for these, re paints them and sells them for from 10 to 40 cents, it was ex plained . T i '.i,t : that has a mi '.l:,c .far. 'ie form r premier had i.e. He appeared gay under tin surface hi hi- experience in t m been almost tun much to I, tin in the 1 1 : i l is heme a lony ri- Vendee at : a very stormy nnl vivaeiou, , friends sa.v Cniti'd Mates for him. H" fur two vveciis a I his country t. Vincent iu itious quustiou and also the poisible oc 'cupation of the Ruhr, he said: "I fear for Ciermau strikes there in c;.s; of occupation. This is all I will ;say on this subject for publication." Regarding a suggestion that he visit South America, M Oemenceau said: "I j;:i!t sorry but now at any rate; possibly ,in my next life." I 'lemeneeau then withdrew into his shell, us he himself suggested, j "I am likn that pair of tortoises, I I am presented to Mademoiselle Sorrel," he said. '"There ant times when I pull !ia my head." : During the trip across, when the wea , fhor permitted, the ex l'renucr often i strolled about the decks, chatting with 'many of the passengers. His tippet it- continued good throughout the voyage with always the four boiled eggs and ; on" biir urapefruit for breakfast, whilo j his other meals were uu.uu.lly hearty. I Among the many packages in charge of valet, Albert Houlin, tire two oases .of grape fruit. ; "i shall livtt as long as that supply 1 lasts, ' said Clenicuecau. "I love tb'j:;i too much In die In-fore eating them. Anv Lived For Five Days On Lonely Island In Midst Of Heavy Storm. 'I bio.e fni yimd re-i.'ts frUi. niv ir'.p to the Fnileil t.Sates." said M. I 'ieimihi a ii to The Assis-iated I'ress. 'Hnwever iet the iiemde decide. I put my i;.it!i thiMV.'i fully b. foie tl-.em andi"'".v- ""'J' !ir' certain contributions lli'...- ti n - . .it-.iii' ..'., s,.i in : longevity. " jude. 1: .-,s aii.nent thai there was' ' '"' it amoiml nt interest in ;ne is rsoa .r-'poou on lainung Tiger" declined to be photo a v; allv t or ale I am in nt. .1 : be.-i'n !hnn, was in, I V vv hich inmpli he a.hh be it i- too oppi 1 1 unity, ids in the I'niti l,1 on si-;'.' uf mot iia! M la. I to be iioine ; I had 'eft the ' Merry "lu i - ea r from an old -mill, but ;ay, jde.'isc d Hates: F rainc secolii it is u.y t : 'Mr fn-V was that. I that 1 .a- f,i. It 1 .' 1 won t, he exclaimed when the : Keiv ipaper camera men asked him to puv. "I have suffered a thousand times, lit is enough." lie also denied inter- iews to the corresuoiideiits who have our ! i ..... r. ;. ..i ii,,. io, ,., , i...t .ni-ht. As he walked down the gang plank llhis inorniiiL'. the crowd on the iIockb I'liited states. j ,.l,,.,.ri,.l I it !, , u.,f ,.f mas and a llappv N-'A 'a waiting limousine, chtitted with the friend.' " chauffeur a iiiomeiit and then was driven Asked what he thought of the ropara l ntvunl I'aris. HAZING IN ILL FORMS ORCHESTRA HELPS OUT CITIZENS OF AIRLINE THE CIVITAN MEETING APPROVE PAVING PROJECT and fe-ti- ! on August -I, from nil parts .1. V,. Miller uf .South ;i rohna . can accept the proposal ef Dr. lew coiuniittee determined tonight to make no repurt whatever on 'location of the pro posed hospital for the I'niversity of s'nroliua, which until Dr. Few's proposal was the principal matter before the co.,i juittco and the trustees. celebration, witnessed the baseball game Itclwcen Monro and Bastrop, and then started home in the twilight of the eve ning iu two automobile-. When they ! were 'midway N't ween ltastrop and Mer ' Rouge the hooded men galloped up, on ; horseback, or uppeared on the highway i in automobiles and seized the live Mer Rouge citizens. Watt Davenport was released wit Inn uii hour utter lie was laKcn, ami me j rumor became current that the