THE GAZETTE. Established in lfso. PUBLISH KD EVEItV Fill DAY JIOKMSli A" GASTDXIA.S.l". EiMToit ami PHtipiuinvu. .). i:. p w;f. TERMS TO SUIttCIUIiEKS: ONE OOPV FOUOXB YE Alt $1 ..'..' ONE COPY FOK SIX MONTHS '.. . ONE COPY FOU FOUR MONTHS CO SUBSCRIPTIONS ARE PAVAlil.E INVAltl ABLY IN ADVANCE. MISSING NUMBERS.. SL'HSCIIIBEIW CONFER GKKAT FAVOR BY NOTIFYINd US WHEN THEY DO NOT RECEIVE " THE OAZF,TTR," SO WE CAN MAIL THE MISSING N I'M IJKUS WITH OUT FCRTHER DEIiAY. COMMUNICATIONS. SHORT COMMUNICATIONS, (il VINO THE IiO(VL NEW FROM DIFFERENT PATS OF THE COUNTY, SOLICITED. . LONG AR TICLES AND SUCH AS ARE NOT OF GEN ERAL INTElt EST WILL NOT RE ACCEPTED, AND REJECTED MANUSCRIPT WILL o:JLY BE RUTURNED WHEN SUFFICIENT POST AGS ACCOMPANIES IT. ALL COMMUNI CATIONS MUST BE W BITTEN UPON ONE .SIDE OF THE PAPER ONLY, MUST RE AC COMPANIED BY THE NAME OF THE WRI TER, AND ADDRESSED TO THE EDITOR OF THE GAZETTE," TO INSURE PROMPT ATTENTION. TO ADVERTISERS. ADVERTISERS WILL PLEASE HEAR IN MIND THAT COPY FOR A LL CH ANGES DE SI RED M LIST BB HANDED IN BY TUES DAY. J. E. PAGE, PUBLISH Vlt, - - GASTOXIA,N. C. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 51, 1SS7. IN THE STATE. Saturday, October 2'.), is selected for the Confederate Reunion in Lenoir. A squash weighing 14: pounds was raised by Mr. Henry Greene, of Hay wood county. The Citizen, calls it "Jumbo." Ln Haywood county last Friday a young white boy, aged 11, named Posey Briggs, committed suicide by hanging himself to a tree. Nelson Dickson, of Silver Creek, Burke county, was drinking, last Monday week, and carelessly hand ling a pistol when it exploded, the ball entering his heart. There is a family of womeu in Dur - Jutm, the youngest of whom is over six feet high. They can easiy shoulder a - Rar-k nf salt. The Recorder savs that they are prepared to assume the pro gressive atter matrimony. The Murfreesboro, N. C, Index wants a copy of every daily, weekly and 'monthly nevspaier published in "North Carolina for exhibition at the Murfreesboro Tair. Ncw& and Obser ' ver. " . The Elizabeth City Fair began Satur day, and ended Thursday. There is a gratifying revival of interest in all the fairs this year. Good crops and a bet ter feeling among the farmers are tne causes. The offer of over fifteen hundred dollafs in premiums by the managers of our Fair is telling. Applications are pouring in from different parts of the State, and the Fair will be a grand success. Hickory Carolinian. t Two young men, Icard Helton, were looking at their pistols last Sunday at Rock Creek camp-ground in Alexander - county, when Icard 's pistol discharged its contents entering Helton, from which he died Tuesday night. News was received at Raleigh of the escape of all the prisoners from tut-jail at Stonc-Wftll, Pamlico county. They set upon Jailer Natlian Hooker, njght before last as he gave them sup- tipr ktinekeil him ilauu :ind fled. Preparation - are complete , for the Jioldmg 01 me btme l- aimers- insu--Tute at Raleigh. It will be held in that port of the main exposition build ing which the State proposes . to . give the farmers o the State as a perma-J neiit piaue lor uviuiug suuu ihsuuli The Durham manufacturers bitterly antagonize the reieal of the tax on ' manufactured tobacco. They say it vill destroy absolutely the value of tlioir trade-marks ami distinctive pack apes, as in case of a repeal the tobacco could be p icked and repacked in old boxes, and thus the commonest kinds poujd mUsquenule as the choicest. ' Mr. .17 1). SoHKoins of Cedar Creek. " rn'tnt;it a H"A vino to town last week that waa a curiosity. J. lie vine, Ktriiiil.of leityes aTidpe.i pods, weigli til tweve pounds, and- its growth was m'aryvllpiia, extending in one or two dimtions, fully fifty feet. Mr. Ses ppms by actiiar calculation, 'made out the yiekl of, this one vine to lie ;4,XiO . slielltd peas. FuyeUcville Otumriye". j A meet itisjr of tlie' N. C. Board- - of . Pharmacy wilbo ln-ld ip ifie etty of Raleigh -on