I 1 i. Established ht 1SSO. Esta Misli eel in 18SO. f Devoted to the Protection of Homo and the Interests of tlio County. i f ' - , . ' Vol. IX. T-S!o,S.0- '' Gastonia, N.C.: November 15, 1388. j yilrmA': No. 46 Sffi 1 hi OF PURE GOD LIVER Oil ATTD HYPOPHOSPHITSS Almost as Pa!atsb5o as frllHy 8o dlscrals'd bat it coin be tali en, Algerted, and assimilated by the most sensitive stomach, vaca tlie plain oil cannot be tolerated; ami by the toni blnntion of the oil wih SJis tiypaslios p bites is math more eticaeiooa. Ee markable as a Sesb. pro-3acT. Persons gala rapliiy ir&SIs taiiajj i SCOTT'S EMULSION is aclmo wledgcdljy " Physicians to be the Finest and Best prepa ZftUon in the world for the relii - and euro of - CONSUMPTION, SCROFULA, GENERAL DEBILITY, WASTING DISEASES, E-rvlACJATiCSS, COLDS and COHJ!5 GOUCiJS. TAe great remedy for Cwsnmptlan, and Wastiruj in Chihlreiu Sold hy all Isrv.rjgisis. CURES WHERE AIL HiSt rAILs. RastCouErh SvruD. Tastes cood. in thro. Sold hydrac-dst?. I believe Piso's Cure for Consumption Raved my life. A. II. Dowell, Editor EDqnirer. Eden ton, N. C, April 23, 1SS7. The bbst Conh Medl cine is Pwo's'Ccre for .Consumption." Children take it without objection. By all druggists. 25c. CURES WHERE ALL ELSE FAILS. Beet Cough Syrup. Tastes good. Uso ill itttia. nin nvnrnfwmK. r-t, , tou them for a time, and then have them ro turn again. I ifBAN A ltAJJICAL. CUBJi. . i have made the disease of PITS, EPILEPSY" or FAIIIKG SICKNESS, A lite-long study. I waetiant my remedy to Cube the worst cases. Uecauso others have failed is no reason for not nowj'eceivin!; a cure. Send at once for a treatise and a Fkek - j sort lb of my Infallible Uemedv. Give Express and Post OlHce. It costs yon nothing for a trial, and it will cure you. Address H. C. ROOT, WI.C, 1 83 Pearl St, Hew York S5? HUNTERSVILL.E HIGH. SCHOOL ! FOU BOYS XW GIRLS. 143 PupUs last year. C IVacUers 3 iiialn,- 3 female. Large brick buildinjr. Hia-lilv tn'Jt.rs d both by Davidson and Erskine College.-?. The Nineteenth Sessio:i of this well t'stab ishe and reliable trnininsr school will o'-en on a'UKSDAT, THE EIGHTEENTH DAY OF SEPTEMBER NEXT. CLASSICAL, VKE P A ' ' A TO 1 1 V, HUPIN-ES, MUSICAL AND AKT DUPAltTMENTS each thorouiifhly orjtanizel and in charsre of a teacher, who is not only a pradnute, but who has successful experience in tlio practical work; hence we jruarantco success in every department. - Never has the School leen so well equipped for doing thorough and effective work as it is now, . Healthy location. Two daily muils. Good hoard at $8 per month. Tuition very lew. All who desire an oihitjatioii ,in"a pleasant school, at very moderate rates, would do we TO to to write for new catalogue and all particulars KEV. w. w.Lflttl, i'resmeut. Huntersville, Mcckieubuitf t;o., N. C. TMON&HA The cabinet organ was introduced in ita present ' form by Mason & Hamlin in .1361. Other makers followed in the manufacture of these instruments, bat the MasQ & Hamlin Organs have always main tained their supremacy as the best in the world Hason St Hamlin offer, as demonstration of the unequalled excellence of their organs, tbe fact that t all of the great WorW'9 Exhibitions, since that of ' wM7mafi D H A li easll n bfi H dnott Irated catalogues 28 TO $9CO. free. Mason is Hamlin do not hesitate to make the ex traordinary claim for their pianos, that they are superior to all others. They recognize the high exaaUence achieved by other leadiug makers in the art of piano building, but still claim superiority. This they attribute solely to the remarkable im provement introduced by them in the year 1882, ad now known as tbe "Ma box & Hamlin Piano Stringer," bjrfti n f the use of which b secured the II I II R 1 I Vgreatest pos sible purity andrifillEla refinement - of tone, together! Iflll V Jwilh greatly in creased capaci- GEA1TD 0PEI3HT. ty for standing in tune ana other important advantages. A circular, containing testimonials from three ! nunarea purcn&sere, musicians, and