A TH A FIT "ft 7 TV A P77TT E Home Edition Local Cotton 25 Cents VOL. XLIII. NO. 308 GASTONIA, N. C, WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DEP 27, 1922 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS 0 AlilUif MjMriD LIVES FIRE JOHN HOUGH m SON DEAD; MRS. HOUGH HURT SERIOUSLY IN JUMP Gambrill Mills Office -V Warehouse Also Destroyed. And LOSS ABOUT $25,000. One Other Person Missing May Have Perished ' In Flames. t BESSEMER CITY. Dec) 27.- Two persons are known to hav per , ished and one "other who is miss ing may have died in an early . morning fire which destroyed the Underwood boarding house here. The dead are John Hough and his fifteen-year-old stepson, Mack Hop per. The missing man is E. J. Eddinga, who boarded at the house. Mrs, Hough was seriously injured in jumping from a second story window, The biggest fire Bessemer City has ever suffered was at an early hour this morning (Wednesday) when the cement block building used for the office at the Gambrill prills, the Gambrill Mill Ware house full of cotton, a dwelling and a boarding house, . were burned. About 2c 30 o'clock the whistles of the Gambriell and Osage. Manu facturing Company's gave the alarm. Help responded but with . no visible effects until the build iiigs were burned.. Other build ings and dwellings were saved, also the Gambriell mill by good work . of the people. Hose from the Osage mill was' attached to the ones at the Gambriell, thus sav ing others from catching: The boarding house was a long two story plank building, extending from the front main street back to the railroad, and belonged to the Osage property. : It was here the fire originated; just how is not now known. It was occupied by , a good number of people. The family of J. D. Hough oc cupied several rooms on the second . floor and at the end of the build ing where the fire, started the father and mother were awakened 'and carried their small children to cafety, the mother jumped frorft a window and was,, seriously injured. The father returned for his fifteen-year-old step-son who - had not awakened and at this point the roof fell m burning, them both. Their charred bodies were after wards recovered. Mrs. Hough, was Carried to a, neighbor's house and is in so precarious a condition that she has never been adyised of the sad fate of her son and' husband. ' The dwelling was occupied by Mr. John Short, who was able to get most - of his household effects out. -Tlie warehouse was full of cotton and on the side 'track nearby were several, cars ' of cotton, which was saved. by being loosened-and run on down the track. . This place has a fire wagon and 'apparatus but for some reason could not get to the scene early enough to give much valuable assistance. .But the forces at ,the mill gave heroic help, which saved a number of dwellings and store buildings. Fortunately the wind was not blow- ' ing,' which would have caused more serious lose The Gambriell mill was in dan ger as the ware house was seperated . from it by only a short space. The buildings were covered by insurance but the amount has not been made public It i3 not thought that the fire was of in cendiary origin as ..the building that' was first burned . was an Old plank one' and was probably started by rats and matches. vThe Gambriell company has been rather unf ortu-' natc'as this makes the second time the .warehouse full of cotton - has burned. Several years ago it was 'turned but was situated on the opposite' side of the street at that time. . ,.. , Xo Into report .has been received from Mrs. Hough jn Gastonia. An early re port stated that she was flu-ought to 'i Ciaslon'ra hospital Imt this proved to 1m? erroneous. If is' understood. tli.'it she fell on a sha rp-pti linked fence when site-jump-fd from tlie second story and mis very se riously Injured.; Estimates of toe loss . range around Jj.OIM) to if.".it,u(Hi. There were 10. bale of cotton in. tW mills wnrchotui" which, ''at 2.) cents per pound, would rep resent ;t U.s of about $12,.il!. This to gether wit-hUie tlweo buildings, furnish