Wednesday .of fair week, October l'.ltli for the purpose of exami ning such canditates for licence to practice pharmacy as may appear be fore it'. Any father "information, will Will be cheerfully furnished by tlieSeo retaryof the Board,-William Simpson, Raleigh, N. C. A clue lias been discovered to the identitv of the assasshtwho crept up to . thetabin of Hobcit I'.idget, in Wiyne ! coMaty, and sjhot liiiu dead a;; he sat in front of his (in1. The.criiue was coiu mi! ting about 8 o ' clock last . Friday evening. Daniel T,iinior, a -seventeen j year old negro boy is in jail charged Willi the crime. Jii'huiond Disoatc't. New pas.S'.-hgi'r depots an to Iw built at once by the Richmond, and Danville railway at Chai lotto, Raleigh and Hen derson. Work will begin by the end of this month. Laud at Henderson for this purpose has been purchased, and the depot will lie ready for busi ness with Richmond and other points as soon as the Oxford and Clarksville road is completed, which will be in nex t December. llieh-mond Hi.atrk' John Eaker, who was put in jail week before last for an assault upon Mr. Dave Fronebergor at Stroup's sale, was yesterday hired out to Mr. John Beam, of Beaver Dam, to work out his costs, and was accordingly re leased from jail and turned over to Mr. Beam's custody. The, costs amount to about $20. Gaston Gar rent. There will be a reunion of ex-Confederates at Lenoir on the Uth, which will attract a great number of people. Among the prominent officers who will be present and participate ac tively are General Matt. W. Ransom, General Col let t Leventhorpc, General Rufus Barringer, Colonel Zebulon 15. Vance, Colonel William II. II. Cowles, Colonel C. A. Cilley (United States army), Major A. C. Avery. 'lialc'ujh Lett a: : ..',.'. Not much credence is given at Ral eigh the story from Ashevile intima ting that, Walter Bingham had been seen in Yancey county. The general belief now is that the notorious mur derer committed suicide. So sensa tional was the crime and all its atten dant circumstances that anything strange in connection with it would hardly be unexpected. - A gentleman from Johnston county who was in the city yesterday, report ed that hogs were being destroyed by hundreds and even thousands in John ston by the cho lera. The epedemic is spreading. and it seems to b'3 impossi to check it. Many farmers have lost their entire herds of swine, and all in the epedeniic section are sustaining heavy, losses. The meat supply of many has been totally cut off. 'News (Old, Observer. . Jefferson, Ashe county, had a sensa tion the other day. In the course of a trial before a United Stales commis sioner at thai place' there were sharp words between George AV. Bower and John Bryan, attorneys. A few hours later, as the latter was seated iif the hotel porch, -Rower' approached, and when near drew a revolver and fired at Bryan, the bullet passing among a party of men standing by. The angry attorney was at once arrested. Itich- mond Dispatcli. . . The first clay of November will be a grand day for Taylorsvill The "june- bug " road' has been completed and on that day the" completion of it will' be celebrated by the biggest dinner ever given in tv.t town. The soldiers will have a grand reunion on onthat day. A number of editors have been invited to be present. Honor is due to R. Z. Linney for the faithful manuer in which he worked to secure the road for Taylorsville. Newton Enterprise. We learn from the Wilmington Sta r that a man named John Southerland was given a divorce at New Hanover court last week. The girl's father named Turley, accompanied by several others, waylaid SouHierland and drew pistols on him, uud threatened to kill him unless he would marry Turley's daughter. He .married her under this compulsion. The groom remained with the bride a shorte while, depar ted, and has not since returned. These facts established, the divorce was granted. Deputy-Sheriff Creekmer returned to th-; penitentiary at Raleigh a man named