tuners, sent, together with descriptive catalogue, to any applicant. Pianos and Organs sold for cash or easy pay . sents: also rented. - ptASdNjSt HAMLIN ORGAN AND PIANO CO. BOSTON.. W YOiLK. iilCAtiO. GBATEFUL COMFOItTIXO. EPPS'S COCOA. - ItHBAKFAgT. ' By a thorough knowledge of the natural laws which govern the operations of digestion and nutrition,' and by a careful application of the fine properties of well-selected Cocoa, Mr. Eppa has provided our bfeukfaxt tables with a delicately flavoured bevcraire which nmy save us many heavy doctors' hills. It is bv the Judicious uso of such articles of 1 let that a constitution may be gradually built up until strong enough to resist cv.cry tendency to idisease. Hundrwls of subtle iiialaiHes are floating around to attack wherever there is a weak point. We may escape many a fatal shaft by Keeping ourselves well fortified with pure blood and a properly nourislicd frame." Civil Service Gazotte. Marie simply with-boiling water or milk. Sold only in bull ioiirnl tins, by Grocers, litlx-llnl thus: .iniii- Epps Ac CovHoinueopitthic C'ht:iuLsts, London, Eue'iuni. 3 3 3 iii' 11 LSI II II 14 e3 PISO H t .n i nn, r -h.v.;y --a--gii-i Icl;r irlacii'c's letter. Mr. Editor: Xo one can tell what a day will bring forth, therefore every taxi aver in Xortli Carolina, irrespect ive of party affiliations, should be on the alert, as a matter of financial inter est, if nothing else. As I stated sometime since, under carpetbag rule, our bonds were sold at 15 per cent., or .15 for 100 bond ap propriated to build railroads that were never built, but the pitiful amount re ceived for said bonds "was gobbled up by Svvepson, Littlefield & Co. I can name another one of the company, but will refrain at present all of the carpetbag issue or scaliwag persuasion. It now appears that about $30,000, OOO worth of these bonds, which were compromised by the Democratic legis lature of 187G and 1877, are in the pos session of Levi P. Morton, the candi date for the-vice-presidency of the United States, who now has a suit pending in the United States Supreme Court in the city of Washington for the recovery of the said compromised bonds. Taxpayers of Xorth Carolina, can you I ear this? And more;, the said Ia'v'i P". Morton is, it is said, sending money into our State to try to carry the State Republican, with the hope that with a Republican governor and a Itepui'licau legislature, be would be able to collect the nice little sum of 830,000.000; and if so, the taxpayers would have to foot the bill. Brother Taxpayers, think of this, be fore you deposit your votes for Harri son, Morton & Co. ' This .amount added to high tariff will clean' up the good old State. With these facts before the voters of Xortli Carolina, who can vote Republican? Xo man that owns property and is a taxpayer and loves home and country more than party. Mr. Brown, the Knight of Tabor candidate for the Lower House, it is said, and truly, I suppose, is holding night meetings among his colored brudders in lower Gaston. " Men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil." Fallen angels descend to the very depths of degra dation: Fallen angels had better fol low the ways of men while in this world, for the eyes of the better ele ment are on them. Preachers should never ek bfHcef " they liave"preifty t'6 do if tiify watch up their pulpits with- um, uaumig m pontes, u muy ue ; . j .: ; l - i 1 : : tj. i . - some Ol them are out of anything lse to say. " Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel," etc. The preacher has a high and honora ble calling, but if trailed to preach the gospel they are not apt to forsake their calling and become a mouthpiece for a little petty political party. The preach er that accepts a place on a ticket of any political party, to some extent at least, violates good Christian faith. " ile who preaches the gospel shall by the gospel live." When men consider the call from high heaven below that of man they must be far astray. You love the