ings, etc, Wit probably bring the loss u; to the J:itter figure. . "-Mr. Robert L. Adams is confined to his home oit Smith Broad'street with .in attack of influenza, .' , THE WEATHER Ram tonight and probably morning; colder -in extreme tonight; colder Thursday, t 1 hursday i sautnwest TWO LOST IN EARLY IIOHNli IN BESSEMER BOARDING HOUSE Oldest Cat In U. S. Dead At Age Of 24 BILLINGS, MONTA, Dec. 27. Thomas Patriarch, the oldest cat in the United States, was dead here to day, aged 24.yers, and three months, at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G rover Sample. . ,-'.' Thomas was born in Northfield, Minn., in 1898, and for a long time was mascot on Northern Pacific trains between Mandan and Glendive. Owing to the loss of his teeth he he ceased to bother mice and lived on condensed milk, during his final years. ' . " Thomas' claim of oldest cat in the country was threshed out a year ago when a twenty year old kitten at Missoula laid claim to the age championship. The story appeared in papers all oyer the country and no cat arose to dispute the Billings tom's honors. V DEATH OF FRED ALLISON REMAINS A MYSTERY Coroner's Jury "Finds That He Came To Death At Hands Of Person In Car With Him Craig and Owens Are Freed. L1XCOLXTOX, Dec. "JO. OoutJaw '"liookdi" tlyimed another victim Kuii d:iy night when Fred Allison, of Char lotted was killed near Leatherman " store in the extreme western end of Lincoln county, . while lies ami two com panions, at present .unknown, were en- .Jdenvoiing to escape, with a carload of t corn whiskey from prohibition officers ! j The story was told by rye-witnesses , of , the 'tragedy, at the coroner's in- quest over the doud body of the victim. ! The jury was as follows: S. 11. War J lick, special coroner for Lincoln coun ty; D.. C. Williams, U. C. Beam, M. H. Jloyle, K. K. .'Camp, K. Alexander, Sr., K. C. Uaker. The verdict of the fiurviis as follows: y"That deceased came to his death from a, pistol Wound inflicted in his head bv ono of his companions riding . . . . ' . . i i i i i .. : ill tlie car wirn -nun; wnirn companion ' is . unknown: Tin)' evidence shows that Ins maiiv as two companions were with ' ! him at the. time, but all except deceased made -their e-enpe without their identi ty being known,, and the evidence fail ed to disclose their identity, and the whereabouts of said companion or com panions is unknown." Jitmnie .Craig and Kd, Owens, re ported to huvo been in the automobilo with Fred Allison when the latter was shot-Sunday night in Catawba county were arrested early Tuesday morning by the . local authorities but released later in the , day hen it was learned from Lincolnton that there, was no -evidence on which to hold them, the re-: lease being upon instructions , from ;' Sheriff Abertietliy. V . Hotli ineit are reiiorted to have de nied being in the party.';-' . Sheriff Aliernethy was asked by Thu Charlotte Oliserver why he ordered the re leu so- of Craiir. nnd Owens, who were held here by Charlotte police as pos sibly implicated in the elTair. He stated that the only evidence he had to connect them with the affair, were the dying statements of Allison, to the vtlci't that '.nni ijfat Hhot me," ana it . it lilt i.iiu ruoi iih , mm two men were with him in the that the car, ami after making this statement, fcheriff Aberuethy said that a negro blackjack. explained, Allison had hit" him with a Craig and Owens were not held by i. the Cliariotte police on the request of j Sheriff 'AberinJtliy of Lincolu, but were j taken into custody on the initiative of j inc. men i . on icers, atter a telephone con versation with the Lincoln authorities. Kuinors iu Charlotte yesterday of the story of the shooting stated that ''Alii? sou !p car wan following two other cars, said to be Cadillacs 'and 'it was alleged that all three were loaded with whiskey. The two cars (iit front passed the Lentliermsn store, in Lincoln county, and i hen Allison V car was halted by the deputies the firing began . When ! He said, however, that the men were Allison was shot hi car. il is said, ration the "bad tide''- the side of boot down into a ditch on the side of the j leggers. guunien and others of bad-re- roai and. two men with him, who are'nute. at -present :-unknown, left him and Tan across a field in the darkness. Theyithough he was not a niemher of the are rumored to have secured conveyance Ku Klux Klan, he jiraised their nieth to (iastonia and to have come to Char-. 