IONIA -DAI LY GAZETTE OAS Local Cotton 26l4 Cent VOL. XLIII. NO. 309 GASTONIA, N. C, THURSDAY AFTERNOON, DECEMBER 28, 1922 SINGLE COPY 5 CENTS Home Edition INTEREST IN MOREHOUSE KIDNAPPING CASE IS SHIFTED TODAY TO NEW ORLEANS WHERE GOVERNOR AND ATTORNEY-GENERAL CONFER M'KOIN'S FRIENDS ARE : LINING UP IN DEFENSE Officer Follow Trial Of Robed And Masked Men -Seeking Evidence To Implicate Dy namiters Of Lake Where Bodies Were Found. BASTROP, .La.. Dcr. 27. Civil an I tnilitury authorities today follow oil through 1 ho rt'il low hills and swauips of Morehouse parisli llio trail they bo lievcd was, taken by tin: masked ami robed men on tin? afternoon and night Of August 21 when five nun were kid naped and two murdered. tin1 trail covered a distance of abo'.:t 3. miles from a point on the IJastrofi Ni'r llougo highway where the men. wee kidnapped to a ferry landing at Lake La I'oureho near where the bodies of two 'if them were found last week. The reconnoiters were necking nihil tioual eviiiciico :inplicating those re sponsible for tne mysterious dyiiaiuit iu that released tlm oodics from the lake where they bad been weighted down for inontliu. The day jiients. All Baltimore was di eyes where void of loeal develop were turned toward: Dr. H. M. MeKoin. former Mer ICouge against extradition mayor, was battling to Louisiana where lie IK to fare .1 charge of murder in con nect ioli with the ease. The legni fight 1" bring him baek Jliany develop another historic ineident similar to the elTorts to get former oveiuor Taylor of Kentiivky. out .!' Indiana, to stand trial for the murder .of Governor Goebol of the liliie Grass sta'" in Frankfurt, Ky.. two decade or moo ago, is the belief expressed today by friends of the former inapor. Fund Available. It developed during the day there will be unlimited funds available and count less friends to assist the physician who does not want to return here. His frion I iu Morehouse and adjoining parish.1" wore lining up i" his behalf. Many nies ttagoa for assurauees were sent his fain jly at Monroe, where bis wife, four Children and parents reside. That' bond i" six figures would l.e available in the event bail would be per auitted is generally cuneodo here. A sum Of $;( WO was siid to have been abail Uble for the release of T. J. HurneC. former deputy sheriff, the first arrest in -the c:im A ee of fJ.'UMM) was reported to have been offered a certain tirm of lawyers in lend in his defense. Ware tin' incarceration of Harnett various stran,; crs have reitelied. the town, held brief conversations with the prisoner and tlen departed on the next train, it is known. MeKoin 's friends are authority for tin Statement that he will attraet the support U liiiiliy throughout the Fluted Stut.'s. Stands Hieh in Profession. The physieian has stood high in Hi. medical profession of 'northeast Louis: aim nerving as president of the Fifth Congressional District, Medieiil socio! y last vear. He was also u ehiireh worker. During Ins ti rm as mayor lie waged on those who held the law lightly W.l1' 1 nnd ! is said to have incurred the enmity .ot many of those. Some years ago he engaged in a di -fully at 'Call'ion. La., and killed a man. He was discharged bv the coroner's jury nn, I no indictment was made a aitist him. II is idea lie would was seir ueieiise have Iroen killed claiiuimr Hi. 11 if he hail not Jird first. Governor Darker at Hat 011 Kouge to day conferred with Special Prosecutor Clair Adams, one of the state's leading criminal lawyers, regarding the course to be followed in the 'MeKoin extradi tion. Reouisition pa porn 011 uic gov.r the Hor of Maryland are boiu Attorney General Coco j prepared. and Ins assis- tnats reached New Orleans today to out lino the l-lans for January open hearing jnd discuss the investigation program. ctitit ffiNTRIBUTES TO WOODR0W WILSON FUND JtAKLlGH. Dee. 2H. Letter and telegrams announcing contributions to the Wood row Wilson foundation fund continued to bo received today by Mrs. Joscphus Daniels, wife of the former (secretary of the navy, who is chairman of the committee to raise