ETTE Local Cotton 2S12 CenU Home Edition VOL. XLIII. NO. 305 GASTONIA, N. C, FRIDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 22, 1922 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS GASTON1A DAILY 6 AZ GAROLirJA AND TRINITY MEDICAL SCHOOL PLAN! IS NOT YET ACCEPTED Proposition Ona That Requires Serious (Consideration, Says Dr. Chase. MUCH MONEY IS NEEDED. Trustees Authorize Statement By University Head As To Their Position. BALEIGII, Deo. 21. President Few, of Trinity college, came before tin? hos pital committee today aiid again the Trinity-Univcrsity-Wake Forest-David-sou co-ordinate medical college aud hos pital, was Irforo.tlmt body. Again there was no final action beyond the commis sion to President Chase of thu university to make the statement for the oum inittoc. lr. Chase did that tonight. There is no reference to tile visit oiiJ)r. Few and non to the meeting of the committee again nest week While denomination objection in ,t rony, .the opposition within the uiversity is' reasonable. There tiro trustee bitter-enders,- but there are abundantly open minds. That was learn ed today. President Chase is fully cognizant of the denominational difficulties, of the intolerable mixture of church and sate, but his posit ion is that medical educa tion is unique, lie said 'tonight : "The suggestion that a medical col lege should be established in North Caro lina through the co operation of the imj . vcrsity, Trinity college, aiol if proper ar -rangctneiits can be made, Wake Forest , and Davidson, w one which deserves I thoughtful ; i m I That 'there are apparent. Any vised must be serious coiisidorat ion. i practical difficulties is plan which may be de- j ceptable to the trustees i of the institutions concerned, to the uu- J tioual authorities i medical educatio,i, ! ad it must not violate tho constitutional i provision guaranteeing the. separation tf church and slate. The end in view is ni big, that it' a way can lie., found which commends itself to the sober public opin ion of teli'. Mate, it ought, to be found and the project carried through. If such :i way cannot be found, of course, tho project nun-t be abandoned. "I am frank t say that I here are Siieh po;sl!iiiit : of doing- a bis tiling for the state in u big way that, it is my earnest hope that the difficulties may bo boived ami, in saying this, I belie v 1 am voicing tho .H'tit intent of the uni versity committee, ami of l'resident Few, ."President Few has made a mih4 generous Miggcji ioii. It is not that the college be located on tho Trinity campus, or that it bo operated as an adjunct to the Tiiuity college. It is that, if possible, a plan to bo worked out whereby n meili eal college should be built in Durham, convenient of access to both institutions, and, if possible. Wake Forest and Da vidson having a voice in its management' in order to insure the preservation 1 f proper educational standards; !l college supported by funds in part from the state and in part attracted from 'private benefaction by a very fact that the in stitutions participate- jointly in such ,ta endeavor. liega rdiilg the Durham location may I say that Durham has been the first choice of one member of the commit fee. vvliich has Leeu considering the location of the naiver-ity medical sohooj. It has l cn ' second choice of severaT others provided '.that certain obstacles in the way of maintaining a medical school at Impel Hill""crmld not lie overcome. The nearness of Durham t c Ti;in'l Hill pbn-o jt in a unique position in this respect. " Xjedjenl education is in many way" in a cias by himself. The expense involv ed is tremendous. The American Medical association requires a 2od-bot hospital at the minimum for the srhool. To erect a inl count siicli a lifts uiai, wiin ine in-- eessiry nurses hojne ami general plant, costs around two million dollars. T.J maintain it means on expenditure .of rinse to :;u0.