UNIVERSITY DIRECTORY. UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC ASSOCIA TION. Chas. Turner, President. J. T. Pugh, Secretary. -G. Little, Treasurer. UNIVERSITY FOOT BALL TEAM. G. R. Little, Captain. Charles Baskerville, Manager. UNIVERSITY BASE BALL TEAM. W. R. Robertson, Captain. W. R. Kenan, Manager. UNIVERSITY GLEE CLUB. Chas. Roberson, President and Leader. John L. Patterson. Manager. . Prof. K. P. Harrington, Director. ELISH A MITCHELL SCIENTIFIC . : SOCIETY. Prof. J. A. Holmes, President ; Prof. J. V. Gore, Vice-President; Dr. F. P. Ven . able, Secretary and Treasurer, Meets in Person Hall the second Tuesday night of ; each month. Journals issued twice a year. HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Dr. Kemp P. Battle, President and Cor responding Secretary ; H. W. Thompson, Secretary and Treasurer. Meets at call of the president. . SHAKESPERE CLUB. Dr. Thomas Hume, President J. T. Pugb, Secretary; Jas. Sawyer, Treasurer. Meets in the Y. M. C. A Hall the third Tuesday night in each month. Library opened one hour each day. ,.. PHILOLOGICAL CLUB. Prof. K. P. Harrington, Sec'y. Meets last Friday night in every month, at va rious members houses. . FRATERNITIES. (Secret.) - Phi, Gamma Delta, Delta Kappa Epsi lon, Sigma Nu, Kappa Alpha, Phi Delta Theta.Phi Kappa Sigma, Zeta Psi, Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Sigma Chi, Beta Theta Pi, Alpha Tau Omega and Kappa Sigma. SOCIETIES. , Theta Nu Epsilon, (secret) - The Order of Gimghouls, Junior, (se cret. ) The society meets in February and October. Banquet Thursday night of Commencement. ' ' - Philanthropic (Secret, Literary) Estab lished 1 793, meets every Friday night in ; the Phi Hall, New East Building. Dialectic, (secret, Literary.) Established I 1793, meets every Friday night in the Di Hail, New West Building. University German club T. R. Little, President; F. R. Harty, Secretary - and Treasurer. Meets &t call of the president Leader selected for each German. UNIVERSITY MAGAZINE. Prof. Collier Cobb, Managing Editor. J. T. Pugh, Ass't. Managing Editor. and night. Sunday school at 9:30. a. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night, pared with 2,887,489,178 cigars, 1,367, 827,180 cigarettes, 6,731,095 pounds of snuff and 153,655,650 pounds of manufac tured tobacco for the same period of the Presbyterian ChtirchJo regular pastor.) Preaching every Sunday morning and night; except the first Sunday in' each month. Sunday school at 9:30 a. m. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Methodist Ch urch: Rev. N. M. Wat son. Preaching every Sunday morning and night. . Sunday school at fl:3o a. in. Prayer meeting every Wednesday night. Ejriscopul Church: Rev. Frederick Towers. Sunday services at 7, 11 and 7 o'clock. Weekly services at 4 p. in. Fri day. During Lent services daily at 5 p. in. Sunday school at 4 p. m. POET'S CORNER. EDITORS. 1)1. C. H. White, H. M.Thompson, W, D. Charmichael, PHI. Caswell Ellis, F. L. Cany E. C. Gregory. Y. M. C. A. G. G.' Stephens. President. H. 11. Home, Vice-President. IL. II. Home, Secretary. J. W. McAllister, Treasurer. Meets in Gefrard Hall on Tuesday, Wed nesday and Thursday nights .at 6:45 o'clock. .. THE HELLENIAN. .Published annually by the Fraternities. Editor in Chief. P. L. Carr, Sigma Nu. Business Managers. G. R. Little, Kap pa Sigma ; J. A. Gwyn, Beta Theta Pi ; Harry Howell, Zeta Psi. . Associate Editors. J. L. Patterson, Sigma Alpha Epsilon ; T. R. Little, Alpha Tau Omega; J. W. Yates, Delta Kappa Epsilon'; C R. Turner, Phi Kappa Sigma; O. II. Sumpter, Phi Gamma Delta; B. R. Lee, Kappa Alpha; E. G. Den son, Phi Delta Theta; J. R. Craig, Sigma Chi, , . CHURCH DIRECTORY, - Baptist Church: Rev. J. L. Carroll, D. D. Preaching every Sunday morning A THOUGHT. Through lowering clouds of mist aud rain A ring-dove yestreen winged its way, And ever and anon did cry Aeolus like, in plaintive strain. I stood and watched the bird in flight, . As arching down the leaden west, It onward sped in seeming quest Of haven far 'neath falling night, "Oh Heart!" I cried, "a message plain To you this hour is spirit-brought, What though life's day with cloud is frought. All ends not under skies of Pain, The yearning wail but births the thought That joy is sorrows last refrain." L. FRESHMEN AWARDED MEDALS. Friday the 22nd was an event ful day for the Hillians. The absence of the usual Washing ton's Birthday Oration was well atoned for by a lecture on Philos ophy of ."Wit and