OFFICERS HO Kem* . WR-HeaettP W. B. CMdner ... Viet PwAw* W.R.HMrwa...CMMtr Wm. H Carter Aw***-* Ca*^ MiM S. P. Hultim . Am-Ctuhifr BANKING IS BUSINESS And It Calls For The Soundest Sort of Business Judgment. ' The Operations of The American National Bank Are Shaped by the Seasoned Judgment, and Broad Experience of these Leaders in Dan ville's Business Life: W. R. Fitzgerald W. E. Gardner W T, Gravely S. R. Harper W. R. Harrison H. O. Kerns !. M. Lea C. M. Mahan 8. J. Owens J. V. Refolds Henry Koediger Frank Talbott P. H. Terry W. N. Terry B. S, Warren 7WE ^AM&R/CAJv ^ DANV!LLE* VA. ?7Za?n Z/n?on %7<3fc^? %? Gro^J ,90? B. S. MOREY & CO. BTOOBPOBATBD " Hardware and MM! SuppHes Mach!nery, Be!t!ng, Reet!ng, G!aM, Pa!nt, WaM Beard Automat!c Water Syttem and Home L!ght!ng P!ante WE WANT YOUR TRADE If MUthh dooda. Loweet conaiatant prieas, Square daaUng and Fodta AttantioML will gat it, wa canconnt on yon for a Customer. B. S. MOREY & CO. DANVILLE, VA. Try for A Trip To Caiifornia Votes on Boovoo Tour* Do Lux# Issued With AM pooh Purchoooa and Psymonto on Account by tho YARBROUGH 557 Main Stroot. Phono loss. Florist and Art Shop Danville, Va. Night Phono M3AW. —BUY AT— Danville Music Co., Inc. gass-hovoPottOBc* 548 Main Street. Danville. Virginia. Leading Unea of Piano*. Alao Phonograph*. Records, Piayer BoMs, SmaU lnatrumenta and large department of Shoot Mn*ie SPRING CLEANS T!ME BRIGHTEN UP THE HOME UNDER OUR LIBBRAL PARTIAL PAYMENT FLAK ONLY A EMAM. OUTLAY OY MONEY 18 NBCBMARY RE!DSV!LLE FURNXTURE CO. REIDSVILLE,N.C. STRANOB EXPERIENCE OF OODNTRY LUTE CATTISH from Pag. 1) foot steel rod. Examination dis posed that it was the identica! rod which Mr. Perkinson had lost twelve months ago. Norman J. Waugh, prominent hard ware man of Danville, was present when the catch was made, and confirms in aif details the strange story. Both Messrs. Waugh and Green are gentleman of the highest veracity, and both aver, increduious as it may appear, that the story is absolutely true. Caswell fishermen declare it is evident that when the big Ash seized Mr. Perkinson's hook t2 months ago, that it surely darted dowp stream at such an angle that the end of the rod struck under the gills of an onlooking Ash with such force that it pro truded through the mouth until ^he line was broken. Two feet of the rod was protruding from the mouth; the remainder of it trailing from the gills. Mr. Waugh asserts that the Country Line creek catAsh jtp peared to have suffered but little from its wonderful experience, and with the exception of some slight irritation about the gills, he big fellow looked as if he was in the best of health. BRYAN MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION HEADED BY DANIELS (Ceatinaed from Page t) monument is to be raised in hon or of him whom they esteemed st) highly, and that it will be their pieasure to contribute what they can to so nob!e a cause. A recent dispatch appearing in the Raleigh News and Observer announcing the appointment of Mr. Everett as State Chairman of the Association follows: R O. Everett, of Durham, has accepted the presidency of the North Carolina Bryan Memorial Association, it was announced yesterday in a telegram from Josephus Daniels, president of the National Association. He will shortly name county chairman and perfect an organization. It is felt by local admirers of Mr. Bryan that a very fortunate selection was made in the choice of Mr. Everett. They point out that he is widely known and has the executive ability needed to as semble the Bryan forces in the State in an ehfectvie drive for a memorial commensurate with the alTection in which the Commoner was held in North Carolina. Mr. Everett, also, it was noted, is and has been aligned with the elements of the Democracy which always, stood loyally in support of Bryan's progressive and liberal policies. He had a profound ad miration for the Nebraskan and to labor that Bryan shall have an adequate memorial will he a labor of love, it is declared by those familiar with his views. WHAT DO you TMlMtC * When in Yancey viHe leave your subscription for the paper at the oHice. in twelve counties of lina are selling over a WtBe—Oh. how aweet tt was of yon tv remember my Mrthday