(ii)ii a year, to sav nothing t.f the rout of the ists who must Is' ruc tion in the high salaried spinal employed to give in- , last two years. And ! t!iee figures are for a tairly modest .fcbiiol. It costs the University of Iowa, for example, with a "medical school of - .'130 Undents sometl..g like three-tiinrter--t i.f a million dollars a year to maintain its .i"d lt d hospital.. -Medical education is in n class by itself, too. in that the very process of educating din-tors means a 'lur-pital for tlio rcm-i oi iiinn.-yj mwi; ( I 1 Y and suffering. GMBRILL AND MELVILLE TO INSTILL 100 LOOMS Another Cisttui icuiuty mi'i is ing to diversify in product ity fdallatioo i f ad lirioiial euijmeii prepar the iu- O.imliiiH i. Melville Miils Co.. at s-mcr i it v. Nurdrnv an l.avv Purchase 1 10 1. Sto np It omai-tic Jotn.s,- for weaving vide sheet inge,-from the Hopedale Mau tifiictin ing coinpaiiv. These looms -.will eonstit'ite an add it ionaltaoimf vvyptani,' ennstituti- ,-it sid'li'tion to the present veavitvg eouieU'i nt, and will be eqiiiv ped with--. Hyatt toller bearings on botii the cam and crank .shafts. PROPOSE TWO YALE-HARVARD GAMES ON SAME DAY CAM 1! I'll c IL M ASS., Dee. 22. Two Harvard Yale -football games to be liiayctl on t!ie same day. one at -ewimg Wuat a nice checs iioil Jiaveii vi'. 1 tin- oilier Here lire nMvo- s t-ati' l !" a letter written by Hubert S. i Insurance policy premioiiis have beu -:,', Harvard graduate of '!!. which . mai'o to full due- w hi li the clns-ks ar-nitpt-are.r in the IlaTvard alinini lutlle- rived, minor church funds have iteeii tiil today. Too letter declares 1 1ia t I he . i 1 led bv thrifty holKew iv es who follow 1 wo colli -gos lave it-ut materia I tti'ed the Way of the weekly Christmas ac-dc-veiop' two varsity, tcsttiis. -ach. "'counts, ChicagoScientist In Search South American Plesiosaur us Professor Elmer S. Ri?f?s Sails For Patagonia From Buenos Aires On A Fossil Hunting Expedition South Americans Tell Of Hunt For The Monster Creature. BUEXOS AIKKS, ihic. 22. By th Associated Press,) Before Professor Elmer S. Kiggs, a Cliieago palcutolo gist. Railed for 'Patagonia today on -1 fossil hunting exiiedition foj tlio Field Museum, he was informed by Professor Cdemeu(e Onelli, director of the .Buenos Aires zoological garden, that reports of a plesiosaurus were still being received from the territory of Chubut, despite the. failuro of a group of Argentine scientists jto find the prehistoric creature last spring. "If I 'met that piosiusaurus, " said Professor Uiggs to 'Professor Onelli, "I'll put a lariat around his nock and lead him direct to the Buenos Aires coo." The Chicago visited the Argentine paleontologist and heard from hint, tho story of Patagonia's monster, listening with interest to tin! account of the. un- successful search of the Andean hike re gion where the creature was supposed io huvi; In'en seen. Professor IJigg said tho data was very interesting, but it eotild not temnt him from his fossil hunt. The i plans for his exiiedition, he said, .were still too indefinite to allow him to state whether he would visit the reputed hunts of t he plesiosaurus. . Professor Oneilli explained the name lilesioxnuriiK was a itiisonomer and that the creature he still believed alive in the NOTRE OAME CHURCH IN QUEBEC IS BURNED Historic Old Cathedral Built In 1647 Burned Thought To Be Work Of An Incen diary. OJ'KlShV. Dec. 22. The lire which destroyed the historic l.O00.(M'0 Notre Dame church early today is believed to have- been caused by an incendiary, ac cording to Daniel Lorain, chief of the provincial -police, who said he hud re ceived a letter informing him that the edifice would be burned on December 2S. First reports said it was believed the Haze was caused by a short circuit in the electrical wiring. Fire, thought, to have started from a short circuit iii'the electrical wiring, de tsroyed N'otre Dame church here early today. It was considered one of the finest and most artistic church build ings in Canada and the interior been renewed recently at a cost jjiiMl.OOO. The loss was said to be ered by insurance. had of j l'ov ; j A messenger boy turned in the alarm Jwheii he noticed smoke issuing from the edifice. Firemen were