world and therefore must be of the world and the world should so recognize you. This brings to my recollection an anecdote of a poor .boy of a certain city who was making and selling rat traps for support. He was met by a minister on the sidewalk one day while singing out at every step, " Rat-traps for sale!" The man of God accosted mm thus: " My son, did you ever pray?" The boy promptly replied: " Xo, sir. Did you ever make a rat trap?" " Xo." " Well, every man to his profession. Rat-traps for sale! Rat-traps for sale!" and went on his way rejoicing in his victory. . - - - Peter Macttic. Our 'Candidate tor President. Tie will be nominated by the Con vention and will be elected by the people because he will "come the near est to filling their ideal of a Chief Magistrate. Electric Bitters has been given the highest place, because no other medicine has so well filled the ideal of. a perfect tonic and alterative. The people have indorsed Electric Bitters and rely upon this great reme dy in -all troubles of Liver, Stomach and Kidneys. For all Malarial Fe vers and diseases caused by Malarial Poisons, Electric Bitters cannot be too highly recommended. . Also . cures Headache and Constipation. Satis faction guaranteed, or money refund ed. Price 50c. and SI at Adam's & Curry's drugstore. During Air. Pearson's two weeks revival in Goldesboro,' there were about 300 conversions and about 100 of that number fully committed them selves to Christianity by connecting themselves with the various churches of that place.' Mr. Pearson has gone to Virginia to hold several, meetings after which, he proposes to return to North Carolina again. We learn that he is to be in Greensboro, February '89. Kernerscille News. Mrs. Frank A. DeGroot, of Mil berry, Mass., gave birth to four girl babies a few days. ago. ' Mother and children are all doing nicely, but the father is badly broken up. Durham ri,d. . jVlat rimotiiaJ Catechism Detroit Free Pross. He was very practical, and in order to have everything fair and square be forehand, he said: " You know, darling, that I promis ed my mother that my wife should be a good housekeeper and a domestic wo man. Can you cook?" "I can," she said, swallowing a great big lump in her throat. . Can you make good bread? That is the fundamental principle of all housekeeping." "Yes; I went into a bakery and learned how to make all kinds of bread." She added under her breath, " maybe." " And can you do your own dress making? I am comparatively a poor man, love, and dressmakers' hilts would soon bankrupt me." " Yes," she said, frankly, I can make everything I wear, especially .pattern bonnets," ." You are a jewel," he cried, with enthusiasm; "come to my arms - " . " Wait a minute there's no hurry," she said, coolly, " It's my turn to ask a few questions. Can you saw wood and carry in coal?" " Why, my love, I should hire that work done." " Can you make your coats, vests, trousers and other weaving apparel?" " But that isn't to the purpose." " Can you build a house, dig ditches, weave carpets, and-- ;" " I am not a professional." " Xeither am I. It has taken the most of my life to acquire the educa tion and accomplishments 'that attach ed you to mev But as soon as I have learned all trie professions you speak of, I will send you my card. A.ure fotr," and she swept away. And the disconsolate young man went to the nearest drugstore and bought a two-for-a-qnarter cigar, with which he. speedily solaced himself. Just TUree Tilings. Armory. " I once met a thoughtful scholar,'? said Bishop Whipple,- " who told me that for years he had read every book he could which assailed every religion of Jesus Christ, and he said -that he should have become an infidel but for three things. . ' . -' ' "Pi ret. - T am a man :T am o-ni n tr so mewl ere. To-night I am a day near er the errave than I was last nisrht. i,.. vp w,i aii ti.af Bh Wrira nan tpll me. They shed not one solitary ray of hope or light upon the darkness. They shall not take away the guide -I