.'A TTA TT ..If Ti ' ; r H p H H Lo. THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. Vol. 4, UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA CHAPEL HILL, N. C, FEB 29, 1896. Ko. 18. ar The Little Rebel. The Efforts of the Dramatic Club Result in Success. The long- expected first appear ance of the Dramatic Club is over and it is with pleasure that we chronicle their success. . On Friday the 21st., the Club presented MThe Little Rebel" by J. Sterling- Coyne, which proved to be a very amusing comedy. In addition, it was well suited to be the first play chosen as it was brief and required only a few actors. Belore the curtain rose, Prof. J. W. Gore made a short talk to the audience, in which he referred to the efforts and labor of the mem bers of the Club; praising them for their energy arid congratulatingthem on the accomplishment of their end. The scene was a drawing room in London and the "Dramatis Per sonae" as follows: Stephen Poppincourt, V. A. Batchelor. Arthur Ormiston, Jame A. Gwyn Mra Wingrove, Ralph H. Graves. Laura, John R. Carr. Kitty Vinks, (maid), T. Norfleet Webb. The Club was assisted by its or chestra, the Univerity Banjo Club, whose selections were both pretty and full of life. As to the play, we have no ad verse criticism. The parts were well played, showing study and tal ent, accompanied by a determina te make the Dramatic Club a pop ular feature of our college life. The actors gave to their perform ance a dash and vim seldom seen in amateur theatricals and, before a friendly but critical audience, ac quitted themselves with credit and applause. IndividuallyMr. Gwyn showed us publicly what the girls already knew; that he was well acquainted with the art of flirtation and love. Mr. Graves might have been mis taken for the gay young widow both in looks and actions. Mr. Webb's equal as "Kitty Vinks", can only be found "far beyond the seas." Mr. Batchelor might well be indicted -for a case of "aggra vated assault and battery "on the character of Poppincourt." He cap tured the house by his combination of the dignified and the ridiculous. Mr. Carr,in the character of the heroine, was the true modern school girl, His appearance, to the horror of "Kitty", in "dish-a-beel" was decidedly the hit of theevening. To the aid and co-operation of Mrs. J. W. Gore and Mrs. E. A. Alderman in the transformation of Gerrard Hall into a very pretty stage, the thanks of the Club are due. 'And through the kind and patient instruction and help of Miss Winnifred McCaull, the Club was enabled to successfully present their first efforts. Let us hope they will not be the last. Virginia's base ball schedule num bers thirty games, and the team will be coached for several weeks by Hugh Duffy, the Boston Cap tain. " Washington's Birthday. The memory of the great patriot was celebrated by the students of the University with appropiate ex ercises, in the Phi. Hall,on Feb.22. The Hall was well filled with loyal students and people from the village. Mr. Batchelor' presided, and af ter an address of welcome by the President,, Mr. R. G. Allsbrook'96, in a pertinent and well delivered talk introduced the orator of the oc casion, Mr. R. P. Jenkins, 96. VA National Crisis" was the subject of Mr. Jenkins' oration. He pointed out that our adherence to or our res ignation of the principles of the Monroe Doctrine at the present time formed a crisis in our National Poilcy. The origin and past application of the doctrine was traced, and its character as being essentially and fundamentally American made man ifest. ' The speaker showed that the principle of "America for Ameri- cans ana or the non-intervention or foreign powers in American affairs was vitally important in this period of -English aggrandizement and en croachment as evidenced in her at titude towards Venzuela. He ap pealed for the support and en forcement of- this doctrine cherish ed and guarded with patriotic 7,e?l by our fore-fathers as being a pro duct of the conditions and needs of our republic and as being essential ly necessary to her future commer cial and national interests. ' The address was timely and very applicable to our present political status. The Glee, Mandolin, and Banjo Clnbs addded to the enjoy ment of the occasion with their se lections of patriotic airs. More interest should be shown in these exercices by the students gen- erallv. The celebration of this day should be one of the most important and well performed events of our college year and our national loyalty and enthusiasm should be, at least by these annnal exercises, deeply aroused and stimulated. Messrs. F. M. Pinnix '98 and H.P.Harding '98 acted as marshals on the occasion. , The Golf Club. On February 21st., a number of students met at the D. K. E. Hall for the puroose of disscussing the organization of the University Golf Club. Abount fifteen were present at the meeting. Dr. Baskerville was elect ed temporary chairman. Af termuch discussion, a committee, with Dr. Baskerville as chairman, was ap pointed to draw up a constitution and effect the organization. t Notice. For the benefit of my customers I announce