unable for a 'time to locate the seat, of the blaze, I so dense was tlio smoke inside the build- ing. Later it was found the Unities had started between the ceiling and the roof. Heroic efforts made to save the -sacred vessels were unsuccessful . mass was said o Christmas day in DioO, lia.silioii, was located on the opposite i side of the square from the former -ite of the Jesuits College, ami was tirst established in Kit". The first mas was said on Christina day in .1030, jbiit it was not until IfiSti that the j church was consecrated by the first J bishop of Quebec, Monsignoi- de T'ivl. lit underwent a restoration in 1743 ami t since that date tiad tieen altered and renewed a number of times. $61,000 PAID OUT IN CHRISTMAS SAVINGS Some 2,500 Gastonians Are Richer Than They Were A Year Ago Through Their j Christmas Savings Accounts. It was some twenty live .touiaiis who looked' ahead hundred ('as last year -and .prepared for their Christmas of l!22 bv (opening - Chii.-tmas Savings accounts wit": '':,,,'i' "nd as' the ri'-tilt over S50,- dill) is being put into tlio coders of lit bv cal inercliauts in cxcli.-liige tor holiday ; gifts. The cluvks vvere mailed out to the ;lepfitors early tliis Wis U. Tie- total number taking accounts Was 2,332. tlto total amount, of which was in the .neighborhood, of "Hl,uO0, The Cas ton Loan ami Trust Company boasted 'the highest with some 1 ,4'ni accounts for a total of ::3.000. The First National 1,,-ink issued 73tt isiss books, which woje jpaid up' to-. the amount i,tf 1 s.p(;3.4(. ' The t'eiiples Lank, at l.uravv mailed cliivks amounting to 7,loil to some T'7.) j cast oincrs. j The heads of the saving apartments ' n-pnrtetl that on account of business coa- ditions the 1!22 accounts did not ruu ;'S V high as those ot the previous year, tvtme (trociisitoro, incorporators, accin.iits were tjoss-tl by the depositor . The Sun Shine (Hub. incorporated. Sil bei'oie mat mil y. Old ainL young. larg'-. ; isbnr.V, to. operate club house, fishing and smaJl, rich mid-poor alike, had their : pound, limiting preserve and general nanu s upon the savings books, all reali.- ;aiuusf meiit nark. T. Y. Summersett. i.. ing wuat a nice check tfoildl do lor them tluriag the 1 unst masr sluiiiKUig season. I'atagonian wilds is probably a survivor of the race of giant sloths. Professor Uiggs aud his companions will sail to Itio Oallegos, from which place they will proceed northward on horseback to search alon; the coast of the territory of Hanta Cruz for fos.-ils of the Miocene period, which are known io ; exist there. Proessor Uiggs ' s;iid he ex- j pected to (iud the small fossilized an- cestors of the Olyidodou, which reached) a gigantic size in the pleistocene pe- riod. j I The exiiedition will nrohublv reniaiil t ill that region during the entire south ern summer, uud will then proceed north word tmd into tho interior in a search for ploistoleetie sped mans. The seien- j tists plan tJf remain -in Argentina for j ! year and a half. ; t Professor Uiggs expressed regret that he had not had opportunity to view the remains of the dinosaur with nine foot thigh bones, which' explorers of the l-i Pata museum are recently reported to j have unearthed. From descriptions of the j bones forwarded by the discoverers, Professor Uiggs sabi that this dinosaur was evidently somctliing new among reptilian giants and that from the si.'.e of the thigh bones it was evident that, the monster had had a body IS or 20 feet high. BASIL HEDGEGOCK GETS THREE YEARS; TAKES APPEAL j High Point Banker Sentenced t. n... v i o " aw I luce l vui 9 ii a Jury Finds Him Guilty Of Making False Entry, But Recommends Mercy Of Court. ttHEKNSIlORO. Dee. 21. 