'oils in helping rid ,Mer Rouge of its lotte over the Dietluiont and Xorthern : la wlessness. - f railway. . . Fitmer United States District At- Allison also is reported to have had itorney Robert K. Carman, who i coun n - considerable a mount of money on 1st'' for Dr. McKoin said he would light his-iKTson at the time he was 'shot I any effort at extradition on the part of ome reports have placed the amount at near -a thousaml dollars. KU KLUX DENOUNCED. ; XEW YORK. D.v. 26.-. IU-solu-Itions dei'ouiiriiig the Ku Klu Klan a'nd 'calling for co-operation with organizji ; tious actively combatting it. were adoid- ;eil last night, at the closing I tlie annual conventiqii of the session of I Mu Sigma 1 1 1 rnteriuty, it ' was announced today. 'Fourteen', hundred representatives were ; j 11 .-iTreinlaiice... J The year' officers elected included : j York', grand hi- ; Drr J. J.-ifViic. Xew m. n ; neiijaiuiii Xiebult, Newark. X. .) :, grain ossa ; L. Scliwartz, St-ril.te, ' Chicago - grand scribe. MME. BARNHARDT'S CONDITION TAKES' TURN FOR WORSE Four French Physicians Issue Orders That No One Shetl Be Allowed To Enter Tl House. . ! TAKiy, Dee. l'7.--(Uv the Associated 'Press.) Madame . ijarah liernliardt 'j 1 condition took another turn for thu worj Itodny. . l'hysiciaiis ascribcd.it to the p fatigue followim; her activity yesterday when hlie arose from her bed. partook of I solid food, uud received many callers. Her household is again depressed, althoiigh Madame herself is just as eon lidenjt us ever that she will recover. . Two more 'doctors were culled iu this morning benides Professors Obissier and ; Marot, and after a long consultation they issued the following instructions to members of the household: - "The undersigned physicians ' insist upon the absolute necessity of letting no one euter tho sick room. . . (Sifjed) "Lubbe, . Dcsnos, Obissier, Marot." ''-'::... . These orders are clear," said'. Madame Xormnud, governess of the household, after roundly scoring the butler for per mitting the, correspondent to enter the house, 'but Madame insixts upon seeing whomsoever she- pleases." The elderly nurse who is attending the nctress, said: "Madame is, a very head strong patient." The physicians luive ordered that the door bell be disconnected and that the telephone receiver be left off the' hook. All calls must originate within the house, as the constantly ringing bell might an noy the patient. The doctors do not con ceal their admiration for Madame Bern- hardt's courage, declaring that she is "the most wonderful wonin. SHOT HIM DOWN AFTER , HE HAD HELD EM UP. COLUMBUS, Ott, lee. 27. Frantic gestures mude by fcidney II. Odoni, a local merchant,' wheu commanded to hold up his hands Cy two highwaymen last night (he iiolico say cost him his life. At an early houh today local authorities were endeavoring to find some traco of two u nideii tilled white .men whom Odpai idewribed lu a dying statement as lifs as; saihitits. - - . ' AVhile passing through a dark section of "the city en route from his store to his homo, Odom said he was haulted by two white men. " ' "Stick Oi'in up," was the command. Tim liilri limit shot his hands ui) nerv- fmisiv, His nction caused one of ttio holdup men, he said, to become excited. The pistol held by the robber belched fire. Odom began to run and yell for help. Two more shots, one from eae:i of the highway's guns, stopped him. He fell mortally wounded, dying within one hour. Tlie robliers took to theor heels, leav-. ing practically no trace. DR. B. M. MeKOIN IS ' ARRESTED IN BALTIMORE. BALTIMORK, MI)., l'ec. 27. Dr. H. M. McKoin, former mayor of Mer Itotige, La;, who