i Sick Man's Wife Disregards the Druggist's Advice and So Saves the Life of Her Husband, -I am a wood carver by trade and it is fout of my line to write letters; but my wife thought it was no more than right ,tha.t I should let you know what your reniedy has done for me, and I think .so too. I live in East 15Tth street, west of Third ayenue, and have lived there for abojjt twenty-three years, where I own real estate. Up to the time I am about to mention I bad been a strong', well man. There was always more or less .malaria in the neighborhood, but I had .not personally suffered from it. It was in 1880 I had my first attack. It came on as such attacks commonly do, with headaches, loss of appetite and ambi tion, chilly sensations with slight fever afterwards, a disposition to yawn and stretch, and so forth. J. was employed at that time at Kilians & Brothers, furniture manufacturers, in West S2d street. I hoped the attack would wear 'off, but as it didn't I consulted a well known and able physician in Morris ftiiia, who gave me quinine and told me .what to do. I can sum up the first four nd a half or five j-cars of my experi ence in few words. Occasionally I was laid up for a day or two, but on the whole I stuck to my work. I kept .taking quinine, in larger doses from . year to year, and kept on getting weak er and worse, slowly but surely, all the time. My trouble was now well de . fined and its sj-mptoms were steady and regular. I had dumb ague in Jts worst . form, and it was grinding nje down in spite of all that I could Lo or the doc . tors coujd do. It held me in a grip like fire in a burning coed mine. The poison nad gone all through and over me and ; nothing was able tx touch it. I was fast losing flesh and strength, and about March, 1&4, I knockedoff work entire ly and went borne to be down sick, and ; to die for all I could tell. I ran down so rapidly that I soon became unable to walk any distance. Jj&ter 1 went from room to room in my own house only by friends holding me up by each arm. The doses of quinine were increased until 1 often look thirty grains at a dose. The effects of this tremendous stimulation was to make me nearly wild,' It broke . my sleep ail up. and I often walked the floor, or staggered about it, all night long, scarcely able to bear any noises .or even " human speech. My temper was extremely irritable. As to food, one of my little children would eat more in a meal than I could in a day. Z would order food and then turn from :t jn disgust. I lived on quinine and other stimulants and on myself, like a bear in winter. The quinine set my head in a whirl, and the liquor given as a medicine made my stomach so pick I could not tolerate it. From 175 pounds (my proper weight) I ran down to 97 pounds the weight of a light girl and was scarcely better than a skeleton. ' If anybody had taken a hatchet and knocked me down and killed me I should Juive been better off". ' During the latter part of this period, .early m 1886, my physician said; "Miller, there's no nxc in my taking any more money vim, I can't do you any good.- 2 m:g!it ;ur pounds of qui-v .nine down your (..rout and it wouldn't Ma you," On the strength of this I gave up the ..use of quiniuo ttlnr!!her, and made up my mind to do nothing more and take my chances. Three weeks afterwards about the last of May my wife saw an advertise ment of Kdskine in a New York paper. She told me of it I said: "Stuff and nonsense! it can't do me any good." But she went to a druggist's, neverthe less, to gpt it, The druggist advised per against Kaskine: lie said it was W thing but sugar; that she ought not to throw away her money on it, &c. fie said he didn't keep it, but could get jt if sbft insisted on having it. Turn ing away in djsjrust my wife spoke to .fiur neighbor, Mr. A. G. Hcgewald, who got her a bottle at a drug store in JSixth avenue. Almost against my will, and without the least faith, I began taking it. In one weak I wfts better, I began to sleep. I stopped ' seeing ghosts." I began to have an appetite and to gain strength. This was now the first of June, 1&86, and by the end of that 'month I was back at my bench at C. P. Smith's scroll sawing factory in 116th street, wheye I work now. Since then I have never lost a day from sickness. Taking Kaskine only, about forty pellets in four equal doses a day, I continued to gain. The ma laria appeared to be killed in my sys tem, and now I've got back my old .weight 175 poundsand my old strength to labor. J am an astonish-? roent to myself and to my friends, and if Kaskine did not do this I don't know what did. The only greater thing it could do would be to bring a dead man 'to life. Frepjsrick A. Miller, 