TItxg Tar Heel. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA. Published every Saturday by the General Athletic Association. Subscription Price. $1.50 a per. Year. Payable in advance or during- first term. Single Copies, 5 Cents. BOARD OF EDITORS. A. Gwyn, - - Editor-in-Chief. - Associate Editor. Jas Settle Dockery, Geoge S. "Wnts, W. A. Graham, v John A. Moore. W. D. Carmichaei,. D. B. Smith, - -Lawrence McRae, Business Manager. Assistant Manager, All natter intended for publication should bo ad dressed to the Editor-it -chief and accompanied by name of writer. Entered at- the Post Office in Chapel Hill, N, C. as second-class mail matter. As THE examination period be gins before the time for the next Tar Heel to appear the editor must, with this issue, lay aside his pen to look after the less pleasant but more necessary duties of college life. . To those of our readers, subscrib ers and advertisers who have favor ed us with articles for publication, subscriptions, good advice and much deserved criticisms, we wish to ex press our most sincere thanks; and hoping that in the future we may de serve more of the former and less o the latter than we have in the past we wish you all a merry Christ mas. have been possible, arid in justice to A very interesting discussion is these as well as to ourselves we feel now going on at both Princeton and that the explanation is due. the University of Virginia in regard We make no rash speculations or to changing their college colors. In presumptions the facts speak for the case ot Princeton the present themselves. While we do not say combination of orange and biack that the crowd came on the field was adopted because these were with the intention of depriving us of supposed to be the colors of tl.e the game it is nevertheless sa fact house of Nassau. 1 he main build that they were there and that they ing at the founding of the Univer se prevent us from scoring. sity, was called iNassau xiall in Without discussing the reputa- honor of King William the Third, tion of the umpire for honesty it is of the house of Nassau, and, of .. -i i ir i-ii' i if1 . . ; ii . 1. r i a well estaDitsnea iact mat ivierrut course, tne coiors oi mis uuuse was unjustly ruled off and that Vir- seemed appropriate for the college rinia made her only important p-ains colors. It has lately been discover- around risrht end after he was re- ed that the real colors of the house moved. While we do not believe of Nassau, were orange and blue that the Virginia student body as a the present colors of the University whole sympathizes with such con- of Virginia. The City Restaurant "(OPPOSITE PICKARD'S HOTEL) Serves fresh York River Oysters atin n Meals at all hours. ncult GOOD FARE For regular boaders at $11.00 per montll I carry a complete line of fancy grocer' and confectioneries. I will all pay you J? price for your Second-hand Clothing-. Give me a TRIAL. I Guarantee Satisfae tion. W. II. HESTER, Proprietor Ward's New Restaurant Opposite Pritchard's Store is the headquar. ters for Fresh York River Oysters and Meals at au nours. n ew Keg-mar table boarde: can be accomodated. is duct or is proud of the victory still the championship has gone to; them and that is how it went. Until about six years ago the Vi p-ini.i colors were the red and erav of DURHAM, N. C the confederacy, but they were con sidered ugly and Virginia adopted orange and dark blue in imitation of the orange and black of Princeton A recent issue of College Topics has an article by Prof. Echols ad vocating a change at both institu tions in whichhe says : "Let Prince W. M. YEARBY, IDniggist and Seedsman ! & CHAPEL HILL, N. c Prescriptions, a Speciality. n 1 x he football season is over and the team of '95 has disbanded leaving behind it a more brillian record than any of its predecessprs From start to finish victory seem ed to be the watchword games were played with all the leading colleges of the South and none were lost, all but two were shut out un til th,e fateful game on Thanksgiv . -i r ' ing aay wnen,: to a team which we believe in every respect our inferi ors, Dut assisted Dy an unscrupu lous umpire and an ungentlemanly mob of Virginia sympathizers who crowded upon the