was arrested here yes. tcrday at the reiieqst of tiovemor John M. Parker, of, LouMaiia, and held for murder, in connection with the recent murder nnd kidnapping caws at Morehouse Parish, Louisiana, will lie arraigned in police court today. Ad vices from the governor's office at Baton Kongo last night stated a requisition on the. ffovornor of Maryland for the re turn of Dr.: McKoin. to Louisiana, would be issued immediately. Dr. Me- i. , . ,r r 0,. hys "-tunied George W Cameron a l aorncy. ami u.mo.. . ... "... ngn any uucinpi iu tsi"1 ,,.n, . Contrary to reports that Dr. Mc Koin was taking a post graduate course at Jhons Hopkins University-Brady In stitute, University' officials declared that McKoin has no official connection with the nstitutioii and that he was a guest of Dr. Hugh 11. Young, head of the Drady Institute. Dr. Winiford II, Smith, surH'rintendent of the hospi tal said: -'llis work was in connec tion with the private patients of Dr. Young, and was carried on in 'Dr. Young's private office at the Institute." Dr. McKoin yesterday denied know- Hedge of the murder of D.-T. Kir-hards aiid Watt Daniels, whose mutilated i bodies were found in Lake FaFourche. Tin nlsn t:ie,l vrstenlnv that n! f,he governor of Louisiana. The form er distriet attorney declared ho believed .there was no prima facia, charge of j murder against the former mayor and he expressed the hrlicf that the Ivouisi ': ana official callel for his arrest here because they wanted him more as a jwitnessi or for the purpose of obtaining jacndeiny athletic associations 'possible information from him. dclphiu this aiteriMion. j "Dr. McKoin did not flee from; The playing ngreeuieut fur Louisiana nirer me iron me at Merinnyi inierservice game ami Bonge, " snid Attorney ; Carman . 'MIeiand date for the l!'-:i contvsl remained ' there for many weeks after tho death of the two men. He was witli his father thirty miles away from I Mer llouge from August .'until October when he t amo tu Baltimore at the - re- . quest of Dr. Hugh Young, who offered ! to jieriuit him to associate with thu Johns Hopkins hospital. - hiui at Custer's Trumpeter lo Be Buried loaay NEW' YORK, Dec. 26. John Martin, who claimed to be the last survivor of the Cuf-ter Massacre on the Little Big Horn, will be buried tomorrow in Cypress Hills Cemetery He died in a Brooklyn hospital Sun day at the age of 69. Mr. Martin was a trumpeter and dispatch bearer for General Cus ter and was one of the little hand ful of men who escaped when fiain-In-Tbe-Face and Sitting Bull sent their braves against Custer's. men. Mr. Martin enlisted in the Seventh cavalry in 1874, ferving- through" much of the Indian fighting and through the Spanish war. He is' survived by his widow and eight children. SUPREME COURT GRANTS ' BUSH A NEW TRIAL Former Gastonian Convicted In Caldwell County Of Kill ing Will Cline Last August, Is Granted New Trial On Basis Of Error. 1 , , Among'; the 'decisions handed, down by the SSupieiue Court of North Caro lina last week was (inn' granting it new trial to John A. Hush, former (Jas- toniau who was convicted at the August term of Caldwell Superior Court for the killing of Will Cline. The. killing occurred about four miles from Lenoir only a few days before the trial, and followed a dispute over the boundary line between Cline 'a and liush's land. Cline died in u hospital in Hickory the following day. At the trial, which was held before Judge J. His Kay, Hush's attorneys entered a plea of not guilty and eudeuvorud to show that their client (hot in self-defence-. ' lion,'. W. U. Xewlaiul. of Lenoir, was leadinu eounsei for the defense, and will prob- ably kIko represent , Hush at the new trial, which will be docketod for thu next term of Caldwell Superior Court. FRED ALLISON HAD $1,000 ON HIS PERSON. CHAKLOTTK, X. C, Dec. 27. Fred Allison who was killed in an exchaime ol' shots between 'deputy sheriffs in Lincoln county inud. alleged liquor runners, had $1,010 with his when ho left ( harlot,'.'! Huiida'y afternoon, according to n state ment-made' hero today by his brother, Lawrence .AUiou- . . .'