15. II. Iledgeeock, former cashier of the Home Savings bank of High Point', was sen tenced here today by Judge AV. F. Hard ing to serve three years in the state prison, following his conviction in Guil ford superior court on a charge of mak ing a false entry in the books of the bank. j The Jury reached a verdict only with great dilliculty, IS hours after it got the case. It was learned that on the first bal lot, taken shortly after the jury got the case Wednesday afternoon, the vote stood It) for conviction, two against, and the two were pulled into line today for conviction only when it was decided to accompany the verdict of guilt with a recommendation for mercy. Tho jury was composed of 11 farmers and one brick mason. When the verdict "as announced coun sel for the defense made a motion to ar rest, judgment, "on the ground that ti e bill of indictment, did , not name the offense, for which lledgrcock was tried. He was indicted on a -charge of misappropriat ing over .f 100,0(10 "of the funds of th-j bank and tried on a charge of making a false entry o $10,0011. The court over ruled the defense. Then a motion was made for new trial, also denied. The de fense then gave notice of appeal to tho state supreme court. Judge Harding al lowed the original bond of ,23,000 to stand until the appeal is heard. Hedgeeoik received the sentence un moved. His wife, who broke down in j court Wednesday, was Hot present, nor their little child, who had been in the j courtroom during the trial. I It is not considered tlmt the other j false entry charges agaiu-t Iledgeeock (will be tried, th estate having secure, ja eiiiivictpm with a three year sentence. I However, in January there comes up a case jointly against Hedgecis-k and Will i Switzer, former merchant of High Point, harged with conspiracy to defraud the bank- i he trial started .Monday morning, and had its inception in the failure of tli - bank on last April 2!. CHARTERS ISSUED I i HALKKill, D.c, 2. The secretary of State has granted the following and aiiiei'.'leinonts to charters: halters- i l.'imhfth Furniture company, Thomas-! ville, to increase its capital stock to' Fire wipes out Dearborn -.trott $130.11110. Iroatl station in Chicago, leaving The Pln-uix Mills company, Kiugs I railroads, temporarily hmneie.-s. Mountain, to increa.-e its canital sin k i to S::;iiii,000. K. A. Smith is named :is the principal agent. I The laiuisburg (irocery Company, I.ouisourg," to coniluct a general who'n-jsjile- grocery ami feed hu-iiioss; istock. .f23,O00; paid in !0,000; Mc. M. -Ferguson, W. VT. . Ferguson ami M. C. : Phillips, al lof Littleton, incorporators. ' The II S Cafeteria, Inc., t 'reensboio. i to establish and conduct cafeterias, rcs Iraurauts ami lunch routus; capital stock, i."i0.1l(il- ictiil in .i-'ddll V'.tttilo llin.l.- j-Mary Ellen Hailck, '. Shoffner, all t f j S. liraiKIiaw and L F.. Holeshotlsher.vr Salisbury; incurporatoi-s. ! Kfird 's Department Store. ( loldsltoi t, to conduct a general th partun ut store; capital stis-k. 1011,(1110; paid in. -:;oo. J, li. Ltild. of Charlotte. K. L. Llird. : Winston-Saleiii, P. li: . L'lird. t harlotU, incorporators Out of Job A. ft ' There i no work these days for ilelniied, whose duties until u few months ago were to euro for tie. 150 beauties In tho sultnu's harem , MeluncV VWaa lielJ reKponsiblo foi the safvKUurding of tlio wives and children of Mohammed VI who Jle Constantinople to Malta. DAVID JOSEY TALKS I AFTER LONG SILENCE Statesville Man After Being Speechless For 6 Years Sud- ( denly Surprises Family By Talking. KTATIJ.SVlLLi:.- Dec. 21.- David Joscy, ,11 years old, residing on Oakland avenue,, in the Dloomfield cotton niill community, spoke .Mo;-day for the tirsl time in six and a half. After this I prolonged MlciicY-, during which lie w is j able to hear distinctly everything that I was going on around him but was power j less to express himself 111 words, he firtt addressed one of his children by name. He whispered at calliii" it nr.t "i.oi now his voice is clear and strong. He is unusually nerveous an, I talks almost con tinuously. During his affliction he has Hot been able to work and he spent the greater part of his time around the. house He passed much of his time reading and it, is thought that his eyes were weakened Uv 4'inno ;l nottclit ion In bonks Mild HOW'S papers. lie has allowed his hair and lw"ir.I to irrnir tiitur :itnl In. t Itort - I'nro itro- sents a very shaggy appearance. Once before Mr. .losey's speech left him for seven months and returned. When a boy he suffered a blow on the head, a brother striking him on the head with a side, according- to information furnished by a member of the family. Whether the trouble is the result of his boyhood injury the physicians are unable to say; there is evidently pressure at some point on the brain. When asked about bis condition, Mr. 