mask 1 ed men were "mistaken as to his .identity. ' The day following the elder Daniels and Andrews tound their I wav back to their homes in a. serious condition. j For a while neither Daniels nor An idrevvs would discuss the case, but they ed Bv Scarcity Of Water In! told of how they were kidnaped p - i , on their way to Mer Rouge by masked Laiawoa. , mon nn1 Pt,veroiv beaten. .Neither 'Daniels nor Andrews was able to iden- -. tify a s.ingle person in the mob, nor SusL-eiision of the rower curtailment could they give any information in re- rroi:ram rut inlo effect bv the Ssouthrr.i , card to Daniels' son. Watt, l oner company GREKXHH.RO. cause was found Hcilstou, charged connection with bv Dec L'i. Probonic in the case of Frank with manslaughter in the death isumlnv of Student Body Vote6 For Three Months Trial Of No Hazing Probably Permanent. Frank Abernethy In Of The Program Dr Ken neth Todd Plays For Them j Grady Gaston Makes Talk. Charge ! People On East Long Avenue Want Their Street Paved, Too Improved Water Ser vice In Northeast Section Of City. i H. L. t'lapp. when he was given a pre j I military hearing in municipal court here today. Hotel was lixed at $;.tiuii. The case is set for trial at the January term of Guilford county sitpt rioi court. j DAVIDSON. Dec. If. -Davids, m Jt'ollege has thrown heiseif iu iiiie with i t ho progressive educational i'lst it tit ions ! of the Smith, aad by a vote of the three MILLS MAY USE POWER FREELY Curtailment Program Of Southern Power Co., Sus pended Rains Of Recent Days Relieve Situation Caus The Day's News At A Glance upper classes (if t In forms i,; haiAg wvre I'n sb lerian instiiu'it measure is at prcscir but it is eiinliih-ii' h the end of the tri:r st i, !. nt iboii he I at Vcsierd-i.v . only t in pi ecte ( Allies lea v o s.-iniie essentially tell Turks Dardanelles proposals conference is agin in . tali and Linger. th, -1 et, lire will student Poland takes -ti ps to avoid anticipating meetiiiy: of natiotial to clioos'" president. violou ! . a-semalv i n t a v ot i to .'J. whieh tit'teett vo!, a l'iliie, to const 1 1 'it ion . -eiitiy m-i.eta he lPeastl ti on rvovoinlior i, on nc ount of lack of rainfall, was announced at the ollices of tho company here yes terday. The curtailment suspension gitcs into rffeet Wednesday. The wVs affts-ted by the curtailment program were divitled into sections at the time the request was made by the jvovver company, ts'ctimi No. 1 included all mills north and east of Salisbury; section Xo. 2, Rowan, Stanly, t'abarrus, Mecku nburg and Union counties. Xorth Carolina, and York county, South Caro lina; unset ion 'Xo. 3, Gaston county mills; eectiou Xo. L Rutherford, Clev eland, Lincoliu Catawba. Ireland and liurse counties, North Otrohna, and Cherokee find hpa.rtnuburg counties, youth Caro lina; socsiion Xo. 5,-Lancaster, Hiester, iSewU-ry, Greenwoini. Anderson, tiroea ville, Pickens and Oconee counties. Smith aroliiia. Consumers of ehs-tric power in eaih section were requested by the jwer coln Jaiiy to discontinue use nf power fur one day each week foiit i a. in. to It p. m. except siu-h power us was necessary 'for Mrietly public use. handling or ltoris.i able prlncts. and for fire jirotection. These ronsunurs susr'iided use ot power ( on different days uf the wetk, e.-o-h st-' tion on n different tiny. The nei-ssity of the power eurtarinie.i! JvrogTatu was stated to 10 the j-ovvct pro ducting plants were redn.