have and leave me stone-bliiid. ' " Second, I had a mother. I saw her go down into the dark valley where I am going, and she leaned .upon an unseen arm as calmly as a child goes to sleep on the breast of its mother. I know that was not a dieam. " Third, I have three motherless daughters " and he said it with tears in his eyes. " They have no protector but myself. I would rather kill them than to leave them in this sinful world, if you blot out from itall the teachings of the Gospel. " Perhaps there are other persons who would do well to think of these three things. Infidels think they can destroy the Bible. What of it? Many good things have been destroyed. A child can smash a crystal vase, which all the power of men could never restore. An incendiary can, with a match that does not cost a hundredth part of a penny, buin'down a palace on which thousands of men have toiled for years. A slan derer can smirch a spotless name with stains that can never be-1 effaced; but what is gained by such exploits? Infi dels .have vainly tried for ages to de stroy the Bible and Christianity. .They have not succeeded. Suppose they now give us a rest, and produce some better religion. Alcohol. Spirit of the Age. Alcohol is the cause of many poor women and children having to suffer. It cuts down youth in its vigor, man hood in its strength and age in its weakness. Some men go away from home and leave their wives and chil dren to weep after them and come home late at night, the house all cold and dark and nothing for them to eat. It causes sickness not health, death not life. It makes -wives widows, children orphans and makes all at last beggars and it leads many a poor man to his grave. A fellow once said that he married three times. The first time for money, the next for beauty and the next for intelligence, and he got the world, the flesh and the devil. Some of you fel lows have got 'em all. in one. Sam Jones. . - There were 250 additions to the churches of Durham as a result of Sam Jones' preaching. Senator Vance spoke to an immense crowd at Sharon, Mecklenburg county, last Monday. FROM CAI,K. Orgranizntioit' of the. Farmers TVcces sary The Alliance. Mr. Editor: As tliis is a time when the farmers everywhere are waking up to the fact that theylneed to be organ ized in order to sustain their profes sion. We beg leve to show them a few reasons why organisation will benefit them and their profession. " The first is, all other classes are or ganized, and, of cdilrse, the farmers should sustain themselves upon the same principles thatother classes do, if they wish to better their condi tion. i '. Second, they can ontrol the prices of their products tOt a great extent. Let us illustrate. jsfr year the farm ers in this county were paid only 81 to 9 cents for their co&on, when cotton in Wilmington, Xevjf York and else where was at 9 to 9j Why was it so? They lacked an organization where they could meet together and appoint men to look into t heii business, as they have. -this year. Can't they see that they have been benefitted by our or ganization the Alliance? Third, they can bldt out this mort gage business, whicli the Alliance in tends to do when it gts strong enough. We hope every farmef in the land will join us and help totmdermine this great evil; that is, dragging down our profession. '-i . Fourth, they can 'rib a great many of their necessaries,' such as bacon, flour, sugar and coffee, and also their fertilizers, direct, from the manufac turers and wholesale dealers, and thus knock off a large per 'cent, that is paid to the middle-maii, and get wholesale prices. Xo doubt the Alliance will save the farmers thousands of dollars this year on their fertilizers alone. And it just knocked the " Bagging Trust higher than a kite. And, fifthly, as some good old man says, "They can meet and-talk over their farm interests, and, perhaps,-they will not desecrate the holy Sabbath day, when they go to church, in indul ging in such conversation on that day." . : We hope the