Xorthv Caro lina Ts quota . ( Mrs. Daniels stated she would make public the state' total contribution later. NKW YORK iKc. 2. Hertil Malm tetrom, footman at the Fifth ' Avenue residence of Mrs, William K. Yan derbilt, and his cousin, William Malm ptrom, butler at a fashionable home in Park Avenue, were in the clutches of be law today. They found in the street a' 1 ,1 11 Ml rr..1.l v., ', .... l.w(-- I III'....,, I-U'lin. Scorning a reward of .floil nsjwi uiaueipiaio. oecmm', Iliey say it is tile fustom iu Sweden where they come from, fur-n reward of one third tho value of a lost aiiiele to be paid for Jts return, they sold the case to an an t'ujue store. LVtcetivon arrested them, fcji charg..a of grand Wtti.y.' . OR. M'KQIN TO RESIST RETURN TO MER ROUGE ASA MURDER SUSPECT Hearing On Habeas Corpus Writ Be Had In Baltimore Today. BANK OFFERS LARGE SUM. Friends Of c i rormer Louisiana Town Mayor Rally By Hun dreds To His Support. HALTIMORK. Dee. 27. -- Hearing on the writ of habeas; corpus obtained today by counsel for Dr. MeKoin, form er mayor of Mer Rouge, La., was set for tomorrow. Dr. MeKoin was ar rested here yesterday on the charge of ibere yesterday on instructions from At murder by request of (iovernor IVirker : tomey (ieaeral Coco. Hearing on a writ of Louisiana, as an outgrowth of the of habeas corpus obtuinod yesterday by Morehouse jiarish murder ami kidnap- j 1 'r. MeKoin to prevent his return to ping ease. Tin- writ was obtained in. Mer Rouge for questioning in eonnc" an effort to obtain bail for tin1 doctor 'Hon wit lit lie kidnaping and killing of prior to his tight again it extradition. Watt Daniels and Tholnas Kb hards, is l!cqiib-it ion papers issued by Governor ( scheduled to come u;i today iu the Parker on Governor Allcrt If hie of this stale for the return of Dr. MeKoin are not I reach here for two or thret eruor b'itchie today when action he would take said o 1 ouisiaua ( sr-ecicd to days . Gov- asked what he would await receipt of the suing a statement, said be would hear ease and render an papers before is At that time, he both sides of the impartial decision. Meanwhile friends of Dr. MeKoin are rallying to his assistance. Telegrams .were received today from many jier 'sous pledging their moral and financial support. Among them was one from i two physicians signing themselves as : fellows of the American College of surgeonu. Another telegram from the Central Savings and Trust company, of Mer Kouge, La., offered to deposit any l.'imoiint of money in a local bank in an effort to obtain release of Dr. MeKoin. I Dr. Hugh Young, head of the lirady Institute of the Johns Hopkins Medi- !cil si hool, with whom Dr. MeKoin has been associated since he arrived hero last October first, made public tin- te!e I trams received. That from tin j coin pa ny read: j Offer of Funds. 'The Central Saving I and trust Trust ;' company, of Mer Kouge will indemnify !fn you any amount you might incur as 'a result of the arrest of Dr. MeKoin. The bank will deposit iu any bank iu ' lialtiinore city sufficient funds to cov-let- and bonds that vou might pledge for I Dr. MeKoin." Iu .".n interview with newspaper men prior to his arraignment iu police , court this morning. Dr. MeKoin stated ; he was unable to throw any light on the I deal lis of Thomas lfichards and Watt ' Daniels, whose mutilated bodies found several days ago in Laki I'oui'he near Mer Kouge. "At one time," Dr. MeKoin I was willing to go back an wen Fa II them all that 1 could about conditions at Mer Kouge but now I will fight i requisition to the last ditch." While angered at his arrest. Dr. McK 0111 is incline to treat the matter lightly. He said he could account for every hour prior to the kidnapping of Hie murdered men and every - minute since their mystrioiis disappearance. When asked how he could account for. all the time so accurately since August. vvheii the men disappeared. Dr. Me- ! lom retorted: ' When the time come you . ' ' I will show he was not Klux Klau. d to join the Dr. MeKoin reiterate, a menilx-r of the K11 Xeither had he been nskc organization, he