.t ft--Young Allison was shot Sunday nig'if and died tlie next day and the brother declared when the body was searched onlv !)-was found, "lie declared' that had Fred Allison paid for the 50 gallons cf Honor found in the automobile that even that hhould not have cost more than :W) at wholesale. . The coroner's jury decided that Alli son was killed bv a shot . "fircll by one .if Ithn two unidentified men who escaped from the car after thij filing started. Jimmy Craig and Kd Owens, taken iu custody here yesterday on request of Lin coln county authorities, were later re leased! when the local police were notified there was nothing to warrant holding thchr. LODGE LEADS FIGHT AGAINST BORAH PROPOSAL. WASHINGTON, Dec. 27. Adminis tration Senators, under the lead of Chair man Lodge of the Foreign Relations Committee, began in the Senate today a determined fight against the proposal of Senator Borah, Republican, Idaho, for a new international conference in Washing ton to discu's economic conditions and disarmament. ' Senator Lodge, who was said by his colleagues to have ascertained the views of President Harding and his administri- jtion advisers, opened his attack as soon jas the Senate began work on the Borah proposal, which is in the form of an I amendment to the annual Naval Bill re- quoting the President to call an econom- ic and armaments conference. OPENS UP WHOLE FIELD GF EUROPEAN RELATIONS WASHIXGTOX. De-.. 27. The whole liuld of Artieriran relationships to Kurope, particularly as they involve the problems of aconoinic. rehabilitation, and disarmament, was opened ftp to debate in the Senate it gain today, when work was resumed on the naval ppro priation bill after the Chrirtnias reems. The immediate vehicle which brought the troubles- of tho European powers once more to the front on the f-ieuate floor was an amendment .to the naval hill, introduced by Senator Borah, K - publican, Idaho, and requesting Presi- dent Harding to call an international conference in Washigto to .. i-onsider methods of restorig "sound business and financial conditions" nd to seek an agreement for further limitation ot naval t-umtruction. oAnirauKt waiu AKiu i - ! NAVY FOOTBALL GAME found was considered of importance. ! commander of tho confederate veterans. BALTIMORE, MD., Dec. "7. (The wire, together with marks "liclioved j advising her to ruiort Durham county V Mayor William F. Broeniag headed a j to havp been caused by shoe nails, indi- j ipiuta ""paid" and to siml him. the delegation of Baltimore business men cated a possibility that -Black whs shot ; amount a vssed for payment, which left for l'hiladelphia this, morn-j in another boom from the one in which; -ing to advance their efforts toward I the limit- was found, mid raised or low-i lNTURED WHEN SWINGING bringing the Army-Xavy to lh's city next fall. football game Hie delegation will attend the confer ence between representative." of the West l'liint military at-adeniv an,! natal t l'hila- j 1 the an-J the 'place- : are to 1h j ;cousideie.f at the conference, iderstimd here..' it is 1111 ' Mrs. J. It. Braei-livilU , Turiwr and ;. V.: airived iliihiren in the i of Wc.ln.-sday on axi-it to Mrs. Turner 'j isistcr. Mrs. J. A Andcrsim, at her hoai i ou i.ast Airane aveuue Oldest Lawmakers "Visit President M.- --4 - - -: - ' " -. . . . iiere are shown the oldest members of each party In the present .Congress visiting President Harding. They are. left to right, famovsl "Joe" Cannon, the oldest Republican, and his less weliknown friend, Congressman Charles M. Stedman of N. CaroUna, the oldest Democrat.' ARREST FOUR PERSONS SUSPECTED OF ROBBERY Two Men And Two Women, Suspected Of Robbing Kan sas City Bank Of $97,000 Are Held In New Orleans. N'KW .OKLKAN8, Ihv. '27 . Four . peroos -i n o nit n " wuunrn -itiv uv- - iug hehl by ' the pidice hero today in connection with the holdui nnd jobbery I of live inessengers of the Drove r.i Nil- i tional Hank or Kansas Uty, .Mi)., on December 12, in which thij-highway. men me reiHjrted to have'oUamed !7, ooo . . - . - " -. T,l .'"en gave police ;ns tleorge t'rt" and . said ; their names to Wiliou and Jim the two women the . Cov-! were ; - .1 i their wives. The arrest was made list night at a hotel where, they were said to have been registered wveral davit. ' A hand ! 