-etl in vo.uti.e i to such nu utent by hick uf rainfall iu j the mountainous regions of the sta'e j that the generating capacity of the-e j jdants were 'greatly reduced. I Recent ruinfa'l in the sections above! the oower sreiieratiiiu: . plants of the) Southern Power company have Im'cu suiu eitne to make a i.ractical suspension of und Rich ards. Daniels declared he recognized Ar j kansas and Mississippi' automobile , J license tags. i Following the kidnaping the More- will !. house parish grand jury was organized j H;ly wood at P.astrop. the parhli seat of More- is ,ore en house parish, ami made a, thorough ; investigation of the kiilnaping, but no sicimtor indicatments were returned. Many . ,,.,-.;, witness were examined, but it was I Ni.-arai'iia. is-ople in Hclgiaii Minister Fr. former Premier Haman dispute in deputies. uk to i.-ilh-ng :d aft Jsetiati- still withholds ierce Duller -as justice ( Havs ami coiira I..-I forces v -stt ::ys in. contirtnaf imi of (f supreme cinui. Wallace Reid at ti.-toi's con litioit to know ipl.irtereil liioni hs ly placet in II tion The lire va 1 i r j only anon I.:m- , ina.mrtty stlldi lit bo,y : men elns t their support i of I -I to II, I This step c agitation on tl ; pet sens eiiei i ! the Dav i Nmi I 'olieye ;hat i'.e 1 . . i-,- en t though, it w.i. vi. p: ! to the iiitere-: of t i . 'if t'ontroi. com,oe,l , ' iM-eit npjioinle.l to j and deal v. I'll cha i i;i :igaii-.sf f rt-tin:.-t ft-' , s ueli a jil-int:. vio ati olat ion or la i a kiti; i i: 1 lie Th- irary tha at i in.; i f three be ieiteaneiit bo-lv coii! it n pr. at. w. mea was however 1 Hi v e t he .' amend the The Fresh ' -lv p , te bv :: vote mi. s .a t er ' i-ampm-i in raisin .ami I-,. ... .i ' th, pr, : F . :ei raid." i r. nl of funis .jor tin tatiiie; :::np'.i, slight u" del rim.-ii'a I g. I .ar.l ihl lii'-n, ha r. lilVestigate. i;pi.T i !as r ii-nilect. lit... -ti r, if trad ti.-ns. Frank Abernethy held the boards us siding officer tor the local i ivitans their Tuesday lu.'.cheon, and right I did he preside. This w.i coii- to lie one of the U'st of recent 'meetings. A three-) ie orchest r:i en ' liven.. i the proceeding, and added a touch that ha been missing at most of the luncheons. I), . Kenneth Tod. I pre sided at the pian... and also accoii'.pauie.l il'h.-.ilie livers while the latter snug one uf hi inimitable solos. It is said :that Charlie i out for the position of chief Christmas can.lcr. If so he will jcomin.ied the niianimoiii support of his fellow club members. Chailes I.. Spoil 'cer vvas introduced to the club as a new 1 membi t . ' The football commiifee made its re I port, which wa adopted and which was ; hi lino with previous reports made t" Mho Kivvniii and Rotary (bib. The propus,,i athletic .-tssoiciatioii was j iinaniiiiou-ly i ndorse I, ai d the commit tee wn continued, but i,i future will be 'known a the "Athletics Committee." j The Civitan feel v. ry strongly that some organied ellort should be made m the th. The regular meeting of the city coun oil held Tuesday ninht at the Citv Hall was largely devoted to routine busi ness. A number of property owners and residents on Fast Airline avenue wire present to express their approval of' council's receul decision to improve! that street. Requests for similar im-j provoment on Fast. Long avenue were! considered and the city engims-r tva) I instructed to prepare a survey ami esti j mate on the ost of improving Knt j ! Long Avenue from l!ro;i. to Rhync ! street and lihyne street from Long t"i Airline. ' j Announcement was made that in con nectioii vviMi the paving of Fast Air-' line more wout'l lie cotisiilerable mi , SAU.T ijTK MA.U1K, Mieh., Dee. I A vvis'k. may elapso before all of tho surv ivors of the ill-fated tug Itelianee arp able to travel to their homes, so inteiUi was their suffering from cold and hun ger utter their tiny' -craft was disabled and abandoned at the lAmri Iskndu, ,it was (taid here today. Tho twenty persons who