said Iu fairness to them however" he added, ' they have done much goo, I ' I must say work in the t matter of ridding Mer Rouge ot nude sirables. I don't mean to say that thojvliavo driven people out of town. Otf the contrary they have, by the use r common, sense, talk ami tact, made good men of individuals who undoubted llv H-i.ut.t It. ,1-., l'.u ,1.,. I in i-til ,n,ki,i, ..r later." Asked to cite a particular instaiei' I-where - the klau had lieen responsible for turning a law-breaker into a good jciti.en. The former mayor stated: "I know dozens of them but I do not I care to talk about the activities of the i k'an Sit this time. '' 1 Unite..! States I'idKrt At torney L'obert R. Carman of counsel for iti'e . acused. stated he -would tiy'it any eCi rt at ext-adition by th governor. Did Not Flee. : 'Dr. MeKoin did ion Louisiana after the tro.iole iKoiige," he said. "He n 111 -for many weeks after the !the two men. Ho was with L uisiiaa Hoe troln at Mei i"o l there death of his father ! "0 miles .a way from August until .Octolicr. Mer Kongo from whoii he came to Italtiiitoie at the request ot Dr. Noting who offered to penult him to .1-s.s-i.1to tit him at the Johns Hopkins hospital. The mayor ola'-ed himself at the disposal .of the district attoitoy of the couut.v -'seat and was iu consulta tion with him :'i-r a long time b. fore he loft. There w.,s for him to hi le and '.e i".v . r-U,r "iiformii tiou he hard at las coiuauiiid. WARRANT ISSUED FOR ARREST OF DR. M'KOIN Makes It Unnecessary For State To Show Its Hand By Producing Evidence , Sheriff To Baton Rouge Fori Requisition Papers. J.VTi;uri La., Dec. 2S. Chief in terest in the Morehouse kidnaping cai.j was hhifted today to New Orleans, where (iovernor John M. I'arker is scheduled to ! Itohl ;i ..mi iVi-mif,. 1. VMnnuiv- i:..i,..i.l t'iu-, .mi ;.i ..,,.,...,,(,,.. 'sit i )..; I'l'lir , - - .......... , -vuaiiiH, apjiointea ny tin- governor to as t t. il... i. .v.,...- IV- "... pro.-entiiig the state's ease' at the open; -'""plisli'.i by the police iu many months hearing to Is- held here January 5, to di,- il'U'W.v in main years. cuss policies to be adopted at the hear- ' As a remit of a day i f feverish a- ing. I A warrant tor the arrest of Dr. in Baltimore I'arker, was B. M. at the issue! MeKoin, who is held ! request of Governor Maryland eitv. 1 he issuance, o the war j rant, j here, j state it was believed by state ollicials would make it unnecessary for the to show its hand by producing whatever evidence it may have against the doctor in his attempt to have brought to Louisiana. Advices from Haton Kouge ; stated that requisition papers would h: issued as soon as the warrant was r;- ! reived there. The masked mub. which kidnapped j Daniels ami Kichards was composed of .about ITi men, according to one of the investigators who has been following the ease closely for several months. Mem bers of the mob, the envest igatorx as M'lted. came from the parishe sof More house, Ouachita. West Carroll, Kiehlan.l and Franklin .and from two counties in Arkansas. The identity of .practical!'.' every member of the mob, it was sail, i known to the authorities and it was .additional to these a I ready made will 'follow as the investigation proceeds. Special Deputy Sheriff L. K. Calho.Uu of llastrop, who li ft here late yesterda.x for liaton Kouye to get requisition papers for the ret urn of Dr. MeKoin. :was expected to reach the capita thi morning. Sheriff Carpentier. of Morehouse, said the deputy would probably leave Hatoi) Kouge tonight for ISaltimore with th" i papers an, I express ',! the opinion th.,' , MeKoin would be in the parish jail here by Tuesday. District Judge ).hni today said ne date had been set fur a preliminary for former Deputy Mierifl Jell liuv nelt, The the firs! man arr.