1 bag containing .S,30) believed by tins police to be part of the loot of the holduji, was found iii a room occupied by one of .the couples. Some of the puckuges of . liiuney, , the police stated, were sealed and bore stumps of the Federal reserve bank of Kansas City . A large ; amount of loose notrn , was buiuilcd.- up . in ,4'Jig" ;of . ,.M Kauai City newspaper, i ' ' ' " ' When the prisoners were taken to police headquarters they 'had little to say. Covcrty declared he was tending bar in a Kansas City siiloon at the time of the robbery and camo to Xew Orleans on December 15 to play the? races. The trail of the quartet was. said to have been picked up through the shipment of a truck to Xew Or- leans by one of the women. ,i According to the police several liuu'-l dred dollars, are said to- have beeni spent each night m eabarets by . the suspects and they are sail! to have plunged heavily on the' races. One of them -purchased an vxpensivo nutouin bilo, it was said,- paying cash for it. MYSTERY SURROUNDS THE DEATH OF LOUISVILLE MiN r&Xr":- j "A properly conducted poultry de ; ' ' - . ' : j partment should be a part of every farm ' - . , - iu the state. ' This course-will not only There Are Discrerjancies Ini Tale Of Mrs. Olive L. Jones Who Says She Killed Black. O. L. LOUISYILLi;, KV Dec . The air of mystery surrounding the shooting of O. L. Black, in the apart mciit of Mrs. Olive L. Jones, a di- .fartf( ',:,..,, ,,y ,,0i,,, department investigators. Mrs. Jones, who claims she fired in self-defense, faces a charge I w;u be lnade. fcdiort course farmers will of murder. -also rcseive instruction in thtj grading Officials declared important points injaj peeking of market and hatching the woman's fieeout, of the tragedy had eggs. '.'.- ' I been contradicted. j "Cooperative rtMWketing of poultry Kntcring iMilice headquarters early prodin-ts will be discu.-sed, tSidection and Monday morning. Mrs. Jones told of ! hrerdinir. of standard bred birds will be ticcrs she shot Black late Sunday after noon, following a quarrel, and watched all night over the body, unable to sum- ' nion courage to call police. - j The woman apparently was in her usual cheerful mood between It and 12:10 o'clock Sunday night, William j Dixon, IS), who accompanied Clnta. the' 1 17 year !d daitglitcr of .Mr. Jones ' and C. II . Jones, of 'Cincinnati, her ! j divorced husband, home from a picture ; tyhuw; Mrs. Jones declared following! ' her surrender that she was in it hysteri-: leal condition during the night and; fainted several times. j Investigators also intimated that the! discovery of a piece of looped vire out- j ?nte tliu w iikIow near w Inch the tuiily w.-s . iered through the window, it was Said. i I Mrs. Joue . former husbaiiil, declar- ed in Ciiiciniiati yesterday that priori to the .shooting plans had been made , for the remarriage of the divorced 1 couide on January 1. . Ho reiterated his statemeiit that he would Stand by Mrs. ones throuirhout the rase. '- 1 Sl'I.'LXtiFIKLD. ILL.. Dec. 27. j.V quarantine effective January 5. was : placed by Governor Small today on 'corn sidjHied into Illinois from. Maine. -New Hampshire, Yeinunit, .la sachu si'tls, Khmto Is'.nid. New York, IVunsyl vauia Ohio, Michigan and CWnus ticiit because, of the reyorted prcscm e in 1 1 , - states or tlie coin wrer, Were Shipping Whiskey . In Newspaper Tubes CHICAGO, Dec. 27. Increased international circulation of Mexican and Canadian papers brought about the discovery thst bootleggers have been chipping brandy and whiskey in ten ounce tubes wrapped in the papers, Federal officers said here today. - ' . : Twelve regular subscribers were ar rested yesterday by Fred Gardner, in chage of the treasury special agents' office. Search for the sub scription aolicitora