that my entire stock has ben moved from my old stand. I am prepared to serve you as before, m, tie old University Drug btore builW. A. "A. Kluttz. Base Ball Prospects. The candidates for the team this season are many. The captain has begun to get them in shape and we find the Park full of them evey afternoon. Our prospects for putting out a very strong team are good. 1 Everybody knows what a game Captain Stanley plays, he will play his old game at short. He knows the game thoroughly and will work the available material for all it is worth. Of the men who. have held positions on the 'Varsity in the past eight are in training for the team. Gregory will again play for second which he has held for two seasons with splendid success. Johnston who covered third neat ly during the last season will apply for his old place. Senator Hill is in good form and is going to play the game of his life this year. His bending puzzlers are going to be hard to find. Graham W, and Belden.will ap ply for the outfield. Their field work last year was tip top and they give promise of hitting well this year. Woodson will continue his good work behind the bat. He will sur prize somebody. Fletcher Bailey is here and can play "most any old place." , He plays gwu ua.il a l uisv, ui uv v-au on, up and catch those "Hill Hustlers" and "Stephen Stunners" just as Well. He is a strong candidate. Then our George is still with us and hasn't an equal in the South, you know. , Among last year's scrubs are some men who are going to play good ball ;Straw Steele and Browne Shepherd are among this number. Other promising candidates who have played on the scrub are, for infield, Mangum, McRae, Rogers, and Henderson; for outfield Brem and Long. There is an unusually large a- mount of new material; Whitaker Davis, Lewis, Vick, Crank, E wart, Moize, Best, Winston, Follin, Ste venson and Pearsall, Most of these men have had good training on teams of the Schools in which they were prepared for col lege. ; With this large amount of mater ial to choose from the men who make the 'Varsity will be those who do hard conscientious work and, above all they must hit sure and hard. Captain Stanley is going to discharge his duty thoroughly, and we predict that the team of '96 will make an enviable record. Michigan has selected a woman as a regular college professor. She is Eliza F. Mosher, M.D. and she is Prof, of Hygiene. The Athletic council of Cornell refused to grant the petition of the women of the University asking per mission to row under Courtney ?s direction. Harvard has started a class in singing. Prof. Alderman's Address. Prof. Alderman of the University delivered an address before the Nat ional Superintendent's Association, in Jacksonville, Fla.,last week. He delivered one of the principal addresses of the first day, President Shurmanof Cornell being the other speaker. He was highly complimented by leading men from all over , the coun try and added fresh laurels to his reputation as a speaker. The subject , of his speech was "University and the State in the South" a candid and forcible pre sentation of educational conditions in the South with reference to high er education especially. Mr. Alderman is making an en viable reputation in this line of work. We quote the following from The News and Observer: "Prof. Alder man made a fine impression on the entire body and eclipsed the Pres ident of Cornell. It was the best delivered speech on the entire pro gramme. The ability of - Prof. Alderman is now recognized throughout the coun try. There were present teachers from all the large cities and wealth ier States and he made a deep im pression on them. He has become a national character. North Carolina Section of the Amer ican Chemical Society Organized, About a dozen of the North Car olina chemists met in Raleigh on the 22inst. for the purpose 1 of, organ izing the N. C. Section pf the Amer ican Chemical 'Society. This is a new step for the chemists to take and serves to show some of the push and energy our scientific men have. Members of onr faculty have been most instrumental in the establish ment of this branch of the large soc iety of chemists. The following officers were elect ed; Dr Venable, President, Prof. Brewer, Vice-President, and Prof. Withers, Sec'y and Treasurer. Three papers were read at this, the initial meeting, two of them being from the University. "The Absorptive power of the Soils for Bases and the relation, it bears to Fertility", by Prof. Withers;-, "A Study of the Zirconates," by Dr. Venable and Mr. Clarke; and 'Notes on the Reduction of Methylen-di-ortho-para-meta-nitranilines". There is but one other section of the American Chemical Society in he South, hence this shows great advancement in scientific lines of work in the South as, doubtless many others will be established very soon. Virginia will issue bonds to the amount of $200,000 to repair the oss sustained by fire. Or ton, the innter-collegiate cham, pion mile runner, is captain of Penn's rack team. Princeton plays five games . on games on her Southern trip; Vir ginia, Washington and Lee, N. C. Georgetown and Richmond.