-steil in the cas'. opening healing is ot !'r Jannar' DR. McKOIN LOSES FIGHT IN HABEAS CORPUS PROCEEDINGS BALTIMORE, Md., Dec. 28. Dr. B. M. MeKoin, former mayor of Mer Rouge, La., today loft his fight for immediate release on habsas corpus proceedings. He wai remanded without "prejudice" to give the Louisiana official" oppor tunity to present their care. Dr. MeKoin was arrested here Tues day at the request of Governor Parker of Louisiana who accused him of mur der in connection with the Morehouse parirh kidnaping last August. Three judges of the Baltimore su preme bench sitting in city courts, de nied Dr. MeKoin the right to baiL A de.-patch from Attorney General Coco of Louiiiana. to State Attorney Leach stated that Dr. MeKoin formerly has been charged with the murder of Watt Daniels and Thoma Richards. The despatch added that a deoutv sheriff was on his wav to Baltimore with the cessary paper in the case. MANY CITIZENS TO AID COMING OF DR. McKOIN 'HATROl'. La.. Doc. 2s A mini Iter of citizens of Monroe are coming to the front ready to offer evidence tliaf Dr. MeKoin was not in Morehouse palish on the afternoon and night of August 24 when tho Mer Rouge men were kidnapped. Mos eages are also being sent the physician by person. who state they are willing to testify in his is be I. ' 1 establish an alibi for 111 Ml hysicans of the fifthcongressonal istrict have also expressed a desire to l.o of as sistance financially and otherwise, and have, offered to raise $10.0(i to fight the on so. Dr. MeKoin was president of the fifth congressional district medi cal association. comMise.! of physicians of several IaU1si:iu:i parishes last year, an. has n wido acquaintance with physi cians of the district. DR. RANKIN SAYS THERE IS NO EPIDEMIC OF FLU RALEIGH. Dee. 2. Dr. V. S. Rai.kiu. ws-rotary of the Slate Hoard of Health stated this morning that there is Hot an epidemic-of ' iiillueiira over the State according to reports made to tho health depart incut . Tie said largo uiiiiiIht of raws had lecit reHrf,t from various s.s-tion of 1 lo st 11 to. but the lii-eai- is .f a veiy ihtI I ' form. Comparatively few i-ao of pneumonia have icvehr.ed a a -result of the disease, be euil. GREENSBORO POLICE GET GANG OF ROBBERS WHO i PLANNED BIG HAUL SOON Dope Sellers, Bank Robbers, Say The Greensboro Policemen. OTHER ARRESTS POSSIBLE. One Of Biggest Hauls Made By State. Police In -Years. GKKF.Xfr IK.IM , Dec. 2s The break' up of a gang of professional burglar-. .dope sellers, bootleggers, gamblers and ! general bad nun who were planning a big coup iu or near Greensboro this wc-.-'k ;cnd in tin- burglarizing of three or four banks or stores is believed to have been effected yesterday by the. Greensboro P' liee department in the capture id' thru" men and the obtaining of videi tleit (May leail to the arrest of others. ' worn was ucciareM tasi nigui o.v I '1 he M liief ot I'olice tieorgo J'. I rulclihoM to oe i ne most unporinui .single jou ao- livity the folon'in Miosis were mud': .loseph Hiuno, who was registered at the O. Ilenrj' under the name of H. It. Sterl ing ami who also goe under the names of doe .stern and Louis Isabel or l-dsd or Isabelle, regarded by the police as the leader of the ijang; Jack L. Mattbewson, alias Charles Nuvella. arrested at Itees' ciuar store with keys to rooms at the '(). Henry and the Huffine and Harry i.Mullins, arrested wi the ). Henry hotel. a well known ligure to ute police oi i Greensboro nd other nearby cities. Tooth Harry." lied Gold Find Burglar's Tools. In the room of Matthewsou at the Hufline the police discovered a suitcase of burglars' tools, including tiearly eery posible instrument to. be used in break ing in a building. More important still, in the room of J'.rtino or Sterling at the O. Henry the found letters written by Kruno yesterdav to friends and confederates relating '.!i detail inaav of the activities of himself land bis gang. These lot era written and had lvu phi.' had just he ed in addres ed envelopes ready for mailuii;. The ' nolicr have already commuilicated w it '.police in other cities regarding activituM Idim-v.ssed ninl described in these htte'is and a i rests will probably follow. : Hruno was apparently the leader of (the gang. He registered at the O. ,Ilen;y : under the name of 11. II. Sterling, Rich !inoid, Ya., yestenlay iiiorniiig betwee.i '7 and 7:Tit."but il i thought he had .been iu Greensboro some time. Through ! definite information, the police say, the,, now know Hruno was planning th.' i burglarizing of at least one bank and probably other banks, and several other i places, probably stores. ' The .jobs were to be done oauiraa: , fflrf w hor home Tuesday, took note ofr 'Sunday or Monday. Apparently it had the slightly upward course of the .22 (been a -ranged originally tn do the work caliber bullet that pierced her heart, dis during Hie past week end. but certain ar : dosed by the autopsy, and today iu ; rangi inents had not been complete.1. I ,.)iiied more to the theory that another : I'.runo was acting, th.' polii'e think, not j ,.1,11,1 ( similar aye was responsible for ; only as leader but as advance man undjfi,,, tragedy. jbad made many of t be arrangements. , T1(, jed'uetion was that the bullet's U)u these matters Chief Cnitclitiebl -ai I ! course would have been downward. Mast night that be was not jhas the evidence. A great s:ii,l he wanted to Hold bi unessiu; hi leal of it lie ok until I lie (time of the trial. ! As sidelines, and apparently as .1 1 means to keep in ready cash, the men !-,i-iete.l were actively engaged in selling .cocaine, morphine and liquor, an i oliinniiiiT to ret bob' of il the;, ho! el I ,t-l, liev ..onld conduct traffic ill 1111- morality and gambling. u all tliese !..,.ii,t Is free discission in the let tors found in r.runo's room. Thoso let teri I'rimi imimrtn ill evidence not only 11 1 tin, Ikri.KCl.t I'MM'S but on criminal meUi j oils' and practices 'in Greensboro and el , where. ' Assistant Chief John S. Current I 1 Continued on page three.) GREENSBORO POLICE ABANDON SEARCH FOR FOURTH MAN f.RF.F.XSHORO. IVc. 2H. Creensbn' . ne- police today abandoned their soared lor ;the fourth member of a gang of. burg lars, cracksmen, gamblers and done pc.l idlers, which was continued last nigh ollowing the arrest of th'ee men giviti;, their names as Joseph Hruno, alias Joe .Stern, alias Louis Isabel; Jack L. Mat thewsou. alios (liarlos Xavella. and Harrv Mulliii" . known hero as "Gold Tooth Harry." Additional information whi.h the offi cers have today led thorn to believe thai these inon had idanlied a series of rob ; ries in Greensboro and this set ion ,', ln ri,. the next fo,v days. This inform;! icht'lf audition is in letters found in the rooms of j liriino at a local liotcl. where he was ar- hosted. Ho had inst written tho letters. it is stated, and prepared them or mail ing. . The fourth uiomU-r of the gang -a oon-idered by the officer as the man who has had wide experience in (he use of ,, it roglyecrin 111 eruoKmg Hilic to ! ?i;il,--,. 1.' ifai.i i.y too j 111 Xcw VorV :.-.ty. ' The otlicers are t.lay vvmking on tin i theory that the meii under arr.-st par (i.-ii.-.f...! iii the j.nstoilieo robbery at M 'Pleasant, near t'on.-ord. 011 XovimiiUt 10. CIIAKLOTTF.. !.". 2". Approxi mately jr.";:i:t,iMM alts-ady Itas-U-en nb 'ribed tn the isiiih'.mto building and en dowuieiit fund for Davidson college, i Malcolm Us khart. director of the ain pniiiii. announced h-re ti-lay. Sixty fight churches in the North Carolina Svnod .if the -Soulborn l'rost.vtoriau ' cliunli have raised or oveeedod their iiuotas and -ixfv otln-is have raiwd at ' least half of theirs, be uddud . 30 Persons Injured In A Dust Explosion KANSAS CITY, MO., Dec. 27. More than 30 persons are tonight suffering from burns and injuries resulting from a dust explosion and a fire in the mill of the Schreiber Flour and Cereal company here this afternoon. Estimates of th loss range from $125,000 to $150,000. Firemen searched in the ruins where a man was said to have been seen immediately after the explo sion. This .man, it was said, made two attempts to escape from the building through a window but each time seemed to lack strength and fell back into tho flames. Company officials "aid all the men escaped from the building. CHARLOTTE HAS ANOTHER EARLY MORNING FIRE 'Thomas And Howard, Whole sale Grocers Suffer Loss Erskine Boyce, Of Gastonia, Was One Of Owners Of Firm. 