630 East 157th Street, New York. P. S. For the absolute truth of the .above statement I refer to the following gentlemen, who are personally ac quainted witji the facts: Mr. Alex ander Weir, 626 156th St. ; Mr. George Seaman, 158th street and Courtlandt avenue; Mr. A. Moebiia, 154th street and CourtlandV ayenue; Mr. P, F, -Vaupol, 164,h street and Courtlandt avenue; Mr. John Lunny, 630 East '168th street; Mr. John Kenshaw, 124 125th street, and' many othergr I Will also reply to letters of inquiry. ' We submit that the above astonish lag pure, vouched for as i is by repu table nen, is deserving Qf a thorough and candid investigation by thinking 'people! And we further submit that when dpnggists turn away customers by falsifying the character of a remedy becausn they dp not happen to have it 011 hand, thy do a great wrong. If this afflicted man had not disregarded the druggist's advice and sent else where for the remedy he would without doubt have been in his grave. ' Other letters qf a similar character from prominent individuals, which stamp Kaskine as a remedy of un doubted merit, will bo sent on applica tion. Price, $1.00, or 6 bottles, $.".00. Sold by Druggists, vr sen' y mail on receipt of ju ice. ' The Kaskine Company, 54 Varren St., New York. ,..'. I.nti Trouble nitfl Wnwtiiasr Diseases can be.curod if pnierly treat d in time. As shown by the follow ing statement from F. L. Johnson, M. 1)., Green wood, La.: "1 had a se vere case of riieiimonia, both . Lungs involved; no apatite, sick stomach, general weakness and completely rx 1 austed. I gave her SritWs Emulsion of Cod Liver Oil with Hypohosphitcsof l-'me and soda, according to direction, and she has improved ever since." South Carolina.. The schools and colleges in South Carolina have all opened well, an ev idence of returning prosperity. Clin ton College (Presbyterian), established in 1880, has opened its seventh session, with nearly a hundred studcuts en rolled, which is the best opening it has yet had. Men of means could not do a better thing than to endow this College. The village of Clinton in which it is located is a healthy town, both physically and spiritually. The Columbia Theological Seminary, so long the "storm-centre" in South Carolina Presbyteiianism, lias opened with fourteen students, after a year or two of sleep. It is thought that twenty or more will be enrolled. The Laurens ville (Presbererian) Fe male College has changed presidents, Mr. W. II. McCaslan, now in the chair. It has opened well, and pros pects are bright for a better future. The action of the commission which unseated the old board of elders in the Spartanburg church, and elected an entirely new set, was sustained by En oree Presbytery. Two of the unseated elders appeal to Synod. The condi tion of the church is a little more hopeful than for some months past. The Thorn welh Orphanage, Clinton, S. C, a Presbyterian Orphanage, on the Cottage system, and without the binding in and binding out attachment of the ordinary orphan institution, is doing a great work for the best class of orphans. An education, sufficient to enable J-he girl to teach school, with a first-grade certificate under the State Boad of Education, is the re ward of the dutiful girls,and a scholar ship in Clinton College, of the studi ous boys. About fifty have received an education during the past year. Beginning with a half dollar, proper ty yalued at forty thousand dollars has been acquired. There is need of an endowment of fifty thousand dollars. As the orphans are from Massachusetts to Florida, and from Illinois to Car olina, whosoever has a heart to help, should do it. The annual report shows children from eleven different States and ten denominations. Aid was received last year from twenty seven different States arid ten territo ries. The children are equal in every respect but that of wealth, with the children of any of our more highly fa vored schools. When dismissed they are able to take care of themselves, having first-rate mental training, and along fwith it are fitted for the dis cbarge of all the domestic duties of the household, and some good money making trade. . Xlie Memory. There is no better way to strength en the memory than by the habit of speaking the exact truth. In some minds thei!fe is a strong tendency to exaggerate or diminish, to magnify or minify, Various motives operate to encourage this tendency. - Aside from its moral bearings, the habit of exag geration is injurious as affecting the memory. It is not enough that one is able to recall facts in a general way. Too much minuteness, indeed, may not be desirable. But whenever it is important that details should be given exactness is