Lfl THE OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE UNIVERSITY ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION. NO. 10. ' ' : . " . . , i mL x.u.,ta, o K nfh nl en( line wnerc Aiioru idiis uu u swiiug t 1 I A I II. , U., Mil 1 i I I I I V I1M II II tm. V v i THE CAROLINA TtAM. 'n.; years ol age. riayeu uuuu v l " , Ramsey kicks 55 yards over goal - 1 I It I I i A- ,- I V J .11 II I and 9 7 teams and. he nas;mciverdi wtwc, All About the Men Who Will Uue Up Against Virginia in Rich mond Next Thursday. , The 'Varsity leaves to-morrow f- wsrli'mond where she plays her IOl -i-'" . opponents, the Virginians on nrvi..,oMnV TOr IOC iiaiHiu"ouT X 11 ui ? ftnnfh.' We fully realize that it will be a stubbornly fought contest end. Virginia trom us iu " - , i , ,V,f the best teams in her his pverv inch of ground will be contested by her, but for all that une. iuiora gexs ii arm kius uut u F J. Coxe was sub end on )i . -s b A and M team. He weighs 167 pounds is 5 After short gains at each rush Castley 10 inches high and is 21 years of oes over for a touchdown. Ramsey age. kicks goal. Score A and M. 6, Bing- id powerful and plays steady oan. . r . ju - - -7" T , u Rio-lit end will be played by tt. pounds in weigui, j u. ... ,uiU1u " 7. . C oVry captain S ir faLus heigh , " Osborne tackles hard and yaMs. '95 team. Weighs 166 lbs., is 5ft. is hard to block. S2Vards. but A and M fumbles 11 inches , in height and is 23 years P. Miller weignsuv lu,, nill;hatn scis the ball. Alford 11 inches tal ana zu years o aK - - - 4 Tins is his hrst season at tool oau & beautiful run ana dius. iair iu uianc t"j RtoaHlv imnrnved each vear. He w.wv.... r - - - ... ' i . 11 breaks through His opponents wen, gets into all the plays and is strong nt. helmncr the backs, tie is quiCK aud powerful and plays steady ball. I of age. He is quick and sure and a. hard tackier. Hard to block and o-ood on breaking into interferences. ... . . . yy 1 Left end will be played by ivoen- - . r- r , -i A lr TTo' weighs 165 lbs. is D tt. iu around right end for 40 yards. Here er. a and M makes a good stand and 1 i 5 ft. 10 W. -Klutta is sub-end ana manage . . ,1 f Bintrhani on her one he COll tea i-cu L'j ' 1CI. uc vvcigiK-i j.' - . ... , 1 " ., . ;,miir lmt.nrv . . i.j. ..a :, ,-onro nf Lf thp team. Kluttz is 14d pounds Uorrl Utip. A and M cannot make rc- we have tne vest - j mches in neignt ami jfo r - JU. ... .i-i. .,K1 rf ......,iii,imlfJ;,i wrnWrM is 5 ft. 10 inches in rt11;rpri vards. So Ramsey makes a , ...i i :.J 1Q verir of a.oe. KluttZr,onr V rk of 10 vards and Alford gets rlnwn held UUlCKlV OH KICKS duu nuui' "" J .-o it : - , t i clou ii nuu qu y u -n me on last year's the ball. After a few rushes Johnson exceptionally haru to .n -. jr; - - ; hiHLarriea ball over for a touchdown. Af- t ri. ,1 r;ii huf. avw in an team uui xvwcmvi leiL-guain v ..i ,. Wt1 kirks e-oal R'. 8: irr in a ,0 Score Biam U, A-M though very lignt ior iiuamiu . TT i.nuu u - r ut,nrV l o-V.f. He tackles 1 i i -t- . -i i"i(jrmi ii 7ii ,i ii ii i. iijuj' ii i w . he has snovvn nuicn smpu o-pts into olavs well. iv ii it us comueuun iui w's ---- o- fhp team Carolina sends , 1 frrr1 it nn Hp wei'iis iDD pou.nus., iiu. vjv.w ... - , , yard, omaineis a jnuu- . . . . 