'HAIi'LOTTL, Dee. 2s, The buihi jii'g occupied by the Tliomns and Howard company, wholesale groecrs. was de stroyed with its contents here early to day by fire of imknowu origin. The loss uhi. li was partially covered by insurance was estimated as high as $10U,UUU. i Tin' flames which appeared to'huv (started iu the. rear of the structure wel'.' i discovered about 2: Till a. m. by Yie Fev Jpormnn, a deputy sheriff who was driv ing into town in an automobile and saw them from a distance of about a mile, ; He hastened toward the tire ami turned ; in the alarm. The building which was of brick con struction which w.ih one story high in I front ami two iu the rear was nt 403 j South College street and had been, coin IpleteJ during t lie present year. The coin j puny .which lias been in business sin:e (last September is tlltf scccssor of is loot land company iuid is a partnership con sisting of C. .'. Thomas, C. L. Howard. (W. D. Fbnton, K. K. Boyee. un'd "O. 11. iWenlz. Mr. Kliutoit who is'1 maftnger of I the concern," said a large shipment jf. groceries was niched Wednesday' and 'that, the compauv bad a full stock on j hand. Adjoining buildings were not damage: i to any cutout. dciicwc lurrrucD nuiin ULLILIL HHUIIILn UIIILU ' DID THE SHOOTING Brooklyn From Think Detectives Judging Course Of Bullet Small Child Fired The Shot. XF.W YORK, Pee. 2S. j keenest detectives, puzJed -Hrooklyn '1 for a solu fh.Ming lf oi l lion of tho mysterious "l'hresa McCarthy, 10 year I rather than upward, had an older and .taller person fired the shot, and in this b( lief the search was continued tor one of Theresa's playmates, frightened into silence ,by the tragic coi:sei(UcltceS. I he police, working 011 various angles in the hope o the merest clue and with a tdiagnet over the city have in custody 'James I'. Grace, of Jirocklyn, 2.", a col I lector, 011 complaint of the father of a j six year Uroux girl, who was attacked by a man in the hallway o her home IV ! comber i. The prisoner, the police said. Ms being invertigati'd in connection with 'a similar complaint concerning a girl in Hast sOth street, Manhattan, t 'lavs later, ami also in tho ease of the .McCarthy girl. Thus far, however, noth bed, the police said. ing had been establi-.' to connect this man with tho ISrooklyn mystery. The slain child's mother has been un able to aid the police in identifying any person she thinks may have been enter ing the house to see Theresa while j"-' her to permit no boys iu the house during her absence. 'There wore orc few girls that Theresa ever played with in the house," she said, 'ami never were any boys here. Occasionally, on very cold nights she had one or two girls chums in the House W." , j 'Scores of mothers and children in ta- ! neighborhood have been . ouostionod uu effort to Ira.o tin- owner of a .22 ioaliber 'weapon: The pupil of St. Cooilia's school nearby also have been ! asked to help I1"' detectives but none could recall 0 child having one. , NEW BERN HOST TO SUDAN TEMPLE SHRINERS , NF.W 15KRN. IVc. 2s. - New 'Horn, was host .today to memlH-rs of j the 'Ancient and Arabic frrder of t Xobles of the Mystic Shrine here for the mid winter ceremonial or Mnlan I rw . 1 "" ' " The. seioti included II Imsiness moot- -iiig tlii- morning followed by a parade liu all the gaudy uuiforms of the order, : an oyster roast, the ceremonial session 1 during tho afternoon and a grand ball tonight . . 7 t XumU-rs of c.-iiididatos for initiation 'at the ceremonial session this afternoon "Were attending the gathering along with hosts of Shriner" from throughout -the eastern part of the state and many .from nt her section-,. COTTON MARKET I Receipts.