absolutely essen tial; not the least coloring of a fact is justifiable. You may draw upon your imagination to any reasonable extent to illustrate a principle or a sentiment for the cases are not supposed to have necessary existence save in the im agi nation ; and if the principle or senti ment is thus brought more distinctly to view, the precise object sought is gained, the principle and not the im aginary or illustrative facts being the central point of observation. But it is otherwise with the relation of events that have inspired or objects seen; the imagination has nothing to do with the relation and should be utter ly excluded, and the naked facts only presented. Ulve Them A Cltance! That is to say, your lunga. Also all your breathing machines. Very won derful machinery it is. Not only the larger air-passages, but the thousands of little tubes and cavities leading from them. When these are dogged and choked with matter which ought not to be there, your lungs cannot half do their work, And what they uo, they can not do well. Call it cold, cough, croup, pneumo nia, catarrh, consumption or any of the family of throat and nose and head and lung obstructions, all are bad. All ought to be got rid of. There is just one sure way to get rid of them. That is to take Boschee's German Syrup, which any druggist will sell you at 75 cents a bottle. Even if everything else ha3 failed you, you may depend upon this for certain, 'fact and Taleul. Talent is power, tact is skill. Tal ent is weight, tact is a momentum. Talent knows what to do, tact knows how to do it. Talent makes a man re- spectable,tact will make him respected. Talent is pleased that it ought to have succeeded, tact is delighted that it has succeeded. Talent toils tor a pros- ferity that will never repay it, tact throws away no pain but catches the passion of the passing hour. Talent builds for eternity, tact for a short lease, and gets crood interest. Paul Chatjiehl. I, idle Orphan. Mrs. Seago, one of the Trustees f the. New Orleans Orphan Home, gives J)r. Biggers' Huckleberry Cordial for the relief of all bowel troubles. She never suffers herself to he without it TliE GASTOX1A GAZKTTE: OCTOBKK 2Sj 1887. How to Cet llirli. j In answer to a request of the Boston j Herald to write some practical hints ' for young men on the acqurement of of wealth, Gen. Benj. F. Buttler re- j spond as follows : A difficult task is set me, as circum stances under which young men com mence life are so widely varied. But f think that more young men fail in the investment of what they earn or reefeve than in any other way to ac quire projerty. The temptations to speculation are so great, and the de sire to become suddenly rich so strong, that I believe eight out often, if not more, of young men are wrecked at the very beginning. If a young man is earning something more than the expense of his living, and has no object in view, be is likely either to increase those expenses care lessly or to loan his money to his friends, and in so doing in the majority of cases he will lose both friends and money. So that the best thing that he can do is to have an object, gather up his money, and to have a call for it which shall be a profitable one. He makes no investment because he says, " I have got so little money that it won't come to any thing, I will wait until I get more;" and in waiting, gen erally, what he has goes. When a young man has a very little money, let mm Duy some property. preferably a piece, however small, ac cording to his means, of improved real estate that is paying rent. He had better buy it when sold at auction, under a judicial sale, paying in cash what he can, giving his notes for the balance in small suras coming due at frequently recurring intervals, secured by a mortgage on the property, and then use all his extra income in pay- ng up those notes. It is always safe to discout your own note, and if the notes come a little too fast, as soon as he gets anything paid his friends will aid him when he is putting his money where it cannot be lost, and where the property is taking care of the interest and in a very short time he will find that ho has got a very considerable in vestment. He will become interested in it, save his money to meet his notes. and he will directly come into a con siderable posession of property, and hardly know how it came to him. That is, he will have had a motive for saving, and will get the result of that" saving, and will not be tempted to en ter into speculations. Nothing is so safe for an invetinent as improved real estate. Nothing is likely to grow 111 value faster. In the last 50 years 90 per cent of all the merchants and trad ers in Boston have