field, we gave up our claim to the title of Champions of the South which every one who saw the game knows that we de serve. ' Had we been defeated in a fair game and on an open field we should utter no word of complaint or pro test, North Carolina teams have been defeated in other years by those of other institutions and it has yet to be said that an N. C. team ever sought an excuse for a fair defeat or failed to give due credit to a victorious rival. Our teams have won and maintained a reputation r i i t oi Deing sportsmanlike players who could receive a fair defeat as gracefully as they more frequently administered the same, and we are proud to say that that reputation is still ours. Though they are not the Cham pions, North Carolina is proud of her team and the record it has made. To SOME of our readers, who have already expressed an opinion -a . ' on tne suDiect, our remarks in re gard to the loss of the Virginia game may seem out of place and unnecessary what good can it do whn all is over, the game played and lost? To these we would say that there are two sides to almost every story. The score of 6 to 0 tells one side completely. Many will read that score and wonder how with such a team as Carolina had it could Any one who knows the beginning and ending of the Foot Ball season of '95 recognises a great change. Start ing as it did with only a few old play ers and with very little new material of any promise, it has been developed into the best team the University has ever put on the gridiron. This great ton go back to her colors of orange success is due in a great measure to and blue and Virginia go back to the coaching of Mr. Trenchard. I the colors of her battle fields." When he came among us, although From an historical point our prospects were poor he never was Qf view there certainly seems to be discouraged, his aim was to put out a g-00d cause for a change at both winning team and in this he succeeded. places but weshould think, as does His success Wny was even great- the edltor of Topics, that there CI , UU lUdU WUU UdS CV C1 UCCU lUVUdUCl 1,1 i- j TT.t. , . . . , would be a stronger sentiment con mu won so many irienas in so snort a time as did Doggie Trenchard. SELLING AGENT FOR Htiyler's Candies, A. A. Kluttz, IS HEADQUARTERS FOR AH me boom infos university end n nected with the present colors "which have become incorporated i t i 1 . i in tne sonsrs ana enuearea to tne hearts ot the students of both col leges" that would prevent the College spirit is a great thing. We believe it is the greatest thing any college can have, and that it is the one means to success in any branch or change from ever being made. undertaking of college life. : The last week has clearly revealed the fact that we have it right here' in the greatest abundance and it ,has been a most gratifying revelation, for we be lieve that the reception of the team on their return to the Hill marks a far more important step in our progress than any victory we have ever won. We have not always had such a spirit here. The writer of this article has seen four football teams come home at the end of the season defeated; each had done their best, but none recieved s uch a reception as the team of '95 Inter-Society Debate. At recent meetings of the Literary Societies, debaters for two the regrular annual contest between the Societies, were elected. Messrs. H. G. Connor and R. P. ot,i0,v Jenkins will represent the Phi., and iviessrs. u. a. omitn ana j. i. Allen, the Di. TTT 4 t t we nope tne men win lose no time in selecting a question and pat forth everv effort to maintain the high standard of our Inter-Society contests. Also Stationery and Students' Supplies . I have a full line of Blair's Tablets and Note Books, Wirt's Fountain Pens and Perfection Student's Lamps, Pratt's Astral Oil. A COMPLETE LINE OF Men's Furnishing Gccds, Fandy Goods and Toilet Articles. Confectioneries, Fruits, Cigars and Tobacco, Potted Meats and Pickles. Fine Hats and Hand-made Shoes ' A Specialty. Having served '-The Boys" and the Public fcr a number of years, I am prepared to offer a line of goods unsurpassed in quality and at prices to suit the times. My Motto is: Loaus or the Lowtsl Cash Prices. Respectfully, A. A. KLUTTZ "The Bcj ents will do well to see him. Dr. A. A. Klutz has just recieved One of our saddest recollections is a. very attrctive line of holiday goods. that of a certain team coming back to Those desiring to get Xmas pre; the Hill amid a profound silence except for the tolling of the college bell, while some one had made a display AMATUER THEATRICALS oi DiacK on me ooutn DUliaing more t have the following theatrical goods for conspicuous than any white and blue sale at prices greatly reduced from the cata- that could be seen, and this was a h0gue quotations T7 ix X 1.1 i. 1 J 1 t Ii. '"u- FiaJtu "3 Old man's wig- (white);. old man's beard game. ' J (white); Brown beard; Bald wig- (white); True we have celebrated our victo-sluS'ffers (white); Negro wig; Old negro wig ries but this is not all that college spirit llte)" Mutton chops on gause (brown) . . .. , . . omcs un wire isanayi; KJia iaav s rrontlet r I (irraY): YoUnST ladv's frontlet dnrlr Tnrn7 wdjfs ii manes meu uiiag meir i lviusiacne on wire (saudy). triends back here September, makes Actor's make up box containing Nose put them play regularly on the scrub y; Email noir; Stotnbs; Rabbitt's foot; Mir- team when they have no chance of ror; Spilit um Cocoa b"tter; " Scissors; 'V..cU a k oil -F r: a complete assortment ol flesh A, 'j tints and lining paints; two shades (deep and uio-n-ca niu wave luc wuc "iuc bright ; flesh powder for finishing India int, in tne lace OI Cleleat ana cneer their Grenadine pot; Dorin's rouee de thintro- t&m not because they won but because re.f shades (brown, black, white,) hair as- ' VwolV. LlUMt UUU1 UlUUSJ A. 1 T t n n - 4 xacne; rowaer pun; iiurnt cork, &c. Helmers make-up-book, the best OUbllcation on artnr'a maVo.iin A . ... . . I - M l 1 L II cess, tne spirit mat ovenooKS petty inent of fifteen plays in book form, selfishness and small personal atnbi A Wonderful Invention Zoology teaches that the hairs of the head are hoU-w, and contain an oil that gives them life. In clipping the hair with scis sors, tins hollow is left open, and the hair loses its life-giving properties. I have a. Machine named the Singeing Ma chine, which removes the hair and at the same time closes up the hollow, causing; the hair to retain its life-giving properties, and therefore stopping the hair from falling out or dying, and giving it a sett growth. Call and examine this machine and have your hair singed. special attention given to dressing La dies' hair. Cutting done with exquisite and srtistis skill by the old UniversilY Harber of twenty years' experience. Ihe singing machine is hie hi v recom mended by scientists throughout the country. Very Respcctlully, T. D. DUNSTAN, Professor of Tonsorial Art. they did their best. This is the spirit that brings suc tions, that sees in the goal of victory something more than two posts along white-washed line and that some' thing the glory of alma mater. , Mr. H. II. Horn has been elected president of the State Sunday School Convention for the coming year. known assort- T(Vmr lightning flash boxes with powder, ready tor use xctuicctu uowaer c. Tlioca 1 I. . ' 1 . . . luvunuuuts uaveuttn usea oniv onrp or twice ana are in line condition- ' Also the followiner scenerv on oavaoo. Street scene 9x18 ft.; Wood scene 9x18 ft with eight slides for latter. ' lump lor mteen (l&j dollars. If the articles are bought seperately 20 per cent, off Mont gomery Ward's or RoorbaehV rata!,. iiuusuacu. c or varticuiars anniv t- . I J-' S. A. Ashb, Jr., Raleigh, N- Fattersoirs New Hotel, : StiidhTnts' Headquarters. Reception Room, Well furnished Table, Polite Servants, Everything suited to the convenience of students and the public. Prices moderate. Your patronasre solicited. N. G. L. Patterson. AXOU CAN EARN $5.00 each day "giv--L iner" our absolutely 5 nd istipnsihle house hold article away. New plan of work, mak ing experience unnecessary antl success cer tain for either sex in anv section. Sample dozen free. Credit triven. lVeiirht oaid. Address Mei.rose, M'f'g. Co. 10 Melrose Park. Ill, HOGAN AND HUTCHINS General Livery, Feed, and Sale Stables. Good Accomodations. Served at all hours. BOTH GREEN AND DRY WOOD Also on hand. 3TABEES BEHIND THE POST OFFICE.