reached hero last night are cmler the cant of physician and will remain at u hospital, and hotel until they hava fully recovered. One man, Walter Long acre, is in serious condition with both, hands and both feet frozen. . With the arrival of these survivors) the ;iii on board tho Relinnec when bha . was disabled have been accounted tor, .veveu reached tho Loo Sunday, two ate iu a Canadian lumber rimu. thnw .t!il are aboard the tug (Jury, which is q. .gaged iu taking off Superior lightkeor)' ctn for the wiuter, twenty are reciiper- a ting here and four lost their livea. tester.iays arrivals suuored (rret. hardships Ijeforu they were found Mon "iay on one of tho bleak island near tiin Canadian shore. The lirst day jitter the wreck brought, the death of three' of their companions aptain John Mcpherson. Fro'i Regan, and (ills Johns, who were swept over board as they tried to launch a lifeboat, fitly one of the lmats got away safely. It carried the. eight men and one wo ' mini who reached tho mainland last week. The following - day it became ap- parent the Reliance could not long wita-si-and the pounding of the high sea an.t a raft was constructed of barrel utaves inid a stairway torn from that tug. Tho conn still raged so fiercely that littb hope of landing on the raft was enter t. lined until William (Jow, a firemali, t vain 7o yards to tho islands, through the icy water, and stretched a lino along which the. rait was pulled.- It wa a I .Jiilous trip, crwi for the 73 yards. Sad only three jiersous eoald board the rait at a time. Tho entire day was required, for the party to disembark. On land, they still faced dangers an yreat as those on tho raging waters of .superior. The tenioraturo was below rem, there was iu shelter and only tan 'tuitiest of food supplies. Continu4 told weather might block efforts of rel cue craft to reach them in time to car t'lein. ltut they existed for five days on a few tails of meat, two slices of bread each :u.l nc rap so of water soaked cake brought from the tug. A tire in tho open and a hut constructed out of brush 'constituted, their only protect ion from the storm that continued during their entire stay on the island. . The stortn abated yesterday but W veto cold weather continues and all erait on the upper lakes are making headway with great tlilliculty. 'Only one veftl remains to pass through the American ks. wliich probably will bo 'cloned for behalf local if iinitt .r.ldv (.; ta! talk. t:.t'i iina of the athletic H-aU s-.hool. ! efforts to fid. astoti naOe a from dged team and ) i r- a I inspira iu.l ad-h I'll! a position to submit testi i Imperial W'tard Fv.ins Ocean goi'n ba rt,-. 'million rt.rgn claimed many testify were at'nid to mon.v. Governor Parker then announced bis determination to use all tho power of the state in the cae. The governor's investigation and those of Attorney Coco have lteeit shrouded jn much mystery, and directed from Ha state capital at Daton Rouge. For the past three mouths there have L0t'il UCieciives ami tuner nucsuKaiois landv -Hotk. lad in .Morehouse .purisli, micrrogai iug cm reus and making searches for the bodies of Richards and .Daniels,, which, accord ing to Mime persons, mere believed to have 1-oon cast into a lake iu the vicjjii i ty of Mer Rouge. i That the bodies of both of the miss .. i i i ...t -ti,,. jll! lill'U liiitc u tn.u..ti i'i 4- J port current in Northeast Iouisiyua . , The finding is said to Lave K-en the jrause for the svndiug of the national i guards into Morehouse parish. ! Unconfirmed reports reaching here f tier la re detectives to have discovered the bodies bound down by heavy wagon wheels in one of tho lakes Hear Mer Rouge, and soldiers were sent to guard lar, Mi Kuin Ivan wilt stick to the mi must disregard Coventor Allen 's tisttl. s t, I' ll and criti 'WILDCAT'S FOOTBALL SCHEDULE ANNOUNCED a ei ions .oak. r sta! nght from nut 1 note to d that a Httie ot (t;t- ima, Washington, ne power of the dilat.