Henry W. Purnell, who escaped in 1S83. The latter went to Deep Creek, Va., and was in Mr. Creek- luur's employment. This spring he waselected a constable of Deep Creek township. He got into bad odor, his life was inquired into, and it was found that he was a convict with a three-years' term to serve for larceny. Purnell made a desperate effort to es cape while being taken to Raleigh on the train. , The N. C. University, derirous of helping the Teachers of the State, has issued a circular offering a special teachers' course of three months, pro- iiled at least fifteen teachers wrll agree to attend. A special abridged course wilLbe given in any one of a number of given braiu-hes'if applied for, five or rnro of thoso taking the course. Tuition will be free. If the sesion is held it will begin "cither Nov. loth 1SR7, or Fefj. 14th, .188. Teach ers would do well to write to Presi; lent Battle for particulars. ' . Governor Scales offers -:J00 reward for the capture and delivery of Samuel Underwood, who -fatally stabbed Lu ther Hicks, col., at Jonesboro, Moore county, the tenth of last September. In "that vicinity there was a habit among a certain class of people of ex-' pressing their superiority in physical .strength or ability to "clean out '! a crowd in a free fight by paying " I'm an Eli!'. On the day of ffie murder Underwood, who is a white ni ui, step ped out of a ntore, proclaimed to ajl THE G ASTOXI h.vst.-mdeis that be was au "Eli.'" Jiicks, echood his words and said ho was an "Eli," too. This led to sonic words between the two parties -'which resulted in Underwood's rushing on to Hicks and plunging a knife in his breast which killed a. C!iarUUe Democrat. Sunday afternoon while religious ex ercises were in progress at a church or school house for the colored race near the residence of Mr. Xoah Stewart, in Shilon township,- several of the negroes went into Mr. Stewart's yard for water and begun acting in a boisterous and disorderly 'manner, for which" he ordered them off the premises. Later in the after-1 noon lie went into his corntlield near the house to feed his stock, .when eight or nine of the negroes from the church or schoolhouse followed him, set on him and beat him cut him terribly. He has many gashes and all over his person, and one serious gash iu his back, though his injuries are not regarded as necessarily danger ous. btalesviUc -Lunamarh;. Mention has been made of the fact that negroes were intimidating labor ers of their race in certain counties in the eastern part of the State and threatening, them with death if they persisted in picking cotton at forty cents per hundred pounds. Matters have been thus conducted in a high handed way in several counties; but it appears that the hand of law is about to put a stop to the trouble. At the Pitt county Superior Court this week six negroes were indicated for this offence. They went to laboreres in the field and told them they were delega ted by a mass-meeting to say if they picked cotton at less than fifty cents they will make up the next morning in hell. The men were frightened and stopped work. Marecllus Strokes prosecuted. The jury convicted them all. E.w,havjc. Mr. John T. Patrick, Commissioner of Immigration, says he cannot give the actual number of immigrants to this State, but that in the past five years thoir number must run up into the thousands. They are'in all parts of the State. New York and Pennsyl vania furnish by far the greatest num ber. There are some foreigners, main ly English. In the past two or three years peuple with more or less capital have come, as a rule. These settle down and are quickly amalgamated swallowed up by the native popula tion. There are only two or three distinct colonies of foreigners or peo ple from other States. A hundred mines are operated by outsiders and with outside capital. Northern men are in every town aud city in the State, prominent in business, earnest in work for the upbuilding of North Carolina. This quick