was to be made today. j ' pfnpr III DnillTHV j uUllllOL 111 UULI II I HUSBANDRY AT N. C. STATE ' HALKlGlI, Dec. 2."). The North Cnro- lima .'State college will conduct a course in poultry husbandly January 8 to 19 Inclusive, to run concurrently with the short winter studies iu practical ugricul turij to be given for farmers who lire un able to take advantage of long terms, ac- ording to an announcement by officials tonight. There will -be no charge for "tutition. said.Drv li. FvKauupp, head of the poul try department, the Only cost to thosO at tending being board, and lodging. "Although, this is the first attempt on the part, of tho college to give a special short course in poultVy raising, it. is splendidly equipped for work of this na ture,' Dr. Kaupp continued, "and ..I..I. cu orato preparation have been made to give those ntendiiig a course of instruc tion emieiitly worth while. tor several years, the college lias . ,lim n lhu eolonization work. been trap nesting and studying the phy- k K.-ttlerS were broflght from other ve sical charactcrist.es of many breeds, an t .,; ,ioIls of ,u. VnlM HUlW who dpTdol,. . snore course larmers nil! have an op portunity to handle these birds. It should be lmssibli) at the close of thu term for those taking the course to readily dis tinguish between a high producing hen ;and one whoso egg producing qualities :iiro either medium or low. More than jthis, the utiidont should be able to single te;!'h farmers how to ma-ko poultry pay but it will be helpful to those who cou femplafc entering the business on a much. larger sale. l.very jart of the poultry work in farms will bo thoroughly studied. This In ill embrace such subjecti as poultry houses, their .construction and equiv alent; principles of feeding, including the rations best suited tor laying hens; breeding birds, growing range stock, and broioder chicks. "A study of incubators an 1 brooders covered and controt measures for para sifes -will - ' , - receive careful attention, h ' i ' EXPECT NORTH CAROLINA TO COMPLETE ITS QUOTA RALEIGH. X. C, Dec. -27. N'orth Carolina, is expected to complete its uotu subsi-qribed to the Woodrow Wilson foundation today,"' according to an aiiiiouncenient by Mrs. Jo.selius Daniels. Three.' thousand dollars is the amount which must le sent in if the quota is j0 n. comtdeted, it was tated. Mrs. Daniels said she had received a tele- pram from General .luiiau fs, t- t arr General .Tuliau S. t- ( DOOR SIDESWIPES TRAIN ' "SALISBURY', X. C. Dec. i . Five e 011s were, slightly injured this uu.iiiiiig wheu a swinging door mi a freight car sideswijied a passenger icnaeh of Southern train No. V.iJ ruu ' ning In-t ween Washington and Atlanta, "near TJiouiasville, X. C Those injured I were treated by local doctors, and im j mediately . Resumed their journey. J The injured: James !. Faisim. ; Kaison, X. C. ; Uoy Petzer,- Hickory. I.V.C.; and William Fletcher, ''all' n- ji-i'ivo.1 flight cuts about their hitnUi ! ill. 1 Swiitsou .not Harry Starty. ; ( 'Harlot t. X,. C, slight i-uts jii,I brtuses,;' :.. ..: ' STATE LOCATES PLACE WHESEiTHE DYNAMITE TO BLOW UP LAKE WAS FOUND t Men Suspected Of Being Im plicated Are Kept Under Surveillance. HISTORY OF THE TOWN. Got Name From Old Nobleman Baron Bastrop. Spanish de HASTKOP, LA., Dec. 27. There was an air of expectancy here and a round Mer Kougo early today as De partment of Justice agents and repre sentatives df the state government re newed their activities in the investiga tion in the Morehouse kidnappug caso ad wdeVed their efforts to run down the persons responsible for the dyna piiting of :i nearby lake which gave up jiiio bonus of two men identified as Watt Daniels and Thomas Richards, abducted' by a masked mob last August. I It was declared that additional arrests were imminent. ' j Kecret !nice men are reported to have loiMited the place where the-dyna-jrnito, said to have been l,f0O pounds, was sold, uud some of the men suspect led of being implicated in the dyna imiting. uro under surveillance, Th I investigators indicated, that