1.. M.i 07 iTnt-c r frmsit. Virginia, neiuti iu' oui . rivM end lor uu 11 inches 111 llcllll aim m j " i "-p. - --c i tiiii "v" o kun nff f Vip Tjnurels on Thanks-I . i .,..o 4-rnp1if1nwn. Alford () , I vl uo-i K.i I yarus auu acuiuo a. .wnv.iv.u ... . . . 1 1 i i i ij- i :,t.hv ii-jir remains lu jc seen. t le t tackle win ne touhu o. yiVi"B ""J w A. . .i- . ,, luf ii nil o-et. to- ci,n l.-tf trie R e on vi team. iuc and.we beleive that it is capable ot defeating Virginia and winning the L, n i n tl 4i h 1 11 of the bouth. The 'Varsity has played eight . .:' it.:n ncnti rnrm- 1 DOllltS games lius nvu..-" ' o . to her opponents u as iunwB. P.a'rnlina vs Guilford 18-0. r.;,rnlina vs A & M 34 -- irw; fireensboro 11-0, iliuii""' " Carolina vs Oak Ridge P.nrolina vs V. P. I. , Carolina vs -Davidson Carolina vs Georgia ; Carolina vs Auburn Rainsev kicks 35 yards to Mangutu who brings ball back 10 yards. John- I 1 ai r i son makes 3 and b'z yarus, ivuuiu I - . .1 A 1 f..,1 we has fiA11 o-oes to show of what stuff our fMm'i made. Too much pra.se M Hrtt he friveu Coach Reynold . 1 j i . 1 4 i. ..if iv-L- w;il he found Jas. erame that I. 1 I . 1. II lUWIV " It-T McRae. V. Howell, Jas. Cope- Carolina i land ar.d C. ii. JJuxton McRae is easily the star half back who has labored earnestly through Entered the Univer the season and no doubt he sees that f tQ an h-ury .. , , i Ken in vain. " ... , his laDors nave .uui Capt. Rogers :.v sity last fall but owing to an ,UJu y Collet played a g not 1 nrevented from playing in tnei c-1irv afternoon. It nn,n.p l-iraham. I "" t r, j Dan ucic wu. uu.l. j ,, George ranam, . nnrfall4.. o-amesof last season. 1 Jt. c . Qiria frm nth- was tne nisi umc mat to nve them sucn a uaus uu it. will reflect credit on Us 8 yards and Ramsey cannot make vmh iuiv.t i .,,j rrnes over to recmiieu yaiuo, aw o Bingham. Uut alter a iew ius.hv.-b . atutM secures ball again on downs. After a few short games, A and M fumbles and Bingham falls on the ball. School and Here Mang.um kicks 25 yards. But ame of foot time -s with ball on Bingham's 40 yard line. Second Half. T0offlepv kirks out of bounds twice and ball goes over to Bingham. - Alford ... 1 " ,n.4-a Bingham 22, A. & M. 12. The William Bingham School and -vUKv. j-.- I ,v,-,-l 1 til IK 1 ri.il Ll L i- CI 1 11- ' "i ' Rtonhens. Dr. liasiceiv nit i - x. c.ff 7 inr.lies . . . . , a , mimk vjw.6.w , ,i i Mr VVeighs iou puuuun .i . er schools nave piacu wm Siw and Dr. Mangum have helped . 2Q ars of af?e He d a rcat deai Gf interest was mani- Reynolds materially thronn out . . . sure tackier Uses fested bv the students. Of course, .. . Kamscy gCts ... i in i -m - iviuivo the season in coaching. , u in running- and is pro- each team had its rooters and oiten u,. a touchback. Ball brought The following men will be tauen blocker on the team words of advice were given from the , kkkcd off by Kam- to Richmond: Rogers, liennett, - Jas Qopeland. side lines. Ley to Smathers who brings it back 15 Qt,ii P,iartie. Miller, Phifer. With him P y J - A. & M. seemed to awake from her 7 Alford and uu""' ' . 