absorption of a foreign or outside element is a pleas .ant feature. No Southern Stat;e is ihore progressive than this, and people from the North like the snap and push. No State lias a brigltter future. There is no boom, but steady, earnest work. Eastern North Carolina has not here tofore been developed as rapidly as the western part of the -State, yet consid erable money has been put in there. Some towns in the west, such as High lands and Trj'on City, have been built up by outsiders. Outside capital is now taking hold of .the valuable building-stores of this State. Mr. Patrick says the efforts to show the exceeding heulthfulness of the State and its value PS asanitalium have in the past two years produced the best results. Many invalids have spent the winters here and been greatly benefited All Euiue RuiM into a IVasroU uiid . t . Team. . Newton Euterurisc, tith. , : Last Thursday evening about, six o ' clock Mr. Gearge Sigman left town with a wagon load of fifteen bags of fertilizer, lie arrived at the crossing just, beyond the old Plonk tanyard place, when some i art of the harness broke, stopping the wagon across the railroad track. Before the break was mended Mr. Sigmon discovered a short distance above, coining around a curve at an unusual speed, an engine and tender. Despairing of saving his wag on he unhitched one horse and one trace of the other whed he had to jump out of the way to save himself. The engineer reversed his engine but it was too late. There was a crash and the work was done. The air was filled with a dense cloud of fertilizer. For some distance the tract was covered with it,is five bags were successfully distributed. The horse was knocked down and a large piece of meat was torn from its thigh. The horse is in jured so that it will hardly be worth keeping. We have never see" a wag on so completely torn to pieces as was that one. Pieces wore ' scattered on both sides of the road for thirty or for ty yards. The injured horse was a good one the best t hat Mr. Simmon owued and the wagon was a comparatively new Tennessee wagon. The crossing was a very bad one, being a heavy grade up to the track from the side and a hole worn out just at. the side of the track. Mr Sigmon claims that the whistler? did not blow nor the M ring for the crossing, as is required. The engine was injured to some ex tent, having the pilot torn off. A law-suit will probably grow out of the unfortnate ocurrence. Congresman Rowland, of the. Sixth district, is again very ill at home, at Lumberton. His friends are greatly concerned about his condition. A GAZETTE: OCTOIJEU Li. 1SS7. i B X K.IMVIS eiTV. "rt-Milt til ('-1 1 l:tiai 'B':ik-s l'nrf. in I.jij iiiU tlio t'orm rMoiic ok' V. V. -. iiiti Ifltiia-. Kansas City, Mo., Oct. 13. After they had been driven out. this morn ing, and when the Young Men's Chrisiion Association building Was reached the members of the Presiden tial party alighted, it having been ai ranged that the executive should take part in laying the corner stone of this new edifiice. The ceremonies were simple but impressive. , Upon being 1 introduced to the multitude present, Air. Cleveland- addresses his fellow citizens as follows: "In the busy ac tivities of our daily life we are apt to neglect instrumentalities which are quietly, but effectually doing important work in moulding our national charac ter. Among these,aud challenge but lit tle notice compared with their results, are the Young Men's Christian Asso ciations 1 scattered throughout our country.; All will admit the supreme importance of that honesty and fixed principle upon which rests Christian motives and pjLrrnoses, and all will acknowledge 'the sad and increasing temptations which beset our young men and lead them to their destruc tion. To save these young men often times deprived of the restraints of home, from degradation and ruin, and fit them for usefulness and honor, these associations have entered the field of f Christian effort, and are pushing