-: . . . .5 ,264 Bales Cect av a atv Columbus Police Unearth Plot To Blow Up Homes Of Five Gity Commissioners Factory, Etc Police Say There Are Twelve Was Hatched In Cemetery Some Members Of Police uang Have All I heir Names. COLl'MLCS. GA . , Dee. 2S. -- The Museogce county grand jury will con vene here today in extraordinary ses sion to investigate the alleged bomb plot unearthed here yesterday which caused the polteo to place guards around the homes of the five city commissioners, an apartment Lous, and a large factory. The police reported early today that there was no visible movu made on the part of the alleged plotters last night. The police continued their activity early today to obtain evidence to round up suspects and it is said they wt-rc ready to prestuit to the grand jurors full details of the hocalled plot which they claimed had been formulated to bring about wholesale destruction in this city. Marshall Morton, a city commission er, iu a statement mado public last uight, claimed that the alleged plotters had planned their tirst attack early this morning. He Naid that lie bawd his statement on what had taken place at a meeting of the alleged plotters held Tuesday night in a local cemetery. In his statement he intimated that the authorities have the names of every man who attended the meeting, al though it was supposed to have been veiled in the deepest secercy. Auother meeting had been planned for yester day, but the activity of tho police'is be licvcd to have called off this session. The police sny there arc 12 men in volved in the alleged plot, which in cludes members of the Columbus police department, malcontents, criminals and one or two persons from the Alabama cities located ncros the river from here. , At a meeting of citizens willed yes terday afternoon it was stated by the authorities that they had information to the effect that the plot w:rs for the party to divide, each group going in automobiles carrying a juantity of T. X. T. aud at the appointed moment to use tho explosive on tho property mark CHARLOTTE FIRMS VIOLATED STATE CHILD LABOR LAW CHARLOTTK Doc. 2. Warrants charging violation of the state child labor law have boon sworn out by M. M. Grey, county superintendent of public welfare, against the local repre sentatives of the I'ostal Telegraph and (..'able company, ti. li. Kress company and Hoik Hrothers, a department store, it was learned here today when K. A. Fischrupp. manager of the loeal Kress store, was brought into court for hear ing. ; ' Mr. Fischrupp admitted having cm ployed two girls during the rush of the holiday trade without teeing to it is re uired by law that they had iige certi ficates. J. Laurence Jones,-counsel for the welfare superintendent, stated that jMr. 1-ischrupp had co-operated previ ously with the superintendent and that in this instance action against him j' would not be prossed. ; Filial judgment in the case of the rvress manager weui oer uiuii M'luc- metit of the other cane. The Uelk brothers case was set for Friday, De- ! comber 2i, and that of the Postal for j January s. Many violations of the child labor (law in Charlotte have caused renewed activity on the part of .Superintendent Grey, it was stated. REPUBLICANS ARE SILENT OVER WILSON RESOLUTION WASHINGTON, Dec. 28. Without debate and with a chorus of ayes from democratic senators and silence from most of the repub lican side, the Senate today adopted a resolution offered by Senator Harris, democrat, Georgia, expres sing "the pleasure and joy of the Senate" upon the recovery toward health of former President Wilson. Eddings Was Not Bessemer City; 'Searching Party Failed To Find Body Of Man Reported Burn j ed Mrs. Hough Was Not As Seriously Injured As At j First Reported All Household Goods Burned. l;KSiEMFK CITY, Dec. 27 A search.- i"g party, with Chief of J'olice J'ortor jXvne leading, passed 1 no most 01 i. wi ,Wr , Mr, UtusU wht, Wis at fir, . morning going' through the ruins of .tho j thought to lw fatally hnrt, is doing terj fire and the only bodies found were tlow (well, and it will not be mvessary to re 1 . 1 1,1 ... 'of Mr. J. D. Nought, aged 2. year.!"""' o.t i a .op..a.. ,.., hit -u- iarnl bis step son. Clarence Ha er. uged 1 , . T, ,. ..,.,.,.i I others were burned too. but this' is ,t Jcomvi. One man. E. .T. Eddings. can inot bo accounted for. but Mr. l'ayne sav-s he is immRivo there are no other : bodies in the ruin. The boarding houso Lviit l.v Vr. CiolerwiMwl who wo; ! the first, he "knew of the' Tiro was coming Suit of the dining rdoin. It was rcort0'i 'that there, wore Movenil children in the 11. ,..!.