'Josev replied that the telt weak, and ' li't,,.1 -I litln-er ,ilinvi Ids lllVld. ''Tint. Fellow up there is the only One. who can help me," he said. None of these,' he continued, indicating the members of his family grouped around the fire, can do anything for me. Nor anybody else." He siiid he suffered from a numbness across the front of the head and in the threat. During the oast week the family oh j served that he had been a little liveli.T tan usual, going about mimicking differ ent members of the household, but the 'return of his power of speech came as a j complete surprise not only to his family. I but to all who were familiar with hi condition. His case is mil 1 mysterious and singular. The Day's News At A Glance Premier I'oincare tells Senate that France no longer has to wait upon the Cniteil States for solution of inter Allied debt problem. Venielos at Lausanne fixing blame Asia Minor. and Turkey representatives have spirited set to over for i 'reck deportations in!'" uggestioii of mediation by Failed I' reparation situation interest in England. States revives iu deep TTieixlore Meb-hoir. Hamburg banker, reported on way to Paris with unofficial plan for payment by I'ermany of twenty billion gold piaiks in dump sum. Senate confirms Domination of Fierce liutler, to be justice of the I'nited States Supreme Court Chief reeovoro funned Justice d from last Sun Ta ft minor lay. I tract ra t it'll - .-ally 1-er- ope rail-i-ight i Mrs. Hazel Ilirsh of shooting is her :u- j n i t husbaioi on at charges home of b'eins Davks, sister s, at Frceport, L. 1. of Marion j Davie ! Notre Da no llomait Catholic church in Quebec, originally built pnictically destroyed by lir in Hit ' . Mrs. Jloric Kjnkin Ilarrymorc gets ! iiiterliH-utory decree -of divorce from I Lionel Dany inore. of noted tlnatrical family.. New York banks and .brokerage give their workers custoiimry mas bonuses. houses Christ lcafh iu Ptostoii 'aioed as American of Alexander rciilptor. Dovle THE WEATHER I Fair tonight and Saturday; colder- (on the northeast coast tonight. London Writers Skeptical As To U.S. InterventionlnGermany! ! Leaves Dinner Party And Commits Suicide PITTSBURGH, Dec. 21. (By The Associated Press.) A dinner party at the home of C. K. Kehn, in honor, of Edwaid Peterson, had a tragic finale tonight. While the last course was being serve!, Peter son excused himself. "I want to put a Tvce on the player-piano," he explained.. A moment later, came the notes of '"Let the rest of he world go by." Then the report of a revol ver. Peterson, with a bullet through hit brain, was leaning against the piano dead. "We have not learned the cause," said the coroner. In. S. GOVERNMENT HAS PRESENTED NO PROPOSAL Declares Secretary Hughes In Brief Statement Issued May Be More Behind Stage Than Has Been Discussed. WAHUNCTON. Dec. 22.--The ques tion of America extendiug aid toward the solution of the oeoniiio troubles of F.u rope has been brought sharply to the trout with the emerging of a plan' un der which an American commission ! would determine what iicrmunv !iav the allies in reparations. should 1 lie proposal so tar lias oecii discussed (outside the formal channels of diplo 1 inacy but an understanding in tiutthoria live circles has been developed through au exchange of views that the I'nited j States, (Ireat I'.ritain and (icrmnny are willing to assent to the creation of such a commission. Premier Poiucare, of ! r r:,,", CXpccti now has the plan before to make a deci-don when him is he has oncludi il a series of conferences with I lenders of France and tie,- indiist i i many. From the discussions government beginning of the