VOL. L YANCEYVILLE, N. C., APRIL 2?. 1936. ...-.... Our FeUow Townsmen Attend A Big Banquet Another One Has An Honor Thrust Upon Him. S M. Bason, Johp O. Gunn, and E. A. Allison, of Yanceyville, attended the banquet of Group Five of the North Carolina Bank ers' Association he!d in the Shera ton hotel at High Point tast Thursday night, April t$th. At that meeting T. D. Boswell, assistant cashier of the Bank of YanceyviHe, was appointed on the Advisory Committee as the repre sentative of Caswell county, all unexpected to himself. ItanyeX' planation of the whereforeness and the howcomeness of this ap pointment is necessary, it is very likely that Sam Bason can tel! how it all came about. The attendance of our local men upon that swell banquet in that famous hostlery, with its King Louis XIV decorations and furniture, and their sitting in the seats of the mighty as they par took of oyster cocktail, fruit salad, roast turkey and ices; and the ap pointment of out fellow citizen on the Advisory Committee of the Bankers' Association, are "the things of chief interest to us Cas well folks. The fact that Governor Mc Lean made the best address of like nature ever heard by some of those present ou such questions as, How the sfate is accumulating a surplus in the treasury under, the good business methods of the' present administration, and why the Governor opposed the plan of j issuing sixtydive million dollars more bonds for road construction, proposed and urged by many members of the last legislature, is a matter of secondary interest to most of us. W c know he is a good governor, and we think he is the very man we need in the mansion at this time. And he (Cmltinucdin fug'' 4) MiLTON BOOK CLUB MEETS WITH MRS G G. DONAHO The regutar semi-montti!y meet inK <