farmers, think 'enough of the rising generation : to try. to bet ter their condition. "Vhat will become of them if farming ges on as it has been and is now Prajress in Yellow Fever Treatment. The percentage of deaths from yel low fever at Jacksonville so far this season has been only about per cent. This, however, includes new cases which have not yet terminated, so that 10 per cent, will perhaps be nearer the actual average but that rate is rather below than above " a fair esti mate. This shows wonderful progress in the treatment of this disease since it first came under the notice of the medical profession of the Southern States. Twenty-five or thirty years ago the deaths were equal to not. less than one-third of the total number of cases, and some times ran up to one half. This was in the days of "he roic " medicine, when the fever was fought with quinine and other active agencies, but now 'the mild power cures," and the death rate is corres pondingly lowered. Waco 1'exas) Day. ' ' The Water Tasted Bad. Chicago, Nov. 10. A special dis patch from St. Ambrose, a town ten miles below Quebec, says that com plaints had been made recently, con cerning the condition of the city reser voir water. The authorities finally resolved to empty the water to find out the cause. The task. was com menced a few days ago, and was com pleted yesterday, when, to the great astonishment of the engineers and workmen, the remains of eleven chil dren were discovered, at the bottom of the reservoir in an advanced state of decomposition. The authorities of the locality are at a loss to know who are the authors of the murders, as an inquest has re vealed that every one of the. children had been born alive, and breathed for several hours, at least. A Georgia man, who has been rough ing it on Green Island this summer,; has devoted much time to studying the habits of the turtle and to gather- ! ing her eggs. He says that ho one ! having taken the eggs from a turtle's nest can get them all back in again. Those who have tried it find that after filling the nest they have enough eggs remaining to fill one or two more just such holes in the sand." When Mother Turtle lays an egg she paddles it in tight with her feet, and so egg by egg until the nest is f till, and the elasticity of the. shell permits some extremely close packing that no man has been able to duplicate. Durham Plant. The north end of Edenton-Street M. E. Church has been torn out, prepara tory to building an organ loft. The new $3,000 organ , will soon be m its place, and then our people may leave their hymn-books at home. Spirit of the Aye. ., FCKSACE. 1 Personal and Other Ileitis Gathered in Old Furnace IVeijrhb orhood. Mr. Editor: The election j is over and our people are winding up their Fall work. The election up here passed off quietly. Kiser's precinct went Demo cratic, as usual, f l - We had 1 two rousing Democratic speeches last Saturday by Dr. W. II, Wilson and ! Wm. IT. Lewis, Esq. think they I had a few stars in their crown last Tuesday. ' j ; Rev. J. M. McLain, of Gastonia.and Mr. A. II. Matheson, of Taylorsville. visited Mr. Enos M. Berry last Wednes day. ) Mr. Martin V. Ilovis and family visited relatives near B.eepsville the first part of this week. Miss Flora Grmaud is attending Jones Seminary at All-Healing. Dr. W. C. Kiser left last Monday for Atlanta where he will attend med ical lectures. He will come back full-fledged doctor. i : Mrs. 11. II.' Willis and Mr. George and Miss Laura Willis, of hear Beeps ville, visited relatives in this vicinity the first of this week. j Messrs. r Wilson & Ramsour Bros.'s new house at their mill is about com pleted. Their genial miller.' Mr. Amos Wright, lias moved- ' j . Mr; Caleb Kiser's fine horse, Butler. died of hydrophobia last Tuesday. We have over six feet of legislature up here that we are going to send to Raleigh in January next. ' , The neighborhood .for several miles around us has been very healthy this Fall; there have been but one or two eases