( it,- l.nt tliis. iu. ; iocorrocl. The family was employed at the O-age ! mill, and had 011K l.cert bore aUuit two 'weeks. Thev are' natives of A!alnu ' His mother is reported to Ih isiting . Ci -Salisbury, but iu response to a mesjt;c Men Involved In Plot Which Malcontents, Criminals. And Department Are Members ' Of jed for destruction so that all the ex .plosions will occur simultaneously. ; , j The places to be destroyed, aecotj iing to the police were the following: ''. j itesideiien of J . Homer Dimon, eily ! commissioner and mayor. I Residence of Miss Anna Griffin, cily j commissioner. ,. . ! Residence of Marshall Morlou, city j commissioner. Residence of R. K. Diemuke, city commissioner. '.',:'. : 1'iant of the -National Show Cae ICompnny, of which Mayor Dimon ' U (president. '.'., j Dimon Court apartment, owned in jpart by Mayor Iimon. j Itosolutions were adopted at the citi Jen's meeting to back tho eity co ; miioner.s to the limit iu any irtep tbf lituld take to onforco the law, pre, jKorve order and protect life and propr 'ty. Citizens offered their services 1 any extent needed in ridding Columburf of "this band of outlaws." : ' ",v Tho disclosure of tho alleged plot'j regarded throughout tho city as having probably cheeked a scrionn outbreak". Much alarm is being felt because of the i recent disorders of this nature iu Cd jluiubus. Some time ago three meu w Isaulted II. Gordon Hinkle, then actiajr jcit.v manager. . ' ! n the night of May 21. last, th I homo of Mayor Dimon wan dynamited, the front of the house beinjr wreckod 'by the explosion of a bomb.. Two tae'm I wen; eharged with the outrage." On of them was acquitted and tho other ' en ye was olio prossed. . j The attack 011 the acting. city man ager, the bombing of the mayor's home. I and other outraged occurred within 11 inhoft tiine uf tor. tho inauguration of I commission form of government here. ! They were regarded as a protest of tin: lawless element against this form !of municipal government and i... .. i .rf ..... . . jioo poiii- 01. iaw enrorcement luaugu- ra'od . HI6H SCHOOL GRADUATING CLASS TO BE TRINITY GUESTS Annual Banquet Of Gaston County Alumni Association To Be Held At Country Club Saturday Night Each Member To Bring Hi Father. Plans are being perfected for the ai inual bampiet of tho Gaston Count ; Alumni Association of Triuity College U be held Saturday night at 7:30 o'clock I at t he Country Club. The program eom 'mHtee, of which W. ti, Gaston is chai. 111 in, has about completed tho program 'and it will lie published tomorrow. . All of the boys and girls comprising tl.e gntduatiug idosn of the city fcin'i school invited to attend the banquet tit jgnoHtn of tlic asociation. Kach one is re : quested to notify noinu member of thrf , ei tortaiiuneiit conimitteo to!ay or tow. ! morrow that he or she will be prescn;. I The committee is composed of CharlvH 'Jordan, Cecil Corn well and John Ruf ;h:;m. All of these may bo reuchod by 1 phone. Luch meinber of the association in ex pected to bring as his guest bin father. i Indications are that there will be a larger attendance thau usual nt till year's - banquet and that it will lie aa ' u aiaHy interesting occasion. THE WEATHER North Carolina, South Carolina, fair tonight and Friday; colder tonight, i Virginia, mostly cloudy and colder te night; Friday fair.. Burned In Fire At Mrs. Hough Unhurt isent, she could not W found there, and .1 ... 1. ir....,. I ""' 1 " ;"" '"'lu son and husband, she aare orde of ktr r o Go ir buried iu th cemetery l"'n'- 1 ! All of the hous, hold and kitchen effect ibolonging to the I ndorwoods, ptoprte- tor of tfio boarding house, were cntire'y destroyi-il. the only things saved lieing th ' week 's lauioliy that wa nwav fit th 1 washerwoman s lmimo. It rop.rfcd en 'good 'authority that there were nppro: lnatelv bales of -ott..i to the Wuro I hous.-. Th.- people hero are vrtv ' J ;Hi red up -vor tho Hg-t fro in tic , history, and an' fullv BW.ire tlttt V..- place should h ue an u'-.o Jjf fin jeqi ii'incut, - - - .