their noble work. When it is considered that Jlie subjects of their efforts are to be the active men for good or evil to the coming generation,world ly prudence dictates that these associa tions should be aided and encour aged. Their increase and nourish ing condition reflects the highest honor upon the good" men who have devoted themselves to this work, and demonstrate that American peo ple are not entirely lacking appre siation of its value. Twenty years ago but one of these associations owned a building and that was val at only 11,000. To-day more tha n than one hundred such buildings valued at: 500,000, beautifies the dif i'eaent cities of our land aud beckon our young men to lives of usefulness. I am especially pleased to be able to particulate to-day in laying the corner stone of another of these edifices in this active and growing city, and I trust that the encouragement given the Y. M. C. A., located here, may be commensurate with its assured use fulneshess and in keeping with the generosity and intelligence which charasterizes Hie people ofKansas city" ' -' ' Itailroml Acritlcnt. Ashevillk, N.C., "Oct. 17. There was a railroad disaster near Mar shall last nigfrt.--The- freight train collided with the passenger train for Spartanburg. Conducter A, M. Kirkland was injured. Edward Har din, . of Morganton, fireman on the freight engine, had his leg crushed and amputation will be necces sary. Some others were slightly in jured and considerable damage was done. The freight train was out of time. j Four Cases Discovered. New York, Oct'. 18. Four cases of cholera were discovered among the passengers of the steamship, Brit tania to-day. It . is believed that all of her passengers will be kept at Swinburne Island. The Speed of Heat and Cold. 'd It has been asked which travels fas ter heat ;or cold; and answer heat. Because any one can catch a cold. It therefore follows that every one should keep Taylor's Cherokee Remedy -y of Sweet Gum and Mullien, which will cure coughs, colds and consumption. Tennessee has an area of 5,100 square miles of coal, which covers twenty two ' counties. During the past six years the out-put of coa 1 in the State has grown from 494,000 tons to 1,700, 000 tons, an increase of 400 per cent. IE W I am Now Receiving My Fall and Winter Goods, ' ! Which will he found to embrace everything usual ly 7;e)t in, a, well-selected .stock of i General Merchandise. j My Slock of I ID IE?, ESS GOODIS , Shoes, Hats, Clothing and! ; - Orents Furnishing Goods Will! be Found Very Full Complete ! I Tlie Pnhlie ar esxaniiiie! A101STV liVAXS WILSOA'S NEW BOOK! : '. ! Tt has been t wolvo years since this popular Auriiores? has written a book. SFr. Dillingham takes pleasure In atmminchiK thnt her new book the best of ull lior Works a large vol ume of over fiOO pajfes, beautifully bound, en tle.l . . : I ' - j .- I "At the Mercy of Tj bonus " IS NOW NKAIUr RUADV, Price $'2. j iiuny admirers of this jriftod writer hail with delig-ht this New VofiUMfi. The i will fWWV COPIES HAVEBKEN OUjUUU HER KA KL.IE SOIiD OF Ell MAGAIFICEAT AOYELS. JiEULAII, t MAO Alii A, 1.7o, j -. INEZ. S1.7o, 1 ST. ELMO, S2.00, VASUTl, $2.00. IN FELICE, $2.00. Good Iieliable Afjents Wanted : ' ".'. - - . : ' i " For this u-vr book, AT THE MEUCY OF TEBEUIfP," on which i.lHBRAi, tbiims , will be given. Soli? every where, ami sent by mail, free, on receipt of juice, by postage- W. DILLINGHAM,' Publisher, successor to u. H.t'aiieton Jc vo. 5 West 23d Ht reel, New York. Harness, Saddles; Bridles etc., j- Desires to a jgenemus public for the very. liberal p.