present officials of the Washington have been unwilling to do more than hint that a wav was lieitv.; sought to render aid toward a F.nropeun sot lenient and so far have refused f- 'discuss the plan for an American com ! mission, (secretary Hughe last night, however, issued a brief statement which avoided any mention of details and said that "the government" had presented no proposals " on the subject. The method of sounding out all those directly interested before any definite "proposal" is submitted with the fu'l force of government authority is a fa miliar one in negotiations of great d'l icacy. The secretary's statement recall ed an assertion several days ago by a White House spokesman who in discuss ing the American attitude toward F.n rope said it would not be proper to dis place on the stage all that wa taking place behind the scenes. COLD WAVE IN SOUTH WAS OF SHORT DURATION Fair And Warmer Weather Forecast For Today In All Sections. 'ATLANTA. ia.. Dec. 22.- il A-xocintod Press) The south wintry b!n-d this year was of shor lion with indications early tod tract icnllv all sections of fair an ly t : fir dur i v l' wa mer. South Carolina, rlunk' thawed out and I ycied:i ice, has hlgner I' i pern lure is exH'cted today. slight, rainfall at Miami Due to a and ' ot her poi lit s on t lie I tt inper.-it lire in the ' the state tlropped t gros yi-sterilay. F clear and wan r Florida pellicula the Southern section ol a minium of (is do cast today talis lor weather throUghaut , Fb'irida. i I'lear a ml cool is '1 om.ossi c 's weatlc.l ! program after jesterday m the mer-M-ury drop to two tlegr.o behov the ffe. jiug mark. Louisiana i- reported to If 'clear with rising tcmpiialiiii-. Fifty jfivo degiees were reptirtetl at New Or , lean., at 7 o'clock last night. Alabama', i forecasts is for warmer weather today after Diimiiigham luivsed the freezing i point bv one di-;:iee. Tin- mean tempt i.. ture fin- the St. ilt: was J I di gu e. The Virginia t-ni-t is slated !r con tiiuie.l cold and rain. The "i.I h in su tioll of l!u-Oi l Dominiitii Stale will I" cloudy, acc'ordiiig to the forecast, while the northern, central -and wtter,i se tioits will U- cle.-ir and somewhat warmer. With its sister state. North CaroI.e;. j reporting d lina was hi 'inllicted by ir and warmer, -South Caro ,y to.lay rei.'iirnig tlaiuag -s its heavy ice containing ef isieurly y ; w tit tin r I With ; tcrday. Fair ami vvanit. i ; exjiet ted today. ii -ht frost repttrte.l in the ! uorthera ami central sections, Georgia will have fair and , warmer . weather l- lav. at cording to vveallur fun-casts. STORM WARNINGS WASHINGTON.. Doc 22.--A -listor , bailee of Kiiisiderabto iatclisiry central off 'ape Hatte.ras w ill Wove rapidly" : liorthea-twaid atH li'lod by strong norh Mel norl Invest winds aiidpiobably gal. on 1 l.f cu.-t tod.iV. the weather burt-aa iar.uia-ce. l. A-iisory northwest s.orei '. a rc are di. played fi'.'iii th- irgitM i CaT- t". Atlal 'lc ity'. N. J. Mrs": Jos W. au 'attack of tin Alk'nv. is ill w il It i!u. Deny That Great Britain Has Received Any Such Proposal. RUMORS ARE UNWISE. In Some Quarters Intimated That Germany Initiated Proposal. BERLIN,' Dec. 22. (By The Associated Press.) It was offi cially denied here today that Chan cellor Cuno or any other govern ment official had suggested the ap pointment of an American commis sion to investigate Germany's economic condition. LONDON, Dec. 22. ( ,onsiderabl.. caution, amounting Koinetimes to frank skepticism, is manifested by this morn ing's newspaper in their discussion of the proposal for an American commis sion to visit (iermany. Some of tho papers bring forward semi -official de nials that t ireat Dritain has received, much less accepted, the proposal, and warn against putting "faith in these ' American canards. ' ' ! In (piearters where it is admitted js jpropably that (jermauy initiated such a j proposal the idea is received with a strong suspicion ol teutonic motive. "It would be. unwise," writes tnu financial editor of the Post, "to allow these constant rumors of American in