For the benefit of the advertts ers and in order to tighten the work of the editor wc are plan ning to publish The Messenger a day earlier in the week. In order to do this it will be necessary to have all copy for the paper in hand earlier than has been the case. Will the advertisers and cor respondents please take notice and send us all the copy possible by Friday and Saturday for the week preceding publication? If this is done we will greatly appreciate the favor. AN APOLOGY The Messenger was asttea oy one of its very good friends to carry an announcement of the Easter services at Christ Epis copal church. Miiton. This an nouncement was tost sight of among the lafge number of details connected with getting out last week's issue of the paper. No one can regret the oversight as much as do those who are responsible for getting out the paper. It is our purpose and our pleas ure to serve the public institutions of the county. We are anxious to be of any service possible to the churches, of whatever denom ination. And we hope that all the churches will permit us to serve them through these columns whenever occasions arise. To that end we make the re quest that the pastors and church officials write off (pn one side of the letter page) whatever they wish to appear in The Messenger and bring or send it to the office. In this way it will go directly into the hands of the secretary and will not fail of publication. We apologize to the Rector and members of Christ Episcopal church for our failure to carry the announcement of their Easter ser vice, and heg them to believe that the omission was wholly uninten tional. NEW OFFICE FOR THE MES SENGER The Caswell Messenger now occupies one of the new *ofHcc rooms recently built by Mr. Julius Johnson. We cordially invite our friends to visit us at our new headquarters. W'e shall be glad to have visitors drop in to read the exchanges, use the writing table or chat a while. And bring us the news. We need news to make a newspaper. You won't hurt our feelings at all, Fellows-citizens, if you bring us some good live news any tittle of the day or night. That man who makes up this paper says he likes to have a lot of good live stuff for the front page and for every page thereafter. ADVERTISING PULLS THE BUSINESS le story is totd that one of the ains of industry was on the one day, whet)_for some the train stopped at a smaM a sparsely sett ted sec west, and some of the out of the train to asetves and take the assengers noticed rtisement not far track which of the natioh manufactuted id captain the story a mittion was what wou!d you sa. the engine attached to -- o puli the train," was the re ply. "That is exactly the . . of advertising in my business," said the trust magnate. We consid er that advertising puiis our busi ness. And it is our opinion that if we stopped advertising our sa!es wouid fait oiT, and would finaiiy cease to be profitable. We con tinue to advertise extensiveiy to keep our business going." THE RIGHTS OF A PEOPLE The citizens of a commonwealth save a right to demand that their epresentatives in the iegislatufe md in the congress truly represent hem on all moral issues. And hey have a right to ask and ex pect that every officer fin the -ounty government truly repre sent them and carry out the dir ates of the voters. in this matter of prohibition ,vhen the anti-prohibitionists of he country are marshalling every orce at their command in an ef ort to abolish or modify the Eighteenth Amendment to the Constitution, which prohibits tln :se and sale of intoxicating iquors. it behooves all the advo ates of prohibition to be on their ;uard. Andnot oHiytnat, cumhent upon the friends of law md order to find out beyond the shadow-of a doubt how all the candidates for public offices stand an this question of prohibition. Wc can not afford to elect at this time any officials, in county, ^tate o'* national government, who are not fully and unequivocally committed to the enforcement of the prohibition laws of this nation as embodied in the Eighteenth Amendment. Voters will do well to be on their guard at this point, if they want the prohibition laws to stay on the hooks and he enforced, they should elect men committed to their continuance and enforce ment. EASY COMMUNICATION AIDS DEVELOPMENT Today business depends largely on means for quick communica tion and methods for safe and rapid transportation, ft is a tele phone and motor age. A man living in a county that has a good phone system, a"d is in close touch with the main cur rents of travei. will think twice before he moves into a county that can not supply his home with a phone and that does not have a quick mail and passenger service. ROAD MANNERS ^ __- ' The autohiobile is a serviceable vehicle in the hands of some peo ple, while in the hands of others it is a toy to be used as reckless ly as the whim of the driver dictates. Judge Lane stated in his chargc to the grand jury last* week that the motor vehicle is classed as a dealy weapon, when for any reason the driver either maims or kills another person. The handling of these high power cars on the highway makes necessary the observance of all the rules of safety by those who drive them. The state has en^ct ; cd laws for the regulation of mo tortramc. wmcnancarcmtortv ers wiH be careful to observe, Hut the careful driver not only observes the codibed taws enacted bv the state fpr the safety of the public He is also known by his good manners. The good driver has good road manners. Good road manners is as charac teristic of the gentleman or !ady as is good drawing room manneirs. Generally speaking a gentleman of lady will always have good road manners. Well bred people re the rights of others every the promotion laws