wtth those beauttfu) rosea Rut there were oa)y twenty-Bve of them when there ahoutd have beep thtrty. ttuhby—My. my. d)d t make s mts tahs? There's a mtrror just oppoette you—can you btame me. dear? Dear Brother: We covet for the ministry of our Lord an increasing number of our best young men. It is grati fying to note from the records of the past four years that we are making decided progress. W<* have already a great ministry, and it is steadily growing better in its equipment. There are no doubt potential preachers of power sitting under your ministry. And of course your heart atd your prayers are already in this matter, and you thank God for the priviiege of !ay ing your hand on these youhg tives that you may help them find our Lord's piace for them in his church and his worid. 1 have prepared a package of pamphlets In which you may hud some suggestions for the sermon on the ciaims of the Christian ministry required by the Dis cipline in every puipit once a year. Should you wish this literature, I shall be glad to send it without charge, if you will drop me a line to that effect Shall we not make this a great year for enrolling God's heraids? Wishing for you an ever more and more radiant life and service in the high calling which we share, and with cordial appreciation, I am.. . . Yours very truly, K. H. Bennett. DAIRY INDUSTRY GROWING IN N. C. Rateigh, N. C., April T9-—North Carotina is making great progress 'in dating despite statements made by some who say that there is a growing decrease of cattle in the State J. A. Arey, dairy extension speciatist at State Cottcge. reports that the dairy industry in North Carolina is in a heatthy condition, i Of course, he states, there is a tack of feedstuffs in the piedmont and mountain sections hut on the whote, more mitk is being produc ed, more butter and ice cream be ing manufactured and more pure bred dairy butts and cows in the State than ever before. The toss of cattte. as shown by recent re ports, came about with the aboli tion of free range conditions when many scrub dairy cows were sotd and with a decrease in beef cattte production. i Mr. Arey and his associates have just finished hotding feed schools in counties of the State and find there is much interest in dairy farming. Last year a campaign put on by these work ers resutted in about Joo pure bred dairy butts being placed. There are five cow testing associations now in operation and many farm ers adjacent to the targer cities are budding new barns and en larging their herds. Mr. Arey states that a new creamery is be ing built now in Macon county where the supply of cows war rants such an industry. In Jack son county the farmers are rapid ly buying the too cows which they set as a goat for this year and there are twelve North Carolina counties now producing over one million dollars worth of mitk per year. In Union county, commonly known as a cotton county, about gallons of mitk per day are being produced and sold* The farmers are receiving an average of 30 cepts per gatton for this mitk which means an industry bring ing in over $100,OQO to tbe county. This is about Half the value of the cotton crop of that county, states Mr. Arey. "the curculio is a beetle passes the winter as an adult : emerges in the spring before tne fruit is set," says C. H. Brannon, extension entomologist at State College. "Just after the petals fall, the qurculiojays its eggs in the young peach. The larva or worm spends about 20 days feed ing in the peach, leaves the fruit and enters the soil where it changes to the pupa stage in earthen cells from one to three inches below the surface of the soil, In about ten days, this pupa emerges as an adult and is soon ready t<< lay eggs again." To contro! this pest, Mr. Bran j non advises a first application of dust or spray, when about 75 per cent of the Hewer petals have fal len. The spray recommended is one pound of arsenate of lead to fifty gallons of water plus lime water from three pounds of stone lime. As a dust, use five per cent of lead arsenate and 93 per cent of lime The second application is applied when the calyces or shucks are shedding or when the small peaches are exposed, using the same material. The third application is made four weeks before each variety is due to ripen. As a spray, Mr. Brannon recommends the materia! as given in the first and second applications using the self-boiled lime sulphur (8-8-30) for diseases. The dry mixed lime sulphur may he used in place of the self-boiled lime surphur using the following dust, 8d per cent sulphur, 3 per cent lead arsenate and 15 per cent lime ' Nearly 4,000 club members have been enrolled to date In 147 clubs by 37 county agents in North Car olina. The first infestation of boll weevil on the upper edge of the cotton growing section of North Carolina will be light, states W. Bruce Mabee, who has studied the emergence of the weevils from CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENT BAPTIST CHURCH YANCBYVtLLH ITBLD MV. 0. W. HOOD, Paster Providence Church Superintendent of Sunday School — Miss Bertha Wilson. Time—to a. m., except on third Sundays, a p. m. Preaching—First and fifth Sun day, tt a m. Third Sundays, 3 p. m. Trinity Church Superintendent of Sunday school—Mr. T, A. Boswell. Time —to a m , except on the first Sun day, 2 p. m. Preaching—First Sunday, 3 p. m. _ ' . # # W Baynes Church Superintendent of Sunday School—Mr. B. F. Good son. Time —to a. m. each Sunday. Preaching—Second Sunday ti a. m. - - . ' - Thompsonville Church Superintendent* of Sunday School—Mr. G. H Faucette. Time —to a. m , except second Sunday, 2 p. m. { Preaching—Second Sunday, 3 p. m and 7 p. m. ^ - Kerr'aChapel Superintendent of Sunday School—Mr. J. L. Underwood Time—10 a. m. each Sunday. Preaching—Third Sunday, n a. m. # !* YanceyviUe Church Superintendent of S u n d a y School—Mr E. F. Upchurch. Time—9^45 a. m. each Sunday. Preaching—Fourth Sunday, n a. m. and third and fourth Sun days, 7 p. m. The pastor would be glad to he of service to any; and all within his reach. If he can be of service to you, don't hesitate to call on him. Let him-know if any are sick or shut in, so he may visit, read the Bible and pray with them. Yanceyville Charge—M. E. Church, South Rev W. C. Merritt, Pastor Sunday school at all of the churches at the usuai Sunday school hour. Preaching by the pastor, according to the following schedule: First Sunday, Yanceyville, ti A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Prospect, 4:00 P. M. Second Sunday, 1 ocust Hill, it A. M. Bethel, 4 00 P. M. Third Sunday, Bethel, H A. M. Shady Grove, 4:00 P.M. Fourth Sunday, Prospect, tt A. M. Shady Grove, 4:00 P. M. Fifth Sunday, Shady Grove, ri A. M. Yanceyville, 7:30 P. M. # # # Presbyterian (The Yanceyville Group) Rev. W. W. McMorries, Pastor Griers—tst Sunday, tt A. M. Yanceyville—2nd Sunday, ! t A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Bethesda—2nd Sunday, 3 P. M. Bethesda—4th Sunday, 11 A. M. Pleasant Grove—3rd Sunday^ t! A. M. and 3 P. M.* * * W # The Milton Group Rev. N. R. Clay tor, Pastor Milton—Sunday school every Sunday morning, 10 o'clock. Preaching 2nd Sunday, tt A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Preaching 4th Sunday, tt A. M. and 7:30 P. M. Christian Endeavor Society 2nd and 4th Sunday afternoon, 3 P. M Red House—Sunday school every Sunday morning, td o'clock. Gilead—Preaching 3rd Sunday, n o'clock A. M. ; Preaching tst Sunday, ti A. M. Community—Sunday school every Sunday afternoon, 2:45 P. M. Preaching 2nd Sunday, 3:30 P. M. # # # '' '.'4i Lebanon Christian Rev. C. E. Newman, Pastor Preaching 3rd Sunday, tt A. M. Sunday school every Sunday morning, to o'clock. THE M. E.. SOUTH Milton Circuit Rev. W. C. Jones, Pistor Connally—tst Sunday, ti A. M. Semora—tst Sunday, 7:30 P. M. Semora—2nd Sunday, n. A. M New Hope—2nd Sunday, 3 P M Parley—2nd Sunday, 7:30?. M. Milton—3rd Sunday, tt A. M. Milton—3rd Sunday, 7:30 P. M. New Hope—4th Sunday, tt A. M. Purley—4th Sunday, 3 P. M. Phrley—3th Sunday, tt A. M. + * W Gilead Church—Third Sunday morning, 11 *00 A. M Rev. N. R. Clay tor, pastor. _ + + * Christ Episcopal Church Milton, N. C Rev. W. 1.. Lil'ycrop, Rector Worship and sermon every hrst Sunday morning at i t o'clock. Ministers desiring their church notices inserted will please send them to the editor. YAXCBYVILLB DRUG CO AGKNTOY Th< SorHc# Qnmty KnnAry

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