tervention to divert attention from the one undoubted fact of tint situation. t namely,! hat the next cash iiiitalliiient of 1 1 he reparations -is due January 13 and that it behooves the allies to come to a definite conclusion in the meantime re garding tho course to be adopted unless fierniany previously presents satisfactory proposal. ' The diplomatic correspondents of the Telegraph and the Daily .News refer skeptically and unfavorably to tho latest j proposal. They point to the desirability of reconvening the international bankers', requesting it to resume Its, la ibors where they were dropped in June. They are renewed declarations that .American help in settling the trouble ! would be entirely welcome. The West , minister (ia.ette contends that the 1'nite 1 'Mates will "at the riyht stage realize itluit assistance in imperative in her ow;i ! interests. !' Discussing- American aid Miazette aud edit oria I ly prospect i ve both the Westminister the Morning Chronicle 'make the point that. American financiers land busiijess men already recognize that 'the situation deeply involves America's 'iuteresls and that they are. acutely anxious in that direction. The (lazette believes "the opinion of American I politicians. " JEFFORDS DIES IN CHAIR FOR CRIME; HARRISON HELD - Ira Harrison Confessed Slayer Of I r Arm-t. U, Prnvorl One Of Most Interesting Prisoners In Many Years In South Carolina. : COLIMDIA. S. C ; Dec. 22. j While Frank M. Jeffords prepared to march to the death house in the South Carolina State prison to pay the iteual ty for participation in the killing of his , business partner, J. C. Arnette, Ira 'Harrison, confessed slave' of Arnette. today lay iu the prison hospital here! reprieved by (ioverimr Harvey ami his i sentence stayed by the court. The! governor late yesterday on the eve of th dale originally set for the death j of both Harrison and Jeffords, granted j Harris-tin a reprieve until February l in odor that the Supcnio Court might, have time to pass mi lltestioiis brought ' before it by Harrison's attorneys ami fill not have to send him back to the- ' ciiciiit court hen- for resentencing. Harrison has proved one of the nio-l iiitoresting prisoners in many years in South Caroliiyi., When the Supreme, Court affirmed his conviction and sen (once by the I'ichlaud circuit court he lapsed into .'in apparent state of semi- ; coiiseioii-iioss. Then his attorney's ap ! pealed again on neisi ions oi law nun In- re. overt-I. When this appeal was dismissed and he Was told he would be taken into court to be teseli! onced. Har ris,. a -lapsed into a state of apparent st;:;,(,r. Iu this condition he wa- taken int.. lire l.'icliiaed circuit court tin a stretcher and after three doctors had testilie.i that they belit-vt'-l hi Was' -hamming. Judge .Maudlin sentenced dini ti ili.- in the electric chair on ItpcemlH-r 22. same ct.ud;tioii Ho has Itet-ii in the prison in the hospital ever sinf. H.iirisoii's attorney- claim ho is in sane and that he should 1-e mmmitled to a hospital instead of Ite'uig elee tr. itted NEW BERN TURNS ATTENTION TO ITS BASKETBALL : NKW P.Fl'N. Dts-. 21. With the ftiotbatl season now a maiTer of history, the New ll.-ru high school athales have tiiriii-l their attention to turuiug out. ,a winning bask-t ball ipiiiitcf and practice has I teen started. The material fintn which this sea sou's tosser will In- s.-levted i unusii-.-r.'y Ihhh). aci-ording to the couches, and a'thtoigh Washington. Greenville, Kia tua .Hi bother high schools airoadr sro er gaui.el. New lU-rn will present one of the sirongtst feunis in its history ia e!iiiug game. the i J NATIONAL GUARD TROOPS , PER AND FIND NOTHING TO DO Great Hullabloo Raised Over Presence Of Men Wading In Lake. LOUISIANA IS EXCITED. Believed Parties Were After Bodies Of Watt Daniels And Richards. . MONliOi:. LA., Dec. 2: nant Louis Hayden this I, Lieut morning . re- ceived a message from Captain W. W. Cooper, at Mer Uouge, to mobillzo a de tachment of forty ' men and rush theat to Morehead parih to re-enforeo th members of Company (J, Louisiana Na tioual Guard, now on duty there. ' .' . , - ,1 MF.i; J'Ot'OF. LA., Dec. 22. Th national guard company ru-hed to Coopt'r Lake about ; this morning to investigate the reports of the presence of men wading in thu water that was being explored for the bodies of two missing men believed to hare been the victims of hooded men. returned liera j shortly after eight o'clock this morning'; Captain W . V. Cooper announced that the men fired on by the guard had disappeared and investigation after daylight .failed to throw further light on the purposes of their visit to the lake. ., The theory was advanced that the men were attempting to remove the bodies of Watt Daniels and Thorns Uichards, aud that particular part f the laku will be given especial atten tion by the explorers today. Thu entire national guard company which has been on duty here while the lakes surrounding Mer Uouge were drag ged in the search for tho bodies of twe men who were kidnapped by a baud of masked men on August 2 last, and who have not been seen since, was or dered to Cooht Lake early' today, when guards stationed there discovered a num ber of men moving about in tho shaV low- water of the lake and flrod upon' t jeill. ' '' ',' - Light men had been stationed at' Cooper Lake which was partially dray- ged yesterday. They had been given instructions to fire on any persons sees about the lake who could not give an account of 'themselves. Shortly after one o'clock several men were seen some oist a nee from the shore, wading about iu ii shallow spot . They paid no at tention to order to surrender given by guardsmen, according to a repoft to the officers of the company here. Sev eral shots were fired at them and th I men disappeared. Jt is believed they made their escape in a boat through lone of the bayous opening into the, lake. ! Two of the guardsmen wcro sent tr report to headiianrters hoco; makintr th : ight mile trip on foot, much of the. way through a denso - swamp. 'TheY arrived at Mer l'ougc goon after three ' iu "clock. The entire militia company; ! "as at once sent to tho spot, ttiakinf , I the trip as far as possible in motor ' Hrueks. i p io . o ciock tins morning no port hml been received from them and it is believed here that they arc await -iag daylight before making un investi gation. Cooper Lake is surrounded by dense : ! swamps an.l is an inaccessible part of Morehouse - parish, and it has been ' earned as the spot where the bodies of the two missing men. Major -Watt,-Daniels ami Thomas Fletcher Richard : might -possibly have been thrown by their kidnappers, according , to 'r- ports 'made by private detectives. MEETING TO BE HELD FIRST WEEK IN JANUARY Annual Meeting Chamber Of Commerce Postponed On Account Of Influenza Theodore H. Price Coming Here In February. I lh jgripi I s-.lgg In h. ause of the present outbreak ni intlueiiza and at the strong of several local physician t-st inn Me Iliel ii'iirs, the annual iiieetim? f the ia.sinnia liambor of (.nitumeree wi'l be held the tir-t week iu January, tha due pcndii'ig the seeariii!' of a speakr. The meeting had origiikilly been post poned until next week so as to secure u , speaker of national Ttu.ltation. At a iiiiftiiig of the board of diree toi Thur-tbiy aft. r noon the cnorse-' meiit of the tliarmcr of Commerce ' was 2ivin a senate joint resolution rrcen'ly ii-troduceil in Congress providig for the rt ttt-iiiiig of claims against the railroa Is - tratiou. 'jildy :iff. (l.istonia shinpers tire consiikr ite.I by the recent aetiou r-. hibiting further tiling of claim bf this nature. i l heo.lorf II. erne, editor Of jM",r''! and Fiuaiii-e. will be in the souti i'm February and invitation was e.vtnil led him to ad. Ires the organization a h.- is a .- peaker of unusual cxeelleuce on bu.-5-in s t opit-s. The K.tiikin A laais -empunv, cotton, and D. II Milh-r ..j" the Lie-trie Maid liak'.iy were elected iiu.ii:l.-i :.. l'resMl at the lmstiug were l'n ! S. A. Ttoiibistti'. d e I'r. si Andr. v.s-. Treasurer . I: tors V. T. Low. I.'. C. I'.. I'.ritl.iin, 1'. W. Gar!.. .el Hayes.