-itrormsre hej has received duriiur Mie .lull season, and to inform them that lie is always prepared to furnish ffood, jiass stock, ' 1 1 j ' ' t first Fully Guaranteed and ':':W arran- V;-.;ted Home-mad e Shoes f 6 v ladies and jentle 111 en, in any Quality or Style, at J. W. Bean's. j Sole and j Upper Leather in BtockM Aud sold to the trade at Kemember Ilean's Motto is but How Good." ' wholesale prices; ' Not How Clieiip, J. W. BEAN, Gastonia, N C. GOOD LUCK ! In Purchases Made by Knowing' When and and Where to Trado. LISTEA ! i An over stock of Toilet soaps. Stationery, Brushes and many other Ieailinjr articles and Patent Medicines, prompts us to offer them at jrreatly reduced prices now, before receiving our brilliant and varied supply to meet the anticipated boom this Fail. ! All our poods at living prices, and shall please you. ! ' - j One trial convinces that. Adams's Cough Mixture, Hair Restorer, Chill Pills, Bitters, Es- tracts, ajid Perfumery are more reliable than regular patent curealls. ' f 1 A0W is the time to sow clover and grass, . -Call for new process Bug-gy Paint, Harness Gloss and all paints and oils at low prices, , We mean business all round. ' 32. JZ. Adatns. W. M. WHITE, GASTONIA, N. C, Proprietor of .- i GASTONIA GRANITE Q UAllll Y. Gravestones Granite or Marble Supplied at Short " JS'otice. : . and invited to all and '' f - I " MANUFACTURER OF I '" ""' ' - ' ; .1 - : ' . ''-.'' '-' . - - ''.': -; ' '- '- -:.'-'. ;: ' I -' ' ' 1 '- ; RtNspeet fully, i . Muum &CD. Take Pleasure in Saying to their many ; Friends and Patrons in this and ad joining counties that their FALL PURCHASES are now arriving and most of tliein ready for inspection. i Our Stock, in all its Depart ments, Will be Ijie largest ever purchased by us and the selections the most elegant. Special attention has been given to the selec tion of Dress Goods, JVotious Sf Ladies7 Underwear by Our Mr. Williamson, who gives this Depart ment his special attention, and is always ready and takes great pleasure in showing his goods whether you want to buy or not. Our Clot ting Depart ment -AM' '' is-full and complete, and we venture the asser tion that we have t he largest and best selected stock in the county, and can, therefore, lely competition. A 11 we ask of our friends is to call and examine for themselves before pur chasing as we are confident they will go away pleased and with a suit of clothes. The world can not eclipse the Cincinnati clothing in elegance ami fit"- We have a larger line of BOYS' & YOUTHS' CLOTHTXG than is usually kept in a small town. Our Shoe Department, presided over by Mr. T. C. Pegram, is complete in all its branches,, and has been bought wit h great care and will be sold at Low Prices. Kemember, when you buy a bargain you can sell a bargain." Uhder the supervision of our Mr. Costner, our ; - Hardivare Department has been greatly enlarged, and parties who lire building would do. well to consult him bo fore buying, as you all know ho will sell or meet any competition. The - Grocery Department, also under his Epecial care, is always filled with the best goods that can be found in the mar kets, and will lie sold as low as the lowest. When you want to sell - A Bale of Cotton or Buy a Piedn tout Wag on, the Best on the Market, Bagging and Ties, Old or New, ; I You will always find J. H. Crnig ready to wait on you: and to pay the highest price the fleecy staple will bring. Respectfully, etc., J. D. Moore & Co. P. p.' Wo wish to say to our friends, who have been bridged over this haid and. trying yearbj us, thate will expect prompt settle ment of accounts when due, so- that we in turn can pay all claims against us promptly. --:'--..--:-,':-'' t .A; , . . K the ;i::'.-. ;.;..-;;;,;:. --'POT til NrUU - -- m P m- MIJ - - W tie : ;ar !M;'S " ; .''-'' .it Again the smiles of Spring are nponns and the bright and varying tints, shades and colors, that Spring 'Goods always bring, can. now be seen displayed with exquisite taste at tho" i . ; : . , . Great Stores of McAden & Young, McAdensville, N. C. Now Silks, Now Dress Goods, New Frints, New Lawns, New Oinghams, New Plaids, New Mil linery, New Clothing, New Hats, NewTies, Scarfs and Ilirws, New Collars and Cuffs, New Shirts, New ISoots, New Shoes, New Low-quarter Shoes, New Hosiery, New (iloves every thing '".. New and Fashionable at Lowest Possible Prices ! ':" ' ' ' ; '. I ..