Humor.' In the afternoon the time honored custom of encouraging deserving Freshmen by presentation of ap propriate medals was observed, and at night the Inter-Society Debate took place. The most important occasion of all was perhaps the medal awarding, be ginning at two and one-half p. m. and lasting until eventide. Mr. TV.B. Lee called the meeting to oroter and after appointing Messrs. Yates J., Atkinson, Mc Fadyen and Robertson W. R. as tellers, deputed the soph class "in toto" to wait upon and conduct rostrum-wards the freshmen. The ballotting was heavy and complicated, the lack of the tel lers, great, but at length the fol lowing ticket of awards . was determined, and medalist requir ed to speak accordingly. For Conceited Man K Shep herd. ... For Lazy Man Wharton. For Twister Daingcrlield. For Borer Shefersee. . For Liar Johnson. For Ugly Man-Conner "Tobe." For Poetry Man -Busbee, R. For Dude Hampton. ' T For Cheeky Man Lindsay. For Pedigree Man Simmons. For Booter Newby. For Sports medal Booth. For General Cussedness Wright. The Lazy Man's medal was pre sented by the three-.y ear-ago re cipient "Billy" Hendren. The gentleman who last year walked off with Liar's medal, in a few well chosen words relinquished his erstwhile honor to his succes sor and Bo. Gray laid down at the feet of Red Wharton the palm and reputation for laziness he had so long sustained, The recipient for Fools medal would be pub lished but inasmuch as he has threatened to sue the editors of Tar Heel, his name will be ... withheld until he enters upon life next fall, when every one will discover him and acknowl edge that the medal was rightly bestowed, since he cannot proper ly appreciate whaUwas intended for a joke. What is the difference between Gris Emry and the lamp? The lamp went out and Gris didn't. AMONG EXCHANGES. Seven hundrad and forty-six dollars have been raised for a memorial of Clarence Bayne, pitcher on last year's base-ball team of University of. Pennsylvania. , The Berlin University build ings were erected in 1754 and were formerly the palace of Prince Henry, brother of Frederick II. They were fitted up in 1809 for the then recently founded university.'- . OUR NEW LINE OF w mi JUST RECEIVED, . , Call or send for them. y KAUFMAN & QQ LEHDINE CLOTHIEFS. HATTERS.ND FURNISHERS, Cor. Central Hotel, eharlotte, N. C. JEfR. Van Landingham is the Univer sity agent. LOOK HERE! have just opeaed up A New Store IN Cates'Oia Stand, and I have just received my stock of fresh ES Everything wished for by housekeepers kept in stock, if not will order at once what there is a demand for. Fresh Cheese, Crackers, Canned Goods, a specialty. Ci gars and Tobacco. My stock is of best quality and. prices as low, as can be for such goods. Ask only for a trial. ' r " F.1IL. THOMAS. DR. R. H. WHITEHEAD HAS UOTJOHT OUT THE HcRAE'DRUB STQKE aud completely restocked his store with all the articles necessary to comfort and use8ot the students, - Mr. Melt AE, who is managing ,e 8tore will be glad to see his student friends at all times, and will sell them ORUeS. CANDY. CIGARETTES. TOBACCO. CIGIHS ISI STUDENTS' ARTICLES cheapcr than any place in the village. Prescriptions Carefully Conqiounded at all times. C. L. LINDSAY, DEALER IN DRY SQQDS. NOTIONS. BOOTS. SHOES. IIS, , Clothing:,' Hardware, Groceries, Wagons, Horses, Mules, FURNITURE A SPECIALTY. Main Street, - V Chapel Hill, N. C. RAILROAD, The Great Through Car Line Between the North and South and Southwest OPERATING Sontawestern MilBfl Limitefl Richmond & Danville Fast Mail, Between New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington, Atlanta, Montgomery, Mobile, New Or leans, Birmingham, Memphis. the high Standard of Passenger Service. Fast Time. Sure Connections.- (During the month of December, 1893, this Company expects to open a new route to Florida, via Columbia,. Savannah and the Florida Central and Peninsular R. R ) For Rates, Schedules, or other infor mation, address any agent of the System, or - Chas. h.' Hopkins, Travelling Pass'r Ag't, Charlotte, N. C. W. A.Turk, S. II. Hardwick, Gen. Pass'r Ag't. " Ass't Gen. Pss'r Ag't W. II. Green, Soi, Haas, Gen'l Manager. Traffic Man'g'r. General Offices: Washington, P. C. EichmQnd&DaiivilleB.B.Co, F, W. KUIGEKOFEH d REUBIN FOSTER. , : RECEIVERS. , CHAPEL HILL BRANCH. MORNING TRAIN. Lv Chapel Hill 8 16 Ar University J ' University, 9 40 " Chapel Hill 1" . . v EVENING TRAIN. Lv Chapel Hill 4 18 Ar UnivevHily f Jj ' .University .6 40 " Chnpcl Hill i- 4