failed. In the last 50 years 90 per cent of all the business corporations have failed or gone out of business, so that their stock has been wiped out. In the last 50 yeras all the improved real estate on the average has paid its interest and taxes and quadrupled in value. If a young man's father can give him any thing to start him into the world, he had better invest it in that way and let it accumulate and earn his living, and he will be richer than if he had gone into business. Jay Gould is said to have started from a mouse trap seller to become a millionaire. Assuming that to be true, he is only one of-60,000,000 of people! and if any young man thinks that he is going to imitate Jay Gould, they are 60,000, 000 chances to one that he won't suc ceed. The rule I would lay down for a young man is, never do a mean thing for money. Be prudent and saving of your money. Be careful to have no interest account running against you, unless you have an equal or greater in terest account running in your favor. Work diligently, and you are sure of a competency in your old age; and as early as possible, if you can, and a sav ing, prudent girl who has been brought up by a mother who knows how to take care of a house, and make a wife of her. She will aid, and not hinder you. I claim no originality in this advioe, and will relate you an itlcident in my own experience to illustrate it; In my earliest practice in my profession I was quite successful jn earning money, and J had a small balanoe in the Lowell Bank, at the head of which was Mr, James G. Carney. The bank was di rectly across the ball from my office. I stepped into the bank to deposit a little money on one occasion, and Mr. Carney said to me: " Why don't you invest your money?" "Invest," said I; " I have nothing to invest." 'Oh, yes, " he says; " you have quite a little sum of money, and I see that your young friends come with your checks occasionlly, evidently borrow ing it. Now you had better invest it." " How can I invest it ? " " Invest it in real estate." "I know nothing about real estate." " Go to the first auction and buy property. You can not be much cheated in that, because you will have to give very little more than somebody else will be willing to pay for it. Give your notes for it, save your money, collect your fees, pay your notes as they become due- bee that the property is improved property, sp that the rent will keep down your interest accouut,and when you get any other money, invest it in the same way, and if notes press upon you a little faster than you can pay them, why we will pay them, why we will, when we find that is what you are do- ingwith your money,discount your note and give you a little more t ime, so that you can pay it up. This will necessitate the prompt collection of your bills, for I know that you would rather work and earn a hundred dollars than dun a man for it, unless jou haue a pressing need for it. Xou have not even asked for a little bill that we owe you in the bank, which shows me that you do not promptly collect you dues." I follow ed the advice and bought a number of pieces of property in that manner, and I never did exactly know how they were paid for, but they were, and in a few years I owned some twenty differ- ' erent pieces of property in Lowell that came to me in that way. I can only say that I wish I had been" wise enough to have continued this course through life. I do not think that I need to extend these suggestions any further, becau se if a young man won't mind these, he won't any others, and I cannot' sug gest any better ones. I am, yours truly, Benjamin F. Butler. The Verdict Unanimous. W. IX Suit, Druggist, Bippus, Ind., testifies: "I can recommend Electric Bitters as the very best remedy. Ev ery bottle sold has given- relief in every case. One man took six bottles, and was cured of Rheumatism of 10 years' standing." Abraham Hare, druggist, Bellville, Ohio, affirms: "The best selling medicine 1 have ever handled in my 20 years' experience, is Electric Bitters." Thousands of others have added their testimony, so that the ver dict is unanimous that Electric Bitters do cure all diseases of the Liver, Kid neys or Blood. Only a half dollar a bottle at W. J. Torrence & Cb.'s drug store. : A Printer's Miff l.cg-acy. Chicago, 111., Oct. 20. The Her oM's Waco, Texas, special says: John E. Ilamelton, a printer of this city, has fallen heir to an estate, the amount of which is ov er 2,000,000 dollars. The money was left by an uncle who went to California in 1850. The other day' the lucky printer re ceived letters from W. Y. Bliss, pub lic i administrator of Butt county, California, requesting him to prove his identity and forward