VOL. 1. nrTjT? . *' A nt-# Caswell County Linked With The Virginia Line Caswell county's public square "is-cow linked with the Virginia state line, just beyond Gatewoods, by one of the very best paved roads in North Carolina. accord ing to expressions from a number of excellent good road men who have driven their cars over the wonderfully fine herring bone finish. This smooth and inviting sur face has already been thrown open to the traveling public from Yancey villq to a point beyond Hogan's Creek, with the promise that the remaining stretch from the later point to the Virginia connection wi!) iikewise be open in a few more days. There yet remains a considerab!o,amount of shoulder construction on the route, but it is now indicated that this work will be put over with the quickest possible dis patch. When finally competed, it is generally believed that this road will carry with it the most splendid reputation for efficiency in construction Fed by the streams of travel down No. 65 from the Rocking ham county tine; from No. 62 leading from Trottingwood, and Ttnatty frbm the magnificent oited surface of No. 14 from the pubtic square at Yanceyvitte to Prdspect Hitt, the Danvitte Yanceyvitte hard surfaced road wit! moist cer tainty be one the heaviest travet ed routes anywhere in this sec tion, it is betieved. Caswett county's historic pub tic square witt shortty be covered beneath a strong sheetirtg of con Crete, it is now indicated With practicatty att of the excavation work in shape, and with the mer ry music of the mixer ringing out from earty morn to dewy eve, promise