-..' -.: ' ' ' ' . " - 1 Case Dress Goods, 2c vd.; I Case Exquisite Fancy Dress Goods 10c, worth 15c; 1 Case Brocoli Dresri Gods, Sc, worth 12Mc; 10 Cases Prints, Standard, 3?4'c yd.; 1 Cose .Ginghams, very stylish and verv cheap; 1 Case Lawns, only loo, worth Ho yd. these goods sre full yard- 10(1 Dozen Towels at SI doz.; Quilts and Counterpanes in great variety; at 25c yd., positively worth 50c yd.; Kentucky Jeans I'roin loc to 60e yd. CLOTHING ! , - .- ' - '.' - ". . For Men and Roys; we offer at just fifty cents on stocks for casli, and are now prepared to half-price. We have the Largest, Finest and Best Stack of Shoes that can be shown Dy any House in makes aud buy direct from the manufacturers for cash only. Hei can sell vou a $2 50 Women's Morocco Shoe for $1; we can self Calf Shoe, worth $3.75, for gl.50. No such value ever seen on cart i ri, Wmru.u's Shoes for the small sum of SI 50 fur ilSc. We can give the farmers of our section a hand-made Shoe for $1.49, that we guarantee worth S2 every time, or we will refund the money. Children's Shoes from 25c per pair upwards; Boys' Shoes from 50c upwards; . -5 .. SPECIAL SALE CLOTHING ! .',-' ':-' - .-;.' '... . ' ' I - - ' - ' r .. - ': : ' ' ! - . ;'..: We iKMedit about Senses of clothing suits, coots ami vests and odd pants suits we will sell like this: itl Suits lor $10: SIS Suits Tor JH; $lu Suits for $S; $14 Suits for $7; $W Suits for $0; $10 Suits lor $5. Odd pants, all sizes. SJ rants for $1; Hoys' pants from 50c. ; . ,t. . , : . . . : ' . .. " We a luv a ck 1 1 owl ed j'el 1 1 ic cl ica pes t g xoccry lionse In Anioriea ! ' : f : : ; . ; Flour at carload rates; Bacon at arload rates: Sugar id. Refinery Prices; Coffee at Importers, Prices- Corn tet white ern 7c cilsIi; Oatmeal and t'OTumeiil alwavs fresh from the imlKl ("ju-loads Flour 10iMarrels Family, Shiu rel; l:i5 Barrels Extra, Family, $4.75 barrel; M Hnrrels Sillier Family. S-r; Ui Harrels Superlat iv-; 1H 11? of White Sugar for $1; 6 Vs best Kio Coffee. $1; Hams, 'foiigucs, eti. the largest and choicest stock of Fancy Groceries to bo found in the Caroart"-"' . ' t . Drugs, MedieineS. , , , , '. If yon have Butter, Kgpw any kiu.l of produce, t.nng it Ii-re, where you can obtain the high' est markv-tpriee aittH tunes. f FAITHfULL. FOE THE PEOPLE,1 : ' ' : t ' ' " - Ltak'i"s ami' (Controllers of Low. Prices,. 3IeAlensvilIe, N. C. ; J.Q.HDLLAWD K ull J Successors to - Holland, Wilsonfe Co.andR.C. u. Love & Co., J Are now rcndi: t.r ehnwr f nnalAmaM flirt urges and most complete stocic 'of goods it bus ever been our pleasure to handle. The Best Selection j of Dress Goods ! & Notions We have ever had is now in our shelves. An appreciative line of Ladies and Gents' "77i n f.m TTn r qt. wear ! And a prices that will certainly move tnem! . If you wish to see the , Largest and Finest Selection of; Clothing Th-it has eyer been brought to this town, stop ' into --'j i . ii il ri. i i j n. ri - 1 And we will accommodate you. The styles are elegant., fit is perfect, and prices will sell them. We are now receiving A Full Line of Shoes! - ' - The prettiest line of .Ladies' Fine Shoes wo have ever offered! ' We will constantly keep . - " A Good Assoitment of Coffee and Sugar Sf Other Groceries, at Lowest Market ' :'. Prices! In most of our depart ments we have (food, Solid Goods we will sell at low . ..' Prices. Ask to see ! . them. : '-.:-- - ' : fi?"Capt. It. C. O. Love will have his office In in our store and will be glad to see all his old customers who have COTTON. Grain, etc., to sell. " " V J. Q. Holland & Co. Men's Cassmieres I CLOTIIINjGr ! i - ' ' ' . --. -..'.' ;. the dollar! We have cleared up three different sell those in need of Clothing all they want at ' Boots and Shoe- Boots and Shoes, Boots, and tuo create. ve uanaie oniy me most, rename : scl you a Women's Glave earth as these! We can sell : 50e uair. and give you a shoe that others sell at

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