FAR THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. UNIVERSITY OF NORTH CAROLINA, CHAPEL HILL, N. CM MAY, 2nd. 1896. NO. 27. Vol. 4, CAROLINA KOWHJVKI !! We Win from Virginia by Superior Scientific Base Ball. Umpiring Fair and Satisfactory. ' . Score 14 to 6. YackityYack, Hooray! Hooray! Yackity Yack, Hooray! Hooray! Carolina Varsity! Boom Rah! Bwoni Rah! Car o li na. The"; Carolinians were on top. They arrived in Danville on Friday, the 24th. at 1:40 and were in it from the start. That afternoon they put up a very pretty practice on the Danville Diamond where the great game was won. The Virginians arrived on : rH day night and at the sight of them,; the Carolinians put on a more de termined look and prepared to .do or die. Saturday morning was dark and cloudy and it looked like more hard luck for Manager Car michael. But the Fates were kind and about noon the clouds sailed mvinff us a rjretty afternoon. im,p N O. bovs were also much i' o-rieved that their star first base man was sick and in bed, but with iun Arittitia- of the clouds, he, too Lilt Ui"!""l5 ,1 11 j itiz-l r.a.me upon the field with grit enough to stick un til the frame was ended. n v, fif1d. the Virginia team was first and they did good snappy work. But they were ecnpseu ,u 1- WUo Carolinians were there to do their best and they did Mnno-Pr Tilton. ot Virginia, re Tf we could 'nt beat that teamj'd take the boys right back to rwint.tcsville." Well, --neicius" Wcf who lauchs last" The game with the exception of Virginias fielding was supeiu, hv sunerior batting, field- : ,1 hasr running. The infield i.' i wr rn.me than the one against Yale, and the out field de- mrh credit for their goou ......n Th. h.ntterv work snappy win. , - Wn fir... and especially at cntica ,V,rM1iev work together. muuituk.-' j . . . Theime was worthy ot the team whose record for the Spring of '9G will always be remembered. field amid hurrahs from their many sympathizers. Fred Pearsall smiled when the umpire called three balls and he smiled still more when McGuire sat down, out on strikes. Then Mar shall gave Grex a "pod-up" and Dillard retires the side at first on Johnson's pretty throw. Stanly came up , from short and let an easy one hit him and ofcourse stole second. Winston flew out to Dillard and Gregory made a sacri fice hit advancing- "Cap" to third Bailey gave Hoxton a hot one which he threw wild to first, as Stanly. -crossed the plate, scoring mir nrst. run. Marshall causfht Brem's foul fly. ger to right. Bailey bunts safely put- ver the plate and "Gr ting Gregory on " third and then "Fletch" follow him whei MP rex ana en Graham cfo-iic: Rrpm o-p ts; first on nuts' one over second. Graham ii r ..j i- j r 4- Unrta I rmc- f THir1 nii Wli i fa Wt-'r 's hit and aiiempx LO put VJlcyui wu i, at univ,. i wv.- v Graham s two bagger to leu scores wneu iviarsnau manes a yw. sends Bailey over the plate and throw to catch Whitaker. Johnson Rrpnin ml Graham io low him on hits salely, vvuitaker scores auu Whitaker' s hit. Johnson flies out Johnson lands on second. Hill to Dillard and Pearsall strikes out. takes Pearsall' tunc at the bat and Fourth inning: Marshall got a flics out to Kern. Stanly's two safe one to third but goes out at bagger sends Johnson home with second on JJillard s grounder, un- tne sixtn run ami vvhlui. lum. . - . I . M -I t 1 i 1 . .-i. inrd rpnls second, sroes to third ou the side lv a grounuei 10 snon. y-. ' ..i . j i. ,1 ..,. y;. ii '.! TCiii-i-i TVTrf mire liaf nett s out at ursi, auu swics uu i ot(e ""'( j.vm ' liit.. Ronnev ends the in- and Marshall can not do. more than JL-fc.V-. - ----- - j j ,54-v. a o-rnimrW to Gretrnrv. strive three flies to Greerorv, VV hitn- rt. i . 1 TJ I 1.,. rl TTI1 1 otaniy is oui nom uuawu tviivci tu.vi u.uii P.nr'h rati. Winston ffives Garnctt c j a fly. Gregory makes a hit but dies at second on Bailey's grounder. E. C. GREGORY. Sfimnd iuninsr. Garnett goes out, fttanl v to Winston and Hoxton hits a pop-fly to "Grex." Bonney drives 1 ijt 1 it for three bases but dies at tmru ,t,o , Rtatilv takes in McKim s fly. Graham is out from McGuire to Cochran and Whitaker on a foul to 11. Johnson and Pearsal walk to first but Pearsall is out a second on Stanly's grounder. Third inning. One, two, three for - -r- Cochran and llern pop ,,tv flio to Stanly and Johnson, and McGuire goes out easily on a ground- to Winston. 'WW 'ii ill!' !!M(i'i S. H. HILL. Fifth inning: McKim hits safely to left 'but he and Cochran succumb to a pretty double play from Stanly r-r r 1 tn Winston. Kern gets ursi on Carolina's only error, Johnson's wild throw to first, but McGuire re tires the side with a drive to Gra ham. ei r. L. PEARSALL McGuire ffoes to right field and f T,nr.Wfttt in r the ' box. But he gets poor support and is rather wild. Gregory starts off with a flv to Lockett. Bailev "draws a base who throws wild to second, advan- tuwA "aritl Brem to i-m second. Cochran's error puts Gra ham on first, Bailey scoring. Gra- i,o. OI,ic tpmnr! and Brem scores llCtlll OIVUU on Marshall's passed ball. Whit aker goes out from McKim to Codi- l,f Tnhnson hitssately, scounf- hpant.iful catch r T-Tvfrm fhrows Hill out 1J1CU1 wm "I - I VTI (Lljaiii. of a foul fly by Garnctt Graham at firs1 lets four bad ones go by and steals second. Whitaker's hit puts him on WH Whiaker is out at second on Johnson's grounder. Johnson steals eprnnH and Pearsall walks to first. Three men on bases, but Stanly . . r i has hard luck and is out on a ioui Sixth inning. Marshall hits safe Dillard's grounder to Pearsall retires him. Garnett gets to first ' nr. a hit to center and Hoxton gets ! first bv a ball in the ribs. Bonne) ' J . 1IM 'i drove a long one to center out vv nit nlr''r nulls it down by a long run, ! VTn rshall scoring on the hit. McKim V,ts saf el v. scoring Garnett, and Cochran flies out to Gregory. CAPT B. E. STANI2. At 4:10 Umpire Heydler called the game and the Carolinians took the T H. BAILEY. But Carolina is in it. . Winston J. D. WHITAKER. Winston gets hit with the ball Eighth tn and Gregory forces him to second witv, a base on balls. And then the slaughter began. Bailey hits safe But Carolina is in it. " 7 ,.-fills. up the bases. Brem eSC ------ Dillard flies out to Gregory, Garnett hits safely and Hoxton gets first on an attempt to catch Garnett at seconu. hits safely, scoring Garnett. .Vc Continucd on fourth page.)