his papers, which he has done. Mr. Ilamelton leaves next week for California. He is a good fellow and a general favor ite with the fraternity here. ! ''....We tell yon Plainly that Simmons Liver Regulator will rid you of Dyspepsia, Headache. Consti pation, and Biliousness. : It will break up chills and fever and prevent their return, and is a complete antidote for all malarial, poison yet entirely free from quinine and calomel. Try it and you will be astonished at the good re sults of the genuine Simmons Liver Regulator, prepared by J. II. Zeiliu & Co. tlmnlatea the torpid liver, strength ens the digestive organs, regulates the bowels, and are unequaled as an ANTI-BILIOUS MEDICINE, In malarial districts their virtues are widely recognized, as they possess pec uliar properties in freeing thesystent from that noison. Elegantly sngav coated. Dose small. Price, 25cts. i Sold Everywhere. Office, 44: Murray St., New Yorla FOR' Buggies & Furniture! OUR STOCK IS NOW COMPLETE ! r WE HAVE A NICE LINE OF BUGGIES, And aiso as full a stock of Furniture as you will find in any first-class t Furniture-Store!!! Mattresses, Baby Carriages, Bed Springs. Nice Line of Pictures to adorn your hall or parlor. : AI.I. KJNJJS OF Repair Work ' i . BOTH IK ; WOOD or IRON! HORSESHOEING JIJ If you want your buggy made as good AS NEW. BRING IT IN. j Coffins and Caskets. All our work guaranteed. Stultz S tames, Gastonia, N. C. in. C'QAA A MONTH, can be made plUU IU pOUU working for ns. Ajrents preferred who ean furnish their own horses and Kive their whole time to the business. Spare momenta may be profitably employed Uiso. v Tew v!u:iiii'ies i n ,m, H. F. JOHNSON & CO 1013 Main St liiehmond, r.. Xo- AS T it, OTTO LEVI, WATCHMAKER & JEWELLER, ; Gastonia, N. C. ggr All work warranted; prices rea- sanable; prompt delivery, according to promises. C. A. Featherston 1 Carries a Villi Btoek of FAMILY GROCERIES, COXFEC r TIOXERIES. &c. And -would lie pleased to have all his old inenusesii aim see mm.. "NfAt door above Holland's old stand. JTanSl He a m Commercial College VnuoToenrS: Cheapest & Best Business College in the World. Highest Honor and Gold Medal orer all other College!, l World's KxpoalUoa. for System of Hook-Keeping an general Bualneaa Edneatloa. 8000 Graduate ta Bualneets. 10 Teachers employed. Coat of Fall Boalnesa CVmrae. tueladinR Tuition, Stationery and Board, about $90. Short-Hand, Type-Writing Telegraphy, apeelaltiel. rlo Vacation. Enter Now. Graduates Guaranteed Snoeesa, Vor circular", address Kphralm W. Snatch, Principal, or Wilbur H. 8mlth, Provident, Liexlngtoa, Ky. j Send for76-Pago ILLUSTRATED ' CATALOGUE MENTION t THIS PAPER. Fancy j Groceries and Coniection- erieis! Having purchased the former stand of Holland, Wilson & Co., I take this opportunity of thanking my old customers for their liberal patronage, and I ask thera to call on me at my new stand, where 1 will serve them with any thing in my line at the 1 . Lowest Possible Prices! Country Produce bought and sold. 1 Very Kespectf ully, 38-6m . S.F. STEWART. A A 1 XJ li -1 O I Washington, D. C, Send for circular. : 1 I t r pr A WEEK and upwards positively se Sp&J cured by men assents selling Dr. Scott's Genuine Electric Holt, Suspensory and other appliances. Sample free. These are the only original and genuine.. No humbug. ' Dit. Scott, Hi Broadway. N. Y' i I ADIES ARE OFFERED plain needlework at their own homes (town or country) by a wholesale house. Profitable, genuine. Good fiay can be made. Everything furnished, articular free. Address Artistic Needlework Co., 135 8th St., New York City. "WTOKKFOn ATX. ' Permanent employment given to energetic men and women ev erywhere. S50 a week and all expenses paid. Samples worth 555 and full particulars free. Address P. O. VICKEKY. Augusta, Me. Don't miss this chance. Write to-day. i Hare yon CoTTgh, Bronchitis, Asthma, Indigestion I Use as cured many or iho worst oases and is the best remedy (or all affections of the throat and lnnirs. and diseases arising: from impure blood and exhaustion. The feeble ana sick, BXraKKima; against aisease, ami siowijr aruuus to the grnre, will ia many cases recover their health by the timely use of Parker's GingerTonic, but delay is dan-f-erous. Take it in lime. It is invaluable for all pains and disorders of stomach and bowels. 