of fever. ) Con IAjiore. November 10, 1883. j Moderate ; Erinkinc and Cigtvrettc ; j Smoking'. Church Union.' - Has the abstemious man any advan tage over the one who is a moderate drinker? This is a question that touch es a great many men. It is a factor which has been carefully considered by life insurance companies, j Moderate drinking is generally regarded by them as tending to reduce the average dura tion of human life. . Statistics compiled from the best au thorities extant,: favor the abstainer over, the moderate user of alcoholic prominent a factor in life in surance, whose agents scan every risk and every cause however trifling they may be in themselves, then! why should not the same rule apply to men handling your money managing your business, or buying or selling your goods.? Is it not as important that a man should'be healthy and a good rjsk in trade, as in life insurance? ' In the former his habits and associations have much to do with making him en joy your confidence. Drinking has made more gamblers, embezzlers, thieves and idlers than any other thing produced, sold or consumed; on earth Why are the alert lite insurance agent and the reputable doctor so par ticular in their examinations of those seeking life insurance? Simply be cause they want the best risks for their company, so as to make the best pos sible average. Why should not the banker and the merchant exercise the same care? They may not have the same interest in the risk of life, but very often they risk their lives or the life of their business in the very hands that a life insurance company would decline to take as a risk. ; I In the medical , examination of the United States Army recent reports say that most' of the evils found in the physical constitutions of the men ex amined, are due to cigarette-smoking. causing heart trouble, irregular action or loss of normal function. This fact should make the parents of: our little boys, as well as big ones, stop this growing habit on the part of the latter, It should also make the boys consider the effect upon their future physical conditions, for it is said the best medi cal authorities hold that eigarette smoking is doing almost as much to cause degeneration of the race as the use of alcohol. j - j Ephrainl Scroggs anefhis wife of Ire dell county j have jbeen keeping house nearly three-quarters of a I century. They have never'had a match in their house and the fire has never been out in their dwelling, j They have the same fire which they kindled on the hearth stone when first they began the battle of life. :' 1 ' i 1'; : , Miss Mollie Bethune, of Mineral Springs township,' killed a deer on Nov. 3. The 'animal was brought to bay by some dogs near, her home, and she, having no gun, rushed out with a case knife, and watching her oppor tunity, cut the throat- of the deer. The venison was of extra fine flavor. Wadeshoro1 3fesscnger. I " You are a jewel," said the gushing young man to his girl; and I'm going to have you set." And then he quietly took her in iiis lap.- . i MRS. CLEVELAND - Insulted by the British Minister's Daughter. WAsmxGTON, D. C, Nov. 10. The Post prints the following:; ' One day this week, Miss West, daughter of the late English Minister was in a store on the avenue, and with her was a well-known member of the Italian legation. While they werej talking over a purchase, Mrs. Cleveland's car riage drove up to the curb, and she came in. She spoke to the gentleman, and for a moment talked with him, and then stepped toward Miss West and extended her hand in greeting, but the young lady would none of it'. She had not quite forgotten how Mrs. Cleveland's husband had snubbed her father, and with a haughty grace, she folded her hands in front of her, and turned her back on the President's wife. It was embarrassing, very em barrassing, not only to the two at in terest, but' also to the gentleman, and Mrs. Cleveland relieved it by transact ing her business, and going without the usual parting salutions Cross and White. News and Obseaver. The case of Cross and White, which was appealed to the Supreme Court of North Carolina, having been ! decided against them, the defendants will ap ply to the Supreme Court of the Unit ed States for a writ of error, j It may be that' the defendants' counsel will present the case of defendant White to the Supreme Court of the' United States by. a writ of habeas corpus.