-d on this ). eanre an 1 edi tuoveiiieilt in the water main S'fiiii In I the entire northeast division of the city. A ten inch main will bo laid long Fast Airline to a point near the Kast Oraded school, giving better tin- protection for that part of the city. Council instructed the city attorney to draw up an ordinance amending the present revenue ordinance in such a way as to prohibit punch 'boards and other devices having an element of chance. Jitney license was issued to II. W. Cole, of Catonin. route one. 1 the season today or tomorrow. Tho Cil i'.n.Jian ct.nals vviil .remain own uutil it lie cud of this Week. OFFICER TELLS HOW HE MANAGED TO ESCAPE Pennsylvania Graduate Em ployed In Herrin Mine Des cribes How He Got Away Hid In The Woods Until Night. :ir-r.. V Mrl tiinb- .luliiis 11. Harms, iu Washington- y dress, .-issert that kage in this count! vv i Ij never" return to pre via r levels. uti of aj-tur...! in-estim.-fted h holiday whi Specia I to The ( ,ai'i ! DAVIDSON COI.I.KCK. (The Wihl.-at l;e':; f.K.tbrH announced to-ia.v by M.-mag Hiliholl-e ill" III. li s g;. files Vi .ally every college i-i .N..,t': and :iro tua ,-h. M . !.')'. i south ' 1 Iter Thomas .'n tirm. ;inu- will l'.i. W. L. to .i.t. ay-. Atlferte. i.-fii.- i..-,!-; i p- fort Ilah M.lJaidat Nt w Vor; Soviet; rlaimiii injuries i toiuoli.le ct'lbsioti. ill li'I T pitching arm nt an V lli V. Dav P. 1 . I I.. i- ! the work bodie. Petty of dragging the lake for the jealousies the power Ft a ted litre rtirrailmoi't yesterday. prog ram Keceipts Price Tuesday'? GASTONIA COTTON today. .... ...... . . . . leceipts. among influential families, arisinir through trade rival- was i ries. and social conditions, are believed ! to have It-en tlie origin of the trouble . Jietws.-n various Morehouse parishers tcUin. '.Receutly Dr. Ii. M. McKoiu, prominent physician. au.I tl.eii Mayor .37 bales 'of er Rouge, rovtght to "rli-.'iti up" .'0 Cent, j Mer Rot: go Of Tawles-nccf Mayor Mt -34 balcsiKoiu, it is claime.1. aligned bin;. If 26 cents. w ith one faction aud svi-rcd notice on N. C. State Instructors Charged With Making Home Brew In Rooms RALIEGH. N. C , Dec. 20. Resignations of four instiuctors of the North Carolina State College have been ifquested. as a result of charges that they have been manu--facturing "home biewV in their rooms, according to an announce ment todav by W. C. Rtddick. president. Fiover;; in addition to the ' V" . P. is at rd:i.-khnr-. i ( . ! 'i. This same v !! take the !a,-e of the former li'ttvrg:.-i Te. it ii:',t.-., Ti.-e s, liedtdt i . 'fo'lev..- : j Setitemb, r '!- -Flea sou . s. pt, mbei ; pi,, of South Caniina ;it i. tol r i' - " . P.- -ksburg. V.-i. j October l 'i - i : a !, 1 at Pa! . Octolt-r JU Wake For. -f :i..;:,-. fh-tiibt-r 'J7 F'Ttnaii' "oluiiilti-i v C. state Fair, i Xovefiiber "-- . C. Sta'e at hitte. Win-ton or !,!.ti Nov. it,l--r 1 J . inoii ;'t ( ji-ii ...ii. Nov. 17- I'n -rity of North faro lin.t a i Tiaritfe. Wit st'm -.-r 4. C. N'.ii'ii.N-i L'I .'ftini-v .a' Cha rioi-te. I Th.ij,ki;iv iug .Day . THE VEATKEfl v Xoith Catoliaa, tain on the cajst. and rain, tltvt. or s-now . ia the interior to .nijht and .ThuttAay; slightly warmer lomght in west and ceuiral pJit:oas he had gotten hi tie booklet bearing th Ro'aiv Club of Ta. toil, hinu largely on i human w ill. and he thonyht much to the iti.atioti of his h- came with another original poem, ami cinched his claim to the jtit'e of Pmt l.aiirea'e Civi'nn." 