1 1 .nneiauci vvcikus . , . ,et tpwimn- Ju,u- ..... i .i C-ni-gbam. M r t .n. U - r hi(fh and is 20 years of - " ham all Johnson brin, the ha w hm.:. : 1.U fit season on the """ u-x..a M's 5 yarn une wnc ;v,.u,UUJ . X ilio Mclver, Kluttz, Gregory, Koehler a v,ritv hut he has already develop anQMCKae. . , Ur1 -i.o a sure -halt, ne is qu, . : ht have been diirerent. ; F. O; Rogers is captain ol the lne hard afld is a Johnson played the best goal, team. Plays quarter back weighs gainer. Tackles well e for Bingham, while Ramsey was c utes of play and rushed ngham all whcre Alford by a pret. overthefield.Ifonlysuchplayhadbeen M h . over for Bingta instilled at an earlier part ot the game , touchdown. Alford misses the score might have been different, hams last -ir-A j : ef q r. hps hiffh and touuu io puunus, in" v f-nn is 22 years of age. He is a hard and too sum tnrkler. Passes the ball quick ly but surely and gets into every play. Is great on dodging and of ten makes sensational runs on the kick off. J At center will be fouud H. 13. Cunningham of the '97 team prob ably the lightest center in the coun try but strong, active and capable of holding his own against anybody. He is especially good in getting down Held on kicks and often : n tnrkle before the ends. He weighsl48 1bs, is 5 ft.' 9 inches high and is 21 years of age. A 4- o-lit o-uard will be found 'puifpr. This is Phifer's foot ball, but after a hnrrl rno-o-le he has made himself a fixture at that positon. He weighs 190 pounds, is 6 ft. 1 in. in height am! ?a 90 voars of aje. i . TA ..1- DimmiitT Another pair of strong backs is Unroll nnrl Ruxton. UUHVli , tt 11 ioe left. half. He is light hnt fleet as a deer, vveiyu i muguu i" ft 0 inches hiffh and is Clay L . -.f i itp Howell is Lreat George yeaia wi . . . on making lo.ff.ruh. around end Wt and is steady in hittinff lmc tor long t I &ains- . ,i.i t.if Patterson C. B Buxton piays ngnt oldham Weighs 160 pounds is 2 It. V inches u:t, -mr 2U years oi age. ton is a steady ground gainer hardly fn;i;,ifr to make his required cvcl ... i .--Li-.. vard. Good blocker anu tacwics ' 1 tnlf fairly well, besides piaym nan he is also sub lull DacK, At full is Ernest Graves, reighs 170 pounds is 5 feet 10 in. high and only 18 years of age He is a strong linebucker, tackles hard and fills up holes in line always to . t i i 1 an advantage. He punts lamy wc Alford and Johnson played the oesi s Biogham 22, A and M 6. game for Bingham, while Ramsey was to Gcorjfe who brings the star for A. and jvi. . , . . Smathers makes Two twenty minute . halves were " 'd 2 rdS) Johnson 3 1 ,1 . I J . . . TT.11 f..ml.1-.l piayeu. The line-up was as follows: Mangum Alford Johnson (C) Smathers LE LT LG C RG RT RE QB LHB RUB F B Officials 'a Aifnrd 4 vards. Ball fumbled Jfttius, 11 it. Ramsey makes j " yards, l2 yards, Uasuey 72 w B7 Ramsey makes a pretty run of 20 yards Woodard makes g morCt Bingham off BrtC" side and A and M gets 10 yards. Cast- i lev goes through right side of line for Unn a touchdown, Ramsey kicks goal. TArer Score, Bingham 22, A and M 12 Mnnre : i Parker Concluded on fourth -page. McKinnon Castley Telgraphlc Report. Ramsey - At ngUt tackle isanKr 0fon drop kicking. m all probability the finest tackle m ana is 'Thi, reoort has been moved from . Yearby's Drug Store to the College Umpire. , 7 Chapel. Here we will have a black board Dr Baskerville Coach Reynolds Chape Time Keepers baii for the spectators. This is done .(iruvcr and Lawson balUor t T in the lnieicst i Koger,ttZ tion. Co one, coc a,.. A. and M. wins toss and chooses 25 cents. K. Cak, Jk., the defense of west ,0a , t-nam 1residcnt luetic AssociaUon. on auu w' 5"" I

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