arrests may occur soon . - - ' ' . ' The arrest in Baltimore yesterday of ;Dr. 1J. M, McKoin, former' mayor of jMcr Kouge, at the roque t of Ooverner i John M Darker, caused eonsidcralde I excitement among the town 'n notniU- tion. LitHo groups of citizeus gather ed in public places and on tho streets !o discuss the casn and tho probable Inext iiiove of the authorities. Morehouse parish and the town of Iiaaiop which are in the limelight at this time because of the kidnapping and killing of Daniels mid Kchards have nu interesting story. ' According to a . booklet published a few years ago by a resident of Mer Kouge the town and parish got their names from a, Keutuckian aud a Span ish nobleman ; In JMMi, when Hpain owned what is now, tho state of Louisiana, a iSnan- i iard, Barou du Baroi). was said 1o uinc uutim-u imuii nu; opiusn govern ment a rontract to the effect that wheu be had iuduced "00 families t sidtle iu the country lying north and cast of the Ouachita, river he would m-.Uirc theq ownership of twelve leagues of land, or about 1,000,000 acres, for his services. To help iu the fulfillment of this contract, Huron de Bastrop is. credited i ....ii..,.. i .i... i""' "S l-IIIlBll-U me ncrviros VI t il i . . , ... . ... mir.-iuaiii .uuicnoiise, a citizen or Jveu tutk.y. In turn Mr. Morehouse is said to have arranged with Captain Josiah n.ll'olilw.i'f n -.;. f IJI..1 T.,l.l ... ed the country. The pnri-ili was createl by an act nf the Legislature in 18-U and. shortly thereafter tho parish neat was established at 'two cross roads.. It. was decided to name the parish "Morehouse" in honor of Abraham . ! Morehouse, while the parish Heat wad named "Bastrop" in honor of Baron, jdn liustrop. ; J A stafenient. signed by J. A. Sytvrster, . j of Bastrop, has been issued to tho press, l in which doubt is expressed as to the j identity of (ho bodies found iu Lake La j fourche, ami claimed by relates as .those of Watt Daniels and Thomas Rich iards, alleged victims of a hooded mob, : Sylvester, in tho past has been credited jwith many public, announcements regard ling the activities of the lovitl Klan and -is looked upon by ninny as one of th Jspiikesmen of the local secret order. I "Although it ht rumored that 'the bodies tit Daniels and Richards have been j fnumL then is no positive evidence that this is true. Two objects were reported : to have bi en Hunting- net rtho banks of ljiko La Fourche and it was presumed (that these bodies were those of the miss- ,ing men,"' the statement said. j In regard to efforts to clear up the af- j fair, the statement added; I "Captain -J, K. Skipworth has teuder- jed to tlie attorney general the assistance t ami co-operation of ."ifli) Klansnu'n to bo used In liny capacity deemed necessary innd assured him that it wis the wish of I tho eutire citizenship of Morehouse Klan I that v.n stone Ire left unturned in ferret- l iniI out Bd biiginK to justice the guilty partu s connected i the case of the uueg ;ed kiduuping of Daniels and Richards.-' WRIT OF HABEAS CORPUS FOR DR. McKOIN BALTIMORK. Dec. S7.:' A writ of habeas corpus for Dr. B. M. Mc Koin, " former mayor of Mer Kouge, ar rested here .yesterday otv a chage of murder, wils obtaiued this morning. The writ, which was issued by Chief Jndge James B. Corter in tho eity court. was made returnable immediaie- ly. ; Fxtraditioii jiajsr will Ik' forwarded i from Louisiana to Raltimort for Dr. McKoiu, a telegnim from- (ioternor ; Darker ftated today, i Tho ilispatch, si-tit to fh' police de- partment, said: . "Hold Dr. McKoin for ct raditinii . 1'apers will bv f i warded. Thuuks" : Accordingly pais-rs were prepared for presentation at Dr. ' McKoin 'm bear ling iu isdicc; court asking that he be held for ten days. i Dr. Hugh 11. Young, head of the i Braily Institute at ' Johns Ilnpkins hos pital, with whom' Dr. McKoiu worked, 1 ouferred with the former mayor Ur : inoiiv than nil hour tins lniimiug. . Mr. lTi-e. Limbcrfei'r he out on :in "Uu i;f saff auld of iutiuciaa. t U-

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