60c at ilruaiista. MARVELOUS WHOLLY UNLIKE ARTIFICIAL. SYSTEMS. ANY BOOK LEARNED IN ONE READING. Recommended bv MARK TWAIN. RICHARD Prootoh the Scientist. Hons. W. W. ASTOR. Judah P. Benjamin, Dr. Minor, etc. Class of 100 Columbia liaw students; two classes of 200 each at Yale; 400 at Univei-sity of Penn. Phila.. and 4UO at wellesiey uouege, sou at UDerun ix lege and three large classes at Chautauqua University. &c. Prospectus post freb from PROF. LOISETTE, St7 Fifth Ave., New York. nijfjte The cabinet organ was intro UltllisuiiJt duced in its present form by Mason & Hamlin in 1861. Other makers fol lowed in the manufacture of these instru ments, but Mason & Hambj Organg have al ways maintained their, supremacy as tha best )n the world, . - i Mason Hamlin oner, as aeraonsminou ui the unequalled excellence of their organs, the fact that at all of the great World's Exhibitions, since that of Paris, 1S67, in competition with best makers ef all countries, they have invari ably taken the highest honors. Illustrated cat alogue free, i TIATliS Mason and Hamlin's Piano JT AilaiWlJs stringer was introduced by them in 1K82, and iuis been pronounced by experts the " greatest improvement in pianos in half a century." ' - A circular, containing testimonials from three hundred purchasers,' musicians, and tuners, sent, together with descriptive cata loifiie. to unv aDulicant. f i Pianos and Organs sold for cash or easy pay ments; also rented. : j j Mason & Hamlin .Organ and Piano Co. Boston. New Yorl J Chicago. Xiiebig Company's EXTllACT OF MEAT FOR Improved and Economic Cookery. JV. B. Genuine only with fuc-sinaile of Baron L.iebig'3 signature in blue ; across label. ; ; j To lie had of ail Storekeepers, Grocers and jruggist, i can live at home, and make money at work lor mn at iinvthinir else in this . world. Capital not n -eded; vou are started free. Both sexes, all ages. Any one can ao tne work. Liaige earn ings sure from first start. Costly outfit and terms free. Hotter not delay, uostsyou notn ingtosend us your address and find out;,, vou are wise you will do so at once H. Hai-uOT Ai Co., Portland, Maine. ' S W1.E 55 r3--V- Vis s M l W g 1E10HY .--.DISCOVERY.! nil A. MJ SMimiE The Mercantile Field Again! ! I want to express my very grateful thanks to a generous public for the liberal patronage I liuve received in past years. I Again Solicit Your Patronag;e, which I hope to merit by presenting for your examination an entirely new stock of GENERAL MEliCiIANDlSE, with this motto inscribed on it : ; " As Low las I liaye always studied carefully to avoid vain exaggerations. J. U. CRAIG. CRAIG & JENKINS BANKEES, GASTONIA, JV. C. BORROW AND LOAX MONEY, liUl AJNU SELL, EXCHANGE, DISCOUNT PAPER, RECEIVE DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, MAKE COLLECTIONS OF DRAFTS AND NOTES. AND TRANSACT A f GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS. BANKING HOURS: From 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. REFER BY PERMISSION TO M. P. PEGRAM, Esq., Cashier First National Bank, Charlotte, N. C. ' Hon. D. W. BAIN, State Treasurer, Raleigh, N C. CRAIG & WILSON STABLES ! Sale, Feed Good Horses and Mules' For sale, either for cash or on time. Horses lett in our care shall nave the best attention. GOOD HOUSES I and Vehicles, with polite and careful drivers, always on hand to convey persons to any point ; wished. ; We kIko deal in BUGGIES & SPRING WAGONS. IBUJIEO (GESS Wholesale and Retail IFu r ni iu re West Trade St., A FULL Cheap Bedsteads, iLomies, Parlor and unamoer rsuiis. COFFINS OF ALL KINDS ON HAND. a6-ly J". 13. Gastonia, North Carolina, Manufacturer of Doors, Sash, Blinds, Mantels, Brackets, Mouldings, and all kinds or sawea ana urneu vors. BEADY-TRIMMED COFFINS Always on Hand. IB MI. Anndlirews9, Charlotte, N. 0., I.. ..--- 03 1 f-H f - S " s r-I .Mi'"4";;; C OF FIN S AND METALLIC C AgES. We are ready to show you the largest stock, the best and latest styles and by far the cheapest line of ; j Furniture that has ever been brought to this market. We also keep a full line of COFFINS, CASKETS and BURIAL ROBES. Collins, from 1.50 up, : i We keep in stock and make to order at short notice, DOORS, SASH. BLINDS, BRACKETS, NEWEL POSTS, BALUSTRADES, etc., and all kinds of turned work. ; f . . W rite or call for estimates for any kind of work in our line. the Lowest." call every thing by its proper name and A. M. SMYRE. L. L. JENKINS. iiiicl Livery. Corn, Oats, SEED-Oats, Bran, Hay, fyc. To Whom it Maj Concern: Messrs. ?raig 8c Wilson are the only author, ized agents for our Buggies for Gaston county, N. C, and any one wanting reliable vehicles should see them before buying. The Emkiison & Fisher Co., Cincinnati, Ohio. All orders by mail will hava prompt attention. : Craig 8? Wilson. MKDfflJODILS, Dealer in all Kinds of & EBeofldfl 5 nug, Charlotte, T. C. LINE OF H3.A.I-I, I Wm Sell Low For Cash; Come and see me before placing your orders J. B. BEAL. - -A Respectfully, Brumfleld & Co, ''' - ... V w 1 - ' ' - - . - t-

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