- The. smallest steam engine ever made has just been completed, after two years of labor, for the Paris ex hibition. It is composed of ISO pieces of metal,is a shade under three-fifth of an inch in height, and : weighs less than one-ninth of an ounce. A watch maker made it. 1 We believe in a prohibitory tariff on Senator Quay's repeaters. Areto York Star. !: '.. i .. '.. -j The bachelor has to look out for number one, the married man for num ber two. y' - .;' -:'y. .; : OBl'UJABY. . M4gY WITHER. MATHESON, daughter of Mr. A. it. Matheson. .ot TaylorsviHe, N, C., filed in uastoma, . u., iNevemDer 4, I8S, ol typnoid fever, aged 8 years and 11 months, v A little more than two years ago the Angel of Death visited this family and bore away the mother, thus leaving Essie, four sisters and two brothers to the tender care of a father. In September, this year, Essie, with her little sister, was brought by her aunt. Miss Esther Bolick, to Gastonia to attend school. : Though not well when she came, she did not take her bed until about three weeks before her death. At first we hoped that it would prove a slight attack, but very soon the disease began to de velop; and, though she had the most careful nursing aud the best medical attention, her delicate constitution gave sure signs of the ravages of that awful disease. . ' Her father was sent for, and for a short time we thought her improved, but the apparent improvement was but temporary. From Fri day night she continued to grow worse and on the following night she began sinking. It was the writer's pleasure to be with her on that night, aud, though she was gradually sinking, he never saw one more cheerful and happy. Frequently during the night she would ask for her father and friends when they would leave the room. Several times she asked what time it was, and when told it was time she was asleep, she would say, " I'm not one bit sleepy" When asked if she loved God. she said she did and was not afraid to die, but that it. wuum oe rntru 10 leave tnem aiu . About 7 o'clock Sabbath morning, she told her aunt that her hands were arrowinir numb. and in a few minutes her spirit had winged its flight to the od who gave it. Her death was so quiet and peaceful that those most anxiously watching around her bed could not ten Just when she breathed her last. 1 Essie was a quiet, obedient. lovinir little airl and, though she had been among us so short a rime, Dy ner cneertui an i affectionate disposi tion she had endeared herseli alike to tpaohfr. schoolmates and all who knew her. -, We be lieve her now with her sainted mother around the Throne of God. . f While her family will sorely miss hef sweet face. fond caresses and loviiiar words, vet thev should not sorrow as those who have no hope, for if wo believe that Jesus died and rose again them also who sleep in Jesus will God ...; .. 1 1 : . xt.... .1 ... . 1 .-. . 1 1 - r ... .1 -1. prove a lever grand to lift their spirits high " 1 llliu, JJitxy -ical Ul'LlO EiSSIC & ueniu er." , We commend the bereaved familv to God for though He has caused them to pass through me uarn. snaoows, tie wiu De with them, and may they by His grace be enabled to say " The Lord gave, the Iord hath taken away, blessed be the name of the Lord." r . i R. ! Possesses many Important Advantages over all wilier prepared x ooas. BABIES CRY FOR IT. V INVALIDS RELISH IT. Makes Plump, Laughing, Healthy Babies. Regulates the Stomach and Bowels. Sold by Druggists. 3c, 50c, SlUJO. WELLS, R.'CHflRDSON & CO., BURUNGTOH. VT. Portraitfi. A T.if ... ..r r .... . . -: i-. . i i . .. t . . . on fine plate paper by patent pheto process, sent freetoSIotherofany Baby born within a year. Kvcrv Mnthi-r wtinta f T . . . . ..."