'Kay Dixon. Cy M.- ombs and Frank Ahernethv v.ili .-. at it u.'e the program ' comiiiittee lor t !irt three inon-iis of if::.-... 9,493,296 DALES ARE GINNED PRIOR TO DEC. 13 December run ning . J REGULAR OUARTERBACK KAY NOT BE IX GAME ANiiKi.r. r.-" u'.-.r. . Dec. -o. I he' uiU r iback ' of the In r 11 Cuiiforuia f.w.t be aide to Joa.V in west contest against e :.t Paadena Xevv oi an injured knee, Henderson. se.-olid stiimr ouar wi'l call siguals for torday the Varsity ;aint the ''rookies" UM-.1 what .were said til l-o Peti'l State formations, and the varsity, which at' lirst !f-t!id to have troubio making iii:abh -Jains, soon hit its st ride, and laa ie yardage at vviji.. ' LU ' Ih.tie' i l"niveri:y of ; 'ball- t.-am may ' the. an nual . t asf ' Peiin Sfa'i t oil, g. ; Year's Day Urnus aicttpiini; to t (; h : HaroiJ ti'arioway. erba. k. probab the Tr. jail. ' held e-itlllliaite ; w h. I". V s V WASHINGTON. IV ton ginued prior to amounted to f.-9::.'.!U' including J(il,l'.iS round bales counted ,'ts half bale.: -t.lil.'; b.-ues of Americau-Lgyj-tiaii and ,". '.".' bales of sea Dlnud, the (Vfisi, 1'ureau announced today. To Deeemls-r 111 l:.-t year ginnings were ".7t"'.r."iti running bales, in.-'uidiiig l'i.liitJ round bales, counted as half bales; ;!.",S7 bales of American Lsvpfian and :J..Oiii bah s of s,.a Is land. iuniiis this y ar to . lK-ecmhor L'! by tates follows: Cot 1.! bales, i con u MARION. ILLS.. Dec. CO. (l!y The A-sociated Press.) Kolvert Of ficer. Pnivt-rsity of Pennsylvania gra.ln j:te and survivor of the llcrrin riots in which twenty tion-nuion niiners wcro killed, today faced another in-riod on tl.e witness sland subject to additional cross examination by -attorneys defend ing five men on trial for murder ia WEATHER DISTURBANCE. .WASHINGTON,. Dec. 20. A. iu u::bance "is apparently .developing" over :'ae Florida pensiiisula -whence i' w.ll move northwetaid, the weather buoiau announced this morning in order ing small craft warnings dirnhiyed wn the fouth Altatic coast from Chailw ton, S. C, to Jicksonvillc, Floiidi Ex-Governor Craig's., Condition Precarious ASHEV1LLE, Dec. 19. Ex Governor Locke Craig suffered a relapse today and his condition is again pronounced as very precari ous. Governor Ciaijj has been criti cally ill for the past two months. At times h has rallied and shown improvement, only to be followed by a relapse. As a result his condition is very much weakened and his friends ere very apprehensive as to his recovery. tion- with the idayings. ; Dfticer employed as a bookkeeper kt the st i ij mine uvro 'tho principal riot ;o. was on the stand most of J'ss erd.iy ileM-ribing the mob's attack it!.'.- mine, lie o'd of tho surrendor of 4 ho mine defenders and the subsetiuent !tl.-ath of J't.urtnit of tho 4J meu wheA th.-y werx- lined uj before a barbed wire fence and tird ti)sui. 15y falling on his fyce UJid tticli run ning a mile through Hu- woods where It- .hid until nightfall officer said hi" escaped. Throughout the da' h a .ertel men weut through the ood. for thoe vvhti urvitel. - tin cros t xaiiiiuat iou Offh-er testified he as at present t iu Kentucky as a uiino ofl'icial by W . J. Lester who ovvued the ll.rrin strip mino at tKr time of the liots. The wituesn there were a!ut twenty armed guards at tlie pit and rnn and ammunition had Ks-u dealt out and tiro of tho niob returned when the mine ;u attakud. Three other survivor er in court, and the rntc has .-tinteuncd they nib testify upon roin;iit 'ion of the ry eau;iiu.tiou . of Officer. T!iy ar Jt.seplt O'Rotiik.'. Wiili.uu l.jirti ui I Pcrr.ard - Junes, jtl -f whom Hire g:tards lit tlu- time. The U'ud will Is- rKe,l uv.r t...-holi-ia.Vf. fr'-tu Dei-iiiJ.r ", to .'.,!,';.'