..(.. . ... . . i . Give Baby s name and age. . i WtLloj KluHARDSON &. CO., P.ops., Buriington, yt. IBIUEB (SE: Whalesale and Retail West Trade St., Charlotte, N. G. " A FULL LINE OF heai I5eclsteiuls, Ijounes, Pai'lor Chamber Suits. ; ; . COFFINS OF - ALL KINDS Q.N llND. 3 1 V A P R ATO G,v s - : and Syrup ISafccrs Supplies. . For Catalogue and Copy of Sorghum Grower Guide," Address CXI APIS AI2" 5i CO., Madison, ln4 '-. . ' : THE . I " ' . SELF SKIMMING AND Perpetual Evaporators And the Improved Vic-f tory Cane Mill our' . , Specialties. ' ' Also Portable Soda Fountains. , Prices low and Goods guaranteed. . rare' - vys.. . 1 ' WITTIEST, PRETTIEST UUVEKILES QUEER PEOPLE Palmer Cox U1&HT8 pJMn wines & uuai.iHB V-'5'4 BTTNS3 Elopement ofthe-Froff and the Mou.) Full of the Ofldcgt pranks, charming: stories and iumcli-provokina illustrations by tho i"rj!ic-p of Juvenilo artists. Meliins iiiimeimely. C ritics rsn.y of it t "It wta my little fell. tcild trith tUiiulit. Hon. ClintouB.T"isfc. "JOori'timdmemtotherr leant gtt th rhildren to heif'R. H. Oonwell.D. D. "Incom parably neat and eljaat.nJIoa. S. S. Cox. 'Frutf ingauEsop and Unrig ." Hon. Howard Crosby. AMFNTS I WANTED. HUBRARD BROS. 723 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, Jfa. - Caveats, and Trade Marks obtained, and all Patent business conducted for HOiDERATE FEES. : -. . .', ; - V " ' i OU.It OFFICE IS OPPOSITE U. si PATENT OFFICE. Wc have no sub-agencies, all busi ness direct, hence can transact patent business' in less time and at LESS COST than those re mote from Washington. - - i- ' . Send model, drawing, or photov with de scription. We advise if patentable, or not, free of charge; Our fee not due-till patent i3 se cured. '. . - 'A book.-" How to Obtain Patonts." wit1" " eeoesBactaMtfc-cJteiitii irtyoar sutte,iot ' C. A. SNOW Si CO, V Opposite Patent Office, Washingtn,D. C. EXHAUSTED VITALITY rpHE SCIENCE OP LIFE, the -great Medical Work of the agfe on Manhood, Kervous and 4 Physical Debility, Premature Decline, Errors of Youth, and the untold miseries consequent thereon, 00 pages 8 to, 125 . prescriptions for nil diseases. . Cloth,,!!!!! gilt, only $1.00, by maU, sealed. Illustrative sample free to an young and middle-aged men. Send now. The Gold and Jewelled Medal awarde to the author by the Na tional Medical, Association. Address P.- O. box 1695, Boston, Mass., or Dr. W. H. PARKER, prad uateof Harvard Medical Colleere,23yearspracilce In Boston, who may be consulted confidentially. Specialty, Diseases of Man. 0;riceNo.4Bulflnchst. To . Our &ead(Brs. MALARIA OK AGUE SURELY CURED! In this broad assertion, we speak not falsely, but state positively, that, these and all mias matic poisons, can be radically driven from the system, r nd.a permanentcure guaranteed. Thousands of chrome cases, whose teHtltnoni alx bmr evident,, have been cured by our infallible remedy, which contain neither qui nine, arsenic, or anything injurious. Full treatment free by old physician of highest . standing, also trial remedy Bent on receipt of address, to '- Asaiiel, Medioai Bdkbau.' -22 , 291 Bboauwat, N. Y." HAIR DALSAf.1 Cleanses and beautifies the hair. Promotes a luxuriant growth. ' Never Fails to Restore Gray Heir t a its Youthful Pr,W - Prevents Dandruff and hair falUBg' A 60c and SI .00 at Prnm-iKtB. It's Easy to Dye WITH IlfflOUDBvEB' Superior ' JH Strength, Fastness, Beauty, . ; AND Simplicity. Warranted to color nnm rm-i. ,!..... .. r... .i. dyes ever made, and to give more brilliaut and durable colors. .Ask for the Diamond, and take no other. 36 colors ; io cents each. WELLS, RICHARDSON & CO., Burlington. Vt. For Gilding or Bronzing Fancy Articles, USE DIAMOND PAINTS. Gold, Silver, Bronze, Copper. Only 10 Cents MLKDffiJdDILSo Dealer in all Kinds of .- - l7 1 sh t&lv- i - " I AUTOMATIC PAWS PsVr"fl.) "CSV CLAWS JmSk L3

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